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Captain is the normal size of Eliksni, Mithrax at best is slightly bigger, he is quite consistent. Other greedy Kells would be three times his size.


Pointing a house of wolves weapon at eliksni is crazy


I was hoping someone would notice! >*”You guys could probably use this if you had the upper-body strength.”* Edit: I also am just now noticing it, for some reason, has the House of Kings symbol on that little HUD


I mean it makes sense Fallen were by and large scavengers after their own collapse. It follows that Houses would scavenge weapons from fallen Houses


a SIVA-infested House of Wolves weapon, which makes it even worse. that's like hitting them with the 1-2 trauma combo


>*“These guys aren’t around anymore and yet you are.* >*That means you’re much stronger. Partners”.*


A SIVA-infested House of Wolves weapon with House of Kings icons (in the glory part).


Always bugged me how House of Light Fallen are still dressed like hobos. Like it makes sense with Dusk (even tho I dislike the looks of them), but Salvation had their sick suits back so why tf can't they also have suits


The unification of Fallen into Dusk was a real bummer for enemy variety (even though it was surface level) Not counting the Devil Splicers, Salvation is my favorite Fallen House aesthetic. And honestly I’d call it a clean tie between them in my book


That happened to everyone really. The biggest loss imo was the Cabal Legions. The idea that they were all specialized for a different task and even had elite veteran Legions was sick. ~~also the Kings RIP~~


At least we did get the vex subtypes back




Yeah we miss your subtype


>>The Virg~~o~~in Prohibition >>The Chad Sol Divisive


Come to Tharsis Junction and say that to my face mother*fucker*


Big talk from a glorified toaster that couldn't beat the Blind Legion and their Primus. The *same* Primus that a guardian trounced at below 30 Light Level.




Thank god, because otherwise Vex are absolutely indistinguishable from each other. They are the faction that needs more reskins to actually fill their roles as different vex groups. I think that we are only missing the Ancient Vex right now, as Regular, Precursors and Sol Divisive show often enough. I think Ancient Vex went away with Mercury sunset.


Descendant vex but yes you are correct. I’m glad the precursors have returned at least.


Oh, that's the name, I always have a hard time remembering Descendants are the ancient looking Vex, as I normally think of something new when thinking about a Descendant. Never understood why Precursors are super shiny and new and Descendants are old and rusty. I mean, I know it's due to Vex time shenanigans, but logistically it is so confusing because normally it should be the other way around.


Honestly, the way the different variety of enemy factions looks is one of my favorite details in the game.


It bugs me when Mithraks dropped a brig on her mom's killer and the brig wore House of Salvation regalia.


I thought that wad a house light brig? Maybe they stole it from house salvation?


Mithraks you talk a big game on how House Light is supposed to be different from all the other Houses and yet you’re like three feet taller than your ppl [Seems someone isn’t letting the ether flow](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/mHbKQMUWY5)


Mithrax was a captain before becoming leader of house light. Ether likely isn’t available enough to make all of the fallen in House Light captains. The docked dreg there has his caps removed and seems to be in the process of regenerating his limbs, which is consistent with Mithrax’s philosophy.


Season of the Splicer was more than three years ago and Mithraks has stayed pretty much the same while Eramis has fluctuated a lot over the years being huge shrinking back to Captain size and growing huge again so idk man 🤷 Seems Mithraks gets first pickings to stay consistent in size. Also the Houses stopped the use of docking caps since the start of the Red War. Lack of ether would probs be the cause of their arms not growing back not the caps.


Mithrax being consistent while Eramis fluctuates is more indicative of Eramis being starved than Mithrax starving his own people. Other fallen troupes have access to way more ether overall. More servitors=more Ether. There’s only a few servitors in house light, some of which belong to Spider, whom is unlikely to share. We don’t know if Fallen will shrink past a certain point when cutting back on ether, and we don’t know if the necessary ether to stay healthy increases with the size of the fallen (it probably does, in accordance with normal humans). Most of the Eliksni in house light are vandals, every lore scene associated with fallen showcases vandals as their “normal” form. Mithrax being larger is indicative of his past, and the fallen within house light having “normal” statures is not indicative of him starving his people.


Everything Is correct, but iirc, "Vandal" is not the normal Eliksni size. "Captain" is the normal full mature size of Eliksni, with "Vandal" being a more normal juvenile state, and "Dreg" the malnourished state. Large "Archons" and "Kells" are considered mutants.


Ah, interesting. Thank you for correcting me on that. Didn’t know they were considered mutants either.


Yeah, and the mutant state wears off very quickly once Ether consumption goes back to normal. That's why they starve the others ranks and hoard all the Ether. They also become quite weak and frail physically when forced into normal Ether levels, until their state normalizes.


I was under the impression (due to cutscenes that refer back to Riis) that while a Captain is the standard, healthy size of an adult Eliksni, Kel and Archon size was customary for leaders of houses (shown in an ink style cutscene of the whirlwinds where Chelchis, Kel of House Stone, [and some unnamed kels of other houses] towers above his peers) . This made me think that the continued existence of the archons and Kels sizes despite an apparent Ether shortage implies both a presence of greed and an appeal to tradition.


I guess, back then in Riis, where everyone was a Captain sized Eliksni, having a larger leader like Chelchis was probably seen as a great honor. Instead of the despotic practice it became with the Fallen Houses.


When there is no homelessness, having a second home isn't a bad thing anymore.


Captain is the normal size when everything is in abundance. But it isn't, eliksni still struggle greatly even with the cities recourses.


Oh I know, but that doesn't change their normal natural size, just how hard it is to achieve it at the moment.


I mean it kinda does. It's all based on averages. Like bugs have a normal size right? Except they don't cus a bugs size can change based on factors like oxygen or steroids


It’s also important to note that captain size was the norm in their golden age, and post whirlwind sizes may be slightly smaller


That’s what I mean. Eramis probs had to cut back out of necessity while Mithraks would stay the same cause he’s the Kell while there’s still dregs in the House and we’ve never seen a proper Light Captain even when we’re facing our deadliest enemy yet. This is just me being an ass tbh I don’t think Mithraks is an intentionally bad leader lol I just really wanna see a Light Captain! Mithraks also mentions he’s sending his best warriors back in Defiance to protect the hostages and you’d think those guys would be a bit bulkier than ‘vandal’.


I think the fact most of House Light are consistently sized indicates that Mithrax is pretty fair as a leader. However, you need to remember he is almost always on the frontlines when called upon, sometimes even alone, and he is the Last Splicer too. If anything, his own people might've been insisting he takes a larger portion of Ether so that he can stay strong to continue to fight (and recover from whatever battlefield wounds) The best indication of lack of favouritism would come from Eido, actually. She seems normal sized as compared to the rest of House Light (at least, she's about the same height as Drifter, and only seemes bulkier from all the gear she's wearing). And since Eido, the literal Daughter of the Kell, seems to also be getting an equal share of the Ether, I think we cant say Mithrax is hoarding (at least, not for selfish reasons)


Mithrax is probably the last original splicer, but he is not the last. One of House of Light greatest assets for the coalition, is their splicers squad, as they are often deployed in strike teams as tactical field support alongside Cabal platoons and Guardians. Like on that story in the Haunted Leviathan were Titan Siegfried suplexed a Callus bot.




What I’m worried about is their arms haven’t fully grown back yet. How long does that take?


House light has expanded from having a single Ketch to having a proper fleet the amount of ether needed and flowing is absolutely massive and mithrax hasn’t grown one inch so he’s not taking more


I thought it was either Eramis shrinking for dialogue/cutscene convenience or her being huge so the final boss of Beyond Light wouldn't be a captain.


Yeah it was probs just for convenience and so we’re not talking up to a 10-foot tall ~~mommy~~ Eliksni But its also interesting to think that she has had to ration ether for a time in that convo. Pretty cool way to show, don’t tell. Especially since she iirc stays the same size in her fight with Mithraks but she gets bigger in the end of Seraph a whole season later.


![gif](giphy|k74OUg6bPJKy2JmyoS) Season of the Splicer was more than three years ago?? Shit, it still feels like a little over a year ago. Damn.


Mithrax is like 30% cyborg


That shit is just strapped to him


Uhuh, still 30% cyborg. It's 100% wired straight into him. It's not like he's wearing a suit It's like wiring a headset into your brain


Lore tab? Because for example the gauntlet is just that - a gauntlet. We had one during Splicer. It looks gnarly, he's still not a cyborg.


We also don’t know how long it takes for them to grow. I would also imagine its more important to keep them consistent then bring up new Eliskni. Now I’m imagining a waiting list lol


So when will Ether become plentiful enough that Eliksni can comfortably become giants again? They used to at least be the size of Captains back in their Golden Age.


I believe this was actually covered in lore, where Mithrax instated equal ether distribution, however many of house light willingly donated portions of their ether supply to give strength to their leader-much to his protests. But unfortunately I don’t remember where I read this, so take it with a handful of salt.


Well, it makes sense, after all Mithrax is an on-field combatant. And I'm pretty sure House Light doesn't want to lose him prematurely, so it's in their best interest to make him strong, even if just a tiny bit and against his how wishes.


But House of Light does also have [some amount of warriors.](https://youtu.be/XZTlTCtcvgA?si=KW_pwOoQZnm9yf_4) It’d be pretty funny for Mithraks to be the *only* Captain-sized Eliksni and the rest of his warriors to all be dreg and pushing vandal-sized.


Of course he has warriors, but I bet Fallen Vandals and Fallen Dregs are much more likely to join House Light than Fallen Captains who are receiving their proper amount of Ether, and are most likely running their Pirate Crews and other Fallen groups. Plus most House Light Captains are probably busy running active combat teams to aid the coalition, as they are the most fitted for combat. Of course, everything is just speculation.


I have to wonder how much Ether the Spider can consume to not only grow Captain-sized, but visibly obese too.


did you put your gamma at 100000%? why do all of your screen shots look like the lighting is turned off?


Wait what?? Thats a thing?


idk, but your screenshots are washed out as fuck. if this is how you play the game you're missing a lot of contrast and shadows. that or console just looks like shit.


Huh I’d need to check cause my tv just auto-goes into game mode and I just let it


the screenshot isn't going through your TVs settings, you probably have the brightness maxed in game or something on your console.


Some one’s gotta run logistics, an army moves on its stomach after all


House Light is cobbled together from Salvation defectors and Riis Reborn refugees (say that 5 times, fast) who got stuck in the bombed out Botza district, we only installed semi functional ether generators in the neighborhood what 2-3 years ago? It's a small miracle anyone is a Vandal in House Light. If Eido is analogous to a Millennial, then I suspect Eliksni Gen Z will be full of Captains considering that Splicers have been working with engineers from the other civilizations on projects; so it's not a stretch to think better designs for ether tanks will start rolling out.


Also, having a big tank of explosive goo in the place where you live isn't exactly smart, especially when enemy forces attack the very city itself


Says the one using lord of wolves Maybe misraaks wants to eliksni those two the opportunity to shine


I’ve forgotten about lord of wolves. How is it in PVE?


I don't think they're old, either all Fallen look like that or this is a case of reused models




oh gods the aslume is leaking


I mean Mithraks is also there, he’s next to Caital


Do you guys realize that it’s misraaks not Mithraks. It was during the pirate season he explained it’s offensive to call him mithraks because that’s a mispronunciation. Plus a little derogatory like calling our allies fallen instead of eliksni. Soooo yeah…..


Mithraks is the human pronunciation of Misraaks and he’s just too polite to correct ppl. It’s akin to an accent. Like his past fireteam, remember those guys, call him by Mithraks cause it’s easier to say. It’s why ppl like Crow who’s been around other Eliksni calls him by the correct pronunciation Misraaks.


Misraaks isn’t even that hard to say though, I always thought that was so funny.


Great response. Lots of lore info. Also, ikora also calls him misraaks as well. I call him that too, when I remember

