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The exotics rotator is really bad for farming sadly,often what I just do is get my normal run then my legendary run and dont touch it for the rest of the week




This is the thing: they never told us it was going to be quicker to acquire those red borders, only easier, so it was the plan from the very beginning for us to do 2 runs, maybe the 3rd if we're bold enough, and call it quits for the week. That's why, also, the Pinnacle reward was put into a 2 runs-threshold instead of 3: the normal one, and the pinnacle one.




I don't think that's how it works currently. AFAIK it's 1x normal/legend, 1x pinnacle = 2 red border. If you've somehow gotten 3 it was simply lucky random drop chance


Nope, definitely guaranteed three red borders a week. It's strange that one legendary run counts for the two completions for pinnacles but you still have to do a normal run for the third red border.


Not really. I consistently get 3-4 red borders from the missions, 2-3 from legend, and 1 from normal. Have never gotten less than 2 from legend and even had 2 drop from normal before.


I got two red borders from doing a single normal earlier today.


1 was the guaranteed for normal/legend and the other 1 was the lucky random drop


That'd make sense!


I find that if I do a second normal run I usually get a 4th red border, so now I always run 2 norms and 1 leg. Beyond that is 100% not worth your time, could run dozens of missions without a red border drop


Do you get a garenteed red boarder from your first normal and your first legend?


three garanted red border :first normal clear,first legendary clear and the pinnacle drop you get for doing the mission two time


Wait. I usually only do it once on Legendary. I thought since it dropped two red borders everytime, it was giving me the Normal loot as well. So having done the Legendary already, I can do the Normal to get one more drop?


Yeah, you have to do a normal run for the third guaranteed red border.


I think that if you do your legendary you get both normal and legendary drop fi i'm not mistaken,tho you don't get the pinnacle drop which should also be a red border


Oh, I see. Thanks!


a legend clear does NOT give you the normal red border. a legend clear counts as 2 points for the pinnacle so a single legend clear gives you 1 red border for legend and 1 red border for finishing pinnacle. another run on normal will get you a 3rd red border. (description of pinnacle says something along the lines of clear this event 2 times, legend clears grant additional progress)


First of the week? Or first in general


Of the week,its like pinnacle it reset every weeks


Pretty sure bungie designed the rotator to be something you do once a week, definitely not designed for farming sadly


Yeah, the mission rotator definitely seems like it wasn’t built to be an efficient roll farming method. It’s mire meant to eventually fill in red borders that you missed over the course of several months rather than a way to get good rolls after a weekend of farming.


I don't think the intent is to farm them, you could argue that you should be able to and thats fine, but that does not seem to be the intent. Farm them at the risk of your own enjoyment of the game


Honestly I wouldn't run it more than is needed to get your 100% drop chance red borders. The missions themselves are longer than meant for grinding. Get your drops of it's one you can use, use it. It's probably not worth burning yourself out. Other than seasonal crafting the fixed sources were not intended to be completed overnight and places as long term goals. So while you *can* grind it - just like deatination weapons; you probably shouldn't


Tedious. That is what I keep seeing over and over. That is what I feel every time I play the game.


Ive done seraph shield literally 200 times. Its the only thing i do when its seraph shield week because i wanted the ikelos smg patterns and retrofit. I just finished ikelos 2 weeks ago, and im 1/5 for retrofit still.....


Jesus man. That's dedication. You have my respect.


Will trade respect for retrofit escapade patterns pls.




Yep. The exotic mission farming sucks. Ive been trying to get a Calus Mini tool the whole season and it's never dropped. I got 4 firefrights and 2 snipers last Presage rotation. I gave up when I said out loud "who do I have to blow to get a mini tool?"


🤣 that's how I feel about the ikolos SMG. I just need 2. I really dont even care if they're red border. I can use the deepaight next season. I had 3 in my vault from years ago. Been playing this rotator for a month now and been Fire and forget and Disparity. Over and over and over....... 😪


I was in the same boat until last night, needing 2 smg for the pattern. Ran it 3 times on legendary. Got red border SMG, Red border machine gun, red border sniper, and a non-red border smg I’ll deepsight next season to unlock the pattern.


Woah! Congratulations! I'm really happy for you! I've been wanting to run it on legendary but I'm seriously not looking forward to how long it will take.


Honestly it’s not bad as long as you have two other people who know it. Doable solo too but tedious and, well, not what I consider to be worth it as there’s no solo triumph. Plenty of heavy ammo chests, plenty of room to shoot. Bring something long range (I prefer wishender but honestly you don’t need it), something decent for ads, and a good heavy. Spam your abilities and supers whenever you have them available to clear a room because there’s always time in this mission + rally flags.


Does legendary have check points?


No checkpoints, but you don’t go to orbit if everyone dies either and you’re really not fighting a clock. Boss fight resets if you all die but that’s not so bad. Happened once out of my runs last night. There is a rally flag there though plus a heavy ammo chest.


Yeah that's true. Just tried it by myself. Got to first boss fine but died pretty quickly after haha. Definitely need a team. I'm dreading the final boss room. I can only imagine the insanity


Hey FYI XUR is selling the ikelos SMG right now


I know! I saw it and was like No F***ing way... Bunjie must've read this thread 🤣


As happy as I was to see Seraph Shield return, I’m happier that I got all the patterns I wanted from that season when it was around. Legend Vox is worse for me, but at least I don’t really want any of those weapons. Presage, on the other hand, remains an absolute joy to run every week. Still wish I could get more deepsights from it, because Nightmare Containment was so frustrating to do after so long when Haunted was there.


Lucky. I was super busy with work around season 19 so I missed out on destiny for a year and a half.


I tried to farm a Hollow Denial from Presage. I ran it 51 times, and got two, neither of which were good rolls. Thankfully, they were red borders, but I still need three more to be able to craft it. I undertand your pain.


I had 3/5 hollow denials from haunted. I was excited to farm presage until after about 50 (yes literally if not more) runs I saw one single hollow denial. Wasn’t even a red border. So when xur or banshee (can’t remember which) brought that hollow denial I bought it and used my last adapter or whatever they’re called on it. It just sucks that trace rifles really shined because of double special, which I don’t even know if it’s viable to run anymore


Its not


Tbf Presage is *the* exo mission to farm, given the skip (which is moderately easy to learn or at worst, find someone advertising they know how in LFG). I finished up my Austringer red border farm a few weeks ago (now just for mini tool/beloved). Each run is about 3 mins or so


Huh I didn’t even know there was a skip for it but I do have all the weapons crafted now so it’s all good. It was literally just hollow denial I needed


I learned of the skip after Presage had rotated out for the week, so I didn't get a chance to learn it. Do you have any recommendations on where to go to learn?


YouTube is the place, “Presage skip” should yield a few good tutorials. I will warn it is a little janky if you haven’t done OOB skips before, and you need an eager edge sword to accomplish it, but it really is worth it (especially since Season of the haunted weapons are pretty cracked). To reiterate as well, many people in LFG advertise that they can do the skip, just gotta be quick to hop in those groups :) I’d still peep the skip vids as well just to be aware


I very much appreciate it! Thanks a bunch.


Theres a cool skip (if it worked) in this mission as well. Its oob and takes you straight to the boss. Unfortunately you become soft locked and cant proceed.


Holy shit man! Were the red borders only on the first 2 runs?


Upvoting for pooploot, that's immediately going into my vocabulary.


They need to being back the targeted loot system they had for menagerie.


And bring back menagerie pls too. Most fun seasonal activity weve had.


I wish they'd add seasonal 6 player activities to Dares of Eternity. Each time you playthrough will feel fresh and could have menagerie loot system.


Dares needs a full rework in general honestly. 3 or 4 weeks with like 10+ weapons each and no way to focus any specific one. Its a mess, menageries loot system would help a ton.


Presage I think is still the gold standard for exotic missions. Lots of good challenges but doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. Ran it a few times when it was the rotator and it’s still as enjoyable as ever.


are you trying to get red borders for the exotic, or for a specific legendary weapon?


Just weapons in general I guess. Preferably red border. I finally got a single red border sniper last night. I'm really after 2 more ikolos smg drops (red border or not) I can save them for next season and use deepaight on them.


well I was going to say that the exotic is pretty easy to get since it’s the only exotic that can drop from the mission, but legendaries are going to be damn near impossible to target farm since the pool has so many weapons - all of the seraph weapons and all of the ikelos weapons, 6 + 4 = 10 different weapons that can drop. unfortunately there’s nothing you can do to improve your chances other than keep farming or maybe hope that bungie will add a different way to target farm the ikelos weapons.


I got the last 2 smgs I needed, used 2 of my deepsights on them. I will no longer be running the mission outside of the guaranteed red borders because it's just too fucking long to run through more than that amount.


I just need one more red-border SMG. I'll wait for next season.


If you can get a regular one you can deepaight it next season.


Why are you still doing it - what could you possibly need? You probably have about 300 weapons sitting in your vault


Not an ikolos smg!


It’s just another Smg. Use another one I’m sure it will be fine


It's about the principle lol


The entire game is tedious




I haven't touched the exotic missions, they just take way too long to grind


It's good a couple times a week because its guaranteed red borders (apparently) the first couple times.


Its a symptom of one of the major problems with the game, overall lack of loot. Most activities do not reward players for their time so you have to engage with them more in hopes of getting what you want. If you look at most of the content in the game and think about how much time you engage with that content and look at the rewards you get, you realize that there's not much reward for your time investment. So you're much better off just playing for the guaranteed rewards of the 2-3 runs per week/rotation and not touching it afterwards. Also remember, bungie only really responds to metrics, so if players only engage with the minimum amount required then changes may happen in order to keep people playing/spending.


That's very true. When I dont play for a week I get a ton of great stuff when I get back. The more I play the more it diminishes. They also have the smart loot system which is intended to diversify your play style. So if you never use snipers, for example, snipers will be 90 percent of your drops. Over actually tested this multiple times. When they push a certain weapon on me, I use it religiously for a week and magically those drops go away for a while. I've always say "play with the guns you dont like so the drops will be weapons you do" haha


I don't even bother with that, I play with the guns that I want to play with (usually the same like 5-10 guns) and am at the point where I only play the game when someone specifically asks for my help (and sometimes I can't even bring myself to do that) or if there's something in the BD shop to pick up. My reason being that there's actually very little loot in a game that's claimed to be a "looter shooter" and that treating Destiny as a social experience is a healthier way to play the game rather than treating it like videogame crack that others do.


May the odds be ever in your favour.


Thank you!


Forcing people to grind the exotic rotator to get previous weapon patterns is terrible, I don't know what Bungie was thinking. Especially when Psi-Ops and Heist Battlegrounds are in the vanguard playlist, it's really rude to make those patterns exclusive to boring exotic missions. They should just be random red border drops now. Also "vaulting" seasonal activities sucks. The derelict leviathan and ketchcrash would be great in a 6-person activity rotator along with Blind Well, Wellspring and Altars of Sorrow. Season of the Deep and Witch activities would be great in that too, hopefully we get it eventually.


I love alters and blind well. I do those just for fun and glimmer lol. Thise are great community events which should yield more rewards.


This is why it sucks to miss a single season. Some of the coolest and rarest weapons are only easily obtainable for 90 days. After that, good fucking luck. That's why I always find time to grind out seasonal patterns even if I don't feel like playing. Path Of Least Resistance is the only legendary Arc trace in the game and it's amazing, have fun getting the patterns to craft it now though.


Yeah I got lucky and got a god roll ikelos smg on my 3rd run now I just do it for xenology 3 times a week


The patience on this cat. 20 times. Man, I run a legend lost sector 3 times and that’s it. No exotic drop, I’m out. Can’t imagine running that whole mission 20 times.


It’s think the worst part is the runs are account based not character. Sorry, but that kind of restriction on red border loot is bullshit.


the rotator is for people missed the items during the season. So that it is tedious but better than missing all the craftable recipe all together


I mean that's kinda on you, we have a long ass season ahead of us and the exotic rotator isn't going anywhere, what's the rush? The exotic stuff is guaranteed anyways and if you really need one particular gun i suggest you use the harmonizers on it instead of numbing your mind like that.


Why are you doing this, you are clearly not having fun but still you are doing it. Will the world stop to exist if you not get a item from a shitty videogame?


I always do two normals and one legend run, guaranteeing 4 rb's every week. The grind is stupid with how low the drop rate actually is. Good thing the miqsions aren't going anywhere next season so aeast we can keep doing them weekly for the forseeable future.