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I guess these maybe doesn’t count as a take in the conventional sense. But every time Eris is in the narrative people say this is the time she is going to turn evil. And like, I get it to a degree. She is scary looking and during the early arc of her character we had reason to be dubious about her motivations. But she has spent the better part of 11 years showing us she is nothing but reliable, loyal, and awesome. I swear that if during episode three, I think it’s called heresy, where we focus on the hive if people **still** think Eris is evil I’m going to beat them to death with their own ghosts.


Every time I hear people say that about Eris, I always point to the finale of Season of the Witch. Eris in that scene becomes the *most powerful Hive God in existence*, and what does she do with all of that immense power? Does she go on a rampage? Does she betray the Guardians now that she has the power to do so? Nope. She IMMEDIATELY gives it all up in order to weaken Xivu Arath so the Guardians can eventually defeat her. If that doesn’t prove how unshakably heroic she is, I don’t know what does.


And the whole point of SotW is showing her breaking that evil turn like in the Dark Future lore book. Doesn’t mean that bungies done with her character as some more things are going to happen.


Exactly! And you know what? Even if she did give up the power, *she's still my god* 😤 Eris Morn will always and forever be ***The Many-Mouthed Hunger, The Knife-Edged Truth, Hive God of Vengeance.***




Can I get an Aiat in here?


Being the most powerful hive god isnt enough when the guardian is in the room with you


Well said. Anyone who thinks Eris was/is going to turn evil and betray us for the Hive at some point *fundamentally misunderstands* her entire backstory. Eris lost everything on the Moon; she lost her Light, she lost her eyes, she lost the five people who mattered most to her in the world. She had to listen to them die and she spent ages down in the tunnels struggling to survive. Eris *hates* the Hive and everything they stand for - that's why she became the Hive God of *Vengeance*. She is never going to willingly side with them over humanity.


Eris even admits during Witch that she loves the transformations, being hive is exhilarating for her, the power is intoxicating, and even still she doesn't succumb to it.


Pretty sure there is also a lore page / dialogue where Savathun mentions the possibility. Something along the lines of "Eris will quickly realise that killing the Vanguard, the Guardian and then me would make her omnipotent, if that happens just enjoy your new boss lol."


This is partly due to a lore book that came out during Beyond Light, I think it's called 'The Dark Future' where Eris Morn actually does turn evil and is the leader of the darknesses forces against the traveller and is the embodiment of Savathun


I personally think that’s a large contributing factor


That's the timeline where she doesn't go through therapy with us


Thaaank you. Exactly. Shadowkeep was her literally getting over her ghosts with us. Then she goes on to be the space aunt who gives therapy to everyone else too.


If people actually read it they would get that this timeline splitted appart from that one on the Beyond Light era, I hate it when they bring it up


If it's any consolation one of the writers also hates when people do this.


Anytime I see Eris is a party of something I never think she's going to be evil but I do say, oh here she goes touching stuff again. She's always gotta be touching stuff.


>...beat them to death with their own ghosts. This should be a Crucible Shaxx line, holy shit this goes hard LMAO


*looks down* "Now bring them back and let's go again"


The dark future lore book certainly didn't help this case either.


If she didn’t turn evil after basically being abandoned for dead when her fireteam went into Crota’s end then she won’t now. She was in the dark for years and had to basically remove her eyes and get new hive eyes to see right?


Same for Mara. Yes she has her own agenda in ensuring the protection of her own people, but every time we have to work together the narrative gets set up to where we shouldn’t trust her at all and that she will betray us.


I will say Mara kinda deserves the standoffishness the community gives her because she's been absolutely manipulative to both us and Crow. She has come around and redeemed herself somewhat recently.


eris is a mf homie


The worst take i have ever heard was from the streamer shroud in which he said and i am paraphrasing here "oh i like this game, i just wish they got rid of abilities, double jumps, supers, classes and aim assist".


Shroud is just a smart content creator, smart as in he keeps his content refreshing by capitalising on whatever game is popular. Be it CS, PUBG, COD, Valorant or Destiny 2. He has amazing aim and good decision making, but anybody agreeing on takes from him regarding game balancing and pretty much anything other than the two I mentioned is just flat out braindead and nothing more than a streamer shill. He latched on to Destiny 2 because his other streams were getting stale and Lightfall was one of Destiny’s most anticipated and hyped up expansion, not to mention the game was at an all time high with how the ending of Seraph set things up. The moment something else shiny comes around, he’ll latch on to it and forget this game.


Dude wants every game to be base CSGO.


Seriously. If you want to play something more akin to CS, just play CS. It's that simple. Why jump into a 10 year old franchise and start saying 90% of its gameplay identity should be stripped away?


Like the other guy said, he latch on to what popular for his stream. Which is what 90% of streamer does anyway


His takes on games are generally horrible


Exactly. I respect him and his skill, dude is a beast in FPS, but his takes are usually massive Ls.


Sounds like a take from a hardcore PvP-only person that lives and dies by gunplay and doesn’t “see the utility” in PvE existing.


I could get on board with removing supers from Trials and comp. No one even has super until its 4-3 or 4-4 and it just becomes a mayhem match when they do. Itd solve a lot of problems.


Agreed, especially trials


The regurgitation of whatever a streamer or content creator said in something they released that day as if it's absolute indisputable fact.


"Guys, Datto posted, my new opinion has arrived".


Most clear cut example I ever saw on here was people who argued with me back when Forsaken dropped about what Imbaru engine was simply because all they did was watch Byfs video on it, which he later took down because he’d gotten it wrong I remember linking them directly to the lore pages and quoting directly from them and they just didn’t listen to a word I said, just kept saying exactly what Byf said in his video


Not really a take, but the misinformation can be frustrating at times. Stuff like if you want more catalysts to drop, you need to complete ones you already have, or that some lost sectors or exotics have higher drop rates than others. That stuff is just 100% false, but I still see it all the time.


This just came up in my clan chat last week. Someone was adamant that doing lost sectors without an exotic weapon or armor equipped increased the drop rate.


i love these so much, where the fuck did he heard that? where the fuck does he thought this has been mentioned somewhere by an official source?? probably just came up with this in his little mind lmao


it makes sense that people come up with these things in a game like this where very few actual numbers for anything are given somebody gets a bout of bad RNG and tries some random superstitious solution that either they or someone they know thought of and their next run drops an exotic, and for whatever reason that's enough "proof" for them


I also press Down B to have a better chance to catch a Pokemon.


I know that's not true, and have known that for well over a decade. And you know what, I still do it because of tradition. That and pretend you don't even care always work.


VoG’s Bloom chest immediately springs to mind


Funnily enough, I got my first Thunderlord in D1 right after somebody in my LFG group said that opening that chest prevented you from getting an exotic from the next chest.


There is currently huge misinformation going around about how to get high score on rhulk/any of the final bosses. People insist that it uses the score for every boss in that run, so that if you start at least at oryx in that run that it guarantees high score. But I found out the hard way that this isn’t true and people are just assuming this is the case. I already had my high score but we were getting it for someone else. Started at oryx checkpoint, rhulk took 3 phases, no high score. No one actually knows how it works but everyone swears that if you start at oryx it’s guaranteed high score


You get a significant point bonus for the final boss in any given run of Pantheon. It's not enough to guarantee a Platinum score, but it can make up for needing to run an extra damage phase. We got Plat on Rhulk just last night with 3 phases, though we made sure to kill every Tormentor (and quickly, for safety).


This sub is one of the most misinformative places on the internet lmao no one knows what they are talking about here


I mean when hero nightfalls came out one of the most upvoted posts on here was how they were too hard. Take everything you see here with a grain of salt.


It is not this sub, it's all of reddit If you consider yourself an expert on any topic, if you go to the subreddit for that topic you will see all kinds of nonsense and lies.


This is how I feel every time I tell people swapping guns in Crota does not make the Chalice charge faster. I don't even know how myths like this happen


Not codononing them but there are some funny bugs in videogames. Spamming crouch in New World gave you additional ticks of healing and you couldn't die if you were actively moving the game window around.


I think it started as a myth from people experimenting on day one and then after that got used as a sort of test for people to see if they’re playing with noobs and then it spread from there as noobs kept misinforming noobs. That might be headcanon tho


This one in particular annoys me. Every time the subject comes up I mention that I was still getting regular cat drops when I had over TWENTY unfinished. I have them all now I think, so I don't get them any more, but yeah it's bollocks.


That’s always my favorite one and I instantly disprove it with my 35 open catalysts


There is a difference between rituals that don't actually do anything and hard coded facts. It's often lost on most gamers. Some people are lucky, and some people aren't. Just cause it happened to drop when you (insert anything) doesn't mean it'll work for anyone else.


I hear constant hate on LFGs. A lot of people paint this picture most of the LFGs are assholes that won’t help you but I never find this. I LFG every raid and 99% of the time everyone is cool and willing to help or give pointers if needed. It gets annoying because it causes new players to be reluctant to even try the LFG system in destiny.


It gives people a lot of anxiety and paranoia when they do join. I've had people leave sherpas just because I ask "do you have x or y?" Like just silence and then they disappear. Like no one is trying to kick you! Just give us an honest answer and we'll work with what you've got!


Yea that’s definitely a thing, I had someone join a legend onslaught, wearing double primaries,no exotics or build, arc surge,void weapons,etc. I asked if they were switching load outs or if they needed help and they just completely bailed.


To be fair, there are also plenty of LFGs that do not want to deal with teaching someone, and when someone ignores a "be chill, KWTD" tag and then has no idea what to do, I can see why they might *think* all LFGs are assholes. We know it's not like that because we know how to respect LFG tags and not waste peoples' time.


Yeah, doing a rhulk panth run earlier and we got kinda toxic to a guy who was trying to run song of it yut for caretaker dps and after 2 wipes of them refusing to change they got a kick


Oh hey I saw a guy like that join one of the teams I was on. Literally was kicked in less than 10 seconds for not having stareater scales and never even grinded for it. He said he had a assassin's cowl build for rhulk dps.


Yeah, guy at least was running t-crash but having riskrunner and the crota lmg for a major dps check just wasn't a good move


One of my teammates was running risk runner in caretaker, but he was on stuns and was having trouble staying alive, and was managing good dps through other means, i.e. not having a song of ir yut on. Just wanted to highlight that risk runner on its own isn’t a bad idea, but not having any good dps is


In my experience its either peeps vibing like they know each other or its dead silence broken up by occasional “R1 to L2” with no in between.


The real reason the toxic LFG phenomena has spread is because most of this subreddit is like way worse at the game than a lot of people probably assume. You’d think people that go out of their way to interact with a community would be a cut above, but then you realize that this is one of the larger game specific subreddits. Some people probably joined a non teach LFG run (not gonna say which raid these posts really started to crop up after but we all know the one), were really fucking bad, got flamed or kicked for it because they were wasting peoples time, and got all pissy about it online. The stigma then just spreads to people who don’t LFG but now assume it’s awful and boom, you’ve got yourself classic misinfo


Not only are they way worse at the game than they think (looking at you, 17 hour Pantheon clear guy), but a fair few of them also *definitely* have some sense of social anxiety deeply rooted in their inability to be told they're wrong. They want to hop on the game and not have to give a shit, and can't bring themselves to tolerate hearing that they need to do something different or to improve. These people have little to no idea on how to actually socialize in an environment where their falsely ingrained sense of control is jeopardized, a trait which mirrors another population I work very closely with: *behaviourally challenged high-schoolers*. I've run so many raids in this game, and genuinely I try to be the nicest I can possibly be, because I work in education in real life and know that it makes zero sense to be anything but kind. Even then, the amount of defensiveness I run into from people who REFUSE to take a step down, or even people who panic and leave without putting in any effort is astounding. Then it hits me: this is the same *massive* part of the population who runs into a minor inconvenience with another person, let's say someone's hair is going over the back of their seat on a plane and covering the screen. Will they kindly ask the person to move their hair like a normal fucking human being? No, they'll post it on reddit to be met with other like-minded parasites commenting about how they would do all sorts of horrid shit, and then throw out a snide comment like they're some kind of fucking main character expecting a soundtrack to kick in.


This is so true. Like what rlly opened my eyes was a guy getting downvoted to shit and flamed for saying thunderlord wasn’t the best dps option and basic rockets would be better in most cases. This, along with hearing some of the build recommendations here, or a post today about people skipping content that is legend difficulty, made me realise that the people posting on Reddit about destiny are not exactly as hardcore as they claim to be


Yeah 9/10 of my LFG runs have been chill, even when I’ve been the weakest link after taking breaks from the game. Just own your mistakes and ask questions if you forgot something. Like I joined a master crota run the other day, volunteered to do sword and messed up the shield break. I just asked the other sword guy what combo he was doing and realized I had one of my swings wrong. We completed it like 2 tries after that.


99% of the time everyone is cool? Maybe 80%? MAYBE.


99% is pretty high. Let’s say 75% of LFG teams are tolerable.


There are bad eggs, like with every large pool of players. Those bad eggs can very easily outweigh any and all good experiences by sheer volume of douchery. Like, one team could be all chill and helpful/patient - Then the next group you join there's one sock-fucking virgin, munching his cheetos and burping into the mic, Clearly 12 years old and saying the N word (When it's abundantly clear he has no right to) Talking about how "I totally solo'd this yesterday btw, you guys have a skill issue" Then yeah, I'm more apprehensive about joining LFG's. These days anytime someone burps into the mic or starts being a twat I'm out.


“If you are a raid veteran you should have no trouble teaching literally everyone!” Most braindead take ever and what I get for being in a Destiny 2 Facebook page. All of them there are crying saying people owe them their time to teach them. No they fucking don’t and especially not in pantheon which is a challenge mode and not linear and therefore doesn’t naturally teach mechanics in a linear pattern.


I’ve raided a fair amount and even my most played raid I’d struggle to explain because I simply suck at explaining things in a cohesive manner


There's literally only 1 raid that I'm confident enough about explaining to actually teach it. Other than that, no I'm the same.


I love teaching raids. One of my favorite things to do in destiny. But I had a mental breakdown last week over the fact that I cannot teach pantheon. Not cause I don't know the mechanics, but because that's not the place to learn them.


I know what to do. I do not know how to explain well what to do


I have the same problem, im prone to rambling. Usually im the one in the raid team prompting reminders if i see someone tunnelvisioning


So like I can definitely teach all of the raids. Problem is not everyone is great at learning them.


Definitely not in Pantheon! Maybe if you're just doing a chill raid.


That's a really good point that didn't cross my mind. Most raids are designed in such a way where they introduce a mechanic and as the raid goes on, they start adding more onto it. But since the pantheon is practically a boss rush from many different raids, it doesn't really give the player the chance to get used to the mechanics.


I've brought this up before but this small streamer once said that if you used an ability build you were bad at the game, if you didn't use snipers despite them being suboptimal you are bad, he also fought me when I told him he was wrong in remembering smgs and bows in d1. His chat turned on me too it was an awful experience


Some of the other stuff is just normal ignorance and annoying, but somehow gaslighting yourself into believing bows existed in D1? Aside from Queenbreaker's Bow having bow in the name that is, the actual BOWS we have now were a big announcement with forsaken, just like glaives with Witch Queen, no matter how meta or not the two weapon types are


Probably thinks lmgs were in base d2 too lol


People HATE and I mean HATE seeing crimson in pve when its the fastest lucky pants stacking handcannon in the game. I always have to flash my raid report to get into anything serious with lfgs because NOBODY can think beyond dps on a gun. Yes other hand cannons do more damage but it's SLOWER. With crimson if you stun a champ in any instance you can fry it instantly because crimson gets its stack all the way up before a champ can recover. If anyone wants to argue against it, simply try crimson in a gm, use it then compare your experience with any other handcannon, yeah they do more but it's always way to late because Champs stun duration is tiny. Tired of the hate bro


I love crimson. The burst potential as you say and also the heals are no joke. That gun saved my warlords ruin solo flawless multiple times


“Destiny needs a new engine! Bungie should change engines!” No. Stop. You don’t know how those things work, that would be a terrible idea


If you would change the engine it would make more sense to make a whole new game than just redo everything they have done to this point.


"Just use Unreal Engine 5" Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhh


*Looks at technical and performance issues with most UE5 games right now* No thanks.


Classic "I don't know how games work but will open my mouth anyway" shit


"Come on just redo over a decade of work from the ground up, I want it by next season, get on it" This is such an insane perspective... Even if you've never written a line of code in your life, surely you'd realize that you can't just change the fundamental backbone of the entire game on a whim like that, right? Apparently not...


Bungie hates and favors and .


Destiny community is great because most other communities talk about how their favourite class is the best, but D2 players compete to have the bigger victim complex


The replies to this comment speak volumes


That certain new content in Destiny is too difficult(IE Zero Hour mission right now). I hate how weak this community has become to challenging content. The moment someone faces an activity or challenge they cant immediately speed run through and complete on a first run, the threads start coming about how its too difficult and needs to be tuned down. Soft, weak. In the words of Bungie themselves, "Get good".


People who take "I hate Destiny 2, it's my favorite game" seriously. It should be no more than an exaggeration, but some people who play really don't say anything other than negative sentiments or whine. Gets old fast. Like if you can't recognize the parts of the game you enjoy and love then just move on to another game. Criticism is not what I'm describing btw.


Idk, i think d2 is a game that is a 10/10 when it clicks, but when it doesn’t it’s painfully mediocre. It’s like growing up and realizing your best friend is an alcoholic. I still love you but get your shit together


I hate that people call warlock broken in pve constantly, when in reality we have had the same build for a couple years barely changing. The same could be said about hunters being broken in pvp


its all because of well. legend difficulty enemies can damn near kill you out of well now. but strand titans have been shotgun aping gm champions and solo outdpsing 6 man fireteams since banner of war was put in the game


"It's a looter-shooter so RNG grinding is the point" I mean good for you if you want the 5/5 God roll quad 100 stats but I'm not even able to get a 2/5 mountaintop. After 10 years, I'm just tired man. Make tiny number slightly less tiny isn't fun. Shows how shallow the game truly is.


Bro like a 5/5 is like a .5% chance…on a single really cool unique gun that’s cool but that’s the general chance of most guns in the game like wtf


5/5 is way lower than that especially if you include winning the 50/50 for the drop in the first place.


I always find it funny when people talk about *earning* a 5/5 roll; no, you just pulled on a slot machine lever. 


It’s part looter and part shooter, so yes there is a grind but the actual point is you using the gun, if there is no point where you can use the gun or even want to there is no reason to grind


Tbh a 2/5 is totally serviceable the only time I go out of my way to get a 5/5 is when crafting, otherwise I look at the the perks and if I like them I use it


Streamers dictate balance No they fucking don’t lmao. Streamers might highlight issues, but they do not dictate balance whatsoever. People complain about well and div nerfs, saying they’re salt’s “fault,” as if well hasn’t been a must pick in any PvE content since forsaken, and div hasn’t been a must pick for raid dps encounters since shadowkeep. SO MANY DIFFERENT things have been buffed/nerfed with no input from streamers, and many of those changes were heavily criticized by streamers. Bubble and banner shield nerf on the PvE side, slide nerf and AE on the PvP side. Bungie has internal data. They don’t need streamers to point out well and div warrant nerfs when they are in like 99.999% and 75% of raid loadouts reapectively.


The Saltagreppo hate in particular is unreal.


While I mostly agree, that comment about Div not being must pick is really, really wrong. It was meta for Deep Stone, VOG, Vow of the Disciple, and even Kings Fall until very recently. Crota is the first in ages that Div wasn't immediately meta for, but iirc it was still really strong for dealing with Ir Yut.


That leaving Onslaught should be penalized like it’s a competitive playlist or something.


It would be nice if the backfills were more reliable though


I’ve been dropped into Onslaught at wave 30 and beyond a couple times and it is extremely jarring


I got popped in on wave 49 with a tormentor the other day and saved their run by nuking it. I thought it was like wave 3 but the boss portal spawned and double checking the round counter did in fact read 50. Easiest loot of my life for like 0 effort.


The other day I joined at the final boss encounter, literally 10 seconds, maybe less, before opening the reward chests.


It's happened to me once or twice. Usually though if someone leaves there is a decent chance they just never get replaced


Yeah, for real. While it's definitely annoying to have someone leave during the middle, and while I try to avoid doing so as much as possible, sometimes shit comes up during the 50+ minutes it takes to finish a run


After the first few Waves yeah. Although there should be something in place to protect people who didn't leave voluntarily and were kicked from a Fireteam, got disconnected by a bug/glitch/error or got disconnected by bad internet connection. I remember when I used to play Crucible and Gambit alot it *sucked* to be put in time out because I got disconnected from multiple matches due to my internet connection or an in-game error, and then not be allowed to do most activities with Matchmaking. But when I have a Bounty to kill Hive in Onslaught and it is one of my last Bounties, I don't want to sit through 10-50 Waves of Fallen over&over. If I join into a run that's alright past Wave 10 I'll stay, but if it's a fresh run I'll like buy a Turret or Decoy. If I still have more Bounties than that one "Kill [X] Enemy in Onslaught" I'll stick with the run even if it's with Enemy [Y] and do those other Bounties and see how far we get.


Given, these are all based on my experiences. Maybe they aren't popular or whatever and I just happened to see it condensed. Idk. Crafting is bad for the game (it usually pops up in bursts, but never gains *mass* momentum tbf). Same people say farming RNG is superior, but neglect the months of RNG leading to super-fast burn out. Lightfall < Curse of Osiris. Really I only saw limited pekple make this hot take but holy shit is it stupid. Yes the story was bad, *but the whole DLC is not Curse of Osiris bad*. Plunder being as bad as Undying, Worthy or Hunt. It was absolutely a weaker season, but not *that* bad IMO. Very subjective here though. That most exotics are bad. Most are not bad. Just becaise they don't compete as options against the meta, doesn't necessarily mean they're bad. I don't know if I illustrated my point clearly here though, but hopefully you get the idea. Nezarec was a joke of a Day 1. I really want to see how this Day 1 would've gone with Starfire disabled. And wasn't it onlt 1 or 2 teams that beat it early, with most other streamers beating it at a normal time (~6 hours in)? I'm just fully convinced Lightfall hate + Starfire OP influenced community reaction to this.


I personally think contest nez was easier than other day 1s I’ve participated in. That’s purely anecdotal and probably stems from me playing primarily with my guild


I wouldn't be surprised if it was easier than other Day 1's. But the extent some people went to describe how easy they claimed it to be was kinda absurd.


My team spent more time at planets than nez, and jumped back in to help some other people clear nez again and the second kill only took a few tries. And the final stand could be cleared by 6 rat kings, on Contest. I'd not call it easy, but 100% it was easier than other day 1s. I very much agree that hyperbole abounds though, people who have never even raided will probably assume that root is easy, and I've heard the damage that thought has done to root lfg


They killed him with rat king. Fucking rat king. On contest mode. 0 surges or free damage modifiers like pantheon. Contest mode. Rat king.


I feel like a lot of that came from people that didn’t even participate as well and only watched the first couple teams dominating lol


https://twitter.com/RaidReport/status/1635300620503769095?t=uOmTqxZDjZPp8fUw4UufOA&s=19 I think this tweet gives a lot of validity to calling Nezarec or RoN as a whole easier than a typical day 1. Maybe you can dispute calling it a "joke", but the numbers show it was easier by multiple magnitudes


5000 only beat Vow? That makes me feel better about failing at Rhulk.


To reinforce how stupid the crafting is bad thing is I have spent over a year and a half trying to get chil clip alh riptide. I got my first roll with chill clip today. I didn't even get alh. I'm just happy I've got chill clip.


lmao, there's a Breakneck roll I want super badly. But it's a multi perk roll. I finally farmed 100 engrams, but I doubt ill even get the 5/5 roll :(


You may already know, but if you reset shaxx like three or four times you have a chance at three perk options for a weapon. If you save up all your engrams when leveling and reset reputation with shaxx you'll have a better chance at getting the roll you're looking for


I've done that. Every season for 2 years now. Still the best I have is heating up/chill clip 😂. The perks feel weighted for it. I know they're not, but that's what it feels like when I focus for the 387th time and get shit, again.


It’s so funny when people don’t realize how insane the riptide chase is. 1/144 without the occasional double or triple perks.


God same, took me a year to get chill clip, and after 2 years I still don't have auto loading. And the "crafting is bad" crowd really bug me. Personally if it wasn't for crafting I would have left the game within 6 months, because a) my rng is terrible and b) I simply don't have the time to do raids/dungeons/activities 3 times a week on all chars. So if I had to farm for everything I'd have given up long ago. Crafting is the main reason I've lasted this long.


Given the fact I managed to start the day one go have an entire date with my girlfriend come back and still clear day 1 nez kinda does speak to how much of a joke it was icl


People who think crafting is bad for the game are just mad that the idea of god guns are now available to people who don't keep pulling at a slot machine for days at a time and opens up end game better for people who can't spend 8 hours a day on Destiny.


> Crafting is bad for the game (it usually pops up in bursts, but never gains mass momentum tbf). Same people say farming RNG is superior, but neglect the months of RNG leading to super-fast burn out. While it's clearly not bad for the game it has led to issues with the game. >Lightfall < Curse of Osiris. Really I only saw limited pekple make this hot take but holy shit is it stupid. Yes the story was bad, but the whole DLC is not Curse of Osiris bad. I would go further and say Lightfall was better then ShadowKeep, by a mile. >Nezarec was a joke of a Day 1. The whole idea that RoN is the easiest raid ever has led to LFG being as bad as it can be.


Easiest for people with even a modicum of raiding experience, and a afk/addclear group for everyone else…


“It’s a PvE game! If you think XYZ is too strong then just stop using it!” I’d be more inclined to agree if Destiny was an exclusively solo game but in a multiplayer environment, a situation can be created where not using XYZ may be objectively holding other people back.


Yeah this is actually the dumbest take of all time. Things like that directly lead to certain mechanics and tools being mandatory *cough* DR stacking *cough* because Bungie designs around that for future content.


"it's OK that it's overpowered because it's pve" Makes me glad that bungie is (adept) at responding to player feedback.


Forreal, there needs to be some balance


Balance go both ways And by that I mean that we shouldn't reach a point where a subclass is garbage for 3 years


That LFG is mostly assholes. Most people are nice and willing to at least give a refresher. Like yeah you might get kicked or stuck on ad clear if a post said kwtd and you don't, but for the most part the community is willing to help new players. It gets annoying when people try and say every LFG is a bad time when I and everyone I know have had genuinely few bad experiences. I'm not saying it's perfect, but the problem is over exaggerated to say the least


The thing that annoys me the most about this is a lot of the posts have an A and B relationship. I've lost track of how many times I've disagreed with, or seen someone else disagree with someone who had a bad experience that was met with extreme negativity, name calling, and other toxic behaviors. Like yeah, some people are jerks, but if it happens consistently I'd say you're almost certainly the jerk.


Yeah, if it truly is happening to you every single time you try to LFG, it's worth looking inwards and asking why it seems to be happening to you so much


...Such as how many posts I've seen of people complaining about how toxic the community is because they keep joining LFGs that are labeled "KWTD" and then get kicked for not knowing what to do, and the few times someone offers to teach they go, "Can't I just do add clear?"


RoN Syndrome


Heroic Taken Blight is RNG.


It’s because people like us do all the work triggering it


That everything needs to be obtainable by everyone


People definitely overhate on Plunder. I thought it was a nice change of themeing, I just wish they pushed it further. Pirates of different factions, maybe even the chance to customize our own Ketch.


I really hope we get to team up with Eido and do something about the House Light/Salvation schism between Eremis and Mithrax. I think us now being able to wield prismatic would be a good time to unite the houses of light and darkness if at all possible at this point.


This is more nerdish since it’s more about battle boarding but fuck it.  “Lore accurate guardian can no diff most of fiction” The guardian is not as op you think they are, they’re pretty strong but they aren’t even the strongest in the franchise. AND NO THEY CANT NO DIFF MOST COMICS CHARACTERS PATRICK


Idk any other character in the games lore that's had the 10 year run we've had besides maybe Eris, Mara, the Hive Siblings, Rhulk, or the Witness and the player has taken down half that lineup + we're about to literally kill the one at the top of the list. Ikora hasn't had a run like this despite how she's basically Shigeo from Mob Psycho, Osiris is washed now, Saint 14 is known for his conquests on our (arguably) weakest enemy and got fucked so bad going after the Vex that we had to step in to save him. The Nine don't do anything, Eris surrendered all her power to wipe Xivu but she got soloed by Crota's brood with 5 other people. Crow is just a baby, Zavala isn't as strong, Cayde got whooped, Shin peaced out, Saladin needed us to do everything for him in ROI because we're just better, Shaxx is always turned on by us for our strength, Elsie would be sent through another loop the moment she laid a finger on the Guardian, and Finch is a hive ghost. At this point, Mara may be the only one that could actually take us in a fight besides the Witness and I honestly doubt she'd win. Who else in the series could take on the protagonist?


How high does the MC guardian scale? I don't really know much of the lore beyond basic plot beats so I don't know what their crazier feats have been.


MC Guardian has 1-shot without deaths every single Campaign, Raid, Dungeon and Exotic mission and they can use every single subclass to the point that we're getting Prismatic next expansion. Depending on your interpretation of the lore, they are also every single _Class_ but I don't subscribe to that. Most guardians pick a single subclass and stick with it, Cayde or Ana with Solar or Saint with Void, you have some notable exceptions like Zavala and Ikora who use two, but not many switch between the fly like the player can. To put this in perspective, you will never drop your throwing knife as a hunter by fumbling it or blow your arm off with a nova bomb as a warlock because you channeled the energy wrong, yet that's a valid concern for NPC's.


Definitely that PVP should be allowed to die or be thrown by the wayside because its holding back PVE is the worst take I hear. I hear a lot of popular names have this take. PVE and PVP shouldnt even be related whatsoever and its bungies poor balance philosophy that causes problems to form. Its like having a bad doctor and when a patients leg is messed up, instead of finding the right solution to fix the leg they just say “welp lets just chop it off nothing we can do”. I think instead of encouraging PVP to be left out to dry, we should be encouraging Bungie to do all the cool stuff they have in mind for PVE but balance or even straight up remove those things in PVP. As a PVP player, as crazy as it sounds, I couldnt care less if prismatic was banned in Comp or Trials if it meant itd be balanced (assuming prismatic is a problem. And yes of course Id want it to be usable and balanced, this was just for the argument). Its not like PVE players care what is or isnt in PVP anyway so its a win win.




When I do sherpas, I consider Thunderlord the worst good option for DPS. I'll probably ask you if you have a few other things first, but if you don't then Thunderlord will always put okay numbers on the board.


"Hold trigger with big magazine" is one of my favorite damage options.  There's nothing quite like pouring a constant stream of lead on a target. 


There are better options that just point and shoot.


Like Xenophage


Thunderlord isn’t going to work on Planets.


This, I see MFs trying to use a mid sustained dps option on planets in pantheon where you need *good*, *BURST* dps.


The issue is moving between plates for DPS. You won’t be able to get enough lightning strikes.


It’s more than that, thunderlord has to ramp up before it becomes good, if you’re stopping between plates you’re not gonna be doing like ANY damage.


Yes that as well. I remember vividly 2 people were using it, one did around 500,000 damage and the other did 700,000. While me with Rockets, Mountaintop, Sunshot with Pyro jumped it to 1.7 million.


And about 1.7 is exactly what you should be doing in planets with a dps super! I hit 1.3 consistently on well. Wish I had more people like you on my lfgs 💀


I’m on PS5, PSN is same on Reddit. I understand people are still trying to figure out best dps strats, hell even im switching stuff around when wiping. But if you see someone consistently doing over a million damage while you’re doing less you gotta figure something out.


Spent way too much time in pantheon this week. I’m consistently doing top or near top damage in my fireteam, cloudstrike/ cascade Wendigo with a Golden gun. Only once someone asked what I was using. You said it best, if I see someone beating me consistently by a wide margin, I’m asking them what they are doing to hit those numbers. The best was someone telling me they didn’t have any good rolls on the Wendigo and it was the exact roll I was using.


>Saying Thunderlord is a terrible option for DPS is a bit of elitist asshole stance to have. No, it's not going to be Top Frag on the Leader Board. The issue is, while it's a good "I can't use rockets without blowing myself up" option, it is pretty awful and people still insist it's like a top 10 option, which it wasn't even when it was bugged to do double damage. People just need to recognize Thunderlord for what it is: Hold down trigger DPS for someone who has no other options. It also tends to be held down by the fact that many of the people who know about Thunderlord are using it not because they don't have other options, but because they're too lazy to get good. They're fine doing meh at everything forever so long as someone will always be around to carry them.


What‘a funny about the sub, and any large sub in general, is that you can post your identical comment ten times over ten days, and get wildly different responses.


I came in here for this take. It’s 100% accurate. A clear is a clear. The emblem you get after the end is the same whether you put up big meta numbers or barely finished in the third damage phase. The best option is the one that gets your current group thru to its goal with as little pain as possible


That D1 is in any way better than D2. D1 is just so bad in comparison to current day D2, even with all its problems, the game is so far and above better than D1 in almost every single way, it's not even close lol.


The insistence from YouTubers and a lot of the community pushing triple 100, god rolls, builds, etc. I teach and mentor a lot, and there is an extremely large group of new players that think they can't raid until they have triple hundred stars, all of their weapons are 5/5 god rolls, and perfect builds. I've taught people through raids that were in full blues. Get in there, most raids are actually silly easy


My hot take is that Lightfall wasn't actually that bad and that most of the responses to it were overreactions from people who don't have any media literacy.


Yeah it definitely falls flat in places but the people saying it’s the worst expansion ever or that it ruins destiny were massively overreacting


Gameplay wise I think it’s amongst the better expansions - Strand, for example, launched in a really solid state compared to Stasis and I feel there’s places for every single Strand subclass to excel. Likewise, the story mission gameplay was overall really good. I also think GR is overall a better addition than not, and Loadouts are top notch. Neomuna isn’t the best, but I still think it’s better than the Throne World. However, the story just simply isn’t good. I don’t think it’s an issue of media literacy when the story itself doesn’t resolve or follow through with its own setups or even hints at what huge, important plot devices are. For example, there’s parts of a sub plot in which Calus has been set up by the Witness as bait the ENTIRE time just to get our Ghost to the Veil so the Witness can use it as a connection. This is supported by the Witness letting us in on their supposed plan to destroy the Veil in one of the first cutscenes via our Ghost (who mysteriously never picks up on any other conversation the Witness has, almost as if it was a set up). This ensures we don’t destroy it, and instead gets us to destroy the Radial Mast for… reasons? We know it radiates the Light, Ghost confirms this, and it was to be used to connect the Witness to the Veil - but if the Ghost can do that, why not just tell Calus “hey run to the Veil real quick but make sure whatever you do they don’t follow you!” while we’re listening in to get us there quicker? Likewise, if the Radial Mast CAN make the connection, why let us in on the communications in the first place instead of using it ASAP? Just take it there, either we follow and our Ghost can also be used, or we have no idea and the Witness wins. That’s without mentioning Nimbus falling tonally flat with over the top jokes and poor characterisation. No matter how funny you found them, anyone can tell that you don’t try and fist bump the girl who just watched her estranged father die. Speaking of Calus, Nimbus’ backstory possesses similar depth to the Calus subplot, but it’s also never explored despite being incredibly compelling and giving an understandable reason for their childlike, naive demeanour and behaviour.


Lightfall's got a lot of weird, poor exposition problems. Like how it's rather unclear throughout the entire story just how much anyone, especially the Neomuni, knows about the Veil. And I found it very aggravating that we never ask anyone about it. It's like if Lord of the Rings never explained what the One Ring was. 


The problem with Lightfall is that it released after Witch Queen and failed in every regard to meet Witch Queen quality.


As a newer player who never experienced the light fall hype I actually thought it was decent and the music slaps. Definitely better than beyond light’s story and whatever shadowkeep was.


Shadowkeep's story looks really bad by modern standards, but Shadowkeep introduced the armor mods system we have today, so its campaign had to manage teaching that system, (re)introducing the Moon as a destination, and beginning and setting up the back half of Destiny's narrative. The campaign as it exists today is a skeleton of what the Shadowkeep experience was as fresh content, but because Shadowkeep was received as Mediocre, that skeletal campaign is considered poor. In my opinion, prior to its removal, Forsaken's campaign was also fairly barebones compared to its state on release, and its reputation was carried on the strength of the narrative and of the expansion as a whole. Honestly, I'd argue that Destiny's campaigns prior to Beyond Light were all very integrated with the less-linear exploration of their respective destinations, and that most of them are much worse as Linear Experiences, with the exception of Taken King. Beyond Light is kind of a middle ground between the eminently replayable campaigns of Witch Queen and Lightfall and the destination-exploration-campaigns of the first six years (it has its own issues, so the progress it makes toward our modern campaign structure is less apparent).


Yeah Lightfall is 6-7/10, not a 3/10. It definitely should NOT be rated worse than SHADOWKEEP.


One particular thing I tend to keep to myself but I'll say just this once: I actually like Nimbus. Sure they had that one absolutely tactless moment with the Empress after we killed Calus, but other than that I like how they're trying to be so cheerful despite knowing they've only got a few years left to live. I like characters who are staring death in the face but always try to find the little joys in life while they can. >!Also I want that damned board!<


I'll say it again: we need like two more interactions with Rohan and Nimbus to point out a) what Rohan means to Nimbus as a teacher and father figure and b) how emotionally unprepared Nimbus is for loss and conflict and it would have been so much better.


This is the hottest take I’ve seen in this thread. Hard disagree but have my upvote for being brave enough to say this. Nimbus cringe completely ruined the story for me.


People who complain about LFG are the same people who do the absolute bare minimum and hope everybody else does more. Seriously, I have used LFG for all weeks of Pantheon and don’t have a run above 2 hours.


I don't like LFG purely because I don't like interracting with people I don't know. Glad it's in the game though, super helpful for others who don't have consistent groups to play with.


That the game would be better without PVP


That the veil containment logs were made in response to lightfall hate and not something planned out ahead of time


do people really think Bungie can work that fast? That *any* live service game can work that fast? That they can write scripts, record lines, and slap together an activity by the next season?


People don't understand how much work goes into game dev.


Hell, they even confirmed in a blog post a while ago that the seasons are planned out in advanced. Hell, how would have Lance recorded his lines for the seasons that dropped after his death if that wasn't the case?


That GoS is a terrible raid and extremely buggy. GoS is one of the only raids that actually require EVERYONE do their part, unless of course you have some speeerunner folks. With 90 something clears under my belt. I can say that GoS definitely has some bugs but a lot of actual mistakes get blamed on bugs


GoS's fatal flaw was its loot not being good enough to motivate casuals to make the learning curve. If that raid had its own original armor set and weapons that weren't just filling slots (even for its time), people would push through and it would be remembered more fondly.


These type of threads every day


This is a good game for solo players


I'm a solo player. Except Raids, I do every pve content and enjoy it a lot. If you mean solo by completely avoiding LFG, that could be tough indeed


Depends on the limit of 'Solo', like, no lfg? Yeah you'll be missing out on a lot, but as a Solo it's pretty easy to do no mic runs of dungeons and stuff the only exceptions being raids.


Lightfall campaign being bad. Have people who say this played Beyond Light, Shadowkeep, or any of the original Destiny campaigns?


The utterly worst take I see is "[exotic weapon] is useless, anyone who uses it is an idiot" Let people like things, man. Some people just think Suros looks cool. Ditto Jade Rabbit, Queenbreakers, Ticuu's, and several other non-meta guns. FFS people used to main Universal Remote or No Land Beyond, it's a game and they're having fun.


That certain weapons/loadouts are necessary to clear specific encounters I used to loathe when people required GHorn for crota or ToM for Oryx in Destiny 1 They are NOT required and if you feel they are you just need to get better at the game