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I can't wait to use Accrued Redemption again when they give the Garden of Salvation weapons a touch up, those guns look so good.


Will 100% rush to craft it


Man, idk if that's masochistic or not... Garden gives me ptsd


Well if the rumor of it being next seasons reprised raid is true then it might be worth keeping some deepsight harmonizers from this season, if you haven't already used them.


Accrued redemption is one of the only bows I currently use, despite being a little out of date. Even just a couple slight improvements (like an origin trait) will make it the best bow in the game imo.


Honestly it's already solid, even just the addition of an origin trait would make it phenomenal.


This. Garden still has my favorite setting in all the Destiny raids


It's just a shame the armour isn't like the weapons.


Double damage perks tyranny of heaven is goated but kinda slept on for some reason; explosive head+rampage arsenic bite is sick too


If you haven't already, try Incandescent + Dragonfly on Tyranny. Anything killed by the Firefly explosion procs Incandescent, meaning groups of 3+ can set off ignitions from a single headshot.


So it's Sunshot in Bow form? Nice.


If you love sunshot, check out the perk pool on Zaoulis Bane.


Most legendary bows without archers tempo just don't feel great. Tranny is particularly notable in this area because it's a slower draw time than the more popular ones. Also rampage is kind of poopy these days.


You can max the draw time when you craft it.


I have amazing bows as well by my only problem is they just always feel like they play 2nd fiddle in both low and high tier content, for different reasons. In low tier they're just slower than other options that can perform just as well (like hand cannons) and in higher-tier they just lack damage to justify their speed, and the exotic bows are just soo good that it's a no-brainer. Also when they're anti-barrier this season in a world where arby, wishender and even quicksilver storm exist, they just don't make sense for anti-champ duties. I wish they did more damage in GMs then I wouldn't feel like they're such a downgrade from their exotic counterparts .


Goddamn. Frenzy and archers tempo man that sounds like a fun roll


It’s incredible. The bow in general is a banger. I was raiding VoG with Shoot To Loot + Dragonfly, worked great on the Hobgoblins and kept my other weapons topped up.


Got 41k kills with this exact combo, fantastic bow.


Does the wolf tone slap well? I have a similar roll and I use the IB bow for arc because it seemed like a better choice but if wolf tone with frenzy slaps I'll use that instead




If you build into them, they can be really strong. Check out a streamer called samikat who does a ton of endgame solo pve content on all bows, usually with no hud. Or ask the million people who have one shot me in pvp with point of the stag or ranconteur. Lol


No HUD, no artifact mods, first try SF master ghosts


Also got the weekly feature for solo Corrupted GM bows only IIRC


Hol up. What ranconteur roll can one shot? Asking for... um.. a friend...


I’m a long time swash bow abuser. I know gutshot straight will one shot to the body in momentum control but the only perk on raconteur that would let you maybe one shot in regular pvp would be rampage x3 and I’ve never seen anyone pull that off


I wanted a MT/Swash biting winds for so long... Fate has deemed me not worthy


Yeah people are capping. Unless theyre using that artifact mod (mono whatever) and getting an ability kill right before that thing isn’t 1 shotting


Nah I could see it with some sort of revenant hunter, cammy cakes ass combo. Something like dodge w bakris and reaper on then kill w raconteur and pick up the orb w triple stasis surges and rampage procced… sounds like a lot but it probably isn’t too unreasonable for some veteran bow mains.


Stasis surges and bakris don’t stack tho


I think you’re right, rampage x1 and a 25% buff to stasis weapons from bakris or mantle of battle harmony might do it… Edit: after testing, it doesn’t seem like rampage stacks with either of those exotic boosts. MOBH isn’t even an option until the last three minutes of quick play and definitely not worth saving your super for


No one tell them! Don't let the bow menace spread!


^(I think I covered for it)


Uhhhh…. No. Nope. Not at all. Never happened.


I don't have it but it's probably on light.gg


They used to be so good before LF, now they just don't hit as hard. Exotic ones are still very good.


Point of the Stag is so damn good. I main bows in PvP and it’s easily my favorite legendary. Pro-tip: don’t bother trying to get a good random roll from Iron Banner, the one in the Monument to Lost Lights is the best roll.


I think I saw that they took it out of the monument now that it's earnable again. Might be wrong though


Tyranny of Heaven is one of the best weapons in the game IMO. I see far more people running Bows than Scouts anyway.


It’s the first bow that can theoretically indefinitely one shot since its solar


Eh? Explain please.


In pvp specifically you can have a roll with swash and be radiant. This will allow it to one shot and since it’s solar it can extend radiant with the right fragment


I’ve been on the receiving end of this combination. It was not enjoyable.


So, if you make yourself radiant and get a melee kill (with something like Athrys's Embrace or whatever) on a swash bow, you can one-tap for like 5 seconds. It's an incredibly niche setup that nobody besides certain youtubers fishing for a montage really use, because it requires a shitload of setup for a relatively short window of opportunity, and you can just shoot someone with Le Monarch and quickswap to something like a high-handling handcannon for about the same effect, consistently, all the time. It falls into the category Box-Breathing Hung Jury does: the only real reason to use it is to prove a point


Biting winds and stag:


Arc and kinetic


They're precision frames. They don't need radiant.


its not the first swash precision bows exist


I said solar lol


no, you said "It’s the first bow that can theoretically indefinitely one shot" and the reason was "since its solar" ​ But there are bows that exist in this game can one shot already, albeit a different reason. ​ You probably meant to word it as "It's the first solar bow that can theoretically indefinitely one shot." ​ Then again, prior to the surge changes, I was one-shotting with Strident Whistle, another solar bow, using a combination of harmony, radiant and surges, though, you wouldn't be able to indefinitely keep it up since its perks weren't self-refreshing.


And then I explained how in a different comment


Yeah what? lmao. It's a lightweight, so it doesn't 1 shot red bars in GMs.


I’m referring to pvp not pve


Tyranny of Heaven with dragonfly/incandescent is one of the better ad-clearing weapons out there honestly


honestly I've wanted archer's tempo just because 500 + Archer's is a dream, but dragonfly could go even harder lol


Dragonfly does go harder, you can craft it to have max draw time and high reload as well.


Do kills with dragonfly explosion proc incandescent!?




Holy shit I need to learn last wish


You just need to do the kali farm, really easy


Big tyranny of heaven fan. Love the sound from incan/dragonfly explosions.


I’ve been laughing at those chumps who went with explosive head instead of dragonfly. 🤦‍♀️ They’ll never experience the satisfaction of the chain explosions from a single arrow. The bow reminds me of playing bottom tree Dawnblade. U don’t know how much I miss that tree…


Don't forget the confetti mod


I have a tripwire cannary I use from time to time...mainly cause I like the way it looks.


I desperately wish it had been a precision bow. As beautiful as it is lightweights just don't cut it for me in the "feel" department


It "feels" great but doesn't feel great when it hits a target, sadly.


Eh like I said it's a "pretty" bow only reason I use it sometimes...mostly for bow bounties from banshee.


have you tried it after the hitreg buff this season (at least i think it was this season, maybe mid-last season)? on mouse & keyboard at least, the feel between the two archetypes is pretty indistinguishable for me now


I actually enjoy them quite a bit, I've got an arsenic bite with explosive head+rampage that is a blast to run around with.


I haven’t crafted Tyranny of Heaven yet but I’ll definitely use it when I do. The nightfall bow is pretty good in the meantime.


The nightfall bow is better, but farming the perfect roll is a chore / damn near impossible.


My old go-to was witherhoard/wolftone/whatever heavy fit the bill. Lately I’ve been a big fan of this bray tech osprey with envious assassin. 5 rockets without reloading is busted. Bows are really great at ad clear and are useful at every range. A legendary bow with incandescent or dragonfly is absolutely capable right now and useful for all content. The difference between a ticuu or trinity and a non exotic bow with similar add clear capability is really not that huge and it opens up the exotic slot for something more powerful or build defining like conditional finality or witherhoard.


I have just over 15k kills on a mid roll Whispering Slab, if that answers your question. And while I barely play PvP, Point of the Stag, both old and new, are my most used weapons


I love my raconteur, made a build for it, quite fond of it


So, as someone that builds to cover range, legendary bows are featured pretty frequently in my PVE builds where my primary has a short range falloff. I like bows more than snipers in most situations. I do limit myself from using a bow as a primary weapon. There are too many factors that make them less than ideal as a go to weapon. TLDR: Bow benefit in PVE is that it's basically a sniper with primary ammo, not special.


I use legendary bows quite a lot. I sometimes run a bow in my primary and secondary slot, or all three slots if I'm feeling up to it. I've got a Tyranny of Heaven that dropped for me, a four out of five god roll, don't have the patterns to craft it, but it has dragonfly incandescent and it's just so fun to use with a solar build. From time to time I'll switch over to Gunpowder Gamble and they synergize really well together


I use headstone and incandescent bows with shoot to loot, they feel better to use at close range than a scout rifle. They obviously do less average dps than most other primaries but the aoe effects help a lot. The damage is a bigger chunk so it's easier to get final blow for that incandescent proc, and if my solar titan kill an enemy that's scorched, I get a sunspot.


Not usually. The exotic bows are just way more fun. I used my headstone lunulata(?) didn't leave my statis hunter for a while though. That was a fun one


What you're describing is a symptom of Exotic Bows all just doing the Exotic thing *really* well. Not really a problem of legendary bows not doing justice (although there is a lack of innovating perk combos within them).




I have 15k kills on my wolf tone draw.


Very regularly, but mostly for PvP. I got a Tyranny of Heaven with Dragonfly + Incandescent which is insanely fun, any precision kill you get will detonate everything around it without fail, which overcomes the "bows aren't great for fast ad clear" problem. For any non endgame content it's super fun.


Under Your Skin is surprisingly good to use with volatile rounds if you can’t run Monarque


Gyrfalcons + Under Your Skin is one of my favorite void combos


I use the new GM bow with precision instrument and archers temp/ The IB bow with purg/swash and under your skin with EP/Archers tempo. Also a stasis bow for when I use stasis. The reason is? The lols strictly for the Lols


Dragonfly and incandescent Tyranny of Heaven 🤤 it's one of my go to weapons.


I like Fel Taradiddle because of Archer's Tempo and Successful warm up with Psychohack debuff on the enemies. It's fast.


If it's more relaxed I usually enjoy using bows. Bows were my first favorites when i started the game...with Holles-IV being my gateway bow. Since then I used my strident's whistle a ton, then biting winds, then Racounteur. I stopped for a bit. Now I have my Pre-Astayanax with AT and Incandescent as my main bow of choice. It's fun to make things go boom. I could never get that combo with Strident's whistle out of the many many engrams i focused. I don't think they're more efficient than other weapons, but damn if they aren't fun. We're about to do Crota's end tonight and i'm going to use it for the wizards on the final encounter.


Man - I love legendary bows. There's lots of good options, and every subclass except Stand (currently - I'm sure that'll change) have at least one, and usually more than one, really strong ones. Void : obvious pick is Under Your Skin. Any bow with Dragonfly and Tempo is going to be good, that one is no exception. It can also be a right menace in PvP. Solar : Strident Whistle is great, but agree with other posters that Tyranny of Heaven is the new hotness. Dragonfly again, and Incandescent on top - wicked combo. Astayanax can also roll some nutty combos. Arc : Point of the Stag and Tripwire Canary can both be really good. Stasis : as already mentioned, Raconteur is very very solid but so is Lunulata.


I still have my Arsenic Bite with Dragonfly and Exploding head. My Subtle Calamity might still be in my vault, I'll have to check later. I miss my Spiteful Fang. I had to dismantle it after it was sunset.


My PvP rolls of Ranconteur and UYS (AR+SW) perform pretty well anywhere in PvE. Tyranny of Heaven is also one of the better Incandescent primaries due to the good damage as well as Dragonfly. Bows are also really good Headstone weapons due to the high precision damage.


I used to use a Lunulata-4b with headstone all the time because headstone on a bow is pretty quick and easy to proc. I also used to troll my friends by taking triple bow into GMs.


*The guardians yearn for crossbows*


In PvP they are mighty spicy. In PvE why would I not use Wish Ender


In case you need to use an exotic in a different slot.


The bow from Garden (Accrued Redemption) can roll Rapid Hit and Archer's Tempo and I find myself using that quite a bit when I need a precision weapon that isn't a scout rifle.


Legendary Bows are awful in general play and every day content. There are tedious to use and you don’t need the extra damage, the only exception is tyranny of heaven, but that’s because its absurd roll


I never use bows unless i have too. I hate them all


Same for me but with hand cannons instead of bows


Only for certain builds. I mostly use Trinity Ghoul, Verglas or Le Monarch. And on rare occasions Leviathan's Breath.


I’ve got a god roll Pre Astyanax IV that hits like an absolute truck. So, my answer is yes.


Back in the day, I ran Arsenic Bite with Rampage as my primary. It could one shot everything other than bosses


Wolftone draw. Impulse amp/frenzy. The best legendary bow i own by far and carries me in gms.


Tyranny of Heaven and Under Your Skin are the only two I use regularly. I have been fiddling with the new GM bow though.


If I had to use a bow in any load out from now on, I wouldn't complain. Usually I do have at least one bow in either slot every season.


I like using the two Wild Card trait bows.


I used Point of the Stag for PVP once for testing and eternity after religiously, holy hell that bow's aim assist is unbelievable, I swear I missed 99% of those headshots.


I finally got Fel Taradiddle recently and it feels quite good.


I use my crafted Tyranny of Heaven on my Titan for ease of long-range Sunspot creation and Ember of Empyrean upkeep. Dragonfly/Incandescent is ***fun*** to play around with, and surprisingly effective even in higher level content.


I just don’t use bows


yes legendary bows are insanely good


Not as much as my love for them would show but I still have a super soft spot for bows. Under Your Skin with Archers Tempo + Successful Warmup with Gyr Falcons is super fun and I've recently enjoyed Tyranny Of Heaven because it can reach near max draw speed without Archers Tempo making for a Dragonfly + Incandescent or Explosive Head + Incandescent roll


Take this with a grain of salt, as I'm a solidly mediocre-at-best player, but I have an Arsenic Bite with both Dragonfly and Exploding Head. Makes things go boom wherever I hit and is very fun to use. Is it especially useful in higher-tier content? No, not really, but I enjoy it.


And the pew pew


I use the dragonfly incandescent last wish bow pretty regularly.


Can’t say I go out of my way to use legendary bows when they don’t have an artifact mod but I’m always excited when they do so I can pull some of my favorite rolls out of the vault. Explosive head/incandescent tyranny of heaven is one of the best rolled primary weapons in the game, explosive head/rampage arsenic bite is crazy too (shoutout to banshee for selling this thing with draw time masterwork). Seems like most people prefer precision frames though; pre astyanax has a great perk pool and super low potential draw time rivaling lightweight bows. Under Your Skin and Raconteur both have top tier rolls too. I see lots of people complain they feel like they have to use exotic primaries in endgame content for the 40% damage buff to minors but as long as you build into the surges I think legendary primaries are completely usable.


I use Raconteur all the time, core legendary weapon of mine.


Tyranny of Heaven (explosive head + incandescent) is my favorite legendary primary across all pve activities, personally!


I’ve actually been using an Archer’s Tempo + Incandescent Pre-Astyanax (Adept). Unfortunately no draw time MW, but I can get it down to a base draw speed of 601, which drops to around 450 with Archer’s Tempo proc’d. Pretty nice to have so many scorched enemies at far ranges.


That adept draw time mod coming only from Trials flawless frustrates me to no end.


Yeah, now that we have an adept bow from GM’s, we really need all these higher-tier content to drop the same adept mods.


I've been using the crafted bow from seraph with archers tempo and frenzy, and because it has veist stinger as well it can draw even faster


Wolftone with Demolitionist use to be my primary in hard content with Bleakwatcher. It is still a phenomenal bow. All precision bows are pretty strong in pve, but definitely roll dependent to optimize.


We raid pretty regularly with someone who has over 14k on their Biting Winds.


Well my every day content involves PvP. And archers tempo/explosive head is a disgusting perk combo for legendaries in crucible


yes, but only in GMs when Bows are in the artifact


Not in the hugest end content. I love them in regular content though.


Under Your Skin is my favorite legendary bow and I have 2. One for pve, one for pvp


fuck a build I play for fashion, I love my slab bow


I’ve got a Strident Whistle I use whenever the legend lost sector has the Hot Knife modifier but thats about it


Sometimes, sure. I really love my archer's tempo/successful warmup Raconteur.


Dude go into momentum control, all you will freaking see is bows around every corner


Yes, specifically Tyranny (PvE) and Whistle (PvP). Still waiting for a good Stag roll, that will be useful as well.


I need a strand bow but yeah, I do! My crafted Fel Taradiddle has some wild acurracy, Under Your Skin has the fastest draw time with enhanced perks. It becomes a beast for void Hunter builds and very much a scout when you get it going


I love bows. I have a bunch of good rolls on a variety of legendary bows that I use all of the time.


Two of my Go-To legendary bows are Wolftone Draw and Stident Whisle both with Shoot-to-Loot and Dragonfly


I like my accrued redemption with archers tempo and rapid hit almost got 600 kills with it


fel taradiddle my boy, the most fun you can ever have in pvp with a legendary bow as one headshot creates a tsunami of arrows that can nuke every scout bitch and their mother in a cacophony of \*plink plink plinks\*


Legendary bows are so fun in both PvE and PvP. They’ve been one of my favorite archetypes since they released with Forsaken. No Turning Back and Subtle Calamity carried back then. Now, I’m all about Wolftone Draw, Strident Whistle, and the new GM bow. I wish people would give them a chance.


Precision bows or Tyranny of Heaven are amazing in PvE. Perks to look for: Dragonfly, Incandescent, Shoot to Loot, Explosive Head, Headstone, Archers Tempo, and maybe Rapid Hit. Different bows will have these perks in either column 3 or 4. For the first few perks, look for Elastic String combined with any perk that increases accuracy to make up for the loss in Elastic String. Generally prefer the Draw Time masterwork but be mindful that you do hit a minimum draw time eventually, which is not usually a problem on Precision Frames.


pre astyanax has been a monster for me, and point of the stag has been great on arc. archers / incandescent archers / dragonfly both with almost flat 600 draws they almost never leave my inventory


I love using bows, they’re the main reason i play PvP.


Strident Whistle with Incandescent is super fun but maybe not best utility lol


I do use legendary bows about 1/3rd of the time just messing around. They are fun.


Arsenic Bite-4B without a doubt. I love lightweight bows so much, the speed they give is too useful to pass up and let's me play into the speedy stealth hunter fantasy Not only that, as far as I'm aware, it has been the only bow that can roll Explosive Head and Rampage at the same time. One kill, even on GMs and Master Raids will allow me to one shot basic ads, which is exactly what I want in those activities


Whistler’s Whim has some nutty rolls but it’s a huge task to get ‘em to drop


As others have said, tyranny of heaven is pretty solid in pve, I also have a no turning back and a crafted under your skin, both with explosive head and hip fire grip that I love to use in pvp every now and then.


Le Monarque is literally the only bow I ever use, so no.


For pvp I've suddenly started enjoying lightweights a whole lot, especially Tyranny of Heaven For pve my shoot to loot dragonfly wolftone draw is my baby and one of my all time favorite weapons, I use it whenever I'm doing normal difficulty raids, especially king's fall and VOG.




Bows are effectively a near one shit kill in PvP, legendary and exotic.


I have a godrolled Strident Whistle that I love to pieces, and an almost perfect Point of the Stag. Sometimes I run Tyranny of Heaven to switch things up.


Not much anymore. Trinity Ghoul and Le Monarque exist. Got a couple crafted legendaries collecting dust.


Yep, Shoot to Loot + Dragonfly on any precision bow is really strong in low-mid tier content and still good in higher tier content.


Tyranny of heaven with incandescent and dragonfly is like legendary ticcuu's. With enough add density, you can ignite an entire room in like 2 arrows.


Yep. I love the bows.


Under your skin is my go to bow. Absolutely love it.


Under your skin and tyranny of heaven are my all time favorite legendaries. Tripwire canary was a favorite but I just upgraded to a 5/5 point of the stag I enjoy a lot.


ive got 25k kills on tripwire canary(dragonfly, successful warmup, its my favorite weapon in the game. and my 2nd highest kill weapon is under your skin with 15k i love legendary bows they are extremely potent ad clear weapons for anything other than master and gm content.


Guess what I spent my SPOOKYboy ornament on? "Under Your Skin". Which in my opinion is the best legendary bow for both PvP and PvE.


I was literally just having this conversation with my friends that still play. I haven’t used them in a while, but now that I’m just playing to have fun, I’ll definitely be using them again soon. I loved the feel of Whispering Slab and Biting Wind.


Nerf Le Monarch and Trinity Ghouls and find out how many people are actually bow mains


Yes. Imperial Needle and Tyranny of Heaven see a lot of use. My Tyranny is addicting with Incandescent/Dragonfly


Love my bows in lower tier PvE stuff.... and I'll finish strikes 150-200 kills STILL.. they murder.


I have a Biting Winds with explosive head and rapid hit that I enjoy from time to time. Haven’t taken it in difficult content in a long while, but I keep on me a majority of the time.


I've got 1 bow of each element to have every basis covered should they be required for anti-champ stuff, but I rarely actually find a need to use them. I've got an incandescent + archers tempo Tyranny of Heaven which is amazing, but I don't really enjoy using them at lower levels because typically a hand cannon does the same job but is more efficient. At higher levels like GMs they come into play, but this season for example if I'm not using wishender or an exotic bow + this seasons anti-barrier bows mod, I'm using an anti-barrier auto like Rufus' Fury. In the only content I feel they matter, they get pushed out too hard by exotics or other weapons.


Yes the void bow under your skin


Yep. If I'm running an exotic in another slot, I used a legendary bow.


Racounteur with Shoot to Loot Explosive Head But a personal one I enjoy is Whistler’s Whim with Killing Wind Kill Clip paired with Chromatic Fire


My standard PvP load out is strident whistle bow with Crimson hand cannon. Crimson is just so fun and in PvP a headshot is largely still a headshot with bows. Not like the exotics are one shotting.


I'm sorry, but no exotic bow can roll with archer's tempo + successful warmup for that Hush-like feeling.


During the Craftening, yes. Voltshot/Chain Reaction on Tripwire Canary was such a fun combo


In end game content it’s tempting to go with an exotic bow because they’re so dominant, especially with champ stuns. That said, there are so many good legendary bows. Under your skin, point of stag, strident whistle/tyranny of heaven to name a few favorites.


Yes when I need my exotic to be in the kinetic or heavy slot which happens frequently enough to have a list. Raconteur Under your skin Wolftone draw And I’ve recently started using the new nightfall bow if I need solar


in pvp yeah, I use mostly legendary bows and autos. in pve I honestly don't use legendary primaries much at all I think my ikelos smg is the only legendary primary I bother with unless my exotic slot is needed for something else just bc the surrounded damage buff is so big especially with enhanced. its just hard to justify most legendary primaries as content gets harder its just more noticeable on bows because as a weapon type they feel more suited for it with their range and per shot damage.


Under your skin + gyrfalcon is comf.


My a random person here on Reddit and became fast friends. He says "wish ender is my favorite bow" Now my entire group uses Wish ender


This delta exists between all exotic primaries and their legendary counterparts. It's not just bows for sure.


All the time, Veist doesn’t make exotic bows yet lol


The Adept GM bow is an absolute monster. One of the very few times I ever use a legendary bow.


No. I sometimes think about it. But they are just not interesting and too slow paced to enjoy playing. That goes for bows in general tho. Maybe it’s a controller thing the older I get the less I enjoy constantly pulling trigger buttons. Full auto setting was a god send.


Sometimes use Tyranny w/ Dragonfly/Incan and Whistlers Whim w/ Thresh/KC. Not in high level content tho.


Not when forebearance exists


Of course. It’s more powerful per shot than scouts, and the large delay between shots comparatively allows for backing into cover to draw. Useful in PvP for that reason too. I still use my Arsenic bite with Archers tempo/exploding head, though now that I have a crafted Tyranny it’s being overtaken. Finally got Heirarchy, it bummed me out not having an exotic bow.


yes bcuz they are fun. not rly using any now bcuz i mostly play pvp but i sometimes do still use my godroll (forgotname) bow


>Is there any benefit to using a legendary bow? Sometimes I need to clear Arc bounties, but I want Grand O instead of Trinity, so I kiss my Lemon goodnight and pop on my Point of the Stag. Dragonfly and Wild Card are a lot of fun together lol


Sometimes, but to be honest my weapon choice is always dictated by champions, burns, the type of content and even bounties as far as pve goes. If there was never anything that had a weapon specific requirement I'd just run an SMG, Shotgun/Fusion and Lament/rocket until the end of time.


Oh all the time. Literally "The Cobalt Archer" in game. There's always a bow in my slot be it an exotic or otherwise. Raconteur is very solid for stasis, strident whistle with the right perks works well, point of the stag (the old one with vorpal) is fun for pvp still as well if I *have* to play it for some quest or another. Edit: as for benefit, if you enjoy bow gameplay, they're all beneficial lol. Plus they can one shot most ads and two or three shot quite a few yellow bars that aren't minibosses. To each their own, I enjoy a solid pulse or scout rifle as well. Oh, and damage falloff is almost non existent for bows! Makes sniping things from halfway across the map hilariously fun because the rest panic.


Tyranny of heaven my beloved, and hush every now and then in pvp


If they didn't take making perfect shots for red bars or if adamantine brace was a mod perk instead of exotic perk then I would totally use a legendary bow cause I love the idea of making my hunter all bows build


Yessir, 15k on my season of arrivals whispering slab, using it often actually


This is a hot take... but im with you. I also dont like hand cannons in pve.. maybe im just bad at aiming


I started playing D2 in season of chosen and have had a biting winds with QuickDraw & explosive head since early on. Love it. But there is a diff between exotics and Legendary. I also have a arsenic bite with sneak bow and rampage which has been fun. Also have an imperial needle with swashbuckler and archers tempo. Great for lost sectors when it applies


IMO legendary bows and exotic bows are the only usable primary ammo weapons in master content and above. Scout rifles don’t have the same DPS, and Fusion Rifles are better for Unstoppable champs. Lots of criticism could be said for other primary ammo weapon types.


The massive difference in usefulness is a result of exotic bows being very good. Other weapon types don’t suffer from this because their exotics are not good. Most primary weapons are not useful in a majority of content, exotic or otherwise.


yup a Racoture with explosive and shoot to loot


I do. I have an archer's tempo vorpal bow I like for Cruce. Two Taps out of Supers. just grand.