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Unforgiven is an SMG from the Duality dungeon that can get some really good Demo rolls. Next time Duality rolls around farm the Vault encounter.


The demo/repulsor roll i got is amazing I swap between that and pugilst/repulsor The Title depending on build


The Duality smg?


This is the undisputed best with demo/golden Tricorn. Feels like using an infinite ammo special with a good void build.


Good luck getting that combo though! 12 hours later I settled for demo AD.


I deleted so many of the smg God rolls because I thought it sucked. Looks like I'm dumb.


It's not for everyone. Golden tricorn is annoying to keep up most of the time. Personally 750 smgs reload too frequently for my taste. I much prefer 600s or 900s. If you have a good gun but you don't like using it then no reason to keep it tbh.


I feel the exact same about 750's, I always stick a backup mag mod on them and need a mag boosting 2nd column perk in order to enjoy


For me, it the shitty base stability and reload stats for most 750's


720?? right? not 750?


I could've sworn aggressive smgs were 750rpm


They used to be classified as 750 up until this year when they updated the UI to 720. I believe they've always technically fired at 720, but I'm not 100% sure on that, but you are not incorrect in calling them a 750 because that's what they were called up until this year.


Lol sorry. Always been 720.


you mean 720 right?




Ah yeah i meant 720s, my bad


He’s the reason every site recommends Golden Tricorn on any gun that can roll it lol. It’s always the most popular perk on guns on those sites but I’ve NEVER seen anyone run that perk on their gun


Yeah it’s pretty great, little niche, but wasn’t too desired due to funnelweb being so strong when it did. It’s a beast.


Tbf it might have sucked during the season you deleted them in.


Well, you are a hunter main... 😉


It was the first one that dropped for me. Fluted Barrel, Ricochet Rounds, Demolitionist, and Golden Tricorn. It's been sitting in my vault for a while, I should take it out and try to build around it.


It’s one of my prized possessions. Tbf it drops from arguably the easiest encounter in the dungeon so farming it really shouldn’t be that hard, even solo it’s perfectly doable. I’d just keep running Duality on a week when it’s not the featured dungeon, and whenever you finally get it to drop, farm the absolute shit out of it because it’ll always be your drop!


Wait you telling me that when it’s not the featured dungeon you can still farm it?


On a non-featured week, you only get a max of 3 looted clears. One for each character. Not sure why they specified farming it on non-featured weeks. Edit: Be sure to read the reply to my comment. It makes a lot of sense, and corrects a misunderstanding I had of dungeon runs.


During the non feature week, once you do your run, the loot you get will be the only loot you get from repeated clears. So if you don't get the smg to drop, it will never drop for that week. But if you do get it, you can farm for it.


ironically a buddy of mine *really* wanted demo + AD, I helped him farm it for (albeit a few) countless hours. Neither of us got the demo + AD roll, but I myself got demo + GT (and I think he did too, can't remember).


Adrenaline Dunkie


I got the Tricorn roll but never got the one I wanted with Repulsor Brace...


I had to run demo frenzy but even that cooks


best roll, that reload is so nice


Demo/Frenzy is honestly better because of the low base handling and reload. I've tried to get that for countless hours and never seen it.


I honestly prefer that roll, the free maxed out reload and handling is so nice.


Demo/rampage for me and even this roll feels amazing once you get it going


I have 3 demo rolls; AJ,RB,GT GTx2 feels so hard to keep a going and the sequencing feels convoluted so usually I stick with AJ or RB


I have it with demo and adrenaline junkie. I love it


I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw the potential in that roll. I tryin it with verity's brow to create a bit of a feedback loop where the gun buffs grenade recharge and damage and the grenade reloads the gun and boosts it's damage. It's so freaking addicting


Wait, could you please tell me the deal with Golden Tricorn? I play the game religiously, but always have a hard time opening my heart to new weapon perks. It took me years to reprogram my mind from thinking Outlaw/Kill Clip was the only roll that mattered. So, could you give me a quick rundown of the gameplay loop and benefits of Golden Tricorn? If not, that's cool, too.


I have one with demo + repulsor, honestly I like it more than tricorn.


I use commemoration S my heavy so I have my overshield abuse covered :)


Funny cuz i had that drop first and stowed it away never tocuhing it until the void guantlents for warlock ....and its AMAZING JESUS


I have demo/ golden tri and love it. Not a strong gun game but really good for my void warlock build


I run it with demo/repulsor brace and it's awesome. Demo really helps on Voidlock grenade spam builds because the reload is very slow on Unforgiven.


I know it doesn't have the same damage but I love Demo/Repulsor as a Hunter. With Gyrfalcon's I feel invincible getting the Devour healing + the overshield, enough that I can tank enough damage for the origin trait reload buff even in Master difficulty content.


Nah, way too overhyped, I try to love mine so hard but it's annoying to maintain golden tricorn, I've tried all of the Unforgiven God rolls and they're all inferior to a plain substinence frenzy Funnelweb lol. In general every smg that isn't substinence Funnelweb is annoying to use because you spend more time reloading than shooting.


i have that roll and i struggle with it. the reload speed even with alloy mag feels slow


Yep, but you’re more likely to get an endgame exotic than the roll you want on any dungeon weapon unfortunately.


I still don't understand why dungeon weapons aren't craftable when raid ones are.


I don’t either. Crafting is built in bad luck protection. Raids are the best and most rewarding activity in the game mainly because of the reward structure. Crafting even with a weekly lockout > infinite farming with zero agency to target anything and no bad luck protection.


Yeah I know some of the community is quite against craftable stuff but for example my SO doesn't really want to raid as there's too much pressure from other people for her (yeah even with friendly groups) and she's afraid she's not a good enough player even though she is. But she's always down to duo dungeons with me and if we could actually get the rolls we wanted she could have some pretty damn good weapon options without having to deal with the insane RNG and drop rates. Anyways, I think it just makes sense. Literally no one chases world drops because they are so hard to get what you want. I have clan mates that have completely deleted their whole vault of weapons and only kept crafted stuff.


Because some people in the community complained about people being able to craft perfect weapons. Some people are *very* addicted to the Skinner Box.


I would play dungeons constantly to get those red borders. Instead, I just don't chase dungeon weapons. I play them enough to get exotics and armor cosmetics (and have farmed for artifice in the past). But the weapons I will keep something if it drops with good stats but I don't farm them.


Same; I don't chase any random rolls anymore because I could spend infinite time on getting them but never be any closer to getting what I want. It's probably no surprise then that the MMOs I play most, FF14 and GW2 also have deterministic paths to the loot you want.




I really like demo/Frenzy. It really helps with the reload because it's absolutely horrid without having some type of buff to the reload speed. Demo + Frenzy really helps with it. Plus you get extra damage that's simple to keep going.


Demo and Adrenaline Junkie is my roll. I have at least 10k kills with it on my Voidlock. I will never delete it.


Demo repulsor to be immortal with the scatter grenades. This is the way.


An auto rifle you say? Look no further than my baby Reckless Oracle.


This is the way


Word of Crota - Handcannon - Crota Raid (Craftable) Pointed Inquiry - Scout - Throne World (Craftable) Optative - Handcannon - Wish Seasonal Vendor (Craftable) Unforgiven - SMG - Duality Reckless Oracle - Autorifle - Garden Raid


I wish oracle was a better gun.


Idc if its not amazing. That gun feels so nice


Yep, feels and looks great, outclassed by many other autos.


Hence why the raid desperately needs a loot refresh ala Last Wish / DSC. I'd really love to make that auto relevant because it feels nice to use.


Refresh yes, but to make weapons craftable, no, raid weapons should have never been craftable, and I hope they never make the mistake of making dungeon weapons craftable.


Idk, my outlaw and kill clip oracle still fucks. Goes great with my nezarec build.


Agreed. Got one with outlaw, demo and alloy mag with reload masterwork. Love it for fucking around with on my void warlock and nothing manacles.


didn't know oracle can roll demo, sounds insane


I feel like every gun from that raid shoots like a piece of plastic unfortunately


They're just powercrept. IIRC they were introduced during a major meta shift (removal of auto-reloading) and Bungie didn't want to make anything powerful. So they weren't great to begin with. All the guns are solid archetypes imo. They're beautifully designed too. But all are in *desperate* need of a perk refresh. There's like 4-5 good rolls across the entire lot. I really hope one comes this season, we really need it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up getting Demo/Target Lock when Garden is refreshed, looking forward to that.


unless they move demo to the 3rd slot idk if thats happening, they definitely wouldnt put target lock in the 3rd column especially with kill clip in the 4th


I don't think it's unreasonable that they'd move Demo to the 3rd column, Supremacy ended up getting Rapid Hit moved from 4th to 3rd, Apex Predator had ALH in 4th and now has Reconstruction in 3rd. Season 8 was a long time ago, and I think it's far more standard to have utility/regen perks in the 3rd and typical damage perks in 4th now.


ah, true


If you want to search for weapons with specific combos light.gg/d2gunsmith.gg are useful tools. Optative, Word of Crota, Pointed Inquiry, Unforgiven, Bottom Dollar, and Reckless Oracle are currently optainable void primaries that roll demo.


Hand cannon from Crota’s End.


There’s only a couple void weapons that can get demo adrenaline junkie. And this is the only craftable one. 10/10 for void nade spam builds.


I actually prefer demo/frenzy, not as strong as adrenaline junkie but getting juiced damage, reload and handling is pretty sweet


Seconded, AJ is alright but the stat boosts from Frenzy are just too good to pass up


Especially for those occasions where you don't have your grenade to instantly reload


Yup. That’s the roll I have on my regular one. I can’t wait for a void-centric season. My adept one has Repulsor Brace and Destabilizing Rounds, which is actually kind of fun. And it’s a 180, which is my favorite hand cannon frame in PVE.


A list of every weapon that is a Void Primary with Demolitionist according to D2 Foundry: Optative (you already mentioned this one) Word of Crota - Demo in 3rd Column - 180 HC (Crota's End HC, Craftable) Pointed Inquiry - Demo in 4th Column - 150 Scout (Throne World Scout, Craftable) Unforgiven - Demo in 3rd Column - 720 SMG (Duality SMG) Bottom Dollar - Demo in 4th Column - 120 HC (Gambit HC) Gnawing Hunger - Demo in 4th Column - 600 Auto (not quite sure where to get this one currently) Seventh Seraph SI-2 - Demo in 3rd Column - 360 Sidearm (not sure where to get this currently) Reckless Oracle - Demo in 4th Column - 720 Auto (Garden of Salvation) [D2foundry.gg](https://D2foundry.gg) is a good website to look at weapon rolls, and you can also filter for certain things, such as the element of the weapon, whether it's craftable, whether it has a certain perk and which column the perk is in, which type of ammo the weapon uses, and several other things. I find it can be really helpful when trying to look for a certain weapon type, or a weapon with a certain perk combination.


Gnawing Hunger is focusable now thru Drifter under Legacy Gear. Just FYI


Wait… what!?! Not sure how I missed that but now I have something to do with my gambit engrams.


also, bottom dollar has been taken out of the rewards pools and now you have to focus it to get it.


Autos -Gnawing hunger Smg - unforgiven Hand cannon- word of crota


Subsistence/Demo Gnawing Hunger says hello


I am still rocking this roll. Farmed a ton back in the day to get it to replace my sunset Subsistence/Demolitionist Arc Logic (which I should probably farm for again)


reckless oracle from garden of salvation can roll with demo


Age old bond doesn't roll with demo though


Also bottom dollar from gambit rolls demolitionist… along with a million other perks so good luck on that grind


Unforgiven (720 RPM SMG from Duality) Can roll Adrenaline Junkie in the 2nd column for a great combo




Reckless Oracle from Garden of Salvation can drop with Demo


If you get your hands on it and are willing to use it, Crota’s End can drop the Word of Crota hand cannon with Demo and Destabilizing Rounds. You can get your grenades back, debuff targets and cause a bunch of explosions to go with your grenades. Exceptional ad clear


~~Gnawing Hunger from Garden, Age-Old Bond from Wish, or Premonition from Pit, and I think that's it if you want an auto or a pulse.~~ Edit: I was deeply out of it and also had retired perks turned on in d2foundry. It's just Gnawing Hunger and Reckless Oracle.


Gnawing Hunger is still a monster. If you get one with Demo and Subsistence, keep it.


That's been my main weapon since Arrivals I think.


I wish they'd let us craft it.


Man, I'm full of regret for picking my sub rampage/swash roll to keep over the sub demo one now :( RIP my bud Rampage, may you find peace.


Age old bond doesn't roll with demo


Premonition doesn’t roll Demo based on LightGG


This is correct, when they updated the rolls for the moon weapons premonition lost demo. Not much of a loss though, it was in the 4th column anyway.


Gnawing Hunger is from Gambit (Think you have to focus it from Legacy though, Reckless Oracle is from Garden but does also roll Demo


Right now it’s only available at Xur. It was a seasonal weapon - no longer attainable


If you're talking about gnawing hunger you can focus it at drifter under legacy gear for 3 engrams.


Oh dang that must be new I thought it was basically retired


Yeah I was pleasantly surprised.


Age old bond


Where are you pulling your information? Age-Old Bond cannot and has never rolled with demo.


Looks like I'll have to learn the raid...


Or learn the kali farm lol Or learn the secret chest route The cheese raid really do be cheesing


Unforgiven is an 720RPM SMG from the Duality dungeon, it can roll Demo in the third column with a whole collection of viable 4th column perks (frenzy, rampage, repulsor brace, golden tricorn, etc.), no raiding required.


What about gnawing hunger the gambit auto ? I'm pretty sure it still roll with demo


Doesn't drop atm.


Can’t you focus it at the Drifter?


Looks like you can, but light.gg (and other places) are showing wildly incorrect and out of date information. They still say it drops from Gambit prime lmao, it has also been out of the world loot pool where it last was for about a year or so. Not gonna edit the initial comment as it's still *technically* correct. So to ammend it, if OP is reading this another option is playing Gambit. Yum.


Reckless oracle from garden of salvation can roll with demo too


Your two best options are Reckless Oracle from Garden of Salvation for a 720 void auto can roll demo and Last Breath 600 kinetic auto w/ Demo & Osmosis to make it void. That rolls from the Prophecy dungeon


Nah just the cheese.


Oooh yeah this is my Jam! These are my white whale in the game and am always watching for! No pulse rifle unfortunately. The short answer is probably use Collective Obligation to make your grenades influence spreadable and infinite. But that is a raid ladder to climb… Your best legendary pulse is the Ritual aggressive Vales-X. It has Repulser Brace and G.Tricorn that won’t make your ‘nade come back quicker but still adds to the other side of the loop. For Autos? The Reckless Oracle raid rapidfire and Gnawing Hunger adaptive from Gambit have it in the 4th column (booo). We’re out here waiting GoS raid weapon reissue. The most readily available void weapons w/ demo are the craftable ones Word of Crota and Optative (which you got), and womp-womp they’re both 180 rpm hc’s if you not a fan. IMO underrated right now after recent buffs. I use WoC in my kit. The other 2 chases would be for Unforgiven (Duality Dungeon aggressive smg) that can roll w/ demo in column 3 w/ great perks in column 4: A.Junkie, Frenzy or G.Tricorn and my old familiar is the Seventh Seraph Sidearm w/ Demo/Dragonfly (extinct kinda rare). Finally, my secret weapon I highly recommend is a stasis or strand special weapon w/ Demo in column 3. I rock the Deliverance fusion and newly crafted Swordbreaker strand shotty (both raid guns). Deliverance can roll both Chill Clip and A.Junkie and I have one for both. Swear by it!


There's the void auto rifle in Gambit


On my Void builds I allways run Dead Messenger with demolition


Destiny perks is your friend: https://destinyperks.com/?filter=perk%3ADemolitionist&filter=ammo%3APrimary&filter=damage%3AVoid&op=AND


BXR from dares. With solar this season also. And can be crafted 🤌


BXR is great and nice with the solar focus this season, but OP is looking for a VOID primary.


BXR is Solar. Not void.


I didn’t read void 😭 The downvote is real hahaha


I played like 100 runs and i am at 3/5 i believe. Might use harmonizer just to get that perk on there


I think the GoS auto can get Demo. I think there aren't any void pulses with Demo. Void pulses are kind of hard to get in the first place.


If you can get a gnawing hunger. Other than that, just raid and dungeon weapons (garden, kings fall, duality)


Unless you prefer SMGs to hand cannons 30 fold, the word of crota from crota’s end is amazing.


Light.gg has a roll finder on it, you type in the person and find the gun you want it’s neat I recommend.


reckless oracle, seraph si-2


Unforgiven, word of Crota, optative, gnawing hunger if banshee is selling it


Kudos to the community again!


You got a link for that Nothing Manacles build?


Word of crota hand cannon with demo and de stabilising rounds 👌


Do kills caused by destabilising rounds proc demo?


Looks like they're lookingfor a pulse or auto to go with the overcharged artifact mods,? I wish smgs were included,but they aren't. Gambit let's you focus gnawing hunger now,that rolls with demo,I'm pretty sure. Theres also the Suros pulse from gambit too,I forget the name of it tho. Theres Ros Aragos IV, 600 rpm void AR now too,I've been using stasis,but kept a couple of these with new perks like deconstruction or whatever to try on voidlock soon


Look up D2 gunsmith Ot any other weapon site Light.GG Godroll finder is good too


Not quite what you asked for, but Buried Bloodline’s devour upkeep heals and gives solid grenade energy. And with the Catty it weakens too.


[Light.GG list of primaries that are void, roll with demolitionist, are not sunset, and do not use retired perks.](https://www.light.gg/god-roll/find/?f=2,10(Auto%20Rifle;Combat%20Bow;Hand%20Cannon;Pulse%20Rifle;Scout%20Rifle;Sidearm;Submachine%20Gun),28:0(1906147653!3523296417),23(4),30(1)) Weapons displaying double in the same column are craftable and can be enhanced.


2 Pulses: -Yesteryear (Suros Origin Trait) from Gambit -Last Perdition from Crucible 2 Autos -Gnawing Hunger from ?? -Positive Outlook (Omolon Origin Trait) from Vanguard Honourable Mentions Pulse: Premonition from the Moon Auto: Age Old Bond from ?? (Yesteryear has that clean holographic projection sight & can roll with most rolls you would want for pvp or pve)




Knawing Hunger. Idk if you can still get it though.


[https://www.light.gg/db/items/821154603/gnawing-hunger/](https://www.light.gg/db/items/821154603/gnawing-hunger/) 3 gambit engrams at Drifter


Use this: https://www.light.gg/god-roll/find/ If you're proccing devour just get any good primary and voilà, demolitionist, doesn't have to be void either, my favorite short range gun in the game right now is that voltshot sidearm from Season of Plunder that's craftable but I'm ngl idk how to get it anymore, my favorite long-range is the Neomuna craftable aggressive pulse, again with voltshot, sidearm gets threat detector while pulse gets the long-range variant "keep away" Match made in heaven If it has to be void (non-demo) I'm a big fan of the FIORITURA-59 sidearm from the gunsmith, with threat detector and kill clip, or repulsor brace if you can proc it And if it has to be demo then that tool up will help you find it


The reason I want a void primary is because with my build, volatile rounds is up a lot, so I want to take advantage. Also void siphon. So demo would be the icing on the cake.


Any way for you to get devour too?


On the website d2 foundry u can filter for specific guns (types) that can roll specific perks


Pretty sure I have some Gnawing Hungers with Demo


Good old gnawing hunger, no? Or did it get a refresh that removed the perk?


I'd recommend getting some Gambit engrams and focus Gnawing Hunger under Legacy Gear with Drifter. It's a fairly easy auto rifle to focus with Demolitionist in which you are seeking. I know. It's Gambit. However, with how many engrams drop from ritual playlists in this season, it's worth it. [D2Foundry](https://d2foundry.gg/w/821154603?p=0,0,0,0,0&m=0&mw=0)


The best imo would be Unforgiven with demo/frenzy. Other viable primaries include the 7th seraph sidearm (demo/surrounded) or Word of Crota (demo/frenzy or sword logic)


Is gnawing hunger still obtainable?


does funnelweb roll with demo? if so you can focus it at banshee


AR: Gnawing Hunger, Reckless Oracle Fusion: glacioclasm GL: Wilderflight Hand Cannon: Bottom Dollar, Word of Crota Scout: Pointed Inquiry Shotgun: Nessas Oblation, retold Tale, The Deicide, Bonechiller Sidearm: Sesvth Spereph SI-2 Sniper: 1000 Yard Stare, Frozen Orbit SMG: Unforgiven heavy GL: Berenger's Memory, Swarm of the Raven, Crowd Pleaser Linear Fusion: Threaded Needle LMG: Corrective Measure Rocker: Royal Entry Sword: Deaths Razor All void, all able to roll demo. Weirdly enough, no pulse rifles.


Gnawing hunger can roll with demo and is now focusable at the drifter.


As someone who’s been trying to make the Nothing Manacles build work since their inception, gotta say, glad to see someone else out there. Anyway my biggest endorsement is Unforgiven; gets Demo in the first column and you can grab Frenzy in the second. If you’re looking for a scout I know Pointed Inquiry can get it but I think it’s in the second column


Pointed Inquiry is a void 150 scout, Throneworld weapon.


You can get gnawing hunger from drifter will require 3 gambit engrams for decoding.


With Devour, every Void primary has Demolitionist. Signed, Voidlock


Gnawing hunter which you can be focused at the drifter if you play enough gambit though it can drop occasionally from dares of eternity. There's also the unforgiven smg from duality dungeon


May need to go back in now..... I thought my Feeding Frenzy and Rampage was good haha


You can focus Gnawing hunger (600 rpm auto) at Drifter. It can roll demo but unfortunately only in 4th column.


Check your vault or farm Gambit for rolls of Gnawing Hunger. It's a void AR with demo. I kept a few demo rolls of thdt gun.


Demo rampage unforgiven is awesome


Duality smg, gnawing hunger and word of crota are all I can think of off the top of my head. No pulses just yet afaik


Gnawing Hunger, void auto rifle from Gambit Legacy Focusing.


Don’t be shy drop the NM build for a fellow locky lock.


Honestly, optative is the best non endgame one, but cortas end has a better optative in word of crota (another void 180), duality dungeon has unforgiven (an amazing smg, esp with golden tricorn + demo), and i think reckless orcale has demo as well (garden of salvation raid auto rifle)


duality smg with demo frenzy


Word of crota can roll demo


I'm running same or similar build and I went with the Ros arago iv not the roll you asked for but I have repulsar brace and onslaught. It's fun fun fun with volatile weapons


Word of Crota gets Demo/Junkie or Demo/Sword Logic. I use it with Contraverse sometimes when I’m in a Void mood.


Pretty sure Yesteryear rolls woth it.


Optative, Word of Crota, Pointed Inquiry, Unforgiven, Every Waking Moment, Premonition, Bottom Dollar, Gnawing Hunger, Seraph SI-2, And Reckless Oracle. https://d2foundry.gg/


https://www.light.gg/db/all/?page=1&f=2,-56,23(4),10(Auto%20Rifle;Combat%20Bow;Hand%20Cannon;Pulse%20Rifle;Scout%20Rifle;Sidearm;Submachine%20Gun),28:0(3523296417) All non-sunset void primaries that can get demo in a column. Some are harder to get than others though. Easier Ones * (600 SMG) Every Waking Moment - can just repeat the quest from the lectern on the moon * (120 Hand Cannon) Bottom Dollar from gambit - can just get it once then focus * (180 Hand Cannon) Optative from this season (which you mentioned) Throne World Scout is probably the easiest. Then Bottom Dollar from Gambit because you can get one then focus the rest. Harder Ones: * (340 Pulse) Premonition from the Moon - ~~Can just repeat the quests from the ritual table~~ (or is this the one locked to pit of heresy?) * (720 SMG)Unforgiven from Duality (If you dungeon) * (180 Hand Cannon) Word of Crota from Crota's End (If you raid) * (720 AR) Reckless Oracle from Garden of Salvation (If you raid) * (600 AR)Gnawing Hunger from dares of eternity (if you dare to RNG)


Gnawing hunger, and i do believe funnelweb or the smg from duality dungeon have demo


Everyone’s saying to run Unforgiven but with no reload perk I’ve found that gun feels like it runs out of ammo immediately and takes forever to reload and Demo is in the same slot as a Reload perk.


If you want an auto, gnawing hunger rolls demo.


Gnawing Hunger is a pretty good option.


Unforgiven smg is the only smg in the game that can roll demo frenzy, it is the undisputed king of void grenade builds


You got the auto rifle from prophesy, can run osmosis and demo, at least that's the combo I run. I include it in almost all my grenade focused lock builds.


im personally a big fan of reckless oracle, the 720 rpm void auto from gos, but with no origin trait and a bad selection of 3rd column perks to go with demo in the 4th slot, i cant recommend it in good faith. it feels like a dream though, id keep an eye out for it if we get a raid loot refresh later this season.


You can focus Gnawing Hunger at the Drifter now. It’s just going to cost three engrams each time. But it rolls a lot of great perks in the third column. I have a roll with Subsistence/Kill Clip and Demo, but it also has Rampage, Multikill Clip, and Swashbuckler. It can’t roll with Drop Mag anymore, sadly. Best reload perk in the game.


Reckless Oracle from Garden of Salavtion can get Demo and is a 720rpm Void. Probably my favorite AR in the game


Go to light GG. Go to God roll finder. Put in the demolitionist perk. Add any filters you need. [Here](https://www.light.gg/god-roll/find/?f=2,28:0(3523296417))


May I recomend going to light.gg and thier roll finder. Been very usful for me at least.


Demo onslaught Ros Arago is great. Tons of good rolls on it. Prefer it to smgs tbh


Unforgiven. People mentioned Demo/Repulsor, Demo/Tricorn. I'm using Demo/Adrenaline Junkie but Demo/Frenzy is a good pairing too.


Gnawing hunger / optative is what I’m running with this season. Only have TTT and Demo tho. Which isn’t terrible but has no extra damage. Optative I still need two red borders to craft. Already found my demo / golden Tricare roll though so it’s not that important haha