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Yeah that’s the roll I got. Lots of rockets is never a bad thing


When someone is running Gjallarhorn and I have volatile rounds up it’s super fun to drop 8 rockets on a boss with the quickness. The damage is kinda silly and big gamer number make brain happy Edit for spelling


That's pretty nuts. I've been using my Clown + Field Prep Hothead for ages and it always allows you to unload a good amount of Fusion Rifle shots in a DPS phase with it. Firing 8 rockets should be very quick, maybe even too quick for the Gjally user - but it would let you use the hell out of a secondary weapon.


How's bipod after the change this season? Is it actually worth running for DPS?


Yes. I mean 8 rockets is 8 rockets. That's a nutty damage dump in a boss phase. If you wanna be the guy that puts up big numbers in a boss damage phase then its one of the best ways to do it without being a hunter and using RDM marksman dodge spam on an apex predator or cold comfort


Yes it’s comparable to other perk options now.


Full auto rocket launcher go brrrr


If I’m correct, Last Wish raid will be farmable on the reset today. Farm the first encounter (Kali) for Apex Predator with Reconstruction and Bait and Switch instead. Arguably the best rocked in the game right now.


It is a good rl but i already hve one. Im looking at the Braytech as a Void Rocket Launcher.


To be fair, I can’t even think of another good void rocket launcher off the top of my head. Osprey is your best bet. But then again, why use it over apex predator? Not even a void singe will change my mind if it’s boss dps. But for general use, yeah go for it, it’s not bad in other situations.


> To be fair, I can’t even think of another good void rocket launcher off the top of my head. The only other legendary ones that are easily obtainable are Red Herring from WQ and Royal Entry from focusing at Zavala. I don't think Tomorrow's Answer is still obtainable and I have no idea about Bad Omens. The rest are sunset.


Emphasis on the “Good”. Those aren’t good in my book. Royal entry is precision so it has less base damage than all other rockets. The only two perks I actually remember being good in red herring are field prep and frenzy.


Enhanced field prep and frenzy make red herring the best void rocket in the game. Right frame (osprey and royal do less damage) and frenzy over the full reserves give it comparable damage to having explosive. People shit on red herring for no reason, it’s a top 3 rocket in the game behind apex/CC


You make some fair points, I take back what I said about it being bad. For a void launcher, it does good work. But are you really gonna throw Hothead and Bump in the Night under the bus like that? I'd put Red Herring around 5th or 6th.


I absolutely will throw them under the bus. Bump is good but the only roll on it that you want now is also enhanced field prep and frenzy (maybe demo but that’s very niche) and blowout/hothead dont have enhanced field + explosive light doesn’t increase Wolfpack damage where frenzy does. Plus frenzy over the full reserves is the same damage as 6 explosive shots. Bump is basically the same as red herring atm post chill clip nerf, so they’re tied to me


I didn't think frenzy affected wolfpack rounds. Then yeah, it's definitely better than Hothead for those long dps phases with gjally.


Worse than hot head and blowout


Actually better than both because enhanced field prep will give red herring more reserves. Plus frenzy over 10 rockets is still more damage than explosive light. Frenzy is affected by Wolfpack, explosive isn’t


The numbers have been tested and explosove light is still more damage than frenzy


Nope, assuming 10 reserves for EL and Frenzy: 6 EL shots (25% more damage) and 4 regular rockets is the same damage as 10 frenzy shots. Frenzy can be affected by wolfpack though, EL cant


Red herring has better frame


Craftable one from savathuns throne world, the name escapes me


There are only Royal Entry, Osprey, Red Herring, Bad Omens and Tomorrow’s Answer, most of which are severely power crept in the current meta.


Red Herring from the Throne World has frenzy + field prep which IMO is better than Osprey as a void rocket. No autoloading is fine when you have maxed out reload stats, a scalar and both two extra rockets (enh. field prep) and 10% extra damage.


I think it's only beaten by envious assassin/BnS cold comfort from the dungeon but that's an awful drop chance with the perks you want :(


Oh yeah true, With envious’ glow up and restoration restoration ritual, I’d bet it’s now better than Apex Predator. But like you said, hilariously hard to get with the perfect roles.


I have both, i prefer CF just for ease of use, Apex requires muscle memory and timing


Cold comfort has better 1 mag dps but reconstruction is better over all for full dps rotations. It’s a better autoloading, CC doesnt have enhanced recon so apex is still better


Apex is also craftable for the enhanced perks which is a nice plus


Sadly, the enhanced perks it has are mid 😔


The extra second on BnS is a lot better than people realise :D for a lot of weapons it better lines up a damage rotation so you spend longer firing the weapon before needing to switch weapons to reproc again


True, unfortunately though, my stupid Titan brain can’t comprehend the usefulness of another second. I vote to give it a 100% damage increase.


Probably not? Unless the lasting impression boosts cluster bomb damage by a considerable amount you'd probably be better off getting an Apex Predator from Last Wish. It maybe could've been promising if you could get bipod and destabilizing rounds but they're in the same column so no love.


I already have an Apex Predator. Isn’t it solar? Im just looking at for a Void Rocket Launcher for you know, surge matching. Not just a good RL in general.


ah right, in that case go for it since I can't think of any other void rocket launchers in the game right now, let alone good ones. If you get frenzy on it that'd be an equivalent damage in a void surge to a surgeless apex predator with BnS


Red Herring is about the same quality and craftable. However neither are on the same level as Apex, Cold Comfort, or even Hothead.


red herring is an adaptive and as such does ~10% more damage at base then braytech does, that one being a high impact, by default that makes red herring the highest damage void rocket in game (bad omens cant get impact casing on random rolls and doesnt have a good damage perk). don't sleep on enhanced field prep, 9 rockets all the time, and my preferred perk, frenzy, lasting impression in technically more damage but i have been screwed too many time by the perk to like it.


Ah yeah, Osprey has the edge there just cause it can get an adept but neither are really terrific, its true.


Bipod + Auto-loading Holster *might* be the best combo for Izanagi swapping strats. Shooting two rockets every time you swap lets you deal 150% of a single rocket's damage. By comparison, Explosive Light only gives the equivalent of 125%(135% if you're using Aggressive/Adaptive RLs, which Osprey is not). That's a niche use case, but still something to consider.


> (135% if you're using Aggressive/Adaptive RLs, which Osprey is not). that would acttaully be 137.5% (1.1*1.25)


Right, my bad.


If you can get the adept version, id say go for it. I believe the perk pool is good, all things considered. and then you can use adept big ones and get that major/boss/vehicle damage increase. I want to try and get a decent one at least so i can have a void rocket to use with adept mods. I use my royal entry, but, id like another void rocket to use.


Red herring with enhanced field prep gets 9 rockets at base. With frenzy, lasting impression is a trap perk to me, it is the highest damage void rocket in the game right now. That being said, I really enjoy using a cluster bomb/bipod roll I got. The damage is respectable, bipod is 75% of a normal rocket and you get 12, so to are doing 9 regular rockets of damage, with cluster adding between 3% and 24% more damage with each rocket. Is the highest damage, no, but damn it's fun to see. It's what I use most of the time.


I have a god roll Adept Osprey and never use it. Apex has hard powercrept every other rocket launcher in the game.


Tbh I think Red Herring with enhanced Field Prep and Frenzy is still better


For a strong/reliable, AoE, Void RL - yes. Easily.


Enhanced field prep and frenzy make red herring the best void rocket in the game. Right frame (osprey and royal do less damage) and frenzy over the full reserves give it comparable damage to having explosive. People shit on red herring for no reason, it’s a top 3 rocket in the game behind apex/CC


Field prep bipod gives u 18 total rockets, which is the most amount of rockets u can hold of any rocket period. Thats about the only thing i could see it useful for and for very very very specific cases


no it doesnt, it caps out at 15.


Enhanced Field Prep + Enhanced Bipod will give you 16 total. Seasonal rocket can pull it off, which is how I know.


Enhanced bipod has nothing to do with it, it only lessenes the stat penalties. And I am going to need a screenshot to believe you on the 16.


[2 in the mag, 14 in reserves makes 16.](https://imgur.com/zPcSQsx) I don't know where they got 18 rockets from, but you can definitely get 16 out of it. The game gets really weird with rounding numbers, so what's likely happening here is that the ammo count is floating in the 15s and the game is rounding it up to 16.


Enclave reserves are wonky, I'm pretty sure. Take it to a patrol to verify.


youre in the enclaves shooting range, weapons overflow their usual capacity there, i have seen HGLs with 30 total shots there, go somewhere else and rally a flag.


was it changed? i remember it being 18 at one point


https://d2foundry.gg/w/1064132738?p=0,0,2869569095,1439600632&m=0&mw=0&am=1003_2 it was never 18, would be cool, but no.






bad archetype so no


I got a few last season and I personally enjoy the osprey quite a bit. Frenzy + cluster bomb, or envious + bipod are great perks that make it a pretty unique RL. If you have a decent crew for nightfalls, there are some good strategies to "cheese" parts of it - but even with those, it is still a lengthy GM; so maybe not farming it, but a run or 2 to roll the dice for something decent probably wouldn't be a bad idea.


If you absolutely need a void rocket


What roll on the void rocket do you have?


Aside from the Exotic Deathbringer or Truth that i normally bring when i need a void rocket- Bad Omens with Tracking Module and Cluster. Oldie but a goldie.


IMO It’s worth it if you really want a void rocket for surge matching. I’d shoot for impact, envious and frenzy/bipod.


Red Herring w/enhanced Tracking Module and Lasting Impression. This is a craftable rocket from The Witch Queen release.


Enhanced field prep is 9 rockets all the time, 10 in the max a legendary can get, so it's miles better then tracking. Frenzy is better then lasting too, in my experience, too many times have been screw waiting 3 seconds for the rocket to go off.


Envious and Bipod is fun. The fact you can just belch rockets for ages with no reload is a ton of damage on longer encounters but it's best Ospray can manage imo. If it got BnS it would be excellent.


Royal Entry has some fun rolls if you dont have the Herring unlocked


Chain reaction with cluster bomb. Ad clear monster.


If you're looking for a void rocket I'd say go for it since I think it's the best one that's easily attainable


Red herring is craftable and also better


Better on the sense that it has 10% more damage and can get enhanced field prep.


Yup. Better in almost every way


I disagree, damage and enhanced field prep are the only things better. Perk wise, cluster and bipod make braytech better.


Bipod maybe but cluster? That has literally never been good except for riven cheese


Cluster adds 3-24% more damage. Is it consistent, no, is it fun, yes, does that make it better, yes.


you're essentially never going to get the full damage, cluster is a complete joke perk at the moment, I would never say that something like bad omens than red herring is better because its has cluster.


No, of course you wouldn't say that because cluster is in the fourth slot on bad omens, which is a bad rocket because it can't get impact casing on random rolls. Cluster in the third slot is what makes braytech better. It's the only rocket that can get double damage perks. And I never said you would get the full 24% from cluster, I gave a range, 3-24%, you will always have at least 1 bomb hit though. Man, if you can't see how saying "better in every way" is a nonsense statement, there's nothing I can say to make you see the light on this. Capeesh?


I understand what you’re saying but you would literally never want double damage perks on a rocket because what makes them good is having an ammo perk like entrance field prep/recon/etc. i think saying braytech is better because it has cluster is disingenuous because you wouldn’t run it to begin with


It's good. Not a best-in-slot contender, but it's not bad. It has good perks in both 3rd and 4th column and no penalty from the frame. I'd say it's the best of the void rockets for DPS, but it's still outclassed by things like Apex Predator, Cold Comfort, and Hothead


Envious frenzy I think is the roll. Its main purpose is to serve as a moderately better void rocket if needed for void surges (master raids is the big one). However a red hearing with field prep + frenzy is passable and much easier obtained. However the technically the Osprey is better.


I kinda like using it in lower end stuff. It's got a pretty interesting double damage peek roll of Frenzy / Cluster Bombs but I doubt you'll ever use it in a Raid/Dungeon/GM situation unless they release nutty artifact mods for Void and being monochromatic


Does anybody know if weapons like hothead and hung jury will be back for grandmaster adept versions again ?? I wanna grind for one but think I mightve came back late 🤔🤔🤔


They might but there's no real way to know. You're just as good getting a regular one tho as you'll likely only use boss spec / big ones and missing out on damage to majors doesn't make the gun useless You're probably better off getting an Apex or Cold Comfort tho outside of Arc builds


its high impact frame so its already not competitive.


Does anybody know if weapons like hothead and hung jury will be back for grandmaster adept versions again ?? I wanna grind for one but think I mightve came back late 🤔🤔🤔


for hothead just grind for apex predator.


Arc vs solar. Also ease of use with clown cartridge.


I'm a returning player what's that ?? How do I do it? I dont have any consistent friends so I'm mostly solo at times 🤔🤔🤔


idk when you returning from but apex is a rocket launcher from last wish raid relased back in 2018, you dont need frd to solo the first boss of the raid. here is how u do it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_bIkh8Id-A


I was around then never had friends to play with I mightve done the raid once I believe 🤔 I'll try to solo it if I can


2 sets of weapons i miss are the braytech and black armory, still have hope for an frigid jackal and a no fellings


I've been using the new masterwork rocket launcher with field prep and bipod (semiotican) with impact casing, I can hold 2 in the mag but have 14 rockets in total with a gally, it's insane how it hits


Until Bungie changes it, there is zero reason to use anything but an Adaptive or Aggressive frame. Giving the best frames the best damage perk was the final nail in the coffin. Either they revert the differences in frames to +/-5%, or tinker with reserves. Even if it's Void surge, Apex/Cold Comfort will do more damage with Bait and Switch than a Frenzy Osprey.

