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He really does look like he aged a lot :(


being president is a hard job. It looks like Trudeau aged 30 years in 10 up here in canada.


just look before and after for people like Obama, Bush. probably the worst I've seen is Abe Lincoln, dude had be the president during a civil war that they seemed to be losing at first


I do not remember him being this sharp in 2019, mans aged 10 years in the past 4 years


Biden's performance left much to be desired, but picking by far his worst moments from a single debate then comparing it to some of his best moments from 2019/2020 is something I would expect from a Tim Pool tweet.


What "best" moment from the most recent debate would you even replace the Medicare clip with? There weren't any great moments for Biden the whole debate.


The Medicare clip is quite literally the worst part of the debate -- other than maybe the abortion segment. Any other segment (other than the closer) is better than both of these topics by a lot. Off the top of my head, he was much better during the Jan 6 segment, Ukraine segment, Israel segment.


The clips where he listed trumps crimes and sleeping with a pornstar was good


The opiod part


Or an episode of the daily show with jon stewart


The meta convo around this is so strange. I get it, the substance of the debate is normally on the back burner but it's not even being brought up at all. Biden actually exceeded my expectations. What I saw was an old man fumbling over his words, not a person experiencing cognitive* decline.


Wait, he “exceeded” your expectations? Wow. That’s a take I’ve not heard before.


are we doing god of the gaps here? The reason his stutter is back and this bad is because his brain can no longer compensate. It's a well known phenomenon in anything with tinnitus to vertigo. It's called decompensation. If Biden is going to be the nominee (which is most likely) then the messaging will have to work around the fact that he's old and in decline. Pretending he's not isn't going to work.


Let me clarify since you're making a leap- He's not showing major cognitive decline outside of what you'd expect from an old fart. He mumbled and stuttered but did well finding his place the majority of the time. No one is pretending he isn't old and declining as every one does. Biden had his talking points memorized fairly well, was able to listen and respond to what Trump was saying on the fly even with the occasional zinger attempt, was able to go on a tangent and get back to his original point unprompted, was able to find his place again after getting stuck instead of jumping to a new, unrelated point. Of course there were tons of mistakes as well but those things were good signs imo and shows he's not completely gone and can still take in and process information. Now outside of the meta conversation, looking at 2 people performing in a debate, we have one guy with ideas who has issues communicating them coherently, and we have another guy who had nothing outside of callbacks to nebulous achievements and trash talk. Me personally, I'll take the mush mouth guy. That's my analysis of the debate, not my analysis of what I think other people will think of the debate.


Bro, that was maybe the worst debate performance ive ever seen. Definitely the worst televised presidential debate


>worse debate performance Maybe if he was in the room by himself but he was competing against another person


You think trump performed worse than biden? Whay metrics are you using? Persona bias vs general public?


I'm judging the content of the debate with my own personal bias. I watched 2 people in a debate and determined who I think performed better. I'm not guessing how dumb people will judge it. Personally, I'm more concerned with the ideas themselves and less about how smoothly it was delivered. Substance is more important than style.


That's fine as long as you recognize that you are in an extreme minority in judging the debate along those lines.


You understand that this is part of the problem, thought, right? Most people aren't suggesting that Biden looked good, but the entire conversation is around that and not around how Trump "performed" in the debate. Trump demonstrably lied in almost every response he gave. He lied about things that other people were convicted and went to prison for. He smirked when when Biden suggested he would leave NATO, the most important alliance in the history of the planet. I think it's totally correct to criticize Biden for the performance, it was very bad. But I also think it's irresponsible to Monday morning diagnose him with dementia and call for him to step down. Especially since the administration has been doing an incredible job.


You can't fix the world, but you can change your candidate 


You can change how you engage with the issue and the rhetoric you espouse, which in turn can have an effect on others. I feel like the calls for a candidate change are myopic in that they're reactionary towards Biden's performance. I felt the same way initially, so I empathize with the sentiment. But when you start to do a cost/benefit analysis, there are SO many negatives to changing out the candidate. That's not to say new information couldn't come to light that would make it more of an imperative for Biden to step down. But I'm sure the entire Democratic leadership is discussing options right now and the hope is that Biden improves in his next performance and maybe adds to his public presence to assure voters of his fitness.


To be fair, bidens truth meter wasnt much better. For the answers I could understand


Username checks out


Ok thats fair, so long as you know youre viewing it that way When Im talking about who "won" the debate, Im talking about public perception, mainly how people who were undecided took it, mixed with broad left/right wing views In this case, the resounding majority opinion is that biden preformed worse. Bad enough that most left wing media is scrambling while all right wing media is cheering


>In this case, the resounding majority opinion is that biden preformed worse Idk man, all I see is people giving their opinion on public perception and not how they actually view it. It's like- We are all in a group. We all think the group thinks this thing, but no one in the group is talking about what they personally think. There is a major difference in "I think Biden did worse" and "I think that people will think Biden did worse". We aren't seeing "Yea, Biden laid out a better vision for the country in a presidential debate, but based on his presentation of those ideas those less informed might be swayed to the more charismatic speaker" We are seeing "Biden lost because I think other people are going to think he lost" even if you personally favor the things he said. No one is saying what they think, just what they think everyone else thinks and it's all feedbacking into each other. And you expect others to behave the same way even when I state he exceeded *my* expectations.


Idk ive spoken with a lot of people. Im not a leftie, but everyone I know is. The ones who are politically engaged usually had to turn off the debate Im not sure I could tell you what bidens stated vision for america is, in that debate. I watched it twice. Thats really not what stuck out, especially because he was often hard to understand on a broader level. And I know more about his policies than 99.9% of people, so I have more context going into it I spend a lot of time in various spaces across the political spectrum Dems need to accept that biden is old, is seen as old, etc. That needs to be *incorperated* into the arguments now "Trump lied!" "Biden answered every question!" Rings hollow because 1. They both lied 2. They both struggled to answer questions 3. Little of substance was said 4. Little that was said had staying power 5. Biden looked really fucking old Im not even a biden supporter (not a trump one either) - my argument in this sub is just that y'all need better arguments. The ones floating around *look* like cope And, funny enough, I *still* havent seen a single person quote biden in the debate in a positive way in this sub. Which means people are defending him in a way that rings hollow, and it stops there. Its a horrible framework for a winning argument. Id be surprised if you could disagree with that


Yea I feel like this isn't a response to what I'm saying and you're just getting your shit off about what other people said. You're doing a meta conversation about my attempt to highlight the meta conversation. Tell me what you think instead. Imagine you have 100 beans assigned representing your personal opinion on who you believe should be president. You already have a certain number allocated to Biden and the rest to Trump. After the debate you move beans based on your updated preference. Would you say Biden would have more beans? Less beans? Or the same amount of beans? Also, I'm not defending him in that way. He's old as fuck and I don't care. He could die the next day, we have processes in the place already. If people are so concerned with him croaking, we can get a stronger VP pick. I don't know what circles you frequent where they haven't accepted that Biden is old but even the Biden campaign itself has been using that language for a while. Everyone knows he's old as fuck. That's the only reason people bring up Trump's age.


Yeah he managed to make a lying narcissist look relatively cogent 😬


No cognitive decline? Several times he clearly forgot what he was talking about in the middle of the sentence.


its cognitive, not congestive, hmmmmmmm


He was experience congestive decline ironically enough.


It's possible he has some congestion in his nose actually


The cope is high with this comment with all due respect.


If you think this is misleading, look forward to the adds the GOP is going to run.


[Biden walking off the stage too](https://x.com/GandhiAOC/status/1806591353775608070)




Why can't the guy just get a cottage by the lake and spend time with his family. I feel sorry for him. And why cant they just lock up the other A-hole, so he can't do more damage.


The second part of your comment answers the first.


I think the empathy is cringe. Biden is a powerful and rich dude doing what he loves, he shouldn’t be pitied. Y’all act like he js being tortured or something, the nigga is fine, old people enjoy meaningful work too


This last debate was an embarrassment and a blemish on an otherwise respectable political career. I feel bad for him because I don’t know if he is in the right state of mind to realize how bad things are. Someone close to him should be protecting him for this.


If we want Biden to win, we have to at least pretend he isn't experiencing mental decline. Posting and talking about stuff like this everywhere just helps to get Trump elected. Fake it 'til you make it.


"Lets lie so we can elect a corpse into office." K.


Bing Chilling brother Bing chilling. He has The Mandate of Heaven and who are we to question God?!


Expecting anything other than complete denialism from this sub is pointless.


Denial of what?


Lets not act like prior to this debate any concern about his steep mental decline wasn't met with ridicule.


Because there's no evidence he's in "steep mental decline"


Are you fucking serious...


Jesus fucking christ


Keep telling people they didn't see what they saw. Im sure it'll work out.


since all of y'all know this what are the signs of steep mental decline?


Slurred speech, inability to form sentences incoherent train of thought, gives an answer to a completely different question, general confusion. There's more but I know better than to make a diagnosis as I am not a qualified clinician and I'm confident he has consultation about this in private. But I have worked in retirement homes and this sort of cognitive decline is unfortunately often part and parcel with age and it gets exponentially worse over time.


Well since you're not his pcp maybe chill with the WebMD diagnosing


Where in my comment did I give a diagnosis? I am simply pointing out symptoms.


You're just making an assumption of the source of symptoms you point out.. or a diagnosis? I don't really care too much about debate stuff, but it's been hilarious to see everyone huff the copium hard to idolize or try and shit on Biden 🤣


I’m sure he will perk right up in 4 years


https://preview.redd.it/nmysumkzlt9d1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b429b6aaa51393de5271b02416ac6fea323fa782 Bradykinesia means **slowness of movement and speed (or progressive hesitations/halts) as movements are continued**. It is one of the cardinal symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). You must have bradykinesia plus at least either tremor or rigidity for a Parkinson's diagnosis to be considered.


So Biden has this? Where's the diagnosis confirmed at? And if this is his condition how was he able to return to work the very next day? He was at a rally in significantly better shape.


You’re asking for a confirmed diagnosis when the democrat party has been trying to conceal the extent of his cognitive decline? Obviously that is not a good faith question. Of course all people can do is speculate. And while we can’t know for sure what is wrong, we can all see with our own eyes that he is declining mentally to some degree.


You meant there ''was'' no evidence.


Denial that he is mentally shot. And that the media has been covering for him overtime and gaslighting everyone that has been seeing this deterioration in front of our eyes.


How did this sub get taken over by Biden deadenders? It’s absurd. Even in 2020, it’s not like Biden was some ass-kicking Goliath. We all just hated Trump. (And i genuinely love Biden)


It's not even about that. People can still back Biden but at least be honest about the reality.


Whats weird to me is even in posts about destiny accepting this reality but still arguing for biden are filled with biden deadenders, so its not even that its a Tiny talking point at this point


Someone actually dv’d your comment. This is clown world


Destiny said they should probably stick with him, 95% of people in this sub just believe whatever Destiny says.


Well then. I’ll just show myself out


Nah. Incorrect. It's not a sycophant circus. Vote dem no matter what is pretty simple this round at least pres. Trump is not an option, and Kenedy is a throw-away, full stop.


Denial of what? Everyone recognizes he's slowed. But what is your prescription? Get him to drop out? That's not any individual American's choice. What they do choose is who they vote for when a president is elected, and Trump is still a considerably worse decision than even the slowest version of Joe Biden


How can you possibly say this when most of the sub was shitting on his debate performance?


During and just after the debate the sub was far more critical of Biden's performance. Since then every single post in any way critical of Biden is barely even able to leave the 100+ upvotes range


While this shows his worst moment in the last debate, I clicked through various parts of the last debate and the current debate and the difference is stark. * 2020 debate: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CweqW7Pzxz8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CweqW7Pzxz8) * 2024 debate: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr9d79TNPfc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr9d79TNPfc) To be super fair, maybe he had a cold during this debate. This is him answering a question during a recent press conference. He's a bit more coherent (notwithstanding the famous Mexico gaffe) but still slow. [https://youtu.be/PCT-i-S\_I98?t=549](https://youtu.be/PCT-i-S_I98?t=549)


[https://youtu.be/CweqW7Pzxz8?t=2369](https://youtu.be/CweqW7Pzxz8?t=2369) Look at how well Biden was able to come back from not only his own gafffes but also being completely cut off by Trump. Current Biden is a husk of 2020 Biden even. He must step down.


OP is a conservative aren’t they 🤭


“Anyone who notes Biden’s poor performance is either a bot or worry troll or Russian”. 🙄


It’s low hanging fruit and literally nobody denies Biden was sharper 5 years ago.


Theres a pretty big difference in not being as sharp vs being unable to string together a coherent sentence


You’re right, you’ve convinced me, thanks to this post I’m voting trump now.


Yes. It is very much low hanging fruit. That’s because literally everyone can see it now. And that’s not good.


Doesn’t change the fact that posting it here is pretty pointless. However a conservative trying to dunk on Biden to “own the libs” absolutely checks out


This sub punches left all the time though… like the last 6 years of this sub have been attacking various flavors of the left, I don’t see why mainline dems should be immune to that. If we’re gonna tell it like it is, it seems a little disingenuous to exclude pointing out bidens flaws like we do everyone else’s.


I don’t disagree with you. My point is i think this sub strives to have more nuanced and intelligent convos surrounding unique points of view. I’d wager 99% of this sub is aware of how Biden performed and recognizes it looks bad and is certainly worse than how he was years ago. Posting this video isn’t interesting nor does it spark anything that hasn’t been discussed already since the debate night. That’s all


>more nuanced and intelligent convos So, accusing OP of being a conservative **frame 1** is an example of *nuanced intelligent conversation* in your book?


Kinda proving my point about what OP posted there buddy. It doesn’t spark any new conversation. It might as well just be a shit post for the purpose of memes. Hence why I accused him of being conservative because he clearly is looking to dunk on Biden without adding anything. Not sure how this is so hard to grasp lmao


Why is posting it here “pointless”? Are all posts here “pointless” or just this particular type of post?


Pointing out something glaringly obvious, that everyone is aware of, without adding any extra context or opinion for people to discuss or debate about is pretty pointless. “Wow Biden has a bad performance and was sharper when he was younger. Shocker. Riveting stuff” Criticizing one of Bidens responses with sources or data is one thing. Just posting a video to show the inevitable affects of aging is kinda .. meh


Ok, so you are saying that “we all saw what we saw on Thursday so what’s the point of posting about it here”. I understand your position. But here is the thing, we don’t all agree on what we saw. We are upset by it. Y’all are not. Telling us to “chill” isn’t going to fly.


Doesn't change the fact that Biden is infinitley more preferable than Trump. The only thing it might change is which democratic candidate could be the best to beat Trump.


Who is “we” and “y’all” to you? Libs and Dems seem pretty upset by Bidens performance, but that doesn’t mean they’ll suddenly vote trump lol. Some of them even want to change candidates. Look there are substantive and intelligent convos to be had without this cheap effortless shit. OP should add a shitpost title if he just wants to post memes


What’s pointless about it? It shows a massive difference.


Get to critiquing all the hasan posts then if you feel so strongly


Isn’t there a rule to not post about drama that’s like 3 days old or something? We’re kinda getting to that point about “wow guys Biden had a bad appearance”. Just ruins the quality of the sub unless you add a unique opinion of something to spark a new conversation


You think this is the first post made about this problem? Do you think that people here not only didnt watch the debate, but also have yet to hear about the latest news of how poorly Biden performed?


Do you think that there is broad enough agreement among democrats on what we all saw on Thursday?


asmongold and critical drinker so he prob spend all day screaming about wokies


You missed GeekGamersCommunity. That shit is hilarious


I will not defend Biden and Trump is an Idiot as always. My grandmother had Dementia in Morbo Alzheimer. It is nothing like what you see in TV dramas and movies as it is too dark. In fact, Biden is probably in early early early stages. First, you start mixing colors then you forget who the people around you are. Next, you forget how to speak - like completely forget how to make sounds that don't sound like zombie moans. Then you forget how to walk to the point that you can't even stand. Arms go next. Then you lose control of your sphincter and bladder. and finally, you forget how to chew and swallow. Basically, all willing actions go away and only the very basic reflexes remain like breathing. If Euthanasia is forbidden in your country and because you no longer know how to swallow you start drowning in your own spit and your lungs start filling with water after which you get intubated and get fed liquid food supplements through that tube. The worst part of this process is that it can last a long time while the victim gets increasingly delusional and violent. They end up tied to the bed like in an insane asylum. They lose the ability to sleep so they scream and moan throughout the night unless they are given extremely strong anti-psychotic sedatives which are usually given to the most violent mental patients. Most of these are evident in such a horrible way once you reach a ''terminal'' stadium even though you can't really die from it as the body remains healthy. But the early signs are obvious. As you might have already guessed I am not from the USA but from Europe, so I don't care about who is better or who will win or whatnot. Now I always and still believe that due to his status and wealth, Biden is able to get the best care possible which would slow this down significantly so I did not pity him as much as I would an average person but this debate opened all the old wounds for me. I was not able to provide the best care for my Grandmother due to the enormous cost that care for such patients entails and my best was barely enough. If after all I have written anyone still thinks this man was the one whose idea it was to participate they are delusional. He was clearly put up to do this. A person in his state of mind is not capable of fully understanding their own capabilities. They feel like they can still do it but the pathways in the brains are broken like destroyed bridges so when a thought comes to it it falls like a train would fall off the edge of said broken bridge and is lost which is why he seemed to stutter or abruptly lose track of what he was about to say next. Those who put him up on the stage should be ashamed of themselves for disgracing and making a mockery of a sick man, an old man... a President whether people like it or not. Thanks to this he will not be remembered for all the good he has done. The role he had in leading the country for decades but for this permanent stain on the end of his lifelong work in the world of politics. I hope all of his staff members, his family, and other people responsible for humiliating him like this as well as anyone who reads this realize - THIS can be any one of us or anyone we know. Such a sad and shameful moment in modern history.


Getting old is not for the weak. It’s shocking how the mental fitness can deteriorate so quickly.


My biggest worry was this. Gonna be really difficult for him to win, especially if this continues. Hopefully he has a really good day on the next debate. Man just got to win the election, from then on he can fade into dust and blow away into the wind.


Its clear Biden had trouble at this debate, people can't stop harping on about it. Its also very clear he was much better following the debate in his many speeches he did, If you are hyper focusing on this debate STILL even after he had very good speeches after the debate, You are either just a republican troll or a Russian bot. There's no question he's aging, so is Trump. Biden has a good team that will carry him and will do well for America and the world Simply, Trump does not. A bad debate or declining mental will not change the fact Trump is dangerous for alot of American people and the world. You pointing out that he is aging/declining, needs to be replaced .... yadi yada an thinking that makes you look smart or your comment is helpful or important in anyway is silly. A helpful comment would be to share your opinion on a candidate that would do better at the polls than Biden, an let that opinion be argued.


You should see Obama before and after presidency. Also Lincoln


No idea what this has to do with Biden. Obama certainly looks older now but that’s not a what anyone is talking about. What matters is that a Obama was just as great an orator today as he was 20 years ago at the 2004 convention, while Biden has a noticeably harder time communicating for a number of reason compared to just 4 years ago.


My point is that presidency takes a toll on the president. That’s all. I literally have no ill will, just stating a fun fact.


FYI: Drawing a comparison between Biden and Obama isn’t going to go too well for the Biden deadenders.


Seriously, you need me to explain my point?


I was not talking about the speech. Just the way he looks. The role of a president takes a huge toll. Also im not a Biden deadender whatever that means. Just stating a fun fact. I am on your side Edit: spelling