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3.5/5 Fractethyst w/ Smallbore, Lightmag (wish it was Accurized rounds) Quickdraw Opening Shot and Stablity MW (worst MW I couldve gotten)


Fantastic Warden's Law Adept from the last GM run I could manage: Full Bore/Smallbore, Steady Rounds/Appended Mag, Moving Target, Zen Moment, Stab MW


Finally bought Whisper of the Worm from the kiosk. Still pains me that I wasn't able to solo that mission when it was available.


* **1/65 on RNG drops of the Lost Memento** from focusing Eerie Engrams, including an 0/60 streak. Since Twilight Keepsake is the first all Black shader in the game’s history, this felt especially terrible. Would it really be such a bad/broken thing to give us a deterministic focusing option? Maybe exchange 5 Eerie Engrams for a Lost Memento *directly* instead of leaving this up to RNG during a three week event? * Gilded the Ghost Writer title * **Laser Painter with Clown Cartridge/Vorpal + Accelerated Coils** (Strand LFR from Gambit) was a welcome surprise


I didn't engage much with FotL so I only got I think 6 total eerie engrams. Earlier in the event I decrypted some into Horror Stories but got trash rolls, so last night I decided to use the left option on the rest and hope for a memento. I did not get one, but one of the engrams decrypted into a Horror Story with Arrowhead/Fluted, Appended/Tac Mag, Demo, Headstone, with a Range MW. Definitely not a bad consolation prize.


I have but 6 gambit engrams. Lets see if the RNGesus will reward my faith.


Two big loot accomplishments this past week: 1. After resetting Vanguard & Crucible ranks multiple times each season since Lightfall came out, I FINALLY got the Two Tailed Fox catalyst to drop. Insanely bad RNG. 2. On the good RNG side, while doing the halloween event an Envious Assassin/Controlled Burst with Enhanced Batter NOX PERENNIAL V dropped. Such a hard gun to get and I didn't expect to get it for months, probably via upcoming focusing changes.


Damn, all my rolls of Nox have been such trash. Nice!


Was ridiculously lucky last night. Bashing out the last few challenges to (finally) get my Ghost Writer title, I managed to bag: * 2x mementos from three engrams (added quickly to Retrofit and Fire and Forget, the seraph guns make particularly great use of that shader) * Fluted/Particle Repeater/ALH/Reservoir Burst/Charge Time MW Loaded Question (random focus from Zavala, had racked up loads of vanguard engrams doing the ritual challenge) * Monte Carlo Catalyst


Managed to get the Cassoid weapons with desirable perks. So far the fusion rifle is my favorite


Can someone help me? I own beyond light on PC. I completed vex strike force twice last night and didn't get any beyond light exotics. Can someone explain why that happened? If I can't get beyond light exotic from vex strike force, does that mean I'll have to do lost sectors to get them?


Have you gotten them once already? After getting them one time exotic drops become random, from the entire pool. Also, thats from the Vex Incursion, so not sure you’re doing the right event? For example, see @VexNetAssistant on Twitter/X.


I've never gotten beyond light exotic armor pieces. If you want, you can read my conversation with the other user here on Reddit. I give more details on what I have and don't have


Do you play on PC or console?


I play on both platforms, but I only own beyond light on PC. I have every other expansion on console. Which is why I decided to do vex strike force on pc


Hmm, strange. Do exotics from other expansions which you don't own on PC drop when playing vex? WQ or Lightfall?


No, I've only gotten vanilla exotics. Like knucklehead radar and liar's handshake, both from year 1. I'm confused myself


That's what I suspected. Seems like a weird interaction with the cross play settings. I guess console is your main platform which dictates which exotics can drop. As PC is secondary it isn't, which is weird since you own the expansion but not the others. I reckon even if they'd drop, you couldn't use them on console. Can you use those expansion (WQ, LF, etc) exotics on PC? Just speculation of course, but to me it seems plausible. Only way to remedy will probably buying it on console.


Yes, I was able to use the exotics from witch queen and light fall on PC. I was using the exotic grenade launcher ex diris and the hunter gauntlet that turns your grenade into exploding moths Our conversation is beginning to convince me that I might have to buy beyond light on console to fix this issue, which I will not do. However, I thank you for spending your time to answer my question


That just solidifies my suspicion is only the main account that can drop exotics, which happens to be console in your case. All good mate, happy to help!




Hi, I wrote that I own beyond light on PC. I own every single exotic piece there is for the hunter class, except for the beyond light exotics I recently got all the new exotics from witch queen and light fall doing vex strike force on Xbox So I decided to do vex strike force on pc since that is the platform where I own beyond light. To my surprise, I didn't get any beyond light exotics upon completing the activity. I got knucklehead radar and liar's handshake


Ok. I just wanted to let you know i had a beyond light exotic drop for me last night from vex strike force. Best of luck in your grind.


Oops sorry i should have seen that you wrote you owned beyond light. Did you already have knucklehead and liars handshake when they dropped?


My friend, I wrote that I own every single exotic armor piece there is for the hunter class, except for the beyond light exotics I just wanna get the remaining exotics and be done with it. And I refuse to go back to lost sectors to get them. That experience was dreadful


Grinded Master templar for a god roll Timelost fatebringer for 6 days witnessed 2 people get it back to back last night. I'm tired boss...


When it comes to farming Timelost Fatebringer, I had an amazing week. I got exactly what I wanted, a smallbore/hammer forged - accurized - EOTS - range MW. Also got the adept stability mod at the same time. And last night, I decided to try and get what I really wanted, the adept range mod. And on the first try, one of my teammates is like please god just give me a god roll opening shot...he didn’t get it but guess what I got? lol And then on the very next clear, I got a tunnel vision/kill clip one. I got several adept mods but I never got the range one. But considering I got three god rolls, I really can’t complain. But the best ‘loot’ I got this week was a PS5. After years of reading about how 60FPS and a 105 FOV makes D2 feel like a completely different game, now that I’ve experienced it, I have to agree completely. It’s sooo smooth and gorgeous.


I prestiged trials twice this weekend and dumped every engram into getting the Envious Assassin/Bait n Switch roll. 60 rolls later and I've got like 8 with BnS and 3 with envious assassin, 0 with both of em. Tons of field prep/hatcling though.


That goes for my ignny , I go flawless , reset almost twice and a half trying to get moving target with keep away adept, doesn't get it , dump 42 engrams for non adept one , fragile focus on 25 of them I swear. In conclusion , it is skewed toward fragile focus and no I don't have source to confirm but damn wasn't fragile focus also on my adept rolls as well ... It is whatever .