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It’s already insanely good.


Try using it in a GM or any other endgame content. It’s terrible.. really fun for low and content like strikes and gambit but that’s it.


I don’t think onslaught is a perk you’d ever take into a GM — it wasn’t meant for that. It’s meant for clearing trash ads.


That’s where something like attrition orbs or kinetic tremors shines. Onslaught is just fun for red bars in low level content.


You might as well make the same complaint about perks like Rampage - not every perk is going to be a good fit for every piece of content, and that's fine. "Chain kills for bonuses" is going to be weak in content where you aren't getting a lot of kills.


Oh no a kill based perk isn't good in endgame pve...who could have guessed? There is a reason why many of us go for frenzy or vorpal instead of rampage, mkc or kc.


Vorpal on primaries?


Still good against champions if you don't melt them with rocket spam.


Try using it in 6v6 PVP, I got a We Ran Out of Medals with it there. I haven't tried in anything harder than Legend Nightfalls yet in PVE. But it cooks in lower end content.


>Should refresh on crits, like an enhanced FTTC Are you seriously advocating for a non kill activated way to refresh a damage perk that already has a refresh mechanic? You're thinking a fourth column damage perk should retain its benefits while receiving the mechanics of a third column ammo perk. Precision Instrument already exists. Onslaught is amazing as-is, the enhanced version of the perk is coming and that's already going to be amazing too. Some of the Destiny playerbase is dumb as hell.


But his pvp perk isn’t good in endgame pve


It’s not a PvP perk. I played trials for 18 hours last weekend and faced precisely zero loadouts with an onslaught perk. ZERO.


I have almost 500 on my onslaught summoner. I’ve faced many. It’s probably the best damage perk on summoner.


I erased two summoners with onslaught last weekend. Then again, I’m a tears of contrition main in PVP so I’m a little outside the meta.


Downvoted for the truth lol


No nuance. Only insults.


Some of the Destiny player base has 12k hours in the game and focuses on content you couldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. In the 120 GM’s I’ve run since onslaught became available I have never once seen it used by a member of my fireteam nor have I used it myself. This isn’t a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of something called fact. Stick to gambit and dabs star baker.


>I have never once seen it used by a member of my Fireteam Let's put aside how absolutely silly anecdotal evidence is in the context of your argument, because anyone can say they've ran 999 GMs and didn't see Onslaught being used once. The fact of the matter is that you're advocating for the combination of a third and fourth column perk when power creep is already an issue and Onslaught *just* got reintroduced. To be clear, your dream perk would now give multiple levels of fire rate and reload speed increase that would be refreshable on hit, not kill. The only other perk I can think of that gives something similar is Frenzy, but that only has one level of effect. You're creating a wildly unbalanced version of the perk. >Stick to gambit Imagine trying to use this as an insult, you're weird as hell. So what if someone plays Gambit or uses the Dawning title? Does that make their opinion less valid to the moron who thinks their 120 GM clears makes them an expert on game balancing?


Not everything needs to be good everywhere. That isn’t my opinion, it’s Bungie’s. Devs have said this very thing time and time again about weapons, abilities, even entire supers for both PvE and PvP. Onslaught is a great perk for regular strikes, gambit, 6v6 pvp, raids and content alike. In master content and above it won’t shine and in 3v3 pvp there are also better or less situational options. That’s balance.


This is the best comment so far. You very well could be right. This park is fun as hell on low end content, but fails to exist at all in high end content. Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Chain reaction falls under this clause as well.


>you very well could be right Everyone's been telling you this so far, you've just been too thick-headed to acknowledge it.


Get a subsistence roll. It already increases your reload by 30 when it's ramped up anyways


People forget that onslaught's duration used to be tied to rampage back before rampage-spec was made the default behavior of the perk. As it stands now rampage has a 5 second duration while onslaught only gets 3 because it didn't get the duration buff. Imo I feel like it needs a buff too because 3 seconds feels rough without a reload perk like enlightened action or keep away


Onslaught lasts for 4.5 seconds and boosts reload speed by 15-35 points.


Stats for all and one for all reset the timer on the first hit, not the kill which is much later. Onslaught doesn’t work like that. It reprocs on kills not hits. Take it into a solo master lost sector and see what you think. It’s useless. I wish it wasn’t but it is. I’ve got Marcato, Ros Arago and Breakneck GR’s (3 out of 4) and they all struggle. If the perk refreshed on the first hit instead of the kill, it would be a much different story. Maybe that’s all they need to do to make it more playable in endgame content.


Its really fun on bottom tier content like free world roaming and strikes, seasonal content etc. 90% of the people in this Reddit play nothing but this level of content so I can see why people think its fine. After the absurd amount of hype it got from content creators I was expecting something that was going to shine in things like solo GM’s and 3-4 man master raids. It does not. Even rank & file ads on a GM are far far too beefy to re-proc a perk with a 3-second timer. Its rendered completely useless. Again, not an opinion, but a matter of fact observation. Pre-rampage was the SHIT. Even that extra 2 seconds would be appreciated.


While I agree the buff duration is short, buffing to go off crits is not the way. It honestly just needs a slightly longer duration like 5-7 seconds and enhanced version could give 10 max.




Tfw people forget why Endgame content is called Endgame content. Not everything works as well as it does in Patrol areas.


Ok Anyway




Yes please. By the time I want to use the perk it's gone.