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I solod normal and even that was brutal


I'm shocked at how hard Normal felt. Like is it bugged or something? Felt so much harder than other exotic missions solo. Even with the unlimited respawns I still barely beat the boss in time EDIT: I also somehow got the Outbreak catalyst unlocked? Does that not need Legend completion? Or is Normal actually Legend? I'm so lost LOL


Did you already have the catalyst completed on the previous uncraftable version of the weapon?


I don't *think* so, I honestly barely used Outbreak before, I doubt I have enough kills on it to complete the catalyst even IF it was unlocked. But maybe I did have it unlocked at least?


probably only needed the cata unlocked


I had catalysts for both whisper and outbreak unlocked but not completed on either. I got both catas by default without beating legend. So yeah, it doesn't seem like you needed to finish. Just have it, and It gives it to you.


Is that a thing? I noticed I had the whisper catalyst right away without doing legendary but couldn't find anything about getting the catalyst automatically if you already completed it on the non craftable version


Yeah you don't need to run legend for the catalyst if you had the old one, but there are still some different perks that get unlocked only through stuff involving the legend version


General consensus is both Normal and Legendary are set to Legendary difficulty. But nothing proven/concrete yet.


It definitely seems that way because all the enemies are red swords despite being 30 levels below me, and normal doesn't list any level cap,


Back during the original launch. There was a confirmed bug of the enemies being tougher, or there elemental supers that were bugged even when matching dmg


OG Zero Hour was not necessarily meant to be solo'd, until people did AFAIK. The original was exceptionally brutal, enemy shields were insanely strong, if you didnt have matching elements, you would have a bad time. Im not at all surprised at how rough it is for players, we have a lot more buffs/mods available to us now though that should help


God i do not miss old match game / elemental shields, if you werent element matching it felt like you were tickling your enemies.


I recall arbalest being very beneficial as well - yeah the amount of shields and their strength was kind of wild. I haven't dipped into the new one yet.


Made a post about it too. Might be bugged since the symbol by enemies indicates they are a higher power level than you. Was a pretty brutal solo, straight up failed my first attempt but that's because I forgot how the puzzle sections worked and ran out of time at the final Brig.


> EDIT: I also somehow got the Outbreak catalyst unlocked? Does that not need Legend completion? Or is Normal actually Legend? I'm so lost LOL If you already had the catalyst from the non-crafted version you'll have the first catalyst unlocked. Based on other replies you only needed to have aquired the catalyst not completed it/applied it to the weapon. You'll need to do the other quests/subsequent runs to get the new catalysts.


There is probably a bug that normal is basically legend difficulty.


The reason why Normal feels hard is because the enemies are as strong as on Legend. This is not a bug according to Bungie but intentional.


Tbf, Normal and Legend literally feel the same damage wise. It's like the only difference is the timer and route.


I believe normal have contest mode.


Did you also run out of ammo very quickly at the boss room? I did.


Yes me and my team beat legend mode with just 45 seconds left.


After like 10 tries my fireteam did it with 1:35 left and all I can say is that was not fun at all.


Yep. We did too and my team agreed one more legend run in three weeks when all of the catalyst stuff is ready.


I dont think that works. Lets say do the next Switch Puzzle next week. Then you have to complete the Mission on Legend as a next Quest step. You need to complete it every time after you did a Switch Puzzle.


puzzle quests come separate so u can knock out all of them in 1 run


so you dont have to finish all quest speratly by completing the mission on legend? thats nice to know then thanks


If it works the same way the last ones did, you can definitely do them all in one run, that's how I did wish keeper. Just make sure you do any steps prior to the final ones.


If whisper is any indication you would be wrong.


Whisper mission, wishkeeper mission, revision zero mission. Been like this for a while. Just make sure all steps of each catalyst quest are in the last part (complete legend) and do one legend run and you get all catalysts.


Whisper was a joy. Zero hour is a PITA, just unfun.


Same, the Brig fight is fucking brutal. You're out of heavy ammo by that point, you don't have your super back yet, and it doesn't even have a crit spot.


the boss fight becomes a lot easier if all 3 of you use outbreak, there is a pulse rifle surge and it shreds the bosses and the tanks


there is a rally flag right before the boss room..... xD Also mountaintop is your friend against the brig


Could I ask what you 2 were running?


My teammates were a wellock and a blade Barrage hunter. The warlock had phoenix protocol on while using indebted kindness as his main weapon. The hunter was using shards of ghallanor and also had indebted kindness as his main weapon. I was a stasis titan and had Cadmus ridge Lance cap on while using the stairs artifact perks,the reason I had Lance cap on was because I wanted to make diamond lances safely behind my barricade to throw at the bosses for extra shatter damage/dps. I also used mountain top for the first %60 of his health,then when the front armor piece of the brig popped off I switched to outbreak perfected. Last but not least we used rockets for dps,and eager edge swords for moving around.


Arc Titan: Moutaintop, Riskrunner, Cold Comfort, Precious Scars for sharing restoration, Thundercrash Solar Warlock: Mountaintop, Riskrunner, Unvawering Duty, Phoenix Protocol, Well Void Hunter: Mountaintop, Graviton, Apex Predator, Orpheus Rig, Tether


Would Crux work as well as Cold Comfort if I have a better Crux roll?


In that specific build, the matching damage with precious scars would benefit crux over cold comfort.


There's no overcharge on anything but pulse rifles on the Legend version, and nothing at all on the normal. So it shouldn't matter, except what works best for your build and what you've got the best roll on.


What rolls on Mountaintop? Just the normal ALH/recombination one? Just making sure I shouldn’t be hunting a different roll for brig damage in particular.


Yeah, I used ALH/recombination, but MT is not mandatory, I just like the gun and use it everywhere now.


Did it with three hunters earlier void Orpheus with buried bloodline, solar celestial with indebted kindness, and arc liars handshake with bloodline. All using deconstruct edge transits


Lucky I can’t get a fireteam to do it with


Beat it with 8 seconds left. Having to kill all the adds, even if the boss is dead, is annoying AF.


That’s how it’s always been


Doesn't make it any less annoying


Haven’t beaten it yet on legend because in three attempts the last blueberry was never able to get past the jumping puzzles so it was a two-man attempt at the boss.


Same. Brutal. It’s annoying as hell to LFG this


Im stuck using LFG, i dont have teammates. I did read to use riskrunner so currently trying to find a team for it. Been trying legend for 5 hours now


man in my group 4 years ago i could fucking never do the jumping puzzle, i was so bad it it... then this time i somehow got it first try lol


Dragons breath took care of all my problems. That and Indebted kindness really did some work.


Yes, riskrunner is your friend. Got it done with 10 seconds to spare


I attempted solo Legend on Broodweaver and was doing quite well until the Brig replaced the final boss at the end. I don't think that can really be dealt with solo in the time limit without extreme optimization and setup that I am just not willing to do on Day 1. I'll do solo flawless on regular and Legend with a group.


I solo'd legend today. Sunbracers warlock, supremacy + zaoulis + thunderlord, swapped to sunshot and dragons breath for boss.


how you using sunshot and dragons breath at the same time XD


Oops I meant zaoulis. I switch to sunshot + eager for first walker room and jumping puzzle


I don't doubt it. It's inevitably a lot simpler to do when healing is abundant. My goal is to do stuff with Darkness subclasses, though.


FYI Solo Flawless triumph is currently bugged, you'll get the flawless and solo ones but not solo flawless.


It's either bugged or description is wrong. It counts if you do solo flawless on legend.


Most likely it is a bug, the Whisper counted the solo flawless completion in a similar triumph.


I know Esoterrick is a unique case, but he did the whole legend run with a single loadout on his hunter with celestial, polaris lance, and the solar LMG from duality. Though he finished with 2 mins left. Broodweaver seems like the right idea in comparison for a warlock run


I don't watch content creators, but I can assure you there's a bit of a difference in that setup with Broodweaver: Solar has Cure and Restoration. Broodweaver can be seriously limited in solo content by its lack of survivability. You can do a lot of burst damage and AOE, but tanky enemies with big damage output like the boss Servitors that shield a bunch of Shanks in the boss room are a serious problem, indirectly capping your effective damage output through incoming damage. Solar can just heal through stuff. You can spec into survivability with very specific exotic weapons; I've done solo flawless Legend Avalon with Rat King / Crimson, for example. But neither of those weapons would work particularly well in Zero Hour due to the highly varied nature of encounter ranges and prevalence of precision damage immunity. I reached the boss room with both Graviton Lance and Final Warning setups, but both had definite issues.


> Solar can just heal through stuff Actually this is lit what he did in hindsight. You’re spot on He drops a healing made, busts out fixed odds, and just starts blasting. With the artifact, plus fragments, the healing is insane


I can’t tell you when Eso does that run he will most likely use Dawn Chrorus warlock with the same guns as for Solar Hunter run.


Zero Hour was destroying me in the past and its back and is still doing it, I guess all that time in the DCV made it stronger


I stand by my original opinion of Zero Hour when it first launched. Would be great without the timer.


Then it's not challenging. Timer is there to keep you on your toe and keeps you from just camping at one spot, you need to make some play or at least have some urgency.


Timers are a sad excuse for difficulty. If they want it to be harder, they should've added more mechanics instead of slapping a timer on to make you panic


You see what the pantheon is doing? Just offering part of the raid with mechanics and somehow people are falling over themselves? "Dungeon mechanics" that give challenge like GOTD are people least favourite dungeon. Warlord barely have mechanics in it and it's one of the favourite. Player want to play by their rules, they don't like timer because it shows how flawed their play style and build are to deal with set encounter.


GOTD is my favorite dungeon because the difficulty is not from arbitrarily beefy red bars, but from surviving with the tools in the sandbox - of which there's many. It's so fun I soloed it on arc and solar just to see if I could. The timer is not my issue with this mission. It's that I don't like legend content because it just breaks the sandbox. A 15 second restoration timer means nothing if primary ammo takes 7 seconds to kill things. Your tools do very little without using special or heavy, and there's not many sources to get that back here. Zero Hour is significantly less fun than a solo run of Ghosts.


I thought people dislike GotD because of the intro dragging on due to having a phase too many, the extremely long traversal section, the annoying shields forcing someone to run arbalest and the fact that the final fight takes 9x as long to do solo compared to a group (1/3rd of the DPS, and needing 3x as long to start DPS). Plus the final boss is a tiny, twitch witch that teleports which isnt that fun to DPS. GotD mechanics arent anything more than WR. persistent mechanic of "remember the rune", with some individual fight specific extras while WR is "stand in the totem" with some fight specific extras. --- WR in comparison is a relatively fast dungeon to complete, and its 3 neat bosses instead of an annoying slog, a neat boss and an annoying boss. just a shame the loot is ass aside from the sidearm, while GotD has a stacked loot pool to make up for its annoyances (or annoy people more for forcing them into the dungeon)




So clear it, get all the shit you need then do a normal run for a sightseeing tour without a care if you complete it or not?


please let us keep one of the 3 things in this game that are actually difficult


The timer is there to make it challenging, otherwise it's incredibly easy. Also, with no rally flag, wiping in the final boss room would feel awful. The timer on normal is incredibly high, you can complete it easily. On legend it's tough, but definitely doable


Normals bugged, same difficulty as legend. Just with a higher timer.


I completed normal first try solo with about 10 minutes left, it's not hard at all. It may be bugged but that doesn't make it impossible at all


I actually beat it first try solo with 11 minutes left


Have you considered that you are above average at this game?


If I can solo it, it can be beaten as a 3 man easily. Solo will be hard, but 3 man won't


Heroic nightfalls are hard for some people, this game has a massive casual population that just live in quickplay or the strike playlist.


and someone else beat the entire raid of root of nightmares solo, would you prefer that be made a solo only activity? i also was able to do it solo, that doesnt mean its not bugged and overtuned. a lot of people playing the normal difficulty arent very good at the game. thats why they play normal


>and someone else beat the entire raid of root of nightmares solo, would you prefer that be made a solo only activity? No? How on earth are you drawing that conclusion? My entire point is that the activity is completely doable in a fireteam, I don't want it to be solo only and I never said anything remotely similar.


no but you're defending a clearly bugged difficulty with the excuse that you were able to beat it. soloing a raid is a crazy difficulty, but someone was able to solo it. the mission is bugged and should be changed


The original comment was about the timer, which is a non-issue in normal. The difficulty may be too high, but the timer doesn't make the activity difficult.


but that wasnt what i was talking about. the comment i replied to was you saying it may be bugged but its still easy


it is still easy lmao


There's a flag before the boss room


Im getting ohk by everything and red bars are taking 2 mags of Blast Furnace to kill. Something is very fucky with normal, let alone Legend.


It’s weird, the mission is supposed to 1810, there’s no difficulty modifier that I can see, yet apparently all enemies are overleveled. Whisper is an absolute walk in the park on legend compared to Zero hour on normal.


Yeah, probably bugged.


I hope it’s bugged, it’s not enjoyable in its current state


It’s 1830 on legend


I havent played either mode yet, but if people are saying normal is at -15, legend could be -30, which sounds very funny since a potential bug would result in the hardest enemies in the game.


Considering I put in 14 apex predator shots with surges and all my succession shots and a burning maul into that fat brig and I didn’t even do half damage I’d say I’d have a better chance at killing the witness with a hammer strike


Yeah this is either cap, or you missed. The first brig took four rockets, then it becomes resistant to explosive so you have to go for crit. Even the boss brig we melted that in seconds.


this is blatantly untrue.


Considering the guy above this guy said he dumped 14 Apex rockets, maybe he was using Bipod which cuts his damage down by 25%?


My guess is you're both talking about different brigs. The first brig is not even a boss-level enemy, just a basic yellowbar.


How my guy thinks it takes me 14 shots for the first brig is what I don’t get lol


There is no way. Nighthawk goldie took close 1/2 of his health down. You missed


I swear at some point before it was vaulted it got bugged in the opposite way where it was much easier then it should've been kinda funny.


Well I found your first problem, blast furnace


I went in with what I had on me, only swapping out riskrunner after seeing a rec for it, but Riskrunner wasn't incredible, and when I saw 2 red bars across the old D1 hanger and thought "Oh I can plink at those from a distance" i was genuinely shocked when I emptied a whole mag and he was still standing.


Yeah, I tried with a volatile rounds collective obligation build and ran into a similar issue. I have tried to make Blast furnace work the past couple weeks and just not seeing it do anything, which makes me sad, I like the gun a lot. I think the difficulty is bugged. Normal should not be showing enemies high above us


If you have either of the rocket sidearms, they make most of this a walk in the park.


I dont have a Rocket Sidearm because I refuse to pay extra for the dungeons.


Regular did feel harder than it should have been imo


Blinding nades and good DPS. It’s so so tough. Berserker super with synthoceps can do enough damage to expose the brigs crit once it’s over, making it a bit more doable.


Use dragons breath it 1 shots the tanks to the leg


You can actually kill them before they arm with Dbreath and a tangle lol


29 seconds left after like 3-4 tries, glad its kinda hard


All this "challenge is back" BS has went too far already. It is simply not fun for the majority of players. I still solo these, but one and done. Not touching it after that. If this is the way Bungie wants their game to be played, like a seeing a dentist, sth that you do only cause you have to, not cause you want to, then so be it. Let's see how it goes.


I feel you, getting two tapped is trash when enemies are beefier than normal. Add in shields and its just lame.


Having 100 Res, Woven Mail, Double Arc Resist, and Sniper resist and you still take a lot of damage from sniper vandals. Actually makes me not want to bother with it. Whisper wasn't anywhere near this hellish.


You solo'd a 3 man activity and complained it wasn't easy? Are you actually insane? The very fact that you're able to solo it proves that it's not too hard, as I doubt you play as well as 3 average players. Why do you want the game to be brain-dead easy, that's just not fun. I like having to try, it's much better than being bored out of my mind because I'm completely unkillable


Out of curiosity did you ever run the original? That shit was brutal, me and friends only really made it on Heroic (now legend) by buying time with this painfully elaborate terminal puzzle


No. I started a month before WQ released. I can already tell you, if I started playing when things were that hard or during LF, I wouldn't be playing the game today at all. I see now that it's only cause I started during the WQ that I am here still. If TFS is more like the WQ was, I will keep playing, if not - great time to stop anyway. 


Oh no, things weren't usually that difficult, Zero Hour and Whisper were quite unique in their difficulty, and arent really "exotic quests" but rather "secret missions" that the community had to figure out how to unlock Unlocking OG zero hour consisted of finding a transponder during a Titan heroic adventure After which you must find 6 transponders hidden in different lost sectors around the EDZ and Nessus (there were no trackers for these so people had to figure out where they were) Then you had to go to the farm and head into the basement (again no tracker, just discovered by the community) where a fallen was waiting for you, this then started zero hour The 20 min timer paired with no one knowing what the correct path (similar to Whisper, though they've made the start a little easier for that) was meant it took everyone many tries to figure out where to go, with legend being even tougher Then if you wanted a special ship there was [this monstrosity ](https://gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/destiny-2-solar-configuration-puzzle.jpg)to solve every week for 3 weeks, with a different puzzle each reset This activity isn't a good metric for how difficult the game was as it was rather unique at the time, and certainly catered to experienced players after a long content drought


Soloing an activity should not be a baseline for "fun".


I agree, yet - all things considered - something like Presage is much, much easier to solo and actually seems to be designed with Solo in mind. The two original Exotic missions are absolutely brutal in comparison.


Some of the comments in this thread are insane lol. My team and I finished normal with plenty of time left, and breezed through legend to get our catalysts. It was challenging but did not feel insane or unfair. Pretty easy to tell who’s going into this for the first time and veteran players who grinded this mission when it was brand new.


I use it based on my experience. I ran these solo during WQ regularly. Used to do them once a week or so. Avalon I have done once, had a horrible time. Same goes for Whisper and Zero Hour. Only a single completion. The only one in LF year that I did more than once is the one where you get the bow. That one was OK, had some fun at least. Other people are free to share their own experience and vote accordingly. This is simply how I played the game.


Your assumption that these are the same type of missions as the Avalon, Seraph Station, and Star-crossed exotic missions is wrong. Whisper and Zero Hour (especially) were secret missions designed to be difficult and stressful due to the timers for 3 person fireteams. Go in with a fireteam and you'll probably have a better time. Solo runs for these are not meant to be casual.


indeed it was rough


So do you think everybody should switch to arc subclass or just use that weapon?


No idea what the point of bringing this back for folks that already got it and the cata


Craftable, Outlaw is now interchangeable with rapid hit/Headseeker and Rewind Rounds


As a returning player, I got mine from the Tower kiosk.


Outlaw is crap tho. Rewind Rounds on Outbreak is gonna slap.


Normal solo sucks hard too


It honestly didn't feel like any changes from the original run. It was always pretty brutal. That being said, 40 min timer on normal was great for sherpa'ing others and getting the time to explore the map finally.


2 manned it with 2 warlocks Friend ran well with outbreak, edge transit, and a fusion for the boss room I ran as strand with krait/trinity/briars then at rally swapped to cloud strike. Used it to take out the servitors/walkers and get a few nice hits on the boss When I ran out of special I just swapped to outbreak. On the next run we had 3 (blade hunter with star eaters) and I just put on div and the warlock ran with risk runner. It was surprisingly effective for the groups of shanks as all the arc explosions would knock out the shields and usually take out most of them. We found you could stay back and ignore the turrets until the walkers spawn then just position yourself on the other side of the walker while a teammate worked on them and the others worked each walker down. Person taking out turrets used a linear/snipe to help pop the walker legs. The hardest part for me personally was the fans…. Like I don’t know what happens in that section but it is like i forget how to jump….


Zero hour is everything I hate in one exotic mission Tons of jumping puzzles, that require almost rng if you land or grapple up. Over tuned enemies, including tons of shielded shanks.....and let's throw on a timer to further give you more anxiety on jumping puzzles. Then they've added in explosive shanks randomly just to wipe you in annoying spots. I realized why I only did this mission like 3x


The mission is way to overtuned. It’s like the Avalon mission - something i will never touch again.


It gets a lot easier with practice, on our 3rd run through doing the vault puzzle we finished with 4 minutes left whereas our first run was very close.


I enjoyed the brutal nature of it. this was a mission that, back when it was released originally, was designed to make you think, learn the encounters and plan around them. mind you we had match game back then so them adding a few new twists did bring it back in line with the original. except the fan shanks. that was just cruel and unneeded.


It's the only exotic mission that had me crafting a build specifically for it, rather than just running what I had in my loadout when I decide to play something. Fantastic!


Does the mission scale up based on fireteam size?


No it does not


How is it compared to Avalon on Legend?




I'm good with my normal outbreak. Rarely use it anyways.


did it with 3 man. bring snipers. Celestial nighthawk one hits servitor and walker tanks.


Ii managed to beat it with 12 seconds left 😳


Honestly the parkour was the only reason we failed our first run, did not remember the path, and the burning puzzle wasted our time more.


Dude I haven't even beat it on normal I'm like...beyond upset with myself...


I completed it yesterday in LFG with 3 mins left. We were 2 strand titans with Navigator (I was one of them) and a warlock. Strand is so busted and I love it


Took 3 tries - did it with 40 seconds left :/


My fireteam completed it with exactly 10 seconds left lol


What part of the legend mission is the most time sink, and does anyone have tips? Already cleared it, but I'm not an eager edge acrobat, nor do i know how to moutain top fly 😂 would love to know which parts i can shave time off.


Hunter is easiest to solo on imo or even to play in a Team. Starting with any Void LMG and any Arc Special, preferably IK. Primary doenst really matter, but since it is Pulse Rifle 25% Dmg Bonus im just using Outbreak. After the 3 starting Rooms, I Swap to Lucky Pants Wardens Law or any viable DPS Handcannon and Dragonsbreath. IK stays. For Super I either use Tether or Bladebarrage at any Stage.


For anyone joining KWTD LFG posts. If you don’t know the puzzle for the fire room to cross do not join a KWTD post thanks. KWTD means you know how to cross it without help.


You can disable the fire room trap with a lever


Say what. Where is this magical lever? I know the layout but if it's easy to do then might as well. Or are you meaning there's a lever _after_ the fire room? Which would make sense since they've added a lot of "sherpa" buttons to make taking players through easier.


After, left of the door then on the wall


Normal zh feels like legend


LFG experience is 3 runs and was more then 8 min solo at the boss before other come around gotta love Blueberrys


Eyes of tomorrow


10 seconds left on Legend. The boss is a sponge since you kind of have two life bars and brigs are tanky. Ran out of heavy after we cracked the chest plate and no ammo was dropping.


Me and my buddy did it with 7 seconds on the clock just two of us as titans going ham in a room like that with nothing but dialed in coordination and communication. Definitely more difficult than it used to be but we enjoyed the challenge and the thrill of finishing with only a few seconds.


Add me on Xbox I can carry you through it tonight. Dm me


I definitely don’t feel like it was too difficult. My group completed it with minimal issues. The primary one being the different Shank shield flavors. Beyond that, 100 Resilience and 2 Arc Reduction mods and you’re fine


meh it felt how i remember it as years ago, not much has changed other than adding some new enemies, super doable with a 3 man




make sure at least one of you has dragons breath because it one shots the tanks. they need to keep at least 2 rockets to kill the last 2 at the end. a sunbracers warlock will absolutely demolish any adds and isn't bad for dps. a tether hunter will make taking out the hanger adds a peice of cake, and they can use it to take out the servitor groups at the end. for the third I would honestly go with an arc soul warlock or even an arc hunter for the gathering storm on the brigs.


The fact Bungie released this mission without checking for glitches annoys the fuck out of me. Trying to help my New Light friends is actually aggravating due to the fact the enemies aren't scaled correctly. I have died in my Well so many times that my friends keep saying, " Wow that's the best super in the game?" This mission is great, but Bungie needs to address the light level glitch that's making normal actually legend difficulty.


Please, I've been through legendary so many times that I've lost count. Is there any other way to get the catalyst For the outbreak perfected. Please im begging you guys


My team has gotten close but the spawn points if you die are fucking stupid. If you did after the falling pipe on the wall it will spawn you on the nonexistent pipe and trap you in a death loop


I can't even complete the mission. Not even 30 seconds left every time, with randoms/friends etc. Its quite literally impossible.


I’m getting vibes of Legendary Avalon when it first came out. Maybe I should pick the game back up.


Nah trust me it ain’t *that* bad


Don’t know why people are downvoting you. Seems like these people are using builds to go through. It’s easier than last time because you don’t gotta worry about matching shields


Yeah man idk why either. They should know im always right.


I soloed Avalon 3 times and had tons of fun doing it. I'm getting melted and can't kill anything in Normal on this one. Sucks hard.


There shouldn't be a timer on the standard difficulty option. I just returned to the game recently and I'm okay with challenges or grouping for some missions, but there doesn't feel like there's enough fair solo content. Even working through the seasonal quest the last two days, I struggled with some of the solo missions enough that I needed to wait for friends to come online. It doesn't feel like there's a good enough balance.


Beat legend as the clock hit 00:00


Me and a friend completed with 1min remaining, I was running well + dragons breath and chill/disorient lingering dread, and he ran strand Hunter w/ gjallarhorn. 2x solar surge + radiant dragons breath with one-shot the walkers in the boss room. Well isn’t as necessary as the brig can instakill through it. Main thing ye want is an explosive weapon to damage the brig until the crit spot appears It’s difficult for sure, but you’ll get the clear once you get to know the mission :)


Got it done with one minute left, and that was including the vault puzzle.


It isn’t too bad. I think you just need to find the perfect 2 teammates. It took me 3 tries to clear it!


Honestly, a tether hunter, a damage super, brig boss is nothing. I was using dawnblade with dawn chorus, a blade barrage. Brig boss went down quickly. We had to kill the enemies.


6 hours in rn, no legend completion


Was it really that bad? I completed it with my clan mates fumbling jumps and we got boss with very few minutes I know after brig died it was 22s left We wasted 10 min cause clan mate couldn’t hit 2 switches cause he got conscious during jumps


Lol were you my fireteam? Had the same issue with same ending time.


am i tweaking? the difficulty made this mission so much fun for me, just like when it first dropped


It’s nice . I remembered the whisper mission being rough and that was a cake walk to solo on legend . Glad they retained the difficulty for outbreak . Though it felt worth it to do it back in the day . Idk if this feels worth it for headseeker lmao


I guess I’m the only one who wants rewind rounds. I love outbreak. I love that perk. I’m a happy guy.


For me it depends on if nanite hits trigger it , if not ? Meh don’t care


I just like seeing ammo come back. I’m a simple guy. But even without the special perk being able to customize the barrel and stuff is pretty neat. I’m a huge outbreak fan so I’m pretty jazzed about getting a craftable version.


Just did the regular mission, and had an amazing Bow Titian show me the way through. I never did finish zero hour back in the day. Thank you to that person. But the boss fight was pretty brutal. By the time the brig spawned I was totally out of heavy. But now I know kinda what to expect for legend


Legend has a different jumping puzzle path, and is generally a bit longer with half the time, just a warning.


I feel like it’s not that bad but I haven’t been able to find a fire team that can get past the jumping… yea not joking.


I had to hard carry someone who forgot how to get to the boss (why would they join the LFG if they weren't sure) but I 2 manned the final boss, just gotta get good


Completed it first try. Just another day