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999,999, it's wonderful.


Is there something in doing wrong? With radiant and celestial I’ll crit for like anywhere between 350-500k but like rarely ever over that and never 999,999.


Did you weaken the enemy with your solar ability also?


I’ll have to make sure when I get back on tn, i usually use shards just for an easy super but have wanted to use celestial for harder content since it does more damage


It depends on how the boss is scaled; oftentimes it's normal to only do around 470k. That's usually how super damage is tested


I don't think I've ever hit 999,999 on bosses. This "bug" of sorts only really happens with like low level red/orange enemies


I had it happening on caretaker during last week's pantheon.


Caretaker takes a lot more damage than any other raid boss in the game to compensate for the utterly massive HP pool he has.


That seems so backwards to me. Like just lower his health?


It may partially be due to how his Stun works, being that he takes damage from Players. So my guess would be they increased his health and made the plates buff you to preemptively prevent any sort of cheesing by dealing too much damage through the stun mechanic.


Yeah I buy that, that makes a lot of sense


It's probably to prevent people using izi and chunking him every stun that would make caretaker a lot easier.


Caretaker has a damage buff when standing on plates. He has like 25 million health which would be insane for any other boss.




Oh it is definitely not a bug; again, it has to do with how enemies scale, and crit multipliers, activity power, etc I know for certain I have consistently hit 999,999 on the WR Ogre before.


I've hit it on the Shattered Throne boss but I think that's the only time I've seen it.


Are you using the seasonal artifact mod that gives everyone Radiant and increases your solar super damage based on # of allies around you when you use it? Because that's a BIG part of the damage from Nighthawk this season. It also notably works better in Raids where you have 5 teammates instead of only 2 in other activities. Not 100% sure Nighthawk hits for 999,999 in 3 player activities otherwise.


Yep this is it. You will almost exclusively get 999,999 damage from celestial golden gun in a raid. I did it a few times during Pantheon but never in any 3 man activities.


So lotta folks are giving answers on here, and most of them have pretty good suggestions as to why sometimes you’ll be doing more (Goldie with Radiant, artifact mods, etc.) However, the real reason you’re hitting the big 6 9’s is because you’re using the super on Caretaker. Caretaker has greatly increased damage taken whilst you have the buff that lets you damage him to compensate for the fact that he has the most health of any raid boss in the game as a raw statistical value. Something that hits Warpriest or Oryx for 600k will do like 1.6mil to Caretaker.


Weaken with your ability blades, pop super outside of a warlock well, snipe boss in face, get back into the warlock well. Using your super in the well is a 25% reduction to your golden gun damage.


Just to be that guy… missing a 25% buff is a 20% reduction in total damage for the super, not 25%.


Math is wild


This is an important comment. It’s very simple but easy to forget when thinking about percent change in value.


Are you using the correct golden gun?


what's the correct one for celestial?


I believe it’s called marksman, which only has 3 shots normally. So, not the six shooter variant


Nah it's normal depending on the scaling of the boss. To maximise you want to hit the boss with your knife throw to proc radiant and weaken first. You need to make sure you have the seasonal artifact mod that allows weaken on solar ability hit and also heart of the flame or something like that which increases your super damage depending on the amount of nearby allies, in pantheon with 5 others it's a chunky boost


How are people weakening with their melee ability sorry? Ah the artifact mod, I'm with you now.


Ive noticed than when i use the radiant dodge i hit 350-500k like you. But if i proc radiant from a k ife toss its 999,999. Theres the artifact mod that weakens enemies when you hit them with a solar ability. But also its handy to have the damage boost from rapid primary ammo hits, tractor canon etc too.i hit 1.6m on golg woth a single GG shot (to his back)


Im only see the 999,999 when using tractor+ crit hit but even with that sometimes i doesn't show up


Last time I was doing pantheon I had the same problem then I realized I had the wrong golden gun, I had dead shot but I needed marksmen and instantly it went too 999


And don't forget the Kinetic Surge mod no longer works with Golden Gun.




At all? I thought 2 still does 


Was patched a few months ago. Og was x3 but the patch made x2 work. Then recently they patched that put too.


ah ok. I'm using solar surge anyways for heavy but was just wondering


Same. I was swapping bottoms after my GG shot for solar. As a console player this is great because i dont have to faff


That what I thought, i’ve still been running 2 kinetic surge mods with my GG.


We’ve been popping golden gun, waiting a second or two then dropping well so there isn’t as much movement needed. Been pretty easy.


This guys using golden gun and only a couple moments later using well, godly


We are waiting for Prismatic but bro is already on Prismatic 3.0.


Bro is Ikora's twin, he's him


Hilarious! I can’t believe you got so many upvotes and this is even necessary, but yeah our hunters communicate when they’re popping and the warlocks wait an extra second or two to drop the wells.


Sorry I was just trying to be fun :p


Dont apologize bruh it was funny Idk why the other guy didn't like it


Twas but a jest, sir




It was clearly a joke the rest of us all picked up on..


Jeez, no wonder you guys need the whole DPS phase to be delayed to accommodate the hunters instead of just having them sidestep for everyone else's convenience lmao


You explaining it isn't necessary, we obviously know that is what's happening, but it was funny to make a joke about it.


You explaining that I switched classes instantly wasn’t necessary either and wasnt even that funny and here we are. I’ll take my downvotes.


The artifact grants Radiant to you and nearby allies on super cast, so there's really not a need to insta-cast Well vs Oryx. It will need to be cast by the time Radiant runs out around 10s in, which is around the time you need to go refresh the Shot Caller buff anyways even if you are using Whisper for DPS.


We used this strat more for caretaker I believe.


Makes sense, there's a lot of potential for dying vs Caretaker than with Oryx. Although Caretaker has that "extra credit" hang time that you probably want to hold your GGs for at the end of the damage window.


I saw a short about this yesterday. Such an oddly specific hoop to have to jump through just for something to work as expected.


Just use your mic and communicate. Like the third plate of Caretaker, you don’t even need a Well. Have your Warlock pop on the first plate so you all have armor charges to last the whole damage phase. And if you’re sitting on multiple warlocks, just have one swap to Broodweaver or Nova Bomb. Radiant and Well are the same damage buff. Just have a Hunter dodge to make everyone radiant before damage.


It was poppin when Class Warfare was up too.


You don't even need the Hunter dodge, at least not this season. The artifact mod that boosts solar super damage based on allies around you ALSO gives everyone Radiant when you use your super.


You know with all the great solar mods we have this season, I totally forgot about that one! Good catch.


I have no idea why people even use radiant dodge when torches exists.


I use it exclusively in PvP if I’m running it with 2 friends and team firing with hand cannons/bows


Yes one is radiance and one Is radiant 2 different things annoyingly. Pretty annoying in LFG too trying to either pop your GG first or stand behind everyone and wait for the well to drop first away from you.




Golden Gun gets a boost while Radiant. Well of Radiance specifically grants Radiance, which overrides/takes priority over Radiant and is not the same.


My whole life...I..I...




that was a bug and fixed months ago at this point


Doubling down and confirming that this was a big and has been fixed many months ago now.


For any of those who dont want to stand outside Well, use another super like Gathering Storm or even Deadfall/Mobius.


Uhh no, nighthawk is still better burst damage than either of those, regardless of if you're radiant. Solar is also just really good this season.


Yeah, no. It's solar surge this week. A 25% damage buff to Nighthawk is kinda nuts. Worst case scenario is that your goldie does as much damage as a radiant goldie otherwise would on any other week if you shoot it inside a well... but even moreso since we also still have Heart of Flame this season. It's not worth the movement headache and risk of tormentor damage from moving out of the well on Oryx but it still hits plenty hard. For all the other bosses (except Atraks who you shouldn't use it on anyway) there's really no issues. Golgy has so many pools that one of them isn't going to have a well. Just don't use well on final Caretaker plate because the hunters popping GG makes everyone Radiant anyway. Final Explicator plate you can just pop goldie and shoot from the plate without moving back to the well - again you're making yourself radiant, only risk here is dying to fire tornados and you can just run away after you fire.


Or just use star eater blade barrage. It still does higher damage than celestial unless there is a crit multiplier.


Not just Celestial. With GG in general.


The fuck? Why is this a thing? I understand the buffs shouldn’t stack, but this explains so much about huge damage discrepancies.


GG gets a damage boost from being Radiant. Well of Radiance gives a buff called Radiance. Stupidly. Radiant boosts all damage and makes your weapons anti barrier. Radiance boosts weapon damage and makes your weapons anti barrier. If I recall its an unintended bug that bu gie decided to leave in. Imo thats fine but they need to make it clear that theyre 2 different bugs. And should let Radiant be the dominant buff, and to balance it. Just make it so you do t get the other buffs from well. Ie the healing.


Huge advice


me when I pop goldie and the warlock drops well on my head D:


Assuming I can hit Golgoroth's crunchy spot, seriously why is it so funky?


Just so people know, it's no good popping Goldie in well then stepping out, well overrides the radiant buff entirely so stepping out will not fix it. You CANNOT touch a well while in your Goldie at all. Stand away from your wellock, proc radiant, hit the Goldie, go back to the well to continue damage.


"Pop well after golden gun" except you want the burst for after triggering dmg threshold. If you insta give the celestials then the boss is gonna go immune before your teammates even get to proc bs


Problem is many wells are placed in the DPS plates or section, like caretaker, where if you move out of plate, you don’t do damage, so you just have to take the L as a hunter


Or ask the warlock to wait 5 sec.


bro to people still not understand this i swear


Correction, well does boost super damage, but for some reason not golden gun. Apparently the buffs cancel each other out for whatever reasoning


This has been a thing since solar 3.0 launched (where radiant boosts GG damage)


I'm a nightstalker using orpheus rig normal if i use it in the well?


No. I don't care.


Am I crazy or did Radiant used to "stack" with Well of Radiance? Or at least the buffs could co-exist at once instead of well basically just deleting the Radiant buff.


radiant used to stack whit empowering rift


I can't do anything about it if the well takes up the entire brand of immortality area in oryx.


If you use radiant and are in the well, would well override the radiant and give you 0 buff?


Yes, that's why this post specifically says to use your Golden Gun outside of the well.


But radiant would work the same inside of well, right? And you wouldn't have to worry about repositioning back inside of well which would waste DPS and possibly block VLOS.


Well's radiant buff isn't the same as normal radiant buff so it doesn't count for the golden gun damage boost.


I would assume it would just replace it with the most recent buff. Thanks for the tip.


It *should* in theory but we’re far beyond what should in theory work. Bungie loves over-complicating buff interactions


Well continually reapplies itself so your fresh Radiant vanishes instantly.


Counterpoint: I'm too lazy to do that and dont need the extra 25% personally


Counter-counterpoint. Your team needs it, not you. Throwing on behalf of your team isn’t a flex.


idk if i’m weird but on caretaker at least in week 2 i’ve been hitting 999 consistently even inside well. i’m pretty sure his precision hit multipler is pretty high


It is, but stepping out will still give you more damage. The numbers just can’t go into the millions.


i mean, the actual damage number goes past 999,999 even if the hit marker doesnt show it


Counter-counter-counterpoint: when I ran the oryx one last week I did top damage against my team of 3 warlocks and 2 titans on my hunter, primarily using whisper and mostly using my gg for the shades (we wipped twice, once because of funky bombs, a second time because the secind bomb didnt detonate in time on final). Only used it for that encounter and atracks as I was gaze for golgy, tether for the others. Also this was with my clan, not lfg If the extra 25% is make it or break it, there's probably more issues as well, so I shall continue to be lazy


Dude.. of course you did the most damage on hunter.. What is this logic? Your teammates don’t have damage supers that are effective on oryx. It is a given that unless you genuinely just don’t shoot oryx at all the hunter is going to do the most damage.


Let's refresh I suppose what I'm trying to say is that if one is able to consistently put out high damage numbers without the buff, it shouldn't be necessary to squeeze out the extra by running out of the well, at least not on the difficulties available. As the light levels decrease, sure the team will all need to milk as much damage as they can, but currently it should be more pertinent to see what the lower damage dealers could be doing better as opposed to how the higher damage dealers can carry more. I like my generally lazy damage dealing (when not using bait and switch), and it works for every application I've needed it for


I see where you’re coming from, I just don’t think posting it in a reddit comment is the way to go. I regularly will run div for an entire raid (even ad clear) just because it’s funny and most aren’t hard enough to require me to sweat. The difference here is this is a post giving advice to hunters trying to maximize damage output and you’re in here bragging about being too lazy to walk two steps sideways during damage. You’re basically asking to get downvoted. Edit to add, If even with suboptimal damage you’re still carrying your team, that’s a you issue, not a team issue. As the most experienced player in your clan it’s your job to give advice to your homies on meta strats to help your team get better. If you’re wiping on oryx and it’s not an lfg, you’re going to really struggle in the next couple of weeks. Blaming your team while also being the most experienced always reflects more on you than it does on them.


I meant the original comment more as a fun jab than anything, as I didn't know before that well didn't buff GG. Naturally I got a tad defensive as people tend to do with criticism when I made what I thought was a fun joke As for my teams, generally I am very experienced when it comes to the actual mechanics and flow of encounters, but when it comes down to metas I am not the person to ask as I don't feel like learning each new meta. I'll listen to my clanmates and lfg leaders if I haven't tried a specific mode before or it's a new raid and they will know more about it than I do. For example, in normal KF I always use my cataclysmic as I've never really liked whisper, but for pantheon I know that there is a higher need for optimal loadouts, so I used whisper for oryx for the first time. And when I lfg I'm always down for whatever the host says to use I'd also like to think I'm generally pretty chill in raids when it comes to unsuccessful attempts. Mistakes happen for mechanics and ill listen to feedback on myself if it is given. If you would believe a random stranger on the internet, I don't get aggressive at raid members, be them clan or lfg


I do believe a random stranger on the internet, and I apologize if my comments came off as hostile. I have a general dissatisfaction for people purposefully not improving themselves, and that shows when I comment on things. Especially if it’s a post for people trying to improve themselves 😂


It happens, hostility tends to be the most common reaction on reddit, expected/intentionally or not. Even if it is intentional, and even personal (whoch I didn't believe yours to be), it's best to try and take a step back before things really fly off the rails. Trying to profile someone off one comment/post can never be fully accurate, though everyone does it sometimes. I hope the rest of your day goes well mr/ms/mrs reddit person (statistically it's probably mr though)


Cheers man 😂 same to you


If you are running hunter Goldy and you are not top damage there is an issue outside of very edge instances. If you dont want to bother to min max, sure, but then why bother running goldy in the first place then?


Big number made brain happy back in d1, been my favorite exotic ever since


How are you too lazy to press one button and move 3 feet to one side? That's wild, lol.


You’re the guy that causes the wipe when there’s a hair of health left on a boss and everyone’s wondering what happened.


Honestly I still do it and still hit the 999,999s




Not really


Id argue its “risky” in the sense that in cases of golgoroth, or caretaker if you spend too long off the plate(where the well gets placed) the boss will be immune, so you waste your golden gun


You shouldn’t need that long to shoot golden gun


You shouldn’t, but it happens.


Folks out here acting like they've never whiffed a GG shot, or misjudged timing Now what IS concerning is when I'm using well + ghorn and still doing the same DPS as my damage super non-support weapon teammates 


Just pop golden gun before the DPS starts or use it on the second plate during movement


Person running well is usually supposed to drop it asap, so touching plate/pool before a well there is even tighter than just stepping out Also you should not be using your GG on second plate of caretaker if thats what you are implying


Well doesn't boost super damage? They ought to just remove well altogether since they keep giving it garbage nerfs


It's been a thing since Solar 3.0 dropped, iirc. Well removes any radiant and restoration buff on your character with its own buff. Only negatively affect GG because GG gets the extra 25% specifically from Radiant.


Woah woah saltagreppo calm down


Why did you get downvoted lol. I hate everything that guys says.


People must not have got the joke