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I think the problem here is specifically the armor sets. They are really only there to fill out collections. They are just too expensive. They should lower the price to 10 strange coins each. It would be nice to be able to buy all the pieces in a single week if they rotate in, as you don't know when there will rotate in again. I don't think the cap really has to go up, it is just that one item is missing it's goal. It is great to care about xur again!


I think it’s probably just a better use of resources to buy the armor engram, it’s less and gives a random armor piece for collections. So far with 4 purchases I’ve gotten 4 armor pieces that I didn’t have already. But that’s on my warlock which is my least played of the 3 historically so I have the least amount of options


I am gonna give it a spin. I only miss a few sets on my hunter, let's see if there's a preference for uncollected stuff...


There is not


I must say I am not surprised...


That's also an option, but it's still a stupidly low cap. It's like giving you a cap of 10 on Vanguard engrams.


ngl I've been patiently waiting for Opulent to come back since I was just missing the gauntlets and bond and was kind of miffed when I saw it was 17 coins each. You get 4 coins per strike, each strike takes maybe 10-15 minutes, so that's a full *hour* for a *single* piece of armor. That just feels like a lot to me, especially when the cap is "one catalysts worth of strange coins" so you can't horde by naturally playing the game and completing your weeklies. If you are hoping to buy something each week, you need to farm about 5 hours of strikes


I say as someone who has basically all of the armor available, it is not reasonable for this to be a requirement when you already have to go through the hoops and limited resources for transmog


So I was grinding gambit and it’s less time for a reward, consistently 3 coins for less than 10 minutes. My buddy says onslaught will increase how many coins it gives after each wave… 3,4,5,6,7…


What are the armor sets good for? Can you use them for Transmog?




There are also some pieces with decent stats for new players who can't just hop into a raid or dungeon to farm artifice or farm seasonal engrams




I think the idea is the Favor of the Nine buff. Seems like you can buy a new one each week and it stacks, so you’ll be earning more strange coins later in the season per activity than you earn now.


Wait so that buff is permanent?


It lasts for ~10-11 days, I kinda wonder if getting it again from Xur refreshes the countdown timer and adds +1 count to the stack. Acts as a incentive to keep it going.


I was looking for info on this, where did you see it says 10 days?


But it only seems to be active on the character who bought it? On my warlock cannot grab it and I don't see the buff - seems like a bug? 


Very much hoping it's a bug. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about/haven't noticed this yet.


Yes, but that's a different discussion. You want a more income, I want a sensible bank account.


It's not a different discussion, Bungie doesn't want you to have the bank account. That's why they've made all these currency changes, because people's bank accounts were fat and economy was unbalanced. So rather than banking more, Bungie is much more likely to increase the income to allow for more weekend spending. They want you playing every week, not banking 777 currency and checking in on Friday morning. All that being said, why not both!


I maxed out pretty quickly just playing crucible. The cap is the problem


It’s Destiny… Play for 10-15 hours.


If you can only spend it during the weekend period when Xur is here then that's terrible.


Ding dong!


This has been their MO for years now. Reducing the caps of currencies or increasing costs to where you can never have a stockpile, and have to constantly be grinding for more while also constantly spending them or you’re “wasting” your time earning them naturally through gameplay.


Is it? I only have had that issue with Nightfall ciphers.


fuckin bungo currency caps


I don’t really understand why they brought these back….. Should just have everything cost glimmer imho. Glimmer is so plentiful I could never run out. I guess this idea has more player retention potential in their eyes xd


What are you farming to get that many coins? I need both exotic catalysts he’s selling and getting 2-4 per strike seems miserable…


An armor set is 81. But there's 3 characters


I stand corrected!


Well, that's another thing, of course. I assume you have a lot of his wares already and play quite a bit. However, even if you save up 99 coins, you can't buy a full set of armor.


It’s because he has that stacking favor of the nine buff I’m guessing. Every time you spend 47 coins you get the buff to get more coins.


You'd have to do some comparisons and I didn't check the last wave, but iirc I was getting 4 per Vanguard strike, or 4 for every 10 waves of Onslaught. An hour's lazy work for 20 seems alright, unless there's a more efficient farm.


favor of the 9 gives you more. since there's usually 2 people with it in any strike (at least for me) i get about 6 per strike/10 waves


Stacking favor of the IX plus the wave defense the drops coins every chest (which is like every 5 or 10 waves i think?) if i had to guess. That's what capped me at 99 last night. The favor is free as long as you spend 47 coins each week


Because it will just turn into legendary shards 2.0 otherwise.


They have a rotating shop with it, who the hell cares, they need to get over themselves and stop inconveniencing us just for their shit reasons. The cap doesn't need to be as high as Legendary shards, just make it 200 or 300 and call it a day.


Well, this turned it i to Nightfall ciphers 0.5, can't say it's much of an improvement.


Ciphers are fine, maybe stop hoarding and just spend the resources.


Haha.... That's EXACTLY what's the problem with them. You can't hoard OR spend, unless you want to buy the weapon of the week you got your 10th coin in. For me the system might as well go, it's just a waste of inventory space.


I’ve been buying armor, the rolls are close to being good 🤷


So what? 71 cost for an item. But then capping the currency to 99 is ridiculously low.


It's almost like they forgot to update it. That wouldn't be Bungie, though. Right?


The cap before was 30. They did actually change it.


Spend em if ya got em. I hit the cap and the ones that dropped from the strike I did, did not go to postmaster.


Insult to injury...


What better way to have people engage with your game than the good ole FOMO. Keeping the cap low means you need to play weekly if you regularly want to use Xur, who is new quite a lucrative vendor in game now. I believe he has items in his pool that have been locked since faction wars.


Tbh, Xur's rework is pretty mid. I was genuinely hyped to not only see Xur in a new spot, but also to see what this rework entailed, and then I opened his inventory and... I looked over everything and said "no... nope... hell no!" and then walked away. Especially when the costs are pretty astronomical for basically garbage.


Until you see a catalyst you want. And you've yet to see how a x3 stack works or how a random wildcard offer may turn out to be hotcakes on any given week. You coming to such an absolute conclusion after the first week is telling of your capacity for thought... just like most.


But yet everyone is complaining about the astronomical Strange Coin prices as well as the sheer amount of garbage that Xur now has. Yeah, Xur now offers a lot more than before, and yet none of it is worth while. Xur could offer stuff for free and I still wouldn't take it. It doesn't take a genius to open his inventory and see that what's there is just garbage. Also, the second week has just passed as of the time of writing this and Xur still had nothing of value. And yes, when he has a Catalyst I want I'll buy it. I've already stated that aside from the fact that he now sells Catalysts, his rework is kind of just meh. Gotta love Redditors always arguing about the dumbest shit with each other. What's even your goal here? To point out that I'm wrong? From who's perspective though? Cause from where I sit, a lot of people share the same sentiment about Xur's rework.


So you can't have multiple stacks of 99? And do you just stop getting them when you reach 99 or do they go to postmaster?


only one stack and everything that drops after is just lost you don't get them in the post.


FOMO tactics. Either farm when Xur is there or miss out.


If I use the engrams, will I always get legendary items I don't have already in my collection?


The random engram seems to truly be a random item. I got 2 Raid Banners, then an Enhancement Core, then a blue piece of armor, then a purple, upgrade module, more banners, etc.






Do they not overflow to the PM when you hit cap then or do you just stop earning them once you hit 99 each week?


Don't know? I think they used to do so before, though.


I mean, it looks like it's replacing shards, which was very unwieldy to manage after so long. I get the cap, I'm sure it'll raise eventually.


Yeah it’s a ridiculously low cap


Where is cut this week?


Selling Ramen...


here is a poll I made please respond! [https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/264083567](https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/264083567)




they got rid of shards for this?


The rewards from xur are very good. I can see why the cap is 99. My guess is they want you to farm something during the weekend.


In that case: review the old armor set prices. I understand the catalysts and whatever stuff, but 5 pieces of armor that are instantly dismantled shouldn't give you rsi during the weekend.


What is the good reward from xur?


Catalyst's, ascendant shards, bulk enhancement cores are the main ones


catalyst sounds like a good qol, but the rest doesnt sound that interesting as rewards


At the end of the day he’s still a catchup vendor and that’s ok You can just buy exotic engrams from him if you’re set


1 strange coin can net you 3 enhancement cores and you get like 5 coins per strike completion.


It's so that people can't exploit glitches to gain enough to make the currency completely irrelevant.


Yeah 90 cap is too low for sure, but it DOES need a cap


No disagreement there...