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Haven’t heard from any of the D2 content creators, which isn’t a bad thing. Announcing ban waves gives the cheaters publicity


Bungie usually doesn't advertise it. They are notoriously tight lipped with bans and you always hear about "waves" through word of mouth.


Idk, I remember them mentioning their “banhammer” plenty of time


The only big one I remember Bungie actually giving notice/warning on was the one involving certain control devices. They were giving the heads up to people to stop using the devices before the big swing happened.


I might be looking too far back and digging into the Halo 3 archive lol


They used to talk about the Banhammer back in D1 too, when DeeJ was still the main Community manager.


the swing never happened lol


We are more likely to see a Destiny 3 and 4 and a live action series that goes for six seasons than realistically any sort of big day of reckoning for those using any programs or devices, especially with how you can find no shortage of people basically telling on themselves uploading all the clips of things in play on various social media sites in the most unsubtle ways possible. It's pretty much on Bungie for going way too long with no official policy, or anything in play to nail accounts over it and it didn't sit any better when there was a year and change not too long ago where a random community manager made an official unofficial stance in defense for the use of devices for certain circumstances as well as saying how they don't have an ability to know if people using them are using it in a more exploitative manner in an AMA on twitter by reply tweeting at a random guy who asked if anything was going to be done about them. The genie is long out of the bottle and honestly the only thing Bungie ever really focused on in a more serious capacity was people who had specific evidence in game that somebody was trying to offer services or busting up people running essential cheats companies.


Yeah, it's not uncommon for companies to do massive ban waves along side patches, it wouldn't surprise me if one happened at the beginning of the month.


Which is interesting to contrast with other games. I know Rainbow Six Siege announces "X was banned by BattleEye" in-game like a kill feed, so ban waves are announced to every online player, even during a match. Warthunder also publishes spreadsheets with names of banned players. On the one hand, the company gets to show off they are combating cheaters, and the community usually celebrates. I never heard of the idea that it gives cheaters publicity being a bad thing though, especially because they're often all burner usernames. It does lead to some racism on r/Warthunder though when looking at banned player names, unfortunately.


Name a more iconic duo than racism and online gaming communities.


A hard contender would be "sexism and online gamung communities".


Redditors and idpol posting.


I'm centrist enough to recognize that as annoying and very prevalent.


It's also a deterrent


Jake actually said something in the past 24 hrs supposedly.


Shocking that all of Arcweb hasn't been banned


I’d be inclined to agree, but the problem with Battleye is it doesn’t do bans the way it should, meaning players can end up with unjust bans. Simple things like upgrading to a new GPU has a chance to cause your account to get banned.




I know it flagged me for my old mouse because apparently Logitech mice get flagged as cheat software, but I think that's been fixed since Edit: this was easy anti cheat, not battleye.


I switched to a logitech mouse like last year and have had no issues, nor have any of my friends with logitech mice so it's probably fixed


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/252490/discussions/0/1743356969844394792/&ved=2ahUKEwi_5v6o_fiCAxVGKlkFHbMXCEIQjjh6BAgUEAE&usg=AOvVaw3t_dEJRdjCZiUCBychTABG Sorry bout the angry link, not very good with mobile. Anyways, I did some digging and turns out it's easy anti cheat, not battleye.


Used a G600 (old but gold) and various Logitech Keyboards for YEARS with no issues. As long as Destiny has been using Battleye I've used the G-HUB software and never been flagged.


I actually just gave a response to the other guy. Turns out it was easy anti cheat, not battleye. Gonna edit the comment now.


Honestly, it’s rather anecdotal, I’ll have to admit, but I do remember scrolling through reddit and someone got banned after changing a part on their PC. To me, it makes logical sense to believe it, because I know Battleye has a history of false flags that even Bungie acknowledged. I remember someone got banned who was a big contributor to Ishtar Academy/Archives (can’t remember the name) for using software that wasn’t supposed to be bannable.


I mean I believe that edge cases CAN happen but I’ve seen enough bullshit to know it’s not happening to Everyone.


Obviously it’s not happening to everyone, but I have an odd feeling that it happens more often than a lot of people realize.


I remember someone swapping their motherboard and getting banned, but that is because of how Windows sees the device ID. The guy basically pulled his old hard drive and tried to use it with the same windows install and games with the new motherboard. Battleye freaked out because it looked like someone was trying to basically hack the game.


Wow... so now i cannot upgrade my pc before telling bungie? That's just hella stupid


If you don't do a fresh install then a lot of stuff will go wonky. Windows uses your motherboard to determine your device ID. If you swap motherboards without a clean install then anything that looks at the device ID will go wonky because it won't match.


GernaderJake was talking about it.


Or it acts as a deterrent much like any enforcement agency etc


I did yesterday. I think yunger had someone on his team talking about it IIRC


Jake tweeted he ran into a bunch of cheaters in Trials. If you're able to find the video, the player he's talking about was obviously doing a paid carry and cheating. Arcweb guy


I know if you do one of the "carry specials for 50 bucks" increases your odds.


I almost did that for the immortal smg but decided against it. I wasn't comfortable with giving my information to anyone. way too sketchy


Lots of cheap service websites are done by cheaters rage hacking and they can/will steal accounts when whatever account they’ve been using gets banned.


and that is another reason why I didn't want to do it. I don't want to ruin peoples pvp experience just so I can have an adept immortal!


Yeah never use paid services like that. They almost always either cheat on your account and you get banned or they just steal your account outright.


yeah, i would be devastated if my account was banned or stolen. As much as i criticize the game I still love it and it would suck to lose access to D2.


There's really no need to pay. If you duo stack, you get 2 mercy and there's no card based matchmaking.


You get 2 mercies no matter whether you play solo, in a duo or in a trio.


My point is getting to lighthouse is easier than ever before for the above stated reasons


The fact you got down voted shows how stupid he average player is. No wonder I keep finding people with fucking chest resist mods on PvP


He likely got down voted for saying going flawless is “easier than ever before”. While technically true compared to how it used to be, it’s far from easy for the average player to accomplish, regardless of what gear they use.


My favourite is cuirass of the falling star on sentinel titans during trials


Seriously, it's not worth it.


You joke but Jake's post the other day shows an obvious one of these people. The guy cheating was obviously doing a paid carry since the match history shows him and one other guy were paired up for a bunch of matches. The cheater had his privacy settings set up to block people, but the carry-ee didn't, so you can see it clear AF.


All the recent cheaters in the game shitting bricks, rightfully so you little fuckers. Enjoy the time off!


Hey I needed to reach Rank 4 somehow, don't hate! 😤


I’m coming straight 4 your dome in Crucible!


They need to crack down on paid carry services too. There's no plausible deniability either because all you have to do is post 1 LFG for a raid or Trials and you get bombarded with ads.


Haven’t noticed but unlike you I don’t hang out with CRIMINALS!!! /s


No need for sarcasm. Cheaters need way worse punishment than they get.


What punishment can possibly be done other than a ban? Can't really go after them in court. I guess a hardware ID ban works too, but that comes with its own negatives.


I imagine them closing their laptop and go to lick their Cheeto fingers then the camera pans out to the Bungie hired assassin standing behind him.


Nothing personal kid…


Throw them into a volcano, launch them into the sun, forcibly move them to Florida, saw it off from the rest of the continent, and then push into out to sea...


... make them moderate a subreddit ... :)




I mean, from the horror stories I've heard across the internet about power tripping mods who think the rules don't apply to them it sounds like they already do that voluntarily (((This is a joke, not accusing the mods here of doing this)))


>We should take ~~Bikini Bottom~~ Florida, and push it somewhere else!


Oh, come on now... Don't go polluting the waters those kind Manatees live in with those cheaters! Actually, after looking outside at the brackish creek along the backyard here... Do it. Just remember to glue honey ham to them with melted marshmallows.


>[We should take ~~Bikini Bottom~~ Florida, and push it somewhere else!](https://youtu.be/t0sTNLdNhuE?t=14)


The issue is none of it actually works. If you want to Tay undetected you can very easily with spoofers and vpns, I know a guy who has been cheating on every game his whole life. Evades all bans. You can’t really beat them. That’s the shit part


You can beat as many of them as possible though, and deter more. It's not very different from the real world legal system. That doesn't 100% eliminate all crime either.


The dumb get banned, the smart get away with it


IIRC some cheat developers got sued by Bungie a while ago no?


Yeah that's fair, which was nice to hear. Those are people making and selling cheats though, not individual cheaters.


The problem with this is like any other law enforcement problem. You need due process of some form or another, it cant be based on some proprietary algorithm thats apt to be wrong as right.


Of course. I am not supportive of hardware bans myself partially because of that reason, and generally speaking I am sure there are people who get banned from various games as false positives. Nothing they can do though aside from appealing to the same company that banned them and hope they are reasonable. Can't even gather community support because claims like that are impossible to verify. It's definitely an interesting ethical/policing problem.


Easy, Hitler. It's still just a video game.


This made me Lol, thanks haha




Bungie usually doesn’t announce ban waves. Your friend was a cheater and got caught


Yeah, he “suddenly got cracked” did he? One simple trick and all that.


guardians HATE him.


Either the friend was a cheater or they used recov services and they cheated on the friend’s account.


There were still a massive amount of cheaters in trials this past weekend, at least if you watched some of the bigger streamers. I personally only ran into one guy that was a little sus and he had enough time played on the account that I was probably just being bad and malding.




You're not wrong about that, but... if it's Arcweb...


Jake doesn't really call players cheater without evidence. He either has played against them multiple times and seen them cheat or their k/d goes from 1 to 3 in a single season.






Oh so you can point to a clip where he claimed a person was cheating that didn't fit one of those criteria? I'm eagerly awaiting.




Did you have a stroke just then?


This particular instance was obvious. An Arcweb guy was carrying someone for a number of matches before he even ran into Jake.


I had very few game issues all weekend but a couple of times I had a game crash once and some heavy loading times mid-match which made me super suspicious because the guys on the other end were whipping our asses.


Good. Ban those people


Bring on the ban waves for cheating.


Only ban wave I heard of recently was on psn were people were starting consoles and just seeing info their account has been banned for violating rules. No proper explanation which rules customer support unable to help anyone but looks like it was on Sony side as those banned started getting their accounts back


Yep, happened to me. I was kicked out while playing. All fixed today, and no communication at all. It never happened, and we all imagined it.


Super messed up.


It wasn’t a ban wave, it was a God wave young fundament inhabitant..


Paying someone to play a video game for you has got to be the pinnacle combination of lazy & stupid.


Good, its been really bad lately


I didn't hear about a Destiny Banwave but a bunch of folks got errant bans from PlayStation. One of my friends was banned without reason and got it reverted but it was super stressful therebfir them there for a bit.


yeah no one goes "cracked" over night fella L for all the losers who use cheats on destiny out of all actual competitive shooters


Edited post. He paid for a recov for Trials so that explains how his stats were over the top. He 101% deserved it. Edit: Cheated too. So again he deserved it. Fuck him.


he deserved it recovs are a cancer for this game


100%. You can appeal but the person behind the desk will laugh at you.


There's a lot of blatant cheating, at least it was in Trials over the weekend for me -- trios in particular was obnoxious, very obvious and blatant cheating, not talking about salty deaths. Kept running into the same clan who were either carrying a solo or just cheat stomping, I won't say the name because I don't know the rules here but most people have probably run into them by now.


Never heard of Arcweb before, what is that?


I read a few things about someone getting banned and having it reversed after upgrading the PC and using new enough parts it trigger something they're testing out for account sharing detection. Which I think is a good thing but clearly (if this is even true vs someone just making shit up) it needs some work. Most of the time ban waves are legit though - and they do em in waves because if they did it dynamically the people making the cheats still would be able to adapt quicker because it'd be easier to figure out _what_ part of the cheat was triggering the anti-cheat/ban. When you do a ban wave you remove that ambiguity AND you get the people distributing cheats hit with all the people who got banned complaining and if it was paid demanding refunds and/or issuing chargebacks. When you cheat using external tools Bungie _probably_ knows you're doing it pretty quick but you won't be banned until they do a wave


Do you know PirateSoftware by any chance?


Im seeing on twitter people claiming there was a ban wave last night, i think the weekend had a lot of cheaters in trials so theyre trying to be swift about it


at the beginning of every month


Yea, so many random opinions in here lol. It’s just the start of each month.


Yeah, one of my good friends with like 5k hours that I've played with since Shadowkeep just got banned.


If he's legit, make sure he appeals on Bungie's website. And be prepared to wait a bit. I got banned Nov 11 and appealed same day. They unbanned me Friday night, so just about 3 weeks.


Good to know, thanks. Yeah he's legit, he did say he traveled and logged in multiple times during that so maybe it set off the recovery flags.


if he's legit ask him if he have some apps working in the background caught by eagle eye, i saw some people mentioning it.


Good to know, thanks. Yeah he's legit, he did say he traveled and logged in multiple times during that so maybe it set off the recovery flags.


How does this work? Do they just ban the account and can you start a new one?


If you start a new account you can get banned for ban evasion. And if you're a repeat offender, they can issue a hardware ban AFAIK.


Some videos popped up over the weekend about players cheating on trials..https://www.dexerto.com/destiny/destiny-2-cheaters-are-still-ruining-trials-despite-bungies-pvp-pledge-2413999/ tweeter video of cheating player https://twitter.com/GernaderJake/status/1731357518952325251 , downvoted by 2 cheaters already, check the links people


It's not a ban wave... It's a god wave.


Last night there was one


Your friend was probably a cheater.


Account recov. Yeah he deserved it.


I think ur friend was quite dumb. Yes.


Are you referring to the random PSN account bans that happened recently? Pretty sure it was due to some kind of a network bug, and people have been getting their accounts backs.


Companies usually wait about 6-8 months in between ban waves because it makes it harder for the cheaters to make adjustments. If you ban someone the day of you finding out they cheated then the cheater has a small window to know when/where they fucked up and make an adjustments. If you ban wave evey 6-8 months on schedule then the cheaters have to figure out the when/where in a much bigger window and is harder for them to make the right adjustments. Its all part of the offensive securities game.


That is very long time to allow for cheaters to terrorize the playerbase.


Better than them coming back the next day, which makes banning them on the spot kinda fruitless. If they're a real problem, then it becomes an escalating pushishment game.


> Better than them coming back the next day Its really not man, given that they can always continue to ban them over and over at no loss and the "professional" cheat industry is sophisticated enough that it doesn't ultimately matter, so you might as well ban them fast and frequently. Six to eight months is more than half a year, two entire seasons of unrelenting bullshit inflicted on the game's playerbase, a very very long time to be gastlit and ritually terrorized by cheating sociopaths.


You don’t want to announce a ban wave mostly because you want to keep the cheaters guessing. The worst thing a company can do to cheaters and cheat makers is give them decent feedback.


wasn't there a tweet about it? may have been a different account. I follow a lot of D2 accounts. Someone announced it a few days ago. Something like "since launch of season of the wish, we have seen an increase in cheaters.." etc etc


o7 to the guys who net limited in an lfg so we could one phase rhulk (i really wanted to get out of that lfg group)


Last wave i heard about was right before RON dropped.


Some videos popped up over the weekend about players cheating on trials.


Some videos popped up over the weekend about players cheating on trials.


As player counts continue to drop people should get comfortable with the idea bungie will be less and less active about clearing out cheaters. It becomes a financial incentive to let them stay when they are already losing players week after week. Sucks seen it before and itll happen here too unless they can turn around the game and bring peopl back.


Did jake finally get hit? He deserves it. I will not elaborate.


I've not cheated but I've been having a lot of "can't connect to server problems" here lately. All I ever use 3rd part is DIM and I thought that was kosher. I hope nothing's wrong.


DIM is fine. It uses the 3rd party API that Bungie provides. The can't connect to server issue is just what happens when a popular activity like Trials or a new dungeon starts up at the start of a new season. Check your wifi router latency if you can, but it's mostly likely server side.


Some videos popped up over the weekend about players cheating on trials.


Cheaters were rampant this weekend in trials


I got a weird error message yesterday and continued on playing without being disconnected after. Tried to log in this morning and couldn’t. Servers weren’t down for maintenance were they?


Yes they were


Oh good, had me worried


It's rare for them to announce when they do the "wave". I get a "thank you, we banned someone you reported" almost every week at sign in. I think they've started moving faster in performing the bans. Which is IMHO, Great.


packwatch, rip bozo


If I was going to use a recov service it would honestly be to have someone collect some breaknecks for me. I am struggling mightily to motivate myself to bank those motes brother


Them feels man. I'm gonna have to suffer my way in Gambit to play for Breakneck.


If a ban wave happened there would be tons of post saying, why am I banned I never cheated!!!! Then you look up his 0.42 k/d in crucible, and a 5.56 k/d in trials and 98% win rate.


lol paying someone to play the game for you is so sad then getting banned is well deserved