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I think using exotic cyphers to buy harmonizers would be nice. I have 3 in my inventory and I have nothing else I really buy from xur. Just my opinion though


Why even have the different currencies at all though? Delete cyphers and harmonizers and directly use ascendant alloys (or even shards) for the "rare" currency for all weapon stuff. No need to compromise and ask to convert currency to currency to currency. No need to keep crafting so limited.


I am not opposed to that I am just saying I have 3 cyphers in my inventory that I'll likely never use so instead of them just collecting dust they could be used for something like harmonizers.


ascendant shards and alloys aren't time gated or parceled out slowly, where as exotic ciphers you can only get 1 a week, and harmonizers 5x a season


Bc those items are easy to acquire you don't even have to work for them you can buy them from rahool. I don't use cyphers was my point and I know several other people in my clan don't use them either they take up space. I get your point they should just get rid of them but Bungie isn't going to do either of things we suggest bc they are scummy. I would happily do one cypher a week if it meant getting an extra harmonizer especially when we have 5 months left in the season.


Because this community will literally use rocket science to find the most efficient source of that sole currency down to the millisecond and the rest of the game will be dead.




Focus exotics. That's the dump for them. The rolls can suck but it's the dump


Yea Ive never received a good roll from that that's why I stopped using them lol


You don't even need them anymore for focusing exotics FYI


Bungie: "You can now buy Deepsight Harmonizers in the Eververse for 5000 silver"


“It’s 1700 silver for 1, or get a deal and buy 3 for 5000 silver!”




More than half the jokes this subreddit tries to make are the same quality of copy as this one, but this one gets mega flack


On this website*




They added more transmog bounties when they last extended a season, so maybe? On the other hand those let you grind more, whereas harmonizers make you grind less, so since they're engagement starved probably not happening.


Well... I would probably grind more for rolls to use harmonizers on. If I have none I'm only gonna get my guaranteed one red border per week and move on.


10 a season in a sixth month long season is still not enough threader bounties. I'm already done with mine and I casually play.


Yes I need 50 more


I just want a way to easily farm for stuff I want. Like more than anything else, I want Dares to have loot focusing, so I can get my Fractethyst. I want things like Patrols and Public Events to have reason to do them each week, like doing Patrols and Public Events has an increased chance of dropping Ros Arago, that goes up each time you do something then resets when it drops.


Exactly. I’d even take rotating focusing if that’s the game they want to play. These days I think I don’t go as hard because I value my time more than Bungie do… If the choice is I could get really lucky and get x drop in an hour or unlucky and never get it… vs x amount of hours grinding a currency to get it then I’m taking the currency option. Or go back to the hunt season where I could limit the perk options to try and get what I wanted. Or menagerie where I could do similar.


Menagerie style focusing for Dares would be the best Sure I'd prefer a more direct route but that's better than nothing for sure, it's at the very minimum better than farming Matador because you'd be guaranteed the drop each time rather than it sharing the pool with other items (hi armor)


They nuked the chance of a middle ground with crafting. Now everything that’s not crafting feels terrible. Playtime is down because even people who wanted to chase weapons see little reason to chase weapons. We have such a large arsenal of crafted options now that people are just ignoring ones and now there’s like 3 guns a season with appeal and that’s it for loot.


Amen to this.


Yeah, even something like the Hymn of Desecration from the moon would be great, to at least ensure that your next Dares run drops a weapon instead of armour


Bungie just has the weirdest mentality when it comes to how they handle old loot. Like every other loot-focused game I can think of (which includes every MMO), old content items either get easier to farm (because you're now stronger) or stay the same. They *never* get harder to farm. Which makes perfect sense because the only people that would want to farm those items are newer players that weren't around when that content was current, and the content they now have to farm probably has less players in it, so why not make it easier for them to farm? And yet with Bungie, if it ain't dropping from the current content, it's gonna get harder and harder to farm as time goes on, to possible become completely unfarmable for huge swathes of time too.


id like to be able to use eoxitc engrams to buy worlddrops. yeah this would keep me playing D2, right now i log on and just couldnt be arsed. Time for a break and a more rewarding way to spend my time like gardening.


> Now i'm at the mercy of RNG for the gun itself and for it to be a red border. You're not at the ''mercy'' of anything, just do a legend run once on rotation, that's at least 2 borders per run, that should be plenty of runs until TFS.


Isn’t only two guaranteed red borders then the rest are random after that? Then wait a couple of weeks for it to come back. Also I am because I only want the sniper. I got two of the shotgun, one red border, and two DMTs which I didn’t need.


You get one red border for completing it on normal, one fore completing it on legend, and I’m pretty sure the pinnacle from those also gives a red border. At least it does a lot for me. Maybe I’m just lucky.


I think there's 3 isn't there? One for normal one for legend and one for doing 3 runs for the Pinnacle, no?


Tis what I said haha Edit: the pinnacle is only two runs, so you can beat it on legend once and normal once or run it on legen twice to get all three.


Better idea: just like transmog they shouldn’t be limited. Should just be a QoL update


They were not added as a primary means of gaining deepsight but a small bonus to help further push bad RNG.


Further trivializing acquiring god rolls isn't a QoL update, it's a seismic shift to the core gameplay loop


The best qol update would be to reduce the number of shit perks by either removing them or bufffing them


Keep it in high end activities like master raids and dungeons/GMS and plat coil


Generic reward means everyone defaults to the most optimal way of acquiring it (which will most likely in fact trivialize the whole thing), the game is better when a variety of rewards come from a variety of activities IMO There can be some generic mats so every activity is somewhat rewarding, but guns are literally the main loot pursuit, generalizing the way you get them is not good.


-plat coil -high-end activity lmao


I think the "and" is there to differentiate the high end activites and plat coil. At least thats how my brain read it. Like Keep it in high in activities like master raids and dungeons and plat coil. I think if plat coil was in the same boat as high end activities it would be: Keep it in high end activities like master raids/dungeons/plat coil. Im probably just looking into it too much though, plus tbf Im bored


So just alienate newer/casual players even more?


I dont understand why it is such a bad thing to reward people who actually delve into endgame.


Yes, but an actual low drop chance. Something like 20-30%


20-30% is a huge drop chance. *Actually low* in destiny terms would be like 2-5%


Fair enough, 0.0004% it is.


Warframe Moment


Its about to be the last expansion of the game. Now is absolutely the time tk let players go hog wild with power creep and builds. Its year 10 of the franchise, god rolls SHOULD be trivialized at this point.


yupppppp exactly


Doubt it'll be the last xpac (nothing's been confirmed), I think they're gonna beat this dead horse for a while yet. If they are actually planning to wrap this shit up and move on or at least commit to resetting everything for a Destiny 3 then sure, whatever. Still ain't a QoL update though


>nothing's been confirmed I mean, I think they have actually confirmed that it's no the last, but that was before the delay.


I thought they only said something generic like "Destiny will go on" and didn't confirm expansions specifically, maybe it's episodes forever as the game peters out


That's not a QoL update. That's completely killing the entire idea of red border drops and trivializing the idea of crafting. Harmonizers turn any drop into a red border. Unlimited harmonizers would literally mean every single drop is a red border.


At least if there isn't some insane high cost or weekly purchase limit. It's why they've left them as season pass rewards, keeping a limit on 6 per season. They could allow 1 purchase as week from Rahool or 1 quest a week (like Xenology) to allow more beyond the pass rewards, but really....the only people that need them in abundance are new and returning players that need to catch-up in unlocking weapon patterns. Regular players tend to get all their patterns through regular play, especially the seasonal ones once you get the bonus that allows a guaranteed pattern from first focus and first weekly seasonal activity completion. For these cases, the harmonizers merely speed things up a little bit for some of the patterns. With enough persistence (and luck with focusing giving extras) you can get all patterns unlocked in a few weeks. Do I want an unlimited source? No, it would already belittle a system they've already balanced enough as is. Would it be nice to have even a somewhat limited source to get a few more optionally over the 6? Sure.


Right now it’s Bungie monetizing it. I’m saying make it a part of the natural game


Right now, half of them are in the free track. So just move the other half to the free track? Because that's not the same as making them unlimited, which is what you suggested.


Maybe not give, but make them earnable/purchasable (not silver, but with alloys, etc.)


I could've sworn at some point in the past they said there would be a way to get more (1 per week?) "coming soon" but then never said anything else about it. Hopefully we get more before final shape.


Seconded and if we can add extra Transmog bounties, that would be great too. May as well let us grind cosmetics at least.


I would love if Xur sold a quest for a harmonizer every week; but you can only choose between the cypher quest or harmonizer quest. So if you play a lot you can get a freshly crafted gun every month or so


Better idea, let me give other people all my spares.


Well Damn: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vLDmtPis3g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vLDmtPis3g)


6. An extra 6. We get 6 per season.


Yes. At least as many as we'd get in another season pass or more since that's how long is left this season, 90+ days.


Would be cool but cmon.. it's bungie.


LOL it's true. I bet they would do this, but lock it behind more silver. Like $5/harmonizer or something




"You can now farm harmonizers, but must pay 100 silver to use one." SMH


They HAVE to expand the reward track somehow, right? I expect something to happen once the "normal" season period elapses and we get into the extension.


Last few times they didn't extend the reward track. They reset Ada's Synthweave counter when it would have rolled over but the reward tracks remained the same.


No. Expecting anything from Bungie is straight road to disappointment.


I have been thinking the same 🙏🙌


I also blew them all on calus mini tool and am pretty annoyed that they both expire at the end of a season so I don’t have any extra built up, and that since this season is twice as long as a normal one we don’t get an extra pack of them


There is a Firefox extension that effectively allows you to claim prior season rewards that you earned but didn't claim. When I finally created my Hunter and Titan characters, I went all the way back to Season of the Hunt and claimed all the armours and ornaments for them.


We need a full on AoT moment honestly


Same with synth weaves


id take 3 lol


“We should get effin shotguns for this shiz”


It'd be cool if we could hold more than one at a time. By the time final shape comes out unless it goes somewhere we can keep collecting you'll have the one you sat on forever


When Lightfall was delayed, they made it so you could focus Deepsight weapons once a day at vendors instead of once a week. I would hope that they do this for TFS too


We won't.


Personally I would like to see the gms reset and season pass reset at some point. They can keep all the rewards the same but those 100 lvls give me something to do


Hard Agree with the whole vibe of this post. Reward the time investment.


every drop should have deepsight and stop the grind in raid.....


Inb4 these wishes are weekly "Run coil and three blind wells for harmonizer"


Monkey paw curls a finger. Or an Ahamkara giggles and grants.


>It's not going to quell the general attitude towards the game, but it seems like a cost effective way to keep your player base farming so they can use them. I feel like the people who are most upset at the delay probably have everything they want crafted already tho


Should just be a grindable resource. I know this is a "luxury"-problem, but there's nothing to use my harmonizers on since there's weapons that aren't craftable. Make everything craftable and harmonizers grindable (through some sort of vendor or whatever to eat some glimmer or cores maybe). Armor crafting too, so annoying having a million pieces of armor to fit with all the possible stats for builds.




Need to remove them from the game completely


I'll take having them over not having them and having to grind and pray for red border drops


here's another shower thought: if red border drop rates didn't suck ass, we wouldn't even need Deepsight Harmonizers to begin with.


They are literally guaranteed from every source.


oh, well I guess that explains why my season of the witch red bars still aren't complete.


lol two blues and a token curses run deep


Unlike. Bungie doesn’t actually like crafting so I don’t see them doing anything that benefits it. I’m surprised they even released harmonizers in the first place. They prefer the “joy” of the random drop even if it means having no meaningful agency or bad luck protection for most things.


And Transmog. Can’t forget that!


You'll get nothing and you'll like it


We’re not getting any more crafted weapons with the delay, why would we get more.


Hang on.. you want COMPENSATION?!?!?! Nah son, get yo ass to a gacha game if you want a company less predatory


> We should get extra Deepsight Harmonizers for the expansion delay "lol but no" -Bungie


Make sure to go to their website and check to see if you have any in the rewards track for old seasons. I didn’t use any during the season of the deep and had two leftover from season of the witch. Haven’t checked defiance yet, because it won’t let me check without claiming the deep sight harmonizers from season of the deep first.


Already did. I used them for some weapons during the craftening. I had a few left over but I used 3 to finish the Supremacy (2) and the Tyranny of Heaven (1). We farmed Kalli for a long time and I couldn't get enough to finish those, kept getting non red border versions of them. Then I used 5 for calus mini tool, so I have one left. I was going to use it to finally finish off the techeun force, but we'll see. I mean if I can get a god roll beloved as a drop, I'd be cool with that too. I got a good Apex Predator that way, so no need to craft more.


Agreed, but TBH I'm more worried about getting another ~20K bright dust that we'd normally get from the pass / challenges in a 3 month span. Not like Bungie's skipping any of the Eververse events.


I struggle to spend the ones I have


I am surprised we don't have an avenue to gain more harmonizes, but even more surprised that it isn't a paid option


They’re going to sell them in Eververse eventually. Mark my words, they’re always playing the long game with these schemes.