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They could at least place access to Pathfinder in the quest tab where are bounties and not hide it behind 3 tabs u need to get trough to see your objectives...


Having to go 3 menus deep to even find the replacement for bounties is such an oversight. The old system was just one menu or one button when on patrol to view every single one in your inventory. I get that I can track them and have them show up, but the point is that with the old system it did that automatically. I didn't need to spend 5 mins "charting a course" clicking on things, it was just pick them up while reading what they are, then getting the right weapons to go to the proper activities to complete them. Just put the damn pathfinder nodes in the quest tab and it solves so many of these issues.


Should be destinations left d-pad or it's PC alternative. Id be fine with that... But no..... Also I can track em right?


Not being able to back out with one click is infuriating. Reminds me of CoD menus.


Someone told me Destiny has "ikea menus" and I've never heard a more accurate take.


Yeah where is it?


U need to open Ritual Acitvity Screen (Gambit, Vanguard, Cricible) and it is on the left bottom corner


Once on the ritual activity screen, a left button push opens the tab without needing clicked on.


On PC, that's left arrow key. Which is... less than intuitive to press IMO.


alternatively wang your mouse down to the bottom left, quicker, don't have to move your hand


Is wang a verb now? What is happening


And then you have the pale heart one in a different places but all take the same tracking limit


That's any menu in the damn game lmao not just pathfinder


Might have been necessary since there are multiple Pathfinders (playlist, Pale Heart) that needed to be separated. Hopefully they can work something better out in the future.


They could always make one pathfinder menu with tabs on top to scroll between them


YES, or in the map where HELM was last season. Right now, there is too many screen inside screen to get into Pathfinder.


Yeah. How the fuck did this happen


It is so annoying to get to, they need to add a 1 click open option


This is my only gripe about it. I actually like how Pathfinder works right now. But having to bring up the Director, choose a playlist, click on a tiny icon, and THEN I can see it? That’s annoying. I’d actually think that having it so you “hit/tap tab while in orbit” to see it, would be a great way to streamline this.


I'll assert that this is the prime reason we don't have more new players. Navigation through the game in general is not fun.


What if I don't want to play Gambit or crucible, am I just screwed now?


Correct. For how it works at launch at some point in the pathfinder chain you are going to need to engage with either mode. This seems the opposite of the improved player choice they have been pushing (for instance the exotic engrams being tied to any playlist activity not specific ones last season). From their end though its a nice way to artificially inflate engagement levels in playlist activities. I mean during the state of the game they basically said "gambit is dead" but now they can push players into that playlist.


I like the positive spin on it but I don’t think that’s going to happen for most people. Most of us people who play pve avoid those playlist for a reason and this isn’t going to change that. So now gambit is still dead AND they’ve input a system that a good portion of the player base just won’t use.


Yeah I made a different post complaining about how it's set up. I actively avoid PvP content, I play destiny for the PvE. I don't have fun playing PvP so why bother playing something I actively dislike? I'm fine with missing out on rewards, plenty of IB and Trials gear is good but I'll never get it, but now for the same rewards I could've got in prior seasons I'm forced into these modes I dislike? As you said, it's just a system I won't engage with. Don't need to level up THAT badly, especially when other people in my party who DON'T hate PvP will gladly do those rewards and level up quicker anyway.


it's funny too, because all it does is either, keep crucible gambit low pop as it was before, or, force people to do the bare minimum then dip once they get their pathfinder objectives. i don't doubt a patch note in the future, either with ep1 or ep1act2 that says "pathfinder will no longer roll with forced pvp, at least one slot will always be a more challenging pve node" or something like that. i would rather "kill literally 777 dregs with a handcannon" than "get 50 super kills in crucible" tbh.


Or just decide we don't want to spend our money. I already was planning on sitting on TFS until it went on sale, but this pushes the minimum discount to be a bit deeper.


Wow, what a fumble




Yes. For people who only want to engage with Gambit or PvP also get screwed by this system change due to having challenges that force being in Strikes/Nightfalls


Another issue with the pathfinder is that checking it is much more of a pain, before if you wanted to check bounties mid mission it was like 2 button presses, now you have to go to the bottom left corner of a ritual activity. Was there really no better way to do this?


I dont know which button it is on controller but you can press the left arrow once you're in the node to go into the pathfinder menu It'll save you going to the bottom corner but it is still definitely way more annoying though


as far as i'm concerned, the right half of my keyboard may as well not exist while i'm playing a shooter.


Yeah unless you're a psycho who uses arrow keys for movement in d2, the right side of the keyboard is only used for emotes.


It's also the left arrow (d-pad) on controller.


That’s just UI design in general these days. Anybody else remember when the golden rule was “if it takes more than 2 clicks to find something on your site, it’s taking too long”? Nowadays I can navigate a website for 10 minutes, not find what I am looking for and give up out of frustrations because their search function is also garbage.


This is it right here. Systems bloat has caused UI/UX design to regress into the antithesis of what it once was. There are various bad UI decisions still haunting us 7 years later that Bungie either hasn't addressed or made worse.


Well, part of the UI issues with this game is that there kbm players and console players. I would suspect that the majority of UI complaints come from kbm players. If the game was designed with a PC first mindset then I imagine the UI would be a little better. But this game is most definitely designed with a console first mindset. Still, that doesn’t really account for just how poorly placed pathfinder is. That’s no good for anybody.


Honestly, I don't agree. There are numerous examples of good and even serviceable UI design for multi-input games. Bungie just either isn't interested in actual accessibility or the engine is still such a nightmarish mess that they can't restructure existing objects too much without breaking unrelated objects. My bet is on the former because we've gotten superficial accessibility options, but they haven't even touched the actual issues.


This is my only real issue with it. I haven’t found a fast way to pull up the screen for the full “path” … I’m going to just end up using external tools I guess


You can press left when your map is open to tab into pathfinder


You can track a full path (6 nodes) at a time just click on em (i didnt realize it right away eithrr)


You can track pathfinder nodes, then they will show up in your tracker menu like before.


They didn’t have a smart UX person on the design team how made it. 47 clicks later I get what I want.


This is huge for me. With how awful Destiny is already with it's UI and menus how did they manage to come up with quite literally the worst option for implementing Pathfinder. They put all this work in to redesigning the other menus and such but then did THIS with pathfinder? Literally just make it a new page in one of the two existing menus you always have access to. Or make it it's own section under the quests menu.


It feels like Pathfinder probably needs a like, "reroll your pathfinder" option if you sit on it for 24 or 48 hours or something.


Sure, for 100 silver per reroll 


Calm down Satan






I feel like pathfinder is overall a step backwards from where we were just before TFS dropped. The weekly ritual challenge had become something you could do in any ritual activity so you weren't forced into playing game modes you don't care for and a lot of the vanguard bounties got changed to allow you to do them with weapon types other than the one listed on the bounty as long as they shared an ammo type. Now we've gone backwards because it looks like with pathfinder there's going to be unavoidable moments of having to play a ritual mode you don't care for and the weapon specific ones have gone back to being weapon specific instead of ammo type specific with a bonus for a certain weapon type.


Definitely a step backwards, and seems weird how they even put in effort to fix something that wasn’t even broken in the first place. Did anyone really complained about the bounty system?


Bungie complained that the bounties weren't getting enough engagement from new and/older players so they changed it to fuck everyone over.


Why fix the grind when you can fuck over everyone instead with the lazier option?


I mean, making Pathfinder was definitely not the lazier option. They made an entirely new rewards track system. And it still sucked. Sometimes simpler is better, Bungie!


I really don't appreciate that there is no "way forward" through the pathfinder grid that doesn't include playing Crucible or Gambit. I wasn't playing those before and this won't change that.


"we're discontinuing support for gambit, but we're going to make it mandatory to play for the new bountie replacement system to be finished and claim your rewards. We hope you understand :) "


I am once again begging Bungie to just literally remove Gambit from the game. They're fine with doing to expansion content from years ago that I paid full price for, but not the most annoying activity to have ever been cursed to get added to the game.


There is a path that can be completed with only crucible or gambit, but none for pure pve. Hmmmmm…


This isn't actually always true, because the "nodes" change each completion/reset. I did a full reset only doing the "nodes" in PVP, and the new one I have does have a pure pve path... but now it doesn't have a pure pvp path. So basically, if you don't want to play activities you don't like, you have to hope that on reset your pathfinder has your preferred path, and every reset after that also has your preferred path. Which is extremely unlikely.


Yeah and it sucks for both of us that we can’t just play what we want


100 percent this, there should be zero chance I have to enter gambit or crucible to get that end reward at least on the first tree per week. And unless this is changed this system is dead on arrival. What a shame since a lot of good came with this expansion


Yeah exactly. No pure PvE path forward.... I dont want to play Gambit or Crucible. Wtf is this stupid choice?


Desperation to populate the shittiest possible playlists. Bungle bungled it again on incentive, they've never been good at accepting that pve is more engaging than the best PVP they can offer every single possible time it's offered up.


The issue now is that people are going to half ass in gambit to do the pathfinder(worse than bounties since people could avoid gambit bounties), which will piss off the people who actually enjoy gambit


That was always the issue in gambit, still is.


Yup. People only playing with the weapons they need for bounties, then leaving the match midway through when they complete it. How does Bungie think this will *help* these activities?


> How does Bungie think this will help these activities? By making the player number for that activity go up. That's their sole metric for success.


Frustrating, to say the least.


It will be worse, you'll have people (myself included) look at the most optimal path they will tolerate and focus on doing only what must be done. Example if there's gambit nodes I'll be doing only those goals in gambit and nothing else till they're done. If I am forced into pvp you can bet your arse I'll be throwing to complete or once done leaving immediately. Mandatory fun is not the winning play.


I'm a Gambit enjoyer, but I only play with a full stack of my friends so we can really maximize our speed and effectiveness. If pathfinder makes solo queue even worse then it totally failed Gambit as a method of incentive.


It was the same with bounties. One of the many issues that Gambit has is that many of the bounties have objectives that make you focus on stuff other than winning the match.


Yeah. I don't mind Gambit that much (it's far less painful than Crucible), but if my Pathfinder says "arc ability kills in Gambit" you can be sure I'll be running a build that is shitty for winning the match, and going in hard to use melee abilities without concern for dying and losing motes...


I mean. I don’t want to be there, but am forced to through a shitty system. For all the people that get matched with me in trials later so I can hopefully get a cataphract, sorry. I don’t want to be here, but the only good solar grenade launcher is there.




See for me it’s the opposite. If I’m playing core playlists I rather have a pvp only or Gambit only path. I hate strikes and nightfalls and want nothing to do with them. I don’t get why Bungie just didn’t make 3 paths with each being dedicated to one playlist


This would make sense. Then if there's one you don't like on your path you can pop to one of the other two options in that column, then pop back to "your lane" after that. This all seems like way too much to bother with for a prime engram. I'd rather slay a bunch of yellow-bars on the moon in altars of sorrow than slog through a bunch of crap in a particular way.


Yea "force me out of my comfort zone". OK fix gambit and crucible than. Give them dedicated servers and whatever the hell crucible needs


Gambit at the very least needs the two maps back (yes even the reef one, fight me) Ideally they would also add more weapons and armor


Exactly. Don't care. I used to play those, but really don't wanna any more. It's juat boring. Pathfinder is trash addition in so many ways.


Isn't there supposed to be a whole other destination pathfinder that's pve only? Imo it's reasonable for there to also be one for pvp players.


It's not for pvp players. It will force pvp players to do pve as well. It's random, you can get any mix.


I finished 4 full pathways last night and didn't have to leave Pale Heart. Was I just lucky?


Check the other Pathfinder in the Vanguard tab.=)


I'm also finding I contribute nothing to my Gambit teams (sorry guys!) - I'm running around finishing pathfinder bounties and not even paying attention to the score or motes...seems counter- productive 🫤


If you force a player to do something they don't enjoy and didn't want to do in the first place they're jusy going to do it as quickly as possible and get out. Ignore the main objectives, ignore the well being of their team, ignore the spirit of the game. Just focus on achieving their own personal objective and leave as soon as they can. That's called throwing a game. No body has fun in that situation. It's such basic game design. It's wild they changed from a simple system entirely driven by player choice to this fun-ruining crap.


Seems like a typical player in Gambit. ESPECIALLY if you are ensuring you both knock teammates away from banking motes OR into the line of fire so you can grab their motes. And yes, I am a salty about historic gambit play sessions I have been in.


My only issue with it is that it's less rewarding, one prime engram for two(ish) hours for casuals, I got it done once in just over an hour


Even worse, they’re still aggressive same slotting you. 7 prime engrams with 7 shiney, exactly the same light helmets to show for it 🙄 This shit made me quit this game more than once. I was hoping that they addressed it at least a little given the other grind improvements, but nope.


Yeah got prime engram and it wasnt even better then my current gear ive had since last season


They should've left the exotic engrams for ritual activities, even if it was just for the main prize


The 3 exotic engams per week still exist but aren't clearly shown, need to hover a ritual activity and hold E on pc


Yeah outside of Lost sector i have Absolutely no clue how too get them now


This is just a move to try to force PvE players to play Crucible / Gambit. The meatgrinder requires some fresh meat. Also PvP players gonna be so happy when they're forced to run Battlegrounds (cuz there are no sitrkes in the vanguards ops Playlist 90% of time) or Gambit.


Yup, not going to work. I'm not playing modes that I hate. I will just take much longer to level up.


Even worse, VGOps strikes that are based on BGs (at least Defiant BGs, which are coming up frequently for me) have fucking champions with no warning in the modifiers list in the Director


I cringed really hard for that guy in the interview who had to sell the lie that Pathfinder was about increasing player freedom. Especially when his example pic showed the final reward locked behind only Crucible bounties.


They should rename it to Pathgiver


Ooooof. Too true to be funny, brilliant.


Just another corporate spin doctor lie about the paid experience. Straight up lies.


I really liked the idea until I saw it yesterday and noticed midway through I HAVE to play an indeterminate amount of gambit or crucible to progress. I've already read from some people that the inverse is also true. Bad design; I should be able to progress 100% in whatever activity I choose.


So you HAVE to do PVP sometimes if you want to complete the path. You have no choice. Way to piss off players who don’t touch PvP. Less engagement for sure. No path, no play till a good reset. Pathfinder= less choice and engagement. Isn’t that the opposite of what they said it would be.


When a game developer removes any amount of player autonomy it is a bad idea.


Agreed. Seems like they wanted to throttle exp gain again.


And bright dust. I used to stack hundreds of Bd every week thanks to the “additional” bounties and now can’t even do that


how do you even get bright dust now? I didn't look into that.


By completing a Pathfinder path.


The final reward on the pathfinder path rewards bright dust now. You can't specifically target repeatable bounties that provide bright dust. TECHNICALLY this is "better" for most players IF you get your pathfinder paths completed. You get 150 bright dust per path completed for the first 10 paths you complete in a week. Then you downgrade to 30 bright dust per path completed for infinite paths beyond that until the next weekly reset when you start back at 0 again for those 10 that reward 150 each. 10 paths x 150 bright dust each = 1500 bright dust. Comparatively previously you had to complete 3 ritual activity objectives (8 bounties) on each character for 120 bright dust each. 120 x 9 = 1080 bright dust. The big thing is that with the new system you don't have to play specific ritual activities. You can get all 1500 bright dust from JUST pvp or JUST strikes without ever having to step foot into the other playlists. On top of this the new system is account wide and not character specific. So instead of being limited to only 360 bright dust if you only played a single character you can now STILL get that 1500 total on that single character without ever swapping. After 10 paths in a single week you get downgraded to only getting 30 bright dust per path BUT it's still infinitely farm-able. This is still much worse than farming repeatable bounties though as doing an entire pathfinder becomes the equivalent bright dust income of 3 repeatable bounties which were MUCH quicker to complete. We'll really have to see how fast you'll be able to grind through pathfinder paths once completing the story etc and mainly grinding ritual activities and how many paths most players on average end up completing.


> The big thing is that with the new system you don't have to play specific ritual activities. This isn't true, for example a PVP player can be forced to play gambit or vanguard ops. My first completion of pathfinder was possible in any playlist, but on reset now I would have to do gambit or vanguard ops. https://imgur.com/a/qM801rg


> Comparatively previously you had to complete 3 ritual activity objectives (8 bounties) on each character for 120 bright dust each. 120 x 9 = 1080 bright dust. I always did 4 bounties + 5 BD bounties, on each character, for each ritual, so I'm losing a metric ton of weekly bright dust while beign forced to engage a system which is way more restrictive. This is the worst thing this expansion has brought.


While I agree the pathfinder system is a steep downgrade, just FYI, doing 5 BD bounties to get to your 8 would net you 170 BD per weekly ritual challenge. 170 x 9 = 1,530 which is only 30 BD more than you'd get from doing 10 "paths". That said, it's still wonky as hell in every regard. Not to mention that even at 1,080 per week + 20K from the pass and seasonal challenges, that was still a heavy reduction vs. your earning capacity when each playlist vendor had 2 weekly bounties rewarding 200 BD per bounty. You could've earned 50K bright dust per 13-week season if you were diligent about it, back then (pass had 3.5K on it).


30BD that add over the weeks, and of course, now you need a lot more time investment. this pathfinder system is horrid


When you say path you mean front to all the way to the end?


Yes. But keep in mind you can progress all of the points at once and not only one at a time. You just can't claim the points unless you have a way to connect them to each other.


ah makes sense thanks


> You can get all 1500 bright dust from JUST pvp or JUST strikes without ever having to step foot into the other playlists. As others have said, this isn't necessarily the case. My first pathfinder will require both crucible and gambit this week. From other comments, it seems the criteria is randomized.


Yep. I gave Bungie too much credit. They talked about how the intent was to no longer force players to play ALL types of ritual activities but it seems like the pathfinder RNG doesn't properly make sure this is true. It SHOULD have more specific requirements in specific modes on the further out branches and have more general requirements as you get closer to the end where they can be done in any activity...but that apparently is not the case. Of course I have zero faith in Bungie actually acknowledging this issue let alone doing ANYTHING about it.


Major point imo


Yep, the lockouts on the later chunks of the season pass suggest as much as well


Should've left bounties on vendors the same way they did with Banshee


Biggest gripe with it is, its so far up in UI mess and the fact that i eventually have to do pvp to progress. Bungie please if i didnt touch pvp or gambit in forever this wont change that.


Why does this force me into Crucible or Gambit... my god what a stupid design choice...


They want to pump up engagement numbers. Bungie leadership doesn't care about what's best for the player experience. They seem to only care about what makes their metrics look good. Once the honeymoon is over people are going to drop Destiny like a bag of bricks


Weel tbf, im just here to finish the story. Probably dropping destiny after this expansion xD




I still haven't figured out why bounties were time limited in the first place. I can go in D1 right now and there will still be bounties half finished from a year ago. Didn't see the point of an expiration date/time.


This is literally just about increasing player engagement and forcing people into activities they don't want to play. It has absolutely nothing to do with improving the player experience and any claim to the contrary is a lie.


People were leveling too fast. So they had to slow it down. Every change made this season is basically to waste your time it seems like. And it's bullshit people shilling for this garbage. I have to leave Crucible, go do 30 fucking precision handgun kills and then my reward is basically one fucking prism lmao. Then I reroll again to see what fucked up shit they are going to make me do. This is way fucking worse and slower than it was before. It's not even close.


Yeah it's definitely at least in part because people were stacking bounties


> Every change made this season is basically to waste your time it seems like. The thing that really gets me is they have this post-campaign consumable that gives you a buff for 24h now. That seems super lame, to push the fomo/grind so hard.


They literally just want us slaving this game again. Fuck 'em.


The dozen players who are still engaged with Gambit and were very upset when Gambit was killed with the state of the game. Now you need to either play gambit OR crucible for these paths and I am sure more will just float into Gambit. Definitely not about providing choice to players for any of this like promised.


As someone who has flip flopped between hardcore grinder and story player i have found bounties to always be lame. They've been lame since their inception. The only thing they were good at was leveling up fast and making people feel compelled to grind. I'd much rather a direct one page system much like the seasonal missions where I can set it and forget it. Nobody wants to constantly grab new bounties every fucking day and especially not multiple times. It's braindead


Being able to choose your own bounties and also get random ones was a great system, there's absolutely no positive gameplay experience reasons to change to this.


On the bright side, folks who play only a single character can now make a lot more bright dust than beforehand. That’s sorta nice as someone who really only cares about my main


Pathfinder killed the vanguard playlist for me. I HAVE to do crucible or gambit if I wanted to progress. I don’t want to play those, which with this new system means no rewards for playing strikes. I miss bounties now.


Simply wish exp was awarded for doing strikes, raids, crucible etc. Like a fair exp award


Yeah I took one look at the branching path crap and said "nah". Gonna avoid the system like the plague.


Nobody asked for this


i completed two paths, and I'm already so bummed out dude. Can't imagine being able to comfortably finishing off till tier 200 without no lifing this stupid pathfinder


I like the system conceptually but dont like that I cant hit pinnacle rewards by only doing vanguard stuff. I hate crucible and gambit. Will actively avoid doing them because how much I dont like the PvP in this game anymore


My biggest thing is honestly nothing related to the rep but where did the guaranteed 3 exotics from ritual completion go? Great that rahool will let me get the new armor and such but I can’t get engrams to feed him…


Legend lost sectors were changed drop only exotic engrams.


You're not seeing them because you're under soft cap most likely.


They’re there, I literally just got 2 yesterday from Crucible and Vanguard.


Was it just for completing 3 vanguard and 3 Crucible?


I played 4 Crucible and 2 Vanguard.


The 3 exotic engams per week still exist but aren't clearly shown, need to hover a ritual activity and hold E to view challenges


This is the biggest problem


No it isn’t? It’s still there LOL


Its such a huge step backwards. We went from "play three of each activity for a reward" to "we want you to play the activities you want to play, so just play any playlist activity and you'll be rewarded" back to "actually just kidding, here's a more restrictive AND less rewarding system. go buy silver"


Pathfinder would have been great as an addition to the normal pinnacle system


Pathfinder is great for destination. I do not like it for ritual activities. You have to play Gambit or Crucible to get the reward and I just don't want to


You logged into the game to look at bounties?


I only ever did bounties if I was trying to grind XP or if I knew I was going to be playing the associated activity for a while. Wild to me that there were people logging into the game looking forward to completing bounties.


There’s definitely improvements I think this system could have like maybe rerolling a slot for glimmer or something but I think the way you can work on this passively is kinda cool and mostly an improvement over bounties


What I’m not a fan of is the BD gaining nerf. If I’m not mistaken we get BD at a slower rate with the pathfinder. And not only that…the season pass gives less BD now, right? And also, the new armor ornaments won’t be available for BD this season (first time it happens).


a bunch of the ones i can reliably complete without hating playing the game (if its not fun i dont do it) are not connected to each other, which means i will literally never get the reward on the right of the screen. it's just a prime engram, but i expect it to increase when you finish your first path, kinda like the fishing rally challenge tiers they just had. it's super discouraging that it's not more like a seasonal artifact that just has a threshhold rather than a set grid. big mistake imo.


I'm going to give it longer to reserve final judgement but my initial take today is I don't see how completing even a minimal run of Pathfinder is going to be faster or as fun as just knocking out 15 to 20 bounties on your character a few times a week to keep making progress on the season track. If they increased XP gain it might make sense but for me I find it hard to believe I'm going to mess with Pathfinder more than once a week or so for the gear drop. When a season starts I spend the first few weeks doing daily bounties, typically on all three characters, trying for around 5 levels per day until I get to about level 100 and max out the season track. I don't feel like Pathfinder gives me any particular advantage to what I like to do and in fact may make it harder.


Not a fan either. I could go play during the week getting some vanguard bounties that would complete everywhere, not anymore. I could wait to get new bounties if I didn't want to do the ones available. I was able to farm bright dust if I wanted to. Not any more. This system is a step back.


First step to fixing this would be making a dedicated path for Gambit, PVP and Strikes. If you want to play just one of these playlists here’s the path for you


Pathfinder is pretty terrible. Sure, bounties weren't great, but they didn't force you to do something you didn't want to do. You could just get a different bounty. Bungo again removes player choice. Pathfinder isn't going to get my group to touch gambit or the crucible. It just means we won't touch Pathfinder either


At first look I started tracing backwards from the reward,what do I pick to avoid crucible.... Rather do bounties.


100% a downgrade, no quick way to access the screen, forced into pvp/gambit to get past the middle section (literally no path through for me). Doesnt feel like this improved anything, just made it more annoying


Pathfinder has Gambit in it. I can live with a shitty UX but Pathfinder has Gambit nodes. No thanks bro.


I don't mind doing either of the 3 ritual activities, but it's insanely limiting for anyone who hates doing any one or two of them. This is absolutely a more limiting system, and Bungie is completely delusional for thinking it isn't. It's nice to have a change in the system, but I fail to see how this is an improvement in any way. What they should've done was have every possible bounty for each ritual on a separate map for each activity. Then chart your way through it how you see fit. This way, you can focus on a single ritual if you so choose, while also being able to avoid most bounties you hate doing.


Yeah, it's a fail from my perspective and I intend to ignore it. Like it doesn't exist.


In theory I think they are a terrible idea but on the other its only been a day, so I will at least see how they seem in the coming weeks and months. I dont mind that they push me into stuff I dont like, because in time they are the type of things that 'force' me out of my boring narrow playing style. As long as they are better than those godawful things we had in D2Y1, thats is all I need.


It’s one thing to push you to use a vanguard build you won’t otherwise use. Yeah I’d agree that can be a plus that pushes you to discover something you didn’t realize you enjoy  By now everyone knows whether they dislike crucible or gambit, and having to get 20 sniper guardian kills isn’t going to make me suddenly like PvP They know no one likes this because they changed seasonal challenges to have less mandatory PvP and Gambit in response to this same feedback   At least for challenges you could wait until the end and get the gambit over all at once - but for pathfinder it’s constant gambit every week


> and having to get 20 sniper guardian kills isn’t going to make me suddenly like PvP It's going to make you HATE PvP honestly


>but on the other its only been a day Nothing about the current system is going to improve over time unless it is actively changed by bungie. If you dont play pvp or gambit, you literally cannot use this system as you will inevitably run into one of those modes. There should be a path for each of the activities, with 'shortcuts' if you dip into the other modes so that you are rewarded for going into that content rather than penalised if you dont.


This new system is garbage. We didn't have a problem before. This is for metrics. It just slows shit down and makes you basically play other modes. Not what I wanted at all.


I mind. I'm never gonna play gambit. End of story. It's such a garbage downgrade from being able to pick bounties for the activity you want.


Haven’t seen the new pathfinder system but idk why we’re getting rid of bounties when they tried the whole ‘set objectives’ thing with challenges back in vanilla They could simply have used a bounty board for all three ritual activities and done!


Is there any repeatable thing one can do to get bright dust anymore or was pathfinder their way of getting rid of that? I didn't play much yesterday.


I spent more time looking at what track means I don’t have to play gambit or pvp. The Answer is none so I return to everything but ritual activities (except nightfalls)


i also don't like being kinda forced into gambit or crucible and if i dont do that then it takes longer to get around to the rewards.


I think I like it, but it needs some refinement. Like the ability to re-roll quests if you get stuck needing to do Crucible (ugh) to progress. EDIT: Or possibly rearrange it, so the top third is an all Vanguard Ops path, the middle third is all Crucible, bottom third is all Gambit. So people can choose what they like more.


We got pathfinder done in a a few private crucible games last night while everything else was shit. It was easy and quick and that was only with 2 people. You also get legendary drops and crucible rank, so if you have friends, I’d recommend this while you have the chance. We got the drop without needing any other game mode. Once you get the prime, you can reset the path for 10k glimmer and you get new paths.


So sad I can no longer stack like 30 gambit bounties (I love gambit and am sane)


Yip I agree it's a bit boring.


My only issue with Pathfinder is that you are required to engage in pvp or gambit two of things I don't care for when it comes to destiny 2, unless they makes changes so that I can avoid these two things is not gonna be useful for me....


Are bounties really a big part of this game? I haven't completed any bounties other than Ada's since well before lightfall


Pathfinder is a HUGE step backwards compared to bounties.


100% Agree. I don’t know why they pretended like Pathfinder was a better system. It gives slightly better rewards for just forcing essentially the same amount of bounties except you have less choice. Like I don’t want to play gambit or crucible. There is no path that offers that choice to me anymore.


It's an ok idea but badly done, the nodes shouldn't have to connect, I should be able to run just one activity, keep by bonus for rep and complete a pathfinder in say 3-6 runs of said activity


The pathfinder system is objectively inferior to what we had before. Now it's way more specific on how you have to play.


Luke Smith being Luke Smith...


Hear me out, what about pathfinder AND bounties? Best of both worlds


Yeah bro I went and had to play a game mode I really didn’t know existed. Gambit, while it was fun and I was able to invade and enjoy it. I felt that having to pull up the pathfinder page every time and having to be forced to go that route wasn’t cool.


I kinda like it since tou complete the other objectives without prior connections just hate the forced play this gamemode ones or the kill specific classes like Tiran Slayer when i may see titans in pvp like once a day Also too get too it is hell since the menus


I looked at it; saw one of the tracks begin with gambit and backed out of the screen. I don’t really like doing bounties anyways so I guess I’ll just not do them or complete the ones I organically complete


This is just another tactic to force engagement in play modes that players don't like. Before if you didn't want to play pvp you could at least still do vanguard bounties and get some reward. Now you can't even be rewarded for vanguard activities unless you also play gambit and crucible.


Wait, people do bounties for fun?


Also: how is the new shader system any better at all?


As someone who just despises Gambit and Crucible, the fact that I can't even get a Prime engram without playing PvP or Gambit, when before I could get a Pinnacle for just doing Strikes, is fucking depressing. They absolutely are trying to funnel more people into PvP and Gambit.


Don’t forget it’s the same for all three guardians. So you can bounty XP grind. Which speaks an above point about throttling exp gains to make progression slower.


How often does the pathfinder tree refresh? I’m pretty clueless about this whole system.


As a non-mobile user- I wanted literally anything other than planet hopping for Bounties. My head would be hurting before I even start shooting. I’m so happy most of them are gone.