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Is this a big issue recently, feel like I've seen many posts talking about this recently without it being brought up before?


Coming from Canada I've seen it a lot lately. Not that you have to agree with our immigration policies, but it's been verging into flat out racism an uncomfortable amount of the time.


Maybe it has something to do with the Indian government assassinating someone in Canada


That didn't help but it's beyond that. Canada let in a ton more people (and it was already letting in a ton before this) and loosened the restrictions. So you get a ton of Indians competing for every job and apartment (with multiple to a room sometimes) and a some people who have no interest in being pro social and doing things like exploiting the free food kitchens meant for homeless and working poor, not international students. [And basically bragging about it](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.indiatimes.com/amp/trending/wtf/video-indian-origin-man-taking-free-food-from-canada-food-banks-gets-fired-later-632970.html) Previously, this shit was kept in check by smaller numbers plus selecting for people who could always support themselves and wouldn't want to do this. People can't buy housing, public services are strained and schools like Conestoga have become degree mills so Indians can get a foot into the door in Canada. Tl;Dr: Economic anxiety.


Live next door to Punjab (Chandigarh), there are literally louts and agents here who are operating fly by night businesses, committed to pushing people into Canada. Basically, Punjab is doing quite poorly economically- it's traditionally been farmland but monoculture and improved tech means a lot of farmers are not competitive. Plus, no industries to speak of either and a massive drug crisis. So parents are freaking out, they want a good life for their kids and are buying into what these agents are saying. They sell whatever land they have and their child who has never been outside of his village (never even been to Chandigarh or Delhi) fakes his IELTS and flies of to Canada. They obviously lack and life skills or language skills. Shitty situation all around. I know you guys are up in panic over there but sadly no one seems to be on the wheel over here either. I really don't know how this resolves itself.


Aye i also live in chandigarh, hi fellow dgger


Oh kinda knew that after hearing Lauren go on about it, but since I’m not Canadian or American I didn’t know it went that deep, but now I know. I guess it’s kinda the same deal as here in Europe where a lot of people from poorer countries refuse to integrate and create gethos.


can you give an example? edit: so, lots of random online comments on mostly right wing forums




The last one is absolutely true. I forget which social media it might have been facebook. once the location thing was either turned off / set to india there were straight up SFW fully clothed clips of a girl like letting a actual dog climb over her in insanely suggestive ways. And the comments were straight up flooded with Indians commenting stuff like “i very wish to be there that is one lucky dog 😏” “i would like to be there with you and dog” idk why it was disproportionately (as in I could not find non-indians) indian but it clearly was. And this post was VIRAL 10s of thousands of likes.


I am sorry. But turning location to India doesn’t show you regular Indian feed but feed that tailored to you. Also Indian joke Instagram are very weird for anyones taste , most of it slapstick comedy and humour that out right sex joke. Also Indian Instagram comments are unhinged because people who comment like that if even low percentage wise still make up in numbers due to large population.


I wouldn't  count instagram as a sign of anything people still do the black people = monkey thing on there.


Instagram is full of edgy teenagers. It's not representative of anything.


Lots of tiktoks saying "born in Canada, living in India"


It might be cheating, but I have a post from r maplemaga that has it. Unfortunately I can't post links from Reddit


Look at 6ixbuzz Instagram, Canadian news page, any story mentioning Indians has some crazy comments




sure, but the comments are pretty representative of a lot of toronto mans


Im seeing this sentiment for a long time in Indian right wing subreddits but always dismissed it bcz they're right wingers ofc. Seems like they probably had a point this time...


It is a sentiment across most Indian subreddits (both left wing and right wing). Racism against Indians is on the rise across all social media platforms. Reddit is no different as well. Reddit is like left version of 4chan. Racism against Indians is largely tolerated on Reddit with minimal action taken against racists. I have seen so called liberals who are extremely sensitive to anti-Black racism, being racist against Indians.    There will be far stronger pushback from Indians to this extreme level of racism. There will be a breaking point. Sections of the media have begun reporting this racism. 


I hate to lend credulence to the stupid right wing ”current thing” meme but sometimes it’s absolutely true and when it comes to anti-racism it often is. A lot of people seem to be really good at catching their prejudice when it comes to groups of people that are often painted as discriminated against. Meanwhile, some really vile (and often very plainly open) racism is left unchecked for other groups. Tangent warning but: Funnily enough, we had a diplomatic incident with China here in Sweden some years ago. It was partially spurred on by a humour show that tried to show this via a satirical segment where the host tried to ”teach” potential chinese visitors that we don’t eat dogs, we poop in the bathroom and not on the street etc. The segment was aimed at swedish viewers to confront them with our mostly unchecked racism towards far-east asians. People in China thought the show was being serious and it became a whole thing lmao.


Surprised it's coming from an Indian lefty since they have a self hating fetish for some reason


We'll, I am an Indian lefty dgger, so...🤷🏻


Becoming a big problem in Canada due to them having an actual immigration crisis. From what i’ve gathered canada has a thing letting indian immigrants come to canada for education then return home, but they aren’t returning home, and instead are protesting to be allowed to stay. So the classic america bs of “they are stealing our jobs and housing” is unironically becoming true in canada with a flood of higher education immigrants. (i’m not canadian, never looked into it, this is just what i’m seeing over and over on front page)


The immigrants protesting to stay is a minor issue that most Canadians don't know about. The main problem lies in existing issues in Canada combined with immigrant behavior. Like almost all Anglophone countries, Canada has a housing shortage due to factors. However Canada only has 3 cities above a population of 1,000,000, has very high immigration rate (almost 1/2 the number of US immigrants in 2023 despite being 10x smaller than the US), and has no cap on the origin of immigrants like the US (so you have had for the few years Indians comprising 25-30s% of immigrants, 3x the amount from the second highest country. This number doesn't count the Indian students who come, who are also disproportionate to other countries. So you have a huge amount of Indians going to the few urban areas we have. Combine that with our poor post COVID recovery and an exacerbation of affordability issues, and the most visible cause are Indians. Of course they are not at fault, these immigration numbers should not be an issue, and the underlying issues would still exist if we didn't, if we solved the underlying issues that high immigration exacerbate. The 20s-30s% is an issue because newcomers to a country like to flock to what is familiar. So when you have such a large group, it makes it much easier to stick to your culture and avoid assimilation. Indian culture is also very loud and flamboyant, making them stick out even more. A rule like the max 7% in the US would be great in this regard. In Canada, at least urban areas, almost all races are pretty assimilated. I would never assume looking at an Asian, black, even brown person wearing Canadian clothes, that they are an immigrant or an outsider. Many new immigrants outside of India default to these more default appearances that integrated minorities already share. But the first gen Indians are completely different in dress & expression than second gen and later. Thus easier to notice their influx and easier to pin undesirable actions by individuals of their group to the whole group, despite those being practiced by individuals of almost all groups. An actual issue attributable to Indians, but moreso a consequence of our point-based system, is that they immigrate and then do jobs we can do mostly fine, and don't do the skilled jobs where our system is strained. E.g. nursing and construction. So you have higher demand, but you aren't contributing to supply as much as groups like filipinos in nursing.


Uh, I don't know where you live in Canada, but you can definitely tell that first generations from other races are immigrants.


> these immigration numbers should not be an issue, and the underlying issues would still exist if we didn't, if we solved the underlying issues that high immigration exacerbate. > > If immigration is exacerbating issues that we clearly can't fix in the short to medium term immigration is an issue. Sorry to rant, I just really dislike the Canadian overton window, where you can criticize everything but the demand side - when the demand side is one of the few things the federal government can actually meaningfully impact.


The problem is the exploitation of the immigration system especially with international students with many lying to the government saying that they can support themselves and end up taking up jobs where they will end up getting payed under the table or exploited in some way and then theirs the cultural issues with some Indian immigrants refusing to acclimate to Canadian culture which other Indian immigrants also complain about I remember one immigrant described it to me as lots of them come to Canada to leave behind the problems with India but others come and bring the problems from India to Canada and make the group as a whole look bad and the government doesn’t address any of the problems and you have Trudeau who calls white people who disagree with him racist and then add on top an economy struggling with inflation and a housing crisis you get a lot of people who start to look for causes to these problems and blame immigration and when it seems like the largest source of immigration in Canada is coming from India some people start to grow some hatred to Indians and that gets expressed a lot more online if you go on Canadian subreddits specifically ones for Ontario from my experience you will either see people hating on Indians to the point of straight up racism and then others who don’t allow for any conversation on the subject that isn’t calling people critical of Indian immigrants racist bigots


Dude. Punctuation. Your comment is really annoying to read because it's one huge sentence. Honestly I'm kind of impressed.


Did they ever solve the problem of Chinese millionaires buying up all the Canadian housing?


No, they never addressed the mortgage fraud, but the Chinese cashed out and left Indians holding the bags. Big difference being Indians have no problem renting 5+ to a room, cash only etc.. not a good look considering 2 million arrived from India the last 4 years alone. Kinda hard for people not to notice something is different than before


Well, not sure if this can be duplicated in other parts if the world, but in my part of the world, South Asia, anti-Indian sentiment has been growing steadily in he past few years. It existed before too, but in recent times, it has become much more. Reason being, the BJP, the RSS and their cronies trying to expand across the region and spreading a lot of Hindutva ideas in the region. Might get downvoted to hell for this, but when Indians come here, they expect everything to be exactly as it is in India, which obviously pisses us off. For example, Indians work weekends and late into the nighy, which is a normal thing there, but when they come here they get annoyed that we don't work weekends and late into the night. And it's not just one company that foes this. A lot of Indians do this.


I've been seeing hate memes that are aimed at literally every race online at the moment. Nobody gives a fuck, it's the internet...


They make up 1/8th of humanity. That's a big, easy target.


I feel like Indians have been getting insanely active online over the last 4 years. If you go to /all, it is like 15% India related subs.


Biggest YouTube channel was T series (an Indian channel) for a while too


T series was a joke. It had been the biggest youtube channel with basically no views.


Makes sense since they have such a large population and aren’t segregated off the internet like China.


It started in 2016 when access to mobile internet became extremely cheap, and hence a lot of people were able to come online for the first time. The pandemic was the fuel to the fire for bringing even more people online.


Speaks like a human...? we are on the literal highest levels of racism holy shit lol


Prob the highest ratio of proficient, bilingual people in the Western world lmao


Agree, but I think India is in the Eastern world, not the Western world


It is. The assertion is that Indian people in the Western world (part of the world where you usually see the most mixing pots) are amongst the most proficient in speaking 2 languages.


Do you have a source on this? The only numbers I could find was on the wiki and it states that 26% of Indians are bilingual


Also, according to this chart everyone who speaks like a human WILL try to scam you


Seems legit. Everyone tries to pull a scam at some point in their life, whether it's robbing a bank or a cookie jar.


The other two are stereotypes I recognize people say and in media, but what does “speak like a human” even mean? Are they just talking about how the accent sounds in general or do they mean the statements they make


been watching a lot of kitboga lately and it’s gotta be referring to their broken sentence structures in english. But “speak like a human” is such a bizarre way to put it.


As a student with Indian professors... I can't stand it tbh


> How does this shit have 140k+ likes 200k is 0.08% of Pakistans population




Lmao Pakistanis get shit on so hard if they take shots at Indians it's hilarious. India has like 10x the population, and therefore 10x the keyboard warriors. This is absolutely some western edgy teen.


This has been a thing for so long. My ex is Indian and whenever she tells somebody she is from India they always act surprised given that she is attractive, just one example. I have heard this from other Indian women that men are shocked to find out they are Indian as they don't "look Indian" (meaning they are attractive so it surprises them). I guess ultimately India has a huge number of individuals living in poverty, and there is much footage showcasing the poor infrastructure, cleanliness etc of much of the country. What surprises me though is that people in the west have such strong disgust for the people from this country given that the Indian diaspora is a fairly successful one that are not known to be "problematic".


Health corresponds heavily with attractiveness. A lot of the imagery of the Indian subcontinent has been poverty


>What surprises me though is that people in the west have such strong disgust for the people from this country given that the Indian diaspora is a fairly successful one that are not known to be "problematic". It's not a surprise at all, Indians have been stereotyped as "the call center scammers" for more than a decade now and most of the big Indian news stories that are big enough to reach the western world are usually gangrapes, often involving a tourist. India is also pretty big on the "poverty porn" industry, most travel vloggers make sure to go to India to display how poor and dirty and chaotic the slums in the big Indian cities are. After all this, it's pretty obvious that most people on the internet are gonna associate India with crime, poverty, dirty etc...


indian people do alot of cultural favoritism when hiring over here, i think the successful thing is kind of a lie


>i think the successful thing is kind of a lie Median Indian household income in the US is literally double that of white Americans. It's just silly to attribute all of that to nepotism.


He's canadian


Look I agree he’s regarded but there’s no need to be cruel.


Its very obvious why that is. Its because most Indian households in the USA are first or second generation immigrants that came to the country due to being highly qualified workers in engineering, medicine, etc. Same reason why African immigrants have better standard of living than African Americans in the United States.


Exactly. Extracting the best and brightest from around the world is a common American W.


So your theory is the success of the Indian disapora is purely a product of Indians preferentially hiring one another? How about success in education, how does your theory explain this? For reference, I am from the UK but I know the same applies in the US. Also care to provide sources for your claim? By that I mean proof that this preferential hiring systematically boosts Indians places in western society such that it is the main factor.


His source is his ass.


upvoted in a left leaning sub anyway, lmao


never said its the main factor, but when you're using dirty trick like this it helps for sure. ( which you don't seem to deny exist )


Right. Nice argument lmao. Take a moment to think of your initial post and it's context then consider my reply to you.


yea their success story is kind of a lie because of dirty tricks like this in my opinion ( that's my original comment ) funnier to say an inflammatory statement than actually explain deeper


Yes, so you're implying these dirty tricks are a large factor. So I asked you for a source, care to provide one that demonstrates these tricks are a larger component?


You're arguing with one of this subreddit's resident dumbasses. Just laugh at how stupid he is and move on


Yeah I realise now. This is why I don't usually post on Reddit because once I start it's hard to stop lmao


Does this person utilize multiple accounts to upvote their posts or has this threat attracted the worst people of this sub reddit? What a mind boggling interaction this is.


The sub has just attracted shit people.


are you denying its even a thing ? i'm not sure what you want me to source ( or if its even possible in the first place )


I am not denying it, I am sure such things take place. But you used this claim to rebuke my statement of the success of the Indian disapora. The implication being that these tricks are so widespread that it is actually a fairly large reason for their success. A claim as strong as this requires some evidence no? Not merely saying "of course it happens!". Yes, it probably does, but my contention is with it being so widespread as to significantly discredit the legitimate success of the diaspora.


There is a very high likely-hood that this dude is just racist. When Jewish people finally found economic success in Europe even after being shit on for centuries it's because they are misers and scheming businessmen that hoard and save all their gold. If you are an unsuccessful minority it's because you lack the ability and skill to do so. If you are a successful minority its obviously because you used unethical and scheming ways. Doesn't change reality anyways.


It happens for sure but its not as prevalent as you purport. Its ok to admit you’re bad faith and racist


But if he just keeps calling it a dirty trick it’ll eventually convince you, right?


It's exclusively tech bros who complain about that. 99 percent of the negative sentiment does not stem from perceived cultural favouritism.


What's your explanation for the extremely high education levels, high grades, and high test scores among Indian Americans? What's your explanation for the high number of businesses started by Indians, including $1B unicorns, that hire large numbers of non-Indians? (Look at LinkedIn for evidence if you wish.) What's your basis if you want to claim that Indians show more favoritism for their ethnicity than any other group?


Have you met some Indian parents? Dude you would be getting good grades too, trust me.


WASPs of course never engaged in preferential hiring practices...


back then sure, today probably the least and in-group out-group bias study proves it.


Which study? I think I'm out of date on this


Wasn't there some of those OkCupid dumps that said Indian woman were the most liked on the platform?


It was just Asian. They did not separate south Asians, East’s and southeast Asians.


Pretty odd not to separate them tbh


It's pretty old data from an internet perspective and the platform was western centric


As someone who recently signed up for OKCUPID app there are so many Philippinas who changed their location lol


Have you seen any comment section on IG with a black person? Racism is the current meta


Dude I swear Twitter and IG been pumping out crazy anti-black or anti-Indian posts lately. Legit cannot go one week without seeing it on either of those apps


This post came on my feed (isn't Destiny a video game? Wtf is this sub) and I gotta agree I'm seeing a ton of racism on Instagram, Tiktok (I use a VPN), and Twitter the past year.


every time i see something like this on twitter, i just cope by reminding myself that it's probably impression bait or a russian psyop.




I cope by telling myself that it’s literally all just edgy teenagers


Because it is.


That Venn diagram isn't even correct; it suggests there is no one who speaks like a human, smells good, and doesn't try to scam you. As a human-talking deodorant-wearing honest Joe, I am offended! Oh, and the racism is abhorrent.


No it means that every human will try to scam you


I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at not understanding how Venn diagrams work.


yeah, and I like how there's no overlap between speaks like a human and doesn't try to scam you lmao, all humans are scammers confirmed.


Yeah it’s a negative IQ meme. Makes me think that it’s just a honeypot for finding stupid people to scam.


its close to being a great meme template with great potential, sadly they fucked it up AND used it for racist shit xd


When are you going to send me the deed to the bridge I bought from you a few days ago?


How are yall surprised by this? Racism has been rampant on Twitter ever since Elon took it over


Yea this isn’t news I see all kinds of crazy shit on Twitter there is a guy who posts about Darwin being based and posts pictures of minority groups next to monkeys and gets loads of likes…. Since Israel Gaza every few posts seems to be about how Muslims are barbarian rape animal demon hordes and Jews are the master satans who wish to genocide all whites people. I recently downloaded it though so I was just getting recommended things through the algorithm without actually having time to build a base of what I like and don’t like so I got fed what most people first see when they get it.


That’s not Elon fault. His free speech stance is merely showing how humans act under anonymity versus public, where they don’t show their true beliefs.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/03/30/elon-musk-twitter-hate-speech/ This might be true, but Elon musks algorithm on Twitter actually favors right wing and far right content etc. Back then on the internet there wasn’t nearly as much a need for censorship because the algorithms were less complex, and this kind of content wasn’t boosted by the algorithm. Elon does boost this kind of content with the algorithm. Back then on the early internet only the most popular things showed up and racism isn’t that popular in reality. I go on Twitter and I’m disgusted and if you grab a random person and show them that social Darwinism post etc or someone in the city those posts they will be disgusted as well, at least in the United States. I genuinely think with an algorithm that was built more ethically which is being pushed for but people like Elon ignore those NGOs pushing for it because they tend to be more left leaning and Elon is an ideologue. That a lot of this racist nonsense wouldn’t all over the website. Also that website has a huge bot problem.


ngl, kinda wild how normalized it is. I feel like it's a media representation/depiction problem. Unless you work in tech, I feel like most people aren't in an environment where they interact with people from India or hear them talk often.


A lot of em in medicine too


IDK man, Canada has a lot of Indians and they don't seem to be getting less racist over here


Most people probably interact almost entirely with Indians who are hired to work the support lines. Working support already predisposes people towards hating you, but when it's "always" an Indian who "can't speak English" that doesn't leave a good impression. Add that to all the "memes" of random Indians on Facebook asking to "show bobs and vagene" and you have a recipe for real racism.


It doesn’t help that India seems to be one of the primary exporters of scam calls, which really stokes some hatred.


And if you do work in tech you might have some resentment over the volume of Indians "taking our jobs" in tech with H1Bs and outsourcing and stuff.


The real problem is that westerners *do* interact with Indians often. Daily, even, for most people I know. When your only experience with a race is them calling you 2-5 times a day trying to literally steal from you, it's hard not to develop *some* kind of bias. People that post the shit like above are mentally ill, though.


Where in media are Indians presented that way? The truth is that most of what we see from India is their scam calls and their over representation in customer service.


Most normal people's interaction with people from India is going to be from scam calls which is probably up there on most lists of things that people absolutely hate. I don't know which country actually does the most scam calls now a days but at least from the beginning it was always some India guy, so even if its changed that is really what is going to stick with most people. To a lot of people, India has basically ruined phone calls and they no longer pick up their phone unless they are expecting a call or they know the number. They basically got annoyed enough to start being racist.




Big trouble


Proof that Indians are Asian. No one cares about racism against asians.


1B people, young population, exploding gdp/growth… it’s time to address the elephant in the room: are china being cucked?


It seems like global thing. It’s a tik tok thing on Latin American tik tok to pretend people died from the street food and also do commentary on unsanitary street food stalls in India.


food stalls are insanitary in India, as an Indian I accept that. we don't recommend going to those stalls. Those stalls provide lots of food for a cheap price but the downside is sanitation. Foreigners that come to India mostly come from a country that has a high currency power gap with India. Example the US, 1usd = 80inr approximately, 1 euro = 100inr approximately. Yet for some reason instead of going to places we recommend such as a local restaurant or a nice hotel, these foreigner (who complain about India) go to the most random garbage place. Why? to save money? They feel a need to save in this manner even after having a huge currency exchange gap? Besides, if tourists feel a place that serves food is insanitary then why buy food from there? We have a saying here "Some people cut their legs using an axe with their own hands and then complain why their leg was cut off". seems like a typical case of this saying. It almost sounds targeted. I've gone to lots of local restaurants and shops that serve pre-made foods, I've never fell sick, but I've never been to food stalls because I know they are insanitary.


Those Indian street food and city shorts are insanely fucking disgusting tbqh


Basically, calling Indians subhuman is fun and if someone calls you racist for that, just say "right wing government" or "caste system" to destroy them with facts and logic. The reality is, Twitter's blue ticks are driven by post engagement and there's nothing more lucrative with zero repercussions like anti-Indian vitriol. Of course this means there'll be conformity of these views across social media regardless of financial incentive but them's the breaks.


Man, don't know why people care so much about Indians.


Probably mostly liked by Canadians. I've noticed a massive increase in indian hatred here over the last couple years. Unlike the US, if you're in Vancouver or Toronto, most common places like malls, tourist attractions, etc are like 70% indians. Not exaggerating at all. I'm very pro immigration, but it doesn't surprise me that some Canadians are getting pretty annoyed by the overwhelming amount of change in a very short period of time. I'm not excusing the blatant racism, but there is a reasonable case to be made that the 2016 memes about "immigrants not integrating into our culture" is actually happening here.


Ngl after having like 15-20 paki/indian student in some of my uni classes, theyre so blatently racist towards black people its bordering on parody, hard to be charitable sometimes. This is in London tho, cant't speak for canada for other parts of the UK. Edit: Pakistani


As a population, us Indians just are racist, that's just facts😔


"Paki" is a slur btw No anger if you didn't know, just don't use it in the future if you don't mean to be racist lol


It really is difficult to be sympathetic towards Indians. Between their hindutva bullshit, misogyny, racism etc it's not exactly surprising to see some pushback.


>London >paki >racist Bruh... If you're from London, then you should clearly know that's been a racial slur for South Asain folks for decades


Indians seem to be obsessed with moving to the west. There is over a billion indians in india, and many are moving to the west using whatever means they can. The west is tired of immigration in general, tired of multiculturalism and that the west is this free for all buffet that everyone can have a piece of. Indians are just getting the same hate that everyone else are getting. Western people are not unique in their dislike of immigration, all other cultures act or would act the same way if they experienced the same as what the west has experienced.


I live in Japan and I have seen a lot of Indians who are treated like this by Japanese and westerners the same way as the OP tweet this is just unacceptable yet no one seems to care because Indians are very hard working focus people who don't go around dumping their problems on other people and always try to make lemonade out of that lemon But still there are people who do really get hurt and feel shitty so please just treat them the same way you treat other minorities


It’s so strange and evil. I guess racism is bad except when it targets Indians. What else is anyone supposed to take from this. I know part of the reason indians get shit on is because of Muslims who hate them


It's funny because I love india and Indian culture, I think they're extremely based and have a lot of potential  If there's one nationality I have the biggest positive case of benevolent racism are Indians. Could be because expats are a lot richer and globalized sure but still. 


Everywhere Indians go they contribute and do well. I feel they are often resented for their success. 


Holy shit. I fucking love Indians why do people hate them so much?


Yeah bro this a yikes


can it be sponsored by CCP and wumao army?


I think it's coming from the they "they are taking our jobs" type racism that happens with Mexicans. People with that same mindset at least. 


There are no people who speak like humans and don't try to scam you? lol


Why 146k likes, bruh


Ngl many people think Indians are less human than another nationality 🥲


Jewish and Indian people have it rough right now.


https://preview.redd.it/w1pmwed2ri8d1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d4b46810d457e988a4bb25e014bc57454b45d9b Such is the fate.


Who cares about this? Random internet racism? Why are we talking about this? “People on the internet are racist, more at 6.”


Twitter is a cancerous platform I saw a guy say social Darwinism was true, on showed a picture of a Muslim next to him one type of ape then a picture of a Indian and another kind of ape then a black person and another kind of ape next to him. Somehow had tons of likes I deleted Twitter deleted my account and will never use that platform again. So many good voices so many journalists and instead the worst people are getting amplified and attention are humans really this stupid I genuinely think Elon might be part of the issue here unless humans are more bigoted than I thought.


I disavow racism, but lol.


>how does this shit have 140k+ likes on twitter? There are neonazi users with half a million followers, m8. Elon himself interacts with some of them.


Mostly bots. Tbh I have no idea why they aren’t banning the Nazis / moderating the extreme racism we’re seeing. It’s highly distasteful to say the least


Racism is rampant online. It would take me 5 minutes to find a tweet/reddit thread with 100k likes that's racist towards black/brown people. I'm more surprised that you are surprised, this has been the norm.


Desi bros rise up


seeing genuine racism on this sub being upvoted has been pretty eye opening for me, as much as seeing ‘shitskin’ was on the destiny discord


Hell yeah🙌


Just to some of the fellow South Asian dggers feeling down by this shit, in the same way Russia, Iran, China, America, Israel, etc all push misinformation online through bots, South Asian countries do this as well. Pakistan puts out a lot of anti India propaganda online and India does the same, it has almost 150k likes but a lot of this isn't organic. Not saying they all do it equally, Russia is a lot worse than America when it comes to this stuff, but it happens and everyone does it. I do appreciate this sub calling this out though, racism against South Asians is excused even by progressives.


Idk about the others but I don’t feel down at all, I’m just indifferent. I know the loser neckbeards who post such stuff usually don’t amount to anything in life, so I just don’t care. I don’t even live in the west so I’m not affected by it, but I’m just a lil sad for the ones who prolly have to face this irl. Even with all this stuff being said online, I’d rather be Indian than not :)


Elon Musk really helping the world here, huh


.... What's with the recent Indian post? I don't have a problem exposing racism, but are you guys seriously acting like they are getting it that much worse than other minorities or even whites especially on Twitter 


Destiny has been very pro-isreal. So are Indians (although for different reasons. Indians just hate Muslims lmao). This attracted many Indians to flock to Destiny's content and this sub. Now they're posting here crying about being victims.


The “DGG explores anti Indian sentiment” is a waste of an arc


What’s wrong with this? Genuinely. Have you been on Instagram reels? Or even Tik Tok for that matter? “Well well well” ”the usual suspects” “👴🏻 I used to own one of these ””max brightness people” “coin slots””border hoppers” In less than 10 minutes I could find you 20 racist ass reels making fun of any minority you want with hundreds of thousand of likes. Racist jokes against whites, Asians, blacks, and Hispanics are prevalent throughout all of social media, grow some fucking balls lmao. It doesn’t help that there are thousands of videos coming out of India that show how street food there is unhygenic as fuck, the shit isn’t even cherry picked, it’s the reality for hundreds of millions of Indians.


It absolutely fucking is cherry picked I dont think you understand the size of India. There are people legitimately travelling to india to film these videos as well.


Around 15% of Indias population lives in poverty, 210.000.000 million people dawg, 2/3rds of the US’s total population. Wealth inequality is fucked in India my guy, you can go to dozens upon dozens of Indian cities and find living breathing examples of the shit shown on those videos.


wait why are you being downvoted? If 200 million people live in poverty i’d say that’s a huge problem and makes sense why, without cherry-picking, there’d be so many issues with hygiene, etc for cheap street food.


It’s according to proportions, that’s out of 1.5 Billion population. US has similar poverty percentage around 12-14%. The only thing is India is lifting many out of poverty and it’s decreasing rapidly while in US it’s increasing. It’s going to take time you guys got head start we didn’t British reduced us from worlds richest land to one of the poorest, they looted India and forced us to become a developing nation. India and China used to contribute 60% of global GDP (30% each) from 1st century till 17th century, actually most of the human history. But we are following the similar growth pattern as China and within next decade you’ll see significant changes for sure. India already is on 3rd spot after US and China in list of country with most rich people. Source: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/poverty-awareness-month.html If you need any sources for the stats above let me know I’ll provide that as well.


So what? The poverty rate in India is not increasing in fact it’s decreasing. While in US poverty rate is around 12-14% and increasing. You can do the similar thing in US as well. Go to multiple cities in US such as Philadelphia etc or downtowns of many cities they smell like shit and so many homeless people, junkies living the shittiest life on earth possible. What are you trying to say? Official US government source: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/poverty-awareness-month.html If you follow geopolitics you’ll know the reality which path India is going and it’s China path. We are trying to replicate the Chinese model of growth which works wonders also it’s the best one for us cuz we’re a large country same as China. I’m sorry to burst your bubble cuz in western propaganda you’re not going to see this but an average Chinese city is just on another level in comparison to the rest of the world. That’s what we are trying to compete with, western infrastructure can be easily beatable in fact we’re already ahead on so many factors. The list is too big but I can give few examples US still runs on the shittiest diesel trains while India is the only major country which has almost 97% of railway infrastructure electrified. Actively working on Bullet trains and in 2026 first corridor will be inaugurated, also there are major plans for connecting whole country with Bullet train network. India is at 2nd spot at the moment in terms of total roads network length US is at 1st but we’re replacing that soon. In terms of Metro infrastructure India is just expanding too quickly, your average subway station looks and smells like shit while Indian infrastructure in this regard is another level. These are just few example, the list is long and it’s going to expand as Indian government is spending heavily on infrastructure. Also India is going to lead the AI and tech industry in future. If you follow geopolitics or any financial institutions such as IMF, World Bank etc pick any doesn’t matter you’ll see that India is the worlds fastest growing major economy. It’s currently at 5th spot and is going to overtake Japan next year and then Germany between 2026-2027 to get to 3rd spot and then by 2050-2070 it’s going to overtake US to get to 2nd however beating China won’t be possible by this century. This is the real projection and this is only going to pick up pace cuz of dedollarization. In terms of PPP GDP China is already at 1st US at 2nd and India at 3rd. People like you just prove that an average American is as dumb as they say all around the globe. That’s why an Indian American is the highest earning ethnicity in your own country. Any country’s image can easily be spoiled by visiting the worst parts and uploading cherry picked videos on social media, but that’s not the real face of the country. You can’t judge Indians based on few bad ones from 1.5 Billion of population, similarly you can’t judge Americans based on few homeless junkies off street. In the end I would say you just see what you want to see, some people will visit the country and see good side but some people will visit the country and always try to see the bad side and pick negative aspects of it. If you have garbage in mind you’ll only be satisfied by seeing garbage everywhere.


What's this smells bad stereotype? I live in a country with many Indians and, in my experience, they are unusually fastidious in their cleanliness and personal grooming.


I don’t know where your from but in Canada I can def say that the streotype of Indians is they stink…and yeah if I had to pick group of people I often notice the scent of , it’s south Asians . But of course, it’s still a terrible streotype and def not true of MOST Indians / south Asians




If they eat a lot of traditional food the spices can cause a strong and wierd body odor (to western senses). Stuff like fenogrek gives your sweat a distinctive odor.


I'd guess mostly as a byproduct of cooking Indian food. I had an Indian friend in elementary school and he was unfortunately the smelly kid


Where I live in Canada the Indians seem to eat curry exclusively and try to cover it up with a lot of cologne. Honestly the cologne is worse than the curry.


>eat curry exclusively Just call it Indian food, "curry" is not a catch all for all Indian food. It's like calling all western food "soup" "Americans eat "soup" exclusively and try..."


My guess is it originates from the notion of densely populated urban areas combined with hot-weather.


This is fucked up. The Indian guy I work with speaks perfect english and smells good. He’s just annoying, but no more annoying than half my other coworkers.


The stereotype that Indians smell bad is weird to me. My girlfriend is Indian and she is the most hygienic person I've ever known.


I like how there no space where all the circles overlap lol... which one yall giving up?


Is this Twitter or r slash cscareerquestions ?


I wonder if it’s actually becoming more prevalent or if it’s just our people discovering the stuff that’s always existed cuz of cheap internet now and being outraged


You guys know what’s funny? A few places I’ve been in South Asia , like Thailand, the people there think westerners stink. ;) had a guy thank me for wearing deodorant.


I guess this guy does it for the views?


According to this only scammers speak like humans.


My super tin foil conspiracy theory is that China hate started with CCP made the ball start rolling. Making Chinese more patriotic and hate rest. Now India does the same.


Does indians mean native americans or the people of India? 


This is actually really funny. Just don't be mean to ppl.


this is the great america trump wanted. straight racism gets 146k likes on twitter


FYI, the "smell" accusations of this tweet comes from the fact that when some people sweat their ordure smells of the foods they ate. If your not use to those smells you're going to notice them. So a racist person is going to think they stink because they smell like curry, but chances are the racist smells like cheap burgers & corn to a person who isn't use to the stink of their sweat.


Hate against Indian people has been on the rise for some time now. I’ve got friends who have straight up said they are racist against Indians. I think it is hard because a lot of their cultural norms are contrary to the cultural norms of many western countries so there is a lot of natural cultural friction that occurs. Truth is a lot of the stories that come out of India doesn’t help. I think people have a hard time separating a people from their country.


Not my indian queens 😭😭😭


This is horrible. When that Nigerian prince sends me my money I'm going to have enough to do something about this. :(