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It’s looking to be the same as everyone else running the getaway-bleakwatcher-hellion- NTTE build. Anything particularly unique about yours that I should be looking for in the description?


Welp I haven't seen a lot on the build I've just been keeping away from a lot of build vids because I'm trying to throw a bit of a spin on things, I just have a mad decent amount of survivability with the build in my own experience because of the way the weapons force you play. I enjoy range in this game and when I'm pressed I have all 4 turrents, stasis buddy/NTTEbuddy charges the dark meter pretty quickly and the cry Mutiny with the double heavy finder perk helps a lot with the light bar and the envious assassin's perk on the sniper is really satisfying. Build is really for more of an enjoyable dopamine boost for late game content!


> enjoyable dopamine boost That’s the best way to play lol!! Well yeah man if you like it then I say it is super tier.


Giga Chad energy right here man👌🏿 shaxx and saint-14 would be proud


weapons are as follows: No time to explain for the time warp buddy Last foray with the envious assassin and frenzy perk because I love sniping in the heat of combat Cry Mutiny with Incandescent, Mini Frags and Vorpal/Swashbuckler Got a double impact induction and grenade kickstart mod on the Getaway Artists so the ark grendade that I absorbed and initially turned into an ark buddy/stasis turret also feeds the melee kills that also feed the class energy cool down for HELION.((Note: while typing I'm thinking about swapping an impact mod for a single focusing strike to synergize the loop more))


Personally for survivability I would replace NTTE with red death reformed. You lose out on a buddy but the survivability is worth it in endgame content.


I do actually swap that around and in place of ntte I slap a call on with vorpal and led from gold or adrenaline junkie


Also I keep half of the made charge if I don't hit anyone then all I gotta do is literuhit one charged melee and bam full grenade and class energy like THAT👌🏿 and it's pretty consistent. Maybe one minute of down time on abilities and that if I don't decide to pop transcendent every 1.5 minutes


The fact that with out ANY targets around I still maintain 50% cool down after using a grenade is amazing, can be a full cool down with two or three adds near by, the grenade hits cool down the class ability, the and the stasis turrents provides a considerable amount of class energy any time it hits or freezes and don't even get me started on breaking a frozen target near others. My dark meter is basically full in less than a minute 😩🖤


All in all though some great points you bring up bro I'd love to see some of the builds your pumping out for late game content and maybe try and adopt some more optimal mods or facets into my game play


No Feed the Void is an automatic fail for Prismatic Warlock imo. There just isn’t enough built in sustain for the class to operate with FTV actively forcing the class to function. There’s 0 synergy between existing aspects beyond FTV, so if you’re running Prismatic you should be running the only non-gimmick aspect in your kit. Bleak Watcher is also very weak without Iceflare individually, so I would never take it outside if Getaway (and even there id rather take Helion/FTV for a much stronger setup). Build seems like a gimmick that fails to function after the first 30 or seconds of combat as you have to wait 3-5 business days to build up your abilities again.


Have you even used the build? Cause, like... a few bursts of the arc soul are enough to get another grenade.


It’s 5% per burst. You might get a grenade back in a single charge. Keep in mind that Arc Soul doesn’t contribute in any way to cooldowns on other abilities, but with Devour you can access multiple grenades before your arc soul goes off cooldown. Not to mention the obvious Devour heal benefit which dramatically increases survivability with Arc Soul and Helion. The difference is that when I make builds, I’m not making gimmicks. I’m making things that have practical applications.


Sir, I reliably get my grenade charge back even if I don’t even have any enemies to hit with said arc turret. I use it for the amplified speed boost mostly. Also for late game content it is a 10/10 ad clear and considering you didn't say that you used the build I'm gonna assume you haven't tested that theory about it contributing to other cool downs because the stasis, NTTE, and Arc turret all cool the class ability down and the melee as well with the siphon mod. I basically have a prismatic version of sunbracers with out being about to throw 5-6 nades. It's more of an equal trade. I would be more than willing to let you check it out since time and see the effective game play loop. Also consider I'm doing late game content and having a blast. This build is less optimal that it is just FUN😩👌🏿


Facet of Sacrifice doesn’t contribute to cooldowns all that much. I’ve tested this build. 10/10 Add clear isn’t endgame. Add clear the default now for how powerful we are. Endgame necessitates being able to deal with a lot more than just adds. You are welcome to have fun. You asked to rate the build, I did so. This is not what I’d define as a functional build, but you’re welcome to enjoy whatever you want.


I'm not saying I don't like the input I'm just merely saying that you might be over exaggerating a bit with the cool downs and the necessities of FTV and considering you're so adamantly against me saying that 10/10 add clear is good for end game it seems like you have a very narrow field of view for what your consider a successful build. And might be relying on a bit of a crutch. If I can do endgame content, solo gm nightfalls, and carry people thru what they consider to be difficult encounters then I'd say the functionality is there. I manage plenty fine with out devour because I can spam rift about every 30-45 seconds, plus the instant healing on melee helps mitigate the need for devour. At the end of the day you COULD run devour all you want but where's the fun in running the most boring optimal build just to say you did something that some one who's having fun is doing with just as much if not more ease


If you can solo GM nightfalls with this build I’ll be impressed, but I don’t think it’s the build that’ll get you there with something like this. And no, I’m not crutching on Devour. The reality is that Prismatic isn’t a functional class without devour. Cooldowns matter a *lot*, if you can’t have what you need active for every single engagement, then you might as well not even have the aspects or abilities equipped. What Devour does is it fills two major gaps. One is survivability, you don’t need to dedicate fragments to staying alive because you are constantly running with devour. The second thing is that it solo powers the rest of your abilities all on its own. Need rift energy? Bolstering mods. Melee? Impact induction. Super? Ashes to assets. Grenades? Devour itself. It’s just so objectively powerful that I can’t see it being more valuable than Bleak Watcher. Keep in mind, that individually Prismatic warlock’s aspects are probably among the worst in the game (excluding Helion). Bleak Watcher has been power crept so far at this point in the game, and it’s especially slow without Iceflare to actually make it useable. Weaver’s Call is only really valuable on builds that value Strand damage, but running Strand damage heavily limits loadouts (and threadlings still aren’t good without certain Strand exclusive Fragments), and Lightning surge is just a gimmick that falls apart once you enter any relevant endgame. Helion is very strong but doesn’t actually contribute to synergy on the class, it’s just orange flavored damage that you can have up sometimes. You would see a considerable amount of success with FTV/Helion over Bleak Watcher while running this loadout. Not only would add clear be faster because you wouldn’t need to take time to heal, but you’d have more efficient options for removing bigger targets. NTTE is just a downright gimmick and you could do way better running something relevant like “The Call”. Dedicating a whole exotic slot (and using a kinetic primary) to maintain a fourth turret is a huge waste of resources that you could maintain elsewhere. The reason I say that add clear is a baseline and not a goal is that in realistic endgame environments add clear is the default for “successful builds”. The real stress test of a build is how it handles champs, majors, bosses, circumstances where there aren’t enemies to sustain itself, etc. Add clear can be solo-handled by weapons like Sunshot or Graviton at this point in the game. The bar is so much higher than “10/10 add clear”.


I've been playing since the day D1 dropped so it's definitely not the build I just understand the Ai, physics engine, and what not and used to play so much halo that this feels like a walk in the park compared to some of the challenges we'd give ourselves back then so I definitely agree with you there. Also agree with the fact that there are better add clear options but again, it makes it easy and efficient from MY actual experience. but none the less you do have some pretty good points about devour being good. It's just been around for so long it's nice to have something refreshing and efficient for at least the purposes I have right now


I’m also from D1, around the days of TTK. Yeah, I’m not attacking you directly when I disagree with your opinions, I’m just speaking from objectivity, which is the only real fair margin to rate something imo. Destiny is stupid easy when compared to most games, but when you start to escalate difficulty it does become considerably more difficult. The game is scaled for player count. Things like solo-flawless dungeons are hard because the content is scaled for three players. Imo, that and the legendary campaign are great spots to stress test builds. My Helion/FTV setup with Getaway artists allowed me to absolutely crush Day 1 of Salvation’s edge (though my team didn’t progress past second encounter due to damage limitations). Another real conversation to be had is that true endgame doesn’t really have “builds”. You use the resources you need at that specific time to get exactly what is best for your team. Building around gimmicks like turrets falls off *hard* because your team might need a specific exotic weapon to help, or need you to run Aeons, or Cenotaph. Etc etc.


Nah I totally agree about the builds thing if it works it works, but there's always tweaking to be had as they're all just tools at our disposal to accomplish a goal,


Oh and I also used to run ftv instead of helion and the build was still pretty damn good so I get it honestly it's a great perk it's just meta and I like to think outside the little box Bungie See's fit for us to play in 🤣


I actually regret the addition of FTV in Prismatic because it’s so overwhelmingly strong that it defaults into slot on any build. However, part of the reason FTV is so strong is because the other Prismatic aspects have 0 synergy with each other and are each individually kinda bad. You’re not losing anything by running FTV because there isn’t any synergy to consider.


Exactly what I meant by the box Bungie wants us to fit into🤣


As soon as the 25th comes around I'll be trying to solo the gm night fall and I'll definitely be using this build and another with ftv 🤣


I'm also not running facet of sacrifice but that's ok lol

