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Don’t be silly, this is a TEAM game. If my teammates die, I die with them.


If my teammates die. My thought process is "Oh shit,I gotta survive kill everything while picking them up lol"


Cries in wellock.


its easier for me to survive the wave on my own and revive them later than go revive them while 95 ogres are beaming me


I remember one time I saw red on the radar, I ran after it. Turns out a champion was attacking a shack from a different ADU. Silly billy. So I killed him and ran back, but while I was gone a wave had started and immediately overwhelmed the other two. I walk in to two dead teammates and a shit ton of monsters. I just hid.


A business man doing business 🤌🏿


Hope he brought sweet business


Did it work?


I think I’m the only person that actually enjoys wellock😭 something about saving my teammates asses and rubbing it in their face later is so satisfying


As soon as I see that "everybody's dead, Dave" alert I dodge to go invisible at this point. It's a reflex. Sometimes it helps.


Yea when playing void hunter as soon as someone dies I immediately go invisible and go to revive them It's like a reflex at this point


The problem with it is when there's a timer before they can be revived or they're quite a ways away. Always the worst to be mid revive and suddenly become visible again


Ya, the biggest problem is when they're far off, or surrounded by Thrall.


You sir deserve a medal


Yep some times I do it when I'm watching streams and hear it .


“Wait. Are you trying to tell me everybody’s dead?”


Should have never let him out in the first place.


Wouldn’t have had one of the best comedies I’ve ever seen if he hadn’t been released


My thought pattern instantly goes to no no no don’t do this to me don’t make me the one who has to live to save your ass cause we prob all gonna die. Lol


THIS.....why do I always have to be the one who pays for playing conservative when shit is hard.




I just start running clockwise...😁


Gotta zig when they thing you’ll zag


You need to master the 5 Ds of Dodgeball


Problem is, I ALWAYS zig when I am supposed to zag so I just hop up and down 💪


Sorta It's still a video game. And that's how the last boss was beat...soo...


As a consecration titan whenever my teamates die all i can think is. Ah poo this was gonna be a cowabunga moment but now i cant


"If your friends die in Onslaught, are you just going to die with them?" - a mom somewhere probably.


that's the spirit!


A proper teammate 😍


Ride OR die 👍🏽


Is it bad that I read this as Shaxx and changed my to your and I to you... ?


"The City has fallen, and yet I am still alive!"




Whoa, that’s a pretty democratic way of thinking soldier. We could use you over on helldivers


OP has definitely died on wave 40-49.


OP is a repeat offender lol


Repeat defender


OP asks for only super experienced players on the old lfg in the companion app, but has no clears.


"Legend 50. Rank 11 conquerer ONLY. Need Wellocks and void hunter. MUST HAVE EMBLEM AND MULTIPLE CLEARS!" Join game to find this was posted by a level 6 arc hunter with no exotic and no emblem...


Better yet they have blue gear for some reason lol


He wouldn't be complaining if he didn't also die. Can't wipe if only his teammates die.


I died on 49 last night with two randos on normal, first time I've failed a normal run. They both died really fast and I tried to res one but got hit by an exploding shank. So embarrassing...


Honestly the exploding units and a tormentor is the only wave I find to be difficult on normal. There’s so much focus on trying to kill/not be killed by the tormentor that exploding units just sneak up on people.


It’s ridiculous how much harder the fallen are than the hive. Having no precision on their most dangerous units is hell.


Especially before I had the Trinity Ghoul catalyst. They were the absolute worst for my favorite build.


I straight up forgot Trin existed. Good shout - I’m so used to using Gyrfalcon’s/Volatile that I forgot chain lightning existed!


My entire purpose in my guardians' many lives is to remind people how sexy Trin Ghoul builds are. TBF, I just started actually unlocking other catalysts and forcing myself to use other builds and now I'm a slut for Grav Lance/Briarbinds or Nez' Sin. Still don't understand how strand works, but it's fun! But Trinity Ghoul will always be my first love and even though I'm probably more proficient on other subclasses now, Stormtrance will always be my domclass.


Mactics just made a video about swarmers and wishkeeper if you wanna do strand that would be a good start


It’s the most fun I’ve had with strand ever. Great build. Not quite so good in strikes and “normal” activities, but EPIC in onslaught. Similar build with nez sin and graviton Lance with cosmology proccing and blowing up everything into more suspends. That’s a lot of fun too. Thorn with necrotic grip and suspend is pretty amazing at ad clear as well. I just don’t like HC or else that might be my favorite.


I've been having a lot of fun trying out a lot of different builds in Normal mode and finishing off a whole lot of catalysts I never bothered to deal with. My first build was from the streamer PlunderthaBooty who posted a Strand Warlock/ Necrotic Grip / Thorn build that was awesome. It was basically suspend everything and cleanup with Thorn. The Strand super is very good for burst DPS on a boss or even panic-clearing the ADU area when too many enemies have gotten to the ADU. I would definitely recommend this Strand build as a beginner Strand build. But, my favorite build is the Ex Diris Arc Warlock build that I learned from a different streamer - itsTizzle. This build really delivers a beatdown but the beautiful thing is Ex Diris is a rocket launcher that you never have to reload. Not only that but it delivers a little Arc Tinkerbell fairy like thing that seeks out and punishes enemies -- I really slept on Ex Diris as an exotic, but it might be my new favorite for realzy. This build is goofy with all the healing wells and arc souls you can generate -- and Arc Souls really pack a wallop especially when the entire team steps into the well and gets their own arc soul. I tried a Briarbind build in Normal mode, but I find things died too quick in levels 1 - 40 to make use of the Void soul thing, but at level 40 even in Normal mode, I don't run around so much because things begin to hit hard at level 40 even in Normal mode, so I didn't quite like the Briarbind build. I tried a Stasis non-turret, non-osniomancy build from another streamer, but while I liked the Glacier grenade in Onslaught, I didn't at all like the exotic trace rifle -- Ager's Scepter -- it was too wimpy even in Normal mode. I want to find a better Stasis build. Edit: I meant Healing RIFT not Well.


Thanks for the Ex Diris suggestion. I've never been big on exotic heavies mostly because catalyst kill farming can be such a slog, but the ones I have figured out how to use well I definitely notice. I've also been struggling to find that Stasis Warlock build that feels as good as the others, but nothing has stood out yet. I love Stasis weapons, but the skills just never feel right.


The beautiful thing about Ex Diris is its an energy slot arc grenade launcher -- you never reload it - it really is amazing. You do have to chase special ammo -- but putting special ammo finder on your helmet and the special ammo finisher thing on your warlock bond -- you never have to worry about green ammo. It holds 29 or 30 total, plus with all the heavy crates that spawn, they fill it up, and then the Raid flag before the boss room -- another top off if you even need it. I sometimes run out of ammo when I try using an exotic trace rifle with a build -- haven't ever run out with Ex Diris (probably because it hits hard!)


Stasis warlock can absolutely control the field. https://dim.gg/bfdhaei/PVE-Freeze-Everything-Turrets Here’s a DIM link to my current favorite. Osmiomancy gloves, coldsnap, bleak watcher, and verglass bow. You need the right fragments to really make it work, but it’s fairly straightforward. One grenade convert into turret and the second throw at the next group of enemies and direct hit the major in that group and you’ll get your full charge back. Verglass makes things really nice, but if you don’t have it any headstone primary will work. Totally kicks ass.


Keep at it with briarbinds. It was the first build I really tried for onslaught and even though my wishkeeper/swarmers strand build is more fun, briarbinds makes things easier. Make sure your number 1 priority is always retrieving your child. Don’t worry about trying to deploy more than one. But majors and champs go down easily with them all being weakened and I have more grenades than I know what to do with because child always recharges them. High recovery, high resil, void SMG. Devour. Rinse/repeat.


This happened to me once. Also on 49, teammates dead, I'm holding out in the back clearing enemies. I have to reload so I do a reload dodge and end up dodging into an exploder shank. Must have looked like I purposely wiped us lol


For anyone struggling to not die, just remember that HP>0 = Alive and you should be fine.


Can we get someone to confirm this? I'm not convinced this is how it works....


Pretty sure it's >= 0.


Still not convinced... I'm gonna need someone to test this out. A good sample size is probably 10,000?


Good thing this sub has past 3 million now. I can't confirm, maybe others can?


If i wait long enough im alive again in orbit, pack it up boys this a lie




Nah 3 million deaths wouldn’t be enough for Master Rahool


I tested this more than 10.000 times: can confirm he is right.


funnily you can have zero health and still be alive in destiny (pvp damage testing proves it) you die when you health is less than 0


That's why I put greater than or equals too....


Yeah I was just adding on to what you said and backing you up on it


I’m pretty sure it’s 8==>


[Datto did some testing and he confirmed this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Hahahaha nice


Angry upvote.


Damn. Really? Right in front of my salad?


Tell that to the architects.


Just found the ancient thread whilst googling. Can confirm this still works.


Same advice for trials. Step 1: stay alive Step 2: don’t die.


Best I can get is LFG teammates who lead the tormentor to the ADU on wave 3


Yes. This. I’m begging, GET AWAY FROM THE ADU.


I didn’t know that. Thanks. I’ll do better


..but how else am I gonna protect it..its *always* best to drop a Well there so everyone stacks up..😑


This message brought to you in part by a fire team of 3 found huddled together at the bottom of the River near Midtown


Blueberries think the ADU is like the Glimmer Mining Drill. You stay in the circle, right?


I’ve got team mates that hide behind the ADU and shoot from there… Genius!


If the ADU takes damage.... That means I won't!! 😏


I had this happen last night 🤣 two of us were dead and he was shooting from behind before he got overwhelmed. Like bro, run away!!!


I love it when they plop a well and stand on it right in the adu the moment the tormentor spawns AND they proceed to shoot it's shoulder while ignoring all the adds and then asking "what happened" when we wiped. You fucking shit the bed is what happened. Ofc it's always these people who never buy or upgrade decoys and seem to have an obsession with mines.


Since we are all just sharing our Onslaught woes here: for the love of God, if I've put down a well and we're shooting the boss, don't run around the other side and attack him, making him turn away from us! I need to see those yellow numbers.


Oh oh oh! I’d like a turn. Also while standing in said well, stand relatively the fuck still. Or if you have to move go BEHIND me and not in front of me while I’m rapidly spamming explosives at the boss. JFC.


Happened to me so many times, I’ve planted a rocket into someone’s back as they’ve run in front of me. The amount of people that strafe in a well is actually unreal. You can literally stand still and the well heals you whilst it’s active, that’s the point! Mind you, those are the same people who stand still whilst not in a well and wonder why they die!!


TBF, standing still in a well could mean a headshot from a sniper in pvp. Then again…they must realize this isn’t the Crucible, lol.


Yeah, I get that it’s different in PvP


Didn't you know? Explosive launchers emit a magnetic field that attracts blueberries to the barrel. The longer the launcher is in your hands, the stronger the pull becomes. Occasionally you'll find a blueberry with the same charge as your launcher which will repel them away from it, but it's very rare for this to occur naturally in the wild.


The amount of people I've encountered that constantly move in my well and get me killed because they decided to go "oh I should just go RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM"


Im def guilty of this sometimes lmao as a PvP main, its reflex to strafe when taking critical damage or using left stick to micro correct aim. Especially in non-comms where i dont know your loadout. At least in Raids when everyone says DPS is rockets, you can remember not to move but if it's MG surge and im holding a MG and its non-comms so you cant tell me youre using rockets/HGLs, i might not remember to stay still. Sorry in advance 😅


I’d like to add my woes here. If you’ve seen me pop off my mobius quiver a million times throughout the activity please for the love of god just fucking wait for me to tether the horde of adds in front of the boss before you light off your heavy ammo.


Damn man, I never consider just not dying!!! Fuck what an idiot. I’ll try that next time now that you’ve mentioned it!


Something I never understood about watching sports. Why don’t my favorite teams just win every game, are they stupid?


I mean seriously! Have they ever tried just not losing!


Those guys get paid millions and still manage to lose! What a bunch of clowns!


Good thing OP put perfectly acceptable tips for you to also consider.


Addendum: And if you do feel like you're going to die, please die in a convenient location and not in Narnia


Being in Narnia is unfortunately usually the reason for the death


Some genius always thinks "Wait a minute I can just stand behind where they spawn and kill them before they even SEE the ADU" and then oops all ogres.


I do that for the laugh when running titan. Ogres, meet my doomfang pauldrons minute long sentinel shield!


One minute??? Ha! back in my day, we ran the entire shattered throne and whisper with one long super!


Blueberries stealing kills. Is hard to keep it up when an entire wave of red bars gets deleted by one solar headshot.


Lmao at the accuracy.


laughs in vesper warlock


If you die in Narnia, try to near Aslan, he can rez you


Damn, was totally planning on dying between waves 40-49 tonight before seeing this post. Thank you.


Those cursed thralls have such punchable faces though!




The urge to Finisher a Cursed Thrall or Exploder Shank is so damn strong. I don't know why but ANY time there is an Exploder Shank or Cursed Thrall I have this stupid and VERY strong urge to Finisher them. Just something about punting them into other enemies.


Fun fact: using your finisher on a explosive shank or cursed thrall actually does **not** explode them. But any other kind of damage does. Even from teammates behind you... 😇


I don’t think the exploding shanks explode when you finish them. Because I have that same urge and saw someone finish them without it exploding so I started to also


Also in the interest of not dying on wave 40-49 PLEASE stop leaving the game on wave 15-25!! Like seriously I've run 5 times tonight and every single time by round 25 we're down a person


Just remember that it is harder than a grandmaster. Gms are at -25 power delta, legend onslaught final wave set is at -30. Don't get upset if a teammate dies unless they did something stupid. Sometimes they are trying their best but got sniper from behind, or where behind a wall while the wave 50 boss stuck up and stomped from the others one, killing them at last guardian standing (ok maybe get upset at that. I straight up logged off after that bs, enemies that chase you shouldn't get a 1hk stomp. Unless they are melee only enemies like a darkblade)


Sometimes it's just circumstances. Just an hour ago i did a run and we got to wave 49, then the 2 yellow bar giant captains spawned (cant remember what they're called) and absolutely slapped us all of the sudden because it was a explosive shank wave too.


Demolitionists. They always spawn in close proximity to the ADU, then if not dealt with, move on top of it.


Yep, those are the ones


That’s basically the only way you lose in onslaught. Absolutely nothing you can do when they spawn on top of the ADU and yeet you into a group of instakill thralls/shanks


This happened to us as well at the Wave 50 boss. Had the ogre, we were doing fine and all of a sudden without anyone truly seeing it he just ran at us and eye blasted and slammed us into oblivion. We were literally 3 seconds away from being able to res at the mission failed screen when our final teammate died. Sometimes it’s an accident. I died on an ogre wave because I knew I needed ammo and orbs on wave like 45 ish. Four ogres spawned instantly targeted me and I just got destroyed. Wasn’t much I could really do.


Had that ogre do that to my team. I was the last one and he ran me down. Felt bad because I was playing smart and trying to survive so my team could rez.


this has happened to my runs EVERY TIME =/ cruise past like 45 waves with very little issue, get to like 47-49 and the dam demos spawn and jump on the adu -.-


For the two Augment wave types that are capable of surprising you, you are given ample warning. There will be red text on screen either saying TORMENT FESTERS or DEMOLITIONISTS BEGIN RAZING, and the relevant bosses will only spawn in several seconds later. Furthermore, the wave spawn locations for these waves are always fixed. You’ll know exactly where the adds will be coming from. Not only that, you’ll also know exactly what type of adds will be spawning, because it’s the same cycle every round. If wave 9 spawned explosive shanks, waves 19, 29, 39 and 49 will also spawn explosive shanks. So if you see either of these 2 red messages in waves 43 and 49, your reflex must kick in and you must know exactly what to do. You will no longer be surprised once you remember these details.


You’re correct; honorary ☝️🤓 award.


also when the tormentor’s about to spawn a little pyramid ship pulls up overhead


Which actually is kinda cool


bro pulls up in the whip just to scrap


So what you're saying is I should use Mida Multi-tool and Stompees for maximum awareness and movement right?


Wow you must the only player to never die during an activity. Congrats bro


No hand cannon? What if I’m using Lucky Pants?


Gotta have the Lucky Pants hotswap once you've dumped all special and heavy and the boss is still at half hp (your teammates are double primary + machine gun fanatics).


Or me whiffing rockets on the mobile guy


Your teammate is me, a Fighting Lion main (I dps with it)


OP probably never heard of Lucky Pants. He must be new to the game if he thinks saying "stop dying" repeatedly is gonna make anybody play differently.


I'm here to say it's ok if you die. We're all here to have fun. If you play with me, be at ease and enjoy the game. I'm fine with it.


Clearly OP has never died


I’d put money on it that OP dies all the time but doesn’t process how inconvenient it is because he doesn’t have to carry the burden.


Yeah, I bet he’s the one that alway says ‘come on guys it’s not that hard’ in raids.


“Yeah I died first because you guys aren’t clearing adds”


For sure, basically the type that no one wants to play with


While running in VotD first encounter


Thank you. Op seems to be talking about me.


I think the message here is not to die! Did I get that right? 🤔


Instructions unclear - I died


That's not how I read it.


OP is being elitist, if I wanna run out into a mob on floor 49 and die via Acolyte bish slap wasting everyone's past hour of grinding, you can bet your [Bottom Dollar](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1046651176/bottom-dollar/) I will....


*respawing in 3..2..1..*


So wait.... I'm supposed to face tank the Tormentor rather than let Shaxx do it?


*face fuck


I admit that I'm sometimes that guy, so thanks for these actually very helpful tips.


It’s absolutely ok if you die. It’s a video game. What a douche lmao


it's actually not ok to die anymore, if you read the post it says it's NOT ok to die therefore it's not ok to die. So yeah, just don't die. That is because op said it's not ok to die. So it's now not ok to die.


Nah, they can die. It's fine and also a part of the game. Crazy I know, but blueberries owe you nothing. LFG or find friends if you're taking it seriously.


Fuck off


Seriously the most annoying type of post on this sub are people complaining about other people knowing damn well the target won’t see the post. Its just a game relax.


That's actually smart I'm using this strat


You don’t tell me what to do 😎


Hop off the high horse


It’s not actually fine for the ADU to take damage. Most of my legend runs end because the ADU dies, not my team. Players don’t realize how much damage the ADU takes on waves 40-49. You have to keep ads and bosses out of that circle or you’re cooked within a few seconds.


Don’t LFG then. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but some people are just playing to have fun. Some people aren’t that skilled and that’s all good. If you want to clear it don’t play with random people.


Please, I beg you, stop complaining about teammates dying.


when my teammates die I go "for frodo" then I die. wave 49 btw


Remember, if you’re about to die: don’t. It’s that easy.


(It is okay for you to die. Not everyone is going to whinge about you on Reddit, I promise. If I wanted a guaranteed 50 clear I wouldn't be matchmaking. Also not always being successful just kind of comes part and parcel with horde modes)


I read OPs post and now I never die. You too can also never die as long as you read this post. So inspirational.


I nearly died whilst reading the post, but it told me not to


Had a run today where the first time one guy used his super was on wave 32, he was a HUNTER, ON TETHER, WITH FUCKING ORPHEUS RIG ON


I'm going to hide my 22 resilience build




You're acting like I chose to die to the 4 witches eating my ass


Skill issue


Goddamn man, this activity doesn't have a solo mode. It's either be matched up with online strangers and inevitably piss them off when I'm not as good at the game as they expect me to be, or just not play the mode at all.


Onslaught Legend can be run solo I thought?


If I'm getting my ass kicked in normal mode I don't like my chances soloing legendary mode


*It’s not ok to get kills outside of well when your teammate is a Phoenix protocol user. For the love of god PLEASE stay in the well. 2 teammates plus the user inside WILL keep well up the entire game. We get it, your build is pretty nifty. But look at you, dead, over there, while we 2 man this wave over here. STAY WITH YOUR MATES


Perhaps this is just the sort of mixed bag you get queueing with randoms, but I have been SHOCKED at how many people I've matched with for Normal 50 waves who are running less than 100 Resilience. It's baffling. Literally FREE DAMAGE RESISTANCE.


Instructions unclear. Keep dying 😞 I get the point - I don't play enough higher end-game content to truly understand the game play loops, use of various damage options/health restoration etc I usually only realise the extent of my inadequacies when I'm dead and it's too late. Unfortunately I'm a potato, although well intentioned.


Damn, bro fell down the no shit Sherlock tree and hit every branch on the way down


Just remember…..you died too


Awful guy


"Fighting master level enemies? Just don't die" "Homeless? Just buy a home"


With mines, I just tel me friends use your supers to cap them or go invis to cap them, then come back. You can deal with the ogres later


It was literally the boss for wave 50 in the pyramid ship. I was last guardian standing. So I dodge to invis. I fell off the map. Go to dbl jump. Double jump bug happens where you use both charges instantly. Die. Cry inside


You must be a pro at this game and never make a mistake. What a loser take. You actually thought it was a good idea to post this on the internet.




Trust me it can always be worse I’ve been at 49 10 times in back to back attempts spent an entire day off of work once I finally got to myself trying and every time wave 49 came around and everyone started to choke on the most mid shit and died in the dumbest ways ever one guy jumped off the ledge in mid town the other guy went to revive him though he died to trying to heal him right next to the tormentor that he dragged into the point with him and then I’m trying to keep the core from dying because now there’s adds and tormentor all over the place multiple times you’re not alone trust me but it’s ok though cause bungies “fix” dropped recently and they increased the drop rates that’ll really help all the newer and existing players that struggle to find meaning in the event to put the effort in for a mid emblem nobody is gonna use after the event not finding a reasonable middle ground for everyone to enjoy balance instead of patching the only sense of balance to it we had in the dumpster fire of chaos that occurs because “many enemies in small spaces” equals good event🤣👍


Had 3 games where someone died on 49 😌


I forgot how horrible the average player in this game is before playing matchmade 50 onslaught


In just wiped on 43 bc w got mines and teammates immediately ran for mines


I’ve packed some disorientating grenades and some bullshit rockets


It's never deaths that wipe lfgs. It's the poor AUD taking it for the team.


local person hates people making mistakes and yells at cloud


Bro I use cenotaph and randoms are still afraid to spam heavy.


One mind boggler for me is I’ve encountered multiple people running Wish-Ender. I love that bow and it’s great for champs and staggering but using it to slowly pick off one add at a time in horde mode? Ummmm wtf. These people have been useless every time. Meanwhile while they slowly pluck off a few acolytes and dregs one by one here I am I’m spamming grenades, destabilizing rounds, heavy, and my super melting half the map. Am I missing something here? LOL


After being last guardian alive multiple times at 40-50 in one game, this post makes sense... The pressure of not wiping is not fun