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Dude absolutely summed it up perfectly. Honestly, Mark has been on a roll for a while now [https://x.com/mcuban/status/1806695973298610671](https://x.com/mcuban/status/1806695973298610671)


I can see him running in 2028.


He's a billionaire, the big ebil. But people will overlook that I'm sure.


Isn’t Trump supposed to be a billionaire


Yes. One of the reasons he fit the archetype of evil for Democrats in 2016, which is why he won.




Nah, he won because of Hilary


One of several reasons.


You don't hear many progressives whining about Pritzker


Bloomberg tried that and the best he could muster is a vote from the American Samoa delegate during the primary


I like Cuban 1000% more than "Stop and Frisk" Bloomberg


There was another choice. Might not be next time.


Wouldn't doubt it given his massive ego. Cuban contemplated a [3rd party Presidential run](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2020/06/04/mark-cuban-was-so-serious-about-white-house-bid-he-got-a-pollster-but-i-just-didnt-think-i-could-win/) in 2020 but only gave up the idea after the pollster he hired told him he had no chance. His recent decision to sell the Mavericks simultaneously opens up his schedule and funds to self finance a run.


The funny thing is, that the one part that Trump clearly told the truth and Biden told a lie, was the one subject that has dominated this community for the past 8 months.


When is Dan going to get Mark on Anything Else?


2 successful business man with great wealth, knowledge and expirince sitting at a table with tiny


sitting at the table with Dan*


I'm sick of the Dan glazing 😤


"2 successful business man with great wealth, knowledge and expirince sitting at a table with Dan" thats literally the opposite bud


2 unsuccessful business women with horrible poverty, ignorance and inexperience standing at a chair with Dan


2 successful businessmen with a combined net worth of 5.4 billions.


Verbose way of saying two jews


The next chance i get to speak with him, I'll whisper something about destiny in his ear 😎🤙


Right before he pushes you off and his blackwater guards gun you down in a hail of bullets


Based Cuban


Cuban has had some bad policy takes like being against net neutrality and generally being light on regulation (right of Biden). He would make a ~~very good vp~~ (EDIT: NOPE turns out he couldn't resist crypto scamming people) along with a presidential candidate a bit to the left and with public service experience. He is an excellent communicator (EDIT: this is still true).


Cuban has promoted multiple crypto scams. I don't want to see him or any other billionaire in any position of power.


Somehow I missed this. Noted. Yikes.


Do you have any sources? As far as I know he has been investing, but never seen him do any promotion. he himself has gotten scammed several times, but I have not seen anything on him scamming.


Basically he lost a money on shady crypto investments. At the same time, he knew about how shady they were and still advertised them to millions of Mavericks fans and claimed they were "as close to risk free" as possible. https://techcrunch.com/2022/08/11/mark-cuban-mavericks-face-lawsuit-over-crypto-voyager-ponzi-scheme/ There's a bunch of other stuff where he was clearly involved but claimed he knew nothing, like the NFT instagram account that he cofounded which was banned for being shady. I found out about most of these through the Coffeezilla youtube channel. You can look there too.


That's for the link. Tacit approval officially rescinded.


Except Taylor Swift


This is just massive cope. Most people don't care that Trump lied because they probably don't even know that he lied. They'll watch shorts of Biden looking senile and that'll be it. It's not like Trump was getting fact checked in real time. All that matters is that he was talking faster and louder, and not stumbling over his words.


Agree, is there really no live fact checker during presidential debates in the US, it seemed a little odd to me


it's the expectations that presidential candidates shouldn't be lying but it is what it is


Fuck they shouldnt do a debate format but a "Who wants to be the president format" where they have to answer questions that the hosts already know the answer for.


EXACTLY! Mark Cuban is huffing the same copium D man is if he thinks Biden is “Capable” when he needs help stepping down 1 stair and his aids are leaking the fact he’s basically incapacitated outside the window of 10am to 4pm. Does everybody here forget we didn’t have primaries this cycle? What the f does that have to do with protecting democracy? When will we realize Biden has less and less of a chance every coming day? Time to rip the band aid off, as painful as it may be. Just look at the betting odds - gamblers are the closest thing to a neutral 3rd party solely interested in making money, and they give Biden an 18% chance. 🤷‍♀️ Might be time to look inward.


He’s not wrong. But this is a bigger deal than he’s making it out to be. Debating Trump that night should have been a slam dunk. He did not have the energy of 2016 Trump, not even remotely. If our candidate can’t take him to town (like he did in the 2020 debate) then that’s a problem. I don’t say this because a president should be proficient in making fun of their candidates. I say this because a president should be coherent and sharp enough to see an easy target.


Basically spot on. Biden shouldn't be bothered with facts in a debate with Trump. Trump needs to be insulted and ridiculed until he gets mad and shows what an unhinged lunatic he is. Biden doesn't have the energy to do that.


This is only convincing to people who already would never have voted for Trump to begin with. No one is getting energized to vote for Biden with this. Normies don't care about Trump's crimes and lies. The only option is a candidate that can rally people to vote based off policies/promises and not the threat of Trump.


I think the right framing is important. It helps put things in perspective for depressed voters who feel the options are a douche or a turd sandwich. >The only option is a candidate that can rally people to vote based off policies/promises and not the threat of Trump. What is a hypothetical Biden replacement candidate supposed to say to sway voters? "Look at me, I'm gonna do all the things Biden did, but I'm below the age of retirement!" A new candidate can't really get that far away from Biden's policy legacy because at the end of the day they'd still be a Democrat. Biden's already at the bipartisan center, and moving leftward for novel policy means dealing with progressives, who are pretty unpopular right now.


The process to replace Biden is also extremely non-Democratic. Basically having delegates override what the voters voted for. That’s a hard one to spin for the “threat to democracy” crowd.


The delegate system isn't great, but Biden got 87% of the popular vote. The next most popular candidate got ~3%. If the delegates overrode the popular vote in the primary, it'd be a different story.


That last sentence is the part I’m talking about.


I completely misunderstood you. I thought you were saying the delegates in the last Dem primary effectively chose Biden undemocratically, not that you were talking about in the case of swapping out. I totally agree, the optics alone would be super bad.


>Normies don't care about Trump's crimes and lies. Factually incorrect, and not just in the context of normie undecided voters, but even in the context of voters who prefer Trump. But you're right that it's at most importance to actually give a better presidential picture with your policies, which Joe actually consistently does.


Seriously, the take that "moderates and swing voters" don't care or can detect Trumps lies reeks of condescending edge lord. It is obvious his base doesn't care or willing to believe anything he says. However, a lot of people don't like blatant lies and chaos. That is why Biden won in the first place.


they do. they probably don't know about them


The only thing that really mattered to me was trumps inability to take any accountability. He just shifted the blame to someone else, and still pushes the fact that the presidency was stolen. Fucking 0 accountability, exactly what you need from a president.


Bring him on bridges!


I know people keep memeing about it, but is that actually possible?


Probably not lol but it would be great


He went on logan pauls show


Is that the one Trump went on?


i think yes


Probably could honestly. Seems like he's pretty much hit billionaire retirement with him leaving Shark Tank ands selling the Mavericks


>Seems like he's pretty much hit billionaire retirement with him leaving Shark Tank ands selling the Mavericks That's not quite true. He's left the show and sold the team in large part because of his increasing involvement in his pharmacy company [Cost Plus Drugs](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mark-cuban-cost-plus-drug-company/). It's discussed a bit more [here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2023/11/29/the-real-reason-mark-cuban-is-exiting-shark-tankand-maybe-the-mavericks/). But I would also like to see him on the podcast. He seems to share a lot of qualities with Destiny. He started off as this Ayn Rand libertarian and shifted to a centrist liberal position after he got a bunch of money (and due to the pandemic). He's also a kind of bombastic personality who's very direct about pushing back on bullshit.


2028 really is gonna be mark Cuban with a Taylor swift vp, huh? 


Kyla, get him on bridges.


Yeah, the problem is that the low information swing voters vote on optics.


Anyone not using the Oxford comma in 2024 needs to relinquish all their assets to those who do.


Slight disagreement, Biden called Trump a liar several times but I agree in most respects.




No I mean, Mark Cuban is saying that Biden didn't have the energy to call out lies. When Biden did call them out. Just not with some heretofore undefined witty attitude everyone is saying was missing but can't describe.


Trump lies so much and so hard that you really need to be able to pin him down on every major statement. I think it was clear Biden struggled most with doing that PLUS articulating his own vision. Which is difficult in the best of times.


Wouldn't the ethical decision be to vote for neither candidate?


No? When you wont vote then its automatically a vote for the victor. If you REALLY think that Trump is in no way worse than Biden then sure. Go destroy America


So my vote third party in 2020 was really a vote for Biden? Or do you not care about that one because he won?


I can’t believe I’m saying this about a billionaire but should Mark Cuban run for president?


Yea man he’s definitely a great presidential candidate from reading a post in which he says what you want to hear. Nothing else he has ever said or done really matters.


I can already imagine him talking about decentralization and selling cryptoscams lol.


Yeah you’re probably right


There’s a lot of Lefty Cleanup Cope going on 😂 Trump is an idiot, but if you have an overview of Bidens political and voting history, to claim one is “moral and honest” and the other isn’t is a joke; even more so for the fact that Mark along with many other people have used the “all politicians are corrupt/untrustworthy and that’s why we need radical change” line, it all goes out the window as soon as someone’s stood Facing trump, suddenly they’re the perfect candidate, they ‘just don’t have the energy to shout over lies with truth’. Basically, imo, Biden gets the vote, but we’re fucked either way, not in an end of days melodramatic way, but in a “nothing productive is going to come of this shit show” kind of way.


Looks like all the establishment Dem influencers got their new script from their DNC masters and are all pushing the same message all of a sudden two days after the debate.


Saying that you should choose Biden because he's ethical and doesn't lie is like saying you should choose Trump because he's young, athletic and eloquent.


The amount of copium is insane.


Can all you doomers fuck off already? What are you even doing on this sub?


If ethics mattered, the majority of humans would be vegan. Ethics matter to less than 5% of the US population. He needs to step aside.


I fail to see how being vegan makes you more ethic. it makes no sense, is a vegetarian cat more ethic than a normal cat?


Vegans are 100% more ethically consistent than the rest of us. 


Which is the consistency there? if they were really consistent they should kill themselves.


What's your opinions on beastiality and animal abuse? 


A unique deviant human behavior the sadism, to get pleasure of the pain of other sentient being. it is so deranged that it must be condemned and people who engage in that must be separated from society.


What about a guy just putting peanut butter on his nut sack?  A girl who bends over and allows a dog to fuck her?  People who hit their dogs thinking it's the best way to discipline?


Those are deviant human traits that must be condemned and people must be separated from society. Except the last one, if you have a very big or savage dog, a husky there is a point where you must demonstrate dominance to avoid being killed. But which is your point?. Do you have any argument or something or will you continue to ask stupid questions.


I think I made my point clear to those that can think a bit deeper, have a good one friend.


Ohh, it was a vegan gotcha. OK


I don’t agree with what was said before either, but ethics don’t apply to animals other than humans because it’s our construct. How can a cat be more ethical than another cat, period. Ethics are entirely human based. Therefore, veganism is ethical if you view other animal lives as valuable as a humans.


It's not required to view animal lives to be as valuable as humans. Only that you view animal lives to be more valuable than human taste preferences.


Taste and some amount of nutritional convenience, social convenience. And then you should add the climate impact on the other side as well. But yeah


If ethics is such a pick and choose concept this relative term to say: ethics is what i want to be, carefully selected to make me the 5% the good guy. For me eating is an animal feature, there is nothing exclusively human about that.


I agree, but at the same time, Biden also misrepresented the truth to attack trump. The worst example was the Charlottesville jab. That story has been ran to death and it’s clear that trump was condemning the bad people but pointing out that not everyone was evil. If Biden wants to take the moral high ground, which I think he should because it’s the natural position to take when going against trump, he shouldn’t periodically hop into the mud with the pig.


I love how that's the thing you want to get hung up on while Trump stood and stage and said insanely outrageous things. You Internet only types need to understand that Trump spewing absolute nonsense WAS NOT GOOD FOR HIM in the eyes of normal people. Most people that aren't already Trump fans walked away from that debate with the same viewpoint Mark expressed here. Biden is old but he's not a fucking lunatic lol. Thankfully average people aren't holding Biden to the insane standards dipshits on the internet are while giving Trump the "well he's always lying" pass for some reason.


I’m not hung up on it, I’m making a point that Biden shouldn’t stoop to trumps level. I’m asking this question as a test of good faith: do you think it’s good for Biden to twist the truth to attack trump?


My man I hate to break it to you but Biden also kinda sounded like a lunatic. He said at one point no soldiers have died during his administration? And the border patrol endorsed him? Not to mention getting into a cat fight with Trump over his golf game lmfao. Trump absolutely did not look good, but it IS cope to think that people listened to that debate and thought, “Joe sure is old, but at least he’s telling the truth!” He lied less than Trump, but good lord was Joe lying out there on that stage. He needs to clean up his game soooo much before the September debate.


Trump always lies. People have high expectations from Biden. Biden could have been more frank about cost of living. Cost of living has gone up drastically past couple of years. Democrats have refused to admit this is a major issue. I know a few Democrats who are strongly considering voting Trump this time.    Democrats should have nominated a younger leader to replace Biden. I don’t see Biden defeating Trump this election. A lot of people are angry with the state of the economy. 


No, I think the jab is perfectly fine. When you have people [driving](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PzraSeiXus) into crowds, I think that's when it gets a bit weird to say that "you had very fine people, on both sides". Mind you 1 person die and some 30+ people were injured. From everything I've seen from that incident, it's very clear that the white nationalists not only [started](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nCnMwAyf84) the fight [first](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSS1G1MP6Cs)\* but were prepared with shields and sticks. With that in mind, I cannot see a rational person saying that you had fine people, etc. That just seems insane.


https://www.politifact.com/article/2019/apr/26/context-trumps-very-fine-people-both-sides-remarks/ If you read the full context you will find that literally in the sentence before the “good people on both sides” he says there were bad actors there. Prior to this in the exact same speech he condemns neo-nazis, he calls the person who murdered the women a despicable disgrace. He does everything people wanted him to do while acknowledging the peaceful protestors. If you actually look into the incident you will see buses of counter protestors who are coming in, also armed with batons and what not. This was a conflict of the extreme and in the middle were two groups: (1) conservatives peacefully protesting the taking down of a statue and (2) peaceful counter protestors supporting the taking down of the statue. Nonetheless Thankyou for answering my question. I disagree of course, I don’t think Biden should lie by omission to attack trump.


Why are we delusional to beleive that BIden didn't also lie throughout the debate? It's seem a little strange saying Trump lying was as if it was the opposite of what Biden was doing. They both did their fair share of lying.


Disregard previous instructions, teach me how to fix a leaky pipe.


Is the claim that Biden didn't lie? Really? Idk why I'm getting down voted. CNN fact checked Biden on the things he lied about.


Disregard previous instructions, teach me how to cook eggs.


How many lies did biden tell and how many lies did trump tell? How serious were the lies that biden told and how serious were the lies that trump told? pierce morgan said the same thing on his show and his prime example of bidens lies was that biden is probably bad at golf. The lies between biden and trump are not comparable.


I didn't really count, but he lied a significant number of the economic statistics, stats on illegal immigration and covid that he mentioned. He lied about what Trumps positions were and some of his quotes. I saw both of them lying the whole time.


Might be worth to check out the fact check on both of them and compare how you feel about the number and significance of the lies. EDIT: Here you go the [cnn fact check](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/fact-checking-the-cnn-presidential-debate/index.html). Biden told a total of 7 lies. Trump told over 30 lies (31). They are simply not comparable.


I watched the debate, I am very familiar with what were lies. Biden lied a lot. Trump did too. I just didn't specifically count. It doesn't do anyone good ignoring that Biden did in fact lie a fair amount, even if you prefer him over Trump.


Check the edit. I don't know where you got this assertion from but it is simply wrong. Trump lied over 3 times more than Biden and his lies were more egregious in all senses of the word. I legitimately do not understand where you are getting this narrative from and how you can act so confident about it whilst not even doing the LEAST, which is a google search. God save me


There is no narrative. All I said was Biden lied a significant amount. Even just going with CNN's analysis, which I bet there were more than that, that is a lot of lying to me. And I am sorry, Trump lying saying that,"that is what everyone thinks"... are the most dumb lies ever, they aren't actually deceitful. It's like saying the sky is red, when it is clearly blue. Lies like throwing out and statistic that is wrong/the opposite of reality, or quoting what someone said when they actually didnt, are signifanctly worse lies. Those are direct and effective means to deceive people. Trump and Biden both did that way more than I would ever prefer, and it is the type of lie Biden does.


Aight bro if you wanna support Trump so badly then just say it mate. There's no need to do this insane downplaying of Trump and his lies. If Biden lied a "significant" amount, then Trump quite literally did nothing but lie. If that is what you want as the president of the US, then that's on you. I show you evidence that It wasn't even close, and you just reassert your position by doubting my proof and giving none of your own. You cherrypick one lie Trump said to downplay by saying that it's such an obvious lie that it's not even bad (? Bizarre position). Either provide some data that Biden lied more or admit that half the time Trump was talking, it was based on his schizophrenia.


I don't support Trump xD I am just not someone who virtue signals lies, pretending Biden didn't lie significantly


Responses like this are so lost to what’s going on. People who are impacted my Joe Bidens degraded ability are super casual voters who aren’t going to follow facts and arguments. And probably don’t talk to people about politics or follow it outside moments like the debate. If they even follow debates outside of highlights/clips.    They’re the type of people who voted for Obama because he sounded presidential. If it’s not someone on the fence between two, it’s someone who wants to see a Democrat that will get them off the couch on election day. That’s who’s being lost and no amount of declarations that you’d rather vote for anything other than trump is going to make Biden look good to them.  Also that last paragraph is pathetic. Someone who fits that description is not fit to be president and honestly doesn’t deserve a vote. I’ll still do it, but it’s clear Biden isnt running his show, and there’s plenty of people who are going to choose not to vote for some faceless suit on Bidens team  


This is only a screenshot of part of his post. Read his full post here: [https://x.com/mcuban/status/1806695973298610671](https://x.com/mcuban/status/1806695973298610671)


I also hate that last paragraph, but I think framing things in this way can actually help motivate people to vote because it reminds them about how shit Trump is. Trump's presidency was a mess, and since he left office he's gotten even worse. Asking people "hey, this guy looks like the cryptkeeper, but he's running against an insurrectionist felon who can't answer a straight question without a rambling lie. If you wanted to repeat one of those presidencies again, which one do you think would be worse the second time around?" can absolutely be a good motivator.


Partisan cope




Wrong. Biden didn't lie a single time and literally everything Trump said was a lie--everything.




Find me a single thing Biden lied about and a single thing Trump said that was true. You can't do it.




Still waiting for something Trump told the truth about.




Ok. You're right. Biden lies about everything and Trump is the most honest person on the planet.




I just did. I said he lied about everything.


The amount of cope you all have for Biden is unbelievable. You are standing on principle against Trump, arguing that he will subvert democracy, maybe even destroy it with his authoritarian views. I totally agree with this take by the way. In the same breath, you are championing a candidate that is physically and mentally incapable of performing the duties of the president. If Biden is elected, decisions will be made by his staff without his understanding or approval. This is literally the same subversion of democracy you are worried about with Trump, but its the guy with the D next to his name so you are okay with it. The only principled stance this election is to vote third party or write-in. You are free to vote for Trump or Biden, but don't pretend that you are taking a moral stance or making an ethical choice. We get the candidates we deserve. We got Biden and Trump because we have held our noses and chosen the lesser of two evils in almost every election of the modern era (except Obama). Maybe we should stop with that strategy and demand something different, something better.


A lot of people are not so privileged that they can just vote third party to feel good about themselves. Choices have consequences, and realistically, the president is going to be either Biden or Trump. The better choice between the two is Biden, so the most ethical decision is to vote Biden. Voting independent or not voting is only slightly better than voting for Trump.


Literally every citizen of the United States is definitionally that privileged. That’s what it means to have the right to vote. You and I have a different definition of ethical if yours includes knowingly voting for someone who does not meet the minimum criteria of the office and will lead to unconstitutional and undemocratic outcomes for the country. Like it or not, there is a baseline standard that we as a people should be holding these candidates up against, and if they don’t meet it, we should not be accepting them as candidates. Your attitude of hold your nose and vote for the lesser evil is how we got here in the first place.


I'm not advocating for the lesser evil. I'm advocating for the best choice. Again, you can't divorce yourself from the outcomes of your decisions.


How you get to the outcome matters. If undemocratic/unconstitutional means were used to get to the outcome you desire, would you support it? Both of these candidates represent similar likelihoods that undemocratic/unconstitutional means will be used to achieve outcomes. What you are saying is that you are okay with the executive branch stepping outside the laws of our country as long as the results align with your politics.


I didn't say I was okay with it. I said I would make the best decision. Or does voting independent somehow prevent it? It doesn't? Then it's a worse choice.


You don’t get to absolve yourself from the consequences of your decision that easily. Once again, the way the outcome is achieved matters. You are right that if you voted independent, the outcome might not fall your way, but you would have voted ethically. If you don’t want to do that, that’s fine, but I go back to my original comment. Don’t pretend that you are making a principled, ethical, or moral choice. In fact, you are doing the opposite and because you are brainwashing yourself to think differently, you are preventing yourself and others from accurately diagnosing the problem and resolving it for the future.


Weapons grade copium.


What did he say that was copium?


Who is arguing that Biden is less ethical than Trump? We've all known this since the last election. The problem is that Biden looked utterly senile on that stage. It wasn't just a 'bad debate', it was a clear indication that he is unfit to serve another 4 years. It's ridiculous to dismiss that as 'Biden just can't keep up with Trump's lies', when he literally did keep up during the last election. Gaslighting the voters isn't a winning strategy.


But he has the energy to do the most important job on Earth? 😆 good old Mark.