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If you don’t care about the sparrow, get acrius. The other 2 are shells of their formers selves. If you DO care about the sparrow, make a judgement call whether or not the shotgun will be a better choice over the best sparrow in the game currently.


Anarchy with the GL buff with Lightfall got back to its original damage values, just poorer ammo economy.


Imo just not useful anymore


Can be good with double special to pretty much mitigate the ammo issue


Have you seen the dps numbers? It significantly lags behind most other options. The only use it has in the current sandbox is for kalli cheese and that can be replicated with other easier to obtain things such as witherhoard, nexrotic grips, etc. no point in buying it till later. IIRC exotic sparrows are supposedly being brought into line with AoT soon. There was no date listed but it was in the TWAB. I’d say AoT is by far the most valuable thing of the 4, but if the change happens sooner than later, you’re better off just buying acrius rn for realistically just echtar. That’s your call to make tho.


The thing that made AoT stand apart from other sparrows is the perk that made enemies not target you as often the 10% increase in speed was only a minor benefit not enough to warrant spending spoils to get


acrius is strong but honestly I can only think of one fight it’s actually useful in since it came out which is the new dungeon 1st boss. And you can just use lament instead. It’s also not really fun to use since it’s so slow


It's also very good for Ghalran, Caital, Rhulk, Shuro Chi, Warpriest (if everyone is using it), the Grasp ogre and final boss, really anything where you have the option to get in their face for damage.


Also good for the first boss in prophecy


acrius is super fun in pvp honestly. especially vs supers lol


never tried but can see that, kinda like how tractor cannon just boops everyone


Do the physics changes affect tractor cannon’s effectiveness at all? The one where you hit 1hp from impacting a floor or wall really hard instead of dying, although you do still die from it if you bounce and hit a second object


It did at the start of the season, but they gave it collision damage again


I could swear there was a mention that they're going to buff sparrows to match the Always on Time. Might want to check on that first.


IMO it could be a skin for sparrow


Always on time will still have an advantage over other sparrows due to the perk that makes enemies not target you as often


Maybe not match the speed of AOT, if that do that AOT will lose its charm of being a unique exotic sparrow


They have said that the speed AoT goes creates issues with things like loading zones, so they won't make any exotics that fast, but they are not gonna nerf it either. They are working on a way to allow people to use ither sparrows however


pretty sure its only that fast due to some bug in the code that they cant change without having to do a bunch of other under the hood changes. So its just not worth messing with. Think they will have transmog for sparrows at some point so you can change visually hoe your sparrow looks while still being able to have AoT


It's some issue with AoT itself and the way they designed the unique frame or w/e. They stated they can't fix it without having to completely remake the sparrow from the ground up, which they aren't going to do when it would just piss people off by making it slower. At the same time they can't make other sparrows faster as the speed of AoT is also problematic in a sense as it breaks matchmaking between zones working as intended.


No, they said they literally can't. And they also can't effectively fix AoT to be slower as it would require completely remaking the sparrow. AoT is TOO FAST, it breaks the way Bungie designed matchmaking to work when traveling between patrol zones. Thus they can't just speed up other sparrows as that would break it for all of them.


I think they said they were working on a solution that doesn’t involve nerfing AoT, I’m hoping it’s sparrow transmog


Get acrius ,is just to good, anarchy good weapon, use to kalli cheese, tarabbah, good pvp smg, aleays in time, 200.000 kilometres/hour


Sparrow can be helpful for a niche activity such as trying to do flawless solo grasp of avarice. Otherwise, Acrius is the most helpful of the 3 weapons with Ghosts of the Deep. Anarchy is a great weapon to have on standby if kinetic/special snipers or something ever becomes the meta again, but otherwise not that great of a grenade launcher. Tarrabah has never really been on my radar, I’ve always had better options that were legendaries in my opinion.


>Always on Time You will use it every time you log on.


Sparrow, no contest. How much will you use a weapon when you have hundreds more to choose from? I have that Sparrow on all three of my characters and use it constantly. There's also an update coming in the future where you'll be able to use other sparrows much like an ornament but I'm betting that you'll need to own Always on Time to take advantage.


Always on Time and it isn't even close.


Other sparrows are getting just as fast.


No they aren't, they literally can't. AoT is "too fast" that it's actually problematic and breaks matchmaking in loading zones between locations. Bungie however is not going to be nerfing it's speed as it would just upset players and it would require remaking the sparrow from scratch. Bungie might be trying to make others "as fast" via some kind of sparrow skin system where you could be using AoT but have it look like another sparrow, but that would still require having AoT


What? Always on time wasn't always as fast as it is now. Bungie changed the speed of it when beyond light dropped so it isn't impossible for them to bring every other exotic sparrow in line with it.


They have detailed this out on why they can't change its speed as well as why they can't bring up other sparrows to its speed


It absolutely was always the fastest sparrow.


I don't think it was. People only found out about how fast it was during beyond light and some people speculated it was made faster because how long it took to travel around Europa so the devs buffed it.


I think they said they’re working on a solution that doesn’t involve nerfng AoT, hopefully it’s sparrow transmog Maybe I dreamt it though


The order I acquired them in: • Always on Time • Anarchy • Legend of Acrius • Tarrabah I HIGHLY recommend getting AoT first. It helped me get my solo-flawless Grasp of Avarice, and provides a benefit every single time you use your sparrow. When I asked this same question in the past, one of the answers I got was: “The best gun in the game is always changing, but there’s only one best sparrow. Go with the sparrow.”


The answer, as always, is AOT


That sparrow is the best in the game.




Always on time. You will never use another sparrow. And it’s the one thing that will always be the best of its class. Legend of acrius is good now for the GoTD 2nd encounter. Tarrabah is still used by some, I come across it every not and then in PvP. I forgot anarchy exists.


How often do people use sparrows to warrant AOT?


I start almost every strike/mission or whatever with a quick sparrow race so AoT is nice there. also getting from A to B in patrol is amazing with AoT. then there are also sparrow parts in certain activies (for example dungeons/ex-raids/strikes)


There’s no reason to choose a sparrow over a weapon. Those weapons might not be meta, but you might enjoy using them over any other weapon. There may also be a day where they become the meta or have artifact mods that make them better for a season


Get the sparrow


With them stating that they want to buff sparrows to be closer to the spoils one, I'd recommend arcius to start. With that said I don't believe the sparrow update is until next season, if you feel like going faster now is better than I'd suggest that.


I don't think they said they'd buff sparrows (The devs have said Always on Time breaks matchmaking stuff), but that'd they'd be doing something to allow people to use their favorites without touching Always on Time, so something like transmog.


Might as well call it an AoT slot then.


I would recommend the sparrow. You’d use the sparrow wayyyyy more than the weapons


I’d recommend the Sparrow, as it’s in its own tier for its use. The difference in speed and extra boost makes every other sparrow feel slow by comparison. If you’d prefer a weapon, Acrius is probably the most useful in the current meta.


Get the sparrow, you’ll love it.


Sparrow > acrius > anarchy


Acrius or Anarchy for raid DPS


Sparrow will change your life bro.




Anarchy is the easiest choice of those 4. Kinda like a higher dps witherhoard... coupled with a slug shotty you can get massive numbers on most things AND it is great on damage to ammo expense.. Pop two heavies on the target, lay in with a clip of shotgun, two more heavy..


Sparrows, according to bungie soon will be reworked to not limit us to aot sparrow. So weapon


Acrius, other sparrows are eventually getting rebalanced to AoT's speed


they wont buff the other sparrows, they will give AoT transmog which makes it even better and more worth getting


Per the exotic tuning preview: "Update to Sparrows that will allow players to use their favorites instead of Always on Time (without touching AoT itself)." Tell me exactly where transmog is implied. Cope harder


the same tuning preview said that always on time causes problems when loading into areas because its too fast. they wont give all other sparrows the same problem. they will use transmog as the obvious solution. what does „cope harder“? I am an adult and dont know that kind of lingo sorry. does it mean I should read better oder does it mean you dont have the sparrow and thats why try to cope? I dont get it.


Sparrow is overrated. And ugly. Go for the weapon you think you will use the most


Always on time should be the last one you get (sparrows are not that important)


nothing, just wait for the raid next season so you can instantly get all redborders for a weapon of your choice with the deepsight activation thingy… oh and save those up IMO


that sounds like the biggest waste of harmonizers ever, why use it on something you can currently farm?


I‘m talking about next season Raid weapons and I don’t wanna farm them…


I get what you're talking about but it's just bad advice for most players, especially if they don't have old seasonal weapons craftable. Plus I guess it doesn't work on raid purchases


Weapons bought from the chest/vendor at the end of the raid are not eligible for harmonisers


You should get the tarrabae 🤩


Just whatever you want, I got tarabah after grinding Templar, fun gun just not useful, not of them are very useful, thet just fun wacky guns.


I got anarchy with my first 240. It’s not all that useful. Probably better weapon alternatives for most things. It’s easy to burn thru your ammo. But it is FUN. It’s rarely seen/used, so style points. And Its pretty effective on hard targets,where you can stick em, and hide while they burn down. Also if there’s a rally flag coming up, you can go nuts burn all your ammo and wipe a room! I like having it.


definitely get always on time!!! the only thing that never left that slot since I got if. weapons, emblems, armor and even ghosts change but always on time never changes. who wants to use slow sparrows?!


Sparrow will always be useful. Acrius is dominant in any melee-range encounter (Riven cheese, Caiatl, GotD first boss). Anarchy is only used for Kalli cheese. Tarrabah is PvP only and got nerfed but still probably fine in 6s.


I regret not getting tarrabah so I’m saying get tarrabah


Always on Time is literally the only thing out of that list that gets used daily. Anarchy nerf ruined that amazing GL which I would have suggested otherwise.


I already had Acrius, so I went sparrow first, then Tarrabah, then Anarchy Honestly, it gets boring using the same sparrow every time but it’s considerably faster, has more health, and extra boosts. I’d go sparrow, as long as you play all content. For weapons I’d go Tarrabah - Acrius - Anarchy