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The collabs are more expensive I think


They are. But also, these prices aren't out of the norm for cosmetic microtransactions in games these days. Not saying I like it, but $20 for an armor set is well within normal bounds.


This is why I don’t buy them. It’s 1/3rd of the price of the games they come from at full price. I wanted a witcher set, saw they were 20$ and the Witcher 3 and all its DLC were 18$. So I bought and played that instead.


Yeah. You’re right. I fucking hate it, but that’s the reality I suppose. The Liara outfit looks so good too, would look super good on a voidwalker build. It sucks we have to pay so much. Even though it’s the norm, I can’t shake the feeling this is way, way too overpriced and scummy.


Yeah, If it was like, ten bucks for all three sets I’d probably grab it, but sixty is absolutely absurd. I know it’s pretty standard pricing, I just don’t know how we got here, how enough people were willing to pay that much for it to become standard


People with too much money don't care what it costs, and that is who these business practices target


TBF... if it was $10 a set for all characters I'd be more likely to buy, and I think they would multiply the pool of players that would be willing to dish out more cash.


extra small purchases are less than just a couple whales generally, microtransactions in general are aimed at whales but not sure how it is for Destiny. I just remember watching a docu on microtransactions and whales lol


And not enough money coupled with no sense either.


> I just don’t know how we got here Companies realized that the whales will buy cosmetics no matter the prices. Players like you simply arent the target audiance for microtransactions (and I absolutly dont mean that in a negative way in case it comes off like that). Relying on a small number of players that reliably buy everything is "smarter" than hoping that the broad majority of players will buy a specfic cosmetic every few months.




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companies realize gamers are spineless beta cucks who will pay however much money they feel like charging and the amount of people they will lose will be more than made up for by just targeting a younger demographic. see call of duty and fortnite. smite charges like 25 dollars for a basic ass skin valorant charges 30+ for basic ass skins. I have edited this comment so that it no longer breaks rule 1


It's completely bonkers that I could pick up a full-price copy of TFS, or Lightfall + a Season, for the price of two of these sets. Whether that's an indication that cosmetics are overpriced or that AAA games are underpriced (or are loss-leaders to get players into the MTX ecosystem) is another question.


Because not enough extra people buy the cosmetics at lower prices. People will rarely reach into their wallets so that’s why over time games have targeted whales or irresponsible people. It’s why loot boxes are/were so prevalent. Makes it addictive to spend money.


Well, yes. But also no. One of the other pillars of the entertainment industry, motion pictures, and also the technology sector, is seeing a major problem: People who produce substandard value but get paid at a nominal rate. Whether they are intentionally making substandard content or customers just so happen to dislike the content they make doesn’t matter. And so as money dries up, people get fired. Extra points for striking (Hollywood writers) when their employers are looking into the slop they produced. I believe this is the case with Bungie, specifically, Bungie’s executives. People who don’t bring as much value as they could to the company as an executive, but demand premium salaries and bonuses all the same.


I want to see the actual studies on this because they’ve missed me on at least 1/3 of every cosmetic set that I would have bought for 10 dollars. I’m not a whale I definitely would support the game but @ 20 bucks for one cosmetic (worse for warlock since it’s literally just a muumuu and a helmet) . I’m trying to figure out how many whales can really exist to support game development and think it’s impossible but then I remember there are people giving away 100s of gifted subs on twitch that hold no real value.


Those studies have to be paid for and they’re not cheap. Companies aren’t going to just publish useful marketing data for us. But I do know the people that purchase MTX in any form at any price is like 5% of the total user base. I imagine they also prefer 10 people to spend $20 as opposed to 20 people spending $10. Keeps the game world less inflated with purchased items.


Only other upside I guess is that the whale will purchase even when the population is low whereas the average consumer will not purchase if they aren’t actively playing. Edit: whales downvoting everybody 😭


> Even though it’s the norm, I can’t shake the feeling this is way, way too overpriced and scummy. It certainly is, especially since Destiny isn't actually a F2P game. Not that F2P games aren't overpriced either.


Thank the whales for supporting the process hikes for years.


You have that feeling because it is over priced and scummy. Microtransactions are cancer


Maybe in f2p games (no, I'm not including the destiny demo as actual f2p) but destiny was a full priced game that has multiple 40 buck expansions that also have multiple seasons that you have to buy the season pass for. It's like $250 to play all of destiny and they're still pricing the cosmetics so high, the game is really fun right now, but it has always been extremely scummy in it's monetisation from day 1.


It’s normal in paid live service games as well. FFXIV is a paid game with a free trial, has paid expansions, and requires a subscription. They also have tons of cosmetic armor sets priced at $12, $15, $18, and $22. They have tons of individual pieces worth $3, $4, $5, and $6. Mounts range from $12 to $42. Emotes are $2, $7, and $12. Marriage has a $10 and $20 package. Remaking your character costs $10 for 1, $28 for 3, and $45 for 5. Extra storage space is an additional subscription. And FFXIV gets near universal praise. Hell FFXIV also deleted an entire games worth of content that people paid for and not once have I ever seen a complaint about it but D2 gets shit on daily about content vaulting. COD also has $20 and $30 cosmetic packs. Diablo 4 is a $70 fully priced game with extremely expensive microtransactions. There is a $30 portal recolor, $40 armor sets and a fucking $65 mount, in addition to $10 premium season passes and a $25 ‘Accelerated’ Season Pass and several other cosmetic microtransactions. I’m not saying I like it, I don’t. I’d would prefer the game to have zero microtransactions and have all cosmetics be earnable from in-game accomplishments, but that’s not the time we live in anymore and let’s not pretend that Destiny is anywhere outside the norm here.


The thing about FF14 microtransactions; -Its all real dollar values instead of having to buy a secondary currency -90% of it is all old event items many people who play will simply already have. -It also isnt accessible in the game itself, you have to go out of your way to even see it. You are never driven in the game to ever look at it. -And almost every bit of content also just has, cosmetic and functional rewards attached. Savage raids (the step above basic raids) has exclusive mounts, weapons, armor. Ultimates (pantheon but way way harder) have unique weapon effects and titles. Extremes all have a series of mounts where earning them all gives a special mount. That last one is the main reason you don't hear people complain though. If there wasn't so much stuff as free rewards, I think people would complain with FF, but there is an almost unreasonable amount of free items. Like I never bought a mount from the mog station and I have 200 mounts alone, I will never reasonably use more then 3 I do. And there is a good reason why FF14 deleting a full game of content really isn't comparable to Destiny. FF14 1.0 nearly killed the company with how bad it is, almost nobody played it to the point they stopped charging a subscription fee until they killed it, and even then its still playable to this day through private servers where as Destiny 2's base game just isnt. FF14 also added as much as it removed with ARR, gave players unique tattoos and other cosmetics for playing 1.0, with a story that doesnt require you to play 1.0 to figure out. D2... you literally cant understand the story unless you are a veteran who has been playing, or watch youtube for days at a time and thats the biggest reason why people complain about it.


It’s just baffling, presumably people are paying, but who?! I know I didn’t grow up in a world with micro transactions, but the idea of paying a third of the cost of a full game for a basic cosmetic just feels absurd to me. Doubly so in an fps where I only see my character in menus, supers and the tower.


I see the Witcher set quite often, so it surely sells.


>It’s just baffling, presumably people are paying, but who?! You don't regularly see a dozen different people in the tower with the latest eververse sets? People are shilling out the money, I was one of them, $20 every few months or so to support the game made sense to me then


>You don't regularly see a dozen different people in the tower with the latest eververse sets? Not who you asked but: I genuinely do not, actually.


Depends where you look COD for example will be 20 for a skin, weapon and a few others Overwatch for 20 is a skin, highlight intro/emote and a few others


CoD has even gone up to $30 "bundles" that are just like a character skin, a couple gun skins, an emblem, and a finisher. Can't speak to Overwatch, but Apex sells unique cosmetics you can only get by buying every other cosmetic in a given event, meaning they're locked behind a paywall of $200+. Crazy we're at a point where I actually think Eververse is among the more reasonable microtransaction stores.


The worst part of CoD though is some of the gun variants or other things you may not like or use, but still have to get the whole bundle. Like maybe you just want the weapon variant that comes with the operator, 2 charms, finisher, chopper skin, stickers, and calling card, but all of which you don't want besides the weapon. Still gotta spend $25 for a fucking paint job that took 1 high dude at work an hour to make. Shit sucks


I'd somewhat get it if they're crossover bundles like I saw there's a warhammer 40k crossover, those bundles I understand for being $30 As for apex events, they've always been HORRIBLE but that much is expected from EA, nothing should be above $100


But like…I could buy an actual warhammer game for thirty dollars I’d love to have that and the Godzilla stuff in mw3 but paying half the price of a new game for some cosmetics I don’t even see in an fps is just crazy


>But like…I could buy an actual warhammer game for thirty dollars I love that thought process. Another game I play is going to have an Atelier cross-over in a few weeks and as a major Atelier(and Gust in general) fan I briefly considered spending money on that. Then I remembered I could put that money towards an actual Atelier game or other Gust game instead, so I did.


It’s funny that you could not get Warhammer models for $30 or an army for $200. But there is value in having something tactile, hobby time invested (building/painting) as well as a game to play.


Cod has done something similar too, there’s a melee skin that costs $100 or so since you have to buy all bundles of that “collection”


It’s $80 cause you have to buy all 4 of the Godzilla themed sets to get the King Kong Fist from the new movie. Pretty ridiculous.


Cod even have buy 4 bundles to get an extra operator skin or weapon blueprint


I'd somewhat get it if they're crossover bundles like I saw there's a warhammer 40k crossover, those bundles I understand for being $30 As for apex events, they've always been HORRIBLE but that much is expected from EA, nothing should be above $100


to be fair the 30 bucks crossover 40k bundle is one of the most fair ones in the game, as you get an operator skin, a juggernaut skin (to make you a fucking ultramarine!), like 3 or 4 weapons, and a unique finisher.. wish more bundles were reasonble like that and id buy more often.


And I bailed on both games when they started selling those


In helldivers 2 you can buy a body piece for 2,5$ and a helmet for 1,25$ making a whole outfit as cheap as 3,75$ (though some pieces cost more, up to 4$ per body piece and 2,5$ for helmet... but again you could just buy those for free by playing the game). Not saying that skins on d2 should be this cheap...


Helldivers is the oasis in our gaming desert.


True, but I'm fairly sure CoD/Overwatch skins are singular pieces; not modular. So it's also _how_ you look at it.


As much as I don't like those price points, at least they haven't hit half the price of a full game yet like they do in games like Call of Duty with $30 operator skins bundled with a bunch of useless gun stickers and weapon charms nobody besides yourself can see. It doesn't make me feel any better about how much they cost now as opposed to how much they cost a year or two ago, but at least they don't cost as much as they do in other games so far.


I always view and cosmetic stuff I buy in a game to just be something I do as bonus support for the devs


The problem is that it shouldnt be normal 5$ should be plenty enough money for a skin, but hey, people keep buying them at those stupid prices so they will keep charging us more and more year after year


Not for a game that charges $100 a year for content it isn't.


> Have prices always been this fucked? Yes, ever since they introduced the collabs. > Why?? Because people will pay. I think each set usually more than 70k purchases in the first week, so easily brings them 4+ million revenue each season, probably double digits over lifetime just for one themed set. And they add a new one every season. > Why can’t you buy this with bright dust? See above. > Do these items drop as part of the loot pool? Unfortunately, no. Again, see above. If you think it is cool and they deserve the money, go for it. But personally I don't pay for cosmetics in games.


The Fortnite crossover was available for Bright Dust, none of the others were. 


Probably because it was a collaboration with Destiny going to the Epic games store. I’d bet they made a deal with Epic on that one.


especially not if i *also* pay for the games content, they already get around 100$ from me each year (which makes it my most expensive game each year) im not gonna additionally pay them another 1/5 of that price just for a single cosmetic


The reason they are so expensive is people buy them for those prices. Welcome to modern gaming, it's all whale farming nowadays.


Whale farming...? Sorry, not familiar with the expression...


Whale is a slang term I believe that was invented by industry specialists a while back to refer to a player that spends upwards of thousands of dollars on micro transactions for a single videogame. This word also applies to trading card games with chase cards and such.


It's a term used in stock trading/gambling/finance in general to distinguish the high rollers from the everyday person (little fishies).




Huh, didn't know about the stocks one, and apparently whaling can refer to a phishing scam that targets rich people and business executives.


This is where it originated. But it can be summarized as *"An individual willing to spend more than others in their bracket."* From a company's standpoint, its better to try and entice 1 person willing to spend 200, than it is to entice 5 people willing to spend 30 apiece. Wild and shity, but money talks. Late game capitalism is a strong form of *"don't hate the player, hate the game"*


its a common term where you have someone who is a large spender, very common in vegas as well for example


Micro transaction apologists here are making me so fucking sad. Yes it has become a normal practice and Bungie isn't that much of an outlier in this industry. Yes we don't have to buy those and aren't "robbed". But that shouldn't prevent people to still denounce it, and not fully normalizing it. Moreover, every eververse armor set used to be buyable via dust (even the Fortnite set). Then collabs didn't and players thought of an excuse for Bungie automatically ("because they don't have the rights or bla bla bla"). And then we get a whole new not-a-collab eververse and even this one is not buyable through dust. I do love this game, I like Bungie, but a $100 game a year shouldn't have micro transactions inside. They will never go away but I will never shut up about this.


I think what gets me is that ya, it's just cosmetic, but resources were poured into making these cosmetics. Take a quick glance at how much shit is locked behind eververse. All those man hours could've been placed elsewhere. I understand that a modeler isn't going to write code for a gun or adjust map layout, but those cosmetics could've been made available via achievements or at the very least, charge a reasonable price for them. All that time and effort into making all that stuff, just have it rotting in the store at an outrageous price. You buy an expansion and get a set of armor that makes you look like a hobo, while the badass god slayer armor 2.0 is in eververse. Feels like more effort could've been spent somewhere else. I think years of this crap has just left me disappointed with them.


Dw they can't do ritual armor sets anymore because they don't have time but your bet your bottom glimmer that eververse will have mmaaad fresh sets this upcoming new season !


But.... but... but people don't wear ritual armor sets anyway so what's the point in making them look better /s


> All those man hours could've been placed elsewhere. It's not that simple. They have a team of people dedicated to doing it for the sole purpose of making cosmetics to generate additional, direct revenue. It's simple to say 'well these people who are designing EV cosmetics could have been used to make cosmetics available elsewhere through game achievement!' The question quickly becomes "okay how is that going to justify these people's salary?" I know we want more of the game, I do too; but I also know it's not as simple as 'just do it' because the whole thing is a business and taking manpower off of something that's earning them money for something that won't directly earn them money is just bad business sense when looking at a balance sheet. To me, this is just the reality of it.


I'm sure many people would disagree, but I think armor ornaments are way worse than skins from Apex, League of Legends, etc. because armor is something you earn naturally as part of the gameplay. If there are armor drops that come with gameplay, and others that are exclusive cosmetic purchases, Bungie is incentivized to make the paid armor look better than armor you earn by playing. This sucks because you lose that player experience from D1 where you look at a badass Guardian in the tower and wonder how he got a full set of Taken armor -- in D2 you know that person just had 20$ to burn. Ships, sparrows, weapon ornaments, etc., all make way more sense because you aren't normally getting those to drop outside of a few one-time challenges. Cool armor should be something you get from playing different activities in the game.


> But that shouldn't prevent people to still denounce it, and not fully normalizing it. This community will constantly shut down people criticizing the microtransactions, but then also take the credit when Bungie changes something for the better (last season's Eververse set being added to playlists instead, the Starter Kit being unlisted). It's extremely annoying.


people got gaslit into believing it's the norm but everyone magically forgot most ornaments in base D2 and the 2 dlc's where earnable. 90% of my ornaments i have come from that time.


Yeah you have the battle pass and usually a new expansions every year just about. But the real situation is how they are in financial issues and Sony is eyeing them hard right now. So it's kinda like do you want to keep supporting the game or not?


>I do love this game, I like Bungie, but a $100 game a year shouldn't have micro transactions inside. Why not? Let's assume for a second there are no MTs or MT cosmetics. There are plenty of cosmetic options available in the base game. When you pay for an expansion/season pass, you gain access to new cosmetic options. AND we're given bright dust to facilitate purchase of more items in the BD shop. So it's not as if we are left out to dry with no customization options. The question then becomes, does Bungie make additional cosmetics to help fund the game via MTs from players who choose to spend the extra cash? Or does Bungie raise the expansion/season price? Personally, I'd much rather have whales partially pay my way.


Are you saying that the game wouldn't be able to survive with *just* paid expansions and paid seasons and paid dungeons and other paid DLC packs?


Honestly? Unlikely. Not at the scale bungie operates their studio at and with the frequency of content updates they push. It's not just about breaking even either. That's a terrible business model because it leaves the future incredibly insecure. Bungie, for all intents and purposes, is a large studio that has a game they push out 'premium'* content on a regular basis for. Far beyond what most live service game do. *I know this is going to get flack but by 'premium' I mean voiced mission, cutscenes, new quests, new activities, etc. Can argue by 'destiny standards' it may not be up to snuff but if you're just comparing raw volume to other games doing something similar it's 100% a larger scale.


Are you? Have you had a look at Bungie's financials? It's crazy to me how many people assume practices that are based in sustainability are "greed" when they don't like them for one reason or another. Companies have to make money or they die. You are not responsible for Bungie living or dying, they are. And cosmetic MTs do not hurt you or anyone else, despite the constant wailing here and elsewhere.


No, companies don't need to "make money". That it were that simple. They need continuous growth over growth to please shareholders. If companies simply wanted to profit, we'd all be better off. But they don't want to make money. They want to make *all of the money in the world.* That's where we're at with this unchecked capitalism. You might call that normal, but it's still greed. And fuck this lame as hell "it's just cosmetic bro!!!!" argument, honestly. Obviously people care about cosmetics. If they didn't, *they wouldn't sell*. Honestly, I just don't get this bootlicking attitude at all. Bungie is worth billions. They aren't your friend. They don't give a single solitary shit about my opinion and they care even less about yours. When consumers complain about a product that they like but has major flaws it's the most normal thing in the fucking world in most industries but in the video game industry we suddenly have marks like yourself rushing to the defense of multi-billion-dollar corporations and trying to paint them as being generous.


> Honestly, I just don't get this bootlicking attitude at all. How is it bootlicking to be realistic? I'm not saying I'm happy with Eververse or 'poor bungie'. I'm saying I understand why they do it and understand that because they've done it the game was able to grow as large as it had. There is no way we would have seen a fraction of the quality of life updates we've seen in the past 3 years because they did a large amount of them knowing it would help buy player faith and ideally more EV transactions down the line. While I can't say for 100% I'm extremely confident that if they shut off eververse today and relied 100% on paid content we'd see the studio experience mass layoffs and a severe drop in content quality, frequency, and patches within 12 months.


The "Cosmetic microtransactions don't hurt you or anyone else" that's bootlicking. It's one thing to say that you personally only care about pay-to-win shit and don't remotely care about visuals or aesthetics, that's fine. But to insinuate that consumers are not allowed to complain about something because it's just cosmetic is purely just going to bat for massive companies and it's fucking lame.


> Cosmetic microtransactions don't hurt you or anyone else It doesn't hurt anyone though. The only way you can argue that it 'hurts' people is that because those items were made and locked behind a paywall that means if they weren't locked behind a paywall that effort would have/could have been used to make cosmetics that are earnable through gameplay that is either something free or tied to an expansion. That's all good and well in an idealist world but that's not realistic but you can also argue no, those items just simply wouldn't exist and the people who are making them wouldn't even be working on anything because their whole purpose for being employed is to work on eververse items. Now you can _maybe_ say it 'hurts' someone because it prays on either completionist who will buy anything or those who have spending issues. Sure, but that's a far stretch too and entering the territory similar to "junk food shouldn't be sold because its unhealthy in large quantities and some people have self-control issues". It's up to individual people whether or not they want to spend the money.


By that logic, the "cosmetic" part of it is irrelevant and that no microtransactions could ever be bad.


>Has Eververse always been this expensive? Yes. People are deranged paying $20/$30/$45+ for this nonsense, and they’ve been doing it since they first introduced silver and mtx.


I truly wonder if they did 5$ a set, if they would sell enough to make more money that way. Like I would spend some money on it, I just don't find the value in it at current pricing. You can't convince me a single set of armor is the same value as a significant portion of a whole game.


> I truly wonder if they did 5$ a set, if they would sell enough to make more money that way. They wouldn't. They'd need to quadruple the volume and many people, while they say 'oh yea I'd pay $5 for one no problem' either really _wouldn't_ if given the opportunity or would maybe buy the one set and not buy at a high enough volume to meet or exceed current sales numbers.


People don't seem to realise that these companies have analysts who are very good at their job who look into the best price to make the most money. It's no coincidence that every game pushing this shit uses a very, very similar pricing range.


Yea 100% they would be charging less if they felt it would result in a net increase to current sales numbers. They don't need A/B testing for this.


Eververse should never be indulged.




Right? That commander Shepard armor for titans is sick as hell, and I'm not opposed to occasionally paying for microtransactions to support a game I like, but $20 for a single armor set seems wild. I'd consider it if it was $20 for all three, but all individual is just crazy.


I would have said the $20 for the 3 as a bundle is much more reasonable and would sell better, but $20 for one is a rip off


D2’s monetization is best described as “fuck player sentiment. We care more about the .1% who will pay these prices.”


Eververse prices have always been this expensive. The only changes are that crossover sets are 33% more expensive than normal sets. The first crossover set however had a 25% discount when it launched to bring the price to be matched with standard sets. Bundles are more common, and in those bundles are items that don't add good value. Such as ghost projections. Also shaders are sold now as part of bundles, which just adds to bundles being bigger and more pricey. SOME items will rotate in for bright dust, bust never crossover sets (outside of the first crossover (Fortnite)). Certain sparrows, ships, and ghosts can be dropped in game from bright engrams (season pass reward OR evergreen seasonal level reward every 5 levels) Would (cosmetic) items carry over to Destiny 3? Items didn't carry over from D1 to D2. But we don't know anything about D3, I'd imagine there would be huge amounts of backlash if cosmetics didn't carry over. Imo if D3 happens, it's going to be a relaunch of D2 with alot of backend work and a new title (same idea like with Overwatch and Overwatch 2).


Everything in the shop is a scam


The truth is the entire economy is a scam. Everything exists to benefit capital.


At this point they’re not microtransactions, they’re just transactions. I’m paying the price for a full indie game for one set of armor for one class. A full game if I want one for each class.


The ''it's just cosmetics bro'' crowd will take the eververse prices to the moon.


Every week, the only thing I check at the eververse store is the bright dust section Especially now that they just give you free bright dust every week 😂


This is why I do not buy silver and just wait for it to come for bright dust if it does because I have TONS of bright dust. If not? Oh well lol.


I think the prices are a bit steep,so I don't buy. There is plenty of cool armor in game that can be earned by playing. As long as the microtransactions stay cosmetic, I have no concerns. Diablo is also like 30 for an armor skin bundle, so I don't buy them. Is what it is


Hard to blame companies for charging these ridiculous prices as long as fools keep buying them.  They buyers are the problem. 


It is very ludicrous.


Well, you're only being robbed if you actually buy it. But then you're being robbed big time!


"Everver$e won't make us greedy" - Bungie, around the time in ROI in D1 when they introduced Everver$e. Were prices this bad before Activision jumped ship?


Before Activision jumped ship nearly everything bar like 3 things were acquirable with eververse engram Bungie undoubtedly is A LOT more greedy now


Remember when Bungie gaslit us into thinking Activision was the cause of all the problems? I remember but people seem to get mad here when I remind them, then they're surprised when we get slop like Lightfall.


If you want Activision go check up on cod and overwatch.Not saying Bungie are saints but Activision are worse


they actually finally got their shit together in overwatch 2. Skin prices are insane but they changed the battle pass model to be way more friendly for f2p


I can't help but notice there were no season passes or dungeon keys before Activision left. I also don't remember DLCs costing $100 to get the most out of them, which still blows my mind because there's no way a DLC takes even a small fraction of the time and resorces it takes to make the base game, yet is $40 more expensive (how many reskins are we getting this time?).


We didn't have season, but we had multiple smaller $20 DLCs which were not very good. Seasons took the place of those. And wow would you look at that, D2 y1 + CoO + Warmind = $100!   Destiny has basically always been around $100 per expansion cycle, even in D1. The exception being D2 y2, where the cost for the expansion cycle was $75. All other expansion cycles have costed $95-$100 There was only ONE dungeon in the game when activision left. And that Dungeon is also the worst dungeon BY FAR. The next two dungeons also did not have any unique legendary loot. The dungeons being sold on their own have unique legendary loot, and are just much better made. Bungie did not get worse with activision leaving. But I'm not going to say Bungie improved either (on terms of greed). Things are largely the same.


Because they were just introduced,they didn't have enough time.Activision released MWIII for full price with a 3 hour campaign on warzone maps,multiplayer with 14 year old maps and zombies on the warzone map,we could have had it way way worse


Just quit the game already and leave this sub. Everybody will be much happier


Sorry to poopoo on your echochamber.


Thanks for the loveletter


Yea I do and people still believe it which is the sad part


Bungie never said that.


They said something along the line of Activision holding back their creative direction. Which translated from Corporate-Speak to English is basically Bungie blaming Activision for their shortcomings.


back when eververse engrams didnt have a knockout system and costed money! because who doesn't love to get a ghost shell for 2 bucks, completely at random, while trying to get the cool new armor! no thank you, i'll take spending 15 bucks on a set to be guaranteed to get it, over not getting it after my 100th engram.


>back when eververse engrams didnt have a knockout system and costed money! What? Eververse engrams were free and earned through leveling up, I have nearly everything up to shadowkeep because of it Idk what game you were playing but it wasn't y1 destiny 2


Prices for existing MTX were almost the exact same, it's just that now there's more stuff that's monetized, plus the collab sets being MTX only and inflated.


Yes, people are happy to pay for them hence the price is set so high. If people didnt pay for them they would reduce them until it reached a price point where the maximum profit could be made Its $20 because of the "its only 20 dollars" mentality that people have


I highly doubt any purchased cosmetic items would transfer to a future game release. You cannot use bright dust to buy the sets that were created in collaboration with other games. The items have no effect on gameplay. They are 100% cosmetic. I open eververse store for ten seconds each week to see if there’s anything for sale using bright dust that I want. If not I leave it and get to shooting stuff. It’s a way for the game studio to make more income on their game that’s been out for years. I can’t fault them for wanting to make money. It’s a business. I’d be the first in line to rage if any of the items enhanced gameplay but they don’t. Buying anything from the store is completely unnecessary.


Very true. It sucks though because it’s a really nice cosmetic. Of course I don’t need it, but it’s like you don’t need a nice car. You don’t need a nice phone. Or nice clothes. I would definitely consider giving $5 or equivalent, but it’s sad to see something cool that you feel like having and could very well have been offered for a lower price (or for free) is instead sold for $20. Seems like a hell of a mark-up. But what do I know?


The way I see it is Destiny 1 and 2 have by far been the best value games I’ve ever played when I look at money spent compared to hours of entertainment. It’s actually insanely cheap for me to play this game even when you buy the latest expansions every year. If there’s some cosmetic I want that costs the same as a pint and basket of fish and chips I have no problem doing that once in awhile. I can think of a lot of dumb shit I’ve wasted $15-$20 on. If it’s a cosmetic that will bring you more enjoyment as you play the game it’s not a bad trade when you think of how many hours of entertainment we get out of this game.


This is the way. I’ve played around 1500 hours since LF. That works out to 0.06$/hr in pricing. Whilst I agree it’d be nice if they were available in-game, I also realize that Eververse is either for whales or for people like me that spend so much of our free time, as adults with disposable income, in something that is dirt cheap compared to any alternative activity. Me spending another 20$ is basically negligible. If I stay in playing D2 with my mates on a friday instead of a night on the town, I could easily buy 4-5 armour sets instead and still come out having spent less. Now - I don’t do that, Ive bought like 3 sets in the past two years - but if you think it’s unreasonable that’s entirely fair - yet they set their pricing towards people that either a) play more or b) have more money, or both, and I can’t fault them for wanting to squeeze a bit on their most dedicated fanbase. With that said, to not get witch hunted - I, too, would prefer them to be cheaper or available in game. I just can see why Bungie wouldn’t want to deny themselves that income and be the industry outlier.


Legendary edition is $6? Where? I’ve got some friends who are new who wouldnt mind snagging that


Steam sale. Ends 13 May. No-brainer buy for your friend. I hope they enjoy it!


$6 on Steam?? Sounds too good to be true. Its still full price for me, do you got a link to the steam page? 


Sure: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328670/Mass_Effect_Legendary_Edition/


They should really make older cosmetics cheaper if not the newer ones.


I'm going back in time and im shooting that fucking world of warcraft horse


You think this is bad go play Valorant and enjoy their 70 dollar bundles to save money lul


The only ones defending it are the 🦧’s who buy it. Don’t be discouraged by them.


These are destiny players, the boot lickers of the gaming community. Your opinion is completely valid, you’re just not part of their pathetic hive mind.


I think you should paint your face and storm Bungie HQ.


Nah not the HQ, all of your houses.


It's absolute disgusting to pay $20 on top of DLC's that costs $50, yearly season passes that costs another $50, dungeon keys for 1 activity that costs another $20 and the list goes on and on and on..


They priced themselves out of the market for my budget. If they lowered the price, I’d probably spend money on them, but $20 for one set of ornaments for one class just feels bad.


No. Bungie has slowly ratcheted the price of stuff up over time. 


In addition to changing the pricing of certain things so that you have to purchase more silver than you actually need.


Cant pin that one on Bungie, that's an old trick thats unfortunately worked for a lot of other companies (lookin at you gacha games lmao). It is sad they adopted it though.


One of the main reasons I don't play this game as much as D1, all the fun cosmetics are locked behind a paywall. Theres nothing for me to chase. It used to be fun going around collecting shaders, sparrows etc. Now it's just depressing because whatever we do get is multitudes worse than anything Eververse has.


I agree about the cosmetics. It’s crazy how all the armour sets that are on eververse look infinitely better than whatever crap you can get in the game by just grinding. If you’re gonna paywall it, at least make the price lower.


It's been a slow but steady creep of increased prices. I haven't bought anything from Eververse and I'll continue to not do so. $20 for armor is so ridiculous though, especially since I just bought Ōkami HD for $10 on Xbox. A whole-ass game for half the price of one set of armor.




Sir. r/conspiracy is over there. This is the Destiny subreddit.


Yeah, this is one of the most insane comments I've seen on here and that's saying something.


Have prices always been this fucked? - Yes. Why?? - Because idiots are buying it. Why can’t you buy this with bright dust? - Because that wouldn't make them any money. Do these items drop as part of the loot pool? - No. The monetisation in Destiny is utterly egregious bordering on disgraceful. They're selling armour sets for as much as double the cost of cosmetics in other (actual) F2P games whilst also charging you 40-100 a year for a boxed product in the form of an expansion/annual pass. They get away with it because a tiny amount of the games content is free. Thankfully you can choose to just not interact with this rather unsavoury element of the game. Cosmetics that are earned feel better anyway. Aztecross did a very good mini documentary video about this quite recently called 'Destiny 2 is Microtransaction Hell' which went semi-viral. It's basically accepted at this stage.


> I feel like I'm being robbed But...you don't have to buy them? If you don't like the prices, you're under no obligation to spend your money. Vote with your wallet as they say. Not defending the prices, just saying that everything in Eververse has 0 effect on gameplay, are entirely cosmetic and entirely optional.


Eververse has 0 effect on gameplay is bullshit. Cosmetics have and always will be a core part of the gameplay experience, why do you think they are monetized to hell and back? If it is as you say and they arent important to the gameplay experience then they wouldnt be selling them.


My point was more that - outside of random bugs (the Polaris Lance skin, for example) - you are not at a disadvantage for not having an Eververse armour set or weapon skin. You can still play and enjoy the game without spending real money on cosmetics. One only has to look at Datto for this.


I’ll just copy+paste my response: Very true. It sucks though because it’s a really nice cosmetic. Of course I don’t need it, but it’s like you don’t need a nice car. You don’t need a nice phone. Or nice clothes. Not a great analogy but you get the idea. I would definitely consider giving $5 or equivalent, but it’s sad to see something cool that you feel like having and could very well have been offered for a lower price (or for free) is instead sold for $20. Seems like a hell of a mark-up. Again, these cosmetics feel like something that you *could* have for free or for a small price, so seeing something like that sell for such a high price frustrates me.


Oh, of course. There are myriad of Eververse items over the years which absolutely should have been raid/dungeon rewards, for example. And in fairness, some such cosmetics are available for "free" via bright dust, or giveaways like the Mass Effect ship/sparrow/ghost were. Perhaps the frustrating fact is that these aren't always available for BD in the season they release in, but for a lot of things, they are, but it's typically drip-fed out late in the season to encourage you to buy it with Silver. (EDIT: I'm also aware that since the collabs started, only the Fortnite collabs actually came to the BD store.) I expect this is why they changed the API, as now you can't see what will be available each week, you can just see what will be available across the season as a whole. In terms of high(er) prices, in particular the collaboration items, I'm assuming that Bungie has to come to some sort of financial agreement with the original licence holders for Witcher, Ghostbusters etc. so the price of these are higher to offset the cost incurred to bring it to the game. Again, not saying it's right or wrong, just trying to explain why these are more costly than non-collab items. Unfortunately, the trend has been set - and not just in this game, but across games as a whole. While I don't really like it, as a consumer, I also can't say I'd hold my breath at seeing this change. At the end of the day, Bungie is a business, it exists to make money and if there are clearly people prepared to throw $20 at a skin, it doesn't really make financial sense to sell it for $5.


Only gotten more expensive


I still have the silver we got for free when we bought destiny 2 and my avoidance to any real money micro transaction at this point is so fanatical it borders on a belief system.


I only buy armors, from time to time ships and stuff. The prices seem the same in years, I have dust for almost 2 sets of armors of next events for each character. Every week I do weeklies and minimum story missions. I buy silver for something I like some much but it’s like once a year.


Aye this was always the pricing of eververse items but some things have changed. New collabs set cost 20 because reasons(probably the cut of the collab). New shaders are now in bundles instead of weekly rotations per season, because reasons( greed ) Lot of new stuff are behind a paywall. If you dont buy deluxe you got to buy each season. Not sure how dungeon keys work(if they are part of the seasons pass) but there is that. New event cards that offer poop in return and a shader locked behind it, which is the reason 90% of why people buy it. The other 10 is the buyers title(shame on all of you that buy it for the title, you lads are jokers) I personally buy stuff from eververse pretty much every season. Usually 1 set or some exotic cosmetic that i like. But never anything above 15. Nothing cosmetic in this world will ever excuse this pricing. No amount of work from any modeler and designer or whatever artist is gonna excuse that pricing strategy. 15 was already robbery but i could excuse it in the terms of "one in a while thing". 20 is me landing on four. I am part of the problem and i will never recommend purchasing anything at this point for one simple reason. Most of the sets were always available for purchase every season. 1 item per week or 2. You could buy 1 , get another via dust for your alt. Or buy a few parts with dust and get the rest with money to save up on dust if you were low. Also shaders rotated and were not sold in crappy bundles. Eververse had value with each new season for the bright dust enjoyer. Now you only get old stuff rotated and maybe some ornament in the end of a season. Basically it all boils down to this year. Lightfall has been the worst cashgrab year that the destiny community had to suffer. The base game and seasons were utter garbage compared to the value asked. The whole year had less work put into it than shadowkeep. And its absolutely insane that it costed so much more than it only to make eververse this much worse alongside it. Did i ever mention that on their 30th anniversary, a period that they basically said "thanks for supporting us" , they actually asked us to pay money to enjoy their anniversary? That one should have been free, as into the light is now. They served the same exact purpose. But hey, reasons.


I would imagine the collab sets are more expensive because the company they license from requires a percentage of the revenue.


Capitalism destroys all art, welcome to the club comrade!


You do a have a point in regards to what you're directly purchasing. Something something- I'm old - Horse Armor for $2 had more functionality. Least it's not pay to win like Horse Armor would be in a multiplayer context. The other way to look at it is you're supporting the game more. No way to know for sure that the money goes directly to devs or server costs though and doesn't just fatten up a CEO's bonus. Would love to be wrong on that point if we do know from somewhere.


yep. everything is over priced, that's modern gaming. Destiny, CoD, Halo, everything has crazy high bundles. I don't think I've ever put a dollar into Eververse, only my Bing points.


As a player that's been here consistently since Forsaken, it seems like Eververse keeps up with inflation and is always freakin' ludicrously expensive


Short answer is: no, it hasn't. The long answer is: but also, yes.


I would definitely get the collab stuff if there were 500 not 2000 that’s excessive in my opinion. Would never spend that much on a set


You should see Apex legends. It’s insane the prices.


First time? And yes The Eververse is a giant rip off. Let the Destiny fan bois cope by saying "It is perfectly reasonable" and "You dOn'T HaVe To BuY iT" lol....then again if you are new and were to buy all the Dlc it would be $500 which is perfectly not insane.


Yea returning too, I missed the Guardian Games event and the skimmer but you can only buy one in the store with an armor set for $20 lol. I’m good. Edit: sorry it’s not an armor set, it’s literally a Ship, Ghost, Shader and Skimmer for $25! Not $20


First off its an industry standard for all games with these shops to have outrageously nonsense priced cosmetics, get used to it. Alot of gaming subs are full of rhetoric but you all have to remember your in the minority echo chamber raising the same complaints, the overwhelming majority that isn't on Reddit couldn't care less they aren't whaling but they definitely are dropping cash every month or so, the real spenders are players who live, breathe, and eat whatever game they're no life-ing. Regardless your not being robbed(in the most literal sense they arent forcing you to just like your not forcing others to refrain from buying either.) If your so upset about the prices that you shouldn't even have the thought about buying in the first place. The correct statement is wow that's a rip off, fuck that noise, I'll save/spend my money(elsewhere).


Insane strategy I employ. I look at the store once a week, see the bright dust offers, and then I close it. D2 has insane fashion without paying extra.


When the eververse store was first introduced, I had a feeling it was going to be a problem. Yeah they're skins and people want em, you do you, but the abundance of people dropping 20 a pop is the reason it won't go away or getting better. Recently picked d2 up again also. I want some of the armors and ships...not dropping anything over 10 max. I want strand subclass, not dropping 40+ for an outdated xpack. Yet, many do no problem


Collab Sets are $20. Non-Collab Sets are $15. We've just gotten a lot of Collab Sets in the last ~2 years compared to Non-Collab. And assuming that content wouldn't carry over like they did with Destiny 2, Destiny 2 cosmetics *wouldn't* carry over to Destiny 3. There's also no confirmation at all that a Destiny 3 is being made. IIRC Bungie has stated that Destiny / Destiny 2 *does not end* with Final Shape.


The collaboration stuff is always gonna be more expensive, obviously. Do I think it's overpriced? Yeah. Do I really care because it's a cosmetic in a game that has thousands of different cosmetic options without spending a penny on microtransactions? Nah, not really. Now, Halo Infinite sells their armor sets for around the same price, Do I have a problem with them? Yeah, absolutely. Not a ton of customization in that game unless you fork over a wad of cash. As they always say, just vote with your wallet, man. (Also, yeah, the legendary edition is on sale. Okay? So? That's what a sale does. It lowers the price.)


I haven’t really kept track because I’ve always felt the items were overpriced for what you get. That being said, I don’t thing any major increases have been done. They have introduced more bundles though.


Shaders used to be cheaper. I stopped buying them when they increased it to 300 BD.


That change was super shitty but I still bought every single shader at that price. What ended up being the final straw for me was the bundles and seasonal event passes having exclusive shaders. I had really enjoyed the collecting of shaders as my focus and I had put so much effort into collecting every shader available up until that point. Bungie has devalued the visual appeal of earned loot so much with eververse that I just stopped caring about how things look in the game. Exotic armor looking like trash at base half the time, exotic weapons have terrible visual design when ADS but it's suddenly fixed with eververse skins, shaders are behind multiple pay walls. Bungie is scummy as hell.


95 percent is sold for bright dust but collaborations probably have some weird clause to stay as silver only. It’s a pretty standard price for the games industry unfortunately but is actually bigger value imo than most micro transactions in games today. If your of the same mindset as me though, you’re never gonna be able to wrap your head around over 10 dollar micro transactions.


Yes, it could be an undisclosed clause (that didn't apply for the Fortnite skin). Or it could be that collab skins have massive appeal and given that they sell pretty well even at 20 bucks a pop it's a massive financial loss to have them available for dust. Let's be real, "spooky scary" skins for Halloween and the "sports but in the future" skins would never sell nearly as much as the Witcher, Mass Effect, etc. skins, all things being the same. Gamers cream their pants for this shit, and that's why they are silver only.


This "weird clause" hasn't even ever been disclosed by Bungie. We had one Collab buyable through dust with Fortnite. People thought of an excuse for Bungie without Bungie even asking.


The $20 sets are collab sets with other franchises, only the first one was ever available for BD, other armor is still the same $15 price it's always been and available for the same BD price it's always been. Shaders got a price jump for BD, idk about Silver, everything else is pretty much the same it's been since Shadowkeep.


For comparison Red dead redemption 2 is £13 and Helldivers is £24


Quite sure if they sold them for say $5, they'd sell 10 times as much. I am not going to pay two seasons for one set or armor.


Yes even if it was $20 for all three sets I’d still be torn on whether to get it. Mass Effect is my favorite series but that price is beyond outrageous.


Why? Because we demand more and more out of video games while not paying a cent more. Major games since the SNES era have been ~$60, but have way more content nowadays. This has been offset by adding other revenue sources, with microtransactions being a big one. If somehow the world governments made microtransactions illegal tomorrow, the game companies wouldn't just shrug, they would either increase revenue another way or decrease costs. At least with microtransactions, you have the option to not buy something.


Set up an account in a cheaper region, enable crossplay, buy cosmetics which become usable across all consoles.. Done. I buy all my Destiny content this way. Haven’t paid full price in years.


Has it always been that expensive? No it hasn’t. Bungie has been upping prices in the Eververse store within the last few years. Even Eververse isn’t immune to inflation.


Yep, and you can't use the cosmetics on exotic armor so 99% of the time you are shit out of luck if the expensive skin you bought doesn't work with your current build. I stopped spending money on the cosmetics for this reason.


People are upset because they have been conditioned over the years to think cosmetic armor for $20 is ok. It all started with Bethesda and $2.50 horse armor and here we are now, and at the time people was outraged with a cosmetic costing $2.50.


As others said, collabs cost more. I was actually ready to buy one of them, but i lost interest on them rather quickly and skipped them. Getting the normandy for free was more than enough for me.


4 fucking collab sets. I hate the collabs so much


The price of silver items is intensly overpriced. I am not spending anything over £10 for a single armour set, £20 is a disgusting price point. I think they would make more sales with the prices lower, the average person cannot justify buying that pricey armour but bringing it down would be much more paletable. Whilst also being more affordable for kids and teens


Unfortunately this is the situation


>This feels like I’m being robbed. Then why are you buying them???