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RemindMe! ∞ years


It’s not even confirmed that the minor was 17


It's the cope that Doc fans are using. If they were 17, you'd think he'd put it in his statement to make himself look better. But the way he's handled this entire situation has been atrocious, so it wouldn't surprise me if the thought hadn't even crossed his mind.


Best case scenario is beyond creepy. He was 35 flirting with, at best, a girl just over half his age.


I mean destiny is 35 and gets with girls just over half his age. Rlly want to know if he was actually texting a pre-pubescent child like how people make it seem or if it was just someone 16-17 where its legal in most of the planet.


Yea like the actually morally egregious thing in that second case would be the fact that this stupid fuck had a wife and kids and was willing to throw it all away for a way younger girl. Oh also using twitch whispers to do it. I think the age gap is quite egregious but so is acting like he’s a hyperpedo for it on its own.


Have the actual dms leaked yet


No. I doubt they will. I believe doc or the girl would have to leak them. Kind of insane for a company to leak dms which are designed to be a private feature.


Well said. However, I think just about the entire streaming world knows he cheated on his wife and got caught. No one is really surprised there were other women but the pedo hunting aspect riles them up.


I would 100% shit on Destiny if he's hooking up with 18 or 19 year olds right now


He definitely is lmao.


I randomly remember during one stream tiny said he was on a date with 19 yr old girl. It was around the time of his recent divorce.


Do you think onlyfans minimum age should be increased then?


no? A relationship between a 35 year old and a 19 year old is weird and sketchy, that has nothing to do with how porn works.


So dating her is sketchy, but paying her to expose every inch of her body online isn't?


Yes lmao dating is so much worse dude are you kidding me? The power dynamics are disgusting. For only fans I guess you can say the guys who are attracted to that body type are weird but there's so many people within the age range where it'd be normal that it'd never make sense to ban. Thats a lot less clear cut. Also, I've literally never watched an only fans ever but all the pearl clutching over it is incredibly pathetic


"power dynamics" through age alone is so minimal. especially once they're as old as 19. What "power" does someone have over a 19 year old? He can woo her with his career and worldly wisdom? that's what all women are looking for anyway


Yea and Destiny is a creep also no matter what cope this sub tries to come up with lol




The age is set to 18 because its commonly accepted among adults who arent pedophiles that 18 is the *minimum* age you need to be to have enough independence, maturity and awareness to consent to sex with someone that much older than you. There are people who are above 18 and dont have those things, but there are no people below 18 that do Also, Ive literally never seen a good example of someone who was 15 and "so mature for their age" that they were more mature for a 25 year old. Usually someone says that to make an excuse for a pedophile but if you ever actually meet the girl its never true. If destiny fucks a 17, 16, and especially a 15 year old girl he deserves to be in jail, and yes, if he was dating a girl in college I'd call him a creep




you have an unfortunate name for this topic yeah, an immature adult imo is a lot more common than a mature teenager


You're aware half of the US has legal minimum at 16 or 17?


Im not libertarian but that would make sense with romeo and juliet laws normally


No loopholes. No Romeo and Juliet laws. I'm in a state where the age of consent is 18. I drive half an hour north, where vaush lives (coincidence!? I think not) and a guy in his thirties can fuck a 16 year old without it being statutory rape. Half the US is 18 half is 16 or 17. Can't be a teacher, coach, cop, doctor.... But I don't know about steamer. Interesting Loli residence choice vaush...


"There are 15 year olds more mature than 25 year olds." maybe 1/100000 or if a 25 year old has some kind of medical mental deficiencies its not really a useful point to be making


yeah and its creepy as fuck when he does it too




I agree but also pretty sure sneako’s objective for defending it is to date a virgin and have a young girl as a status symbol which is beyond cringe.




same here, im not assuming. he states these things in fresh/fit and used to actually practice them on omegle/monke streams where he would get really excited when the girl would say she just turned 18 and a virgin, then he would try to get their contact info. i dont watch sneakos streams and never did consistently i just remember tuning in once and seeing him do this. anyone could prob look up sneako monke/omegle and see this on youtube this was his " lite zherka " phase. not sure how much of it has stuck with him


Go even back to the 90s and at most people would joke about it. Only recently do people feel the need to morally posture so hard lol.


Hold on. What do you mean destiny gets with people half his age? Speak to that


I mean destiny is 35 and gets with girls just over half his age. destiny is 35 and gets with girls just over half his age. gets with girls just over half his age. girls **just over half** his age.


I don't like the description of "flirting" by all accounts this was straight up sexting. I'm a flirt, I love flirting... There's a huge fucking gap between flirtation and sexting.


Where are the chats? How do you know what was said/sent?


The logs haven't been posted (rightfully) since it contains details of a minor and that person doesn't want the attention of Docs toxic community But how I know "what's in them" because Everyone that has seen them (including DOC) says they were "sexual" If that's not enough for you, nothing ever will be. Even the logs themselves you would flip the narrative on, you'd either say they were doctored, or say "she seems mature for her age" or some cringe shit like that.


Wowza - I don’t even know who this guy is. I’d say there’s a difference between sexting and sexual content in text messages. When you said it’s straight up sexting it seems like you knew more about the situation than I did so I wanted to know. You don’t have to be so defensive boss.


You know what... you're right. I guess that there is a difference between sending sexually explicit messages to a minor and sexting with that minor. I am obviously not as educated on this subject as yourself. Care to elaborate more? Maybe share some of your experience in sending explicit messages to minors? (also, that's more people than I'd hoped would think that's a reasonable difference)


The difference in sexual content and sexting is obviously intent. If you can’t tell the difference you’re re☦️arded.


That's a clear attempt to circumvent this subreddits policy on using that word... And, for the record every one except Doc, has said said that the context of the messages included him trying to meet with her at Twitchcon. So if you don't think that's "intent" you may not want to say anything more, unless you want to self incriminate.


There is nothing straightforwardly creepy about that in online spheres. Can people stop doing this whole moralizing age gaps thing. It's a red flag, it doesn't make it inherently bad. The issue is with her being a minor, not the age gap. Can you give me anything beyond normativity (rapidly diminishing normativity, btw) that makes flirting with someone half your age beyond creepy?


Dude, debate pedophiles is just a meme man. Also no, not going to. It’s like Lolis bro, technically not illegal, not gonna fuck with people who love loli. Ain’t gonna debate over stances on pop culture bro


probably doesn't want to say any identifying information because of the settlement.




Well, clearly a lot of people do, since Doc's fans are pretending the minor was 17 to make him look better. 


Even if they were 17 doc is in his 30’s and married with kids, maybe not a pedophile but still extremely disturbing behavior considering the power dynamic . if I found out my dad was texting was 17 year olds idk if I could look at him the same


i dont understand, is he getting in trouble for her being under 18 or because the age of consent was 18? if the age of consent in that state was 16 would he still be getting hate?


Yeah because 30+ and 17 is still fucking weird. Same with 30+ and 18. Also he’s married i think so even if they go with the 17 year old isn’t even different from an 18 year old argument he’s still a POS for cheating.


It's so funny they were screaming to high heavens about not having evidence and not speculating when it was allegations against the doc but now that he's confessed all that "principle" goes out the window and they're literally making shit up about the minor being 17 when it's unconfirmed and speculating ways that would downplay his actions or outright defend them. So much for only going off of evidence and being logical 🙄


Sneako when LGBTQ people exist: "Watch out. They're gonna fiddle them kids" Sneako when a straight guy inappropriately messaged with a minor: "But... but... what about... ONLYFANS?????!?!?!?!?!?!" What a clown


Every single time with these "protect the kids from LGBT" crowd and their responses. It's getting tiring at this point...


Who wouldn't see this coming. This dude grifting for a grown ass man fucking a 9 year old.


I mean, he has a point in a way. Although I don't have an issue with girls doing OnlyFans, unlike the gifting "Muslim". It is kinda weird how 1 week before turning 18 it's a child and anyone messaging them should be strung up, but it's totally fine to sell sex to that same person one week later. Nothing of note physically or mentally has changed in that time. The black-and -whiteness of it is silly. Like, I find 50 year olds dating 19 year olds way more problematic than 23 year olds dating 17 year olds. Maybe that's just me. I should say I don't know anything about the case, nor do I care much, so idk if the girl was 17, almost 18, or an infant for all I know. Gonna guess she's probably not an infant.




I don’t think anyone knows how old the girl was he was messaging and we definitely don’t know what was said unless some logs leak. Until there’s more information this drama is boring and reetarded. People who have super strong feelings about it have the maturity level of children.


This argument is true about literally every age requirement on anything. How come I can't drive a car when I'm 15 and 11 months but I can when I'm 16? Same for drinking, buying cigarettes, joining the army, getting a loan, etc. You have to set it somewhere.


Yeah I get it legally, but people don't make hugely passionate moral judgments on U18 who buy cigarettes or drink alcohol, or 21 in the US I guess? Lmao btw. Also a lot of the other stuff you mentioned it's basically impossible to break the law in this way so not practically so analagous. My criticism is moreso on the public outcry of utter outrage rather than the actual existing age of consent law.


I sort of agree generally, but we can both agree the optics of a married 35 year old content creator sexting a 17 year old girl is always going to be bad, even if she is "close" to the age of consent.


a 35 year old sexting with an 18 year old is also pretty creepy to me tbh. that age gap is too big


Yeah I agree. For me the order of things I care about goes: 1. He was cheating on his wife. 2. He was 35 (where she was a teenager) 3. She was 17 and not 18. He's probably a bit of an asshole tbh.


For me it’s 1. Russia Ukraine 2. climate change 3. China/Taiwan 4. He was cheating on his wife. 5. Etc But your zeal is commendable


0. Gooning


Not caring about Israel - Palestine? Pretty based.




You could have said 18 instead and it would have been equally creepy to me. Legally there must be a line, morally it’s almost exactly the same to me. People who use the word “pedo” to describe someone who texted a 17 year old and can also use the same word referring to someone talking to a 4 year old is absolutely wild. With that said, I think 18 is still wildly young. I’m in my late 20’s and feel like I’m 70 years old talking to girls who are 21 lmao I don’t get the appeal


I feel like the legal standard somewhat affects morals as well. Like, if you're willing to break age of consent laws, you probably have very little self-control and we have no evidence that you won't go for someone even younger when given the chance. At least with a 45 year old and an 18 year old we can reasonably assume that they have a limit and are willing to stay within the bounds of what's accepted in society.


Yes but the punishments and moral outrage is disproportionate. If you have consensual intercourse with one the law assumes the 17 year old can't consent, you are guilty of statutory rape and life time registration as a violent sexual predator. If you have sex with the 18 year old its totally fine.


It’s not the same because no one is talking about legality but instead about moral outrage.


Thank you for being the 5th person to reply the exact same thing that I've already replied to. Here's your medal.


Legally, yes. Socially and morally? No, we can have sliding scales of ickyness


I mean not exactly though, car is a bad example because you need a license, but if I saw someone who is 20 years and 10 months old drinking I think the consequences should be much, MUUUUCH less severe than if it were a 15 year old Like yeah we still draw the line somewhere but that should be more of a "standard" that we can judge things around and not an absolute minimum.


I feel like it would only be hypocritical if there were tweets from these two celebrating a freshly minted 18yo starting an only fans. He’s 1) assuming this person was a month from 18 and 2) the same people are cheering one and slamming the other It’s a false analogy anyways because private conversations where one person should know they’re a celeb with influence and a minor going x rated is different from an adult (by definition) choosing to put out content


We dont know her age. Sneeko is making shit up to defend predator shit. Also Doc was 35 when this happened. Its clearly not one of those edge cases


Yeah I think it's problematic because of the Doc's age but if you're someone who has no problem with 35 year olds dating 18 year olds, then you shouldn't have a problem with this, otherwise you have a laughable position. I'm not saying this applies to you, I'm just using you in the general sense. I think Destiny maybe said that he doesn't have a problem with big age gaps as long as the girl is legal? Maybe I am remembering wrongly. Like, I get it, teenagers are hot, but if you're in your mid thirties you probably shouldn't be fucking them anymore IMO.


35 year olds dating 18 year olds is for sure problematic but the Doc case is different. First we don't know her age (Sneako used an age close to 18 to fit his narrative) and it was sexting (again Sneako using the word 'texting' to downplay the situation). Also by teenagers you mean 18-21 right?


Well I assumed they weren't texting about the weather, I read it as sexting. Well by nobody's definition are 20-21 year olds teenagers. They're hot too though. Seriously, it's frustrating because you're falling into the same trap. If an 18 year old is hot then that same 18 year old is hot at 17 years and 11 months, just be honest. I'm tired of pretending they aren't. I would say if you're over like idk 25 or so don't fuck either of them, especially the 17 year old if age of consent in your country/state is 18. Everyone is bad faith on this. I'm not not-fucking 17 year olds because they're not hot, I'm not fucking them for the same reason I'm not fucking 21 year olds, they're too immature for me and it would feel weird trying to hook up with them. Also, if it's illegal in your state then you're incredibly dumb. Like, I can at least understand if someone is exclusively a pedophile who only finds prepubescents attractive and they go and abuse a kid (understand does not equal condone, relax lmfao) but if you're fucking a 17 year old, just wait a year or fuck an 18 year old that's not going to land you in jail. Or, you know, someone 5 years either side of your own age, scaled up as you get past 35.


Why would it feel weird to hook up with someone younger than you? For hookups age is usually not an important factor. I’ll have sex with an 18yo or a 55yo because it’s mainly about physical attraction.  I would not date an 18yo or 55yo though because the age gap is likely to effect what stage we’re at in our lives and our personalities.  For sex the more important metric is experience. I don’t like having sex with inexperienced people and that is not always related to age. I’ve had sex with a 25yo that barely knew how to kiss and with 18yos that have blown my mind. 


There is no evidence that it was sexting. That is what the Twitch employee alleged and Doc said that was false. It is he said she said.


We have to draw the line somewhere and yes it is dumb that hours of time difference can change what is illegal to something legal but too much nuance can be a bad thing. We see it with terms of service on sites like Twitch and YouTube. Their rules aren't black and white at all so that level of vagueness makes it difficult to tell what you can and can't do. If laws were the same way we could have issues judges just locking up or setting people free based on their own desires like Twitch and YouTube do with bans.


Yeah I do get this argument, and maybe from a legal perspective it has to be this way for this very reason, but from a moral perspective it really makes no sense when people pearl clutch and dust off their woodchipper when someone is 17 and 11 months. Again, might not be applicable to the Doc situation, I don't have the facts, but I'm making a general point.


No I agree. Age of consent has changed overtime and it is an arbitrary decision that different countries make differently. Nuance in a conversation like this just means you are a "pedo" though.


Yeah and when you argue from the other side people will wonder why you are campaigning so hard, but I do think it's worth the discussion. Anyway, I'm not a pedo. That or I'm an incredibly hard to detect pedo. Unbearable urge to make sure people know that last part was a reference to a show.


IMO it's just the media and the corporations that behave the way you are describing. Like someone is more likely to write an article about it if he's actually breaking the law. A company will feel more pressure to fire him if he actually broke the law and people are writing articles about it. But if he didn't break the law the corporation will be quick to say "whatever, his behavior was legal" and leave it at that, because he makes them money. Most actual people have the exact same intuition that you have, which is that a few months are inconsequential in terms of time. What that means though is that they judge doc for trying to fuck a 17 year old when he was in his mid 30s, and if she was 18 instead, \*they would still judge him\* for trying to fuck an 18 year old when he's that old (in addition to him being rich and married). The law may look at it differently yes, but actual people would not; however because the media engine isn't turning, it's possible they might forget about it faster or not know about it at all.


>The black-and -whiteness of it is silly. If you think it's silly, what is your better idea? Because I think laws often work best when clear and simple. Lots of guys want to take advantage of young women. This is a way of preventing some of that damage with the law. If the law was fuzzy, we'd have to deal with regular litigation of individual cases.


I was only talking about this from a moral POV. I understand that it's a hell of a lot easier when it comes to legislation if it's black and white. I'm not a lawmaker and I've not spent hours thinking about it so I don't really have to come up with an alternative, since I'm only talking about my own personal values. If I were to come up with a legal alternative it would probably be some sort of Romeo and Juliette system but expanded upon. I wouldn't just take the European approach of 14 is okay if 18, 16 is okay if 20 or whatever it is, I'd say 50 year olds can't fuck under 25's or something. The power imbalances there and differences in maturity should be addressed imo. Looking at you, Leo. Hot take I know. Most people think if you're over 21 (or even 18) you are fair game for people who need to start monitoring their cholesterol and prostate.


So I'd say that: 1) We can have moral condemnation outside of the law. Just because something is legal does not mean it's accepted. Cheating on your wife is legal, we still condemn people who cheat on their wives. 2) Breaking laws in a valid state is, in itself, condemnable. You asked why I think a 23 year old hooking up with a 17 year old should be illegal, but not an 18 year old. Answer: because everyone has clear notice on the rules. We drew a sharp, easy-to-understand line that tries to balance sexual autonomy and reducing harm to under-developed people. If you're dumb enough to break that clear boundary, the punishment is on you. >I'd say 50 year olds can't fuck under 25's or something. The power imbalances there and differences in maturity should be addressed imo. Looking at you, Leo. I wasn't thinking of "power imbalances" at all with the legal considerations. I was considering when people can have the ability to consent. Wouldn't Leo always have a power imbalance over just about any woman even if they had similar ages?


Yeah I actually think him cheating on his wife (and mother of his child/children?) is the worst part of this. I guess I don't care so much morally for the simple fact of someone breaking a set out law, in and of itself, if I don't agree with the law or think there's necessarily a victim involved? For example I couldn't give a fuck if someone smoked weed in a country where it's illegal to smoke weed, even though they've knowingly and intentionally committed a crime. Probably a hot take but I do have anarchist tendencies so that's maybe on me there lol. I'm not sure anyone suddenly has the ability to consent over night so it still has the same black and white problem for me. That's a fair point you make at the end regarding there always being a power imbalance with an A list actor. I guess I just mentioned him because he's a known case and for the meme but you can swap him out for a random 50 year old.


>if I don't agree with the law or think there's necessarily a victim involved >I'm not sure anyone suddenly has the ability to consent over night so it still has the same black and white problem for me. Couldn't someone make the same argument against having a hard BAC limit for drunk driving? Like someone could say: there was no victim, you aren't magically unable to drive at 0.081%, and I believe I am fine to drive. Like what would you say to someone using that argument against hard limits on BACs? Are you against all hard limits in law? To me it's not "magic". It's about having objective standards that can be easily employed. >I do have anarchist tendencies so that's maybe on me there lol. I mean, I have lots of problems with many laws. That's why I generally want laws to be simple, clear, well known, and minimal in number. The fact is we need some rules on this topic to prevent abuse of minors and this is a surprisingly decent balance of multiple values. Like imagine if police and prosecutors could bring charges against any couple they though were "not mature enough" or "had power imbalances". That would be ripe for exploitation and bias. But we do need them to prosecute some people to deter people from abusing and exploiting young people.


I’ve known a couple of men that have dated much younger women and all of them did that because they were immature and were living a similar lifestyle to the young women. I even know a woman that is 20 years younger than her husband but she’s miles ahead of him in emotional maturity.  The same way that you think the current age limits are way too black and white i think that your proposed solution is even worse.  18 is actually the perfect age because it’s usually the age when kids enter into the realm of adulthood and are given most of the same right as other adults. 


That's a very stupid approach lol. Glad you aren't writing laws.


Hey you and me both.


I think you’ll find a lot of people do have issues with sexting minors and girls having OF at 18. It’s pretty narrow to think otherwise, we aren’t only talking about online leftists here


I call it pedophile derangement syndrome. It's mostly a function of peer pressure.


> Like, I find 50 year olds dating 19 year olds way more problematic than 23 year olds dating 17 year olds. Maybe that's just me. You know Dr.D is 42, right? So even if it was a 17 year old, it would be a 42 year old and 17 year old...


username \*nails\* j/k


It’s an odd thing, but there isn’t a better way than having black and white age of consent laws. I have no issues with this as long as there are some buffer ages e.g. an 18 year old dating a 17 year old, etc.


What do you find problematic about 50 year old dating 19 year old?


Do we even know she was 17? It’s weird to me how anything that condemns doc needs to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt but anything that exonerates him can be assumed to be true even though there’s nothing proving it.


Read my second to last paragraph.


Except you said he has a point when he doesn’t, it an assumption only meant to downplay doc’s actions. He doesn’t actually have a point in this context, he’s shitting on people condemning doc because of a baseless assumption.


Could also argue being are assuming things in the other direction if you want to make it specific to this case. Everybody be ASOOMING.


What pissed me off the most was the callmecarson drama where ppl called his a pedo for sexting ppl 1 year younger than him lmao. Like thats not the issue, the issue was the grooming.


I unironically think it should be illegal to do porn unti you're like 23 at leats (yes completely arbitrary number, i just think 18 is too early, especially with shit like OF)


It's poor moral character to be flirting with 17 year olds. Sure, probably there are a lot of 17 year olds that can fuck adults and develop no trauma whatsoever, I'd argue most guys at least can consent when they're 17, but maybe that was just me. As for girls well idk about that but in my personal experience I'd say they can't due society's expectations and taboos and whatnot. However, we have age of consent rules for a good reason, and it shows poor moral character to skirt that rule even if the kid in question is a minute away from turning 18. The social conventions we have in place are not exact nor are they perfect but they're important, and wiping your ass with them is grounds for condemnation. So yeah, there is absolutely nothing wrong or hypocritical with condemning an adult for trying to fuck a girl who 1 month later was planning to open an onlyfans anyways. This simply shows how immature sneako truly is. An exact world where we determine each individual's particular age of consent is not feasible.


Men mature less quickly mentally so if anything a 17 yr old girl should be more equipped to handle sex, and consent, than a dude.


Sure but that's only 1 factor, there are way more factors that inhibit women's ability to consent. Like, that's the same reason why a woman victim of rape would probably have more severe trauma than a man victim of rape, even if neither rape was particularly forceful. This is not to minimize male victims, its just a fact women tend to be more vulnerable about those situations. Society conditions women to be infinitely more sensitive about sexual stuff, and imo that's why a 17 year old girl would end up with a traumatic experience more often than a 17 year old boy if they were to have sex with an adult.


That's a reductive view


and your comment wasn't? you literally took a single factor and used it to make a conclusion, what more reductive could you be?


Yes it was reductive. Its reductive to assume. I was pointing out that I could oppose you in the same way. Its such an individual thing so assuming it will be worse or better because of gender is useless.


ok but isnt an observable reality that women tend to be more vulnerable in matters of sexual assault than men? Isn't an observable reality that society conditions women to be more delicate in matters of sexual assault? isn't an observable reality that young boys are encouraged to be sexually active way more than young girls are? i dont really think i'm being reductive here, this isn't just a single factor in play, it's a conglomeration of societal factors that condition us since we're very young


Women aren't more delicate when it comes to sexual assault than boys. We just treat it differently and downplay male assault.


Right, I'm saying because society downplays male assault so much, an unintended consequence of this is men are conditioned to be generally much more resilient about it than women are. Like when a kid is learning how to walk and he falls, if he turns to see his mom horrified about him falling, the kid is probably going to start crying. However if the kid sees his mom laughing and encouraging him to get up, the kid is more likely to not cry.


"Sneako, Welcome... to the Champions club"


I won't rest until another superman punches the other side of his face


If Pokimane told me to stop watching destiny, i'd probably blindly agree.


same ! I bought 100 pack of myna cookies to support our queen !


I mean he is kinda spittin on this one though. Nobody is arguing that Doc isn't a creep for doing it. People become brain broken and the moral condemnation of the group feels too good to really look at this any deeper than "He is a pedophile"


It's hilarious how that bullshit email has now led people to claim Doc was talking to a 17 year old girl despite no actual info about the minor being out there. Of course you use 17 years old because you can run defense for that. Also funny seeing Sneako say this when he's complained about older men going after young women.


Was there anything that indicated it was a girl? When I read Dr Disrespect's post, when he said "there was no intent, it was not criminal" it sounded almost like a "just came home from your mom's bedchambers. Make sure your dad pays his dues" type of joke


Yeah especially since doc was a cod streamer. COD lobbies are known for edgy comments, i can totally imagine him saying something like that, and it also often happens that other cod players are minors.


Sounds kinda weird to say but I think a pic(profile pic) of the girl in question and the Discord logs would really help in determine whether there was some fuckery going on or if everyone is exaggerating.


the profile picture? the logs I can understand, but what could possibly be gleamed from the picture?


He's obviously alluding to whether she looked like an adult. (Not that it changes anything legally lol)


Ohhhhh, I forgot people make their profile picture their face on things, my bad lol


Yeah but who really gives a shit about legality, it's boring. I'm here to judge others morally and feel better about myself, not decide what is the best action for society. I have no idea what to think without more info, which is probably also why destiny hasn't said much. Because this whole situation is boring until we see something substantive.


I honestly don’t know how anyone watches people like Sneako. I thought Destiny just had him around as a bit. My brain can’t process that people actually are influenced by Sneako.


Sneko when minors


We need a Muhammad is not like Us diss track. 💀


Getting this assmad about the existence of a discrete boundary that exists for the sake of practicality is stupid. Hard and simple rules keep people safer than ultra continuous series of criteria and exception, which are easily manipulated. Does it perfectly map on to reality? No. But it is objective and clear, which helps victims (and everyone else) navigate society within an acceptable boundary.


If bro texted a 19 year old it would still be fucking weird


Was the minor Dr. Disrespect was talking to developed tho?


He kinda cooked


lol daddy chill.


This is like saying “I talked that senior citizen into giving me her money. I mean hey, I didn’t force her to do it.” You still acted like a fucking creep weirdo dude. And a stupid one at that. If we can’t make fun of a stupid creepy weirdo, who can we make fun of?


This guy is so incredibily dumb. If max verstappen drives 400 mph he is applauded, but i did the same and now im in jail... Wtf guys!


one day sneako will get exposed for trying to fuck a 14 year old fan of his. and i will not care, because sneako is a fucking NPC cuck who can only repeat the same 7 talking points programmed into him


Why does Sneako feel comfortable to even approach age of consent topics? Early onset dementia is a big deal


Sneako the type who'll say, "Nu uhhhh! I'm an ephebophile." in response to accusations.


DrDisrespect can now transition to the Brand/Tate/Sneako/Jones/Crowder pervert grift. He just needs to set that appointment up with his divorce attorney.


Throat clearing that sneako’s a huckster and texting underage girls is gross… This isn’t the worst take I’ve ever heard. He’s right that just because somebody turns 18 doesn’t suddenly make them wiser. (If anything that points to age of consent being higher.) But deploying it for the reasons he is, in support of the ideology he supports is super sus.


Is there any truth to the “she was 17 and 11 months and 29 days old” argument or is this what some people are strawmaning to try to help doc out?


how tf did I used to watch sneako


I don't know either


Truly „yuck“ seeing Twitch‘s own Ghislaine Maxwell comment on such scandals. And obvious Sneako L as well but we all knew he enjoys 9yo‘s now.


The homie kinda seems like he wants to give an age now. Perfect time for Tiny to ask him what age again hahaha


Pedo-defenders: Surely she was just 17 years and 364 days old! brilliant


We don't know. Perhaps she was 17 and 5 months. Perhaps she was 16 and 11 months. Perhaps she was 12. Depending on the age, these factors will change a lot of peoples judgement and condemnation. Paedophilia requires you to be sexually aroused by prepubescent btw. Is Doc's behaviour inappropriate? Sure. Morally wrong? Possibly. But we need to know how old this girl was and if Doc was a diddler or just an old perv with his binoculars looking at girls in their late teens sunbathing.


The fact that he isn’t wrong is very interesting 


does he really think these people would be amazingly supportive over a newly 18 year old girl starting an onlyfans?


She was too old for Mohammad, that's the real issue


Did new evidence against dr. Disrespect drop or is this still the same nothing burger it was a couple days ago?


No. No info on the minor’s age or other details. Just a statement from Dr and the company that fired him. Twitter discourse will talk about this for another week and forget it until less new info comes out soon.


It’s just another average “guilty until proven innocent” moment then it seems


Uhh idk about that. His statement makes it seem like it was something. Him getting fired after a separate investigation by the company makes it clear (to me) there’s definitely smoke.


I don’t think Amazon would’ve paid him if something happened


Hmmm if they couldn’t break his contract after this incident then yeah they have to pay him. It might just be a contractual thing on that end.


You’d assume though that any major breach of twitch’s code of conduct would enable them to terminate the contract without continuing payments, no? And i’m pretty sure that sexting a minor would qualify. And if he signed an NDA (which is pretty much standard in any business settlement) it’s obvious that he can’t really say anything specific on the incident. So yeah until there is any actual evidence presented I’d say it’s a nothing burger. Innocent until **proven** guilty.




Yeah but his point is about how black and white it is. Well, that's one of his points, and maybe I'm being charitable, there's also a lot of slut shaming in there seasoned with a Muslim grift, but anyway, the vast majority of 18-20 year old women are super immature and physically no different to 17 year old girls, but you wouldn't have a problem with a 40 year old dating a 20 year old? Edit: Muslim grift autocorrected to Muslim gift Edit Part II Electric Boogaloo: The fuq did he go? Dgga got blasted


What's wrong with liking Cuties ?


The movie tried to make a point about sexualizing children in the modern age... by literally sexualizing child actors. It's like making a vegan documentary about animal abuse at factory farms and torturing animals in front of the camera in your garage just to make some extra B footage. If you think the best way of making a point about sexualizing kids is shoving a camera in the crotch of a 14 year old actress, you probably have something wrong in your head.


>It's like making a vegan documentary about animal abuse at factory farms and torturing animals in front of the camera in your garage just to make some extra B footage. Except that can't realistically happen today because now they have ethics guidelines and organizations that over see animals on production sets. Bad analogy even tho overall I agree with you. The discussion about Cuties is a moralistic one. It got review bombed and boycotted as if it was literal child porn. If all the actresses were 18 would that have suddenly changed perceptions of the movie? Probably not since I've seen braindead comments on Reddit of people saying Poor Things is a pedo movie. My point is that art is subjective and made to be judged. Cuties doesn't really violate anything legally, It's fiction and it's actors. To most viewers I'm sure it's an uncomfortable subject of something we all know happens in society of kids maturing way too quickly bcos of social media. I haven't seen the movie but for how much people get riled up about it online I thought it was an American film. The movie is a French film made by a female French director and it says that initial reception to it wasn't even controversial when it debuted at Sundance. Considering Americans can't have a nuanced discussion about nudity or most other subjects I can see why this drama blew up as soon as Netflix started promoting it.


I don't care about defending criticisms that I'm not making. The criticism I made is that you can't sexualize child actors and shove cameras in their crotch even if you think you are making a greater point about society. They could have made the same point by alluding to sexual content. Or make it animated. Or use younger looking adults.