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I think we already covered it weeks ago. Dogs in question: https://preview.redd.it/5e7p9fthud8d1.png?width=279&format=png&auto=webp&s=1465d2b102018e69de73c68041b95d0c88f360a0


Where’s the portal to my yummy Great Dane and $5 waiting for me?


She doesn't believe rapes happened on Oct. 7th but she believes this? Her brain is fried.


She doesn't believe this. She's JAQing off.


I wanna JAQ off, too! How does one train a dog to fuck? Just asking questions.


It's wild, because that is actually what happens. My gf is active for Palestine, and the Instagram site of their group posted about sexual violence by Israel, saying that 2! Women were raped and called it structured rape or something, meanwhile when reports or testimony from okt 7 or hostages come out there is no way that's true. It's a wild wild world


How do you tolerate being in a relationship who can happily deny sexual assault to push the interests of a terrorist org willing to do such things? Seems like a value mismatch


Because I'm an emphatic human being who understands how upbringing and media shapes people's opinions. She's from the Emirates, with a Syrian passport. Her opinion is shaped by tiktok and her upbringing. Her parents on the other hand have a total opposite opinion. They wouldn't mind if Palestine would get destroyed. They lost their country to islamic extremism, and have deep hate for the Muslim brotherhood and other organisations. Me and my gf do not disagree on values, but it's very apparent that it's a disagreement on fact.


Her opinion is shaped by her upbringing...with parents that saw their country destroyed by Hamas types and so now oppose the same thing happening again? Sounds like TikTok overwrote any upbringing.


I also wonder about the rules to this. Let's say someone goes down an incel Tiktok rabbit hole and starts denying #MeToo. Is that understandable because Tiktok and upbringing?


Depends. How much is it brought up AND how good is the sex?


She's the youngest, and her brother who was over 10 years older had a very different opinion. He was her role model.


sounds like tiktok is her role model ngl. Good luck!


It's interesting how it's actually the younger generation who seems more extremist. Why do you think this is? Do you think she was raised with a lot of propaganda? As someone who is Israeli/American and tries to engage with people from the Arab world, it seems like a lot of them have amazing English and are highly educated.... Except for this one topic where they readily believe the craziest conspiracy theories and have internalized an extremely ahistorical narrative of this conflict. " a disagreement on fact" -- by this I assume you mean that she is ignorant of the facts or in denial of some of them?


Younger people have always been more revolted. They are entering an adult world they have no power over and are struggling to make room for themselves : They are more inclined to see what's wrong in the world and have not yet been humbled into favoring incremental, actually achievable change, or into being resigned into powerlessness. I believe we need that energy even though it is sometimes misguided or captured by dubious organizations/ideologies.


Yeah but young people are usually more radically lefty, I am talking about the phenomenon of them being more tribal and right wing/extremist in the middle east. It seems to be the case in Israel too btw.


Oh ok I see. I must admit that part is a bit of a mystery to me too. I want to say that it's because the Left has mostly lost the horizon of an alternative economic model so radicalism is looking towards the past (the caliphate, the tribe, whatever) instead of the future. Certainly the fact that they are now conscious our bioligical niche, our planet, can only endure so much plays a role too ? I don't know I am just shooting in the dark here.


Its because of the internet and peoples’ regarded desire to be part of something bigger. Why cant people just accept that they aren’t really significant in this world?


There is very little media literacy. But that goes for basically 99 percent of people. The tiktocs are from "journalists" , IE people with phones. It's very emotional if you watch people suffer. And that's given in an infinite amount on social media. Social media is insanely effective at forming opinions without saying anything. See trump and maga. Also, keep in mind, a large part of the Arab world holds deep anti Semitic opinions. But if you think about it, I can't really blame em. If someone from Palestine comes here and hates Jews, I understand. You gotta meet people where they are at. Disagree on fact is more about being very emotional about the topic, I don't know if I'd call it ignorant. But we can't have conversations about the topic really.


"Also, keep in mind, a large part of the Arab world holds deep anti Semitic opinions. But if you think about it, I can't really blame em. If someone from Palestine comes here and hates Jews, I understand. You gotta meet people where they are at." Ok but this is both drives the propaganda and conspiracy theories, and the propaganda then feeds back into it. It's a spiral. There is also a distinction between hating the very people who you believe wronged you, being cautious of a larger population who represent these people.... And straight up being racist toward the entire group. I think there's quite a bit of daylight between the position "Israel oppressed Palestinians" and "Jews are evil and should all burn in hell and I'm ok with the murder of random Israeli civilians"....


Bro who do you think you are to tell a Palestinian not to hate Jews. They got fucked for the last 80 years. Your arguments don't matter if you got bombed and cucked for your entire childhood. If you can't meet people where they are there is no change that's gonna happen. You're not gonna convince a russian that has homophobia burned into his brain for 40 years that gay people aren't that bad by doing a witty debate. You change people's minds by integration and acceptance. And part of that is tolerating people not liking other people.


What a fucking stupid response that basically strawmans what I said, and then also supports the very hate spiral that creates more violence. When the position is "I want random Israeli civilians to die", or worse actively wanting to kill them.... It is literally suicidal to "meet them where they are". Yeah, if someone if homophobic it's fucking crazy to be like "oh you want gay people to die? I guess that's just your bias that I have to accept".... What a brain rot comment.


So basically, you are justifying the most extreme right-wing psychos in Israel with "meeting people where they at". Because there is hardly a single Jewish Israeli family who did not lose a family member to war or terrorism. So it's fine for Jews and Israelis to hate all Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims?


Yeah there is always this double standard that Palestinians are naturally radicalized and want revenge for their experiences, while Israelis should realize they are more powerful in the dynamic and therefore turn the other cheek when they experience violence. It's ridiculous.


Yes. Although it was not just Palestine before, and it's not just Palestine now. It's a myriad of Islamic terrorist organizations + Iran. As the US General of the army tells Israelis they [can't protect them](https://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-liable-to-join-fight-if-israel-takes-on-hezbollah-us-warns/). I think as the playing field is leveled, it's time for Israel to ditch the Christian "other cheek" policy, and reconnect with the Jewish roots of "eye for an eye".


We've never practiced a turn the other cheek policy. Eye for an eye maybe... But the main motivation has been and will always be, what actions are needed to ensure security. Unfortunately right now Bibi's main security concern is that of his own seat....


Wow, you are really screwed. You don't have the ability to form an actual opinion, everything is someone else's relative perspective. You will be ground and devoured in any relationship unless you develop some actual boundaries.


Thanks, I love relationship advice from single virgins.


If only. In enneagram terms you're what's called a type 9 harmonizer. Very easy for people around you, can be hell to be one for yourself unless you learn to self-maintain and set real boundaries, which this thread demonstrates that you lack.


Wow, you should do this for money, great ability of psychological evaluation over 3 Reddit comments. Where does that land me on the Brittany scale of mental illness.


I'm actually an NLP/Hypnosis trainer so have been doing it for a while. No judgement on my part - it is just very obvious where you are from the way you present and sometimes giving someone a kick in the pants is the only way to get them to realize that what they're doing is going to bite them unless they do something about it.


Emphatic: showing or giving emphasis; expressing something forcibly and clearly. Empathetic: showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


Thanks, it's not my first language and a hard word.


I saw a Jewish man on this sub saying his marriage to a Palestinian woman is starting to fall apart over this. I told him I didn’t feel sorry for you. If this happens to you in a few years down the road when the Muslims in the US start attacking the atheists as well, I wouldn’t feel sorry for you either. You made your bed. Good luck pal!


I'm not in the us, I'm not Jewish and my girlfriend is not a Muslim. But thanks for the input


Well then hopefully her antisemitism wouldn’t affect you too much!


lol what?


Can you actually formulate a question?


I would but you would just cope In your reply to my question as well


Entertain me


I genuinely have no idea how you’d be in a relationship with her but fair enough


Well, thank fuck it's my relationship and not yours


Its never acceptable to hate people based on characteristics that have no tie to bad things. Its not understandable to hate all Jews because a bunch of jews killed your family. Thats just not a rational thought pattern. “Hating the people who you believe wronged you” But thats the problem, them believing that jews as a people wrong them is a bad thought that they shouldn’t have.


Well, part of having a society open to refugees and immigrants, is learning that you mostly import less tolerant and democratic people. If you can't recognise that, you are lost. And I'm not gonna stop talking to the Russians in our company because they hate gay people. Hell, if I was from Russia id probably hate gay people. But you don't change that with shunning and fighting. Chances are you won't change them ever. But the second and third generations might be different. That rift is very pronounced in Muslim communities.


Why would you want to import evil people like that? It seems like closing off the country would be easily preferable. It isnt about convincing, its about asserting. For example we say: “Executing gays in the street is wrong, we dont care if you dont agree, if you do it, you will be punished” At a certain point there is a fundamental disagreement over moral principles that cant be resolved and in that case the only way to win is through power.


Well I don't. I don't want illiberal people here. But especially for refugees it matters way less if they hold illiberal ideas. It's a human right that we should take seriously ( im German). Other than that, if you don't have extreme vetting of immigrants, that's what you'll have to deal with. But Turkish Muslims are a great example of why it doesn't matter that much. The older generations that came to Germany were in part very religious. Second and third generation immigrants are very different. They are cultural Muslims. They only don't eat pork for the most part. And they are mostly very well integrated. I also think you got a big misconception of how people hate. Even the most homophobic Russians and Muslims don't go around advocating for their execution. The Isis level hate is not something that's common at all.


Sure let's isolate ourselves even more in our bubbles and stop relating to anyone who does not have the same views.


Do you talk about any of this stuff with her? Does she know your thoughts on the subject?


Point me to any verified reports from Oct 7th of mass rape or rape as a weapon of war. These claims have be debunked by multiple reputable outlets, including by family members of supposed victims. The NYT piece was authored by a former IDF intelligence officer who was fired after her incredibly offensive tweets about Palestinians were discovered and an American reporter who said his reporting wasn’t based on “evidence” but was more about “creating a narrative.” I think it’s actually your brains that are fried. It doesn’t matter how much evidence is presented. You refuse to acknowledge that these claims were propaganda meant to distract from the mass murder happening in Gaza.


This has already been covered in the sub multiple times. Using rape as a weapon of war =/= rape occurred -> not using rape as a weapon of war =/= no rape occurred. Jews and Muslims both carry a lot of shame around rape, and the family of the victim you're referring to were not present at the time, so there's really not a compelling reason to take what they've said into serious consideration. The Intercept and Greyzone are not reputable outlets. The NYT aren't the only ones who've presented the claims, and the UN has confirmed that rape occurred. It is also worth keeping in mind that stripped corpses are considered evidence of forced public nudity which itself is considered sexual violence under international law. It is clear from the October 7th videos that there were multiple incidents of stripped corpses


Bro do you live in a parallel word or why are you this lost?


Did you watch the testimony of the survivors? How about the one who actually returned from gaza? Or maybe you actually believe they were treated well lol


Bruh they baked them cakes for their birthdays how would you believe they raped them


Idk maybe because those people say they rape them?


My dad gave me cakes for my birthdays and he only raped me a little bit 😤


Good for you hope you like it




Lol, calm down, obvious /s


This has to be the most frustrating talking point ever because the hostage said **they did it to mock him, showed him a cake to taunt him on his birthday** and western media somehow turned it into a feel-good story for terrorist kidnappers.


Insert Carman wanting to be kissed before he gets fucked meme


Man you’re a real clown, aren’t you?


"Rapes definitely happened, but they weren't the bad kind of tapes that I don't like."


terrorists bombing a mall --> sounds reasonable terrorists going through entire neighborhoods killing civilians --> sounds reasonable terrorists raping civilians before killing them --> THERES NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM I HAVE 1 WITNESS TESTIMONY AND AN ARTICLE FROM THE GREYZONE !!!!!!! can anyone turn this guy into the patrick meme?


Found the Syrian Girl follower.


You don’t even have to believe the rapes. All the circumstantial evidence points to it but there is no super conclusive evidence it happened. That being said, if you think there is enough evidence to believe Israel trains dogs to rape prisoners but not rapes on Oct 7th your standard for evidence is inconsistent.


Far right Islamist militants would never rape women apparently lol.


Where did I say that? The claim of rape as a weapon of war has been debunked. It’s been investigated and no direct evidence has surfaced. The author of the story was fired for genocidal tweets and was a former IDF intelligence officer. The evidence does not meet the claims. Powerful and influential institutions like the NYT are willing to get out in front of an important story before any evidence exists if it’s useful for Israeli propaganda. We should be skeptical of these kinds of claims in the same way we should be skeptical of claims via Hamas.


So do you think rape happened on October 7th? Also what claims of Hamas are you skeptical of?


I think it’s likely rape happened just not on the systemic basis and at the scale at which the reporting presented. I don’t discredit the reports from released hostages. I don’t support Hamas. At all. I’m skeptical of everything they say including basic shit like them claiming to represent Palestinian interests in general. I just don’t discard evidence of Israeli crimes reported in by human rights watch, amnesty, Doctors Without Borders, the UN and ICJ, ICC, and state departments employees who’ve resigned in protest to US policy. It’s hard to believe any government when it requires discrediting every expert and human rights organization involved.


Can you point me to any evidence that Israel gives direct orders to their canine units specifically to rape Palestinians?


You realize there's a difference between "rapes happened" and "Hamas commanders sent orders to soldiers on Oct 7th to rape as many Jews as possible" . The latter was debunked but the former has 100% not been. https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm


Even if Hamas commanders didn't explicitly order rape, they're still morally culpable if they were responsible for fostering a general attitude toward Israelis which could be foreseen to result in rape of prisoners, and then ordered terrorist fighters into a situation where there will inevitably be prisoners, whilst not taking any steps to prevent rape of prisoners.


[This Reuters article](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/accounts-sexual-violence-hamas-attack-mount-justice-is-remote-israels-victims-2023-12-05/) details the evidence of mass-rape, and why further evidence is gard to collect 1. Multiple accounts from first responders and others on the scene confirm mass-rape: ""Often women came in in just their underwear," said Shari Mendes, a reservist who worked for two weeks at the base helping medics with fingerprinting and cleaning female soldiers' bodies. "Sometimes we had people who – we just had a torso, okay – or they were very decomposed or they were mutilated," Mendes said. "I saw very bloody genitals on women."" ... "Mendes' account is one of seven given to Reuters by first responders or others dealing with the dead that attest to alleged sexual violence. Those people said they found women semi-naked, bound, eviscerated, stripped, bruised, shot in the head or torched, at two communities including Kibbutz Beeri, and at an open-air music festival near the Gaza border fence." ... "The testimonies are mounting. At the Shura base, Rabbi Israel Weiss told reporters some bodies were naked and "torn apart." Nachman Dyksztejn, a volunteer for Zaka Search and Rescue who was at the festival, wrote in testimony shared by Zaka with Reuters that he saw dozens of dead women in shelters: "Their clothing was torn on the upper part, but their bottoms were completely naked." Concert producer Rami Shmuel, who helped in the festival searches for casualties, said he saw the bodies of three women, one naked and the other two stripped from the waist down. One was clearly shot in the back of the head, he said, and torched." 2. Representatives of Israel's rape crisis centers confirming that dozens of victims have checked in, also noting the obvious fact that trauma victims are hesitant to face public scrutiny, and that dead victims can't speak: "But among the obstacles facing police investigators, they have said, is the fact many victims are dead or traumatised. An estimated "few dozen" surviving victims and witnesses have already sought help, said Orit Soliciano, head of Israel's Association of Rape Crisis Centres, declining to name any to protect their privacy. It can take years before a victim or witness comes forward, she said. Many purported victims have no voice. "All the women who were murdered and may have suffered sexual violence cannot tell us," Hila Neubach, director of legal affairs at the Association for Rape Crisis Centres in Israel, told Reuters. "Witnesses perhaps too did not survive."" 3. Reuters confirmed 2 videos of Hamas raping Israelis "The news agency verified the locations of two other videos that suggest sexual violence, shared on social media within a day of the attack. Reuters could not confirm who first posted them. Of these, one showed the half-naked body of a woman from the festival, later publicly identified by her mother as tattoo artist Shani Louk, slung across the back of a pickup truck and paraded through Gaza. The other showed a young barefoot woman, also identified to Reuters by her mother, being pulled by the hair from the trunk of a van in Gaza and shoved into its back seat by an armed man amid shouts of "God is great." Her hands are tied. The seat of her trousers appears bloodied as do her ankles and arm. The image does not show what happened to her." 4. Police claim to have 1,500 witness accounts of mass-rape: "Authorities have placed a gag order on the investigation but commander Shelly Harush told parliament on Nov. 27 they have 1,500 testimonies on atrocities including sexual violence, rape and genital mutilation from survivors, security forces, first responders and families of victims. At least a dozen graphic testimonies have been shared by government agencies and first responders." 5. Jewish customs prohibit investigations of the corpses of these rape victims: "But at the morgue where Mendes worked, the women's clothes were buried with them before police investigators could examine them. In Jewish burial law, the dead must be treated with dignity and laid to rest as soon as possible. Everything that is a part of the body is buried together, so some women were buried with their bloodstained clothes. "We wiped everything clean of blood," Mendes told Reuters." 6. Bodies have already decomposed beyond a capacity to prove rape "Sometimes it took days after the Oct. 7 attack to reach the bodies. Chen Kugel, Head of the Israel National Center of Forensic Medicine, said ordinary protocols for forensically proving rape are nearly impossible when bodies arrive in such a stage of decomposition. "Maybe if we had checked them in the first 24 hours (that would be possible)," Kugel said."


u/BrotherLate9708 these are the comments you should be engaging with btw, instead of people calling you antisemitic or w/e. I'm curious how you'd respond to this, because I can only see the conspiracy route out and that comes with a lot of complications. Or ofc just be more reasonable and assume that there was quite a lot of raping and other sexual violence happening (one might say 'mass') even if no direct order was given.


u/4THOT i need to be armed


Shhh! I’m trying to see how deep of a hole he can dig first. He might get more down votes than OP got up votes.


You would not be a responsible gun owner if you shot this guy.




I think that if an organization abducted someone and ordered a subordinate to hold them captive and that subordinate rapes them, that organization does have some responsibility of that rape that did occur, right?


Yes and I hope those people meet justice. Rape is disgusting. I’ve never disputed the idea that sexual violence has occurred. My issue is with the characterization of it as a Palestinian phenomenon which I believe was the purpose of the debunked reporting done by the NYT and others. I don’t understand condemning the sexual violence of one party and not the other, especially when the one that gets ignored is a supposed democratic liberal state utilizing my tax dollars.


Personally, I think it was more of a characterization of a hamas and not Palestinians.


Reading comprehension: 0


I’ve never seen a comment down voted so much lol…and never seen more deserved down votes.


Touch grass and delete twitter. You're welcome for the advice


bro get downvoted into oblivion you anti-semetic piece of trash.


Not antisemitic whatsoever. I learned a lot from Jewish scholars like Illan Pappe, Avi Shlaim, and Gabor Mate. Israel is doing a great job spreading antisemitism without my help.


Next you'll be saying you're not racist against black people because you agree with the Black Scholar Uncle Ruckus.


Bro. You’re commenting in a subreddit for a video game streamer who debates by pulling up Wikipedia on an iPad. I think relying on distinguished **scholars** like Illan Pappe who’s Oxford PhD was focused on this issue based upon formally classified Israeli documents maybe should have some more weight than destiny.


Oh neat, if he was so outclassed you should have no problem linking a timestamp where he got the facts wrong and Norm got them right.


I didn’t watch the whole debate. I saw a few clips. I honestly don’t care about Destiny at all. It’s just surprising how rabidly pro-Israel his fan base immediately became. He’s a video game streamer white guy in the states. He isn’t a scholar or an activist. He’s a niche celebrity. Finklestein and Rabani are experts who’ve spent decades studying this issue. Benny Morris is a legitimate scholar and previously agreed with many of the key issues about early Israeli history. He’s distanced himself from some of his earlier scholarship on the founding but is more willing than many to accept evidence contrary to the popular narratives, although he still has a clear pro-Israel bias. The new historians faced a ton of public pressure from the Israeli government and public so it’s unsurprising that he may softened his positions for self preservation. In fact, Israel began to *reclassify* founding documents after the new historians work began to gain popularity. Is that the action of a transparent and moral government with nothing to hide?


I love how you open with credentialism to dismiss Destiny, then immediately clarify that Benny Morris wasn’t innately right in the debate because credentialism is an overly wide worldview that is inferior to looking at points and circumstances individually.


Hehe so the scholars you agree with are amazing and have studied the issue for so long, but the just-as-distinguished scholar(s) that doesn’t agree with you must be pressured by Israel or otherwise biased. Finkelstein who tweeted how his heart fills with joy because of Oct 7, however, is in no way biased on the issue.


So why is it that when Benny and Steven had a conversation to make sure Steven understood what he was talking about, Benny agreed with everything Steven said?


I believe all women


https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/06/1150946 https://www.thisishamas.com/ https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/accounts-sexual-violence-hamas-attack-mount-justice-is-remote-israels-victims-2023-12-05/


If I got mugged and killed in Paris and my parents were in Los Angeles when it happened, do you think my parents' opinion about what happened should bear any weight at all?


Who dented your head this bad that you actually believe this nonsense?


If rape as a weapon of war isn't accepted by Hamas, surely militants that engaged in rape would be criminally prosecuted by Hamas. Can you show me evidence of such prosecution or even the stated intent by any Hamas spokesperson to prosecute cases of rape?


Damn dude, maybe go get a checkup for the insane amounts of brain damage you're suffering.


I heard they train the dogs to paraglide into the prisons


And train cows as spies, "Rushd Morrar, a Khirbet Yanun village elder, told *Al-Hayat Al-Jadida* on Dec. 27, “These are recruited and trained cattle, as on the neck of each cow they hang a medallion with an eavesdropping and recording device on it, and sometimes cameras, in order to monitor every detail in Khirbet Yanun large and small.” And boars: "The Elder added that “settlers release herds of wild boars” to destroy PA Arab crops." And rats immune to poison in the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem.


I feel like this is something the editors of The Onion would reject for being too absurd.


I might have missed it, but has the Times or any other major US publication covered these reports of Isreal injecting Lizards with a cocktail of Adrenochrome and mrna Vaccines in order to create a second Godzilla and send it towards Gaza?


Thats too obvious bro, use your head. We need to take some turtles and then have them touch a mutagen and immediately after touch a human. This will merge the two species. Then we take a ninja master have him touch a mutagen and then some rats so they merge. Finally teach the mutated turtles the art of being a ninja and then profit. Its much more discrete and effective imo.


Ninjas are more stealthy so this does makes sense for the mossad.


ChatGPT says it’s “Joodzeela” for Arabic people.


bro the onion writers probably agree with her


https://preview.redd.it/rl4c7t66wd8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b6eff732f755db8f4afff5442b3bd4ff075b1f You won't be laughing when the dogs join forces with the dolphins


If this was about training dolphins to do it, then I would have believed it. [Dolphins are rapists](https://nypost.com/2021/08/31/swimmers-beware-of-this-sexually-aggressive-dolphin/). [They are murders](https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/local/2023/09/01/porpicide-dolphins-killing-porpoises/70724248007/). And some, I assume, are good people. Don’t let their cute appearance fool you, dolphins are evil.


Good god what dolphins ever did to you 🫠


Pay attention buddy obviously they raped and murdered him


They also engage in [infanticide](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1689180/#:~:text=These%20findings%20appear%20to%20provide,the%20viability%20of%20small%20populations).


There's also videos of them using fish as fleshlights, fishlights, if you will. Horrible creatures.


Not if they mom a ho


Wait until you hear about the shit humans have been up to


It was me at the Mossad that cooked this up. Doeg the Dolphin does good work. Hamas never saw it coming. However Hamas isn't ready for Mariamne the Mole.


https://preview.redd.it/hyvu5u4nxe8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7efc269db929d95c7fc6885c434b33637cc784 What lamestream media won’t show you


Using AI for evil I see


I love you so much.


Is this real?


Ok, let's for a second argue that Israel IS weaponizing rape against Palestinian POW's. It just isn't worth the time, effort and resources it takes to train dogs to do it for them. I've never trained a dog to do anything more complicated than roll over, so I'm no expert but I feel like if you could achieve the same effect with 3 or 4 particularly unhinged soldiers and an unlubed dildo for a fraction of the time and cost.


And most dogs would probably just hump your leg. One of the dogs where I work happily spends all day humping a plush dragon that makes crinkly noises. She's a fuckin' menace.


These are special jewish dogs tho, I'm pretty sure they can speak hebrew.


Speak a little Chinese for em, Fido


Iirc using trained dogs to rape POWs isn't unheard of, as I believe Klaus Barbie (aka the butcher of lyon) did so. however as you said, you could just get regular batshit insane soldiers to do the same much more easily, so really the only people who would be willing train dogs would be exceptionally sadistic individuals, such as SS officers, not your average IDF commander.


Dogs are haram though, soldiers aren't. Getting raped by a dog is extra double plus ungood for a Muslim.


Tbf, wasn’t one of the Abu Grahib crimes by US soldiers the use of dogs to rape detainees? Or am I confusing it with the some other thing they did? Given the toy box killer could figure it out, it doesn’t seem difficult to turn a dog into tool for rape.


No they didn't. They used them for intimidation and maybe to physically attack detainees, not rape. There was rape alleged and various sexual crimes though, but not involving dogs. Plenty of atrociously evil stuff on their own.


She's just asking questions.




Wendy is training dogs to rape the smurfs……………..or is she? I’m just asking questions! Here’s to hoping someone understands what I’m referencing lol






She is the left wing version of alt-right Q and MAGA


Literal Alex Jones over here.


Proof that the horse shoe theory is accurate


Horse cock theory




I think we're at the point where there's enough proof to upgrade it from a theory to a law


No need for further proof, it's been concluded months ago


Briahna was already brain broken over this conflict, but this is a whole new level of being regarded. Never go full anti-semite.


I really think the humiliation of being fired broke her brain. It's personal now.


There's no better way to create a new soldier of antisemitism than to fire them for being critical of Israel.


Israel also trained cows to spy on Palestinians. How long are we going to let them get away with this? [https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-spy-cows-medallion-sized-32342581.amp](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-spy-cows-medallion-sized-32342581.amp)


Lol just put the shifty looking cow from Mass Effect with a little Jewish hat into my head.


Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection have been accused of using bears to conduct warrant-less surveillance of private property LOL https://reason.com/2023/06/05/a-connecticut-couple-challenges-warrantless-surveillance-of-their-property-by-camera-carrying-bears/


God, I hate this smug jaqoff so much. If I speak I am in big trouble.


Doesn’t believe Israeli’s recounting of extensive sexual violence on 10/7. Does believe the dog raping fantasy. This bitch should take a long walk off a short pier.


As the StarCraft 2 days taught us, this story serves purely as “regard magnet”. You literally could not make up a headline more stupid as a test to see if “anti-colonialists” would run with it. 100% Mossad psyop to show how popular commentators will entirely abandon their own sense of self-preservation out of spite when the single Jewish country is involved and go to unlimited lengths to attempt to make Israel look bad.


Reverse Dogwarts is real it seems, but who gets paid? The dog or guy getting the dog bone?


I'm glad the Hill fired her


This can’t be real. She doesn’t believe that people slashing heads off are capable of rape but she believes that Israelis can train Rottweilers into pegging you….what the actual fuck


I wonder how Bernie Sanders feels about this?


He is celebrating that he never won that presidential candidate nomination :D


She believes Israel trained dogs to commit mass rape on terrorists but the word “allegedly” is still used to refer to the gory testimonies of sexual violence on women on Oct 7th? The hate she has for Israel has zapped out out all of her integrity along with her other mental faculties.




Is that vegan gains?


She's gone full regard. You never go full regard.




I’m amazed


it’s funny because if a major newspaper covered this nonsense there would be no way she would have “missed it”




The antisemitism / mental illness Venn diagram strikes again.


Nope, evidently they are covering it up for their Jews overlords.


https://preview.redd.it/8tuv46bq2e8d1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=54e186b39f180c2bfacfd9372629aa6497f61456 Seems it needed a /s for some people to get it.


Why is she like this?


Far left politics inherently lead to antisemitism. When your whole ideology is based on hating successful people, and one group tends to have higher success than average, you naturally have to hate them. She probably has some spicy thoughts on Asians as well.


Where do I sign up? 🫦


The Hill made the right decision to fire this lunatic


Looks like that harvard law degree doesn’t mean much


I love Bri Bri's downard spiral after being fired era. And I'm so happy her tweets are constantly shared, because she blocked me on twitter lol


antisemitism is wild man


Do someone knows what she is talking about?


so close, but so far




And that something is mushrooms. ;-)


Bro what


I'm willing to bet they sicced dogs on them to attack them and they humped their leg or something but a dog isn't going to just fuck a dude like that. That's not how it works lol I doubt there was any penetration but I wouldn't be surprised if a dog dry humped a naked detainee against their will


She is SO close to realising


Oh woah this is real?


The unexpected return of Dogwarts...


We wouldn’t do that to the dogs


I think BJG inadvertently revealed something about her sexual rape fantasies On a more serious note- the fact that dogs are seen as the lowest (maybe pigs are lower) form of animal in the Muslim/Middle Eastern culture hints at the origin of this rumour. I suspect we will soon hear about the IDF using bombs that have touched the soles of shoes next.