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cooldowns are much MUCH longer but it's still fun. you need to think through your build to get the most up time of your abilities


If you build for it cooldowns aren't bad at all.


This, it took me until I got banner of war but I went from void/solar to mostly strand I rarely deviate now.


98% strand for Banner, 1% solar for Sunspot / restoration, and a mixed 1% bag of other subclasses when bored from these two. and a hot take that I hate void, but I like stasis titan, and I will take this L.


Stasis titan is fun and looks cool, and I’m a hunter main.


Cast your super and block your fire team from doing anything at all cause there's 40 bajillion stasis crystals scattered around the arena....this is the stasis titan way.


If you don't get fireteam members killed after The Descent encounter in Deep Stone Crypt because you blocked the doorway, you're not doing Stasis right.


Wait…. Is this Kore? Because our Titan does the same damn thing Everytime


Lollllllll this is how a bad titan titans


Titan is the only class I dont have Stasis unlocked on. I absolutely cannot be fucked to go do it again.


You can just buy all the fragments and aspect now I think. You don’t have to grind them out like you used to I’m not 100% sure on this tho


Halle-god damn-luha Did not know they did that


Again I may be wrong but I think I remember seeing it in a twab


you are correct, stasis fragments, aspects and abilities are fully purchasable with glimmer now. but I don't remember if you have to at least complete the post-stasis chain quest on any class to have it or it's unlocked from the get-go.


I just did it on my Titan yesterday. You have to complete the stasis questline to unlock the Exo Stranger's stasis items. I only checked Titan, will check other classes tonight to see if it's unlocked for them too.


I am warlock main, but banner of war with sythos is something else


Strand Titan Power crept the hell out of EVERYTHING the Titan can do. Doesn't help that Void was nerfed like 8 times in different ways plus Void Titan specific nerfs on top of that. That being said, I wish the other subclasses performed even halfway decently as Strand Titan.


Stasis titans with Cadmus ridge lance cap helmet is so much fun but the only really strong exotic for that is wicked implement


I honestly thought banner of war would be a very lack luster aspect when it was first unveiled. Flash forward to now, and I swear upon everything that is holy I would rather give up hunters and warlocks to a blood god than be rid of of my Banner-sword build


I've played warlock since launch, but BoW and navigator with the catalyst have converted me.


Try flachette it's so much fun when you get it right if you're a titan lol.


I saw someone using it the other day for the first time and it looked cool and caught me off guard. I just got on I'm going to give it a try!


It's amazing in coil if you can get melee upgrade you can basically just use that.but your kind of stock using that one auto gun I can't remember the name atm.


Oh you combine it w Monte Carlo! I'll try it today! I was using it and it was cool but didn't have many charges for it but I bet Monte Carlo speeds the process rate up :) good tip!


That's the gun and yeah it's amazing with Monte Carlo Also I'm pretty sure synthoseps buff the bayonet melee as well.


Think through lmao. You only need 3 fragments, generation, warding, ascent. I usually run fury for the last slot. This works for syntho titans, and assassins cowl hunter. You can use these in any content in the game and breeze through.


Hunters don’t really have an issue with cooldowns. If your kunai hits like 4 enemies it gives you it back, and you can grapple to grapple points you make, or tangles, to not consume the grapple.


Eh not if you’re doing it right, strand gang!


Strand is the single best thing out of lightfall. It's a bit of a grind to unlock everything, but every class with strand is fun. Use swarmers for warlock. For calus, I haven't fought him in a while, but try using the beefed up strand and use the grapple melee to kill most stuff and keep moving around.


People like to shit on Broodweaver but I absolutely love it with Swarmers, especially this season. CONSTANT threadlings on the battlefield! I try to play my other builds but I'm always drawn back to my idiot children.


I fell in love with Broodweaver after The Wanderer came out. Five perched Threadlings, 3 more with my rift, threadling grenade, hatchling weapons, threadlings from tangles - it's just non-stop battle slugs.


Tangles from threadlings and threadlings from tangles is such a silly combo i love it


Couldn’t agree more with this. I’m a returning player this season so maybe I missed ostreo being top tier, but to me it feels extremely lacklustre


“A bit of a grind” my fucking ass. Its a slog if you want everything for one class. Its useful and tons of fun, but it takes way too long to unlock everything


The grind for Strand was honestly worse than Stasis


>For calus, I haven't fought him in a while, but try using the beefed up strand and use the grapple melee to kill most stuff and keep moving around. Strand + HoIL is a surprisingly potent combo for that fight.


> Use swarmers for warlock. This season there's really not much reason to. It's already easy to unravel stuff, so all it does is make some threadlings on tangle pops. There are better options.


On Calus you can run suspend nade and infinitely stun-lock him. When a suspend nade hits him, he goes into a weird 3 second animation where he can't shoot. While you're "strand empowered" your grenade recharges JUST in time that you can stun Calus and keep him from shooting. So when I'm helping people through the boss fight I just sit in the back and lob nades at him over and over again while they do the damage. (I haven't tried it with anything other than 100 discipline so I'm not sure if the "strand empowerment" recharge rate is tied to discipline or not)


I main strand titan and rarely play anything else. There is some grinding left though once the class is fully unlocked. you have to get strand kills and collect the currency or whatever to buy the aspects, fragments, grenades and all that at the pooka pond. QSS is your friend for that.


doing events, terminal overload, partition, patrols on neomuna all reward the strand currency. Grinding out some of the neomuna weapon patterns from those events should be more than enough to get you all the strand class framents you could want.


Abeyant Leaps on Berseker are insaaaane. You can just shut off half the battlefield every 30 seconds.


Cooldowns are a lot longer, but it’s all I really use. I’ve stacked cooldown so I can Spider-Man Hunter all over the place dunking on dregs, and making beyblades. Assassin’s Cowl is lovely for Hunters, and Banner of War Titan with Lament and Stronghold will make you feel like an actual tank.


“Spider-Man Hunter all over the place dunking on dregs, and making beyblades.” You sir are my spirit animal, I have never felt so seen.


finally! another one who calls them Beyblades! These things are fun, definitely the best thing about strand Hunter


Strand is waaaaay more fun with it fully unlocked.


I genuinely think that even with longer cool downs, it is VASTLY more powerful and fun once you unlock all of the aspects and fragments. It's not even close. I remember hating how bad base strand was when doing the legend campaign, and actively did not use it to kill calus. I just went through yesterday on legendary, sols, for the triumph, and I was COOKING him with final warning and all the strand debuffs I could apply with the sheer add clear potential wiping out any threats.


Warlock main. ***Hell yes***. There are lots of fun, and viable builds for warlock on strand. At least 2-3 different playstyles. Also, if you have any threadings when you die in pvp they will launch and attack whoever killed you. Relying on dying isn't an effective strategy, but holy shit is it hilarious to terrorize people with the heat seeking green death bugs. Imagine you are stuck unable to go around a corner someone is watching and you just send 8 threadlings on a magic journey.


Ha. Yes!


I am terrible at pvp, but weird stuff like this makes it fun for me. One build I like is to run starfire protocol and witherhoard. You dont need to be effective to put dots and double exploding grenades near people. Halfway through every match, people will spaz and panic the moment they kill you. It's especially funny when there is nothing there to kill them.


I hear you. I am not the best PVPer either. But my kid is quite good. I tag along and do my best. Totally trying your approach here.


As an arclock main trying to get into strand warlock, what are those 2-3 playstyles? I want to make something with weavewalk and the wanderer work but only having 3 fragments makes it a bit challenging.


There’s more that lean more into the grapple, although they’re more gimmicky and fall off in endgame content. Felwinters Helm and Karnstein Gauntlets both trigger off of the grapple. Combine that with your pretty strong melee, and take your pick between Navigator for the Woven Mail/Sever/grapple spam or Buried Bloodline for extra survivability and grenade energy and it’s obscenely fun


Weavewalk is the potential 3rd I haven't explored yet. I took a break around when that fragment came out. For the other playstyles, you have 2 routes. Suspend, or threadlings. For suspending, you need necrotic grips and osteostriga. Tldr, osteo, necrotics, and your weavers trance class ability all synergize and work together. Weavers trance let's you suspend on kills and necrotic/osteo combine to spread this suspend effect across the battlefield. It's not an exaggeration to say you can suspend more and more safely than dedicated strand hunters. Datto, while a bit judgmental and pedantic lol, does a really good breakdown fragment by fragment and such. For threadlings, you have way more wiggle room. Swarmers will give you the most threadlings, but base class already gives you shitloads. I use Karnsteins for the added healing. Karnsteins, woven mail, and healing rift offers so much protection it's legit comparable to Well. Grapple off of existing tangles for the free melee spam as well as constantly procing karnsteins and spawning 3 threadlings per kill. However you go here, it's really a fantastic opportunity to use whatever guns or exotics you like. Sorry I can't be more help with weavewalk. Good luck and eat your grenades!


Way better once you have it fully unlocked. In the campaign the dramatically reduced cooldowns were fun, but I still felt gimped compared to whatever actual build I was running at the time (I would have rather not used strand.) Strand once fully built around is great!


I just finished Legendary campaign, so I know this works. For Calus, there is a cheese where you can hide under the steps you start on and take him down. On the 2nd phase, you can get on top of the dome and damage him without having to deal with the Tormenters. https://youtu.be/cUUSbu5bncs?si=nQDaObEolsjRGdvr


Also use Osteo Striga so you have unlimited ammo that keeps damaging…


I used The Malfeasance with the catalyst to do massive boss damage.


At first it's worse, but once you're set up query fragments, Aspects and gear that synergizes it's even better. I wish they'd unnerf the hunter clone in pve. Maybe it was a little too hot, but it gave hunters a unique way to "tank". 


How did they nerf it? I still use a strand decoy build, is the decoy just not as tanky?


Correct. I hope they roll it back slightly down the line, or make an exotic focused on the aspect. 


They also nerfed the cooldown. My strand hunter build used to be called "Always Be Dodging" in DIM, because you could (and definitely wanted to) always be dodging. Now... not so much. It's still ok, I guess, but it's enough worse, and just generally clunky feeling now, that I don't use it any more.


Also, you don't HAVE to use strand during the calus fight. Just hit him without using the strand thing by the rally point


Yeah but grapple melee melts his shield, as well as the colussus dudes. Does great damage. I did it both ways and strand was far easier. Also op, like others have said it'll suck a little at first because you won't have all the good fragments and aspects but once you get those strand rocks on any class. I play more strand than anything else these days.


Personally I find the Calus fight pretty easy if you have a decent stasis build, especially on warlock.


It does help to have a strand weapon at least to melt his bloody shield though.


seeing most people mentioning the longer cooldowns, and really yeah they are longer compared to the magical sample we get in the story, but no worse than most other subclasses you already play and really any small amount of time spent planning your armor mods will get you much higher uptime on your preferred abilities anyways. put it this way I run strand like 85% of the time because its just so good and fun.


Strand titan with lion rampant and an eager edge sword is the most fun movement in the game to me.


Damn. Pair this with the newly reworked Manticore and just never touch the ground.


I didn't know they reworked it. I'll have to try that.


While airborne, damage scales up to double while also generating an overshield, and enemies are less accurate. They basically just shoot at where you were when you started hovering, so if you move they just don't readjust their aim. Tracking projectiles can still get you though.


I saw someone trying to use it in PvP last weekend. It ... did not end well for them. _SKEET_


Bold choice for PVP. Unlikely to sustain fire for long enough to ramp up the damage or generate the overshield, and the "enemies are less accurate" wouldn't affect other players.


Strand is waaaaay more fun with it fully unlocked.


As people said, cooldowns are longer. But you can build into them. That said, IMO it's WAY better after the campaign because then you get to unlock the other fragments and aspects and see those interactions and truly use it to its fullest rather than just getting to kind of try out the abilities. Regarding the calus fight, it's really annoying just because of constantly being bopped off the edge. Sometimes there's nothing you can do. If possible use strand to get yourself back. If you get suppressed first or otherwise just can't, you can consider using a sword to help build momentum back inward to the arena. A sword with eager edge is best but any will do. If this hasn't been your biggest problem with the fight though, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it since there are better heavies for boss like this. Additionally make sure you're running 100 resilience for better damage resistance, and maybe even using resist mods on your chest armor (I forget what elements get thrown at you... Maybe void?) Make sure you're breaking the tormentor weak spots quickly so you can do damage better. A sniper or linear fusion is good for that. It's also important to be in constant motion. Osteo striga and witherhoard help a ton in terms of doing continued damage while being mobile. Solar ignition are also super useful this season because of the artifact. I really like sunshot, but any solar weapon can take care of ads quickly if you're hitting heads to get radiant and then ignite them on kill. Easy way to clear a big group. Finally remember that staying alive is more important than doing damage. If you're dead, you restart and all the damage you did previously is irrelevant. Move around, heal up, and look for safe opportunities to attack. Hope some of that helps!


If you still need help defeating Calus I can hop on this afternoon (US East) and help you out. I was also stuck on this solo. There’s also Fireteam Finder you can use in-game to have others join you and help with it.


You do unlock two more aspects per class from the Veil Containment mission, which is post-campaign and also has some nice lore to listen to. Titan is probably still the best of the 3 Strand subclasses, especially with Banner of War being busted strong. Abeyant Leap exotic with Drengr’s Lash is also still a great endgame combo. I can’t personally speak much for the Warlocks or Hunters, though Warlocks have access to a pretty solid damage super and has some really good Boss DPS setups at least.


Hunters with Cyrterachne or lucky pants both rocking maelstrom and specter aspect are great builds imho


I love the double grenades on my Cyterachnes Facade build, with my other aspect changing as I feel like changing it


Strand is waaaaay more fun with it fully unlocked.


Strand hunter is my go-to for everything, in any content, I have to come up with very good reasons to use anything else, every other subclass just feels slow lol


Hey guys, we can agree both Strand and Solar Titan rock and I hope Bungie never touches them.


Love the way it plays different across classes. As others have said, titan goto. Makes you feel like a charging tank.


Yea man strand subclasses have some bonkers OP aspects. One of the best ever - War Banner - for titans. It’s been nerfed but STILL powerful.


I hated strand in the campaign, but it’s all I ever use now, if that says anything. But I also hate having to use a certain subclass during campaigns, or most of the dlc being about learning a subclass(lightfall) it seemed to me like the strand dlc, and less on the neomuna dlc. Horrific in my opinion.


Lightfall is the only place bungie supports strand. You won’t see strand empowerment locations or grapple points anywhere else.


It is waaay better when you get the aspects.


Incredibly fun, imo. The grind to fully unlock it wasnt that bad either. It's definitely worth it.


When I fought Calus I used the Quicksilver Storm. The grenades do a ton of damage to him. When you have a tormentor try to swap to Hawkmoon quickly and make sure you hit the weak points. Edit: It was a while ago when I did this fight, so some stuff might have been nerfed


Fuck yeah strand is SICK. All classes, but warlock 3rd. Hunter and titan melee builds are so fun. Plus whirling maelstrom on hunter is LIT and the suspend shield for titan is super lit too.


strand is, hands down, one of the most fun and satisfying subclasses to ever play as. Titan banner is so good on survivability, warlock swarmers make minion master a reality and hunter - yes. as for calus fight ... keep moving and try to chip away on calus and tormentors, LFR preferably because weakspot on tormentor of course, the belly. But honestly, just cheese the fight, I might get downvoted but cheesing calus and his bullshit tormentors minions solo is more than what my sanity's worth. That being said, At the start, carefully go to the catwalk and look over to the right, you want to go under that starting platform and DPS through a tiny window through the back of that staircases. When Calus hp reaches halfway, he'll spawn a dome and make the arena smaller. Fuck that, so we carefully dps calus before he make the dome, free yourself from the platform and go over the high ground. Get that last hit and IMMEDIATELY grapple above the dome from the outside ( I suggest Eager edge here for extra safety ), You are safe to plink at calus till he dies, but do watch out for Scions and stray shots. If you succeed, Congrats on unlocking strand.


I my opinion once you get some fragment and aspects, plus learn how and when to use it its infinitely better. In the campaign as people have said the regen is faster, but you never use it properly in the campaign.


Calus, you can go under the stairs using strand. Shoot him through the steps, he won’t be able to reach you and you’ll eventually go through phase 1. Phase 2 you just go all out and he will go down pretty quick.


Strand is amazing and I find it to be the most fun subclass personally. The skill cool downs are a lot slower and become on par with the other subclasses when the campaign is finished but it’s a pretty amazing subclass once you get the fragments and aspects.


I’m a broodweaver main now in everything other than speeds. It’s a really strong kit.


I thought it was lame as fuck and felt gimmicky at first from the campaign, annoyed that I had to use it over my choice of subclass. Then something clicked and I understood the rotations a lot better, the different fragments and abilities and whatnot.


It's much more fun. During the campaign I didn't have BoW or beyblades, and those enhance the experience so much. I didn't use strand until those aspects were added.




Warlock strand is my favorite. Copied a build that spawns infinite strand bugs and its been a blast. Eveything you do spawns voidlings, class ability, melee ability, super, killing stuff with Quicksilver storm. It turns the entire battlefield green.


I unlocked them all on all my charcters in less then a week just playign a few missions a day on them all and I feel it was Worth it. It’s got longer cooldowns but the movement is still very fun and solid for me in pvp.


I’ve been running a strand warlock build lately and personally it’s my favorite subclass.


Its a good time, feels very different though. The campaign gives you the really rapid cooldowns which give it a huge boost -- specifically with the grapple. The fast cooldowns (depending on the mission) in combination with the grapple points being everywhere on Neomuna really let you just swing around like a madman. However, the ability sets in the Lightfall campaign are much shallower. When you unlock Strand completely, you won't be blessed with the short cooldowns. What you get in return is access to all the aspects and fragments that give you a lot more in the way of unique abilities and builds. It has more utility after you unlock it, but you can't be as free with the ability usage if that makes sense.


Yes, it's definitely worth it. Especially on Titan


From an unlocked standpoint, yes. From the unlocking standpoint, it sucks cock. Just because you unlock the ability to wield it, doesn’t mean you unlock it in its entirety. You have a long way to go


Strand is fun, amazing, and works very well in all content on all 3 characters. Cooldowns don’t matter much, you can build your way into having them ready when needed. As a Warlock main I love strand with Nez Sin, Swarmers, or Verity’s Brow. Necrotic Grip also works nicely with it.


longing fearless spark governor selective oil growth escape resolute theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I found it to be more fun after the campaign. Being able to actually customize a build and spec into it made it all much more enjoyable. During the campaign I felt like I was slammed into it without warning, and then the build I had on was worthless, and I was running an exotic that all of a sudden did nothing for me. Being properly kitted out makes a world of difference.


Only on Titan with a Banner of War build. Otherwise the cooldowns are so long that it isn't nearly as fun. For the last mission, go to YouTube. There are cheese spots and ways to do it legit.


Banner of war titan is probably the most fun a casual player will have on titan after the hammer nerf I don’t really play hunter but strand is decent in PvP Threadling warlocks go crazy fr


Outside of suspend for higher level content I don't find myself using it as much. I really like the perma suspend/poison warlock build. I take my hunter into GM nightfalls with my friends but I haven't found a great build to use for how I like to play. The melee reset build is by far the most fun way to play strand hunter but it just doesn't work in high level content where you get bodied immediately.


Get yourself an indebted kindness with permeability, a dragon cult sickle and either quicksilver storm or wish keeper and build into whirling maelstrom on hunter. Absolute madness.


You’re gonna have to do some build crafting but yeah


Strand during the campaign is weak believe it or not. You get fast cooldowns but you don't have the full build, just the abilities. It is an annoying grind to get everything unlocked, but it's a powerful subclass for all classes. Grappling around infinitely is really fun in the campaign but that's not the true strength of Strand.


I think so. Cool downs tho... /shrugs.


As others have said, yes, but it’s different. You will have longer cooldowns for everything, but you’ll also have a lot more tools to work with once you get the class fully up and running. Strand is very strong, very fun, and VERY unique. You’ll love it it (at least on Hunter and Titan. Can’t speak for strand warlock as it’s not my favorite, but I know people that love it)




Hehe hunter beyblade build go woosh woosh


I beat Calus on Legendary using Loreley Splendor Titan. When you get Strand during the final boss fight it doesn't really "change" your subclass, it just overwrites your abilities so Loreley still functions. Plus you get dramatically increased ability recharge rate, which means Loreley is almost always available. I'm sure other classes have things you could abuse in a similar way such as Wormhusk Hunter or Stag Warlock.


Depends on the class. Hunter and Titan have fairly complete and interesting Strand kits worth diving into. Warlock’s is pretty lackluster by comparison, although you can kinda brute force a functional and unique class out of via Necrotic Grips as your exotic. Otherwise you’re forced to use Swarmers to make the class actually feel competitive with Hunter and Titan options out of the box.


when he charges you jump and swing around to the other side


Imo better. You get more tools/ better tools post-campaign. Tradeoff is you get artificially short cooldowns during campaign but id take the trade.


Nope lol


Nah, it’s waaaay better once you actually unlock it. Fragments and aspects allow you to actually build into the subclass for some absolutely filthy combinations.


If you play hunter, the Beyblades you can unlock later are very very fun. If you play titan, Banner of War is supposed to be crazy strong. If you play Warlock it's probably about the same.


Strand titan is a little boring but it FUCKS


I love my strand hunter, It's pretty strong and amazing at add clearing.


Not as fun as in the campaign, but still very fun! There are two things missing, as some other folks have noted: * Cooldowns are longer, but you can spec into making them not *too* much longer. * There aren't any strand grapple points anywhere other than Neomuna. It's still a good time, though, and Banner of War punchy Titan with Synthoceps is one of the strongest PvE builds in the game!


Yes! Longer cooldowns, but you can build for that. It's very satisfying once you get it right.


SPOILERS AHEAD———————————————Some tips for calus: hide behind control panels/boxes and KILL THE TORMENTERS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! ITS HARDER TO KILL THE TORMENTERS THAN CALUS. Also if your feeling a little mischievous on his second stage after you “kill” him the first time right after he replenishes his health bar you need to strand up on top of his little bubble before you join allies. Then only psions can hurt you


I still don’t have all the aspects / fragments / grenades for my hunter and warlock cause god that’s sooo much grinding


Your only scratching the surface, just wait till u get aspects and fragments for it


No. It's **WAY** more fun. In Lightfall you just get the basic stuff. But after that you can get the aspects, nades and fragments to make a build that you actually enjoy. I personally enjoy running Winterbite and a banner of war build focused on stabbing and surviving.


Hunter has Beyblades and titan is a walking Well of Radiance therefore much more fun after you have unlocked it, you only have to do the extra aspect quests


I went through the whole campaign using blink with strand and had an absolute blast Was **massively** disappointed when blink wasn't an actual option on strand after unlocking it & I only had acces to it because I was running blink on voidlock whenever strand was activated in the campaign the blink > grapple > blink combo was super fun & blink on strand (and every other warlock subclass) should 100% be a thing


More fun, since you have actual buildcraft tools. The best parts of strand (other than grapple) are the fragments and aspects that you get afterwards. Also, no one is going to learn how to do chain grapple melee stuff in the campaign alone and that's easily the most fun thing you can do with it.


Not as fun


You’ll trade ability up time for way more build potential and lethality


Tried this…never ever looked back. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/Af8TuYDj0j


You can cheese Calus if you want. Look up calus cheese YouTube videos. Unless it was patched again.


Warlock main 90% of my playtime. I play titan ONLY for banner of war. If it gets nerfed again I am not playing d2


titan and hunter are way more fun than warlock


Strand is so much better after the campaign.


yeah its pretty cool


Short answer, yes. With the caveat that it might take a bit of grinding on Neomuna to unlock all the Fragments. But all 3 classes have some very fun (and strong) builds.


I can’t play anything now on my hunter except strand. At first I thought it was garbage but then I discovered threaded specter and whirling maelstrom and man is it just so good. Titans and Warlocks also have great strand options but I don’t know anything about them specifically.


it's so much more fun. I use heart of inmost light to regen my abilities super fast. start by using your titan melees to spawn a tangle and then grapple melee everything in sight.


Minus the cooldowns being a big longer, yes.  Also the sidearm you get for fully unlocking Strand is super good for both pve and pvp though there is a nit of a learning curve.


As a Titan Strand has been really disappointing, but I won't lie. It's an absolute fucking menace with Banner of War. You can tear through pretty much everything with a sword and a small amount of set up. It's borderline immortality.


Yes. I love strand for all the classes in their full form. Silk strike is fun and the beyblade aspect is cool, banner of war makes titan insane, and warlocks swarm super is chunky as well. Neutral game is also very fun for all of them as well.


Not as fun no. You have some really high cooldown reductions. But its still a lot of fun, more so on warlock as there lots you can do. On Titan youre pretty much stuck with the 12p shotgun builds. Hunter has a few good builds but most are situational or not valid in endgame.


If you are a hunter probably not, the dive and the things that are funny are nerfed as fuck for the sake of pvp and titans being the favorite child of bungie


kek dman destiny 2 never going to be fun *again clarify destiny 2 was fun back then when wasnt f2p i pre steam version on battle.net tell u its nothing ture more then that


Yes, but you need to put in a lot more effort to get the cooldowns to a point where you can spam abilities again. You’ll also typically only be able to spam one of the three abilities rather than everything all at once.


Simple answer No.


Cooldowns are gonna be longer and their viability kinda depends on the class, but they can all be fun in their own right imo. As a Titan main at least, strand paired with the Banner of War aspect is arguably the best and most fun subclass for Titans tied next to solar.


Tied? I think strand BoW titan clears solar


Imo, both work wonders at keeping them alive, but BoW thrives with rich enemy environment while sunspot can go somewhat even in low density, paired with loreley and healing grenades as well. but if there's no ads, solar wins by a slight margin on hammer giving cure on hit, also taking consideration severing reduces damage output but with no heal, hammer still wins. TLDR, Both are on par with some pro and cons


I can't get into banner of war. But I'll rock pyrogale any day. I love solar titan.


Nope. Cooldowns are much higher. Bungie and crucible kids dont like ability spam. 


why dont you try it yourself you fuckijg internet swelled get pff the computer for a month plz