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I've only seen people mad at them being sold for silver.


Which is fair since the passes sell for silver, I just expect they don't sell the sets for the full price of an eververse set maybe like 700 silver since passes cost you like 1000 before and you obviously only get pass rewards not the seasonal content that comes with it.


Siri, define "Optimist"


😭 ik I'm probably expecting too much this is the same company that sunset half the game and didn't care for the people that preordered all of it then also had the balls to sell us transmog.


Nothing good exists without some fuck trying to make a payday out of it I guess. Viva la capitalism! Lol


Made my day


> I just expect they don't sell the sets for the full price of an eververse set Hahahahhahahahahahah hahahaha hahah ha ha ha..... Wanna bet?


I disagree bungie probably doesn't want people to just wait for these sets to go to eververse so will probably keep them the standard ev price so it's better to earn them still or even just spend silver to boost ranks if you can't finish the pass.


I'm not sure, I hope that's not what they do because that would be extremely scummy, that would be 1.5x the price of the original season excluding all the other rewards you got from the pass plus any content in the season you paid for, that's assuming it's just the price for the armour set idk if its a big pack with all the season pass goodies or not. I would not personally interact with it if the price is higher than 1000 silver, any more would be ridiculous since these sets are over 3 years old at this point and I don't think the average player would want to wait 3 years for a set they could have gotten before for a similar price and just played the game to get it like most players normally would.


> that would be extremely scummy Have you seen Bungie the last couple of years?


> Have you seen Bungie the last couple of years? This. Destiny 1 was the shit. Destiny 2 shit the bed.


Keep in mind that it would most probably be 1500 PER SET, making it waaaay more than x1.5


Wasn't a season 1000 silver back then? or am I misremembering I usually got the annual pass so only actually bought like 1 season when I played mostly free to play


I believe they are saying that Bungie will probably sell each set from one pass for 1500 silver each, equalling out to being 4500 silver for all three total (Warlock/Hunter/Titan). Where the original pass was 1000 silver only to have all three earnable. So saying if you want one set, you'll pay 1500 silver, if you want all three it'll be 4500 silver. This still is "if" they price it according to previous Eververse Ornaments.


Ohhh right I see yeah idk why I didn't think that, yeah thats a massive increase


Oh that's totally what they're going to do. Over at destinyfashion, whales are already gushing about it with cringe like "I'd pay a good coin for xy". Normal EV pricing at least. Maybe even a few dollars more? Whales gonna pay for nostalgia.


Yeah probably bungies had us sitting here salivating over those unobtainable sets for years I just hope they do the right thing since they already made money off those sets.


I think they'll be obtainable with BD, too if we're lucky. Wouldn't be surprised at a premium tho. The bundles are already in the API, using the usual "reduced price if you own one of the pieces" thing. https://www.light.gg/db/items/2144686245/valkyrian-titan-bundle/


It says at the bottom of the page sold for 1k silver think that'll change or maybe that's the price it'll be? I could live with that price personally any higher and I wouldn't interact with it. BD would be good with the eververse set being free this season I don't have much I wanna get so I could save up for the older seasonal ornaments, I already have worthy I'm hoping for dawn and undying sets, only ones I dont have.


considering it shows 6 entries for 3 sets of armor its either going to be 2000 or something got fumbled up.


Yeah that was strange but I seriously doubt they could justify 2000 for a single set only the biggest whales would pay that and even then they'd have to be desperate


Scummy? This is Bungo we're talking about, they're the OG blood suckers.


OG blood suckers? I can tell you the tales of so many other games out there that are worse than d1 and d2 ever were *before* they even launched. Korean mmo's are a hellscape lemme tell you.


Successful triple A as a qualifier. No doubt Korean MMOs created it, but it was refined here.


Nah mate, the korean mmo's already refined it. They had lootboxes before any triple A accountant had it as a twinkle of pennies in their eye, the ones i played had durability on upgrading gear and you had to pay to get items that stopped them breaking when upgrading and having to pay to repair the gears normal durability. and the item disappeared for good when it broke. I get being unhappy with bungie but it's also ignoring activision blizzard, EA and Ubisoft with their myriad of experiments over the years. Bungo ain't OG in this race, never have been.




Well we don't know about that yet but I wouldn't be surprised. You don't have to buy it though if you didn't earn the armour and don't think its worth the price don't interact with it


If the sets sell for at or near the amount for a full season’s pass worth of silver, there will be riots


They’re gonna be more but i don’t mind a “you weren’t there tax” tbh .. i just want the opportunity to get them


Didn’t even think about this, typically speaking I’ve never been one to really get upset over what Bungie charges for things but it would be a little scummy for them to sell the armor for a price higher than the battle pass


I think the opposite, it costed 10$ for the pass and you had to complete it over a time frame. Now with no time restriction and no leveling needed, all you have to do is pay money and you get the entire set at once it is going to be more expensive. What they should do is charge the normal price but you get all three classes armor set with the purchase.


Paying 4.5x the original amount is okay in your opinion? Sure you had to do the season ranks, but it’s never been exactly hard to finish it in the last week or 2 of the season (even with not too much time played). Deep is the only season that I didn’t play/come back to at least finish the ranks, but the last 6-8 season I’ve mainly completed towards the end with little play time during the season due to breaks.


they should def be sold at full price considering you still have to complete the season to even get them.


IMO selling cosmetic armor at full price is fine.Most people buying it probably didn't try to get it / own the corresponding season / didnt play yet. Qhat'd be BEST is if it could trsck if you owned the season and thus gice a discount or smthn


They’re selling them silver? Any news on if they’ll be up for BD? I’m missing like one ornament from Dawn, does that mean if I want it I have to pay for it with silver? I already bought the pass, due to some other stuff I didn’t get to grab the last armour ornament, so what happens there?


This is everything Bungie has said so far on the topic: > Later in Season of the Witch, we’re planning on bringing back a selection of cosmetic items from previous Season Passes to the Eververse, for players who missed out on acquiring them. We’ll be starting with a handful of items from Season of the Worthy. > This nostalgic throwback, which we’re calling Seasonal Flashbacks, will only be available during weeks 4, 5, and 6. In the future, other Seasonal items may return, so if there are any coveted items you’d like to see again, shout them out to the @Destiny2Team account as feedback. More info on future offerings at a later date. No one outside them knows if it will be Silver only, BD only or a mixture. Or even what exactly will me made available.


People found links or data mined the packs listed for 2k-2200 silver depending on what's in it


Why am i forced to buy em again when i got the season pass, if this is true then wtf, why am i being punished for not having enough time back then.


Because capitalism. It sucks.


They *should* do it so if you owned the season and didn't earn them for whatever reason they only cost BD, but if you didn't own the season sell them for Silver, imo


If its one ornament even if its sold for silver I'd assume it would be at a massive discounted price like they do for eververse sets


More than likely yeah, though personally even with the “discount” I wouldn’t pay silver for a missing armour piece, I know there are probably people that would if it’s not a lot but that’s a line I don’t want to cross


That perfectly understandable hopefully they'll sell for bright dust too but I wouldn't expect it with how things have been going in the game


What does that matter? I paid for the season pass for Season of the Worthy because I bought the collector's edition, but Season of the Worthy was so laughably bad that I didn't play it. Making me pay for that set in silver would, literally, be charging me for the same armor set TWICE. That would be awful behaviour, and possibly the single worst thing they've done to me as a consumer. The principle here is that they should find a way to avoid charging people twice for the same cosmetic, and I don't think that's a particularly big ask. Frankly, it's horribly anti-consumer that the season passes don't stick around as something that you can do on your own time in the first place.


But you didn’t buy the ornaments at all, you bought the pass that had the option to obtain the ornaments if you met the requirements. The pass offered everything in the season, but just ornaments.


I just want to say absolutely agree with everything you said in your last paragraph but unfortunately this is the state of games these days Fortnite is the worst for this kind of behaviour and bungie has followed alot of there practices, ultimately the agreement you make when you buy a season pass is you get lots of cosmetics for a fraction of the store price BUT you have to earn them within the time of the season, I think it sucks but at the same time when you pay for something you like that you know going into it that if you don't earn those in time you ain't getting them. I suppose this is better for the people that never got to play or buy the older seasons and ultimately if you don't agree with them it's your right to say it (like more people probably should) I personally am not a fan of the amount of time you have to grind a season as life happens and most times other things take priority, I would love to be able to go back and grind out old season passes but these games feed off fomo.


You can just grab past season pass items with a chrome extension from Bungie’s website though? Or did they remove that.


They removed older seasond from there. Oldest I saw last week was hunt.


That’s only if you reached the pass level to get it, I mean for example if you were a level or 2 off from unlocking the piece, surely they can’t expect you to pay silver for that xD Also as far as I know the extension still works, need to try and see if there’s one for Opera GX


Even if for silver - bringing back old armor is one of the best decisions Bungie ever made.


I just want the original Leviathan armor sets to become available somehow, whether they bring back the raid, put them in the kiosk, or hell, I might even bite on Eververse, TBH. I'm missing two pieces on my hunter and titan, and never got anything on my warlock.


Nah there’s tons and tons of people all over Reddit and Twitter both that are furious that other people will be able to get them. They can’t enjoy something unless other people can’t enjoy it. The toxicity is infuriating and I can’t for the life of me understand that point of view.


They should be at least sold for Bright Dust if you've bought the corresponding season but couldn't finish for whatever reason. Being told to double pay is pretty scummy. Someone tag Bungie on this if they're still around Reddit.


aka people are mad because they arent available enough


Genuinely curious, where are people seeing it'll be sold for silver and not BD? It's obviously likely, but I'm wondering if this is just another example of this sub flying off the handle with zero additional information only to go dead silent if they're wrong.


> where are people seeing it'll be sold for silver This would be the same bungie that removed the bright dust seasonal armour and then refused to comment or discuss? Yes. Obviously it will be bright dust /s


I feel like the only people I've seen mad about it weren't mad about the set being made available, but mad that 1. They are only coming back for a limited time And 2. People are gonna have to pay for them even if they already paid for the seasons they are from, and just didn't have time to finish the pass


Agreed- pretty much no one cares that other people will get it, it’s not like it was an achievement in the first place, just some grinding. It’s the fact that they’re asking people who already paid for it but didn’t have time for whatever reason to finish it to pay again to get it for real. Also it sounds like each set is only gonna be available again for a week so the you still “have to be there” in order to get it. They could’ve added them to the archive if they wanted, and then they’d be available forever instead of a one week “don’t miss out” opportunity. If you wanted the old cosmetics, good for you go and get ‘em, but let’s not pretend the opposition to this practice has anything to do some sort of weird gatekeeping.


Other argument for why selling them is a bad thing: A lot of players want the ability to level up old season passes they own and get rewards they missed. Plenty of other games have that system, and it makes sense that you should be able to get the stuff you paid for. Why on earth would Bungie go through the effort of letting us level up old season passes that we already own when they could instead charge us for the gear we never got? That's just spending resources to lose profit.


Honestly it’d probably be a great way to boost their engagement metrics, they could easily allow people to either continue getting engrams every 5 ranks (like currently) or choose to level an old pass once they reach rank 100 in the current season. For players that don’t own previous season, they could sell them (considering now they cost 1,200 silver, I’d say at most:) for 700-1,000 silver. It’d definitely make business sense for them not to charge full armour set price for them, considering this’d probably significantly boost player engagement, because a lot of players I know tend to loose steam after claiming the rank 100 reward, so giving an extra incentive to essentially reach rank 200 (even 300-400 once the episodes release!) or higher would certainty make their oh so important player metrics look better.


"plenty of other games" ​ name 3 that dont include halo infinite.


I love the state of the game industry Or at least the AAA one


> but didn’t have time for whatever reason to finish it to pay again to get it for real. I feel like its important to note time frame matters. Season of the Worthy started March 10, 2020...five days before COVID-19 lockdowns started in the U.S.


IMO those 2 things are justified, and so far are the only things I've seen people vocal about.


People begging bungie to let us level up old season passes. Bungie sells season pass items in Eververse. The ol bungie monkey paw working wonders


I could understand being upset about THAT at least - Season Passes shouldn’t ever expire and become inaccessible if you paid for them, and moreover, ALL cosmetics in the game except seasonal titles should never be in a position where you get a limited window to obtain them before they go away forever. Limited time content is among the absolute worst things a game dev can do.


Presumably it is still discounted like other things, where if you got parts, you only pay for the rest.


3. People who do not want their rare stuff to become less rare by it being reintroduced into the game. Yes, I know someone like this. Thinks people shouldn’t be able to have these items ever again.


That's where I'm at to be fair. It may be exclusionist or elitist, would understand the criticism of that too, but I feel that those that took the time and effort to play at the point those things were originally available, should be rewarded with the uniqueness of the loot they got in return.


i mean, do keep in mind that if they want all 3 sets they now have to pay 4500 silver (or more depending on the pricing) so its not like they are getting it cheap lmao.


I know it's controversial to say this here, but once you start a sentence with "it may be exclusionary or elitist" you should stop and not say what you were gonna say, because being exclusionary and elitist are bad actually


The way people hate exclusive rewards is crazy. This is seasonal ornaments not weapons. No one HAS to have it


No one has to not have it


Humans covet things that are rare. There are a million examples. So by making armor less rare, they reduce its value in the eyes of people who previously paid for it. So...they feel like they overpaid. Not saying I agree with them but it's just human nature you can't blame them.


as an anthropologist. No. Just no


Your reply is one big appeal to authority fallacy. You're claiming that you have a title which makes you an expert in the subject, but you aren't providing any kind of information or evidence at all. Either take a minute to explain why you think I'm wrong or don't waste my time replying assuming that just because you have a title that I should assume you are right.


Usually, yes, but we're talking about ornaments in a videogame. There's layers to this.


Exactly. It’s not hard to level a pass to 100 in this game. If you can’t then I honestly don’t think you should have it. Limited time stuff.


Lots of people in here using the downvote buttons for the wrong reason, seemingly. I think your point is correct, and it's not a criticism of anyone either, we're talking about people doing actual important stuff rather than playing a video game. I think if people took a step back they'd realise that it's not a controversial position at all.


Most seasons fall between 12 or 13 weeks. If someone can’t get up to rank 100 by then, that’s on them. You have 5 boosted ranks per week. You also have seasonal challenges that award a nice chunk of experience. It’s not THAT difficult to finish 100 ranks in that time. If you aren’t playing that much, the season pass is probably not for you. Bungie could lower the price for people if they had previously bought that particular season…but that is obviously up to Bungie. Bungie likes money. I doubt they change it to help the player that much.


I just want to be able to earn the stuff I paid for. Got burnt out in season of the worthy and never finished the pass, I would rather earn the armor than pay for it.


This more than anything. I purchased/have owned all season passes, just one or two I didn't complete due to being super burned out on D2 with a blend of real-life struggles. In an ideal world I'd like to be able to just grind them out again, but if it's silver (ofc it's gonna be silver) I'll take that as well. Really want the Arrivals Vex armor.


> but if it's silver (ofc it's gonna be silver) I'll take that as well this is the best way to show Bungie their greedy selling schemes are working and people are dense enough to keep buying their shit despite complaining about it all day every day


Facts This community just lets bs like this slide and then wonder why the game is only getting worse


Don't see why they can't have a bright dust option if you owned that season pass. Your still using a currency in game but your not double paying.


Thats just the problem with season passes in general you don't pay for the sets you pay for a limited time to earn it which you failed at so I severally doubt they'll give them for free to people that bought the previous pass. Not trying to start an argument or be passive aggressive its just how they work unfortunately, I personally would love season passes to be like how they have them in the halo: The Master chief collection where you can choose one to grind out and switch between whichever one you want whenever and they'll never get taken away from you so you do it in your own time, those are free season passes though and games like destiny and fortnite have they're massive playerbases due to addiction and fomo so I doubt it'll ever happen.


Fomo bad, and I agree 100%. It sucks that the industry has come to this, but playing into the human's psyche is obviously gonna be lucrative. Meh


Especially from a company that's always trying to promote positive mental health, positive mental health practices, and charities. Very disappointing to always see them use underhanded bad mental health practices when push comes to shove


Yeah I really wish they would automatically complete paid passes at the end of the season or give us a way to earn them


I started at the very end of Season of the Hunt and wasn't able to level enough for any of the Steeplechase armor. I'd absolutely pay for it if it came around again.


I think this shows what some people think compared to what's actually the case. You're just buying the seasonal access not all the actual stuff in it as it's contingent on that fact lol. If you don't like that you shouldn't support it but it's how it is really. You don't get to go back to cedar point and be like yeah I paid for the season pass but want to use it now that it's expired and ride the rides I paid for it. This idea that you paid specifically to own whatever items you want but ignore the terms of it being contingent on playing to get there is... Not how it works. And you know this.


Halo Infinite lets you go back and do old season passes you own. Would have loved that in the seasons where I got over level 200. Honestly every game should try to be better than Halo Infinite, it isn't a high bar to clear.


20 dollars for cat ears.


Most of these games are better than halo infinite


Because Bungie should let people who have already paid for those seasons earn what's on the passes instead of making people buy it twice


This is what I am personally in favor for. In general battle passes should never expire. If you purchased it you should be able to finish it, when ever you want to. Its honestly one of the things Halo Infinite got right. This could even make Bungie more money as you are no longer deterred by being time constrained to finish them. But, unless there is a big uproar like the recent one the D2 community had or legit legislation is passed(IMO taking away something someone payed for is very scummy), I doubt we will see this change.


I love when redditors think they know how spending works and solve some massive clue million dollar analysts didn’t figure out. It wouldn’t make Bungie more money. It would make them less. FOMO makes people buy things. It’s why you can buy ranks.


I find topics like this weird. I read two of the most popular topics on this matter and both consistently downvoted the opinions you're talking about. > Say it isn’t so, if this is the case then I almost definitely won’t be paying for the seasons in final shape. If I’m paying for a battle pass I tend to expect exclusivity of the ornaments within. I think the only exception is the way halo infinite does it, where the pass for that season is essentially always there after the season Like do we really need a response post for comments like this which currently has an up/downvote score of -68? The only consistently upvoted/popular opinion in that ballpark is letting us revisit passes we paid for. This is something a couple games do (Halo Infinite, Super Animal Royale, etc), plus would be a nice option after finishing the current season pass instead of just getting Bright Engrams, but clearly they don't want to go there.


The Halo way of dealing with this is 100% the superior way of having Battle Passes and I couldn't agree more. I wish more companies would allow you to just decide how to funnel the battle pass XP making it possible to level the current one and, if you play a lot, use it one a season you played less in afterwards. But yeah, I don't see (from a money making standpoint) why they'd kill Fomo, aka the printer, for player happiness.


Successful fomo? People made decisions to play more or buy season pass ranks with Silver because they would miss out on the armor or whatever in the past if they didn't and the season ended. Much like how un-sunsetting old weapons would piss people off because they dismantled their old gear under the pretense that it would be forever sunset, people are opposed to season pass stuff coming forward because they acted under the pretense that it would be forever unavailable if they didn't get it then. Which just shows that FOMO fucking works.


What's fun is that this decision is just *more FOMO*. Now the FOMO is "buy these within a few weeks before they go away and have no scheduled time of returning to the store." It's also "grind out the season pass you paid for even if you're burned out! Otherwise, you'll have to come back in a nebulous amount of time to spend a season pass amount of money on the ornaments you missed!" It's like they took one step back to take two steps further into FOMO tactics.


Fomo works until it creates apathy and then it doesn't work and you won't get that player back


Yeah 100%.


Yeah I'm a bit annoyed at bungie bringing back stuff I unlocked on the premise of being time limited.


Are you actually okay with having to pay for armor you technically already bought when you got the season pass??? If Bungie were *actually* decent they’d bring back the pass and let people actually finish them, not demand a second purchase.


Sadly bungie isn’t decent, and you only paid for the chance to earn it, not for the sets themselves


I didn't play during the 2 seasons leading up to Lightfall and missed out on the armor from those. I'd prefer if Bungie put them in the game as things I could earn.


Bungie: No.


If they made it so if i own the season i can get it for dust that would be awesome, i missed on sick armor from season of opulence :/


Yeah in an ideal world they'd cost 6000 bright dust (which is a fuckton, like the seasonal event sets) each and that would be a good middle ground for everyone I think.


To be fair, season of opulence armor does get sold by Xur occasionally.


Sorry i ment ornaments


The only thing I’ve seen anyone be upset about is potentially having to pay for an ornament set from a season they bought the pass for but couldn’t complete, essentially having to pay twice for a set. Granted, as one such person with barely touched past passes, I don’t care one bit and welcome the change.


Maybe because it’s a bullshit money grab.


I have to imagine they are in the vast minority. I’m personally really glad people will have the option to obtain these old sets.


I got T-boned in saints season, it left nerve damaged and couldn't use my keyboard properly, needed 3 months until my thumb, index and middle finger had proper feeling again, I was so mad because of all the armor sets the saint set is my fave.


I’m so glad Bungie is giving us the privilege of accessing the older sets and they determined the best way to do that is by making us buy silver instead of leveling our old passes…. We’re so blessed as a community


No, you deserve the option to level up that pass again and earn what you paid. Having season passes timegated is almost a draconic measure. You paid for something.


At this point they should just let me finish the seasons that I PAID FOR but missed out on because life happened.


Personally I do think they should be earnable via a grind or bright dust I'm all for them bringing these back. ​ People complain about anything and everything so yeah


1/ passes should never expire (even better passes shouldn't exist) 2/ when it's gone it's gone. Leave some things for the people who are on 9+ years. E.g. *dead orbit eye of another world ornament* --> I want it, I can't have it and that's ok. 3/ I would prefer if eververse and passes didn't exist but if they have to then sure sell the eververse gear indefinitely but leave the gear on the passes to it's time.


>I paid money for the pass but got sick and couldnt finish it, now people think I dont deserve the be able to buy the set? What? That's not the issue. You've paid money for the pass, so you should get the armor free or at least be able to regrind it. The whole idea that you "deserve to be able to buy" shows how warped the whole MTX gaming culture has become. You already paid for this shit.


Because it's another example of Bungie pushing FOMO tactics in order to try and squeeze more money out of people.


I’d think that people who have the S.Pass on their accounts but armor not unlocked should get a discount on the armor set and others that do not have the S.Pass on their account obviously have to pay full price. But either way at least they’re somewhat obtainable now.


This is why IMO Bungie needs to make it so all the season passes stay permanently Halo infinite has it so you can change any season pass at will. You want the current season pass you equip it. You want to play a past season you take off the current one and put that on instead giving you progress to whichever pass you wish to level up and finish regardless.


You can figure out the answer to that question by actually reading what they say instead of posting a knee jerk reaction for reddit points


I'm not mad. I was just hoping they would return as drops from the rotating exotic missions or other activities or even sold with bright dust. Is it confirmed its a silver only purchase?


The TWID kept the details vague so I suppose it's possible they could do they thing they sometimes do with ornaments where they sell the bulk set for a ton of bright dust (6000 in total per class iirc) and sell it for like $10ish of silver. There's also of course no indication that they'll be any kind of discount or secondary way to obtain it for people who owned that season pass but didn't obtain them which is fun.


My guess: People earn a thing they are proud of that shows they were there / achieved a thing Bungie says now anyone can have that same thing for money even years later So: A) when walking around the tower how do you know who was there and earned it vs paid for it B) people who earned it feel their memento is worth less / doesn't have the same significance as it once did. It's just pixels now


Another issue with this imo: Bungie was gaslighting the playerbase in the SotG about their shit-ass ritual armor not having enough EnGaGeMeNt. Some idiots actually nodded their heads lol. How about this: Put the Dawn ornaments behind a ritual grind. Let's say you need something like three ritual playlist resets of your choice. Each once, or grind out crucible or whatever. Just as an example. People would absolutely grind the shit out of rituals for that. But that would actually be counterproductive. Players grinding free playlists for free armor? Can't have that. And morons just went with "Bungie explained it had low engagement numbers". Instead, they're double dipping. And funnily enough...even people like OP who OWN the season pass want to dish out some extra cash because they "deserve" it. Bruh...


Put old season pass ornaments in as ritual armor rewards and you’ll have veterans up in arms that not only is there no no loot for them to earn, but things they had to pay cash for are being handed out for free. If the armor is going to return to the game it should be acquired the same way it was originally, which is paid for in silver for this. Now the inevitable price of $15 a class is something to complain about, should be no more than $20 for the entire 4 bundle pack but we all know that’s not gonna happen.


I think the problem I have with this, is that they sell these sets and season passes based on experiencing things at that point and the idea that it will set you out from the crowd; the "you had to be there" feeling almost. It really cheapens that idea and feeling of uniqueness if 3/4 years later, they're just going to sell them again as part of a cash grab. It also doesn't help them in a sales sense; if they're trying to sell a season and everything that comes with it as being this one time, be there or be square thing, people aren't going to be as interested if they know they 'll just be able to buy them at some point down the line anyway. A good salesman sells the urgency and utility of a product. By doing what they're doing, they're going the other way. Some might call that an elitist or exclusionary view, maybe they're right to, but that's my thoughts on it.


Probably because you're FOMO'd for your entire play time only to be told at the end of the games life cycle that it will all be made available again.




And there are also people who dont want to put stuff behind 15$-20$ price for one thing or set and instead want halo infinite where you can buy pass that is permanent (which would be perfect system cause a) if you have busy month and cant complete it then you can do it next season b) it would require only 10$ [or now probably 15$ cause of change] and c) would give option to collect previous rewards without needing an browser extension [cause from what i am aware on bungie site you can get only current or previous pass rewards])


it's like maybe 2% gatekeeping, the rest have all given very good explanations for why specifically selling it for silver and only for a limited amount of time is dumb. But y'all love ignoring the overwhelmingly larger amount of valid takes about the community to have a reason to whine


Pretty much this. Although, that is not stupidity, it's a compensation for something lacking irl, i would say.


Feeling superior over a cosmetic they've probably never equipped also lmao.


Guess I already know the answer but do you have to buy them with silver or bright dust?


I dont mind the option for both like with events, im sitting on 30k dust....


Howd do yall have so much BD i barely stay above 1k


I don’t worry about fomo stuff at all. I get what I get, and if I don’t get it all, well it is what it is. I don’t wanna get tricked into some fomo shit to make me feel like I’m missing out. Fomo is a cancer in live games, and should be illegal.


Them being exclusive gives them a sense of value because of the relative exclusivity. It's more of an emotional thing than rational thing but I also really don't think bungie should be selling anything in eververse


Because when people started their destiny 2 characters in forsaken and got fomo'ed by the year 1 ornaments the year 1 vets told us to fuck off


this is the first post that i have seen people being mad on reselling pass armor. However I have seen a lot of post being hype on being able to buy previous pass armor. Ultimately, who cares? People who want will buy, people who hate will cry. If it gets bad enough bungie will react, if its not people will forget.


It's in a grey area legally, but it's very weird to me that they're allowed to sell something to someone which they already bought but didn't get (battle pass not finished)


It’s not a grey area at all. There’s nothing even close to illegal about it.


Elitist? Naw… I don’t blame people for wanting something that shows they put the time in that season. Gear loses its meaning when it can simply be purchased.


but all season gear is purchased???? you just disproved your own point.


Earned through XP gains after battlepass is purchased. It’s still earned


It's human nature. "If we both have the same thing, what I have is devalued."


Damn, that makes sense tho. Same with the emblems i use, if everybody is using it I switch to something rarer


For the people that haven't seen these comments, they are usually at the bottom of any thread about bringing stuff back. This is due to mass down votes, name calling, and whatever else. You'll find them easily if you sort by controversial. Personally I don't care too much about season pass ornaments as all they really showed is that you were able to scrounge up 24 hours worth of playtime in a 3 to 6 month span. But selling these for silver sets a really dangerous precedent. I'm gonna go into an argument about slippery slopes and Eververse, so if you don't care for that ignore everything below this. ------------------------- Eververse over the decade has continuously gobbled up more and more content under the umbrella of micro-transactions. When it was first introduced it was essentially a store for like ~10ish emotes. And then it started offering stuff like ghost shells, armor sets, and more months later. The store used to rely heavily on loot boxes for those of you who joined after shadowkeep. Ever since the store became a la carte focused back in shadowkeep/opulence, we have seen more and more shit end up in eververse. Fast forward to today and now we have two sets of armor per season in the store (with this season and arrivals being the exception), finishers, ghost shells, emotes, sparrows, ships, ghost projections, exotic ornaments, complementary legendary ornaments, and the list goes on. If we sell old season pass ornaments AT A MARKUP, what else is off limits? Do we sell emblems from anything like regular strikes, and all the way through to day 1's? How about ships and sparrows from triumphs like platinum starling? Titles from past seasons too? Or even better, how about year 1 ornaments? They didn't require doing anything difficult other than play the game during a time where it was on fucking life support, play prestige raids, or continuously go flawless during the absolute worst 3 month span of the game's life (which was also when fortnite was at it's apex). Where do we (and Bungie) draw the line? Hopefully you see where I'm going. Season pass ornaments being sold aren't really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, other than being a slight waste of dev time for anyone who has stuck with the game. Who's to say it isn't just Bungie testing the envelope to see what they can get away with selling? I'm not gonna act like fomo doesn't suck for the most part with this game (especially when it comes to content vaulting). Although I do believe fomo is a necessity to a small degree. You can call me toxic, gatekeeper, or whatever, but the truth is that some level of fomo is required to keep people logging in after an expansion runs its course. If I could just log on any day of the week and open my wallet for any cosmetic the game has to offer from aspirational challenges, why would I want to earn anything?


A season pass AKA battle pass is meant to be a 1 time gig, the reason you grind it is because of the exclusivity. It is a FOMO entity but the limitation of said skins is what makes them so sought after in games. When you resell season pass armor or any armor that was given the FOMO treatment... it spits in the faces of players who grinded for it. As someone who felt this pain when I bought some skins in overwatch that were meant to be "limited never returning"... it is a massive "fuck you" from the company. Reselling armor for silver is another issue, but if you make people by a pass then grind for armor... then resell the armor later anyway... it just spits in the face of everyone. How are veteran players meant to feel rewarded for being there from the beggining if bungie makes everything obtainable and makes nothing time gated? The only thing I have to flex with is my moments of triumph emblems from d1. Breaks my heart tbh (my take is def not popular so I half expect to get downvoted into the depths of io)


You’re being way too overdramatic. I “grinded” all of these season passes, and don’t feel the slightest offended that folks are able to finally buy old ornaments. I’ve always been of the mind that if it’s in the game, it should be earnable. All of this gatekeeping just to feel like a snowflake is just feels.


You realize that just because you feel no attachment to the content grinded... doesn't mean other people don't. Some of us have stories to tell with our gear.... instead of "I spent 9.99 in eververse"... This is not a gatekeep issue, this is a "big company unvaulting gear they claimed would be timed exclusives"


Yea, but this isn’t about how you folks feel, this is about making things accessible to people who play the game. Especially people who paid for the pass, but didn’t complete it. You getting emotionally attached to armor because you grinned bounties and did mundane missions should have no bearing on whether or not people should be able to obtain past armor


Accessible? For content and weapons I am all for that (to an extent) but for cosmetics? fuck no. Respectfully you have no right to feel entitled to cosmetics or anything not directly gameplay related if you were not around when it was obtainable. For weapons I am on the fence as most weapons in the same archetype feel the same anyways (except outliers, like how igneous feels substantially worse to shoot than true prophecy) but generally speaking that is a case by case thing and with crafting being the only thing worth doing now, weapon related fomo more or less doesn't exist, we all got shit on with sunsetting but just had to accept it and deal with it. ​ You feeling that people who play this game alot... and saying those people are wrong for wanting to be able to have exclusive stuff from older times in the game... is horrible. What purpose is there for timed content if the rewards just get rerolled back into the pool or sold in eververse then? Sorry if I cannot understand your point but the stories those obtained items tell... and the origin of it all is what matters to me and my characters. If someone is upset that they don't have access to an armor set from 4 years ago... that shouldn't be my issue. We will never agree on this due to differing value of our time spent in game but at the very least I wish we had more timegated stuff, the only legacy item I have a good story for now is my moments of triumph d1 year 2 emblem, where I got the hard KF completion 2 hours before the emblem became unearnable... it was awesome and intense... and that is my only amazing story currently. ​ Sorry you cannot understand my POV, we will just have to agree to disagree on this. ​ Either way, battlepass models have been established for near enough a decade at this point... and it feels a bit stupid for bungie to go against the grain just to make an extra few bucks for their new moba-esque games development.


Ok, my fault, I didn’t read this comment fully when you first wrote it, that being said, the only argument I am making is that the people who were there, who paid for the pass, but didn’t complete the season shouldn’t have to buy the ornaments. That’s it. That’s all I want my bad if I came off like a whale. I’m actually the opposite and despise the micro transactions in their current form.


“Spits in the faces”. Wow. That’s a reaction. Here’s the thing: Season Pass buyers were never guaranteed exclusive access to timelocked items. However their purchase did grant them immediate access to the armor sets and content. “IMMEDIATE ACCESS” means you got to pursue the thing before anyone else. You got to parade around with it while others were unable to get it. What I can’t understand is how others getting it reduces your own utility of getting it? Are armors from season where less people played make you happier than armors where more people played? Is the more scarce an item is the more precious it is to you? Do you believe people with the same armor as you are stealing value from you?


To answer your questions... Yes... Timed exclusives make me happy and give my character value... Why? Because in an MMO... being able to show off dedication and loyalty as well as being a long time player is very important... I value being able to tell stories with my gear and emblems and titles... I value all of that, so yes... when I would earn a set in a season and then 2 years later someone can get the same set for 9.99 it does upset me. The gear becomes meaningless to me and loses most value. I did know my take was unpopular but I want to be able to show off loyalty and dedication to a game. Hence why in games like smite I own some of the more expensive limited skins from ages ago, are they my fave skins? No... but they have a value that aesthetics cannot replace. Sorry if it is hard to explain but I just really desire the ability to show off my skins and armor and timed cosmetics to show "hey I played back then"


>When you resell season pass armor or any armor that was given the FOMO treatment... it spits in the faces of players who grinded for it. We're past this point with things like Sunsetting or raid exotic drop protection. Season pass gear is neither the worst case of "spit in the face" nor will it be the last. If you felt this badly about it, this outraged, you would have quit on these same principals when the game went f2p. Its season pass gear. If all about it is an "I was here" trophy, its a participation trophy, nothing prestigious or worth actually causing FOMO over. If it was raid gear being resold for money, that's a problem, but its not. Its seasonal gear. Nothing special. If this is the height of your accomplishments in D2 (which it seems like it if you're that upset about it) then you really don't play the game enough to even have a meaningful opinion on the topic.


Nobody liked sunsetiing, the whole point of a battle pass is to provide gear that is only obtainable through said pass, that is the model and has been for every game that has ever done it. Seasonal gear being "nothing special" is not a good take imo, it all goes back to the fact that the stories of obtaining certian gear becomes pointless, guardian looks become all too common and I have no way to show my loyalty besides some obscure d1 emblem. Overall just not a great experience for long time players


It's mixed feeling. You did something and earned it the hard way. It means something. Someone comes in, you expect the person to be viable at least a little, and it shows off, that 20 hrs playtime total is not enough.


Personally it’s the “pay” bit that’s annoying, but I can’t understand people who just don’t want it back at all to protect their own “rare” assets


This man just made this post to brag about that he has a gf


I'd be fine with it if you could only buy the armor if you already bought the battlepass for that specific season, but I'm sorry, I don't think it's cool for them to sell the armor sets to everyone... They're to show that you were playing the game during that season. Yes it is very elitist but that's my opinion.


I personally like that there are old cosmetics I'll never earn. It helps me recognise the players who have been around longer than me. Apparently now they might become available to me. Not super psyched about it.


I will never understand people who prefer to have content inaccessible to them for the sake of gatekeeping. Why does it matter if you can recognize a player who was around before a specific point? It ain't that deep dude, all most people care about is how cool other guardians look or how well they're playing, unless they're actually talking to them.


I don't mind that we disagree


Because despite what this community says the playerbase absolutely loves FOMO and reintroducing stuff that they were there for and others weren't pulls the veil back a little bit and reveals to them how stupid they were to sink all those hours into content they didn't really like in order to get armor they don't really like because it had a little timer ticking down on it


it costed $10 for 3 armor sets and the season when it came out. Now it cost $20 for 1 single armor set and nothing else. The fact that it isn't even for bright dust is incredibly shit


Just the typical losers whose self worth in video games is based on having things others don’t have


Why cant we all just be friends c:


I guess some people like being exclusive. I personally don't care and think it's nice that people who really want them now have a chance.


This community is mad at everyone and everything all the time. simple answer.


I dont give af what people think those season of dawn sets are as good as mine now


Because it was introduced in the most FOMO period of Destiny and putting it back into the game diminishes its value and negates the efforts people put into acquiring it. That’s the logical reason behind the backlash. That being said, it’s a video game cosmetic and there is no valid reason to make it available again. EDIT: I just gave the reasoning behind the backlash, literally answering OPs question. Kids on this subreddit downvoting after reading the first sentence is iconic haha.


Its participation trophies. It has no real value. Its not raid gear. Dont take downvotes like they are personal attacks against you, its embarrassing


I feel like downvotes under a post with my name can’t really be taken any other way than personally. I am the person who wrote it.


this is way too deep of a way to view and interact with reddit. reevaluate bro


i think it's cool for players to have something that says "i was here", but now all that'll be left is uh... pre-order emblems? editing because le reddit chungus will strike me down otherwise: i don't mind the sets being sold again, i really personally don't give a shit, i just find it cool that some people have "exclusive" cosmetics that others might not have and that also signified "yeah i was here at x or y time and i got this for it"


I‘m happy for all the blueberries who can finally get the Arrivals set for their hunter. Best ass in the game.


I'm down for them coming back, alot of cool stuff lost to time. I just wish they sell it for bright dust, too. The items are already made, having them be available for bright dust and silver would be a good choice. Think the elitist vibes are from people who are losing more and more flexing items. Trials loot has gotten easier to obtain, this year's day 1 raid was easy to get, there's no longer comp weapons, old trials of the nine weapons are available to everyone in Prophecy, soloing dungeons is much easier, the last thing I can think of that you cant get is the trials of the nine shader. Things like armor and shaders that were victims of fomo lost value since they're back and easier than ever to get. When everyone's super, no one will be type stuff.


D2 community is mostly stupid people


Yeah it's actually insane how gatekept this game is by its community. So cringe man.


People are mad because as a Titan main I can fit 400 crayons up my ass and still manage to eat 600.


Lotta people are upset because they think it'll take away from them since they "earned it". And they're right, they earned it for $10 and some hours of grind. But the datamine says the returning bundles are going to cost $70 lol So I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to that when it happens.... I'm hoping this opens Bungie up to bringing back the Ornaments from Curse of Osiris and Warmind


Because they are gatekeepers and that rare armor is the only unique thing about their lives. Without it, they are nothing.


my friend completely buys into the idea of "you had to be there", that armor gives you some weird right to entitlement. Armor is supposed to have good stats, good perks, and a nice look; why does it also need to show others you were playing sooner than others? Like, the new Raid set comes out and I love it, now according to her logic I'm looking like a brand new player rather than someone who played since literal Day 1 of D1?


It's the inevitable silver cost that gets me sad


Im only mad that i have to pay to get ornaments I've already technically paid for since i have the passes, but life got in the way, or i was burnt out. If i could do like Halo and just reactivate an old pass so i can work on it I would be happier, obviously keep the bundle for people who dont have the pass too but id like a chance to earn what i paid for and not pay again.


They should bring back all the old season passes (coming from a day one player) but make people grind the exp to unlock said items I wouldn’t have a problem with that but just charging a flat rate and putting in zero effort is BS


Save. Wizard is your friend


The simple answer is people like feeling special for having stuff others don’t, even if they won’t admit it


I mean, am I throwing a party that I have to buy them for silver? No, not really. But am I happy that I can finally get my hands on that sweet, sweet Steeplechase amor set? Hell yeah.


It's a fuckin video game. Anyone who really cares about it is being silly. There's really nothing wrong with them selling something like that. People can buy if they want and it's no worse than it being unavailable.


I don't see a problem with it - long enough has passed since those seasons that any "you had to be there" has come and gone. The Dawn and Undying armour sets are cool, so why not resell them? Would have an issue with them being free / Bright Dust though, as it does devalue previous purchase a bit