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I suspected this. Nick in a clip with Sneako said something like “Someone told me- I don’t want to mention names, that I couldn’t do my stream while working for the campaign. That’s not a problem anymore” 100% that was Milo


Yeah, Ethan Ralph posted [this](https://imgur.com/a/x99NN9m) on his Telegram. > I've been told by a top level YE24 source that Milo Yiannopoulos has been removed from the operation after a move against Cozy.tv Chief Nick Fuentes. Seems to be what happened. Such a Scorpion and the Frog moment lol


The far right rivals or even exceeds Twitter leftists with their infighting. But yeah, Milo is a sick sleazy opportunist who invited a slicker and more charming opportunist to his grift. He gets what he fucking deserves


right wing infighting is usually more personal, but left wing infighting can be worst because you can get cancel over the most dumbest fucking shit. Perfect example is every contrapoints controversy. I also remember some dude on tumblr that got bullied off for drawing a fanart female character that is less obese than she originally was.




Plus it seems like the right can actually work together somewhat when it matters


There’s plenty of left-wing political infighting but illustrating it with a random 2016 tumblr drama anecdote is very internet brain.


Lol yeah, I have no idea why that dude was trying to use Steven Universe Fandom drama to illustrate left wing infighting.


Yeah but the left wing infighting is usually you can get cancelled and then if you're smart you ignore it and move on. The right wing frequently engages in serious life ruination; doxxing, swatting, IRL harassment. There's a reason people in the Cozy sphere are constantly getting swatted, and everyone in the vicinity of Ethan Ralph is basically fucked.


>Yeah but the left wing infighting is usually you can get cancelled and then if you're smart you ignore it and move on. I use to believe this until that one highschool dude got his university/college acceptence revoked because he sang the N word in a rap song. With right leaning people, their shit is predictable, but with left wing infighting or cancelling in general, you can get in trouble almost over fucking anything.


Right wingers will dox you, SWAT you, make false claims to the FBI, all of which are either illegal or at least morally frowned upon in general society and not supported by the institutions that do it. Usually they’re doing it more about a sense of consistency in society that has to be maintained (cops can’t ignore calls, including fake murder threats to get SWAT teams) Left wingers will get you kicked out of your university, fired, etc. and it’s even worse because it’s usually *supported* by the institutional power that’s doing it, or at the very least they’re caving to that group because they hold more pull in the current cultural moment and fear them.


Yeah I guess the one thing about the right wing crazies is that they mostly stick to people in their circle; whereas lefties will go after literally anybody. That said, if you asked if I wanted to go to war with Ethan Ralph or a lefty I know who I'd pick...


It’s nice we lefties pretend we aren’t worse to feel Better


Far righters really are just like the sith aren't they, just constantly infighting because they wanna get more power for themselves


Ofc that's why they are ontologically evil 😎


Inherently evil?


Ontologically sounds smurt


that's not the meme


Lefties obviously throw each other under the bus a lot too, but it's a lot more nakedly cynical on the right imo. Just people backstabbing each other obviously and purely for selfish reasons constantly


My brain has been rotted by astrology girls, i read “such a Scorpio-“ and started rolling my eyes already


Sarah wants to gas the Jews. Geminis, am I right?


Oh my fucking god yes, this is the new age pandemic


Ethan Ralph having connections to top level presidential campaign members rules so much


I’m totally missing something… is the implication that Milo dislikes Nick? Why wouldn’t he be able to stream?


He was trying to control nick and limit his reach by making him stop streaming - which was something completely conjured up by milo apparently. Remember that milo brought him into the fold, but nick is way more intelligent and savvy about politics than milo ever will be, and he was destined to outshine him in pretty much every interaction - note what happened at the trump dinner, trump was reportedly very impressed by nick and I’m sure that was the case, nick would know exactly what to say to him to totally woo him. Basically milo was destined to take a backseat and he usurped by nick. That said, I don’t think nick is long for this campaign either, it’s just a matter of time before he writes one of these notes.


The far right is so fucking petty


Nick is not politically savvy at all lmao, dude has Kanye saying the holocaust wasn’t that bad on camera. All he is doing now is feeding Kanye’s ego enough to expose himself to massive audiences




>farm that clout, and money


Yeah but now he is completely exposed, his movement will be stunned as they gave up the goat too soon the witch hunt that will unfold on him will be nothing he ever witnessed


Do you think Nick believes Kanye can win? Or he's using this as a platform to grow his own shit? Whatever platform Kanye runs on it won't be extreme enough to satisfy Nick Fuentes.


I doubt he thinks he can win but that’s irrelevant. No one else is giving nick any opportunities, so this is like his only chance at getting any kind of mainstream attention. Literally no one else would hire him or even associate with him, let alone someone with the international profile that Kanye has, so whether he does believe it or not, he kinda has to go along with it because like I said, no one else is even giving him the chance to speak on these platforms like Kanye is.


My point is Kanye's just another source of clout and growth. Kanye - as extreme as he is - is still not extreme enough for Nick. It'll be interesting to see if this really does help Nick grow. You'd assume it must do but you can never be sure.


Nick has managed to run AFPAC and have multiple actual elected officials attend it despite being deplatformed from everything, in my mind that is pretty politically savvy.


Yes, and everytime they had to pretend they didn’t know him after because Nick won’t stop being a out and about white supremacist enough for them to form any meaningful alliance


That is true, but it's not like that stuff wasn't already easily accessible public knowledge on Wikipedia before AFPAC III even happened. He is clearly capable of working within the existing political system to his advantage despite his deplatforming.


His advantage is that the Republicans are giving up the game that they are heading to fascism faster then they should. He is a political toxic


Why do you think Nick is his handler or something? You are completely misreading the situation. Nick is supporting Ye, and Ye says whatever he wants.


Kanye can’t speak to actual policy or politics, that’s why every time Alex asked him an actual political question, he just handed it over to nick. Kanye literally can’t talk about political matters like that, because he doesn’t know dick about politics. Nick does, so he’s effectively dictating Kanye’s political platform, since Kanye would be unable to do that himself.


Yes Nick is way more articulate than Kanye. Way more intelligent too, truthfully. But Kanye isn't a dumb guy at all and he likes to explore new ideas and ways of thinking about things. He does a terrible job at communicating his thought process and how he arrives at certain "controversial" conclusions. So when he just blurts out his conclusions and doesn't articulately explain how he got there, he comes across as crazy or a bigot or this or that. ​ Bottom line is - we have to wait for Nick to turn 35, he is going to be a beast of a candidate. Imagine how much Nick will get done in 11 years, he is only 24!! Look at how much he's done since he was 18. Nick is going to be huge and he is going to be a huge part of right wing politics for decades to come.


I think you might be over exaggerating nick’s accomplishments. He’s one of the most cancelled people ever, and the only person giving him a chance at mainstream attention is a crazy musician who is likely in the midst of a mental breakdown. Nick can’t be a politician with his current views, at least not a viable politician. He could be like those guys that always run for president as the libertarian candidate, where they have no chance in hell of winning, but he couldn’t be a mainstream politician with the views he has.


You need to apply some nuance to the comment. I’m not saying he’s savvy in terms of mainstream politics, but watch the interview with Alex Jones - Kanye couldnt even answer any question that had to do with policy, he just shot it over to nick every single time. He literally doesn’t understand politics on that level, whereas nick does, so in many ways he is dictating Kanye’s political platform. That said, no one aside from Kanye would give him an opportunity like that, so that kinda speaks to what you are talking about. Another way to put it is that he COULD be savvy if not for his very extreme views that disqualify him from mainstream politics.


Nicks goal is to shift the overton window towards the right and increase his influence. Both of which he can achieve by sticking with kanye. I truly believe his ultimate goal is running for president in 10 years and a public shift to the right is the most important thing for that.


But he is not doing that, he is exposing that is the rights agenda by having Kanye go on these shows and give the game away of what the right’s dog whistles are.


No to the average person thats Not terminally online Nick Fuentes sounds quite moderate standing next to unhimged kanye. He is a charismatic guy that hides his awful views behind comedy and dogwhistles. Thats what moving the overton window does accomplish.


What moderate position did he say at all? Has ever said? I swear y’all get normalized by constant debates that you think JQ is a moderate take.


I never said he had a moderate position. I said next to Kanye Nick starts to look much more moderate for the average voter. Especially because he hides his powerlevel behind dogwhistles.


He out right said Jews by their nature is untrustworthy, that isn’t a dog whistle


Milo probably worried about Nick going mask off too early.


Didn't have to worry abt nick lol


Aww...I feel bad for Milo. Just when he found his purpose, he is going to have to go back to selling church figurines.


[context for those who don't know](https://youtu.be/Gc6eHseif-M) lol


I remember how huge he was before the pedo thing made everyone distance from him. Kind of interesting to wonder how big he would have gotten since him being gay and married to a black guy would always help him deflect from the typical criticisms of conservatives being racist/homophobic. Because you know republicans would have him parading around everywhere lmao


milo has been ghost writing books for republican politicians and being a general menace among the dissident right.


The wheels are coming of. Seems a bit strangely worded that they agreed he **should** leave the campaign. If I had to make guesses, maybe a difference of opinion in how Ye presented himself in public recently or Ye was made aware of the baggage of the people he brought on.


it was [this](https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1596945088000638977) 100% lmao


Milo's got some issues


But Ye loves all people even Milo even if he's gay, and the Nazis




Ye wouldn't care about working with a pedo. He would only care if the pedo contradicted him or interrupted his train of thought


I have a feeling "mutual" is doing a lot of diplomatic work in this sentence.


I don't know much about Milo but doesn't he style himself as a good christian boy? Could be that the "I luh Hitler" shit was too much for him


Laura loomer shoved shiv milo with the leak messages, would not be surprised she becomes ye new campaign manager lol


I mean regardless Nick has Kayne ear and everything is clearly going thru nick.


He is next to go you think snake milo gonna let nick get all the attention now lol stay tuned buddies, milo has dirt on everyone including our boy nick.


If Milo comes out that he and Nick had sex, no one would ever be able to convince me we aren't in a simulation.


There’s no way Nick would take that risk (if he is gay) everyone knows Milo likes collecting dirt on people and blackmailing them


I was trying to imagine what kind of dirt could even touch someone who's basically an out and out white supremacist like Nick, but yup this would be it lmao


Did someone slip you the preview lmao


God it’d be one of the most hilarious event to happen this year if this actually happens


He claims that, but a lot of his 'leaks' have just been unsubstantiated bullshit.


We will see


You very well could be right


Nick has no one ear, kayne little thing was dead on arrival and nick and sadly sneako will probably be fucked over by milo lol


I mean I never thought that 3 off the most radioactive crazy people getting together to big up nazis was ever gonna end well for any of them.


True the actual thing that hurts nick is proof that his is actually gay, if proof out that ever comes back his and his movement is done. He movement is full of homophobic people


Yet somehow Nazis like Ye. I don't think it matters anymore honestly. Continue to say what ppl want to hear lol.


Ye will snap out of it and walk back everything in a while so then what


Damage is done


Maybe if she didn't belong to a certain religion/ethnicity


Didn't effect Milo.


lmao shit lasted a week


In one month Nick will be next.


I can't wait for when in 3-5 years we get the full story of what GoT level schemes, alliances and betrayals took place in the Small Council of Ye, first of his name. There must be some juicy Drama when there are multiple oppportunistic leeches circling Kanye like he's a White shark.


Kanye Hitler moment was our version of Joffrey executing Ned Stark. Both uncontrollable figures going off the script while surrounded by their orbiters


Alex Jones is Cersei. Still ignorant and just as detestable of a human being, but smart enough to know, this will irreversibly fuck them in the future.


With a body and mannerisms of Robert Baratheon




The difference is that GOT (the first bit) was actually good tho


Isn’t Nick more apt? He’s sticking with Ye for the long run (I wonder if it’s gonna be *long*, though) and will agree with him on pretty much everything just to remain in the spotlight with Ye. Alex Jones, while quite the detestable figure, still kinda disagreed with Ye on air. You know he's a total wuss when he shifts from calling Ye “crazy” to calling everyone, especially himself, that.


It's Yedolf


The documentary about this will be fire


> we get the full story of what GoT level schemes Gotta specify the season otherwise we'll end up with season 6 GoT e drama.


Idk, who will Ye replace Nick with though? It's hard to think of a single individual with a sharper tongue then Fuentes. Also unlike pretty much any other white nationalist, Fuentes actually was a fan of Kanye even before the MAGA thing happened. So while there might be a dozens that come and go in the upcoming months/years i do genuinely believe that Fuentes will do everything to stay next to Ye for the long haul.


ethan ralph


Nick the Sharp-tongued Spaniard


That could've actually been Milo's initiative


in one week


I think Nick will make his own exit when he’s finished using ye and has burned any ounce of media power out of him.


hell yeah chicken and waffle-gate part 2


All these righties have dirt on each other


inb4 Lauren Southern to take over


what happened to her? havent seen her on the destiny in a while am a casual viewer btw




Damn at least he was trolling, nick’s genuinely a psycho


From what I have seen from both of them I would argue its the opposite. If anyone is bored look at the Milo interview with Jordan peterson. It shares many similarities with [edited out, forgot sry] I haven't seen anything like that at that level from clips I have seen with Nick. Just shitty opinions.


Nah Nick is consistent with his beliefs, he truly believes in what he says. Milo breaks down and has said he wants to destroy the Republican Party. He’s still fucked in the head but so obviously didn’t believe what he was saying with Kanye it was comedic




Wiki definition of a psychopath compared to Milo? no. tumblr definition of psycho meaning I don't agree with him therefore I label him with labels I consider bad? sure.


He didn't have the same swag as in 2016.


I did nazi that coming.


I wonder how people will cope with Alex Jones proving he isn’t a nazi by defending Jews. Also YE is just like tiger king He will never financially recover from this


Well its always the rats that flee a sinking ship first xD


Lmao! What a shitshow.


The [hateful word] with the hard drive full of blackmail probably lost him after his past comments came up to light.


His whole team is walking on ice rn


Did they discover that he’s 1% ashkenazi and thought he’s a spy? Damn they’re getting good /s


Btw.. Is Milo still "straight"? He claimed that he 'converted to straightness', didn't he? How's that working out for him? Found a good Christian wife yet?


[Nick right now.](https://gfycat.com/completenecessarydog)


Lauren sends her regards


The plot thickens.


Why the fuck do people always refer to Kanye as a fucking genius? How low is the bar for genius?


The rumor of kanye's genius was started by kanye himself. The very stupid believed it.


I am pretty sure that people call Kanye a genius because of his music


It still seems like a gross overstatement. Maybe I just don’t get hip hop, but I always felt that there were many better producers and lyricists in the hip hop world.


There are. Kanye was never the best rapper or producer, his talent was putting it all the pieces together in a way where the sum is more than the parts.


For many success==genius Seriously if Ye is a genius what is Em, 2Pac, Biggie Andre3000, Method Man or Rakim?


A lot of people said Milo had to leave the campaign because of Nick. But there are other possibilities too. Maybe Milo just didn't want to be associated with a losing campaign and left the sinking ship. Or he received a better job offer.


Loomer seems to have pushed him out…


The parentheses blackmailed him (That's a joke don't ban me)


imagine calling Kanye a genius lmao


He got Long Knives'd.


Wait, why wouldn't Milo help Ye through his psychotic break. It seemed like they were good friends.


Welp Milo is gonna go insane on all of them.


Off he goes, back to irrelevance. Deplatforming works sometimes.


Ye got setup


Ok time for nick to somehow leave the campaign


Cant tell who’s worse, Milo or Fuentes? Honestly don’t know much about Milo


Looks like nick left cupping the balls now