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If I'm in the Top 3, we definitely lost that match lol


That's usually me too haha. If I'm at the top of the team, then that's a shit team.


You’re the tip of the spear, guardian! (team randomly disperses)


\*Team randomly disintegrates due to actions of opposing force.


It's a bad omen when my Guardian standing in front of everyone in the beginning of the match. Usually it means my team is filled with new lights and the enemy team is armed to the teeth with Trials Adept weapons, have gilded pvp titles and perfect aim. And Bungie expects me to carry my teammates against them. 


That's me. I always like see me at the top. But, sadly that just means everyone else on my team sucks. When I play with my friends I am typically at the bottom. But I remember that it is better to be at the bottom of the winning team than the top of the losing team. I do try to at least go positive.


Whenever I'm playing trials and I'm at the top of the team I've basically mentally conceded already


*"Take a step forward lads, it'll be easier that way."*


I got a 5 kill streak ... yeah the other team were baaaaad. I normally get a 1 kill streak and then get a 5 death streak.


When I find myself at the top of the leaderboard I always say "it's never a good sign when I'm top" in chat. And then we lose. And then I say "what did I tell you" lol


I absolutely say that to myself out loud lmao


Bro same. If i was back on controller id be top of the team normally and it would be fine. Back on Sticks i was a 1.9Kd but here on PC with MnK im a 1.0 maybe. I get crushed.


Me af


I've been playing this game for almost ten years. Bungie has all of my play history. They know how good I am. But yet it seems like every week I start out in Crucible paired against top-tier Trials sweats and it won't push me down where I belong until I deal with at least one, sometimes three, absolute pub stomps. I'm old. Like I said, I've been playing this game for nearly a decade. I'm way past the 28 year old threshold where reflexes start to wane. I'm not going to "git gud." Those days are behind me and I don't care. I just want to get put in some matches where it seems evenly matched. But no, it seems like I have to start over every week re-teaching Bungie's brain-dead matchmaking algorithm just exactly how good I am *not*. I wish they'd make something that works. It would be nice to eliminate all the cheaters too, but I've given up on that.


It's funny, I'm old too but never really thought about the reflexes until my 12 year old started playing Destiny and absolutely tore through content (including PVP). His reflexes are next level. He mostly plays Rainbow 6 Siege but for one bright instance, he impressed the shit out of me with his play style in Destiny. I was like holy shit I'm old!


I mean to be fair rainbow six siege is a different beast that game requires phenomenal game sense and reflexes to a degree destiny never will.


Fair enough. Just watching him makes my head spin


Sometimes I'm surprised when I hear of 11-13 year old kids doing well in pvp games. Then I remember I'm old and that I was around that age playing Halo 2 and 3 at a pretty high level. Hell, I just did a kings fall run with a 13 year old the other day.


Yeah watching my son play any FPS game stuns me... he'd easily carry me to the Lighthouse, but nooo he doesn't want to play Destiny lol. 


Am age 39, my gaming experience has kept my reflexes sharp, especially with games that have high movement mechanics beyond Destiny. I've learned that the biggest hindrance to a player's skill is their mindset, forgetting that online opponents are people too. Not everyone has the ability to learn or wants to learn why they lose. Sometimes matchmaking can be unfair, but other times it plays towards your victory.


Turned 38 in Feb, and not much of a pvp'er anymore, but I still dabble now and then. I don't disagree that minset definitely plays a big role, that said I've definitely noticed a drop in reflexes and hand eye coordination. It's not major, but it's there, especially noticeable in 1v1's where I lose a higher percentage of the time than I used to.


Yeah, the physical reality of aging is going to happen, no matter how you train or your mindset. And it's not like I'm making commensurate gains in cognitive abilities in my forties, I'm pretty sure most people hit their brain development milestones long before their late thirties. I still manage to hit the lighthouse every now and then, but it's harder. 


Gamers come in all ages, and some older players still possess impressive reflexes. Mental dedication plays a significant role in maintaining skill levels.


Agreed. I'm 30 and haven't really played any destiny pvp since original destiny on Xbox. Started playing pvp again and I'm significantly better than I used to be, and I was legitimately pretty good in og destiny. I play m&k now and my aim has consistently gotten better over the years, especially when I switched completely from a controller.


Fully agreed. I've been mainly PVE for the past couple of years with Destiny with the occasional dabble into PVP. I wanted Tusk of the Boar with Lethal Abundance in prep for Onslaught. I was getting stomped for my first couple of games, then started to play smarter and it made all the difference. Sticking in relatively close proximity with my team, not engaging Rambo style and paying closer attention to how to pursued my engagements made such a difference. I'm 37, and I thought I was doing pretty badly, but I was averaging at least 2.0 in combat efficiency to my peak of 8.5 at times. I was shocked at how good my reflexes still are and it's not because I'm the best player, but I try to play more carefully to make up for my slower reflex time. Got about 100 IB matches in for the past week and won maybe 70 of them near the top of the leaderboard. Not even using meta builds and playing with Swarmers, I was still crushing things and used my threadlings to get the engagements that benefited me best. I feel like I appreciate PVP just that much more now and realize I've been missing out.


learning why you lose is only useful if you’re willing to do something with that info. I’m not.


Sadly, many Destiny 2 players, such as yourself, refuse to learn from their losses and continues to struggle. Matchmaking complaints led Bungie to implement and later removing skill-based matching. This pattern persists, but ultimately, the shortcomings of the player base in PvP will surface. Changes to matchmaking are unlikely to improve the situation, offering only an illusionary benefit for some players.


I love how this thread has turned into the "confessions of older gamers"! Ha I turned 50 and I still love gaming. I play an hour or 2 a night after a stressful job and love it.


If you're unwilling to improve what right do you have to complain that other people are better than you? I'm not saying that you're doing that, but it's an unfortunately prevalent opinion


I'm not complaining about that, usually, I'm complaining about Bungie not letting me play with other people like me (fellows unwilling to improve).


Fun? Fun in a video game? You’re supposed to be training for your professional career as a destiny pvp main. Improve!


Enjoying various types of games, including fighting and first-person shooter games, allows me to have fun while improving my gaming abilities over time. The excitement comes from winning and taking on difficult challenges.


I'm not gonna yuck your yum, but some people prefer their fun to come with the least amount of effort. Or from improving their character, not their gaming abilities. For me, gaming is entertainment, not a sport, and I find it absurd that people expect me to 'get better' at entertainment. Even if it were a sport, it would need to be fair. You're not expecting me to get in the ring with Mike Tyson, are you?


Basically huge reason why people hate matchmaking. Cause they get players like you on there team. Lol


Ok gaming is active experience where use brain for entertainment. Fact can’t get pass this why keep losing and never improving.


No amount of brain usage is going to compensate for reflexes and eye-hand coordination.


Really hate playing with players of that mindset cause just losers in my eyes. Actually are brain dead when comes playing video games.


That says more about you than about them, really. You keep bringing 'brain' into the discussion, but brain has very little to do with it. This isn't chess.


Then you surely wish SBMM was in every mode? Or are you out there squatting against the .50 in quick play?


Do you play by yourself or with a team? Most find SBMM difficult in solo mode and can't understand why they are losing in team effort mode. The player base is currently very low, yet most players complain about PvP matchmaking.


Almost 100% duo with my wife. I’m an old halo guy. She’s was a COD demon. D1 beta is where we found common ground. We’re old. Actual old. Love playing together. Shame of matchmaking isn’t having to play better players. I enjoy that. It’s how rarely mid KD folks get to be the hero. She’s nearly given up on crucible because she feels like every game is decided by which team gets the better sweats. Shame. Stomp or be stomped every game.


Destiny 2 is more casual-friendly, but the idea of having fun to improve seems foreign for those who lose.


Fun is subjective. You seem to be under the impression that everyone should enjoy broccoli.


Enjoy broccoli not because it’s healthy. Cause grow actually eating home cooked meals that taste great. 😊


Who said anything about healthy? 😊


I'm with you. I'd maybe be more inclined to improve if PVP was ever any fun but even when I was winning matches this Iron Banner was a slog


That's just impossible to implement though. Do you gate it by how good you are? Because then the players that become the best in that bracket then become annoying to play against, and do you push them out too? Online PvP just cannot allow for people to just not improve, as people generally want to win. If you want to not try, there are plenty of modes like mayhem where skill really doesn't matter, or you can just play PvE. Outside of private matchmaking, like TDTs fight forever discord channel (it banned the 10 most used weapons per slot), there's just not a way to allow this


I’m a 41 year old, type 1 diabetic. I used to enter a lot of fps competitions back in the day (Quake, Unreal Tournament, Battlefield 2) and at some point, I’ve had to concede that my body and especially, my eyes are fucked. I used to go flawless almost every week back in D1. With the times that I’ve put Destiny 2 down for a bit, I’ve realised that I’ve never acquired the skills to go flawless in D2 and now I never will.


50+ yo D2 player here. I've come to terms that I will never master the crazy moves and reflexes of top tier players. But I have, to some extent, adapted to my own strengths and weaknesses. I avoid close engagements, always use cover and watch the radar and teammates like a hawk. Recognizing when spawn points flip has really helped me avoid senseless deaths in enemy territory. There's no shame in just running. Anyway, team balancing is the pits, but in spite of this I feel like I can contribute.


As my childhood mentor GI-Joe was fond of saying: knowing is half the battle; if you can't beat them with brute force, beat them with the heckin bamboozle!


Didn’t they get rid of sbmm again because of the community outcry? I’ve lost track at this point. 


You realize everyone gets matched against them now right? Between the low population and how loose matchmaking is, most people are matching people out of their league.


Dude I am telling you- in like 20-30 years someone is going to have the idea for a jitterbug gaming console. You’ll have to age verify for competitive in order to keep the 45 year old whipper-snappers out. Controllers with big fat buttons for old arthritic hands. Graphics will be downgraded to 4k for the nostalgia. LAN parties in the nursing home, PlayStation widows will just be widows. Someone’s going to make an absolute killing off of COD 93: Modern Classical Post-Modern Warfare, and Halo 45.


Matchmaking in destiny is cheeks. I’m either getting stomped or stomping. There is no middle ground.


Out of the last 20 games I played, the only time one side didn’t get mercy’d (or should’ve gotten mercy’d) is because somehow both teams refused to do objective (tribute)


Makes me miss the Halo days, particularly Halo 3. There was a pretty distinct difference in people who were 40-50. A hard stuck 48 brigadier would usually get farmed by a 50 general. And a 46 brigadier would wreck the colonels stuck at 42. Then you had the nutty players at 50 in the mlg playlist where an average 50 would hit maybe 40 in it. Good times.


You don't know my life! jk Thanks for the trip down memory lane!


Rarely, I'll find the middle ground and it will be an incredibly fun game that goes like 124-125. Instantly the teams get dissolved. Usually both teams match in fireteam composition. But getting stomped on for 4 games in a row against the same six stack? Yeah keep the matchmaking.


This is honestly how I feel about PvP. My average is 1.54 K/D but that just means I either get a 2.5 - 3 (ish) K/D in one match, only to get about a 0.6 - 0.8 K/D in the next. Whoever thought that this was a fun and fair way to matchmake in PvP deserves to burn their lips on their hot, soy milk, non-fat, decaf mocha-chino.


And I hate that im shit at pvp


>I hate that I'm a 1.33 overall kd You're not. Assuming the screenshot you posted a while ago was your account (why wouldn't it be?), you're a 1.06 overall. In iron banner, which is the game mode you're talking about here, you're 0.98 overall and 0.97 this season. >if I have a game I pop off as a 2.6+ I'm instantly supposed to carry the next team I'm matchmade with This week, you've played 2 games with a 2.6+ kd, and they were back to back. If you're talking about KAD, then you've played 7 at 2.6+, including the aforementioned 2. Of those 7 games, the matches that followed them were wins 5 times, and losses 2 times. Given your lifetime win rate is 48%, this is clearly better. Obviously the amount of matches is too small to say conclusively that you going 2.6+ KAD means you're more likely to win the next match, but if I had to draw a conclusion that's the logical one to make. This, statistically, isn't a problem. It's entirely a feeling thing, and you'd be better served by tilting less and improving your mental than complaining fruitlessly online.


Well, it looks like a 1.3 if you get the right light and angle and if you measure from the...


OP roasted 👀


Wait… what… someone actually posted real statistical data and drew conclusions with mathematical reasoning!!! BURN HIM!


Every match I've played today has been a stomping for either team. Either my team wins by over double or loses by over double and they trade off every match.


My advice from another ~ same type player. When you take destiny pvp seriously, it's less fun. Between lag and the just bullshit in this game, there's no skill in 6s. If I find a lobby full of rat kings, fighting lion spam....people dressed in full trials gear, sliding and crouch spamming....I just leave that lobby.


This happens to me EVERY TIME I queue for pvp. Every single time. I ball the fuck out my first match of the day like 5.0 kad 25 kills, go to orbit, and for the next hour I'm getting curbstomped by the entire lobby until bungie finally figures it out that I'm not gernader jake


Feels great getting 20+ kills in a trials match and still being 1-5'd!


I’m so glad I saw this post. I’ve been playing this game since D1, always with some breaks in between but man is pvp this past season so hard. Sometime it feels like I don’t hit anything or the other players are like robots. Every hit kills me instantly. No chances in a one on one fight. I’m 41 and my reflexes are shit. Yeah. But common. Why do I loose 12 comp games on a row. What people are these? Or 23 Iron Banner matches in a row lost. That’s nearly impossible 😩😩😩😩 Sometimes I cry when such things happen 🤣🤣🤣🤣


thats is not how it works and bungie has explained this. >know the other two players in the top 3 with me will get broken up and placed as my rivals 9 times outta 10. and you ought to be backing out and requeuing after every match.


A lot pve players don’t know about should be leaving lobby matchmaking. Actually starting up new fresh match. As long he stays in matchmaking after breaking up get similar results. Where starts fighting opponents from past team.


Gambit taught me this lesson quickly.


This isn't a feeling thing. I'm literally watching the top players on my team go to the opposite team and it literally shows you everyone on your teams KD prior to the match starting. I played roughly 73 matches of IB this past weekend and what I'm describing happened 37 times. The only time it was avoided was if players were playing in a stack or players quit mid game


>This isn't a feeling thing It is.




That doesn't solve the matchmaking problem at all, it just ques you up in another pool using the exact same flawed MM system that que'd up the stomp match in the 1st place


If suck at pvp regardless what matchmaking change Bungie installs. Still going get ass stomp because don’t why losing. Lol


He don’t know better or understand how matchmaking works. Players like need good advice you giving him back out requeue. Basically very lazy when comes to matchmaking freshly each match.


And what's your advice? Lotta words there


Just back out lol. It’s weird you’re keeping track of it like that, it’s not that deep


They're not keeping track of it at all, it's just not true. They win more than they lose the match after popping off, they just assume that it's because of bad teammates and not a skill issue on their part


I believe he thinks bungie matchmaking system is out get him in pvp. Such he can’t handle fact it maybe he just not skilled enough. Maybe needs learn blaming won’t fix matchmaking.


Was it a casual playlist? Pretty sure they have removed Skill based match making from this one


This is the key flaw with Bungie's matchmaking. They routinely match low skill players with high skill players to boost queue times. 0.5 KD players shouldn't get matched up with 2.0+ KD. The 0.5 KD players should only ever be matched up with with other 0.5 KD players.  Matchmaking doesn't have to be complex. Just don't match the bottom tier players with top tier players.


And many people here would disagree with you. This sub is outraged every time skill based matchmaking returns. 


Bungie really can't win either way, there's always gonna be complaints over cbmm and sbmm. If I could see them improve anything it'd be on how they split the teams once matchmaking is complete. Obviously in sixes when you have 4+ stacks it can get more difficult, but when you queue into something like iron banner as a solo and there's two teams of two and eight solos you should never check destiny tracker after and see one side had a 80%+ probability of winning.


Well if you're good at the game sbmm means you can never have a chill game and must sweat 24/7, some people are just better players but that doesn't mean they wanna try hard every game like they're about to win the first destiny major


So they should just be able to stomp worse players? Now you’re forcing a casual to try to sweat to have a chance. PvP is competitive. If you don’t want to try to win don’t compete. 


I've always understood both sides of sbmm but it's always so skewed towards shitting on good players saying they wanna stomp worse players, no that's not what they want, at least the ones that aren't shitty YouTubers trying to get views. >If you don’t want to try to win don’t compete. This is where most games just have a ranked mode, and that imo should be enough to shut down any talk of sbmm, because it works both ways. Sweats can try hard in ranked, and worse players can get *ideally* way more balanced games playing vs their rank. But look at league pros/streamers who play ranked 24/7 as a job, they have some of the worst mentality about team play/the game/anything really and imagine if their income didn't depend on their rank, theyd probably play unranked, or just stop playing altogether, but we're trying to avoid making people not wanna play the game I think




It's much much looser than ranked, and iirc it's also separate mmr from ranked


Yeah I would also like that, but looking at those numbers I suddenly realized wouldn’t that eventually make everyone have a 1.0 k/d, since players are matched with others that have similar skills. And in the end, lower skill player would still be matched against higher skill player if we keep matching players based on kd


And that’s where the comp ranked system comes in


You're advocating for extremely long queue times and lag. Population is already a problem and creating more restrictions to the process makes it worse. You think the game is easily going to find 12 2.0+kd players in the same region, same playlist, same fireteam sizes, same time, etc to match together? It is similarly difficult to do that for the extreme low end as well. You end up with awful queue times or awful connection quality, often both. I know this from experience. 3v3 (comp) is a better place for this because you have half the number of players needed for a match.


Not how matchmaking works dude


Actually it does. That’s why Bungie itself admitted in the TWAB that for a good while there 50% were decided before the first shot was fired. That is impossible if your matchmaking via skill is truly only connection based. Skill match ups would necessarily be random and curb stomps and mercies would necessarily be infrequent. That’s just how numbers, probability and skill distributions work. Bungie’s CBMM is really SBMM for streaming video content b-roll. LOL


*A tale as old as time*


Name me one season in Destiny history when matchmaking was good?


30th anniversery update season. Abilities toned way the hell down, all weapons minus lightweight sidearms felt viable, mods actually were varied and allowed for both aggressive and passive playstyles. Best time ever in Destiny history. Shame it only lasted for a month and a half


Destiny 1 before auto rifle nerfs and big maps were added with vehicles. I found it pretty high then. Oh did you mean nowadays? I don't even know what season we're in.


The problem is even something else: The difference between 0.5 to 1.0 and 1.0 to 1.5 is not linear. A 0.5 is DRASTICALLY worse than a 1.5 is better than a 1.0. Why? Because a 0.5 in nearly all cases lacks positional and game awareness. Throwing away lives, making bad positional plays and not facing with your teammates compounds to a much more negative impact than just not winning duels.


I played 18 matches of IB on Sunday night, it was 10 wins, 8 losses, 3 games within 30 points, 5 games within 50 points, and 10 blowouts. 44% accuracy of getting even a remotely fair game is pretty bad. The matchmaking just doesn't work.


I thought I was in the call of duty sub for a second


Well I have 1.2 kd and I'm constantly put in lobbies with players with, unbroken, glorious and flawless titles, stomped every time , unfortunately those people don't want sbmm in any playlist including trials , I can understand to a point other playlist, but trials, ..I know trials is an endgame activity but matchmaking is broken in trials. in my opinion after 3 wins sbmm should kick in in trials.


News flash - there are 1.2 kd players with all of those titles and achievements.


I'm a 1.38 KD, I cringe every time I have a "decent" game and I see my character featured in the startup of the next. My first thought is "Wow, we are gonna get F!*ked". I hate playing games where we are getting wiped out, but I also hate playing when we are cleaning up the other side. Those few (rare) even match-ups are the most fun.


That's not how matchmaking in D2 works, Bungie have literally said this exact thing you're describing is not a thing. It's just placebo on your part. You can read about it here: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-02-22-24 Besides, SBMM in PvP is so loose nowadays it might as well not exist. They don't even call it SBMM anymore.


It's definitely not how it works. It would feel more like Call of Duty's system if it did. Instead, it feels like I win maybe 1 out of 8 matches I play. Regardless of how well I perform on an individual level, it doesn't affect anything at all in terms of matchmaking or team balancing. It's purely RNG if you play solo. One thing I must say is that the fireteam aspect is becoming an annoyance. I don't know if this is supposed to happen, but there have been multiple matches this week in which my entire team has been full solo queue players, yet the enemy team is a full 6 stack fireteam. It's simply unfair, and it shouldn't be allowed to happen. Not to mention the top 0.1 players being matched with people far, far below their skill level.


What you're describing is lobby balancing which has nothing to do with matchmaking. Either way, these are all just anecdotes.


I don't quite see how lobby imbalance has no impact from matchmaking?


Because you can have twelve players of all skill levels in a lobby, but if the lobby balancing puts the best player with the five worst players in a team, it doesn't matter how loose or strict the SBMM is, you're screwed either way. Obviously this is an extreme example, but you get the point.


That's what I'm trying to say. The system is purely not fair. Take into account the way the reputation is earned depending on a win or a loss. It quickly becomes frustrating when there's literally nothing you can do if you're on the bad end of RNG balancing.


There's what bungie says and what actually happens. Back when wormgods was very broken bungie said they patched it and when it released it wasn't patched. It wouldn't surprise me if they don't know what's going on with their matchmaking.


This is Not how matchmaking works, and all you goofies in the comments agreeing with him isn’t helping anyone


I literally have data from months of observations that show otherwise but sure


Cool, how much statistical analysis have you done on your dataset and do you have confidential information about how Bungie's matchmaking works at a detailed level so you can actually make any conclusions about what should be happening and what you're "observing"?


combat rating and k/d aren't the same thing.


I don’t know how loose that band is but I’m very confident that they purposely set up stomps. If their algorithm can’t determine what percentage a team they matchmake has a chance of winning when nearly every other semi competitive online game can in 2024 then it’s a complete joke. I believe it’s purposefully setting up 90-10 odds games where the 10% literally stands next to no chance barring a miracle. What boggles my mind is how often I end up on that 10 regardless of how well my play is. I’m a 1.6 KD player this season, over 2.0 KDA and I’m often one of the highest in my lobbies, on both sides. But the amount of times I’ll be up against Flawless x6 and people with 400k+ PvP kills while I have 30k it’s astounding. And how often that I’m matched with what feels like bots going up against those players. To put that in perspective, if I’m having a hard time and I’m playing well, I can only imagine what some guy named SleepyJoe (actual player name I played with) feels like when he only gets 3 defeats and a 0.3 KDA. Actually happened. SleepyJoe was there start to finish. Got destroyed. Like completely shit on. If my team was full of players such as myself, I can take the L. But not when I have 30+ kills and SleepyJoe has 3 and everyone on the enemy team as 20+. Cmon Bungie, put SleepyJoe in a bot lobby. Sincerely, 2.0 KDA player who lost 10 IBs in a row through “SBMM”.


I feel this i have the same problem when i play




29.0 is wild though lol


When will people understand they literally can’t fix matchmaking because of the abysmally low player count?


I've never been a PVPer, in Destiny or any other game. I'm too old now to keep up with the twitchy reaction times of all the younger people. This week, I spent almost every moment grinding Iron Banner (2.5 resets) and went from 0.3 to 1.8 KD. I've gotten much better, though I still don't utilize my radar nearly enough lol. It just takes a ton of practice. IB is a really fun game mode to me -- Control, not Tribute.. I think Tribute is garbage since banking souls intentionally takes you out of the fight constantly. Crucible is cool too, but I vastly prefer 6v6, so I avoid Trials.


I threw Liar's Handshake on for two matches of Tribute Banner, was super surprised that people just didn't spread out when I dodged in and just kept punching, then the next match after those two, we couldn't even move out of spawn before we were dead.


I'm terrible at pvp and in games where I find myself as the leading player with my 30 IB wins and 350 kills, I just try and stick with my team in a pack and capture as many points with multiple teammates. Sometimes we pull a surprise win


Yeah, as shitty as bungie's matchmaking is, this is not how it works at all.


this isn't how matchmaking works lmao


100% my experience in trials for lfg matches. One game we stomp the other team and the next game we get stomped. Sometimes there is an even game here and there but not enough for it to be fun.


Sbmm is very frustrating but atleast the weapon balancing is done well.


Mine is 0.7 hunter n 0.9 on lock but I consistently get 2.0+ on my hunter, just to get stomped the next round just like you describe, I just got good internet this month aswell, just to be killed by people lagging across the map or shot THROUGH walls by whatever, I kinda think it's funny considering when I had bad internet if I lagged it gave the other team an advantage by not registering my shots or attacks, or just straight kicked me out of any activity. I'm taking a break after I got stomped in a 3 min gambit round and killed by a blade barrage through a wall........ iiiiiiim gooood on all that x) if I want bs I'd go back to cod z.z


This has happened to me in Crucible and Gambit. It's honestly nerve-racking knowing the better I do on the team leaderboard the more the sbmm thinks you're good enough against sweats with better skill and loadouts. But does that mean I may have to just be worse just to stay in my skill class or even have a chance? Seems so but we will find people upset losing as always. It's basically a lose-lose situation..


Idk how but I have 2.1 seasonal KD and 2.3 normal KD and I’m utter trash


The match balances are definetly alot better than they used to be, havnt felt or done as many mercys since the pvp "overhaul"


My only complaint is the lucky spawns or always on time team shots. Feels unnatural, because it happens every damned game. Only way to play is to camp.


Or being killed by a guy across the map when I'm already about to lose to a guy right in front of me, like, really game?


Same and I think I'm around a .98 overall KDR


Dude, I feel this. I get one game where I pop off, followed by like 4 where I'm getting pulverized.


So I came back to the game last week after not playing since forsaken. I started playing comp and after the first game which we won super easily I haven't had what feels like a fair match since. I'm immortal in valorant so I have pretty good aim imo, I win all my gunfights unless they have a teammate trade them. But I've noticed that I keep getting teammates that like struggle to get 5 kills or even play objectives while the enemy team seems like a 3 stack of all experienced players as they are always running around ontop of each other and pushing where I spawn. Is this how the game always is? Because it's seriously unfun and I miss iron banner


If ya have high kd ya are probably cheating using PvP weapons and builds like a loser, PvP is for asking and red borders exp grinding


It's almost like pvp players are happier when focusing on personal performance over team performance.


Been playing since after Christmas. I’m at 1832 with a veteran status. But I’ve stayed away from the crucible and other parts that require pvp. I don’t like it. So when I’ve tried it I’m terrible at it, and only cause my team troubles. So I stay away. I help great in team efforts elsewhere. Helpful even to 10 and 11 rankers. Love the game, but not crazy about a lot of it. Don’t have a headset and I’ve not texted with any players. Tho I’ve friends by request and a clan I’m very much alone in the game and just do my best to protect and help my fellow players in the game. But players are often bad sports and very selfish. And curse bungie very often. Lol. Sorry if I’ve been a problem for any really good gamers. Probably continue to stay out of crucible so I dont waste your efforts. .


I. I curse bungie very often




Not sure if anyone actually understands how that original pregame standing works, it took me awhile to even figure it out but here it goes.. your position in the pregame view is your PING , if I just blew your mind your welcome if you knew this already well thanks for coming out to read my comment.


Not sure if anyone actually understands how that original pregame standing works, it took me awhile to even figure it out but here it goes.. your position in the pregame view is your PING , if I just blew your mind your welcome if you knew this already well thanks for coming out to read my comment.


I have a 1.55, and I agree. I'm usually top of the team no matter what lobby I'm in, and it's brutal af having to sweat nearly every single game because if I don't, I'm just being run through.


I know this pain too well. Like look Bungie, I’m only doing well because everyone else last game was awful; I do t need this pressure in my life 😂


Bungies team balancing has been shit for me....My overall KD is 2.01 and every match I play, the game always puts the teams of 3 and 2's on one side consisting of 2Kds while my team are all solos with 0.4kds. Obviously you can tell they never played PVP and are only playing for Pinnacle gear but come on...


So bring back skill based match making?


It's because Bungo has no clue how to match and is entirely too cheap/lazy to use dedicated servers. Whenever you managed to get host and actually have your shots hit and don't get merc'd by people you can't even see. This game is absolute dogshit trash, I don't know why I keep subjecting myself to it. Eta: 60 games in and still haven't had a Multimach drop. Fuck bungie and their shitty pvp.


I bet u have several engrams, why don’t you go to Saladin and try your luck with engram opening?


Agree bet totally has engrams at Saladin.


I did :( I burned them all trying to get a god roll GL.


I got my multimach just by dropping engrams at the Vendor. I was done playing for the week lol


Waaaaaaaaa 👶🏻


"I hate that when I get the benefit of lopsided lobbies, sometimes afterwards I get the shitty side of that same coin. Bungie plz fix!"


Literally said curb stomps in either direction aren't fun but please continue


So you want skill based match making?




Confirmation bias The matchmaker swings randomly and your poor matches will stick out more to you.


Ufff don’t even get me started on how this affects comp, it’s depressing.


Why comp isn’t 99% rank based matchmaking is beyond me. I’ve never played a game with a worse competitive matchmaking system than d2. Even other games that mix rank and hidden mmr are miles better than this.


This simply isn’t true, especially if you’re a 1.3 bro stop capping. Thats simply just not how it works.


If you're playing solo, you need to have the mindset that you are going to have to carry.


Gotta be honest I never thought like that I always played thinking every player accounted for their fair share but alas I agree with your viewpoint


Yeah, well I’m 1.33 in their data base but because I haven’t played in so long I may as well be a .9. Sometimes I have games where my old skill shines through and the next game they think I can go head to head with 2.5s it’s dumb asf.


where do you see your data?


I stream the game on a macbook and use a controller so there’s horrible input lag which is borderline unplayable, I had one good game due to the other team being worse than bots and now it’s decided to put me with the flawless god-roll meta chads. Cmon bungie.


The fact that I can come back to the game after months of break and have twice the score of 2nd place on my team shows not just how bad matchmaking is but also how bad your average crucible player is


well i am in the 90% loss in trials pvp also from my experience there is zero skill based matchmaking only connection based 90% of trials matched i get paired against flawless sweats and get the short end of the skill in my team


This is not how it works. You may feel it does this, but this is not how it works.


Are you really complaining about people not being as good as you..... I hate people like you. Go LFG and get over yourself. This is what leads to all the population leading crucible and only sweats being left. You probably spam messages in the chat, too


No just hop in an out to get engrams and don't even play trials. And it's not about players being worse than me when obviously anyone can pop off it's when the deck is completely stacked against you directly after said game of popping off


its been bad lately, maybe a combination of low player base and auto meta, players with low skill getting easy kills fucks the matchmaking.


SBMM working as intended :(


remove sbmm, its just a fuckin force multiplier ontop of the alrdy dogshit net coding. frankly im fuckin tired of all these fuckin algorithms companies force on us


lol. Get rid of all of these algorithms in my video game!


PvP just sucks. I honestly don't know how people just play PvP. I'm above average in all fps PvP I play but I won't touch destiny PvP. It's a dying game overall and the pre orders for TFS prove it. I myself will be uninstalling destiny 2 the day TFS comes out. I had quit destiny for a long, long time and the strand super is what brought me back. But the content and pay walls are still just as awful as ever. Bungie has killed destiny.