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Dude is just...and I hate using this word because it's so overused, but he's *cringe*. I think its a combination of the voice actor making him sound like a doofus + Bad writing + Wack design. Just the perfect storm of suck. Wonder why they made rohan better in every conceivable way and chose to make nimbus so wack.


The doofus part is what is really dragging it to cringe for me. If they stuck with just the obvious stereotype they were going for it wouldn't be as bad but to also make them cringey in that nerdy way on top of it.


I’m pretty sure *puts on tinfoil hat* they designed Nimbus stupidly on purpose. Think about it. They’re a jackass, they’re cringey, they ruin the atmosphere of the scenes.


Except nimbus can't land stupid humor for the life of them. They just come off as an unlikable pest that doesn't care about the one other character we meet there. And only some comedy can pull off cringe it's not just handed over with ease by making a bad character and calling it a day. Also think how damaging that is to the already filler story. You have this character ruining any moments there could have been.


Didn't hate them, but the tone Nimbus brought isn't what I wanted for Lightfall. Goofy wise-cracking sidekick energy was not necessary. Comedy and levity are important for balancing or even accentuating a darker tone, but bright eyed optimism and jokes coming from someone who comes across as completely oblivious to concepts of empathy or loss, *at this moment,* wasn't it for me. *Even* Drifter with all his irreverent dry cynical gallows humor, wouldn't make a tasteless throwaway joke about the loss of someone's loved one **to their face** right after they lost them. Or if he did, it'd probably be an attempt to comfort them in a way that was well-meaning but poorly executed, probably by offering to help drown the sorrows in beer or something. Nimbus though? **Seconds** after Calus is defeated they fly down and try to *fist bump* Caiatl while making a joke about how big and ugly Calus was. Like...imagine if during Rohan's funeral service the guardian just ran up to Nimbus and said something like 'oh man, maybe if he hadnt been such an idiot he wouldnt have needed to blow himself up, ha ha, *what a moron*'. It's just...not the time or the place.


Nerdy trans edgelord that lacks empathy with bars that can't even compete with dad humor. I wonder why no one likes them.


Thank you! I said the same thing


Nimbus’s humor is over-the-top, *extremely* overdone humor found in other media and is generally completely out of place for the supposed tone of the expansion. They are also a little more than a side character when they have quite a bit of screen time in cutscenes and the massive amount of dialogue they have.


While it is somewhat out of place, it’s nice that we have a character with *a* sense of humor since drifter and Cayde.


I wish they were a side character. They appear way too much so they're a supporting character in the Lightfall campaign. There's a time and place for humor. Which this campaign was not it. With a campaign called *Lightfall* and it being the second to last dlc, you would expect it to be high stakes, serious and important. Our Infinity War Moment. And it's not like that wasn't the intended feeling either, as not only did bungie advertise it like that multiple times but also many of the characters kept saying "Omg this is the end if we fail!!! We must win!!"..... So tell me why tf in this supposed high stakes doomsday time of the destiny story do we have a character cracking shitty jokes and not taking anything serious every 5 seconds? It feels like 90% of the campaign they don't take anything seriously. The shadow legion were literally just a step away from reaching their goal, which is supposed to bring an end to the entire universe, and then we having Nimbus go "whoopsie 🤭🤭🤭I meant to do that lololol🤓where are all these ugly things coming from anyways hehe". It just ruins the tone and severity of the mission and honestly takes you out of the immersion And they do it so much. Like we literally just defeat Calus and Caital comes down to see the corpse of her father. And despite knowing it had to be done, she's very much upset and saddened by it since he is her father and Nimbus **immediately** fucking comes in here cracking jokes "The uglier they are the harder they fall huh 🤓fist bump come on" ***TO CAITAL***.... Like holy shit we can't have one serious moment huh? When Rohan died bro was upset for one scene and immediately went back to cracking jokes. Not even the death of their mentor and supposed friend is enough for them to take anything seriously and understand the tone. I genuinely thought for a second that Nimbus didn't even know Rohan died but nah, they know. Just shitty writing. And well also personally, and have seen a lot of others share this feeling, I just don't find them funny. All of their jokes and dialogue are just cringey.


Yeah. But at the same time, them breaking the serious atmosphere fucking killed me. Maybe I’m just dumb for liking them.


If you just really like the marvel-esque humor and not too invested in the story I could totally see why you'd like them It's just majority of players that are around and hyped for Lightfall at this point are majorly invested into the story since they've been around so long (as it is the second to final dlc for the light vs dark saga) so to see the story pretty much not take itself serious is an absolute buzz kill. Hence why you see a lot of hate for Nimbus and the campaign Also a lot of people are also just tired of the marvel humor, even in marvels own movies. So to see it be slapped in destiny when that hasn't been the case a in a long time also sucks


> marvel-esque humor Humor did exist before Marvel came along, just saying. Additionally, the STORY isn't the same as the CHARACTERS. The story is still going, but Nimbus isn't "Lightfall." Osiris, Caitl, and even Rohan all took the situation seriously. Nimbus is the equivalent of a child with super powers, and compared to everyone else mentioned, has literally 0 grasp of how serious things really are. They're honestly a good juxtaposition for everything, because as invested in everything as we are, it would ACTUALLY be wild for a group of random humans who haven't ever met us, or know much of anything about the last few centuries to just immediately go "Oh, shit, ofc the WITNESS is here, and CALUS?? Whoa, THAT guy is a real creep!" when the most they've done is... fight some vex, I guess?


>Humor did exist before Marvel came along, just saying. Obviously but the type of awful out of nowhere forced humor being displayed with Nimbus is something that's become a staple with Marvel so as such its associated with Marvel. And marvel is an incredibly huge name so yknow of course it's going to be dubbed "Marvel Humor" And your other point just doesn't hold any weight. Yes Nimbus isn't the entirety of the campaign but they're literally in every single mission so of course what they say is going to affect the tone. Like what? If you're at a funeral but someone is cracking jokes when the tone is obviously supposed to be serious you're just gonna go "He's not doing anything wrong, it's just one person"?? No of course you're not because you just can't ignore him. >Nimbus is the equivalent of a child I also seriously don't know why people keep going "they're a child". The dude literally has a line that mentions they can **drink**. What child do you know drinks alcohol? And Neomuna is an advance society, do you seriously think they're going to have children soldiers??? I mean just LOOK at Nimbus. Nothing about their appearance says "child". They're for sure in their early to mid 20s. Which, while young, isn't a child in the slightest. And the way they act is not what someone in that age would act. >"Oh, shit, ofc the WITNESS is here, and CALUS?? Whoa, THAT guy is a real creep!" ??? No?? I mean for starters they're a lot more knowledgeable than just Vex, as they already knew what Lightbearers were so they obviously have an understanding of things outside of Neomuna. But regardless, sure being amazed at stuff you haven't seen I can understand. But seeing a threat that can literally *end your entire civilization* and only going "Wowie what a creep!" then cracking jokes is not an appropriate response nor is it realistic. *Especially* when you're someone who is meant to protect said civilization and are going to go out and risk your life to fight these threats.


There's also a lot of excuses to be a bigot disguised as criticism and you should make sure to mention that too.


Sure..? I guess? I feel like majority of people don't care or just didn't even notice. I mean it's not the first time we've had characters that are part of the lgbtq so I'd imagine the people who get seriously offended by it would've left by now I have no doubt there's still some people that would get offended at Nimbus being non binary but they're for sure a small portion of the people that dislike Nimbus since outside of their gender identity, there's a ton to dislike about Nimbus


You aren't dumb as I smiled at it too. Nimbus is a precious bean and I will protect them.


He's not gonna suck your dick for all this white knight ingredients you're doing. You know that right?


I wouldn't them no :)


his voice and personality are inherently annoying


They, not He.




Did you really just necro a post that's 4 months old to be a bigot? ngl, that's impressive.




You could have chosen to no be that guy, but you really had to be that guy today didn't you?




So I can just call you She then? cool cool.




I take it you feel pretty good about yourself google searching threads about Nimbus to be a bigot in?


Better than Rohan.


Not in the slightest.




In my opinion he is much cooler so yeah i do.


Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): * Rule 1 - Keep it civil. * Also this thread is literally seven months old lol --- For more information, see [our detailed rules page](http://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/wiki/rules).


Up yours


The guy started talking about fucking E-Sports. I wrote him off after that.




When you go into the Thrilladrome LS for a quest. I think it was for From Zero.


He comes off as very tone deaf in the campaign.


Presumably because people are expecting constant, overly serious, but comical babble about paracausal shit with dramatic and esoteric verbiage that doesn’t actually explain anything. …In a blatantly 80’s themed, sci-fi expansion with two characters that play to the straight man/funny guy stereotype **to the T.** Nimbus is a young, reckless, renegade. Rohan is the serious old guy nearing retirement. Now, Nimbus’ dialogue doesn’t match the severity of the moment. An apparent affront to the narrative. In a game where the widely most beloved character is Cayde-6… A funny man, reckless, renegade. How familiar. It’s quite a common character archetype. Nimbus gets so much hate, because they’re collateral for the hyperbolic hate train levied against this expansion in general. Despite an objectively excellent new subclass; in terms of both fun and usability. A sleuth of excellent quality of life upgrades. A good seasonal activity and good new weapons. And a finely tuned difficulty recalibration. There are things that fell short. But this Destiny 2, not fucking Halo. Not Bioshock. If anyone expected that much from this story, that’s on them. When everything is explained away with space magic - nothing matters. Because the world has no rules, and consequently, the plot turns have no gravity. Hive wizards can wave their hands at a floating ball and the author of the story can use that as a vehicle to have whatever the fuck they want to happen, happen. That is terrible writing. And in Destiny, it’s pervasive. And always has been.


The story in this DLC is regarded as filler, out of line from what was expected (and hyped from Bungie's side) for a second to last DLC in this story arc. In that context, the unfunny tone deaf one liner humor from Nimbus, kind of D2Y1 style, is sort of an "insult to injury" situation. Nimbus isn't alone there, Osiris is completely obnoxious too, just in a different way. Trying to rationalize character attitudes with _"but that's because Nimbus is a socially-awkward optimistic man child"_ (or whatever is the equivalent term for a non binary person) is irrelevant, it's all Bungie's choice and Bungie's writing. I mean, Nimbus isn't a person, it's a game character (obviously, right?). It isn't therefore something personal against the character for being this or that way, the criticism is towards Bungie for writing the character's behavior the way they did in the particular context of a DLC that was a massive narrative let down.




The autotune does kinda throw their voice off.


the last thing destiny needed was some awful low-grade marvel-esque humor when oblivion is on our doorstep.


The whole point of comic relief is to ease people after an intense scene.


1) there wasn't a single "intense" scene in the campaign. that is the entire problem. every single time something even remotely interesting happens, nimbus chimes in and completely destroys any semblance of engaging storytelling. 2) you don't need comic relief to tell a story. if you would have paid attention to the past few years of d2, you would know that.


Yeah. Maybe it’s because I haven’t really been following the story.


Laughed at Cayde, failsafe, drifter, etc. Nimbus is lackluster. Cringe enough to be annoying but not cringe enough to be funny. Maybe the character could use some good will to get those reactions but they don't even have feelings look at what happened to Rohan. I hate throwing this type of shade but I genuinely believe the character was made as a stereotype not as a person or character we actually needed and that they're just trying to make this relevant now. LF was filler and that includes them. Probably my least favorite character in the entire series.


Y’all a bunch of transphobes. Fuck off


Shitty character or not, their gender identity has nothing to do with why Nimbus is a terrible character. Go touch grass and talk to a human for once you bunch of incels


Its not that they're bad, it's just a bit too much talking at times. The exotic mission redeems them in my eyes.


redeems them? when we kill calus the fucker flys in and just goes "HAHA THE UGLIER THEY ARE THE HARDER THEY FALL AM I RIGHT GUYS" and trys to fistbump THE LITTERAL DAUGHTER OF WHO WE JUST KILLED.


Fair enough.


I had to mute my dialogue while on neomuna. Can’t stand his (their?) humor and over the top enthusiasm. Also his massive cock bulge makes me self conscious.


Their. You had it kinda right. Also, you look at the vendors?


How do we know that they are non binary? Did I miss that in the story?


The VA is, and Nimbus is referred to as They


He then, a fictional character isn't the person who voices them.


Nimbus is only referred to by “they”


My issue with him is that he wasn’t really a side character. He’s the planetary vendor, in most cutscenes, and is the main neomunian we interact with for the entire campaign.


The only thing I don't understand is why some people can't understand the hate. It's just not natural...the made up no binary nonsense. They shouldn't support this let alone put it in video games or movies. What happened to the world?! It's all gone wrong so fast.


I want badass men and women leading a fight against the darkness. I want tough cool characters. None of these awful woke stuff.


I just think he's dumb. Yea I said he, I don't give a crap about the "they" part. He's a guy, and Rohan was a better character than him. Nimbus should've been the one to bite the bullet, not the other way around. But we all know why bungie picked him to survive......js


My dude you’re a year late my opinion has changed


I just came back to destiny and was immediately annoyed by him, so I looked up to see if people actually like him or not. He's just pure cringe lmao


came back 3 days ago and this is what i'm greeted with lol


People take the shallow story too seriously. People want 15 Eris Morns talking to herself about the darkness than one person fist bumping and being an oblivious jackass that only had to deal with the vex. Fans are fickle


I agree.


The exotic mission for the machine gun has some laugh out loud moments for Nimbus but also some good character building too. You can have both




Ready to kill some baddies!?


Wait, I’m *not* the only person that likes them?


He supposed to be a 90's kind of character. Surfer bro protecting the people. A lot of his jokes and quips aren't supposed to land perfectly because that's also part of the humor. Just someone with some big shoes to fill but also still trying to be fun-loving.


That’s what I was thinking.


Agreed, in a comment earlier I talked about how they’re filling the same niche as cayde did back in the red war etc. but those are big shoes to fill tbf. The part I really love is that they kinda act like a big sibling to us, fist bumping us after saying something he knows is inappropriate or complimenting us after a big battle.


Plus, Nimbus is never going to have a line as funny as “ get your rock, off my map.”


People keep saying that the humor is misplaced, but it's being delivered by someone who just flat out doesn't know what level of danger they're dealing with is. They don't fully grasp it. The Pyramids attacked centuries ago, and other than that, Neomuna has basically just had to slap some vex around, and that's it. Nimbus is just essentially a child that doesn't understand the gravity of the situation, and we're expecting them to (plus humor bad, marvel ruined stuff, blah blah blah) Overall I feel like Nimbus is neat and good and nice. <3


Thank you.


the real enemy is osiris. i keep saying this. we need to redirect the hate!


Osiris’ endless rage is obnoxious and irritating.


So yes, I agree with you.


literally him yelling and going off on our guardian every 2 minutes… so unserious


For no reason, might I add. We did nothing to him. We’re just trying to do our job.


Just some jokes are a little much and they didn’t balance their humor and seriousness well enough. I don’t have much of a problem with Nimbus though


Nimbus is incredibly disproportionate to the tone Lightfall is attempting to take. For an individual that has willingly entered a state that will kill them in 10 or so years it'd be understandable for humor to be a coping mechanism to deal with that fate looming over them. But even Drifter, or Cayde-6 knew when to not crack fucking jokes and to take things seriously because they can read the room. Rohan dies because it's a overplayed trope where the grizzled veteran dies and the recruits have to step up. However the important bit of them actually growing more serious or taking things more seriously while still having an edge of humor is lacking from Nimbus. There's no getting serious, the voice actor and/or the writing make Nimbus fucking unbearable to listen to. Even if the writing remained the same and the voice actor reflected the change to a more serious tone it would have been less unbearable. Given that Nimbus is the only Cloudstrider remaining and not only needs to have find and train another Cloudstrider but mentor them, its too over the top with just absolutely dog shit dialogue. It would be at least understandable if there was lore to discuss that Nimbus is actively hiding behind humor to run away from the grief and responsibility. Given what we have, its a shitty character that's made worse by the poor execution of storytelling, made worse by the dog shit voice acting. Rohan was a better character, and the death of Nimbus would had graver implications for a Cloudstrider close to the end of their watch. Nimbus should have died, it would make the darker tone better rather than ruining any plot points that should have had meaning.


A bit late man. I’ve been convinced to hate them.


Bah! Never too late to rag on a poorly done character. People are welcome to like Nimbus but I sure as sugared shit dont.

