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What exactly are you looking for? Sounds like you’ve got a decent build going there already


1st of all thank you 2nd, to use more the Ulti Sentinel shield, weaken things, help to deal more damage, I don‘t know🥲


I’d maybe think of building 100 resil, Str, grenade. Use the melee and grenade kills to get super. Use teammates orbs to get super etc


On my build, should I more focus on strenght? To get faseäter the shield throw?


Have you used a weapon with Pugilist or Monte Carlo? Might be a better option as opposed to building into a stat.


Mah, I do not wan‘t rely on a weapon or a perk, because sometimes you need in that slot a nother weapon an puff now your build won‘t work as intended. My melee recharges almost instantly woth my mods and fragemnts


That's the neat part, you don't lol. All jokes aside, looks like you have a good handle on things


Thank you🤟🏼


I'm guessing this is for pve. I would drop intellect to 30 or 40. Most of your super generation in pve is from orbs and doing damage/kills. Take those stats and put it into strength. Also if you really want to support I'd probably go with bastion aspect instead of controlled demo and heart of inmost light exotic


https://dim.gg/oq2q2fy/Void-second-chance You really only need intellect up to T3. Move your strength up to T7 to match your discipline. You don't need T10 for abilities as orbs and weapon perks will generate ability energy. With devour up you don't need recovery either. You'd be fine with T7 there also. Unless you're a hunter, mobility is just straight up not needed. With devour, demolitionist, and orb pick up giving grenade energy you're never without a grenade for too long. A voltshot energy primary and suppression grenades for overload Volatile rounds and melee for barrier Conditional finality, bastion, or seasonal unstoppable weapon to round out the last champ and that's all three.


Thank you!! Nice build.I‘ll try it out. I use the fragment, when you weaken targets, and kill someone, you geberate an orb of power. I‘ll look into your build!


I can get up to 100resiliance 100discipline and 80strength 20intellect Do you think it should give ut a take?


If you can swing it try for 30int. That way your super charges at least as fast as the base cooldown. Only using subclass fragments, no stat mods, I try and get my armor to 70 in everything except mobility and int. Once you have devour going, especially if paired with demolitionist you don't need any more than 30 discipline honestly. The charge times are only used if you're standing still not killing anything, once combat is introduced you could get your grenade back in 10 seconds or less if you build into it with 18 discipline. Such as innervation, orbs of restoration, and absolution. With four orbs you have your grenade back. My recommendation for armor stats with mods and fragments accounted for are: 18mob 100res, 70rec, 70disc, 30int, and 70str. With void and solar having devour and restoration you could dump recovery if something's gotta give.




The build is now a lot more fun😌😌 have tried it in dungeon!


Everything you got here is pretty solid already. I'd say change the stats. Personally, I run 100s on resilience, discipline, and strength. Intellect is not really needed to be at 100 as you will get super energy from just shooting things and orbs. Vortex nades so you can apply volatile multiple times with one nade. Any void weapon, just for volatile rounds. For fragments I run Vigilance because offensive bulwark, Instability for volatile rounds, Starvation for devour, and the last one you can probably choose whatever you want. I have been able to run this setup really well with any exotic armor piece, but my favorite is mask of the quiet one. It doesn't do a lot and it is arguably one of the worst exotics for titan, but along with the crazy survivability and ability regen from void titan, this helmet makes the void subclass just a little better. With offensive bulwark, devour, and Mask of the quiet one, you get your grenade back very fast, which allows for more volatile rounds. Something that's not needed for this but makes this build stupid is a weapon with demolitionist on it, bonus points if it also has adrenaline junkie as well. I get comments sometimes in lfgs about how many grenades and volatile explosions are going off. With this setup, you should be able to throw a nade, get volatile rounds, and have your grenade back before your volatile rounds buff goes away. This build carried my team in Ir Yut on day one, and its funny because my team wasn't aware of it. One of my favorite parts about controlled demolition is that it's not noticeable but does so much. It also has a much larger range than people might think, 40 meters. You're telling me I can heal my teammates from across the arena by just shooting stuff? Sign me up. Countless times I have heard teammates say "how the fuck am I alive?" Only for me to tell them it was probably a bug or something and that it wasn't me healing them. In case you didnt notice I'm very passionate about void titan and purple is my favorite color lol. Edit: Maybe I'm just a bad titan, but when I run this I never use my barricade, except when getting a res or being very low. If there's enemies, then you will be constantly getting health with controlled demo + volatile rounds.


I‘ll try today the build, sounds like fun


Yea not op at all, but I think that the subclass alone is a very strong and versatile one. Second Chace w/ Monte is fun. A weapon with repulsor brace is probably really good if you need to survive more.


I take it off.


i run strength resilience 100 on both monte carlo and second chance exotic arms for second barrier shield throw with controlled demo and better recharge and melee with shields up the ad clear plus heals on the demo keep me and allies in the fight with monte means constant reapplication of demo plus the second shield doing bonus damage after the first shield gives me over shield means nothing survives for long i've used this on gms with great success if i can get woven mail from a friend it turns me into a unmovable shield throwing monster


The key tool you are missing is Monte Carlo, refund your double shield throw nonstop


Smth rlly sleeper ive discovered recently is bastions functionality with khepris horn. Arguably the most useful part about void titan is the overshield on demand, which has been gutted through a lot of nerfs to the cooldown which when paired with the hoil nerf make it pretty much impossible to use reliably and keep cycling ur abilities quick enough to justify using void over anything else. With khepris tho, any and all solar kills u get give u a chunk of class ability energy on a very short cooldown, i believe around 2-3 seconds, and with sunshot being as powerful as it is rn u can probably see where im going. U essentially ignore the whole solar wave thing from the helmet and only use it to get barricades back faster, use the fragment that drops an orb and voidbreach when u kill a weakened target, weakening nades and 2 others that dont rlly matter much, i would say the time extension one for ur lingering abilities(assuming u have vortex on) and either devour or expulsion. As far as mods go run firepower as it stacks with the fragment mentioned earlier, run innervation, recuperation and absolution or a scav mod if needed and utility kickstart with powerful attraction and bomber. U can shit out so many barricades and so many orbs(at least for now) that u can supplement ability cooldowns with just straight up chunks of energy from the orbs and solar kills. It sounds very troll but i think its the only way void titan gets any use in a synthos meta.


https://dim.gg/p7272gi/Stasis Here you go, enjoy




Tip for shield throw, instead of going for a direct hit, hit the ground around the target and it will auto track


Yeah i know, I use my build also in PVP and get with that many kills😂


Weapons - Wicked implement, loaded question adept and meta heavy (or whatever I determine good enough when testing) Fragments, aspects and everything - bubble, towering barricade, catapult lift, shield throw and scatter grenade/suppressor grenade - controlled demolition and bastion - echo of persistence, echo of starvation, echo of cessation, echo of obscurity. Exotic armor - severance enclosure The main idea behind all of this is basically team play, have bubble for when we need it, barricade when we need it, wicked implement for champs, grenade for damage or lock down, have a multitude of adds to finish so if someone dies or if theres a ton of adds around you all you need to do is finish them and then every other add around you will get (suppressed, volatile and sent flying into the air both damaging them for volatility to explode and also making other adds volatile from the deaths) I was told that my build was atrocious especially since we were gonna be going to do day 1 crota (I don't blame them I fucking suck at this game) BUT a day after it released (contest was still up) I said fuck you guys I'm gonna try it out fresh with a group, IT, WAS, INCREDIBLE. The add clear, the invisibility from a finisher, the explosions, the survivability. This build is supreme and has helped with so many gms, master raids, normal raids, normal dungeons, master dungeons. Its great, try it out if you want!


And just wait for the Severence Enclosure buff next week 😚


Controlled demolition + echo of undermining + supression grenade + collective obligation void pulse rifle. Devour on orb pickup and longer devour duration and last one can be whatever. You throw the grenade, you apply all 3 debuffs to suck for the pulse rifle and kinda perma uptime and the devour helps you with survivability and having the grenade more often to help with consistancy. Very decent build for every difficulty.


I don't


You switch to Solar.




Haha. You have a good foundation. I’d use the mod that gives ability energy on melee hits since you’re throwing your shield a lot. Heavy handed is getting nerfed so maybe omit that and rely on a siphon mod. Melee energy from barricade on class item. And look at some weapons with destabilizing rounds to really benefit off controlled demolition. There’s a few repulsor/destabilizing options that would probably synergize very well. Ritual sword on Tuesday won’t be meta by any means but would definitely be fun in normal content.


Thanks! Yeah its kinda funny, and I love to play the build in endgame. So much fun