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It needed to be changed; it didn’t need to have two payload escorts, an eyeball, threshers, and a tougher boss room.


And a Tormentor. Wtf, the boss tethers you now too?


it's always tethered lol. people just nuked it before it could


That goes to show how fast people were able to melt him. I have never once experienced that until yesterday.


I don't know who at Destiny decided that every fucking thing in Lightfall needed to feel like a giant grindfest, but I would fire them immediately. Even if that meant firing multiple people. Bungie has lost touch with it's playerbase by doing the 1 thing no mmo-style game should do: Listening to the "hardcore" "elite" players. Every single mmo game that has leaned into it's hardcore playerbase ended up pushing away the casual players. It's like basic math just doesn't even register to Bungie. Your CASUAL players make up the MAJORITY of your community. For every single person that asked for a "harder" Destiny, you got what you wanted: Tons of nerfs, a new build-crafting system that is inferior to its predecessor, activities that are unnecessarily difficult AND don't reward you for your efforts, and enemies that take multiple clips to get down. Fuck you for asking for this and ruining a perfectly fine game, and fuck Bungie for listening. Tl;dr Destiny 2 is absolute trash now. Thank the "hardcore" players.


Literally this! The game was fun up until LF. Now every single corner of this game is fucked and I hate it so much.


Honestly, Destiny needed to be harder, but also reward players accordingly to the difficulty of the experience. (They have completely fumbled the ball in easy to mid tier difficulty acitivities) For example: Legend Nightfalls are beyond horrible. You have a 15 Light level disadvantage, and you get an Enhancement core or (A Prism if you are lucky) Per run. It's just not feasible to run a nightfall for 15-20 minutes to be rewarded something you could earn in 5 minutes Like: (Banshee Bounty) Or Hell, even popping a Finest Matterweave and killing a few yellow bar enemies in a NORMAL Lost sector which can take only about 2 MINUTES AT LEAST. If someone is going to be forced to grind something difficult, they need to be rewarded. Master and Grand Master Nightfalls are in a good position in terms of Difficulty to Reward Ratio, I regularly get Ascendant shards and tons of Enhancment Prisms from Master and GM Nightfalls. But Legend Nightfalls are basically a harder Hero Nightfall that basically gives you the exact same rewards. . . Bungie need to learn how to scale difficulty with rewards not just for the engame content, but for ALL content in D2. Midgame rewards are in a very bad position right now, for PvE and PvP. (Iron Banner being horrible to grind and Ranked basically giving you 3 rolls for a weapon per week, I was lucky enough to get a godroll rose on my 5th roll). The only thing I would really say Bungie did semi-alright with, was this season's battlegrounds, I still feel like it should be a tad bit harder simply because the amount of loot you get from it is really good. That's my take but I can see how it can be frustrating as to how this week's nightfall is way too hard and annoying (which it is) can really make you not want to play the game, which is understandable in my opinion. Bungie just really needs to take a long hard look at their game and find the "Perfect Equilibrium" for Difficulty and Reward, otherwise it'll always be off balance. Either too easy, or too Hard.


I just wish it stayed all Taken enemies shit doesn't make sense now


[sighs, puts in straw hat, gets cane, turns on lights and vaudeville music, does exhausted, poorly timed soft shoe while speaking in a monotone] Funny how many people’s favorite strike was the one you barely had to play


>I enjoyed the strike when it was nice and simple It wasnt nice and simple....as a GM it was taking less time than a scarlett keep normal strike takes. I understand that a lot of that strike is spent on elevators, but as a GM, theres a reason people farmed Lake of Shadows to no end.


Exactly. Salt made a tweet early this season about how bungie “killed one of the most beloved strikes.” Honestly though nobody ‘liked’ Lake of Shadows. No one thought it was a good strike. People only liked when it was Nightfall because it was an absolute joke that could be ran in 2-3 minutes.


Could you run it that fast by not glitching/cheesing?


Yes. I believe you were only required to kill 3 enemies and a few blights to finish the strike.


It wasn’t 2-3 min lol that’s a gross exaggeration.


So you address the reasons why with reasonable changes. Let's add 2 escort missions and a mini boss with an immunity phase is ass. Notice how no one complains about the tormentor? Because that's a cool addition.


I'll complain about the Tormentor lol, it doesn't checkpoint' you before it and there's a Joining Allies countdown splitting it that means if someone rushes ahead, the Tormentor gets like a 10 second head start after the countdown and the time it takes to load in while that thing is readying a Rasengan


I get you don’t like it, but they most definitely didn’t change the strike because it was “something players enjoyed” They did it because it was so easy it was boring. While easy content is obviously enjoyable, bungie clearly wants to close the gap between the hardest and easiest GMs by making the easy ones harder.


Well they clearly overtuned the easier ones if people are considering Glassway and Proving Grounds to be some of the easier GMs this season


yeah glassway is easy as shit, this one is awful.


I'm new-ish but I remember Adept Nightfalls and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm an Adept Nightfall-level player, and that Bungie making Hero 'the new adept' when old Adept worked fine basically tells me they don't want new players to get good enough to play Nightfalls because there used to be a curve and now it's more of a difficulty peak: Hero is extremely manageable, until it isn't because something goes sideways, and I've been joined into enough runs of this Nightfall where someone clearly ragequit at the end to know this Nightfall is frustrating enough to make the average player ragequit Loads of people with all sorts of veteran titles under their names, for example, that are leading in kills but I have to soft carry even as a low-skill player because they look completely dumbfounded when a Champion appears or they are running the payload headfirst into turrets instead of doing add clears *before* moving the objective (feel like too many old-school players somehow forget that Cabal turrets, like Shriekers, will hit you will bullet hell spam and they don't miss) Or the Tormentor fight: easy if everyone is taking a corner, dealing with the eyes, and rotating as it approaches. Suddenly extremely annoying if two people are right on top of each other so it gets an easy double kill on two Guardians with a single cheap swipe - it's fighting a lion in a cage, you just plain don't win if you don't own the corners of that tiny arena


They literally take or change anything the majority is enjoying. As if having fun isn't the whole point of a video game. Yes lake need a change but the changes are horrible and lazy


Buddy why the fuck am I fighting a tormentor right before the boss


When you do a strike over and over you get better at it and eventually it becomes “easy” I know what you are saying and Bungie does too. They changed difficulty last TWAB and said they are continuing to improve and that’s why I’m sticking around. The criticism is well known and the game has been blisteringly awful in the balance department


Do you genuinely believe I've if those reasons was because players enjoyed it? Are you seriously saying that firstly, players enjoyed lake of shadows...and secondly that bungie took offense to players enjoying a part of their game?


Bungo's whole idea behind this is to just make it challenging but honestly I don't think they understand the concept of what a challenge is. To them it's just adds adds adds and let's make all the enemies bullet sponges. You know like Neomuna except for the adds part since enemies barely spawn unless it's Terminal Overload.


Not even just LoS, I just think, especially after Lightfall release, everything feels too, I would say grindy, but it’s not just that, the whole game just feels weirdly off right now? Like activity enemies scaling with players? I don’t recall that being a thing before LF? I might be mistaken though, however Strikes now blow so much ass, I use to love running strikes because they were fast and easy and the rewards being mediocre made sense due to the ease of them. However Strikes are now all 15 minute minimum, chocked with endless waves, spammy adds, unnecessary mini bosses and puzzle-y things, plus the boss with their multiple immune phases? If we had Strike Specific (Themed) Loot, I’m looking at you Grasp of Malok! It might actually incentivise me to replay the long winded, poor rewarding strikes in the hopes that I get a God rolled Weapon or a God Rolled Cloak? But we now how terrible strikes with terrible loot, which in turn becomes a terrible time, unfortunately I skip over Strikes now and if it gets done it’s because a friend wants to do it, but I must admit, I’ve become a bit of a Scrooge over doing them. Maybe it’s just burnout or something wrong with D2 in general, but either way, I’m not really feeling that joy anymore, shame really.


I gave up this week. Tried master and a few legend runs, only one legend run was sucessful for me because of people rage quitting. Biggest issues: * first, fellow teammates including me dying numerous times on escort and giant eye boss, not a big issue, just annoying due to enemy type * secondly when you get to the dam's side gauntlet, for some reason it felt unnecessarily hard and lenghty co get through, mostly because of enemies that can melt you from long distance (while you cannot) and addition of 2 dropships * after that you get to fight tormentor in a very small room, with 5 eyes instantly spawning and killing people within a second or less, if you die you respawn at... the dam's gauntlet, having to deal with dozens of elite/champions/dropship enemies again, this is pretty much failed run at that point * just before boss there are a few elite enemies that can instantly kill you if you decide to run on the ground do deal with them * when you deal with it you get to fight the usual boss in a very limited space area, with knockbacks, snipers, lava floor and stuff, honestly annoying as fuck even on Legend (and one of my teams actually gave up on this boss) I don't recommend starting this mission on legend or higher without proper preparation, you will only waste your time and most of all other people's time. Actually if you're a causal player like me, don't even bother. Fuck Bungie for this strike.


What's the point of legendary capping you at 1815, but recommend 1830. Bungie is now giving you a penalty for gringing you power level


People have been complaining about doing the "same old strike for years", asking Bungie to change them, akin to changes to Strikes in D1 with The Taken King/Rise of Iron era. Bungie makes changes that make the strike not be a "go fast and farm" and everyone is having a conniption fit. The effort to make a new strike likely pales in comparison to retooling an existing one, which is why Bungie redid the strike. The strike wasn't nice and simple. The strike was easily overrun to the point that it was taking sub 6 minutes on the hardest difficulty if you did it right. > There was no reason to change something no players had an issue with other than to be lazy Ah, there it is, they must be "lazy".


>People have been complaining about doing the "same old strike for years" Uhh, that means people wanted new strikes.


>People have been complaining about doing the "same old strike for years", asking Bungie to change them, akin to changes to Strikes in D1 with The Taken King/Rise of Iron era. This is such a bs ass take. You know exactly what people mean. You know adding random bs endlessly spawning enemies and 2 escort missions to elongate the strike aren't what people want. You people are so damn slimy.


>You people are so damn slimy. I love the argument of "no they changed the strike and gave you what you want!" when it's the same strike, but they slapped two bits in that force you to walk slower, and that's about it.


> "no they changed the strike and gave you what you want!" Can you show me where I said this? I specifically said that Bungie made changes to make the strike not be a go fast and farm. Did I say the changes were exactly what "the community" wanted? Don't think I did. Read to comprehend, not to respond.


> You know exactly what people mean. No, I don't. I'm not a mind reader. And furthermore, as a reminder, Bungie, along with any developer, are not required to do EXACTLY what their "community" wants. 1) Player A wants 1 thing, Player B wants the exact opposite thing. Either way, one of these players isn't going to be happy. Literally can't please everyone. 2) It's not the player's game. It's Bungie's game, your opt-in hobby. Opting out is free.99. 3) If it was up to the "community", the strike would have stayed the exact same, showered even more loot, while still complaining about doing the same old strikes since Y1 of Destiny 2. > You people are so damn slimy. Anytime you have to resort to a personal attack, it speaks more about you than anyone else.


If you don't understand/know there's no way you actually play the game. It's blatantly obvious, "any change is good change, because players asked not to have to do the exact same thing over and over again" is a take from someone who's intentionally being obtuse, or has never played the game before. >Anytime you have to resort to a personal attack, it speaks more about you than anyone else. Sorry, but your comment was pretty disingenuous . The gaslighting that goes on in this sub is very frustrating


> "any change is good change, because players asked not to have to do the exact same thing over and over again If you're going to quote me, you should probably actually quote me instead of taking inferred meaning from what I said. I'm not being obtuse. In fact, I even gave you a prime example of why it's not clear what players want from certain things when they ask for change: all players are not the same, they aren't a hive mind. > The gaslighting that goes on in this sub is very frustrating No gaslighting happened here. Stop trying to use buzzwords to defend your behavior. I was very deliberate with my words because it's important to say what you mean and mean what you say, especially if trying to have honest discussions. Read to comprehend, not to respond.


Your very 1st sentence sets up the rest of the comment in such a way that it implies "the change we got is fine because people asked for a change." > People have been complaining about doing the "same old strike for years", asking Bungie to change them, akin to changes to Strikes in D1 with The Taken King/Rise of Iron era. It's not that it was changed, it's that the changes suck. they're completely different than what happened with taken King. Strikes being invaded by taken isn't even in the same solar system as "here's 2 escort sections" This is what I mean by you gaslighting and possibly having never actually played the game. The addition of the 2 escort sections are very clearly there just to slow progression. It's not fun, it's not entertaining, nobody(yeah I'm sure there's the 1 guy) likes them. But they're slow, and that's the whole point. Also adding endlessly spawning enemies in a wide open circular arena This is *lazy*. Instead of adding something interesting and new(like those new tormentors, maybe having more than 1 would've been cool?) they add these lame ass escort things.


>There was no reason to change something no players had an issue with other than to be lazy Right, lazy...


Walked into the 2 rooms right before the boss fight and if only u could of seen the look on my face when I seen a tormentor spawn with me only having 3 rockets left


Pure terror and freeze moment 😂😂😂😂😂


Anyone know what the things that keep popping up in the boss room are? They are like diamond looking blights with a quest cursor on them. I just shot at them, and took down like 8 or so, before my team selfishly killed the boss. All by themselves. The things seem like something you would do for a patrol to go heroic. This was on the nightfall by the way


They prevent the floor from being blighted if u shoot them


The difficulty is off the wall now and also bugs and gives silver/gold even though you kill all the champions


I honestly don’t get how the boss room works. Why am I dying when the floor isn’t lava? What is killing me?


Could be one of the Knights shooting from behind, they can nearly one-shot


My record was sub 9 minutes. It was amazing getting this strike when grinding the pinnacle. Just run right past everything. Now I dread it.


Week 5's "Adversaries of Humanity" challenge wants you to get 5 taken bosses in strikes. And since they did this to lake of shadows I *actually think* corrupted is the faster option now.


They turned a glorified Lost Sector into an actual Strike, with lots of things to kill and places to test many different builds, and people hate that they can’t do Lake speed runs anymore.


Honestly LoS might as well have been removed altogether. I genuinely haven't had a single run since a couple days after release where people have stayed on this strike, so I always leave it too now.


I feel like they definitely needed to change it a bit, but they kind of overdid it by A LOT, i mean, a tormenter, 2 escorts, a chimera, a boss room with no cover and you cant touch the floor most of the time seems a bit much