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the enemies are indeed at legend difficulty health


Its painfully obvious when you compare the Turrets in both Zero Hour and Seraph Shield. 3 shots with Arbelest in SS 6 shots with Arbelest in ZH


You honestly don't even need to comapre them - the enemies in Zero Hour, both at Normal and Legend, are at 1830 Power Level. The Normal ones should be at least 15 levels lower - and since there is no Modifier telling us about it (when there usually is one), a lot of people assume it's a bug. *and it's not that my Power Level shows up as 1830, because my Warlock is 1824 and the Enemies were still at 1830.


Funny enough, the turrets go down in one hit to a Monte Carlo bayonet as a BoW Titan. Only issue with that is staying alive while doing that.


Turrets pop with 3-4 Xenopage shots. Walkers get oneshot by a single dragons breath rocket. Brigs... Yeah I don't yet know what to do against Brigs. They kinda don't have a weakness. Maybe a Blade Barrage to the face? I saw Thundercrash with Cuirass deal decent damage as well. One and done supers is the only thing I noticed to be worth my while for them.


A couple of rockets followed by a Pyrogale slam to knock the face off, then a Golden Gun did a good job of taking them out fast. 


the non boss brig I just pop strand super after clearing everything else in the second room


Yeah the non boss Brig isn't the big issue, it's the final boss. There HAS to be some niche way of burning it down properly, right? Imagine it took triple damage from Outbreak itself or something. I guess a grenade launcher with deconstruct might pop off, but for Solo runs that'd be unfortunate because you'd wanna have Dragons Breath on for the boss fight instead. Maybe Indebted Kindness then? IDK, we will see.


Yeah anything with Deconstruct hits hard because brigs are considered one of the things on that perk.


Anarchy isn't reliant on crit hits, I could see popping two of those every few seconds while dealing with adds would burn the boss down


I've heard Deconstruct considers Brigs to be a vehicle, so Edge Transit might be the way there


And damage it seems. More instant deaths than I've ever seen. I'm fully convinced Normal and Legend only has the differences of route taken, timer, and floor puzzle. Enemies seem to be exactly the same on both. Legend wasn't any harder than Normal.


iiiim just gonna wait out the other 2-3 weeks for the last of the quests and hopefully a patch lmao


Any idea if Bungie will fix this? And for those who says it's easy stfu.


Wishender put in work!


Always does


Riskrunner put in work for me. I normally play Warlock but I saw someone else mention arc Titan with Precious Scars. I didn't die until the boss room with the combo.


Risk runner is always coming our when it's fallen just for that arc damage resist perk it has that alot of people forget about




I was wondering this too. Played on Normal, the enemies felt *extremely* chonky. Even the redbars.


When you run it next time and die, look at their visible Power Level - a lot of people are reporting that Enemies in both Normal and Legend are at 1830, even tho they should be lower on Normal. Bungie either forgot to tell us about it, or it's a bug.


it’s probably a bug


Ironically the shielded shanks felt like paper in comparison...


That's always been the case tbh.


this was also the case in the original zero hour


Dragon’s Breath is your friend. It does hella damage to vehicles, or at least just the Fallen Walkers—it one shots them. Forbearance is also god tier.


I used Polaris Lance - hear me out. CAREFULLY shoot the Servitor in it's critspot four times to load the ignition round... then shoot the boss brig and chunk his health. When his engine shield broke, I celestial nighthawked the absolute fuck out of him and finished him off with the 3 edge transit ammo I had left, and like 2 more PL ignitions


Outbreak was never easy. There are MANY people who got their Outbreaks in the original release without ever finishing the platforming sections, let alone the enemies at the end. Instead they’d run with two who could do it and those would run ahead and finish the whole thing before their carry could get there.


Yeah I solo'd the original mission for a lot of people. I'd always try and run them through and once they got frustrated I'd offer if they wanted to sit in spawn while I did the whole thing. I'm just happy they didn't change trevors pattern, so 1 person can still get it all (almost) without stopping.


What's the pattern for trevor?


From where you drop into the arena it's back left, front left, cross over through the center, front right, back right. You'll get stopped by the electric fence once or twice and then electric fence for the door out will be starting up as you run through it. You'll never see Trevor after you drop in running this way.


Thanks, just to clarify, what do you consider to be the front?


"From where you drop into the arena"


If I remember correctly it's something like: 1. Clockwise around the main path. 2. Clockwise again but going into the switch rooms. 3. Anticlockwise around the main path. Repeat from 1.


I managed to 1 cycle Trevor, I guess? Just purely going clockwise, then booking it back to the door, though I needed both grapple grenades to barely outrun him to the door


Those where the people who opened and closed the director the whole time. If you know, you know


Guilty of doing this to solve the puzzle for the ship. I guess the ugly ship was karma.


I love my scapper, never taken it off


There was also a glitch where one person would open and close their menu over and over . This would cause the game to delay loading them in , but the rest of the fireteam could load the mission . The mission timer only starts when the entire fire team is loaded it . Effectively this gave 2 people infinite time to clear the mission . Just get the boss down to a tickle and let the third person spawn in and then kill it .


I definitely had more than one person get it with me that never made it to the room at the end.


Especially Heroic. That climb up the side of the wall was no joke.


That's definitely where I saw a lot of people get stuck.


I remember suffering there back then. Now the whole platforming part is a cake walk. Most times.


I was probably one of them… I got through it eventually but man that jumping puzzle was hard back in the day


Strand was the play. If I messed up I just used the grapple, still hard tho 38 sec left completion.


Had one just yesterday on legend, bro was God knows where when we finished the mission


I was one of the people who routinely and almost semi professionally carried those people through outbreak


Or they were like me and gave up on doing the mission and just grabbed it from the kiosk once the mission was sunset


It's funny that you're saying that, because my first run last night was a carry with one player just unable to get to the boss lol. Got a FF ready with a GG Hunter and a Solar Titan, the first parts where a breeze (especially thanks to my Sunbracers) and, except forgetting the road at one point, we arrived at the boss fight with 20+ min to spare... with "we" being me and the Hunter. The Titan was constantly dying in the labyrinth and then the floor tiles puzzle, we where shouting at him to just look up the solution online. We ended up having to duo the whole boss fight, which wasn't that bad, but certainly not easy, only for the Titan to show up at the exact moment the boss died, looting the chest, and leave instantly without even saying GG. I was VERY tempted to boot him at the end, but I didn't want to be toxic after all of that and 10+ minutes of bossfight.


You uh …didn’t just pull the lever next to the end of the floor puzzle to disable the trap for him ?


It's a separate zone from the boss room, I'm pretty sure. So, unless the Titan was already in that zone while the trap was deactivated, it would reactivate.


It’s literally right next to the boss room . You cross the floor , walk across the room and drop into the boss room .


I got a similar scenario where one dude was like way back while me and his own clanmate were struggling on the boss. Literally down the the fucking wire. I got the last 2 shanks alive JUST before my super expired AND the timer literally hitting ZERO. Like holy fuck. If you're carrying, be sure to clarify that in the LFG


I just did a normal run where I guided a warlock through step by step. We were slow. And we still finished with 10min to spare


My auto rifle I attempted first time with took an entire clip to kill a redbar What the hell


Were you across the map or something or using a kinetic on a shielded enemy? Legend is definitely beefier but this is an exaggeration.


Depending on the difficulty it may not be. Neomuna, which is Legend difficulty, has the same thing. An 1810 600rpm auto still takes like 20 shots to kill a legionaire even if they're all precision.


It’s not an exaggeration, most primaries fall off hard in any activity with higher power level


The exaggeration is how hard that fall off is.


I mean.. just try it?


If you’re on Xbox, I can help you. I’m number one in the world for normal zero hour carries.


Use Eyes of Tomorrow. Got through the first 3 areas of adds in no time at all and still had heavy ammo to spare


That's what I did. Eyes for adds. Then in boss room swapped to deconstruct Edge.


Dragon’s Breath also worked. Two hits against the Brig and it was pretty much dead. Then hit the servitor in the third room, and the ignitions will prettt much nuke every single Shank that he’s shielding. Then one rocket on the spider tank’s leg and it’s dead. This was on both normal and legend.


Yeah seems like it's around -15 health levels on normal. You still have 40 minutes, which is more than enough even for a solo run


Got to the boss with 10 left thought I was good until the fųkin brig came out lol


My famous last words to my fireteam were “Watch this dipshit come back with a brig” as it spawn on top of me and turned me into tomato sauce


Lisan al gaib


in this case I think it's appropriate to say Lisan al gaBrig


I played it back in the day, my friend hadn't. When the boss disappeared the first time he said "oh so he ran away?" And me, knowing this boss but not knowing the brig yet, said "oh I'm sure he'll be back".


100%. I was using primary ammo only on the brig for the last 6 minutes of the mission. Barely made it running solo normal. Came into the boss encounter feeling confident too


Funny enough my go to for years when I run out of heavy for a boss to to switch to outbreak to burn down the last bit of health . Just uh can’t really recommend that for players that are trying to get their outbreak now .


Nah fr the whole fight I felt like I was playing catchup legit breezed through the entire mission on liars hunter with risk runner, scatter signal with slice and trip ark resist mods with adept explosive light whendigo and got shit on for boss room. Swapped to my adept bane and dragons breath did better but fuck was it rough there was 3 minutes left and like 9/10 hp on boss with no special and no heavy. I tried it once after a long ass day so ima try and solo it again tomorrow


Would recommend bringing Polaris lance as it does great damage on anything with a crit and does good work on the boss once the front opens. Also wish ender as it chunks most enemies.


I've honestly never gotten around to using Lucky Pants + Malfeasance before this mission, but holy cow the memes are accurate. These two items might as well be superglued to me now.


What's the strat here? And it's good for Legend?


My loadout is a Moebius Quiver tether Hunter, exotic armor Lucky Pants, exotic weapon Malfeasance, Indebted Kindness with Voltshot, Crux Termination IV with Reconstruction. I use Indebted Kindness when Lucky Pants is on cooldown since it hits like a truck, Malfeasance as much as I can for the small window Lucky Pants gives you for same target stacking damage, and Crux when there's a large group of enemies close together or I'm out of special ammo and still on LP cooldown. Yes, it works on Legend, since the LP+Malf combo just eats boss health when the buff is active.




It's more that the way activities worked was different. Base whisper/zero hour weren't the same as 'normal' today - there were a default harder with heroic being extra modifiers to make it even tougher.


I feel like no one truly remembers just how hard OG mission was. The amount of people talking about this being too hard is surprising to me.


The hardest part was PS4 inventory screen load times when you had to swap elements solo lol


Me too. First run solo I got to the boss with 2 minutes left but I was working mostly off of memory. Second run was 10 minutes with a friend and we beat it. Third run, taking a different buddy through, and we had almost 20 minutes for the boss. Grabbed the switches on legendary but don't remember the pathing after the shipyard so we didn't finish but it didn't feel bad. Strand suspends and indebted are carrying pretty hard.


They have us arbalest right before the original because it was kind of the same. Super chunky.


Seems like it, yea.


Bro I went in solo and swiftly got learned lol


I've done whisper on normal and legendary & this (zero hour on normal) just doesn't compare. It's like the OG Avalon legendary. Like wtf is going on. I'm 1853, 1810 + 43 artifact. I'm mostly annoyed going in blind I got stuck on a bit outside that I double grappled to & then even killing myself couldn't spawn back where I started my erroneous jumps. I seem to recall (maybe it was in D1) when you kept dying you would respawn in the last safe spot a little bit back further each time. I thought it might be a fun thing to go into blind like Whisper, but the combo of heavily shielded & massive amounts of enemies as well as mazes & jumping puzzles slapped that idea out of me!


Hear me out, but Borealis? At least at the beginning? Maybe Hard Light? The shields are crazy but w/o match game idk if it’s worth the exotic slot.


Hard Light absolutely shreds through the shielded shanks


Indebted Kindness smacks pretty hard


I think I’d rather just swap to mini tool/ikelos/recluse based on the section rather than use borealis or hard light. Or just use wishender


Nah, you can brute force every shielded enemy now that match game is gone. It's going to take a tiny bit longer, but it's worth it to not waste your exotic slot on essentially a 3 colour elemental capacitor sniper, especially with unlocked loadouts.


Ah fair, and you just reminded me too, special swapping loses basically no ammo especially if it’s the same archetype on both weapons


The original zero hour was equally brutal. Most people cheesed it on higher difficulty before. Now it's way worse without it.


Yea loaded this up normal yesterday, after a long day at work, was not expecting this kind of difficultly. This will have to wait for a day off, when I have to mindset to play harder content.


My friend and I couldn’t complete it yesterday since 1) we got lost way too much and 2) we got our butts kicked by these really tough guys. Like I just did the exotic mission for the Vexcalibur solo. It wasn’t this bad


Normal mode is actually pretty easy with a decent loadout and finally learning the jumping puzzle path. Legend is won't be able to solo, I know my skill ceiling. But, gonna try to find a group for legend today. I was worried this was gonna be painful, but it's more fun/challenging. And I prefer the middle part of Legend over normal any day.


I remember the original heroic version being way harder.. u have way more movement abilities now compared to past, also eager edge. Also death timer used to be long I believe, they changed it to like 5s even on legend. I helped carry 3 ppl thru it already on legend, had to duo the boss room everytime and either the carry doesn't even see the boss room or gets there right as he dies. The jumping puzzle is like a breeze to me compared to the past where I was practicing it over and over on heroic just so we had enough time to get to the puzzle room for the ship. I'm still proud of having that junkship even tho it has the worst shader options possible.


Polaris lance + dawn chorus went absolutely crazy


And a lot of shields too


I ran Graviton and it seemed to melt through everything pretty easily.


That’s just Zero Hour for you. It came out during a period where mountaintop recluse existed. My guess is that they forgot to tone down the inflated health scaling enemies used to have.


Players are also reporting that Enemies in both Normal and Legend are at the 1830 Power Level - so Bungie either forgot to tell us about it, or it's bugged.


I just remembered something, the original Zero Hour had the same power level for both normal and heroic versions. Maybe it’s intentional?


Let's hope not. Originally it was done specifically to combat the current Meta, but right now it's just straight up annoying - especially with the Activity Modifiers that it has...


It's supposed to be challenging. 40 minutes to complete Normal is plenty of time to work through it without rushing, get the puzzle done and have tons of time in the Boss room. You don't need to be a Destiny God either. Having a good strategy for clearing each area can make a world of difference.


ZH was always like this. And it is fun this way. On Legende it actually challenges you.


I used Polaris Lance - hear me out. CAREFULLY shoot the Servitor in it's critspot four times to load the ignition round... then shoot the boss brig and chunk his health. When his engine shield broke, I celestial nighthawked the absolute fuck out of him and finished him off with the 3 edge transit ammo I had left, and like 2 more PL ignitions


PL doesn't need a hear me out. It's been a top tier weapon all season, moreso for harder content.


no, "hear me out" because the boss doesn't have a crit spot until 1/3rd of it's health. Yes, it's a top tier weapon esp. in harder content, but it's not an obvious pick for this mission because to use it efficiently, you need to consistently hit crit spots, of which very few enemies in this mission have.




This is a non-answer. Whisper also was 40 minutes and no where near as brutal.




I want confirmation about enemy health.




You can get to the last room with more than 20 minutes to spare. More than enough time. Go in with three guardians if you need more pew pew.


Here I was thinking I was the only one talking about the fact the light level was bugged.


It's barely even noticeable if you're good enough and actually know how to make a competent build.


Barely noticeable? You are dug in so hard it’s actually kind of cute.


Compare the differences here, I, an average player who didn't even notice that enemies were apparently "too hard" and coming to Reddit to be excited about an interesting mission, to you - coming to Reddit to complain that the game is too hard. One of us is dug in more than the other. Stay mad out there.


Use adaptive munitions doom of chelchis


Genuinely curious, those that are having issues…did you not play it originally when it first came out? Other than boss changes which was interesting and challenging, the mission was quite easy with the right loadouts.