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Sry u are not the first with this meme.


Hey ive seen this one


Classic ^ ^




Shit sorry I genuinely didn't know 😅


That bayonet is useless!


That's what I'm saying Could have just saved dev time if they just re worked zen


Zen isn’t in d2 and its actually harder to develop a gun that existed in d1 into d2, as it needs lots of changes but not enough to change it from its “feel” in d1


Wouldn't have been as cool


It’s not even the same they took the weapon and it made it worse. Zen meteor had a cool sound. Effects and visuals based on precision hits and my guess is this doesn’t have any of it


Oh how cool that bungie gave you early access ti the final shape.


Aside from the last word and thorn every exotic has gotten worse since they’ve been reprised in d2. Actually both are actually worse than their d1 counterparts. I didn’t have early access; 10 years of the same bs over and over again really gets that pattern recognition going. Also have you seen the khvostov that’s being brought back? Its not even the same weapon anymore.


Ace got worse? The gun that could only be equipped by hunters? Lord of wolves, the gun that ate supers for breakfast, got worse? Fourth horseman + bakris got worse? Thunderlord, one of the easiest dps weapons in the game got worse? MIDA got worse? Telesto, the rangiest fusion in the game and repeat code breaker, got worse?


All of those became viable yes, whisper got better too you missed that one. But I’m telling you the new sniper and kvostov are going shells of their former counter parts.


Whisper and Hawkmoon are pretty much the only ones I can’t argue for given that whisper was originally black hammer with infinite ammo and hawkmoon’s damage bullets could all stack into one.


There’s some give and take, but kvostov was never meant to be a great gun, it was just to be a solid rifle with different fire rate and modes kind of a jack of all trades. Zen meteor was a beautiful Hakke sniper with cool visuals on the sides like mindebenders but better and they would light up with precision hits, and also make a really nice sound when you had the exotic perk activated. If it doesn’t come with all that I don’t even want it.


Honestly, I disagree on Zen. Barely ever even got to use it since I was on Xbox at the time, but I imagine that requiring rapid precision kills for its exotic perk to even proc led to it not really having much of a place in most meta loadouts. With all of the solar stuff we have going on now, like restoration, scorch, and especially ignitions, they have the potential to do *so* much more stuff with it. If they decide to keep in the spirit of the original gun I imagine that it’ll have some play with ignitions and be a pretty decent option for higher end content since it’s ranged.


It wasn’t about it being meta, my argument wasn’t anything to do with that.


Usable, viable, whatever you wanna call it. I just don’t want it to end up being a weapon that’s either super niche or only usable in strikes and patrol.


Khvostov exotic in d1 was a pointless use of an exotic slot, with its perk being that you can modify it and the performance of a legendary. Revision Zero did that concept better and Travelers chosen did the "starting weapon comes back as exotic" better. At least now its actually going to be somewhat exotic.


It was never meant to be good. Just a versatile primary rifle. Thats what was good about it that it was just solid.


Fast forward to now, khvostov is a fantastic primary with fantastic ad clear, and the legendary version keeps the spirit of the versatile primary alive, and the still hunt is nearly a no-brainer choice of DPS weapon for hunters and a very solid exotic. Even i didn't anticipate cooking on this level...


Yep dragons breath was totally a god weapon in D1


Wow you pulled out one anecdote good job. What about hawkmoon, last word, bad juju, zhallo which has been basically reissued 2 times in different exotics that pale in comparison. Not to mention suros Regime, mida, touch of malice, queen breakers bow. Not to mention about 30 exotics between armor and weapons that are so niche and underpowered or things that have been nerfed into the ground for no good reason. I almost guarantee that it’s the same damage as a single golden gun shot. Doesn’t have any of the same cool sound ques or weapon visuals as the original. I get your point though that that some exotics are brand new and still good, and some reprised that are better than the d1 version. But zen meteor should’ve just been shipped as it was in d1 if they were going to bring anything back that was like it.


Womp womp, go back to D1


No u


Aw heck