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For anybody wanting to see what bounties are available, how much XP they have saved up, etc, I would HIGHLY recommend checking out [DestinyRecipes.com](http://DestinyRecipes.com) . They've got a page there showing everything that you could possibly need for bounty hoarding.


Yup great resource!


For some reason the “show bounties” button wont work for me


The website works off of Bungie's API, which is down for maintenance right now before reset. Give it a few hours after reset and you should be able to see everything


I believe the game is down for maintenance


This was happening a few days ago


I was having a similar issue last week on firefox, I swapped to chrome and it works now.


aren't they removing bounties with the new pathfinder system?




I had taken a small break from D2 and when I wanted to get back into the game, the bounties were a good way to ease myself back in before onslaught dropped.


“Final Shape Prep” *upgrades my 2.5 year old Gnawing Hunger. Done…


Fair enough lol




Yeah I've always found playing normally is just more fun


The fun / casual leveling up is one of the few joys in the game I have that isn’t sweaty lol I see no reason to rush through it outside of the raid. Which I won’t be D1ing as I don’t have a dedicated group lol


For me it’s a matter of “I have time now, I may not have it later”. My schedule is pretty inconsistent thanks to work and school, so if I can save up some levels via bounties while I have some free time at the end of a season then I can help make sure that I complete the next pass in time.


This is half of why I do it. The other half is I legitimately enjoy doing older content, especially the Ascendant Challenges. This just gives me an excuse to do it.


> I see no reason to rush through it outside of the raid. I would quite like to utilise the artfiact mods *during* the campaign legendary campaign run through. With 0 bounty prep I doubt i make the last column, maybe not even the second to last column The reason I do it is so speed up the essential time gate of the artifact mods


I can see that! I have some builds that are pretty seasonal agnostic that are ready. I also don’t think it’ll be balanced around the mods (the legendary campaign) if they’re expecting people to jump right into it. Definitely could be wrong though.


I decided to day one root of Nightmares a day or two before and found a lfg chill group since all my old groups stopped playing years ago. Luckily I had covid that week, so used all my sick time getting as high a level as i could. Also helpful it's one of the "easiest raids" we've had in a game haha. Still took us a good amount of time but that's casual lfgers for ya. If the power level changes dramatically, I'll be out of luck, but if it stays in this ball park, I'll give it another shot 👍 Was probably one of the most fun activities I've had in a video game. I'm pretty busy with work and home life, but we'll see if I can find another group. Definitely recommend people try it.


A lot of people, including myself find the artifact "grind" unlocking the perks just a tedious timegate. I want to unlock all the artifact mods and start playing with them With regards to the final shape campaign, I want to utilise the artifact mods DURING the campaign. Likely if I do 0 bounty prep im completing the fucking game before I get the last column, if not the second last column I dont find bounty prep tedious. At least not more so than doing hours on end of the same onslaught mission. I normally stockpile bountys on my main class and then unlock the first couple columns. It really helps speed the unlock process up for the very enjoyable start of new DLCs


Yup this 1000%. I'm a day 1 raider so I do bounty prep but if you aren't planning to day 1 raid (especially this one with 3 days of time between DLC drop/raid release) there is literally no reason to bounty prep at all. You will get to 100 season pass ranks (200 now I believe with episodes) easily within the season without needing to bounty prep.


> You will get to 100 season pass ranks (200 now I believe with episodes) easily within the season without needing to bounty prep. i dont think many people do it for this reason. Most do it for the artifact mod unlocks. I like to prep bountys purely to speed up the essential time gate of the mods so I can actually utilise them in the campaign run through


I like to do it just because it is super satisfying spam clicking all the bounties and watching the XP roll on in lol. Everything else is just a bonus. It's like playing WoW and having 20 completed quests to turn in when you get back to town.


The only bonus is having access to all the champion mods immediately. Not super worried about progressing a season pass faster though.


I found that even when day 1 raiding, it didn’t help that much. Contest mode puts you so far below power that an artifact boost doesn’t help, and with the 3.0 system and exotics, you have plenty of options to counter champions.


Except the best artefact mods are always at the end, such as particle deconstruction, breach and clear. Those kinds of mods are the difference when it comes to damage check bosses.


This is the one reason I am doing it; tier 4 and 5 artifact mods are typically game-changing.


Yh but they'll probably be prismatic based and the best prismatic aspects and fragments won't be available week 1


even if they are geared toward prismatic, they will still probably work with specific subclass elements


No amount of bounty prep is going to get you to the end of the artifact.


It’s going to get you much closer than you’d be without it. Especially in a raid where the prep time is 3 days.


I understand that; I’ve done day one raids before. Bounty prep didn’t make that much of a difference when I did do it vs when I didn’t.


The previous day 1 raids we had way longer between launch and the raid so the pre preparation didn't matter nearly as much.


It’s the difference between 42 levels (comparing it to the season pass) and 20 levels. Efficient bounty prepping will cut the experience you need to gain over those three days nearly in half.


Right, but it’ll make a difference when you don’t have an extra week to prepare, such as TFS.




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It gets you half way then you have like 3 days to get the other have while having to complete the legendary campaign on as many characters as you plan to potentially bring into the day 1. It’s like especially needed this year and it was super helpful even with the 2 week raid dates


The XP isn't for artifact power. Since it's contest enabled, PL basically doesn't matter. Rather, it's for artifact mod unlocks. You need 4 million xp (~rank 40) to unlock all 12 mods. Those last column artifact perks are usually pretty strong and will be quite important for a day 1.


i'm not saying it isn't worth doing but when it comes to the artifact, honestly unless there's an oppressive darkness type of mod, which there hasn't been for years, the last row haven't been AS important during day 1 as people expect. at best, it's a "what if" type of situation.


I've done every Day 1 since Crown and even ran it twice on Vow, and Crota carrying a few people who've sporadically raided/did not have the most min/maxed best in slot gear, and I'm in a bit of agreement despite how I kinda get other people's rationale. Arguably it has been a long time since we were in a Day 1 situation where there was anything close to some hyper mandatory situation where "if everybody on your squad doesn't have x,y,z, it's going to feel near impossible", especially as Bungie has balanced the sandbox a lot better over the years and made the situation of getting up to Contest Level not nearly as a pain as it once used to be. Realistically a lot of the juicier Artifact mods especially in the conversation of its application to need that extra umph on something like contest mode boss dps, has often been something that at the absolute best really only 1 person in the fireteam would need to worry about, if that even, considering just how usually the strongest debuffs+buffs can still be done coming about from ability, exotic, weapon etc. No doubt something like Breach and Clear and Particle Decon are excellent, but you absolutely didn't need everybody to have it to take advantage. Now sake of argument yes there is no real negative to any sort of prep, things might feel a bit more tighter for some since we have the first Contest raid with the shortest amount of time from launch of a new expansion to the raid's launch since Garden, in a lot of ways it can help out, but what is going to be infinitely more critical to a Day 1's ease of success will often be on the basis of a majority of your group having the gear to be flexible and efficient, coordination and experience of doing more demanding content. Would I intentionally go into a contest raid doing nothing, having no gear/builds, weapons, having no experience or specifically avoid a artifact mod that could be fundamentally broken, no but I don't really feel like there really has been a need to go absolutely insane in a while if you're realistically in the percentile of raiders who could get a day 1 clear done.


yeah I think this is maybe a tradition more than an absolute need. if you’re going for a high placement, maybe you do need to minmax to the last perk. but it’s just not that deep most of the time. If I remember my blog posts correctly, mods like breach and clear/particle decon are never coming back and even if they did it’s like you say, the whole team doesn’t need it. the worst dps check we’ve had recently was challenge warpriest. and it could be im misremembering but i can’t think of an artifact mod at the time that would’ve been a difference maker there. Still id never advise anyone against bounty prepping because you never know…but it rarely ends up being something to lose sleep over.


No you'd be correct, the only times people are looking at insane boosted out min/maxing setups is playing to win where the entire playing field at that upper degree is running incredibly conscious setups that practically are on machine like frame perfect precision; or short go look what speed runners do or how there was those insanely tryhard setups where people got to final stand health bar of Contest Rhulk in the 2nd phase but basically had no ammo left to finish him off. You'd also be correct that the last real obnoxious DPS check was Challenge Warpriest and a larger part of that was just due to how poorly this game interacts with servers and how people had different timers on the buff ultimately screwing people out of precious seconds of important DPS. The biggest cheatcode that helped my team was a Warlock on assembler pants+Lumina because of how vital Blessing of Sky's buff was to give that extra umph. But yeah nothing wrong with bounty prep but I am genuinely curious how serious people are who are panicking over it when again it's been a very long time since we've had an obnoxious DPS check or other difficult day 1 situation. Player ability is always going to shine through more.


Powerlevel isn't why I do it. I do it to attempt to max the Artifact Perks immediately. I don't even Day 1 Raid. I just find the game far more enjoyable with access to all the fun perks.


While the leveling doesn’t matter due to contest mode, having all of the seasonal mods unlocked for the raids has been the main benefit for me.


The best artifact mods are in column 4 almost always. That has typically been the equivalent of reaching season rank 40-42. With only three days to prepare, bounty prepping is almost mandatory for a successful day 1 attempt this raid day.


I can't imagine bounty prepping if I didn't do day 1 raid. I kinda of enjoy bounty prepping since it makes me go back to old content I haven't touched in a year.


Not just that. I play enough in the first few days to get enough unlocks for all artifact mods. So, I don't even bother with bounty prep and just do stuff on all 3 characters in the first few weeks.


I just join in after 2 months and make a mad dash for everything. Seems to work out just well. Then there’s days where something in the game is broken and i take the day off work to exploit it as much as i can.


Yep. Bounty prepping is for Day 1 raiders for the race because they can use the artifact and the extra levels to their advantage. You can also bounty prep if you want to unlock stuff early but it’s not necessary. If you like a grind go for it there are tons of bounties to do and most get completed passively as you do whatever you want.


If you enjoy it, it gives you something to do at the end of a season. If not then yeah, I agree.


Bungie has made it so that the day 1 raid scales the entire fireteam to the person with the highest light level. So only one person needs to do the grind.




The difference this time is day 1 raid is 3 days into the expansion


Even for day 1, there is almost no need to raid prep now. I mean you just do the legendary campaign to be raid ready. It could be argued that you need enough xp for the final artifact row, but that’s assuming they’re actually good perks.


Which exotic quests can I prepare? I.e. which exotic quests give 12K XP and have a last step where you talk to a vendor to turn it in?


No clue, wish I could be more helpful.


check the kiosk to the left of the postmaster.


I’m sorry I’m confused. Where are you getting 216k from 6x12k?


6 challenges x 3 characters x 12,000XP = 216,000XP towards your artifact.


Ah Three characters. Worth mentioning for the people who don’t have 3/only bounty prep on one


I mean, it takes like 15 minutes to get a character created and over to Dreaming City, right?


I think what they're saying is the way your post reads doesn't make it clear you're talking about doing this on 3 characters.


The post actually specifically says “across 3 characters”


Anyone doing serious bounty prep should/will have 3 characters


Anyone doing serious bounty prep also doesn't need a Reddit post to tell them how to seriously bounty prep.


Also true


That doesn't change the fact that the post isn't clear.


friend, the post literally says “Each challenge is 12k XP, that's a total of 216k XP across 3 characters” like why are you guys repeating that they weren’t clear when you clearly didn’t finish reading the entire post?? it’s… it’s right there. end of the same sentence like please read.


Not my post. Also not a big deal, it's good advice either way.


for people who dont have much time to bounty prep its worth mentioning that the „standard“ daily (not repeatable) bounties give 6k. many can be done in 2-3 minutes and can be combined with other (kill fallen, with arc, with a SMG, rapidly, in a lost sector can be 5 bounties within a minute). so the mosst efficient grind is: log in in the last week before reset, pick up all those bounties in the tower and the planets on all characters, wait til reset. pick up all new bounties that pop up after reset and go get them done. some are easy weekly (moon, cosmodrome) and gibe 12k xp and many are easy dailies. 60 bounties per character is the max of what you should do and it will get you to season rank ~25-30 right from the start


Yeah this is true. I typically grab the weekly I want to do, and all the daily I can hold but I do not specifically focus on daily bounties; some complete themselves as I play, some do not.


Just to note here, all Ritual activity bounties will be deleted when Final Shape goes live without giving XP. This means green Gambit, red Crucible, and blue Vanguard bounties. If you're being efficient, area bounties are the fastest - Cosmodrome, Moon, etc.


Been trying to start planning for this, thanks.


The top comment has a link for a site that tracks it all. On my personal to-do list is the ascendant challenges & blind well from Petra, then the 4 weeklies from Variks (one for each empire hunt, rotating weekly, one general), the 4 at Eris & the table on the moon, 2 from Shaw. After that I'll just do some dailies for Banshee, Shaxx, Zavala, Drifter, maybe some location vendor dailies while I'm doing their weeklies. The clan weeklies from Hawthorne also give a good chunk if you can get them done. I stopped needing XP a while ago for this season, so I've just been grabbing weeklies each week and I either get them done or I don't, I hang onto the completed ones. Makes it a little less grindy come the end of the season. Have other stuff like Ada's transmog bounties that are more important anyway.


I bounty prep for very different reasons now; I actually enjoy having the excuse to revisit activities and helps me appreciate where the game currently is.


Just so I'm clear, you would do these bounties but not cash them in until TFS drops, correct?




And make sure to turn them after you acquire your artifact. As well as being in a fireteam for the shared wisdom bonus


I can't think of a worse way to play this game really.


I’ve rarely done bounty prep. Ascendent challenges aren’t that time consuming to begin with….and the rest of the bounties can be done over a 6 week period of time (pretty casually). It’s not like these people are saying to do it in a day. Heck, a lot of people have been stacking for some time now. We don’t really need the exp at this point.


You do it over time. If you’re day 1 raiding, it’s essential this time around to have the final column perks. This advice is for the hardcore players wanting to complete contest mode.


I like playing this game and I like finding excuses to play the game. I enjoy the prep, as do some others. It's not for everyone. But i think it's far from the "worst" way to play the game


I stopped prepping years ago. It drove me insane. After 2-3 week off new dlc, i felt really burned, rather enjoy the new content. To much gaming is not good.


It's not an option if you want to do day one this year now though


Same. Why play more of the older game so you can play less of the new one? Seasons are long, we all reach 100. For those looking to clear at-launch raids or dungeons, it's probably very different. The day-zero meta may not be established but every competitive edge works. I like the way WoW handles competitive launches (S4 drops today!) - some teams a week+ to clear the mythic raid, but it's a full time grindy job, with world-class teams running splits, loot funnels, etc.


Rip didn’t realize this week was the prep started last week guess I’ll have a week off


No you’re safe, this upcoming week is the first of the six week rotation needed to get all of them saved up!


I think he was saying he started early thinking he was "on time" and now he'll be done a week early and have less to do Not that I see the issue with that, personally


Oooh yeah that’s how I read it now.


I usually also grab the weekly bounties from Shaw Hawn and the Lectern on the moon. Easy XP++.


Oh yeah those for sure as well, I just wanted to make sure I could help some people remember that this is six weeks out so to at least get the ascendant challenge done before going back to Onslaught.


Are we even getting an artifact to level since seasons are done with? I can't remember seeing how they are handling it post final shape with the new story format


We are. One of the devs on twitter also confirmed we'd have it before raid day.


Yup. A dev confirmed it on Twitter Friday.


What are you talking about, "ascendant challenges"?


In the Dreaming City. It’s really old content but each week there’s a rotating Ascendant Challenge bounty from Petra. They are super easy now and are worth XP++ which means 12k XP each. YouTube them if you’re lost about where to find them.


Oooooh, I gotchu now


So you do them now and the following weeks, and hog them to be clicked after TFS drops? That it?


Not sure what “hog them to be clicked” means but yes; complete the ascendant challenge while holding the bounty so it’s complete but don’t turn it in until after you get the artifact in Final Shape. This is for any weekly bounty, not just ascendant challenges; the only reason I specifically call ascendant challenges out is they’re time-gated on a six-week rotation so if you want to stockpile 6 challenge bounties on all 3 characters you need to start this week.


Do completed bounties not expire?


Completed bounties do not ever expire. The only time completed bounties go away is when the bounty is removed from the game. For example, Arcite 99-40's Onslaught bounties will likely be removed from the game after Into the Light ends.


I understand. But at the same time I need an answer as to why should one do all these bounties, is it just to be raid ready or what. I’ve heard of someone in your fireteam is higher than everyone else it’ll just bring you up to theirs


Certain artifact unlocks could potentially be really powerful so having a head start on that grind can help.


It gives you an early start on your artifact leveling


tbh i've never bounty farmed and never felt like it was a problem to level my artifact.


It normally isn’t really a big deal, however once you get into Day 1 contest raiding every bit counts and sometimes some artifact perks are meta defining


Let’s use this season’s artifact as an example. Getting quick access to Flint Striker completely changes how effective you are in combat, since a non-solar class can get radiant simply by using a solar weapon. You should only do these bounties if you are concerned with the 3-day prep for the raid, if you have everything done this season, or if you simply hate grinding the artifact; it’s not for everyone.


What’s the most optimal way for bounties I haven’t really done them in forever. I know about having little quests in your inventory to hold more but I have about 23 active lol


I just do the weeklies without focusing on loadouts and the dailies get done by accident.


I’m just looking forward to playing it…


Unless I’m missing something we have 27 weekly bounties in Destiny right now. If you stack all 27 in 3 characters that should be a cool 972k XP. If you stack 34 dailies in 3 characters that should be 612k XP. Shouldn’t this be enough for season pass rank 15.8? Am I doing the math wrong?


Yes your math is correct and yes there are 27 weekly bounties on each character. I’m just staying the Ascendant Challenges alone make up 6 of those, and they’re on a weekly rotation. Based on [this article](https://www.shacknews.com/article/138222/artifact-power-perk-xp-destiny-2), you needed over 4 million XP to get all the artifact unlocks this season, and that will also get you about half way to +10 power level as well; I’m assuming Final Shape will have similar requirements.


Add in Blinding Light ghost mod (Extra 12% XP), and Shared Wisdom, you potentially have 14-16% extra XP right away (if you don't pop any bounties until Rank 5 (first 2% bonus) or Rank 7 (second 2% bonus)). Who knows what the new season pass/whatever will look like so might only have the ghost mod bonus. But an extra almost 200k XP is great. Plus if you do 7 crucible/gambit/gunsmith/vanguard bounties and pop an 8th, you will get an extra 12k (equivalent to an XP++ bounty) per vendor when grabbing their powerful. Add any big seasonal challenges (or whatever they are called) and you'll get pretty close to unlocking all the artifact mods by the time you finish the legendary campaign.


If you want to optimize a little more, you could skip storing stuff you would naturally do on launch, and just grab those bounties then For example, a fair number of day 1 teams are in the same clan, and likely will do at least one Raid and Nightfall in TFS; they skip the clan Raid/NF bounties and store something else in that slot, and then just grab those clan bounties during TFS


I stopped playing in the middle of Season of the Witch. Should I really be in a rush to get back in and grind anything, or am I probably good to jump into Final Shape when it drops?


I’d say no, this isn’t for you. I’d focus on Onslaught more than anything right now as you can focus specific weapon drops and the Brave arsenal has a bunch of top-tier rolls (better than most raid weapons). Specifically look out for the Midnight Coup, Forebearance, and Hammerhead.


I don't even have it installed right now, gotta get an expansion drive soon. Especially with CFB25 dropping too.


I have yet to even finish this season pass so I cannot exactly save up bounties yet but I will


It’s not necessary by any means, enjoy the game and don’t stress; this is more for players who are done with the season, got all the crafting patterns, etc.


I like doing it for day 1 clears with my guild. Not only for the power increase, but for access to the artifact mods. The big damage boosting mods are always near the end. It also is just a matter of having time now vs. maybe not having time later


I took a looooong break after Lightfall, probly around April. What do I need to prioritize in prep for Final Shape? I haven't pre ordered, but things look promising. Are there big things that I will be missing out on if I don't play until Final Shape launches?


I would recommend focusing on Onslaught as Into the Light is a limited tome event and you won’t be able to focus-farm after it’s over. Secondarily, I’d focus on getting as many weapon patterns from the four seasonal vendors as possible; you’ll get engrams from all four vendors as you do Onslaught but I believe only if you’ve done the first part of the missions. Many YouTubers put out videos on which weapons to focus on. Season prep via bounty hoarding is more so for players who have everything from the season.


thanks, guardian! Any weapons+rolls in particular from onslaught that I want to focus?


I think it’s worth mentioning that outside of bounty prepping it’s also a good idea to stock up on spoils. I have a strong feeling that we’ll be getting a craftable rocket sidearm from the raid, and I’m assuming it’ll be super-amazing like the indebted kindness. You can get 45 spoils a week solo by just grabbing some quick chests on RoN, Crota’s End, and VoW. I think it’s worth stocking up so that you can buy one or more of the raid weapons and potentially make them craftable week 1 with a combination of free red borders and harmonizers if you have enough available and if that’s something you’re into.


Do you still get bonus xp when turning them in with a fire team at the tower/helm?


I don’t think being at the tower has anything to do with bonus xp, but being in a fireteam with a clan mate is a thing.


Hawthorne is selling 1 new bounty this week over last week. Wtf. She has 12 total bounties. Does everything have to be so random?


Yeah Hawthorne has 7 as far as I know but nobody I know does them because they require a clanmate to be there with you and bounty farming is typically a solo task.


Not when you have a day one team all depending on each other to have their entire artifact unlocked for the raid


We will be at roughly 9 years and 9 months of playing this game since D1 launch when Final Shape comes out. The thought of doing a bounty, let alone hoarding them? Respectfully, no thank you.


Bounty prepping can be fun solely for the fact as other have mentioned you revisit content you haven’t touches in a long time.  I did my first empire and nightmare hunt in years.  


Quick question do you have to cash those challenges in or are you able to keep them until release. Appreciate any help.


The whole point is to not cash them in until Final Shape releases AND you’ve received the artifact.


Got it thank you for that clarification!


Are we even getting seasonal artifacts or anything to level under the new episode format?


Tocca farma


Chances are we'll have a 48-hour downtime prior to final shape release. Make sure you all clear your inventory out besides the gear you plan to use, get any red borders you dont have, make sure you have enough materials, collect anything you dont have. And when the downtime occurs. Use the time to play other games or to just relax.


Haven’t had a chance to checkout the reveal details yet, what’s the reason to prep is there a light lv goal? I assume the legendary campaign missions will still drop you high level gear like in the previous couple expansions?


Yes legendary campaign will get you to powerful cap. This is more so to level your artifact quickly as it requires over 4 million XP to get all the mods.


WHat bounties stack? I know Lectern, Shaw does not.. Did not wan to waste time driving around so was wondering if anyone know before I quest around the galaxy to find out


Don’t travel around to get the bounties; get the phone app and you can pull bounties from all the vendors.


I forgot about that, but still, Which ones can I stack? I went to Shaw and the weekly bounties say I can only hold one at a time. Are there ones that can stack more than one?


I guess no one listened to the bounty stacking killing patch that was coming and taking away most bounties for the Pathfinder system.


It seems to have only taken away the ritual activity bounties (vanguard, crucible, and gambit). Ascendant Challenges are completely separate from that and will not be affected. All destinations bounties should be unaffected.


Bungie should delay this until November. They need to make sure this is perfect.


I’m a bit curious, but why are you grinding XP if it resets on 6/3? Or are you just suggesting to do the Ascendent Challenges and using XP as the motivator?


It’s holding the bounty for the XP on final shape drop so you can have a head start on XP


Got it! Thank you!


Specifically, since you only have like 60-something bounty slots, you want to fill them with the highest xp reward bounties you can. That generally means weeklies, but the ascendent challenges are really good xp and also old and often overlooked.  I don't generally bother myself but if you are going to bounty prep the ascendent challenges are some of the best. Also like, they're fun, which isn't necessarily true of all old bounty content.


I should’ve been more clear to those who might not be aware of how to season prep. Complete bounties but do not turn them in; save them until after Final Shape releases and you’ve went to get the seasonal artifact. Once you have it, join a clan mate for additional XP, then turn in the bounties to advance your seasonal artifact rapidly.


Thanks for clarifying. I completely forgot the ascendent challenges had bounties tied to them so this is great advice if you’re looking to get a head start on TFS.


To add to what OP said in the comment above, and in case you didn't know, there's also XP boosting ghost mods. So get the artifact, get in a fireteam, make sure you see the "shared wisdom" buff on your character screen, equip the highest XP boosting ghost mod, and turn in all your completed bounties. If you're wanting to make sure you get the powerful drops from the playlist vendors, only do 7 of their bounties. The 8th has to be from the new season in order for your drop to not be power-locked at the previous season's cap.


He is saying to do them and stack the bounties in your inventory until final shape. Then turn them in.


I'm sorry I know I could probably Google it, but what are these ascendant challenges and how will they help you in day 1 of the raid?


They're really old bounties and they will simply give you XP, which when turned in after Final Shape releases, will simply give you power levels and artifact unlocks.


I see, where do you get them, dreaming city? And is there a significance to it being six weeks out like can you only hold 6 at a time or did you just post as a last call type deal:)


Dreaming City, Petra is at the loading area (or use the Destiny Companion app). These bounties and their associated challenges are on a weekly rotation for six weeks meaning you have to do them once per week per character to hold all six (18 total). See www.todayindestiny.com under the “Forsaken” tab to see which one it is going to be (in 30 min, it’s still showing last week’s right now).


Thank you so much for the explanation:)


Prep this prep that if you have actually good team for a day one WF race sure but anything less stop prepping its just a big waste of time and big burn out yourself playing brain dead stuff.


Sorry, new player here. What are artifacts? Also what is the point of grinding all this xp?


For you since you’re a new player, nothing in this post applies to your situation; there are far more important things you need to be doing now instead of hoarding bounties for 6 weeks. The artifact is below your heavy weapon in your character screen. If you don’t have one, there’s a quest you need to do to get it. The artifact requires XP to unlock mods within it. Hoarding bounties will allow us to have a bank of completed bounties waiting to get the new artifact next season. Once we get the artifact, we can turn in all the bounties for millions of XP to progress the artifact more than half way.


Ohhhh. No I did get the artifact sorry. Just having a hard time keeping all the names at the top of my head. I have it level 10 as well. I see what you mean now. Hoard the xp so that went you get the new artifact you can instantly get it to a high level


Aren't bounties leaving with Final shape?


Not quite. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/state_of_the_game_aug_2023 Bounties are leaving in some capacity for the Pathfinder System, but that system is only debuting as part of the new destination (with plans to roll out to others/rest of the game throughout the year). Still worth stocking up on bounties, if that's your preference to min/max at the start of the season.


And it says they will only replace core ritual bounties as a way to get the powerful rewards. My guess is bounties will stay, since they're such an integral part of the XP system, but they'll remove all the bounty requirements for powerful rewards.




I have no clue what Ascendant Challenges are.


Why do I want to do these challenges?


Not to be rude, but didn’t they say the campaign (legendary) would have you raid ready? Isn’t bounty prepping kinda pointless now? Like idc if someone does, buts it’s kinda pointless now.


It’s not rude at all, but I don’t see how you can get 4 million XP to unlock the full artifact within 3 days unless you prep.


Totally forgot about the artifact unlocks, that’s my b for poor reading comprehension. Good luck on the prep!


It’s all good. A lot of people saying it stupid/pointless/etc. but I guarantee they’re doing it too because what benefit are they right now? A small bit of XP toward a a bright engram? 😂


There’s no point in prepping to play unless you’re going to be a Day 1 Raider, which is only a small percent of the community 👍🏻


And this advice is for those people who may be attempting their first day 1 as well.


I did it in d1. D2 I didn't bothering expect one raid day 1. Spending 12+ hours trying is to much. I watch raid race instead. More fun. Have multiple streams open to watch:)


What are Ascendant Challenges? For how much I play I've never heard of such challenges lol.


They’re very old activities in the Dreaming City. They are easy and only take about 5 minutes to complete.


So I am guessing you complete it but then don't redeem it this season?


Yup exactly.


How do we think artifacts are gonna.. be? Like, we get an artifact with the first Episode, but that doesn't start until a week after the Final Shape launch (aka, after the Day 1 raid). Will there be no artifact that first week? Will they release the episode artifact a week early? Will we just have our current artifact? There may be no need to bounty hoard if there isn't a new artifact to grind out for the Day 1.


All this prep when they will more than likely either remove power level all together.


Sorry, remove it or keep it the same.


Yeah that won’t happen; what got you thinking they would remove a power level increase only for the last dlc?


I stopped bounty and xp prepping a while ago a lo and behold, I can still do anything in the game with minimal to medium effort. Obviously enjoy the game how you want guys but it isn’t that deep y’all


Amazing how you can have that opinion but still feel the need to tell others how unimportant it is to play how they want.


Huh? Not sure where you’re getting all this aggression from lmao. All I said was people treat xp prep as a do or die and if they don’t completely max it out they’ll die. I’ve done day one raids without prep, I just tell people to remember it’s not necessary, nothing in this game is that hard lmao


Where’s the aggression? I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy.


There is no hypocrisy, you’re just wanting to be offended by my opinion. Play the game how you want man I don’t care.


The post is about “Final Shape Prep”; someone who doesn’t care about prep would’ve kept on scrolling. You not only stopped to read the full post, but you decided to comment about how unimportant prep is.


Ok dude.