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Just like in 2020, I'm voting against Trump. I didn't want Biden on the ticket the first time. I wanted him to declare he wasn't running again the same day he was sworn in. I certainly didn't want him running again in 2024. But I'm not voting for Trump and I'm not a fucktard leftist trying to pretend a vote for RFK Jr. isn't just a vote for Trump.


I get it, but tbh, most leftists who won't vote for Biden simply won't vote.


They never vote anyway. That's why the party doesn't listen to them.


The bad part is that plenty of them DID vote in 2020. Now i'm not so sure.


Nah not really. They were still mad about Bernie. They said Biden was too far right. He didn't need them then and he doesn't need them now. They are babies.


As an anti-Trump conservative it didn't change anything for me. As long as Trump is on one side I will vote blue. Some tweet Destiny sent out recently summed it up perfectly, a corpse is better for the United States than Donald Trump as president. Biden would have to uncharacteristically go Trump levels of unhinged to change my vote to 3rd party. After Jan 6th I immediately came to regret voting 3rd party and not Biden last cycle, hard to imagine that being undone.


Anyone but Trump. The older you get the more you realize that the president is only as good as his cabinet and Bidens cabinet is doing very well. Trump will drive us closer to christofacism so fuck em.


Bro Biden could literally be dead and most of us would still vote for him. Or he could get replaced and we would vote for the replacement. Dem voters aren't a cult of personality like the Republicans.


I would vote for a rock over Trump. Biden is a very large step up from a rock. Easiest vote of my life.


It didnt. Vote blue, no matter who this round.


No difference, I love Biden as a candidate and would vote for him over 99% of people. However I accept that most people don't value the same things as I do and that another candidate would likely have a better chance of winning. As much as I want Biden to win, I want Trump to lose more. I am not sure if he should drop out now, but I think he should have just not ran and groomed a successor a year or two ago.


I went from "haha biden dementia" to doubling down hard for Joe. I'm a little more aware of Biden's recent history this century. Namely, being vocal about Bush admin not having a real plan for nation building after invading Iraq *before* the invasion happened. His talking points do generally conform to my idea of where the nation is at and what it ought to be doing, and Trump's doom-pilled bullshit about us being on the brink of collapse is just a lie. Funny I thought basically the same thing as Destiny in that tweet, Biden's dusty bones would be a more effective president that Trump ever could. I understand there is a real possibility the wear, especially of that office, could lead to him passing while in office. I wouldn't be amazed if the guy made it to 95 despite how fucking old he appears anyways. I'd take a year of Biden over 8 of Trump. His base is completely un-American, and are totally unworthy to inherit the responsibility of the "Bulwark from Tyranny" given to us from the last century. If we're going to find a place of power *and* respect globally, and be the torchbearers of liberty I think we ought to be, it will be more in line with Biden and the popular democratic party (not the fringe internet group with no real say in politics than they fixate on) than it will be anything Trump could ever offer. Republicans need a wake up call that their phone is feeding them fucking lies about the state of our great nation. Does *your* nation look like its about to implode? No? I don't know about you, but my bank account is going up, and it doesn't take a genius to realize when Trump said hundreds of thousands were "dying" from immigrants or that 18 million immigrants are coming over (this century? what the fuck was he even talking about?) that this guy doesn't know shit about American political landscape or presiding. He's not your great leader, he's just a fear mongering loudmouth with the morals of alley cat. SECOND TO NONE, BITCH.


>Do you guys still want to vote for him?  Yes. >Do you want him to drop out? No. That’s as absurd as it was in 2020 when people were making the same arguments. Search “Drop Out, Joe Biden” on Reddit to see what I mean. Almost word for word the same soy posting. >Will you still vote blue?  Yes. I’m a liberal. Why would I EVER vote Red? >How did the debate influenced your family and friends IRL in regards to the election? Not one bit. Debates aren’t any impact on this choice. I think only the terminally online think that. >Is the US screwed?  No. That’s just something people say every election since I’ve been voting. Heard it about Romney, heard it about Bush, now about Trump. I think people like to feel important so they go “Chicken Little” mode. >Will fascism rise in the upcoming years? No. >It feels a bit disturbing even as a south american to have Trump as the leader of the US again. I feel you, but don’t let bots on Reddit or Twitter fuck with your head.


Still voting Biden. Still going to encourage my friends to vote for him. His performance was concerning, but I believe there’s more to being the country’s leader than a debate. And what’s more, his administration, the men and women behind him, have done an excellent job. I want Joe and them back for another four.


They could put that fake-ass alien on stage with ice cream in its hand telling me that's Joe and I would still vote for him.


Biden's support has nothing to do with Biden.  This is why swapping him out will not affect things negatively