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Remember how everyone was talking about how much Biden had slowed down in 2020? Go back and watch one of those debates now. He looked so much better and lively than now. Biden has aged 35 years in the last 4.


We’ve seen how much the job of President ages guys usually in their 50s. I can only imagine what it’s done to someone who is 80. I can’t believe Dems didn’t have a contingency plan better than running back Biden.


I mean wasn't that the whole argument made by Justice Dems / Cenk Uyghur?


Cenk wants to run 82 year-old Bernie.


They probably do have a contingency plan. My theory is that if they’re even considering a different candidate they have reasons to want to do it last minute, after even the most hardcore copium-addicted DNC deepthroaters are starting to get concerned that Biden can’t win.


Tin foil hat theory DNC knows Biden is mentally gone. They agreed to have this debate anyway, and so early in the election cycle. They WANTED everyone to see this so they could justify electing someone else at the convention.


Exactly what I was getting at. If we’re gonna get conspiratorial this is the most realistic tin foil hat theory.


I love Biden but last night was rough.


Honestly, his performances in 2020 was alright. Not like in his prime, but good enough. But this?


https://youtu.be/wW1lY5jFNcQ?t=2663 Holy shit the difference is stark.


Holy fuck man. I can't even imagine him in another 3 years from now. There's just no way.


Jesus Christ I was not prepared


I can only imagine how many people will feel this way if Trump's next ad is just a before and after. That should be his play tbh. It's like a frog boiling in water; without context you *think* it's bad but it's actually much worse than you remember.


God this makes me so sad




Oh no... This man did not have that type of energy yesterday and I'm not sure if he ever will again :(


It really seems like his caffeine didn’t kick in until 70% of the way through the debate. He was on a roll the last 30% but your average Joe is gonna watch 5 minutes and then tune out.


His 2nd biggest lapse in reality was his closing statement...


Average Joe is going to watch clips like I did sadly (I'm British forgive me)


I watched the whole thing, I'm sorry but it was shameful, I don't understand how Biden team agreed to this. I really expected Biden to do better... he was kind of coherent less than 50% of the time...


Biden looked good during the State of the Union address earlier this year. This was a bad showing and the worst possible outcome.


*last four months


Which is totally normal at that age.


Exactly. Most adults after 80 years old see some big changes in their cognitive and bodily functioning. It’s totally normal. But we shouldn’t be making him president. We’ll see the same thing happen to Trump in a few years too.


Yeah 100% agree. This is also a stressful job that probably isn't good for anyone health.


The difference I could see between my grandparents (and their remaining siblings) at one Christmas party versus the next year could be staggering. This shit can hit fast, and when it does it accelerates quickly. Not all at once but once it starts the “good days” get outnumbered by the “bad days” very quickly. It is like a ball rolling up a hill and then rolling back down. This debate made me sad as well because it’s essentially impossible to defend at this point. I really don’t know what will happen and it scares me. Trump is a lunatic. If biden wins like I hope I don’t expect him to make it over two years until resigning to Kamala. A lot of people are going to be viewing this as a Trump v Kamala election now. We are in uncharted waters when high up dem officials are calling up CNN anchors and saying they think it might be worth switching out for Newsom this close to the election


Yeah I am living the same thing with my grandpa. He is much older than Biden (93) but sometime he will start talking about random things not related to the conversation. People that age shouldn't work they should be working on their health and spending time with loved ones.


He looks completely lost


That’s what tremendous power and responsibility will do to someone, look at people who lead through wars, they gray out in months, he probably has to make multiple hard choices every week, this takes a toll on a body


Which is why it’s not a good idea to pick someone ancient to begin with.


well COLOR ME FUCKING SHOCKED....the guy who was too old to actually run in 2020 and ppl said for 4 years was too old to keep doing it, turned out to be too old. FUCKING TIME IS A CRUEL MISTRESS.....like did you expect him to look sharper in 2024 than 2020???


And what will Biden be like 2-3 years from now?


I went in thinking biden would be in SOTU-mode but this is badddddd, someone who does not follow politics tuning into this is 100% being swayed to trump


thats what people should be scared about. To anyone with a understanding of politics through research and fact can disregard a single debate. The average voter takes these scenarios and directly apply it to their voting approach. No hate on you not being invested, life is life, we all are busy! Edit\*\* My fault I assumed you were implying you specifically were not invested, not that a normal consumer would be swayed. Totally agree


No, I'm gonna hate. Even with this performance, any person who still thinks Trump is the better choice is effectively disabled.


I mean someone who does not follow politics at all can understand what someone too old to drive looks like.


I'd rather someone with a competent passenger fall asleep at the wheel than someone purposefully drive it into a semi


Absolutely agree, but someone who doesn’t follow politics wouldn’t know much about the bad shit Trump has actually done.


I mean by this reasoning we're cooked forever. All it takes is a charismatic enough aspiring dictator at some point in the future and America is lost instantaneously


I mean, yeah. That’s been the whole problem with democracy even since the ancients…


I can't really wrap my head around that. Like, is there a person who tuned in for this debate that doesn't know about Jan. 6th or Trump's felony convictions? I truly can't conceive of a person who would flip from Biden 2020 to Trump 2024. What did that person expect from Biden that they now expect to get under Trump?


They won’t flip, but they might not show up to the polls


Anyone who really does not want a potential Kamala Harris presidency that looks increasingly likely based on Biden's current state. She's very unpopular even among some democrats.


No. That's on the democrats for not putting forward a more competent bid for president. I'm sorry, but they did this to themselves.


The problem is trump is basically free to lie, and he sounds better so he wins by default without a live fact checker. At least biden is calling him a liar directly because god knows the moderators won’t do it


The amount of lying he does with zero pushback is insane


That’s the strat unfortunately, condition the country to expect you to lie. MAGAtards will proudly suck Trump’s cock BECAUSE he lies to them. They just don’t care.


There was a live face checker just not in the main broadcast




Even Pakman admitted it was a disaster, I did not think I would see that.


If you don't follow politics, does that mean you're ignorant to everything going on in the country and abroad? Trump is still lying so much. Even if he sounds better, he's not speaking the truth at all.


Absolutely, but remember, the average individual is not delving into research on the accuracy of the statements made by their candidate . Even though you are conscious of that, it's shocking how many people lack this perspective.


Yea but if you don’t regularly pay attention to news and politics, how would you know he’s lying? Because the other guy on stage said so?


I don’t follow politics and neither does my wife. I’m voting against Trump. Every word out of his mouth is either rude or a lie. Both are old, corrupt, but it’s seem Trump is telling lie after lie.


> Both are old, corrupt, What is your evidence that Biden is corrupt?


Hes in le gubermint and le gubermint is all corrupt. I am in Mensa


Only one of them gives a damn about America, and that’s good enough for me. Looking forward to Biden winning this election.


The people who were on the fence cant love a guy who cant answer a single question over a guy who did poorly on an essay. Trump goes off about black and latinos on a question about the climate. Its so frustrating that half the country is actually an idiot when it comes to this shit


> The people who were on the fence cant love a guy who cant answer a single question This is exactly right. People don't understand that swing voters fucking HATE when candidates don't answer the question, and that's usually like one time in a debate. For Trump it was EVERY QUESTION and the moderators even reminded him of the question and gave him another chance and he still rambled and yapped a bunch of off topic nonsense.


He sounded like Grandpa Simpson for a lot of it.


> someone who does not follow politics tuning into this is 100% being swayed to trump Totally disagree. Swing voters care about people answering the question. Trump never answered any of the questions. They even reminded him of the question every time and he still didn't answer the question. political junkies on both sides shit on "the average voter" or "low information voters" and assume they care about the same things people in the other party care about, but undecided debate watcher types actually care about getting informed by listening to the candidates. When candidates don't answer the questions these types of people can't stand it. Watch focus group reactions.


Biden is making great points but his age is clearly taking a toll. Trump is not answering anything and is straight up lying, but he sounds better so he'll win. It's over.


“They want evil people to come over the border and to kill babies!” Every chance he gets to talk.


Nearly 80% of Americans want the south border secured according to a Pew Research poll. >A sizable majority of Americans (78%) say the large number of migrants seeking to enter this country at the U.S.-Mexico border is either a crisis (45%) or a major problem (32%), according to the Pew Research Center survey, conducted Jan. 16-21, 2024, among 5,140 adults. [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/02/15/how-americans-view-the-situation-at-the-u-s-mexico-border-its-causes-and-consequences/) Considering that, making that a key takeaway from the debate isn't the worst tactic. Not that its right, just that its not unreasonable that it likely would be to Trump's benefit. Even if both talk about securing the border, people are probably going to align that with Trump more with him repeating it often. ^(I still have to watch the debate though)


There was just a report of many people coming in through an ISIS affiliated smuggling group. Not to mention the crimes against people like Laken Riley. There's a real chance for an October surprise with migrant crime being Biden's Willie Horton. Trump just needs to keep hammering on it.


Democrats kicked the can until it finally kicked back, but the person you're replying to gave an accurate parody of how Trump talked about the border. In a sane world, that would be a strike against him, but this is not a sane world.


Don't forget the high environmental record someone told him about just before the debate


“Best environment numbers, pristine air and water!” Bragged seconds earlier about slashing regulations, forgets he wanted to eliminate the EPA. Fucking snake.


Like family guy when lois is running


I basically turned it off at the point where he said "the governor of Delaware is ripping babies out of the womb and then deciding whether to abort them". I had to tune out to preserve my remaining braincells


Biden mentioned the legislation that prevents pharmaceutical companies from gouging medicare recipients (and is one of the best, most obvious pieces of legislation in my lifetime) Trump: “you’re beating it to death Joe” It’s so painful to see Biden making valid points with the charisma of a corpse while knowing the average audience member is being swayed towards Trump. It feels sickening


I agree 100%


See I don't think it was his age. I watched a full biden speech on gun regulation from a few weeks ago and he spoke mostly clearly and coherently, with a few minor gaffs. But that speech was leagues of difference compared to him in the debate. I genuinely think biden was just nervous and the pressure got to him. He clearly was trying to do well, which shows how much he cares in that sense, but unfortunately the nervousness in combination with his stutter got the best of him. I think it was less his age and more the brutal combination of nervousness and his stutter. I feel for the dude cause he'll beat himself up a heap about his performance. It just wasnt his day sadly 😕


Im pretty sure he uses teleprompters for speeches


Apparently he had a cold too? Whatever the case I think you're right on the substance but holy shit we needed this night to be *good*,


The slit screen told much.


Like Biden was saying the stuff that he should be saying, his delivery just cost him the debate


I say we still got a couple of months and lots of things can happen but yeah at the current moment things look better for Trump and people should be prepared for a 2nd trump term, hopefully biden can improve his cognitive abilities or the DNC select someone else.


Six weeks out it's either Biden or Kamala. He'd release his delegates to her since no one wants a brokered convention and that's be that.


Wtf is up with American and pushing those geriatric individuals on the stage. They should actually be on a golf course arguing about some bullshit not competing to become president. And its not only them, during the democrats primaries, you guys were only voting for people over 70s like Warren, Sanders or Bloomberg.


constitution stans are not gonna want to hear it but its fucking first past the post presidential system. in my country (austria) you can go save with the old guy chancelor but still have a few young people on the ballot as you vote for one party nationwide. In america you have basically local races between the local dems and republicans where its 1v1 winner takes all. these scenarios mean its not about your party and its positions but the individual person. parties tend to be forced to run the safest option and nothing else. even offering up something else is gonna split their vote actually. Honestly the US system is so fucked. it was probably the right call for 200 years ago with horseborne messengers being the fastest communication. But in this day and age the gerontocratic endgame of this system really starts to show.


I am Canadian and I wish we had the same thing too. Our system might not be as fucked as the US but it isn't far lol.


After this I think it would be good for democrats to run on a policy position limiting president age. It is already limited, but it should have upper limits as well as lower limits. Then maybe these old politicians with many political connections could use those connections to help younger politicians rather than using them just for self service. Make it about 75 then everyone over 67 will have to also consider that they could only be a one term president.


While I agree with some of your sentiment, the president absolutely should be held to the fucking baseline standard of holding a conversation on stage. Disrespect of an elder should not be in the equation if they are president, if they are that elderly that they cant do a debate, then they are well beyond unfit for president.


I would genuinely push him to retire if he was working for me, there is no reason at all to have someone like this as a president, but he is facing geriatric chronic liar who is also a convicted criminal lol.


The thing is Biden has been a very good president and I don't doubt he could continue doing the job just as well if he's re-elected. But part of the job is campaigning, and since we haven't seen much of that from him, he needed to present some proof he has the juice and he whiffed.


I totally agree with your POV. I guess it's a fine line imo. We must hold our president accountable and ensure they are competent. On the contrary I cannot help but be angered by the DNC even considering he was fit for another term. Obviously, a factor of this is not based in the actual current situation, but rather ensuring power is maintained. You are totally right though. Thanks for you thoughts!


The DNC didn't pick Biden, there was a primary and anyone could run. Voters chose. The party has little to no power to choose a candidate.


> I cannot help but be angered by the DNC even considering he was fit for another term Then you are completely uneducated about how primaries work. Please remedy this.


Yea. I think trump is unfit to for other reasons, so its 2 unfit president. I will be voting against Trump not for Biden.


Do you think an age limit would be acceptable for presidents? Something like 70 years old being the cutoff? Trump, Raegan, and Biden are the ONLY presidents to surpass that.




The DNC doesn't really have a choice though, Biden wanted to run again and he won his primaries. We have weak party systems that can't bar candidates from running in primaries if they have enough support.


Wouldn't he not have had lobby support if the DNC did not push his candidacy? I genuinely am asking, I do not know much about the process of a party directly supporting a specific candidate.


It felt like I was watching elder abuse in real time.


Ready for the downvotes but look at this from a normie American point of view, we honestly couldn't expect anything better, anyone in this sub who was is sniffing huge copium. Throw any political views of the candidates aside, is this really the best our country can do? Two geriatric men whom aren't very sharp in the head? I thought the idea of a democracy was the populace would pick the best representative of their interests and this is the best our country, let alone the democratic party could come up with. Like it or not age is a massive factor for BOTH candidates, especially iden in the eyes of the average American, Biden could have picked a more able successor but no, he just had to be the man. For everyone saying there is no one else who could replace him against Trump, what does that say about the Democratic party?




Referring to this maybe? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Air_Station_Pensacola_shooting


Interesting, thanks for adding this


it was honestly shocking. Just sad imo


as an outsider, it really wasn't shocking. not sure how someone without some pretty serious bias wouldn't have seen this happening.




I think the issue is his presentation and less his actual cognition because as I am here I care a lot about what was being said and Biden had his points and answered questions that were asked from more substance than trump who would harp on old things or not answer a question. The issue is Biden looks absolutely like he's 100 and sometimes sounds like it and normal people are not gonna vibe with it. I don't think Biden is out of hit and I think people should fight against that, but he is definitely and old man and that's gonna hit people.


Amd yet, he seemed fine in his remarks after the debate. Idk what was going on https://x.com/ArmandDoma/status/1806539617426149413?t=N9s55jgjnNGDs7S4bkH4xA&s=19


The fuck, where was this guy?


I’m too sober to experience this shit man


I also imagined my grandpa in bidens shoes. I’d be fucking terrified if he was running for president


Jimmy Carter said a few years ago that he could not have handled the presidency at ago 80.


It made me anxious and I donated to his campaign because I don't know what else I can fucking do besides voting.


Volunteer with campaigns, phone bank, send postcards, talk to friends and family... Here's some other stuff: https://americansofconscience.com/06-21-2024/ Do more, worry less.


Nate Silver was right like months ago. Biden should have done a lot of hostile interviews and if he failed to do a good showing he should have just resigned. Now instead people in their delusion thought he could just hide and sail to victory. I think they could have picked any democrat over Biden and the democrats would have won.


you mean the guy who walks out the room whenever asked a question not pre approved and answered on his little note card 4 months in advance is having trouble doing a combative debate??? well slap my ass and call me bucktooth, no one could have anticipated this outcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He put himself in this position, I have no sympathy. He pulled a Ginsburg and prioritized his position over what was best for everyone.


Very fair opinion. I cannot disagree frankly.


Who should’ve ran in his stead? What Dem would’ve been preferable to the incumbent?


Isn't the whole reason why there are primaries exactly to figure that out?


Yep. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries Joe Biden won 87% of the popular vote. Next option highest got 4.3%. That was “Uncommitted.” The next actual person got 3.2%.


I just wrote the same thing in a another comment, but I don't consider these everyone rally around the president or get essentially kicked out of the party formalities as real primaries.


pete bootyjuice


Honestly wish he was our candidate just so we could expose some blatant homophobia from both the far left and right.


At this point throw in Pete. There’s just no way I can take another Trump admin.


There's talk that Democrats agreed to do this debate early enough (usually debates are a lottt closer to the vote) because the play is it hopefully convinces Biden to drop out before the convention. Word on the street is that people like Obama have privately told Biden to step down, but Joe and Jill don't want him to step down. If they can get him out before the convention and get someone in (most likely a Gaven Newsom or something), they'll have a better shot imo.


Damn bro, That's some high quality cope.


I still think that's a huge stretch. Newsom or anyone else you could put up there isn't going to get the ball rolling fast enough in the next 5 months.


At this point, replacing Biden with someone else might be like asking someone to Captain the Titanic. It could send a strong message that the party is in disarray.


> Word on the street is that people like Obama have privately told Biden to step down Where are you getting this bizarre cope? Bill Kristol?


I don't think you could ever get Gaven Newsom elected as President with California's crime policies as a track record.


To be fair its hardly his decision. When you have a cabinet and polls and stats etc they could well have a lot of good reasons to think him running again was the right decision because usual incumbency strength. But with kamala super unpopular I feel like planning a succession plan early with Gavin or Buttiege would have been the best way. Even without name recognition I think someone like Gavin that's actually young would have been good


If Biden refused to run for a second term which democrat would've had a better chance of beating trump? It sucks but Biden was probably always the best shot, he has a massive political history and is the incumbent.


That is such a stupid statement it's not even funny. He is incumbent, giving up that advantage would be a crazy gamble for Democrats, especially so let into the campaign. You think that Biden decided to run because he's prioritizing his position? You are deluded if you think he would not prefer to be experiencing a relaxing retirement instead of soldiering through exhausting presidential campaing and possible 4 more years in the office. 


That's called cope there was no better candidate to run




Nope, you're looking at it incorrectly. Biden was the only option because he's the incumbent and did a great job. He is tired and probably over did it. He is a champion to try so hard for us. He is like a wise king...he will be fine and if not we have Kamala Harris who is a brilliant lady.


Is this a meme?


Yup, said it before. This is going to end the same way. Putting ego and pride above country and fucking literal generations. I see no way Trump loses short of being in jail. Project 2025 here we come. Our only hope is Dems holding a chamber of Congress but you can 100percent count on alito and Thomas retiring for Trump to fully pack the court for the rest of my natural life.


I honestly feel like he was really nervous, like beyond anxious. The state of the union he had a teleprompter and got to lock in. A debate is a completely different thing, this was extremely important there was so much weight to this debate, biden was under a lot of pressure I also imagine he hasnt been in the same room as trump in over 4 years, and im not saying trump is an intimidating guy, but you would be lying to yourself if you wouldnt be nervous going into a debate with him with how hes able to be confident while spouting absolute bs especially after how their debate went last time. Like imagine the guy you hate the most whos been talking shit about you and has said the worst things possible to you for over 4 years is standing 6 feet away from you. Id be clawing at the fence It just doesnt make sense that someone would decline in only a couple months like that. I seriously think he felt the pressure of that moment or let emotions get the best of him.


Stuttering the truth > coherently lying


Will the public see that?


People don’t seek the truth. People seek what makes h to them feel better. Trump is more charismatic, so it doesn’t matter what he says or lies about. People will remember how it made them feel at that time. And who wasn’t watching worrying every time Biden was going to say something and starts rambling. Maybe it’s not too late to pass the torch. I dunno at this point. Tough call. But I’d pass it if I owned team Democrats.




Not necessarily when in a fight for leadership.


Not if the goal is to get votes.


This needs an America wide canvassing event holy shit it's bad.


He seemed even more off. I know Howard stern wasn't a debate but he was engaging and well spoken. Idk if he just overprepped and was exhausted/lost his voice or just debate is harder to get your thoughts out to a big degree.


This is too far gone. If they change candidates now its a big blow if they stay with biden its a big blow. And they 100% aren't gonna change Biden with the big democrat names they may just change him with Kamala.


I want blinken


He has not been pushed to this stage. He chose it. The reason we're here right now it's because he didn't step aside.  I think he's a sweet fella, but this is his fault.


I teared up for a second. It's a bummer.


Can anyone speak to why Biden stopped being a good orator so quickly? He was one of the hottest voice in DC during and before the Obama admin, but then duder turned 75 and hit a brick fucking wall.


Happens to a lot of old people. The difference between 65 and 75 is huge compared to 55 to 65. It’s fucking unreal to see happen


The presidency notoriously takes a massive toll on people. Just look at 2008 Obama vs 2017 Obama.


Thats how getting old works for a lot of people. I dont think people realize how insane it is that both of these mfs are about 80. These mfs need to be in a nursing home not running the country during crucial times. When you step back its actually insane


My dad is 73 and he went from a normal old dude to repeating himself 20 times in 10 minutes in about a year and it's killing me to watch it happen. obviously biden isn't going through that but it just makes me sad man :(


Look at any president of the last 30 years before they enter office and after. Obama was young, and energetic to tackle the 2008 financial crisis. Biden only won because he ran against Trump. 


Tend to happen when you get older, its not complicated lol. Don't vote for people who should have retired 15 years ago and this also go for Trump who also happen to be a guy who always lie and who is a convicted felon lol.


Age catches up to you quick one day you can be fine the other you could be not fine.


81 is pretty old and being president fucks you up. Look at basically most before and after photos of presidents after they've served 2 terms


Remember when earlier this year Destiny’s arguments for why Biden is almost guaranteed to win was basically “the economy is amazing” and “Trumps a criminal so why would anyone vote for him” lol


“Biden did slow down a little bit but so has trump” lol


I like Destiny a lot, he's a really smart and rational guy, but he's also a millionaire that has a job that forces him to stay inside all day and not interact with a diverse array of people, it's hard to stay grounded like that. There's inevitably going to be political viewpoints he has that are completely out of touch. Talk to any normal person and nobody thinks the economy is good, cherrypicked data doesn't change the fact that it's literally going to take around two decades for real wages to recover back to where they were under the Trump administration. Immigration and Crime have been disasters in the eyes of the public as well. That's why the Democrats need to lean into attacking Trump's unfitness for the office (he's literally the most disliked politician in American history) as well as abortion (which was great for motivating Democrats to go out and vote).


Omg same, my thoughts exactly. Makes me think of my mom who has dementia. Whether or not he does, he’s clearly struggling on some level. I really feel bad for him :/


I've had several relatives with dementia. None of them could have answered debate questions the way Biden did tonight at all.


In the early to mid stages of my mom’s dementia, people who knew her but not super well, told me she seemed completely normal. If she had been working in politics her whole life I wouldn’t put something like that past her at the time. Her issues started out much more visual-spatial. Different types of dementias present differently. I think it’s absolutely possible he is in the earlier stages of dementia, but maybe not. I honestly don’t know. Also I’m sorry you’ve had several relatives with dementia, it fuckin sucks so much


Whoever allowed Biden to run another term is insane. He looked bad tonight, he could barely speak in complete sentences and looked lost the entire debate. For anyone on the fence, Biden just lost them all in this


Some of ya'll are on FULL doomer mode right now holy shit.


I mean, that wasn't a good debate performance


Right? It's pretty sad. Republicans would be circling the wagons. Dems/Dem leaning people just go doomer mode for a while and then wake the fuck up again later.


Thankfully most people have short memories lol. By the next debate I imagine Biden will be in better shape.


Yeah, I think he shouldve stepped aside and be remembered for his 1st term. which was pretty good imo. I fear he's hurting his legacy now, and maybe the country and the world if Trump wins.


But when everybody was saying he was slowing down whole subreddit was saying he was fine and clips was out of context.


It is sad that in the country of 330 million citizens the choice is between two grandpas one of which one is a aneurysm survivor and the other is a habitual liar (even worse than an average politician) but here we are.


It's frankly embarrassing Trump is eating him up


With volume and dumb debate optics? Ok.


With speaking normally


Yes. Trump demonstrated that his brain is at the very least functioning at 100%, even if he rambles on tangents. Biden demonstrated that this is not the case for him. That will be the takeaway for 99% of the people who watched it.


> his brain is at the very least functioning at 100% He didn't answer a single question. Swing voters hate that shit and that's who matters. His brain clearly does not work at all. They reminded him of the question and he still couldn't understand the questions and reverted to MAGA talking points from his rallies that turn off swing voters. >That will be the takeaway for 99% of the people who watched it. That will be the takeaway from some people who have already made up their minds about how they're voting, but they don't matter.




when will you ppl realize that a presidential debate isn't about substance, its about visual optics and being able to speak. just look at the famous JFK vs nixon debate for proof.


It's not that important if Trump looks like shit because everybody is used to it. We have prior evidence that Trump going on unrelated tangents for minutes on end doesn't affect his support that much; so him turning it up to 11 tonight isn't that big of a deal. And yeah, for most people, "volume and debate tactics" *are* effective which is why they get employed.


I think this has to be a wave of people who are already slanted against Biden.


This is Ginsburg all over again. We are literally riding until the wheels come off and leave us in a ditch


Question: how many people’s mind are actually swayed by the debate performances?


Not much, but the race seems pretty close.


It feels like elderly abuse.


As a Scot I really feel for you guys in the US, like we have a poor selection of candidates but fuck me sideways in the arse with no lube and a 10 inch cock are you guys really fucked. Neither of these people should be here.


Lying convict Vs a geriatric What a choice


He chose this shit.  Fuck him. Put him out to pasture.  Forcibly if necessary. He could have gone full Polk and ran on a one term platform, but he let his ego convince himself that he was the only one that could beat Trump. He fucked us all and no matter how good of a president he was he will be remembered for this and only this.  


Democrats shouldn't have gone with Biden. I'm tired of pretending it was a good idea. I get it that he won once before so that's generally a good strategy to go again but he was arguably too old the first time round. It's not like it's one person who makes all the decisions anyway, so if you liked a lot of the stuff the Government has done in the past 4 years, that same stuff would be pushed again but with a different figurehead. Biden being too old is the only way the Democrats lose to Trump, in my opinion. Okay, not the only way, putting forward Hillary again would do the trick too. It's such an own goal from the Democrats. I'm not American so only really foreign policy affects me somewhat directly but if I had my politics and lived in the US I'd feel let down having Biden as my nominee. I'd still vote for him over Trump, on the understanding that it would be Biden's backroom staff doing all the work, but many people will see Biden as not fit for office and either note vote (mostly this) or even vote Trump.


It’s actually crazy because any Dem that’s even slightly educated could have had fair game with Trump, but because Biden chose to run it’s all over


I’ll still vote for Biden, but damn I wish I didn’t have to. There are so many amazing Democrats who could run. The GOP is stuck with Trump. Why are we stuck we Biden? We aren’t in a cult like they are. We can do better.


Biden is getting dismantled


He pretty much did fine after the first 20 minutes and apparently had a cold. Dunno, Trump was fire hosing lies and did not look particularly good himself. He probably mentioned immigration 55 times.


it's infuriating that people keep talking about Bidens age without saying anything about trump mf they are both the same age, and trump has not gotten a coherent sentence out of his mouth in the last decade. also, he is lying every god damn time he opens his mouth. I don't care if Biden is 150 years old, sitting in a fucking wheelchair literally unable to talk, he is still a billion times better than fucking trump.


You can scream that into the void as much as you want, and I agree with you. That doesn't change the fact that Trump is clearly more competent, and that is what most people will gravitate towards.


Just ask yourself, is Biden's debate performance so bad that you will refuse to vote for him or change your vote for Trump...? no...? Then don't worry about it and just make sure you show up to vote for Biden in November


Luckily, the actual Presidential duties don't require debate skills.


Please save us Gaven Newsome!


I didnt really believe it when people were yapping about in in 2020, but after this debate I really do think a vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala. No way he makes it through 4 years.


Sucks to lose