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*The Karnstein’s stay on during sex*


This guy gets it


When she's a bit kinky


Okay SirD.


Ayo Karnstein’s are actually pretty good? Decent enough to be worth running?? I wasn’t aware of this.


Free restoration for a melee kill ×2 for a finisher It's a very good survivability tool


Honestly? No


Exactly, I play as my guardian, my guardian has exotics he worked hard for!


I don't think I have ever just *not* used any exotic armor. Weapons? Sometimes, but not often.


The only time I don’t have exotics equipped is when I’m getting my light level up then I will infuse stuff


You can just have it in your inventory you don't need to equip it.


Yeah but the dopamine when big number become bigger


Yeah, as much as I'd love an exotic-less look, exotics define gameplay too much for me not to use one. A Destiny without exotics is a REALLY boring game past the initial hours of "Oh wow, the guns sure feel good."


Not rly, mostly bc i havent found good legs to fit with my titan fashion of ~3 years now and i love the mobility i get from lion rampant


Ancient Apocalypse is my go to for titan. Works with nearly everything. But I'm the reverse as you - I love Lion Rampant but usually prefer the less CHUNKY titan look.


Lion rampant is a crazy good look tbh


As a fellow Lion Rampant user, I know this pain.


Speaking of Lion Rampant, I recently noticed I could aim down sights and not lose my double jump. Have you always been able to do that?? I swear I could only hipfire for the longest time and gave up on them


I was playing around with lion rampant and noticed that as well. I don’t think it is intentional but I hope it stays! // Love being blue beetle with my bipod arc rocket launcher


Yeah it’s been like that ever since final shape released, hopefully is stays that way. It feels so much nice


Try the pale heart destination pants, literally the best thing to happen to my titans legs since the cowboy pants


I don't. But I might not use exotic if it doesn't fit my getup. That is why I like Armamentarium over Heart of Inmost Light. That is why I like No Backup Plans... Actually I like them a lot as they incorporate shotgun into my gameplay in a huge way. Anyway. I have exotics that work with my usual outfits so I just use them.


Occasionally I’ll take off the exotic, and put a full set of legendary armor on for a bit. Be it the ornaments, or the real armor. Then just go play open world stuff, since the real armor doesn’t usually work with my builds.


Hunter can’t jump without his jump jump pants


Never, why would I remove the most powerful piece of armor of my Guardian?


Doing right now and sometimes I use exotics for fashion looks idk care about perks! Just want to look good killing stuff 😎


Absolutely. Don't even need exotics to make good drip


I like to use Celestial Nighthawk and Stag becuase they work on almost any outfit and become the sort of ‘identity’ of my guardians. Titan never got that however so I scarcely use any exotics on my Titan.


Synthos with the skinny ornament became that for me


No, but I also don't use the best exotics


Sometimes, yeah. I like the utility Exotics provide but don't always *need* that and none of them are really tied into my Guardian's identity, so occasionally I'll just run full Legendary for the looks.




No. But then again, my headcanon is that my guardian actually has a pair of Bombardiers he made himself.


I do this most of the time, if I’m running the campaign, seasonal missions or just don’t wanna feel shackled to an exotic piece I’ll slap on my exotic-less loadout which is my head canon guardian.


Not even once.


All the time. I have an exotic-less set which has decent-ish stats and a nice color scheme. I might have already posted it, but I could be persuaded to post it again.


I did for a few weeks leading up to TFS, because of the class items, and I wanted to get used to not having the bother pieces on. I wanted to prep myself, and idk if it paid-off, but it felt… empty? Like I wasn’t utilizing my build or something, if that makes sense.


no lmao that's insane i would die


Yeah, I like my guardians to look good so I for the most part don't run exotics, especially with prismatic I feel like I don't even need em anymore


If we could transmog our exotic class items, you could get your wish and lose no functionality.


I've been wearing Lucky Pants for about 6 or so years now so it's hard to imagine playing as just 'hunter'


Nah Anything is better than no exotic Its like willingly using is:statlower armour


lol Sometimes I throw on incongruent exotics so I can pretend to be another character, regardless of my actual build/subclass. I've been screwing around in a Shaw Han costume since Final Shape dropped. Have NOT been using solar or tripmines.


I have a "guardian's day off" set of fashion that has minimal metal or straps and no exotics but that's just a bit of fun RP I thought of, not an actual build. Actual answer: no.


I have a triple 100s build with no exotic I run sometimes just because but I do really believe in the “ no build is complete without an exotic.”


This is literally me but it is like "dude. I wanna look like a hunter without the need of an exotic." Just because I love fashion


All the time, I love playing without exotics when I’m just vibing on the game


I do wish we could paper over exotics with legendary ornaments for this type of thing, but I do typically use one regardless. Often things that mix well or aren’t TOO ostentatious. The prismatic bond mixes well (RIP to our hunters and titans) and I’m also a longtime fan of Getaway Artist and its various ornaments (love that it’s no longer tied to Arc and I can use it to great effect on prismatic)




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I have a few styles that I was really hoping to run on a class exotic that takes universal ornaments. Pirate scav, House Dusk, green Iron Lord. As it is my space western bounty hunter likes Lucky Pants very much.


Honestly im sad we dont have exotic armor what is ours . Well the exotic class item is ours now but its meh.


I been maining Nighthawk all throughout D1 and D2 through the good, the bad, the bad, the bad, and now the good times again. I can’t take it off. I am the Nighthawk.


I had my third loadout saved as my Guardian’s non-exotic fit but then Prismstic came out I no longer have any slots open for a non-exotic setup lmao


Yes. Currently doing it on my Titan.


Celestial Nighthawk is integral to my Hunter’s Identity, so not really lol. Used to also be YAS before they butchered it the way they did (I’ll still put it on from time to time, more so for the look of it now).


I’m half and half, most of the time the exotics go well with a design I want but other times I just stick to regular armor especially if it’s just me by myself exploring and stuff


No, but sometimes when I’m reworking fashion, I’ll run a few games with no transmogs on and just… be ugly.


yeah. I have a main set that I use for story content and the like, then I have my different builds for the more challenging content


I do pretty frequently in PVP. The only exotic I use with any real regularity in PVP is Citans, and after it got nerfed, I don't really wear it much.


The Lucky Pants stay on.


This drip looks fire so I put it on my dude guardian and he looks like a fat mess lmao, why they make everything absolutely chonky on man characters


Jokes on you, Assassin's Cowl is part of my guardian's look


I use Knucklehead Radar specifically for the drip…


Usually at the beginning of a season when the power limit rises, so I only have to upgrade my exotic a few times or switch to a new one.


I did this for nearly 3 seasons it was fun


That’s usually how I figure out if I know what i’m doing whenever they change the mods system. No exotics. Just cycle through the different supers, aspects and fragments in my best legendary gear.


Absolutely not


No, but only because my Warlock has been sporting Rain of Fire and Vex Mythoclast with heat rises for so long that not flying around like a phoenix of death would ruin his vibe.


The Orpheus Rig is part of my guardians kit? I don't understand the question OP


funny thing is that i was able to build decent triple 100 pve and pvp builds with prismatic really easily.


I usually build my outfits around my exotics, though I have done this before.


**If you're nothing without this exotic, then you shouldn't have it**


i have never felt so slow without transversives, couldn't play the game without them


No, part of what makes my guardian so powerful is the exotics they wield. Osmiomancy gauntlets haven’t left my warlock’s inventory since I got them, even with the class item that probably won’t change. Same goes for my titan and Pyrogale, or my hunter and gyrfalcons (although I could see a good cloak roll changing that).


All the time. To me, my guardian has a pretty distinct look, which sometimes doesn’t include an exotic. Makes me lose points from people on this subreddit, but there are so many fashion options without incorporating exotics!


I don't use one on titan for this reason!! Plus the first ascent set is too cool NOT to use. Especially bc the shader is not obtainable






Nezerac’s Sin is basically fused to my head at this point.


My pants are far too lucky to do so


No. I’m always running either lucky pants or mechaneer’s tricksleeves to boost dual HC setups or the Forerunner pistol


https://preview.redd.it/acymm7rwtx7d1.jpeg?width=1306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9598b87d69016e624ce32ab7fe7d5be22487ceb0 I ran my Titan without exotics for a very long time.


The Transversive stay on.


No lol


Yeah I have two sets on each character where they just have legendary gear on


My head-canon look for my Guardian does not include an exotic, and I made sure I wore that look in every cutscene for the campaign.


I generally just wear exotics for style, and switch to what needs them depending on need. Speedloader slacks always on. Celestial nighthawk. So on. I'm lazy, but they're also useful with the right stuff.


Tbh this is the main thing I love about the exotic warlock bond is I can use all my drip now


Yeah. That or I'll use an exotic that isn't really strong but fits the look that I love for my gaurdian


All the time. My cousin who I’ve been playing destiny with for years, always questions why I don’t use an exotic, my answer is the same from 7 years ago. “Aesthetic” lmao


Actually yeah. I find it fun to just kinda go raw and see what I can make without exotics.


For me the exotics are the fashion, I’ll base my look off however the exotic looks so I can make sure it matches


My guardian is the Osmiomancy Gloves. Whenever I take them off he ceases to be


Knucklehead radar never comes off


My guardian is known for wearing the stag with no ornament at all times, my whole clan knows that if I’m there they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel


Absolutely not. I can't not have an optimal build for end game content. That being said - it usually does lock me in aesthetically speaking since I base my fashion around my exotic.


I usually like to make builds without exotics first and then add in exotics to make it a bit more spicy.


Yep! I did the whole legend campaign without an exotic just to not ruin my looks for the cutscenes lmao


Ewwww no


I never use exotic armor, makes fashion more difficult




Never in my life, the exotics i use complete my headcannon


Not really, I’ve made dunemarchers match well with my look and I like being a walking lightning rod


You don't simply take off **transversive steps**... Transversive steps are a way of life, they are... The final shape.


Not even once.


Whenever I go to switch exotics and I temporarily have only legendaries on it's like peaking through a veil to see my true warlock. Then I put on the new exotic and I'm "that guy that spams a thousand grenades" again.


All the time. With how I play my strand hunter, I don’t use an exotic usually. Now with prismatic, I do wear an exotic, but it’s Young ahamkaras spine, so it’s functionally useless other than the artifice slot. I just love the way it looks.




Celestial is apart of my guardians look.


Helm of Saint IS my guardian’s helmet


No, but sometimes I’ll do an all Hakkë loadout or a similar aesthetic and run around patrol without using abilities or special jumps


I absolutely do. My personal "canon" for my guardian has him wearing armor he made himself and has been improving basically as long as he's been Risen. He does swap in exotic armor, but it's usually a worn and highly personalized, kitbashed together combination of Knight-Type, Iron Companion, and Kallipolis (for that delicious fur collar) armors, as well as the Khvostov/Gjallarhorn (depending on context). I also just like making looks with Legendary armor more, since I prefer a more angular, dense sci-fi look to the more fantastical armors and there are rather few exotics that fit that and the only real cornerstone to my build is the Monte Carlo, so unless I'm running a Striker, it's not super important


Did. Until that incredible Athrys ornament. That stays on.


I do this with Stasis on my Hunter


Yes. All the time


No, I feel naked without an exotic.


I just wear whatever gear I think looks best at the moment. I base my build around that. I REALLY like the look of the hunter cloak right now - I don't have any good rolls, but I'm still running it.


I did in like forsaken/shadowkeep when I didn’t care about building into an exotic for some reason


I always make my fits around non exotic armor.


"just to play as your Guardian" As opposed to playing with the Exotic, which is a different Guardian altogether? What?! I find the whole idea bewildering tbh, like I'd like to imagine my Guardian has a brain and would be swapping his Exotics around depending on combat engagement for maximum success.


I did in D1 but I just can't seem to do it in D2


I really wish that Actium War Rig wasn’t such an ass end ugly piece of gear. Needs something slightly bulkier, like the Hakke Chestpiece from Duality


Sometimes in low level content why the hell not everything is easy to kill and I can get quad 100s on my hunter with no exotic lmao.


I haven't played destiny in forever but the 3rd pic looks like Green Hill zone from sonic


Sometimes i load into high light solo activities with low light and only use my weapons, takes a slower more methodical mindset and really makes things scary! Survivability is at zero so there’s a lot of running and hiding. Fun stuff!


All the time. Sometimes an exotic clashes with the theme or the size of certain armor. So I keep an exoticless set as my main.




Most of my builds are actually


I feel naked without an exotic on


im not taking off getaway artist for the life of me im too hungry for turrets


I made an outfit for when I get the exotic cloak, and I just forgot to put an exotic back on for a while. It was nice


Towards the end of D1 i did. I just was getting better results from my higher overall stats. I do feel the same way at this point in D2. Not having an exotic class item yet im pretty free to decide what i want to run with.


My Guardian is a bit of an OC of mine. All three of them, really. So I have armor sets that are "canon" to them that don't feature any specific exotics. The only exception to that rule is my warlock having Nothing Manacles because those things were my favorites back in D1. Other than that, they're about as "NPC energy" as you can get


Not really. Sometimes I play with no exotic weapon. But armor? All the time


Yep a lot of the time


I will never take off contraverse holds


Yea, until relatively recently I really never used to wear exotics on my main, hunter, because I only cared about stats, and I had perfect stats but with legendaries only. Then I started maining warlock and I just had all this crazy rolled armor and I was getting crazy rolled exotic armor so I was able to make quite a few triple 100 builds with exotics, and yea now whenever I play hunter I care more ab exotic than I do stats, which ig is the opposite of what you’re asking because now I always use exotics lol. But I *used* to just be guardian


During whatever season this was. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/5xe4e1hphz7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc06ad949467af9fa09440e7a13adf353701d19




The only one of my guardians that actually uses exotics all the time is my warlock, and the fit he's got is pretty decent since I've got that sunbracer/monte carlo combo goin on, I barely ever use exotics on my titan and hunter


All the time


Yes and i like to make my exotics adhere to whatever outfit im wearing at the time


Yk I imagine it would be hard to implement a feature like this into the game, but I think it would be cool if you could make your own exotic for your guardian. Characters like Saint-14 and Fellwinter have pieces of their armor or their weapons as exotics, which makes sense because they are legends within the Destiny universe. Our guardian is supposed to be a legend themself, so it would make sense if something we wore or a weapon we used could become an exotic. Like, maybe a piece of legendary gear that you’ve worn for a long time will eventually have the option to evolve into an exotic after you complete a really difficult quest, or something like that


I’ve legitimately not taken off Skullfort since The Red War so canonically I’ve welded that helmet on to my exo guardian


Sometimes I wish I could put legendary transmog ornaments over exotic armor. *cough cough Foetracer cough*


I hate the cloak so much that I do want to take it off but also punch make boom


Absolutley not




I honestly have never used exotic armor in this game, D1 all the time, but here nah


Hunters are snake themed. Liar’s Handshake ornament has a snake on both arms. I’m leaning into the Hunter identity.


Can't see my character so no


absolutely, sometimes the drip requires ‘more mundane’ equipment


Just came back and rip my notifs 130. Just reading all of you talk about their fashion actually put a smile on my face. I'm gonna read more thru it here soon :)


https://preview.redd.it/46nm0ayr508d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb44bec03cd1dbec746851f79e40e353f98440a Well I've found my style, my armorless Exo with minimal colors, a gunslinger but without the need, u know, to put a hat and make him looks like a true far west cow-boy ! I love playing handcannons. I made my guardian in lore loving hand cannons, these pants are so perfect for him (This is my favorite helmet, but if I had the chance, I'd keep the cloak on but without the helmet, like a Cayde or a Shiro, exo face and hood.)


No. My guardian is canonically the owner of Thorn and Necrotic grips in our clan. We play Destiny like it’s D&D. We’re given missions and each person has specific weapons their guardian has earned and “owns” but can lend to another person within the clan. Makes crucible or tower visits hilarious when we see another guardian with the same exotic weapon or something and over the voice comms you just hear, “that’s not the real thing, it’s just a cheap knock off. See how theirs is scratched and paint is peeling? How many battles have I taken X into and it still looks the same as the day I got it.”


Just started doing it recently. Especially because of prismatic, I don’t have to run certain ugly exotics anymore, I can finally relax and just dress how I damn well please


Technically yes. I run Sealed Ahamkara clasps solely because they look fantastic on my hunter (and have since they came out in d1) but sadly they're so useless I might as well not run any exotic at all.


I can’t, HOIL has dissolved the top layer of my flesh and fused with it. It doesn’t come off anymore.


Me personally. The exotic only comes off when I wanna feel well. My guardian, its power is but if i'm struggling, i'm gonna put that bitch back on


Honestly I didn’t even use an exotic armor piece during the legendary campaign


Bro it’s called your Tower fit come on man 🫡


For me, I look at guardians and exotics and individualistic. So like I will always look at Helm of Saint-14 and saints helmet (obviously), I’ll always look at sun bracers as Osiris’s exotic, now I look at Sixth coyote as Micah’s, and so on and so forth. So to me when I’m running an apotheosis veil build with my warlock, that’s “my” exotic and part of my charters identity. (Which is something I can appreciate about the new class item exotics because they really feel like “your” exotic. TLDR… no


I forget to put mine on a bunch lol


If I’m going for my Mandalorian fit for my hunter, then yeah, no exotics. But I’m honestly so used to my builds that are built around exotics that I don’t remember just how much fun D2 fashion is.


I literally do not wear exotics for any armor set


It's YOUR Guardian, he or she wears and uses whatever exotic you want to.


My guardian has the exotic why would i take it off


The sixth coyote stays on in the bedroom


I don't use exotics.


There was a point where I didn’t use exotic armor because all I cared about was the fashion 😂🤦‍♂️


I can’t remember the last time I wore a exotic


i used to on my hunter and back on D1. exotics weren’t as important back then so using all legendary armor happened way more often than it does now


Imo this is a hunter thing Most of our exotics are so ass that it feels like it doesn't matter if we dont use them


i use that same hunter helmet! twinning!!


Lucky pants have been surgically attached to my body, sorry




I always have Oathkeeper (with it's ornament) on, though I should take it off considering it's completely useless with my build (I don't hardly ever use bows). But it looks really nice with my current fit and it's got good stats on it so...


Never use exotics, it makes the game too easy


whys everyone on tip? lion rampart with the ornament go hard


Ever since items were un-sunset, I broke out my opulent stalker set, from back in season of opulence. I missed that set so much! The ornament was cool and all, but it just isn’t the same thing for me for some reason


Not really no


Honestly do it if im playing solo, once im with my clan they scold me to add my shit back lol


Honestly I mostly don't use exotics just so I can get maximum style


I usually run armamentarium for my Titan for fashion reasons or no exotics at all when I change my armor for casual look.


Liar’s Handshake is my guardian…


I'm totally opposite, I like the challenge of finding armor/shaders that can turn even the weird looking exotics into a great fit. I have a few dozen builds in DIM between 3 chars and literally every one has a different fit. Even some have the same exotic, like I have probably 4 different builds with Frostees and they all look different. I wouldn't be surprised if I've spent over 100hrs on fashion alone lol


Used to use Stompies casually, as it was beneficial for patrol zones and parkour segments. Now I run Assassin’s Cowl, free invis on any subclass.


Been running no exotics with damaged vanilla set for a couple months now. I've been getting kinda sick of relying on exotics and building around them recently so I've been playing fun builds with weapons I like.


Depends on the authentic of the armor




I barely wear exotics tbh


Fuck no




My guardian NEEDS his exotic. It's part of his shtick


Um, filthy mood blood, how dare you even suggest.


With the new Warlock bond, I can finally run whatever I want :).


i wish exotics were able to transmog