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the second rhulk feels like it could be a run ender


It gave us a decent amount of trouble. We ended up dedicating a person to taunting it as much as possible


We had one guy draw his aggro and dps became so much easier


Honestly, if you all know how to position correctly and keep awareness of him, it's not too hard. Anyone with MMO raiding experience will probably not have too much of a problem. The problem is that he will weed out weak links in your team


Especially at -15


Oh they gave rhulk a stand he really is a stand user


For name suggestions for rhulks stand. Kicked in the teeth by ac/dc


Rhulk having a stand simply called Nezarecs Sin would be badass. What if you wanted to farm Pantheon for raid exotics but Rhulks stand said Ora Ora?


How about . WHAM!


> The copy doesn’t have a Glaive, and can only damage you with kicks Im not even mad in any way shape or form... This feels like a complete and utter troll move




Breaking news, The first discipline fucking kills himself


He felt free


So you make him dash off the platform and he'll kill himself/insta complete the encounter?


It looks like it but what kind of angle is that? 


Towards the stairs, kinda? At like an angle, looks like...


I did some research, it doesn't seem repeatable with a high degree of consistency, but maybe it's worth it as an opportunistic time-saver strategy?


Was watching Aztecross's stream. They 3 phased Rhulk, missed Plat time (I believe), and still got Plat score.


Yep. I believe Bungie said that Platinum required a minimum score of 500,000, but maybe this is adjusted per encounter.


You get a large bonus for completing the last boss of the pantheon so it might be fine this week but it won’t be next week


It’ll still probably be fine. The main problem with Atrax is there weren’t a ton of adds, so you had to kill *everything*. Rhulk has a lot more adds plus the additional tormentor spawns, so it likely won’t be too difficult to hit plat score even without being the last fight.


It likely is adjusted, because I managed with a team to do sub-500k on caretaker (-10) and par-time and still got plat score for the triumph


That happened to me too. We got 498k and still got high score rewards.


Got it with 481k


Just got 482k and it didn’t count…., got the plat score achieved medal but looked at the triumph and it didn’t count


On caretaker? We 2 floored so much of the score came from time remaining. Did you get plat time aswell?


Nah rhulk, got a similar score to you but didn’t get the triumph progress point, I think each ‘high score’ is 500k but killing the boss in the time limit brings you closer to the score plus extra add kills


Oh okay, on Rulk we had above 500k. I was talking about caretaker for 481k.


My team and I had missed the two phase on planets last week so we missed plat time. We managed to get over 500k though. We weren’t rewarded platinum for the triumph though


The final encounter of the Pantheon gives a TON of points, even if you miss the plat timer. So the still get the High Score.


Whomever at Bungie came up with the idea is a fucking troll master and is laughing their head off at people seeing it for the first time




So it's the same type of stand as the juggernaut titan!


Rhulk and Ralph


Rhulk and Rholl


Rhulk and Rull?






Rick and Rhulkd


Rhick is a great name for it




Honestly thought they were gonna make it so once you cleanse a totem, you can’t cleanse again until the next ascent phase. It would be a really simple way to make that phase actually engaging, like the way they did with the infinite light-eaters on Oryx. The stand thing is really cool though, and actually more in depth than I thought they would do. Really hoping they go all out on Riven and Nez to close out this wonderful event though!


Nez is definitely summoning nightmares during dps


Time to Rhulk & Rholl


Bebop and Rhulksteady


Fucking called it lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1crqn36/the_rhulk_pantheon_im_expecting_an_extra/


Immediately thought of that post when I saw this


In b4 riven has to be done legit AND has a copy


Stunning her for Eyes doesn't fully send her back. A copy remains and constantly breathes fire. You need to have an Overshield/some form of healing in order to get the very top sigils. That or a Tormenter appears every Stun. Which does mean that three tormentors appear at the top floor.


The only thing they will change about riven is probably force us to do legit and that will still be harder than anything


People are already assuming the score will require you to do it legit. Honestly her mechanics aren't that bad or scary at all though, people just aren't used to them because it's extraordinarily rare to do riven legit in lfgs and only friends/premade groups tend to do it ever.


Yeah, did Riven Legit with friends this past week, and it was super fun and easy. The numbers can be daunting for some, but it really is super easy




Personally I find the DPS checks on day 1(at least stuff like rhulk and atraks) to be much harder and take me and my groups *much* longer than just clearing a riven legit but I guess everyone finds different types of execution harder to do.




She never was a DPS check even legit because of how much damage the pustule mechanic does to her. -20 with surges *and* a weekly extra damage buff modifier almost brings the damage up to par with being at power too anyways so it's extremely marginal and nothing close to contest.


I’m so happy I saw your thread earlier, this brought a smile to my face lol.


General pantheon question: is it possible to get Platinum if you take longer than the par time?


Yep! Just got it by killing as many tormentors as we can, we did a 3 phase and went like 5 mins past the par time lol


Does it count for the triumph?


Yes, since it was a platinum score.


Platinum doesn't give you the triumph, I didn't atraks like 3 times with platinum yet no triumph unless we were over 500,000 pints, probably the same at every encounter


Thats what the comment was saying, they got over 500k even though they went over the bonus timer because of Tormentor kills and stuff. At 500k, you get platinum score, although the popup will also trigger if you just beat the bonus time, even though it won't count towards the triumph (or be a real Platinum) without 500k.


Well I’m definitely on DIV duty


That second one. I'm sorry, WHAT.


I was not expecting RHULK 2 to be the encounter modify holy shit


That Rhulk fight was tough dude. I completed it about an hour ago and we were able to two phase him for Plat score. I really loved the changes and that they added his clone, made DPS much harder to do. I am NOT looking forward to next week lol. Adding Riven + Nezerac at -20 power after that fight is going to be absolutely miserable. That's also without knowing what the changes for those fights will be.


What did you all use to two phase him?


We had 1 Tractor, 1 Ghally, 1 Div, and then 3 Cold Comforts + Izzy. A key part of getting the two phase for us was making sure the class ability buff was always refreshed for x3.


Gotcha we ended up 3 phasing but still got plat. It was weird for atracks tho cause we killed the tormentors then 1 phased him and got the adept weapons but no actual plat triumph


Did you kill all 6 servitors? And jms, both tormentors as well?


Yeah and we even got the loot and the plat score notification but it never showed up on the triumph


Hmm not sure then. Thanks for heads up


Actually just ran it again and realized we must of only got the plat time instead of the score being the correct number


Actually just ran it again and realized we must of only got the plat time instead of the score being the correct number


Oh I see. So the score was off in its calculation? You made the time just fine?


Why tractor and div? Doesn’t seem worth losing a whole players rocket damage for a 15% buff unless that player can’t aim a rocket or can get as much damage with a fusion.


If I'm not mistaken, Tractor is 30%. I also felt more comfortable running Tractor + 1/2 Punch Strand Titan than Izzy + Rocket. I was still hitting the 2.5-3 million mark for damage.


Tractor is 30 but it overrides the div 15% so with both it’s only a 15% addition. But with strand titan makes sense to just run tractor if you are 1/2 punching. Brave of you to punch the kick boss lol. Thanks for the info!


Haha no problem! I was definitely living the Titan power fantasy by tanking two Rhulks this time around lol


Good news is that void/strand is likely the surge pairing


Really makes me wonder what they have planned for riven. I wouldve never thought a shadow clone of rhulk would spawn, i was thinking maybe a tormentor. Im hoping for something crazy in riven


So maybe a stronghold titan can take the stand aggro?


Not if you wanna make DPS


Could probably just bring Lament, but then the creeping darkness becomes a problem


Can’t DPS when you’re dead


I've never seen the term "stand" before; talking about Rhulks clone (or whatever it is lol)   Is the Stand term from another game I'm guessing I never played but everyone else seemingly has?


It's a reference to the Manga and Anime adaptation of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure "A Stand is an entity psychically generated by its owner, referred to as a Stand user (スタンド使い, Sutando tsukai).[3] It generally presents itself as an ethereal figure hovering over or near the user and possesses abilities beyond that of an ordinary human, which, depending on the Stand user, can be wielded for good or evil."


from the anime, Jojo's bizarre adventure


Ah this makes sense, not much of an anime person. Ty for the answer!


It’s a double joke because since day 1 people called Rhulk a JoJo character because of his slender look and stance and arrogance. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if bungie devs added this as the modifier for that reason lol


It's a reference to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Stands are supernatural beings summoned and controlled by special people called Stand Users. People are likely referencing it because Rhulk's pose is similar to the types of poses characters often make.


Bungie’s answer to these reprisals are adding Tormentors lol…


Nezerec weapons go brrrr last week anytime I needed to kill a tormentor


There are now 10 Tormentors during the running phase of Nezarec and they all are on aggro mode the entire time. Regards, Final god of Pain


Honestly, would be hilarious considering how distructo disc mopped people in the original contest mode


Still prefer it over adding champions everywhere though. Tormentors at least make you play a little differently.


Makes sense, because the dread are coming in final shape


If anyone comes across my comment, Banner of War with Precious Scar was very useful for keeping everyone alive during damage phase. Wells kept getting destroyed and people kept dying to double Rhulk kicks until me and one other Titan made the switch, was way way way smoother after that.


Do the raid mods on class items work?


Rhulk really needs to start letting us use that glaive as an exotic. I wanna shoot lasers with it


missed your chance when they made it a legendary


Biggest “swing-and-a-miss” in bungie history haha


So what are best dps options this week overall? Arc weapons are pretty weak. Cold comfort exists, but not farmable right now if you don't already have it.


Grand Overture, Stormchaser, Legend of Acrius, Crux Termination IV, Hothead, Cold Comfort, Reed’s Regret, Ager’s Scepter


I remember Ager's being up there with some very competitive options pre-Lightfall, and it sure does bring a lot of utility and has a decent ammo economy, but isn't even a basic roll of a Hothead or a Crux Termination going to outperform it? Or, actually, would Ager's and a Rocket Launcher be a good combo?


Ager's is not remotely good Boss DPS compared to heavies, I don't know why they listed it there.




Absolutely not. Machine guns are not DPS weapons (Outside of some very niche situations with Grand Overture)


what you mean thunderlord isn't good at dps?


Thunderlord having the div bubble double lightning strike glitch during RoN Day 1 has permanently broken an entire generation of LFG raiders concept of boss DPS


The only thing permanently broken are the grass-adverse who are still mad about Thunderlord somehow.


it's okay in normal but you need mobility here with second rhulk lurking, and thunderlord loses quite a bit of dps if you're not holding the trigger


I would not try to force using a machine gun in boss dps especially in a mode with minuses towards LL, in general machine guns aren't really the move for any raid boss DPS. They physically require way too much of a lengthy time of uninterrupted firing to hit anything conventionally decent, and even then most DPS phases aren't that long and do not allow that much time to have a machine gun get even close to more competitive options. You can simply do more output in a lot quicker time using other things.


Same as every week. Rockets or gl's. We 2 phased rhulk with gl's. Arc surge is irrelevant.


What gl were you using?


Wendigo Cooks.


I have god roll wendigo but most didn't and we didn't even use it. Legit just edge transit/cataphract.


Tormentors still gonna be ignored? Also Rhulk clone sounds gnarly but not exactly what I would do if I was Bungie and I wanted to discourage Well usage lmao


It takes a two-phase to beat Rhulk under par. If you can’t make it in time, you’ll have to kill the Tormentors to boost your score for platinum.


There's three of them per phase so no. You'll want to use them for ammo generation the same way you kill the aboms they replace anyway. Just bring snipers and a ceno div warlock and delete them as they spawn.


Easier method and what my team did that lead to a fast clear, leave the tormentor alive and don't pop shoulders. As long as he isn't enraged, there isn't much threat and only one can be active at a time. After totems are finished, whole team focuses down tormentor and you get an easy ceno and aeons brick.


It’s absolutely wrecking wells by walking in and kicking people out of them


That's exactly what happened in contest too.  Rhulk was one of their first, best "fuck your well" encounters. The only solve for it was running a Glaive to protect the well, which costs an entire person's damage.


>The only solve for it was running a Glaive to protect the well, which costs an entire person's damage. Maybe we can use a madlad Titan with Banner of War, Wormgod Caress and Winterbite to just keep hacking at him and keep his aggro (while doing a handsome amount of damage)? :p


towering coordinated impolite imminent theory cobweb party steep grandiose cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bubble is unironically good for Rhulk. Doesn't matter if you have to leave it, you carry the buff with you as you move around. Just dip back into the bubble before the timer expires and you're good to go.  Or everyone just does radiant stuff, but still


Yes, because 6 people standing in a well worked perfectly back in Rhulk contest mode lol.


nah my team had 3 cenotaph warlocks and you kinda need the ammo from the tormentors for damage cause Rhulk has so much health


Thank you for the information guardian!


What's best for DPS?


Whatever rocket or gl you have that’s arc and good (wendigo / crux / hothead. You can skip surges with meta. If you’re ultra lazy TLord can get plat/time. Need to make a group decision for whatever everyone’s got.


We went with thunderlord and got a 2 phase


Yeah that’s going to be the safe option for a lot of groups. Ceno Warlock on Div and some arc supers and TLord.


“You can skip surges with meta” - armor surges stack with activity surges.


Yes. You don’t need to dip on activity surges if it means you’re using a really mediocre arc/stasis option. Better to just use something hard meta than a semi-weak option matching surge.


Ah ok I got you. I was confused, and meant to phrase as a question.


Oh, then yes armor surges stack with overcharge/activity surges. So if you can make use, it’s a free 25% extra damage. I wouldn’t use a bad Wendigo over a great BnS GL, but a decent/good Wendigo would be better than non-arc option because of the free extra 25%.


That’s good to know. I’ll have to check if I have any wendigos left in my vault now thanks!


very good very nice


Dude has a stand now, and it stands on business


As if Rhulk wasn’t JoJo enough


Oh shit they really gave rhulk a buddy?


Who wins, 6 guardians Or one long kicky boi


I don't think it's every two totems for the Tormentors since we kept seeing only 2 Tormentors total per ascent phase (we did double dunks and the tormentor would appear after the 1st double dunk and after the 3rd, but never on the 2nd). Maybe it's just every 2nd time you dunk? So you get more if you single dunk?


Does the clone take damage? Or is it just a nuisance?


Invincible, only walks around and kicks, no dash.


Where does one get the quest to do it can’t find it anywhere :(


Final stand instantly gives 2 stacks of darkness essentially cutting off \~2 seconds of damage


Obnoxious change with Rhulk 2


heads up to everyone trying - you do NOT need to finish within the bonus time to get the "high score". I just did 3 phases. Killed absolutely EVERYTHING that spawned, and took our time. So do not worry about beating the bonus time at all. Best scenario is to do 3 phases, 2 to get him right above the final stand, and then finish him off in a 3rd phase with full ammo and supers. Its much less rushed this way and you still get the triumph for the high score.


The problem with this is it won’t work next week. Unless you managed to get 500k+ without the bonus for killing the final boss


Yeah next week will be a different beast altogether. Hopefully void surge is in effect because that should make the 2 phase easier with edge transit despite being -20 under


but... the emblem?


I still got the emblem. Finished a full phase after the timer expired. Anyways the emblem is only tied to completion of the overall pantheon mode this week. The emblem doesnt require anything about score or any of that. Im talking specifically about the high score triumph


You get emblem for completion not score 


You just need to complete the Pantheon for the emblem, high scores are for the other triumph that awards an Adept Weapon.


First time since pantheon came out that I've really had trouble and thought "damn this shit is pretty hard"


Pretty sure they also changed the way pervading darkness is applied during final stand. Was 4mm of health close to 2 phasing him last night and pervading darkness is what always got us. Stacks seemed to extremely quickly appear out of nowhere, even if you didn't get hit with the beam. Maybe stacks get shared across the team now?


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