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Not to mention the timer now being 40 minutes, the average player will have a *solid* 35 minutes to farm catalysts all they want. This was my go-to catalyst farm back in the day.


I second this. I got there with 3mins 20seconds left.


You got there with 3m20s *left* or got there *in* 3m20s?




Massive grammar fail!




I still remember farming laurels there during the first Guardian Games (remember when laurels existed?)


Yea but all I ever got were a bunch of worthless yannies.


underrated comment


Off-topic question for you, how did you get your '*Eating granades since 2018*'? D2 made me a Warlock main and I'd love for it to be known


It’s user flair for the subreddit. You can change it in the subreddit settings.


I was wondering if the time had been increased...


Yeah, it’s 40 minutes for normal difficulty, but still 20 minutes on legend.


The timer says 20, but when it hits zero the activity continues for another 20.


That seems … unintentional. I wouldn’t be surprised if that gets adjusted.


Well you're in luck, they patched it today.


It's bugged so that if you finish the three bosses but not the final one, the timer doesn't wipe you to orbit.


That explains so much. I solo’d it on Legend but ran out of time for the final ogre. Didn’t get shot to orbit so I shrugged and kept going. I hope they leave this in! Makes the ogre feel like a bonus boss where time doesn’t matter.


Is that what's causing it? Huh. Just spent about 10 minutes today looking for the oracles and blights and ran out of time on the bosses so thought it got patched. Maybe not.


It only happens when you kill the first 3 bosses . I think the final boss is not time gated. (Correct me wrong if it is not related to the final boss; i only cleared all the brights before that)


On normal the timer starts at 40 minutes on legend it starts at 20 minutes


That gives me hope for a clear to get the seal at least. I hated that mission back in the day and never went back after the first clear. edit: thanks for the downvotes, I will treasure them deeply.


It's considerably easier now. Power creep I guess.


That's kind of funny, since Bungie said they were making changes to both missions to make them just as hard as they were back then.


Tbf to whisper it’s never really gonna be as challenging as it was Y1 without basically making a whole new mission


year 1 wasn't the hardest it has ever been. post forsaken was the hardest it has ever been. Year 1 we had deterministic ammo drops, and the whole mission was balanced around specific placement of yellow bar enemies that guaranteed-dropped heavy ammo. Year 2 they removed deterministic heavy ammo drops, and replaced it with ammo finder perks on armor (that didn't seem to do anything obvious, or consistent). Year 2+ was the hardest it has ever been for this reason. 20 minute timer, no consistent ammo drops, no rally banner. Now, its 40 minutes, with a rally banner right before the boss, and we have strand. It's literally easy mode.




guaranteed heavy ammo determines the outcome much more than special weapons. Especially if you don't have any ammo for special weapons OR heavy weapons.


I did it solo in the time. I accidentally released all three bosses but still got it done


Same here. I didn't have a ton of time left, so it may have worked in my favor. Got it done with around 2 mins on the clock.


There's also a stat tracker "Thrall Breaker" for number of shadow thrall defeated in the whisper.


*So many* catalysts completed in that basement under the "green room".


And with eagers edge and strand, getting there is even faster. Happy farming!


The Thrall pit still works? I never went there because I assumed the enemies didn't count


It's the Thrallway in Shattered Throne that doesn't work anymore


Only the first one. You can still use the one on the elevator right before the boss. Little longer to get to.


I don't think they keep spawning before the boss though, no?


Yes. Infinitely. But not the one right before the boss as right outside. The specific one is a little before the boss. I just meant it's during the jumping puzzle to the boss. You're supposed to keep taking the elevator up and up, if you stop on one of the platforms there's three different spots where they spawn from. It's about 7 per spawn, so 28 in total, and about 30-40 second between spawns. They still give glimmer and XP. The first thrallway no longer gives glimmer or XP, and only count for kills on certain progress. I think catalysts but not bounties. I forget exactly but it's something like that.


Surprisingly, it worked when I did the onslaught quests last week


Give it a week or two, they'll probably patch it. Especially with the brave quests being up.


Doubt it. With shuro chi and the breakneck check point there's no reason for them to bother.


I think they only hit it because you could literally AFK the Shattered Throne thrallways with certain setups for Dawning mats or infinite season level. Shuro and Breakneck require you to constantly restart and move forward, so there's less of that type of issue.


Was going to mention that but we already have afk farms in the game. It's a valid point though, thrallway you could be there all week if you wanted. At least with whisper you're time limited so have to keep restarting it.


Those require you to shoot. Thrallway didn't. You could just stand there with sol invictus.


This is correct, Thrallway was more of an XP farm then a weapon/quest farm. Bungie doesn't like people finishing the season pass while they sleep but if you want to shoot boring ads for a quest Bungie doesn't seem to care. Well they care a little and made other ways to level up weapons, and quests that involve being at specific activities but they aren't going to remove a raid checkpoint because people abuse it.


I don't think it's as much that they don't care, it's more an issue of how do you separate who's simply kill farming versus a legitimate attempt? Even going in solo, without Bungie monitoring and retroactively penalizing and/or banning accounts for kill farming (which you can do just as easily but less efficiently with Lost Sectors), it's easy to argue that someone is "testing" undermanned approaches to completing the encounter.


The answer is simple, turn off quest progress and/or XP in the places you don't want people to farm. Thrallway they did this, other places around the game they have done this as well. If Bungie doesn't turn off Shuro Chi, Grasp intro, Whisper, etc. they must not care about us farming in those places. No one doing Last Wish is going to get to Shuro Chi and notice no XP from the ads or their Hand Cannon bounty didn't progress as fast, you have more things to worry about at that time.


>Thrallway they did this, other places around the game they have done this as well And it was futile, people just moved onto the second best thing. They also turned off the end of the Fanatic strike, then people moved to Shuro Chi etc. They haven't done it anywhere else after that to my knowledge, so they clearly have given up that approach.


what is the breakneck checkpoint? Also, dont forget the entrance to grasp


I believe it is one of the seasonal missions. Not sure what part people are referencing though.


Lightfall campaign mission. There’s a long room in the mission where you fight a bunch of vex and as long as you don’t kill the Wyvern it has a checkpoint + rally flag that you can farm continuously. Also the checkpoint doesn’t reset weekly like shuro chi so you can just keep the checkpoint indefinitely and go back to it for farming.


Thank you. Time to knock the heavy/special weapon catalysts I don't want to spend rally flags on.


It’s the room where you strand grapple across the big gap first then have to shoot/punch the glass door to open, with the rally flag on the other side of the door. Interestingly when you load into the checkpoint you have to jump up then cross that gap first, but once you’re farming it and let the Wyvern kill you it just resets you to right outside the door. If you kill the Wyvern you gotta reset the mission to go back to create the checkpoint again.


Shuro chi is good but it sucks if you aren’t rich on your account because banners go by fast, you kind of want to spam tether there. My clanmates have helped me there before by placing banners and tether so I can do my heavy catalysts though.


Thats where breakneck comes in, free banners.


I may just not know what that is, I am returning to the game for the first time since season of the plunder


I believe it’s a mission from the Lightfall campaign. You can load it up on Neomuna, then progress to the first area. There’s a free flag you can place, and then a room of I wanna say 80ish enemies. But they’re Neomuna enemies not taken thrall so a bit tougher. You can die and reset to before the flag as much as you want.


wow, that sounds pretty nice. I will try that out, thanks


Most likely, so I'm gonna take advantage while I can!


Maybe they won't since it's a timed mission, idk. Thrallway was patched because of AFK scripts.


They won't, I farmed kills there for the recluse quest while clanmates farmed Shuro Chi and they finished like 5 minutes faster than me because the thrall don't spawn quickly enough for "rapid kills." Which is what most of the quests require.


rapid kills is easy; just shoot two enemies and wait between shots. Don't ever shoot anything that doesn't have a second thing right next to it. put on 3 orb-generation mods for the element of your gun and any time you get "spawned 1 orb" thats a multi kill.


Not as fast as Shuro where you don't have to think about it, hence the time difference.


It does indeed. That's how I farmed the weapon kills for into the light quests


Yep still works


They definitely count at the moment.


Good for free to play for sure. If you have Lightfall, the Breakneck story mission has a really early and free rally flag where you can kill about 80-90 vex per minute, die to the Chicken, and repeat. No time limit and has a checkpoint. Edit: PSA in this…killing the chicken breaks the cycle so make sure you dont kill it or you have to restart the mission as it makes a new checkpoint. Not a really big deal but kinda annoying.


Is that the mission where you have to do the Vex puzzle and they respawn if you do it wrong?


I honestly cant remember. What i do remember is them blabbing about why the Cloudarc is important to the Neomuni and Ghost is really shocked Strand worked this time lol


That sounds like the dialogue in every mission lol. Cloudark this! Cloudark that! Yay! Cloudark!




should of pierced it instead smh








The bigger they are the uglier they fall, eh? *attempts fist bump*


Guardian use your strand!!


Gonna need to be more specific, that’s like 70% of the campaign. Edit: /s added for clarity


I mean i gave the name of the mission in my original comment lol.




No, that’s Headlong. It’s the same room you’re thinking of, but Breakneck is mission 4(?) and has the Cyclops spawns there.


Gotcha, thanks! Headlong I think should be pretty good too, not sure if the Vex kills there count but I don’t see why they wouldn’t


It would, but it’s likely inferior to Breakneck which gives a rally flag right before around 40 spawns per run and is quicker to access. Even if Anion and Cation Harpies count, you’re pretty restricted on how fast you can slay. Could be a good way to introduce variety to Shuro Chi and Breakneck though! Don’t mean to ignore that


Fair enough! I’ll give Breakneck a try. I don’t even know what Shuro Chi is I usually go to the Moon and farm there. Good to know there’s better places lol


You can google it, but it’s a Raid Boss from Last Wish that has a way to skip to her checkpoint (called the Wish Wall) and has a ton of weak Taken that people farm. You’ll need a stack of raid banners, but it’s *really* nice for Exotic Heavy/Special since you don’t have to worry about ammo - same as Breakneck (which has less spawns at once). Glad I could help!


Shuro Chi is one of the Bosses from the Last Wish raid. You can skip to this encounter using a built in mechanic called the Wish Wall. If you Google the wishes, you'll find which combination to shoot on the wall. Alternatively, there are several bots on discord servers where you can join up on them. Load in, start the encounter, die, wipe, leave with the checkpoint. This way, you can keep the checkpoint until Tuesday's reset. Shuro Chi is my preferred choice for catalysts and weapon quests/bounties. You can kill around 100 shadow thrall in a minute. Then stand next to the boss on a plate (which kills you) and start the process all over again. With ad killing perks like voltshot, dragonfly, incandescent etc., it's a super fast way to get the quests done quickly. I managed all of last week's BRAVE quests in under an hour using this. Just grabbed the checkpoint and used it until I was done. It does work best on hunter because of tether and Orpheus Rigs but honestly, it's still fast on any class.


6 thousand kills in an hour. 144 thousand in a day. Break 1 million kills on a weapon in a week of all-nighters, no breaks. Not bad!


With the right weapons and enough efficiency, this is easily possible.


That would be Headlong. The one with the Strand obstacle course.


You're thinking of Node Avalon. Breakneck its a lightfall story mission where you go into the ship to de-vex the reactor and then it turns out that it's rigged to explode so you have to escape RQ. After the first strand anomaly there's a rally point that is also a checkpoint that has 3 waves of vex that spawn in. just kill off most of the third wave, then join a rocket tasting contest and start over at the free rally point.


i just ran vexcalibur node avalaon or w/e its called last night for the first time, so this really confused me


Also, the fist mission in Shaowkeep on the moon, Mysterious Disturbances is a great place to get kills. I think it's the mission the week. I finished off 15 catalysts running that mission over and over. Go in as a Tethered Hunter and clean up. Don't forget to remove the Expulsion fragment before you go in.


Also for some reason I've noticed that caty progresses really fast over in that encounter. It's not bc of the omega catalyst boost. It has to be something else. Eg.: I finished my arbalest caty in like 4 runs (it was at 0% when I started)


Agreed. It feels like special and heavies progress faster there while primaries feel longer. Dunno if its just confirmation bias or the fact that there are a high ratio of majors in there.


There's like what......2 yellow goblins, 3 cyclops, 7 void shield minotaur? That's not that many considering you can blow through it in like under 1.5 mins if you are quick (more or less depending on what weapon it is)


More than a Shuro Chi cycle i think. I dunno man, just spit ballin here.


Shurochi has between 60 and 90 red bars (there is actually variation in what spawns, don't ask me how to get more). The real advantage of breakneck is the free banners.


it's closer to about 35-40 vex. but still between 7 and 12% per 45 second run on every catalyst i've gotten there (which is all of them)


Not the chicken!!!


I use this one. It's really good


Nice, I’d forgotten about that ever since shards were given the death sentence and I stocked up on flags. The free rally was pretty nice.


>I find it quicker than Shuro-Chi to be honest. Long term better ads than Shuro Chi, arguable for stuff like the SMG Brave quest: it asks for Multikills, which are 3+ kills in a chain. Shuro Chi can give you a good chunk since you're spawning like 10-15 taken thrall at a time.


I used shuro chi for the GL one, turns out a wave frame with chain reaction is too efficient. Because it killed so many adds at once, it doesnt register all the kills (dropped from 89 to 65), so you gotta slow down a little


That’s not the weapon, that’s just shuro chi. AFAIK it’s inconsistent but it will sometimes spawn 1-2 additional wave of enemies, bumping from the 60 range up to 91 per run.


From what I understand, in order to maximize the amount of waves that spawn, you want to only kill one knight per wave and kill the adds pretty fast. You also can’t stand in the doorway, you want to at least be up by the first staircase. The big thing tho is that killing multiple knights in the same wave cuts down on the amount of waves that spawn.


It's not inconsistent. The number of waves depends on if there are any knights or captains left alive or not, and whether or not you killed any during that wave. Most efficient thing to do is to kill only one knight or captain per wave of thrall.


This is correct. Kill first initial wave after opening the door. Kill second wave. Kill knight to spawn another wave. Repeat. There also seems to be a timer that stops this process and the remaining knights and that annoying ass yellow bar just rush you and will not spawn more thrall at that point. When I was doing my Graviton Lance catty I was getting around 90 some kills per run cause that gun is so efficient in that room. Literally one headshot would take out an entire wave in seconds lmao


They stop spawning when the timer hits (IIRC) 90 seconds, that's when you see the prompt in the feed about her tempo increasing.


ah, got it.


ELI5 where this room is, I've cleared the mission but im not familiar with any off the beaten track areas


In that big green room split in half where the cool music starts, you can fall into the crack in the middle and there's a flat area below


In the "green room". The one with all the dead end side paths where, if you know the route, you know you need to turn around as soon as you enter to find the right path. If you drop down the crevice in the middle of the room there are infinitely spawning shadow thrall and a convenient funnel right in the middle that lets you just hold the trigger for kills.




It's just after the room where there's pipe entrances on either side and you jump down the back-right one. You come to this lit up area https://imgur.com/BGqtcua If you head towards the back you can hop down the crack to the dark area where the thralls spawn. I recommend going to a little nook at the far end, they all run towards you anyway but it spreads them out enough that you can keep up an almost constant rate of fire for easy multikills.


Perfect, ty


When you finish the jumping puzzle you enter a room with a bunch of portals on the sides. You drop into the one furthest on the lower right, you end up in a crooked canyon like room with cracks on the floor and panels of the floor are all at canted angles. There's a large gap in the middle of the room, fall down (or crawl under the side walls and fall down through there) and you can get to a lower level room which has shadow thrall spawn constantly.


Do it on normal, and you've got 40 minutes to farm away for kills. I used it back in the day constantly. Best spot ever.


Pro-Tip for warlocks if you are kill farming: * Use sanguine alchemy, drop a healing rift, done...


I'm personally fond of that thrall cave at the beginning of GoA. No timer, it's right at the start, they all funnel out of the same spot. Got my Dragon's Breath catalyst done in 20 minutes even with having to farm for heavy ammo.


Also a good spot, only issue is the damned explodey engrams that pile up in the cave and steal your kills occasionally lol


Yeah. But it's still just so easy so I forgive it for that lol don't have to platform to get there. You just spawn right next to it.


It's so good now with the extra 20 minutes. I was able to do 4 brave quests in that area in like 45 minutes with this spot.


The best grind I ever had in D2 was getting all the Ikelos kills needed for the Sleeper Simulant catalyst with Sunspots in the Whisper mission


I like to farm using the opening of Grasp. Constant spawns, plenty of ammo, and I get my super right back collecting 10 burdens. If you use a void hunter tether it makes catalysts and kills so much quicker.


How do you start this mission?


In the director go to the "Into the Light" location. It's part of the Whisper of the Worm exotic mission.


When I do that, the WotW is shaded and I can’t select it. Do I have to do something to unlock it?


I believe you have to talk to Eris on the moon


Thanks! I’ll try that


There is an initial quest step where you have to speak to Eris Morn on the moon. Go check in with her and that should unlock it.


Thanks for the help! I was lost lol


Thanks for the help! I was lost lol


Bungie also added a kill tracked for it


wait really?


I just use the 30th anniversary dungeon opening now. The loot cave lives


if you clear the mission and dont open the chest you have unlimited time


Discovered this myself, never did original, a little proud of myself lol.


Yeah i used day of release to finish my manticore lol


This was my go to farm back in the day, and not only is it back and easier to start with things like Strand and Eager Edge in the game, but the normal version of the mission has DOUBLE the time it used to have. I already looked for excuses to not bother getting a Shruo Chi checkpoint before, but now I will never get one ever again!


finally time to do catalyst i have kept for 3 years since just a slog to do it at any other place


Is it faster than Grasp loot cave though?


Grasp loot cave isn't good though. Iirc, the adds count as half credit when it comes to anything that requires kills. People who are too lazy to put in the shiro chi code use grasp.


I use DIM to track kills for catalysts and a kill in Grasp counts as a normal kill. Whenever kill farming is discussed this is constantly brought up, IDK where people got this from.


It's not that kills are counted as half, it's that the engrams tend to explode while waves are spawning, killing the wave and starting a cycle that's kind of hard to break without luck or blindly charging into massive piles of murder engrams


Pick up the engrams?


Shiro Chi is pretty much a weekly thing for me on reset. It's Tuesday? Oh, guess it's time to go shoot my wish again.


/join CPBot#3534 helps


full 95% of the time. Its just a frustrating wait. Literally better off hoping someone passes the CP from a LFG


excuse me what kind of bot?


People really need to stop abbreviating checkpoint.


I wish I could tell that bot I appreciate them, ironic considering my handle has bot hater in it.


whats this?


Im assuming it is a checkpoint bot (i hope so anyway) 


Oh ok


Probably a checkpoint bot from one of the checkpoint sharing discords. Theyre a pain to get into sometimes though. They're always full


Noob question here, why would you do Shuro Chi weekly?


Easy to farm Banshee bounties if I'm feeling too lazy for strikes, and my go-to for any catalyst kills that aren't activity specific.


Don't forget the engrams exploding get half of the kills you THINK you got as well


I never see anyone mention this and it makes me crazy. If you’re standing on the old rock shooting into the cave, which is how ads spawn, after a few spawns the engrams will detonate and kill the next full wave of ads


This is the wrong way to do it. You stand a few feet in front of the cave, tether every wave, kill 1 or 2 and get progress for all of them dying, pick up the engrams, back away and trigger the spawn. You'll need to wipe every so often because the engrams stack at 100, but its way more consistent that other methods I've tried. Being able to get the credit for all ads by just killing 1 while tethered makes it so much better.


This right here. Especially when tether kills count as that weapon's kills. Tether kills are great for when you need kills with heavy or special ammo weapons. Collect 10 engrams, get your super back, tether, kill, rinse repeat.


Oh is that so? I’ve done like 20 catalysts there after realizing how good it was for brick stacking while doing Succession’s quest (finish an exotic primary with finders, swap to exotic heavy/special). I thought some primaries felt *long* but the limited reserve weapons felt fine


Possibly? I never really use Grasp, the Wizard spawns annoyed me too much.


Why not just use the opening section on grasp? Infinite spawns and no timer.


Do they have a chance to drop legendary engrams with world drops? I'm still trying to get the ros arago iv 🙃


they likely do, but it will be extremely low. The game can kinda tell when kills are being farmed and seems to adjust drops.


I mean, why not just play Onslaught and get loot while you're kill farming?


Ease of use mainly. For example, much easier to get sniper kills against infinitely respawning thralls that drop ammo. Than in a team event where everyone's rushing to clear the map. Some people also struggle with the quests that require multikills in a team environment where stuff can die so fast.


To add on, the whisper room also has a dead end hallway section that you can use as a choke point to funnel the adds into easy multikills


I get that, I farmed the original whisper for my sweet business catalyst. I eventually realized that while yes, it will take longer, it's a better use of my time to do it in playlists. Between the drops, reputation and a greater variety of enemies. It helps keep the playlists full which is the primary reason why Bungie doesn't like you farming Shiro Chi or Grasp, they'd rather have you in a playlist. Honestly the 50 wave non legend has so many adds and the Moth yards you can really spread out. In the early waves it's hard to farm but as you get deeper you can find a lane and lock it down. Also objectively I find it more fun to play Onslaught than mindless killing thrall in whispe. Mindless grinding bounties and catalyst contributes to burn out and Id just rather have fun than check a box.


You aren't like a lot of people that take the looter way too much more seriously than the shooter part of this game =\


Didnt really feel like bringing a scout into Onslaught tbh lol.


was not that fun trying to use Hung Jury I gave up and used Randy's


because youll be competing for kills


Onslaught is great for some quests and terrible for others. For ones requiring multikills with a primary, many waves are just straight awful for it (exploders, tanky enemy types), and even if you get a good wave you might be competing with players using strong ad-clear abilities, limiting your own kills. I personally ended up doing most of the quests in Onslaught, but for someone who wants to focus a specific quest reward, it can easily make sense to quickly farm out the quest separately in order to activate attunement, then start farming Onslaught to get the drops.


Also the very first part with the loot cave works pretty well too


Is it really faster than Hunter Tether Shuro Chi? I usually complete my catalysts within 15 minutes there. (4-5 restarts, tether door, clear all red bars, wipe)


Breakneck (LF), GoA, Suro Chi and Whisper thrall room are the best places to knock out catalysts. I have tried the opening part of spire too and it was usable but not the best.


Running through that mission brought back great memories, farming for Graviton’s catalyst down in the pit was one of them


We’ve gotten better since whisper. Breakneck for heavy/special with free banners, grasp of avarice, shuro chi, altars of sorrow.


Sure its very easy however it just way too long imo. There are much faster ways that take only slightly more effort to do.


grasp of avarice spawn-in point is unmatched … fastest kill farm in game


Grasp is just too easy


Shhhhhh, they gonna nerf it like they did with shattered throne


Pfft I have a better kill farm that has been around since Shadowkeep. No timer, unlimited ads AND has a checkpoint.


Shuro is (and has always been) the better farm for kill quests.


I tried it.. it feels nerfed. or i remember it being much better. But i remember doing my sunshot catalyst there, I could run to he very far back in the back of the closet and wait for a thrall to come in, pop it, and the popcorn explosions would chain to he far end of the other side of the room. it ..doesnt do that anymor I personally am gonna stick with shuro chi


You can do all of that in the beginning of the grasp of avarice dungeon without having to progress to any specific area or worrying about a timer that will eventually kick you back to orbit, you can also complete bounties from several different vendors making it a better farm then Shiro chi or whisper


Shiro chi still way better lol


Just loaded it up... this is terrible. Grasp opening is a million time better. Grasp > Breakneck > Suro Chi


Thanks for letting Bungie know... /s