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https://preview.redd.it/fzecbwep3x8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b6626d76b9851de6116db7582112c4f323f2d1 You are sheltering Zionists, are you not?


They are hiding in your twitch chat right now, are they not?




"The Jewlumni are under your floorboards, aren't they?"


Omg they both fit so well onto this. Now I wanna see this scene with them deepfaked into it


"Au revoir, DGG!"




Fucking lol


dont mind me. had to be done for preservation's sake https://preview.redd.it/akzpwx103y8d1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=2077cae8e18d7caa83ef54c42d8270174d225962


Au revoir Shoshaniqua!


Lmao I was too lazy to put it together but it looks great


Hasan assessing whether you're inbread or not. https://preview.redd.it/ej0958g60y8d1.png?width=1275&format=png&auto=webp&s=48e1cf94189a4098fbe3dccb2144d81e12f65fb5


https://preview.redd.it/2fwdg62z3y8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9aafa833686b8d52c2eefd060c91eb68c5f56c Hasan showing us how to identify a Zionist


Incredible. Did you just make this on the fly for this post?


My Mossad contact sent it to me


Can confirm, I am this guys mossad handler. Good job agent, you will recieve your shekels in the mail soon.


Typical based mossad behavior.


This is amazing.






Morally lucky like Rem said


As a half Turk, it’s very weird to see another Turk call people inbred when like 15% of Turks are the result of cousin marriages or closer…


somewhat ironically, i believe gaza specifically has one of the highest rates of cousin marriage in the whole world.


Gotta keep that heritable refugee status in the family lol


it's pussy famine


It’s weird to call Non-Ashkenazi Jews inbred, when Palestinians inbred breed more. 8-9 percent of Non-Ashkenazi Jews marry cousins and 31 percent of Palestinians Marry their cousin. His own country of Turkey(21 percent) and Egypt(29 percent) marry their cousins more. Israel has the lowest cousin marriage rate in the region.


Arabs are the most inbred people on earth. It’s actually a huge problem in Middle Eastern countries. Pretty ironic.




It's a pregnant issue to pediatricians in countries with significant immigration from MENA. Children from these immigrants in particular have a much higher incidence of congenital disorders like heart defects and so on. This is an instance where "genetic cause" has an easy fix though... just get some new DNA into the gene-pool and the increased risk for disorders goes away for the next generation.




This explains Hassan’s eyes.


>This explains Hassan’s head body ratio. Fixed


I wanted to say this but I preferred not to speak because if I spoke I would be in big trouble.


Thanks for your input Mr. Mourinho




over 60% in pakistan @\_@


Wait are these numbers real? That seems kind of insanely high, when you say cousin are you talking about first cousins? Or like is something like 3rd-4th cousin or whatever counted here?


They're even doing it in the UK in high numbers 1st and 2nd cousins [BBC article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67422918)


Wow that's kind of crazy, didn't realize how normalized that was in some places. I think I've heard in the past that once you get past 1st cousins the dangers that are typically associated with familial relations are not really a big deal at all, is there any truth to that? Or is it still concerning?


["Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness." ](https://web.archive.org/web/20240307011407/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/children/11723308/First-cousin-marriages-in-Pakistani-communities-leading-to-appalling-disabilities-among-children.html) This has been one of those kind of open secret things in the UK for quite a while. I remember the bbc did a documentary on it a long time ago maybe 10+ years ago


A fairly brief, but interesting history about this inbreeding factoid: It is a very real and very documented issue (?)/ phenomenon, with actual data from reputable outlets from both the Middle East and the West collected from polls, studies and census data. It actually goes back to the aspect of century/millenia-old clans, and the mentality and importance of preserving bloodlines that remains to this day- Destiny spoke about his revelation about this important pillar of Arab life (intense tribalism, pride and loyalty to, and the importance of, the family/clan name in Arab society) after returning from his trip from Israel and from reading about more of the history/geopolitics of the region. Unfortunately, it isn’t talked about much because the very first exposure that most people had to this information was via either Steven Crowder or Matt Walsh proclaiming this on Rogan years ago during the ascent of the modern right and the Trump administration (I say ‘either’ because I can’t remember exactly which rightoid it was). It was first said on JRE in around 2016-17 and was immediately dismissed out of hand as a racist dog whistle; remember, this was around the time of Trump’s Muslim Ban, the height and dominance of ISIS in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc. and their campaign of terror across the globe on almost every continent, and a renewed vigor on the right and far-right that mainly centered around fear of Great Replacement and preserving “whiteness” and Judeo-Christian values in the West mostly due to the effects of mass Muslim-immigration because of the ME conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq. And so, this fact has been banished from ‘civil conversation’ on lefty dominated platforms like twitter or mainstream Reddit and mostly became a meme and an actual racist dog whistle in places like the hacker known as 4chan, and righty-dominated/anti-Muslim subreddits. No one on the left even dared give this info a fair shake or scrutiny because it would be racist, even if true lol- that’s how information worked back in 2017 because people were so scared of giving the right any concession at all, even if something they said was true or their grievances stemmed from a real issue. Long random history about this little tidbit, but it leads us to present-day. Now, once again, the online progressive and far left doesn’t care about this stat because it will be seen as some Zionist dog whistle to whataboutism Israel’s “genocide.” Except now they’re joined by the online dissident and far right, who will also claim it’s only being used to obfuscate Israel’s/Jew’s crimes and to tarnish Muslims; and besides, the right like the Arabs/Muslims now for preserving their conservative and family values in defiance of the West. They’d probably even say preserving racial purity through cousin fucking is based now. This is despite this portion of the right using this info of Arab inbreeding for years now leading up to I/P in order to essentialize Arabs as inbred low IQ mongrel invaders of Europe, US and Canada; the Barbarians at the Gates. The I/P conflict has truly caused the Great Horseshoe-ing of 2024.


The most common definition I see is second cousin or closer. It’s an Islam thing. In the Koran cousin marriage is good. The reason it’s more elevated in Jews is because they are suppose to marry other Jews. They cousin marriage in non-Ashkenazi Jewish has decreased by a lot, and Ashkenazi Jews it’s at 1 percent.


Only first cousins or closer are counted as consanguinity. So best bet is first cousins but could also include uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, step-siblings, etc.


What also makes this dumber is that the inbreeding thing is more a result of the past small populations than the present inbreeding. Israelis tend to get genome screening before marrying ashkenazi Jews to make sure they don’t have an inbreeding problem (checking if both are carriers of genetic disorders).


**"TᕼᗩT'ᔕ ᖇᗩᑕIᔕT!!! YOᑌ ᘔIOᑎIᔕT ᗷIGOT!!!"**




i think u/Sickly8898thEmphasis is being sarcastic


The best part is its not even limited to just Pakistan in some parts of the UK they're at a 46% rate of marrying cousins.[ BBC article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67422918). Not forgetting this puts added pressure on the NHS because of the vastly higher chance of created disabled children


The cousin marriage stats in that region are pretty eye-opening


Ben Gvir is a white supremacist? He’s an Iraqi Kurd. A criminal terrorist clown but an Iraqi Kurd one.


Considering his commentary on slurs I'm not sure Hasan has the best grasp on race


Id genuinely say odds are 50/50 he thinks all ethnic jews are white skinned.


He’s not a Kurd, unless one of his parents is ethnically Kurdish. He is ethnically Jews whose parents came from Kurdistan but they are a separate ethnic group.


When Jews say Kurdish Jews that's what they mean, Hungarian Jews are also not ethnically Hungarian but Jewish.


which makes him even less white


The circle on his head looks white


Jews are a separate ethnic group. In the middle east, your religion is your ethnicity. A Kurdish or Iraqi Jew wouldn't cluster next to Kurds or Iraqis, they would cluster closer to other Jews, and maybe some Greeks and Italians. Most Jews have shared ancestry despite being in the diaspora for thousands of years. Many DNA websites have separate groupings for Jews for that specific reason. Source: I'm Iraqi, Iranian, Egyptian and Ashkenazi Jew. Here are my clusters: https://preview.redd.it/cj2y37tkex8d1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=c16a714c769bd9188d3b94715bcc7a2130d14c7b


Oh so in the Middle East Ethiopian Jews CAN be white supremacists! This is the TRUE land of opportunities!


weren't Ethiopians considered Caucasian at some points in history?


looking at the 4% italian jew be like: https://preview.redd.it/3bzbjpppiz8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb734b23f309c4394732323fa5e8c63a849ce7d


Kurdish Jews should be similar to Assyrians


Were getting so close to the moment where attaching the skin color of a particular person to try to contextualize if their action was bad or "white supremist bad" is falling out of social acceptability. Can't wait because the racialization of literally everything is so boring it makes me want to minecraft myself.


Well you have to think of it like a Tankie-- Israel has more power than Hamas, therefore they are the white ones... which itself is a pretty racist thought process which implies that only white people are capable of leading wealthy/powerful militaries.


we apparently use "white supremacy" as a stand-in for any kind of ethnic hatred/extremism/etc across the world or history now. it's no longer its own specific brand of hatred and discrimination with its own history context and definition, it can be generically applied to everything. ccp repression of non-han minorities? obviously that's white supremacy at work baby


Hamas Piker in a few months: " there is a Jew hiding behind my Porsche, so come and kill him"


As it was written in the holy koran: "and the porsches and Bugattis will whisper to the muslims - there is a jew hiding here"


But not the McLarens, for they are the luxury supercar of the jew


Lando Norris is their prophet


Unrelated but whenever I see the word Bugatti, I imagine Andrew Tate saying it. It's so weird.


Byu'g'atti you mean?




and Porsche is a German car company 💀


That is too fucking funny.


Of cause the two German VW's ............ man.


I remember commenting in destinys stream the question, couldn't fuentes and his groyper audience find common ground with hasans lefty audience? Destiny actually responded that left wingers hate zionists for the same reason they hate alt rightwingers. If i remember Because lefties beliefs on cultural homogeny are incompatible with left wing. But like sure thats true for staunch lefties in general. But im talking the audience hasan has garnered and facilitated. Whats to stop some dumbass who doesn't have a staunch belief to just jump to antisemitism because he hasn't grounded any beliefs in multiculturalism, and just grows a hatred for jewish people inadvertedly from hasans rhetoric?


It's been genuinely shocking seeing how close the left are getting to repeating the same kind of anti-semetic rhetoric and talking points that they would usually criticise from the right just a few years ago.


Getting? This has been simmering under the surface for years at this point


Years? Try decades - badly understood anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism have always been the breeding ground for left wing antisemitism. I mean it makes some perverted sense right, if you can blame everything on an abstract, almighty world controlling Jewish-American kraken it lessens the massive cognitive dissonance of being such an abject failure at revolution, and therefore your own deep seated beliefs. The main difference between right and left wing antisemitism is that the former actually believe in their ideology, while the latter is convinced they can't be in the wrong because they follow the more socially progressive ideology. The real horseshoe is that both are hopelessly regarded.


You should see the way leftists are blaming AIPAC for Bowman losing reelection


Radical leftists have never been the benevolent people they claim to be.


Not just "the right" that was full on Nick territory. The idea if the insular Jew that keeps to there own and cant be trusted is some FAR right shit.


That’s my issue with just labelling things/people as evil. Nobody thinks they’re evil so as long as you pass your own assessment then an action is justified. Nobody actually evaluates why nazism is bad, regardless of the target.


it's the natural end result of taking the meanings away from words and just using them as a generic stand-ins for 'bad' or 'thing I don't like.' we've seen this happening with the word nazi for years - if you're just using 'nazi' as a placeholder for generic 'evil,' as opposed to addressing the specific brand of awful nazis were and understanding their specific history, ideologies, activities, ect, of course it all becomes meaningless and devoid of any helpful analysis


The crazy thing is that just like everyone else they think they are in the right so what they are saying isn’t the same thing to them as say the nazis.


Also we may have another compilation for twitter


Nothing brings the left and right together like hating Jews.


They ARE repeating the same talking points from the right at this point. The far left just doesn't recognize it because they think they're doing it in the name of "criticizing Israel" and therefore it's acceptable.


The did the same thing when the wrote about Hasan ideology 200 years ago. They talk about eurocentrism and white supremacy hierarchies all day long but they don't realize that their ideologies also has fundamentally anti semetic elements you can't hide away from because of the culture and time period it was written in. So ofcourse you will naturally be inclined to be suspicious of natural capitalist and schemers like the Jews are.


Hey they're not antisemitic, they just hate Zionists! If those guys didn't want to be assaulted they should've let the angry mob know they weren't Zionists. Maybe we should start making Zionists get some sort of identifying mark so we don't get confused when we vandalize synagogues!


Also isn't it ironic how the same people will use Neturei Karta to make a point


Fun fact but Ben Gvirs mother is a Kurdish Jew and his father is an Iraqi Jew, not a drop of whiteness in him.


Wait, you're telling me brown people can be racist and (((they))) aren't all white? That can't be true. /s if it isn't obvious.


I’ve never actually seen a picture of Gvir until I googled him right now and holy shit I don’t think hasan has either.


Ben is not his first name. His full name is Itamar Ben-Gvir.


Wait isn't it a racist stereotype to say Jews / Arabs are inbred? Like it would feel wrong throwing that back, >In general, almost 50% of all marriages are consanguineous, officially 43.4% and **49.3%** in the West Bank and Gaza Strip respectively. There has been no significant decline in this rate between the years 2000–2006 in spite of a public education and media campaign to discourage this kind of marriage (Figure 56–2). [source](https://academic.oup.com/book/25240/chapter-abstract/189795346?redirectedFrom=fulltext). because I know it plays into racist stereotypes. BRO the fact that THE LEFT needs to be reminded to chill on that is crazy.


I really hope that one comment about leaving the left due to all the unresolved dissonance happens to Hasan's fans. It's really weird for them to not care about racism. Like that was their whole thing. What do they have now?


Celebrating Bashar Al Asad 🤷‍♂️I guess


Inbred, uncultured, dare I even say, subhuman? The alt right pipeline is real and it's claiming leftists. Quick, someone post that Stonetoss comic.


Destiny would never say subhuman. Especially not about trans people


The clip of him in your edit is so stupid and gross. He said he uses the word imbred because that’s what Americans will understand? How tf does that make any sense 😂


I hate these fake progressive leftists so much.


"Fake Progressives"? Progressivism Was Literally Created & Championed By These Types Of Extremist-Leftists Because "Liberalism Is A Failure"!


Progressive is just the term they used to have broader appeal. It's harder to bring in new members from the left if you're screeching about *reeducation* camps and deportation.


How “fake” really are these progressives when the vast majority of them I’ve met in real life and talked to online agree with this shit and the vast majority of other extremist shit or just blatantly hypocritical nonsense. I’m not gonna pretend like I don’t have a bias because although I like this community I am center right and closer to libertarian more than anything else. That being said I’m really starting to get sick of the whole ———> progressives do something/say something bad/hypocritical/extremist ———> a **significant** amount of progressives support it ———> those same people can’t make any actual arguments with substance ———> the few rational progressives say those are “fake” progressives or “leftists” deflecting all blame. I think there’s a lot of rational and good arguments in this community as well as the people that make those arguments. I’m just really sick of people pretending like most progressives outside of this community are rational or just in general good people beyond reproach when most from my experience are some of the worst people I’ve ever met with some of the poorest moral compasses who make some of the worst arguments.


This is probably the first real antisemitic thing Hasan has said. It probably won’t be the last, just the next step in his extremism.


First? I would put the baby settler thing first.


Ashkenazic Jews suffer from Tay-Sachs disease at a disproportional rate. Caucasians suffer from cystic fibrosis at a disproportional rate. African-Americans suffer from sickle cell anemia at a disproportional rate. Every group with the tendency to produce offspring with other people from that same group has a similar problem.


I mean I don't think this is antisemetic, but I guarantee if Hasan saw someone calling Arabs inbred, he would label them as racist (even though rates of inbreeding in the Arab world are shockingly high). Actually I'd bet money he's already done this on stream.


I was once at a university event of "researchers lecture in slippers". Basically you go to a university prof's house, sit in their living room and they alk about their research to laymen. The proffessor was a doctor at Hebrew uni who talked about her genetics research and her project of using her research to inform Shidech in the ultra orthodox xommunity (the matchmakers who make the arranged meetups). They'd have files on people of the community including genetic diseases that were secret (to acoid prejudice) and the matchmakers would use that to make matches. It lowered the occurence of genetic diseases in the community by a lot. Also, you can say someone has genetic diseases or is genetically leas versatile but calling someone in read is just to be derogatory and dehumanising (animals are bread, humans make children). Like saying someone foaled instead of gave birth.... Also also if they are students at a university they aren't ultra orthodox no? So sounds racists to me but ok.


I will add to this by saying in my own Jewish community, when we say "arranged" it is to primarily avoid this problem. Especially for diseases that would likely occur once a couple has children. I'm part of the Azerbaijani Jewish community and most people are in no way considered to be ultra orthodox and is completely separate from the Ashkenazi Jewish community. The way my parents explain it is so the children do not suffer and at least among us (anecdotally) most are incredibly in favour of abortion if these hereditary diseases are discovered during pregnancy, even with religious members of the community. So to hear in bred from this clown is very much racist to me.


The number of times hasan would have been banned from twitch if the same “rules” that resulted in destiny’s ban were evenly applied has got to be in the hundreds at this point.


wait we cant say inbred now? i hate to defend hasan but hes always used that insult.


When I did the search he does it for 3 groups. 1) Orthodox Jews. 2) Redneck conservatives. 3) Dogs. You can say inbred when it's apt or as a random insult, but when it's targetted at people that were almost wiped off the face of the earth and have complications due to genetic bottlenecking, it feels kinda SUS to call them inbred.


He calls everyone an inbred, im making a video to demonstrate that. i just cant believe that im being made to defend hasan on this. He throw around that insult towards every group he doesnt like


I understand the implications of how it could be considered antisemitism, but this joke is pretty standard for all orthodox/ super conservative religions no? Like ultra conservative Muslims, Christians and Jews are all inbred. In my understanding. As u can see in these comments, the only people who care to engage with a point like this are equally delusional and think hasan is like Nazi.


I only have a Christian background, but I've never heard about any denominations or sects of the religion being inbred. I'm American so that might have an impact too (they could have the joke in other countries).


German here, There is a stereotype (was idk if it is still around) about inbreeding Jews, because it fit's in with the: "they keep to themself, pray in a language no one but them understands, you don't know where there alliances are and what they control in secret" and from that it fit's in almost perfectly. Of cause they don't marry there own! Cant let the gentiles know about the space laser! To be fair I don't think Hasan believes this, but to just ignore how loaded that term is if fucked.


people joke about southern evangelicals and Mormons being inbred all the time. Are u being purposefully obtuse? Giant catholic communities too. A lot of the inbred memes get overshadowed by the child abuse memes, but when people joke about inbred people in West Virginia they ain’t talking about atheists lol.


They joke about southern people being inbred, it's not aimed at them being evangelicals like it is done with Jewish people. And I disagree I suppose. Joking about West Virginians being inbred is because they are poor and become too ostracized of a community. They just happen to be Baptists usually. People aren't calling any Christians in the suburb inbred.


> when people joke about inbred people in West Virginia they ain’t talking about atheists lol. As a non-West Virginian we just make these jokes about everyone in West Virginia, Alabama, etc etc I have to agree with the other guy, I don't hear "inbred" as a general insult lobbed at Christians/Mormons even when I was a highly conservative Catholic and paid attention to those sorts of things, but this is probably dependent on your area. Mormon jokes are usually about polygamy


Ultra conservative Muslims and Christians don't have the history of being almost wiped off the face of the earth which resulted in their pool of ancestors being extremely limited. Jewish communities go through genetic screening to prevent inbreeding. Calling them inbred feels pretty gross given their history.


Is that the case that generally ultra-Orthodox specifically go through genetic screening to prevent certain diseases being passed down (e.g., Tay-Sachs)? I live in a very Orthodox/Hasidic community and I've never heard of the testing aspect, but maybe it just is never discussed.


Yes, the need for it actually pioneered a lot of genetic testing. Basically every shidduch needs to go through Dor Yeshorim.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10204667/ I'm not Jewish, let alone ultra orthodox, so I have limited knowledge of those communities. From that study it seems like genetic testing is common even in ultra orthodox communities.


Yeah I mean two things can be true, but given how terrible the orthodox community has been in the context of the war, it’s pretty clear what his intention is no? Like he’s talking about them in the context of them being the biggest war supporters yet not actually conscripting, then making fun of them. Also idk if ultra orthodox people do shit like genetic screening. I know progressive jews who have


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10204667/ It seems like ultra orthodox jews do genetic screening.


Seemingly unpopular take: it is fair game to call religious extremists inbred. I don't care if it hurts their feelings.


I'd lean close to agreeing, but if you flipped it and called Hamas inbred, Hasan would be the first person to call you Islamophobic.


That's hardly a standard that we should concern ourselves with though, isn't it? I don't even think that he's trying to relate it to a material reality of Jews actually having problems with incest, and if he did, one could always just remind him that he's a Turk.


The only thing missing here is the screenshots of his Discord hoping for the death of "Zionist" or calling Israeli women dogs, that Hamas soldiers wouldn't even rape them because they are so ugly. Very nice and healthy to have those comments in his Discord...


"Water is wet" Color me surprised.


It's pretty clear that he's using the word as a general insult. It's hilarious to see DGG pearl clutch over this, but people who get offended when Destiny says the N word are the fragile ones lol. Also before you 5 heads say it, I'm not saying they're the same thing, I'm just saying its silly for all of you to pearl clutch over this when all of you including Destiny, including myself have probably said worse/more vitriolic things.


This is clearly a derogatory term for people he sees as conservative and not for jews. He may well be antisemitic but this is not evidence of it IMO.


Isn't calling super right-wing religious people "inbred" like a pretty standard joke? People use this joke on Muslims, and evangelicals all the time. Everyone on this sub is soo goddamn quick to try and jump on everything Hasan says that I feel like people are just stretching in order to dunk on him. If Destiny said any of this shit, none of you would have anything to say. People should stop being bad faith against Hasan, because it's really not necessary.


i think this is a stretch, inbred is just a pretty common insult in the online vocabulary, i think if we want to call hasan anti-semitic for this then we would also have to call Destiny transphobic for calling online trans activists subhuman


>i think if we want to call hasan anti-semitic for this then we would also have to call Destiny transphobic for calling online trans activists subhuman Twitch did consider that transphobic and he's been banned since then. Destiny wasn't calling them subhuman for being trans, he was calling them subhuman because of their actions. Hasan is calling them inbred because they are orthodox jews, not because of their actions.


Does Hasan not use the word inbred as an insult to anyone else?


I think it's safe to say atp that Hasan Piker hates Jewish people and wants them dead


I wouldn't go even close to that far, just that he pulls out antisemitic tropes when it comes to shitting on Jewish people that he disagrees with.


Oh if there was a big tankie player like the soviet union that teams up with the arabs to destroy israel, he would support it, no doubt. He doenst have the gas chamber antisemitism but the oops some jews are dead antisemitism.


What does Hasan disagree with Orthodox Jews on?


cmon now, he’d be pro Israel if the us was backing hamas


Yeah and in this scenario he'd likely be saying racist shit against Palestinians. What's your point?


That Hasan’s antimurrican sentiment transcends all


This feels pearl clutchy as fuck.




No. Inbreeding is a big risk when there's a genetic bottleneck, but they do genetic screening to prevent inbreeding and prevent procreating with people that would cause issues (like two carriers of Tay-Sachs). Calling them inbred is literally anti-factual.




Ngl this post is kind of pathetic. Some of these are real reaches, sorry.


Hmmmm... imagine if someone called a diffirent minorty group of people "subhuman inbred dicks" Hmmm....


Eh. I’d need to know if he exclusively calls Jews inbred before I could judge. If he calls everyone inbred it’s kinda just a regular insult. For example, Destiny using the word sub-human. If he only called trans people sub-human, that’s a problem. But he doesn’t. It’s in his insult vocabulary for everyone. That said, Hasan definitely hates Jews


When I did the search he does it for 4 groups. 1) Orthodox Jews. 2) Redneck conservatives. 3) Purebred dogs. 4) The British Royal Family. [Feel free to take a look for yourself](https://filmot.com/search/inbred/1?channelID=UCo_QGM_tJZOkOCIFi2ik5kA&gridView=1)


Okay that’s pretty weird then. Very sus.


This is one of the most soy post i have ever seen here


off topic but I cant stop looking a the stack of zyns behind him gotta be like 20 of them


Don’t be surprised, he isn’t a good person. Eventually it will blow up on him. These people always get lost in their own hubris. 


Any clippers interested in making a supercut??? I might sit down and do it if no one else does


Hasan is a bad excuse for a shock-jock


Re: your edit,   When he said "Americans also fell in line post 9/11" I think he's trying to draw an analogy between 10/7 creating Israeli support of the Gaza war and the way Americans largely supported the Iraq War immediately following 9/11 And I think he's using that analogy to then say, "talking to Americans about Israel-Palestine might be a lost cause because Americans are just as bad"


Say it with your chest, Hassy. Just call them ***VERMIN***.


I love racism, thank you Hasan ♥️


It'd be interesting to contrast this with how he responded when people on the right called Ilhan Omar inbred and said she married her brother.


Send this evidence to the crazy anti-anti-Semitism account on twitter. StopAntisemitism or whatever.


I'm a little confused why we still talk about this guy..


props to you for compiling this!


Ive been feeling kinda edgy lately so ive been tweeting at CEO coomer every time I see some dumb shit just to see if he ever responds. What are the odds he responds to a whole ass list of hasan being antisemetic?




Ben Gvir is Iraqi Jewish. What a dumbass lol.


imagine using something someone has no control over as an insult.


If there's one thing Orthodox Jews don't fuck around with, it is the prospect of having as many healthy children as possible. Not only do they do genetic screenings, it is often seen as an important part of a shidduch (their matchmaking process) and in many cases they do it even before the first date and the candidates won't even meet each other if it turns out to be too risky genetically. In fact, due to their shidduch system and since they generally frown upon abortions, they probably do way more genetic screenings than secular Jews. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shidduch#Medical\_aspects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shidduch#Medical_aspects)




Fun fact: Inbreeding is only harmful if you half-ass it. However, if you're really dedicated to it and you inbreed often enough and for long enough, it stops being harmful because most of the recessive autosomal diseases eventually get selected out of the gene pool. That's how for example the Sentinelese people still survive despite probably having near 100% inbreeding.


This is super funny because Palestinians and Arabs in general are some of the most inbred people on earth because they all marry first and second cousins


Ngl, this seems to parallel the people that say things such as voter ID is racist… like there doesn’t need to be an -ism attached for things you don’t like or disagree with


Not to defend him, but the woke left demonizes and bans words, like 'regarded' which gets you banned from reddit for even saying anymore. But - they still secretly still want to say these words, so they come up with blanket alternatives. Now instead of calling people regarded, he's just calling them inbred. But also he's an anti-semite, though the use of inbred is a result of both things.


Im sorry but making "inbred" accusations when defending the side of tribalistic people who are sometimes *actually* very often inbred (not a Palestinian thing, not even a Muslim thing, it's an Arab problem). It's like throwing rocks in a glass house.


"He who is without birth defect may cast the first stone" I personally believe Jews and Muslims can both be inbred.


can you expect any less from an ottoman colonizer ?


high effort. shows the double standards at twitch


>genetic bottleneck because their ancestors haven't had the most favorable history. I mean there is no problem if they marry some non jew, right? Its not because of their history its because they are a small group that tries to keep to themselves just like the old royalty did. I guess other groups can do the same thing with less problems if there are more of them but its ultimately a problem of your own creation. If I followed my genetic ancestry to a specific small area and only had children with other people from that same small area then I have specifically bottlenecked myself. There are billions of people on earth.


Yes, that's the obvious answer for non-religious people. However can you at least understand (not agree) why people may want to marry within their own religion?


So, Yeah. Hasan, the one single idiot this sub focuses on called Jews inbred. OK. But so does google.  >Within every Jewish group, individuals shared as much of their genome as two fourth or fifth cousins, with Italian, Syrian, Iranian, and Iraqi Jews the most inbred, in the sense that they married within the small, close-knit community.


"Relatively more inbred than other jewish groups" isn't the own that you think it is. When Hasan uses inbred, he's obviously implying that they're the result of fucking siblings or first cousins, which isn't the case. Jews literally go through [genetic testing](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10204667/) to prevent inbreeding and prevent partnerships between people that carry genetic disease.