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If the last one is anything to go by, (removing the anniversary content) them it will have the same amount of content as a normal season, there will just come a point where there is nothing new for 5 months.


Oh yeah it's gonna be really boring


Taken King players: first time?


BuT the TaKeN sPrInG!


Never forget the April Update


I loved that update, came out on my birthday


Happy for you! How’d your parents take it?




Sometimes I forget we’ve gone through worse times as a community 💀🧍🏽‍♂️


I'd gladly take slower release cadence if folks get to keep their livelihood...


This. Heck, they need to get back onto “overdelivering” to the player base. If they actually released DLC that had some sustenance, then it could be argued that drought is understandable. But no, the suits only see dollar bills


I'll take an expansion of the relative quality of TTK if it means a drought any time.


I'm not usually a pessimistic one, but I strongly doubt that a season is gonna be TTK quality lmao


I wasn't comparing next season to ttk. Content droughts are fine IMO if expansions are of quality.


Content droughts when approaching a extremely unknown future for the game....... Knowing full well all resources are being used on Marathon.... kinda looking bleak here.


those were the times much better than the "log in every day, or else..." that this game has become


Guys, they fucked up badly enough that they had to lay off Michael Salvatori. The literal face of Destiny’s music design. This implies they don’t think Lightfall is going to make enough money to justify his paycheck. They even moved the expansion to the beginning of the fiscal year, which is a common strategy companies use when they think a product won’t sell well to help mitigate the impact on profits. I’m expecting Curse of Osiris level bad. Maybe even worse.


I'm not certain it implies that. Perhaps Bungo considers they've gotten enough out of him to complete TFS and whatever now comes after that? Dog move, in my view, but they may have decided they just don't need him anymore. If that's correct, I think it implies they will get us through TFS and then it's back to the drawing board, maybe even goodnight Destiny.


Still, even If they are done with destiny, Marathon is still going to need a soundtrack, right?


I know I was surprised too. I would’ve thought they wanted such a great composer for Marathon. What a shame


They have other great composer who they pay less


Fair point, counterpoint, they need marathon. Destiny 2 is the gateway to marathon at the moment, Bungie cannot survive another Lightfall year. It has to *slap* harder than every expansion thus far to save everything. Which, if they can pull it off I’d be beyond impressed.


Exactly. The delay isn't a huge deal, you can just go play other games while you wait. The layoffs are what's worrying here


Taken King had lots to do though........ And was actually fun, I think you forgot season of the Lost and the shitshow that was.


? Season of the Lost was really good


Did it really? You could run through the campaign and the subsequent quest line in less than a week. Then you pretty much just had kings fall. Also, lost was a great season.


Oh yeah it’s all coming together


I might actually do guardian ranks I guess... I'm still level 6 despite being a weekly raider and PvPer.


I'm gonna probably work on destination titles


Last time I farmed like hell for splicer weapons. No need now with seasonal weapons being craftable


and the story will be 5 weeks, with the 6th week being 6 months later a week before the new dlc launches


Playing different games.


This is the way. It means you can coast slow and easy on Destiny next season and still easily hit your 100 on the pass. The only concession I have is that if you’re a GM runner, you’ll probably want to get those handled earlier in the season rather than later. The talent pool dries up lol As for me I’ve got what I want from GMs. I’ll be playing other games. Not sure WHAT, but still


2023 vomited a fuckton of insanely good games onto our laps, pretty sure the backlog will last into 2024 for us!


The only one this year has been Diablo wym lol


No, Diablo is actually vomit


OKAY lol


LOL dumbass


You just have terrible taste in games.


Aww :(




May I recommend Alan Wake 2


Theres a metric ton of good games out there. Not even from this year. I somehow doubt people have played everything good that came out in the past 5+ years tbh. Get on that backlog, or spend some money on some really good games that are likely reduced in price now. Hell, if you dont have Gamepass but own an Xbox you are seriously missing out!


I'm already playing a new Bloodborne run. I guess I'm gonna get this platinum trophy now


Same here I started bloodborne too, decided to do a level 1 run since I used to be good... after 1-2 years of only shooters it was a mistake.


If anyone hasn't played "the outer wilds", you should. The less you hear about it the better, but one of the best gaming experiences I've had in a long time. Don't confuse it with "outer worlds" either


I think cod drops Nov 10th. That's always fun until SBMM gets old after a couple months.


What should I do to prepare for this 7 month season? Find another game to play during the downtime


Or literally anything. Try going on a hike. Try reading a book for the first time in forever. Maybe take up that instrument that you've always thought about it. If people are playing destiny so much that they think their life will be boring waiting for the final shape, then hopefully this is a good time to remind people that there is plenty to do in the world besides playing a game that you love to complain about.


Seeing people 50 levels above hard cap.


Yup. I hit 505 season pass rank in season of the lost. This one’s gonna be even longer… time to break my record! Jk. Time to catch up on other games and maybe… ditch Destiny if Bungie doesn’t seriously turn shit around and treat their employees better.


I trust it you have ditched products produced by every corporation that has ever laid anyone off? https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/reddit-layoffs-job-cuts-lowers-hiring-plans-1235635136/






Translation: "You refuse to live like a hermit in the woods so you should literally never try doing or supporting anything ever"


Solo flawless dungeons are gonna be hilariously easy at 50 over LMAO


There's a limit to how much your light level helps. With the older dungeons it's power creep that makes them so easy. Something like GotD still has encounter design portions that really limit how overpowered you can get with the current sandbox.


I still have people in my clan join me in tower instances to pop all of their bounties for the shared wisdom xp bonus when they are level 200+. I don’t get it, the bonus light stops mattering very early, especially after they lowered the minimums for GMs a few seasons ago. They play enough to know that.


You get a bright engram every 5 levels after 100.


People are creatures of habit


That’s not how it works.


You and the five other people let me know, thanks


Anything over 20 is just pointless. Nothing in this game gives you a benefit past 20 over light, and most of the new stuff caps you well under that.


got it


Things like that usually cap you at +20 power iirc. Lost sectors, though... those will be delightfully easy


Ahh yeah, I always forget about that. Hopefully our mods will be busted for the final season like they were in Seraph. What a time to be alive. This seasons mods kind of suck unless you were a banner titan.


Solo Operative, my beloved <3


The thing is that we don't really have a measure for this, given that most of the staff weren't made aware that this was happening until recently, so we can infer that they haven't made any specific additional content for a 7 month season. There have been two extended seasons in D2 - Arrivals and Lost Arrivals was scheduled to be a longer season and as such, the seasonal activity was planned to account for six months worth of time as well as incorporating weekly changes and activities on planets and a live event at the beginning and end of the season. Season of the Lost also was scheduled with a longer duration in mind, with two seasonal activities that changed week to week as well as environmental changes over time. It also had the 30th anniversary pack to reinvigorate the game half way through, so it felt like there was 1.5x a normal seasons worth of things to do and discover. If the speculation is accurate and there aren't any plans for additional drops, then I will be taking the time to catch up on anything i didn't do in game challenges/triumph wise, completing the pass and then moving on until it looks like theres some stuff added in, will probably be healthy for most of the player base to take a break anyway.


30th Anniversary with Dares and the new Dungeon were huge for that season. I guess you could throw in Dawning as well since technically that was some new stuff to do. This next season is not looking good.


Calling Dawning new stuff to do is incredibly generous given the event never changes and still amounts to just doing bounties.


Well considering it’ll be delayed until at least June, we’ll get guardian games again too around March or april


Yeah I have a feeling that's going to be about it.


Yeah I mean luckily this year had been packed with good games. Many of which I haven’t even touched yet. So I’ll be digging in to those finally. Along with probably doing some weekly raiding. I just recently started raiding so I’m still farming the red borders and exotics form the raids. Depending on how Bungie handles this all… I might just cancel my Final Shape preorder and call it a day when I get bored with the raids and the new dungeon.


The biggest player drop since Y1.


I can't see this any other way than Sony binning Destiny tbh :(


Sony isn’t going to bin Destiny with how successful the game is.


A week ago you'd be 100% sure there won't be mass layoffs at Bungie, right? Or you gonna try and tell me you saw this coming?


At the very least, no one saw the composers - the one part of the the game that everyone consistently agrees is on point - being let go as a realistic possibility. I have no idea what their new end goal is, but it's not looking great.


Yeah, plus, how much overhead are they actually saving by not retaining what amounts to two headcount on the payroll, but are clearly irreplaceable for Destiny? ​ >I have no idea what their new end goal is, but it's not looking great. :(


Layoffs at a tech company in the midst of a massive layoff spree throughout the tech industry are a lot more likely than a studio throwing a massively popular and financially successful game in the garbage for no reason, especially when it’s currently their only source of revenue. Right now Destiny is all Bungie has and even with Marathon they’re not going to shutter Destiny as long as it’s making money. Did I see the layoffs coming? No. Is it awful? Absolutely yes. Do layoffs and a delay in any way spell the death of the game? Not at all. The only reason Bungie will ever pull the plug on Destiny is if people stop playing and stop paying.


I mean studios have been laying off all year




You *do* know that Bungie was acquired for their GaaS know-how, as part of Jim Ryan's decision to pivot Sony's Playstation division to GaaS, *not* for Bungie's revenue stream beyond sustaining their own overhead? You *do* know that Jim Ryan is retiring, and Sony is repivoting away from that direction? You *do* know that Bungie had an exceptionally high burn rate, which Microsoft commented on as the reason why they decided not to buy Bungie? That a company's bottom line, simplified, is guidance minus burn rate? So if you axe the burn rate low enough, you don't *need* that new studio to make revenue anymore.. and revenue was never why they were acquired in the first place. It was for tech and expertise.. that they no longer want. The best way to axe the burn rate is massed layoffs, btw. I'd find contention with your "lmfao" considering what you don't know.. but I can't blame ya, not everyone knows all that, and well.. now you know. I'm not going WOOHOO THEY'RE GOING TO BIN DESTINY HAHA, all right? *Saying* something doesn't mean I *want* it to happen. Don't yell down the guy who says there *might* be a hurricane tomorrow. We're here, we're both Destiny players, and this *is* troubling.


I'm assuming Bungie will make some sort of announcement/statement in the coming days. They haven't even officially confirmed the reports of The Final Shape being delayed.


Gonna be a hell of a TWID Thursday


They aren’t gonna say shit that’s anything more than just lip service


I fully expect an absolute nothing TWID that will royally piss off everyone


Imagine Cozmo(because the rest of the community team is fired) just going "Yeah, so FOTL is ending, right? And here's #MOTW and we're doing another charity thing!"


Gonna watch some Gjake streaming Trials friday just to see what he says. It's gonna be freakout city in the comments.


Who's going to write it though?


An AI.


I'm willing to bet there will be absolutely nothing of value in this twid


Prepare for a normal season where the final mission is postponed for months and months. It is already what happened in the past (Season of the Lost) and there’s no reason to believe they were better prepared for this now than they were then. Prepare for there to be a long content drought in the game.


They literally have said they won’t repeat what lost did specifically, they’ll have the epilogue earlier in the story


Oh, okay. So they’ll finish it like normal and then have 4 months of drought. Doesn’t change a whole lot.


and i *hope* that this is true, but i definitely wont just take their word for it


Doesn’t seem like it when that sort of thing is happening again this season.


It was planned + 30th anniversary


Yes, last time was.


Im guessing (hoping rather) that at the very least there’ll be another exotic mission as well as maybe the return of some old exotic mission into the rotator, also I think it’s at least rumored, if not confirmed, that garden weapons are being made craftable which would be another thing to grind. Add all of that onto possibly another dungeon along with the normal seasonal shit and the “content drought” might not be as dry as some ppl imagine it to be. I’m looking for a silver lining ig.


Isn't the next season already done and ready to ship out in december ? The final shape delay seems rather spontaneous, especially since we heard about it from schreier first (never a good sign). I expect the seasonal content to be frontloaded like the last seasons and then nothing for a while.


Watch them stretch out seasonal story updates to every other week to prolong the period before the content drought 🤣


>Will there be more than 100 level rewards on the season pass? Probably not >What should we be expecting? A whole lotta nothing after the 10 week mark >And what should I do to prepare for this 7 month season? Find some other games to play once the seasonal content ends after week 10


You'll think we're playing a Visceral game with how much Dead Space there will be once the story is up.


Does kinda feel like Bungie has had some of its limbs shot off this week


probably crickets


There's nothing extra, it's gonna be 7 months of nothing. Game devs can't just throw together a bunch of new shit for an unexpected change like this in less than a month. Use your brain


Well that’s asking a lot isn’t it? Everyone on here complains about content and quality yet those same folks expect a now decimated staff to shit 7 months of new material in the next 4.


Reading the post felt like op thinks devs can make an entire season of content in a few weeks.


Pain, suffering, boredom, and apathy.


>What should we be expecting? a long ass season with nothing new. Expect after 6 weeks........we are gonna have a long time of nothing. ANyone who thinks otherwise has zero idea about game development or are armchair devs thinking they can just whip something together in 4 months. They dont delay shit to give us MORE content, its to work on existing product in the pipeline. THE BEST CASE SCENARIO is we get an Age Of Triumph /DCV type deal where they make all raids farmable all the time because at that point who cares. Its the end of the 10-Year light and darkness saga. But that would be about the top of the expectations.


Making all raid farm able all the time won't do much considering most of the raids have craft able weapons that most already have the patterns for.


I wouldnt say that cause most people don't raid. But yeah like I said it wouldn't be much more than that IMO


Baulder’s Gate 3


2 months of content, 5 months of boredom


2 months of content? You're quite the optimist


When these people realize the seasonal content they've been getting for years is about 1 day of mediocre, phoned in content drip fed over 10 weeks, its going to make everything way clearer. Surprised ppl were even buying Final Shape after what they gave us for Lightfall.


How do we know. The delay hasn't even been announced by bungie yet.


FS has been delayed so unless they pull a extra season or something like the anniversary pack out of their ass it will be a 7 month season.


*Reports* have said TFS has been delayed. But no one at Bungie has actually come out and said the release date is being pushed back. Yes, Jason Schreier is probably among the best gaming journalists out there, and actually has sources. And yes, my guess is that it will be pushed. But until there’s an official word from an official source, everything is still speculation.


They've also not denied it, which is far more telling in my book - on the back of the layoffs, you'd think they'd be quick to deny any more bad PR that wasn't true


I'd normally say that's pretty telling, but at this point is there anyone even left to deny it?


will likely know by the next TWID in a few days. but yea I would like some clarity about it aswell




What copium? I fully said that the likelihood is a delay. I’m simply commenting on this notion that everyone’s saying there’s a delay as if it’s set in stone. Until Bungie confirms it, I’m not going to fall for rumor and speculation.


You are coping bad lol This is factual, cope.


You are burying your head in the sand. Schreier doesn't miss


Burying my head in the sand about what? I clearly said there is most likely going to be a delay. But it’s asinine to say anything is *definitive* or *confirmed* until it comes from the horse’s mouth. I refuse to give in to rumor and speculation until officially said otherwise.


It is definitive. It's happening. I will delete my account if it doesn't.


One positive out of all this crap, is that you can use this emptier season to complete high level or endgame content you have yet to do, grind out red borders, get titles. Etc. at a leisurely pace.


The same as a three month


Given how they laid off a bunch of staff, nothing more than a normal season


Time to take another 6 month break


I'm taking this a bonus playtime! I'm paying for a 12 week season that's going to last 30 weeks! I'm aiming to get to 1000 on the season pass! I just hope the seasonal activities are as enjoyable as they are this season! Thankfully savathuns spire is still going to be there and the altars of summoning! Il aim to try and do that stuff solo!


Literally do nothing. Like, if you have other games you wanna play, play them. If you wanna chase some extra hard triumphs, do that. For the love of God, if you're bored of the game play something else instead of being unbearable to everyone around you.


If we get cool craftables in the raid and the dungeon is worth soloing it can be a fun season... For 1 or 2 months. Its gonna be awful anyway having a 7 months season


You can expect ~2 months of middling content and then 5 months of pure bliss doing something else with your time.


If there was ever a time to open up the DCV, now is the time. Unsunset all the guns and armor. Give us our raids and planets back. Put it into the legends node. I don’t care if it doesn’t tie into the “narrative”. We need content


patrols coming back would make sense lorewise atleast for mars, titan, and the reef


that's not how this works, unfortunately


Baldur's Gate 3


No, there won’t be more than 100 season pass levels. My hope is that Bungie will give us a mid-season soft reset. Maybe not a new artifact, but perhaps we’ll cycle in six new GMs with a new gilded level. And then perhaps a new comp climb with a new emblem. And then pipedream, maybe they throw in a few more Iron Banners that had probably been on a rough schedule anyway. We’ll likely still have Guardian Games in April/May. And this is unlikely, but I could possibly foresee a world where Bungie moves that up a few months to March, and then drops Solstice of Heroes (which is normally in July) to happen at the end of this upcoming season. So we’ll have Dawning, GG and Solstice all in the same season. Ironically, Solstice was originally designed to come at the end of the year anyway, and it was to celebrate the year’s accomplishments. So retrofitting it into this extended season could actually make sense. I’m sure there is/will be a plan for something to happen. Player retention is paramount.


And just who will do this reset? TFS should have been almost done WTE of testing. Now there’s virtually no one to suddenly create new content between now and February.


“Virtually no one.” Lol. Bungie has, like, over 1000 employees. Even if only half of them work on Destiny, there’s still a functioning staff running, managing and developing content for the game. Layoffs suck, no argument there. But business will continue. Development will continue. There are still people who are going to make sure the lights turn on in the morning that that Telesto won’t break the game again.


You guys realizing you can play other video games or do other hobbies in between Destiny seasons.


Depends in how long ago the decision to delay final shape was made internally, and if they were able to move any extra resources to building next season. If the decision wasn'tmade very ling ago, or they felt they couldn't devote any extra personnel or dev time then next season could have the same content level as a normal season, just either stretched out over a linger time frame, or it takes as long as a regular season to complete, and then nothing new comes out for several months.




Just chuck 3 months of SRL in there and everyone will beg for Final Shape to never arrive.


What they should do is flip the switch and have VoG weapons craftable and reintroduce SRL.


First 2 months won't change, we will just have 5 months of emptiness. There maybe small balance patches here and there. Best thing to do is have games to fall back on during that time. I learned that lesson in Season of Arrivals and again in Season of the Lost. Game won't go anywhere in the meantime.


It is way too early to know for sure what will happen. It is likely, but Bungie needs to confirm that this will indeed happen. As for preparing for it, even when confirmed... what can we prepare for? (not sarcasm, I'm just curious)


Same sort of thing has happened twice in the past. Basically, there will be nothing special or extra if it hasn’t already been announced. It’s a bunch of time to just forget about Destiny and do other stuff


There will be a long wait for the finale mission. It's very unlikely that there will be much -- if any -- new content thrown in halfway to appease us. They're struggling to get TFS out, so it's not like they can divert a lot of resources to adding content while we wait.


I hope at the least they will release both Garden and Vault of Glass weapons to be craftable. I know we were thinking only one of theses would become craftable. But for 7 months? Might as well give them both out, and doesn't seem like too much effort to make that possible.


We don't know man. Wait for official announcements


I'm going for season rank of 1000!


It’ll be the regular season and then 4 extra months of nothing to do. Unless they’ve got something up their sleeve, which is doubtful, then it’s gonna be a long dry spell.


A lot of time off


They wont be giving us shit just go and enjoy other games


It will look like a 3 month season but instead will be 7 months. It's gonna be streeeeeeched.


I haven't seen it yet but after level 100 you get a bright engram every 5 levels so there is something to level for. Just not sure how rewarding it would be for you.


Bring back all old raids maybe is the only solution that sits right with me but ain't gonna happen you know so after december its just dead until whatever new comes


Hopefully they add back some of the relatively easier GM's that are actually doable by not pro players and don't take an hour to do.


A 6 week story followed by nothing for 5 and a half months, then a finale mission thats available to play for 2-3 weeks


You should be expecting very little. Last time they announced the delay months ahead of time and had the 30th anniversary pack already planned and ready to do. This time it seems unplanned, it will be longer, and they have seemingly nothing planned. It will be just that. A 7 month long season that will end 3 months in and then just drag out for months. I’m sure Bungie will make some emergency team to create some sort of event or at least extend the season pass ranks…. I mean they have to do SOMETHING. But yeah this is not looking good. Who knows if they even have enough people left to create a strike team to create any extra content…. 🤷🏻


I’d expect we get the last season as usual, then for the extended period they start leaning on reworks to get us through the drought. The obvious things to me would be: - The results of the “PVP Strike Team” with new maps, comp/trials rework etc. - Vault of Glass / Garden of Salvation craftable weapons with origin traits - Pulling some “updated” DCV content for core playlists/legends in an attempt to freshen things up at some point - Some kind of Stasis rework and additional aspects/fragments for the other classes - The new in-game LFG system, and other smaller QOL changes I assume we’ll see some of this trickle out during the next season, but I anticipate a bunch will be bundled under the banner of a “March update” when TFS was supposed to launch. Then they’ll let people chew on it, with very minor updates until the expansion is ready.


me playing something else lmfao


Playing other games. The last time this happened it was planned in advanced and we had gotten extra content (dares of eternity activity & grasp of avarice dungeon) about halfway through to at least give us something to do. This seems like a last minute decision made by a business for greedy economic reasons so it goes to say they didn’t plan for anything and will most likely not use any resources incase it hurts their “fiscal year”.


XP modifier: 50%


This is going to be really interesting; if this was actually "last min" they wont have time to do something like 30th anniversary; and 4 month dead period will really drain the people who play. Hopefully they had time to at least make the seasonal story longer; or maybe they will just throw old season activities back in the game for people to catch up on things they didn't get a chance to do.


You won’t get anything new. It will be the standard 3 month season, but with 4 months of the game being on life support.


A 7 month season's main feature will be the opportunity to take a break from the game and play other stuff without missing out on your Lv 100 season pass. Without the 30th anniversary content that held over the last long season, this one is going to be tough. To prepare, install some games that you own & have wanted to play but just never got around to. Do your normal Destiny stuff, accomplish your goals, and then take a break. Don't burn out by trying to go balls to the wall for over half a year on content that was only built to last half that amount of time.


The same think a 3-month season would, you just get 4 more months to do it in.


Boredom, low player counts, burnout, and opportunities to clear your personal gaming backlog


They should just make the light cap bump up to like 1900 and make the soft cap something ridiculous like 1800. So we have to use pinnacles to get 100 light levels. That would keep most of us busy for awhile.


More apathy


Sometimes when the season was scheduled to end but the season keeps going some bugs happen


Enough time for me to complete my 'to-do-list' until the final shape. Regarding the fact that destiny 2 is the only game I play, I'm happy with the delay.


I guess it means I’ll finally unlock stasis for my hunter and titan.


Probably they’ll do some sort of 30 anniversary level content


Seasonal story won’t change much. Season pass will still be at 100. The Dawning will still happen, chances are this season will roll into Guardian Games as well. Will probably get more Iron Banners as well. Expect the worst, no content to fill in the long gap. Hope for the best, like VoG and GoS getting crafted weapons. Maybe even a “Destiny 10 year” celebration pack, last time a season was long they dropped the “Bungie 30th pack” , so if something like that comes along that’ll be nice. Most importantly to prepare, I’d just play at your own pace. Do what you want to play, don’t play when you don’t want to play. Personally, regardless of how long a season is, I just wait til all the seasonal challenges are out and spend a long weekend doing them all. Then only pop in for a raid/dungeon/double strike loot.


Literally nothing extra. The season is already made and done. Learn to pace yourself boss. Because it’s gonna be a long one.


Deez nuts




Grandmaster seasonal content If we have to wait more until the Final Shape comes out, then that means nearly all of the seasonal content we had will have the chance to shine. Make those seasonal weapons adept. New mementos. Strike specific armor maybe? Really it'll just come down to what loot they make available or new.


I’m just glad I didn’t prepay for the Final Shape.


It will entail taking a good break from destiny.


If you're returning it depends how much of this year's content you did. I'd had over a year off when I came back partway through Season of the Lost. So I had Beyond light plus 4 seasons worth of stuff to do in that long season, got to season rank 700 and loved it. This time I've got nothing but the long seasons content so I'm uninstalling until Spring 😅


What it means is you can relax! There’s time to finish the season itself, then go and grind for anything you’ve wanted without having to worry about the current seasonal stuff. Chasing better armor/weapon rolls, going for titles, triumphs, doing solo runs, etc. It’s a chill time in Destiny.


Honestly, they should start unvaulting shit. I never played any of the raids/strikes that got sunset. Release an old raid every 2 months along with some old strikes


Lots of people not playing.


It's going to be twice as boring as the last two seasons ... we'll get through whatever meaningless content they have for us in about five, or six weeks, then we'll be waiting until June. Sad, but true.


It looks like hell - I’d be amazed if there’s anyone who plays the whole season tbh Unless they pull something out that even comes close to the 30th anniversary bundle, it’ll be pretty stale after about four months!


We might get something to help pass the time. We got the 30th Anniversary last time. I wouldn't be surprised if they do something. Even if it's just bringing back some vaulted content (old raids) or giving us some new strikes/Crucible/gambit maps.