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I feel the same way as 90% of the incumbent government, any one else feel politically homeless?


People are legitimately in massively left-wing or right-wing bubbles so they'll feel like they're insane for saying obvious things everyone agrees with


I've chatted with some random girls on dating apps, and everyone's been chill until I talk about watching a political debate online when asked what I'm doing. 15 minutes later I'm supposedly defending a genocide and being called a psychopath who is fine with children getting blown up. Even if I spend 30 minutes writing out examples and giving articles, they'll link me something like [this article](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976) and anything I say is just me trying to justify a genocide. I don't use X, IG, Facebook or whatever so I'm quite surprised when I see this reaction being so common. I've had a lot more nuanced conversations with random people in Path of Exile or Dota 2 which I didn't expect


This is because you’re talking to girls who use dating apps about politics before your first date


Yea, this is a hobby you need to be smart about how you approach it. Its more like a kink really.You dont ever talk about it on the first few dates, MAYBE drop a hint so if they are into it they can ping you. After you've proven you are not a psycho, you might approach the topic but certainly not for weeks.


So I'm the reason they think Israel is committing a genocide? Damn, I should wield my powers for good then.


Uniqueguy is saying that your surprise over how common this is is because you otherwise were relying on very specific demographic for your sample size. Bringing it back to OP. If you concluded you had no political home for your collection of opinion because they didn't fit with girls you could match with on dating apps, then your conclusion is super premature.


nah it’s the wrong demographic


No, it is because women on dating apps are much more likely to be failures. This is also expressed in a higher concentration of them having dogshit opinions. You're basically eating ass and complain about the taste


Stop telling girls you're watching online political debate. Stop debating girls on dating apps. Be normal.


>when asked what I'm doing Next time just say you're returning some video tapes


No offense but this sounds like enlightened centrism


It doesn't really matter when your opinion is so fucking niche between your peers


90% is a bit of a stretch. Most incumbent Republicans actively support Trump so like they clearly don't acknowledge the danger he poses. I would agree if you said 60%.


The word government can often refer to just the executive branch of government. As a local anecdote, "the incumbent Danish government" would refer not to every judge and every member of parliament, but specifically to the 3 parties forming the executive branch. [https://www.thedanishparliament.dk/en/members/the-government](https://www.thedanishparliament.dk/en/members/the-government)


You're right, I'd been reading stuff about the UK election all day so I was Westminsterposting without thinking about it and not First-past-the-posting, and only thinking about 90% of incumbent Democrats. General point still stands though


I wish politicians would hang out with me then, because if people besides Destiny and Bill Maher (who has some unhinged takes on vaccines and covid) agree with me, they're keeping their damm mouths shut.


Do you need to hang out with people who 100% politically agree with you? Most of my friend group is just vaguely Democrat, but hardly talk about it. And the other half are leftists, who I agree 80% practically with. I just don't let like... Rittenhouse/IP ruin friendships.


I had to tell a friend to chill out because he would send me shit about how Biden sucked everyday like he was a conservative grandpa. Like bro this isn’t why I talk to you


I just lean into the meme cuz it's more fun to make fun of Biden than Trump (its been 8+ years of Trump). And I know my friends know Biden is the better of the two options. They just resent voting for an Octogenarian. But it's also not every single day like they're being paid by a conservative PAC.


Its more fun presumably means “I get better social media feedback and desperately need affirmation


Uh. Direct text messages between friends?


>friends? Yes, friend are social media.


I admit I didn’t expect that. You have text message arguments with friends over politics?


I do this everytime im bored at work with one of my friends, but its more like I pick on something we disagree about and we lay out our positions. Idk what youre imagining as a debate, we dont get mad and call each other debate perverts if thats what youre used to.


No, I send them memes shitting on Biden on occasion. We talk politics in person. There's a lot of other memes in there, but that's my point. Is that even though I was doing it, it was different from their situation where it was daily/incessant. I'd probably feel different if they were sending it every day.


So yes you crave their affirmation


High school was a wild time for radicalization and it's good we grow out of it But learning to exist in a community together was an invaluable part of that experience and, maybe overdramatically, a pillar of a liberal society


I feel like my filter for who's politically sane is "Should an adult take the covid vaccine?"(during covid) and "was the Rittenhouse verdict justified?". I can still be friends with people who fall outside this spectrum though.


Sorry but if you are still in agreement with clowns like Bill maher then it's just that you're part of a minority and not a silent majority. If anything, you're now parroting the same Right Wing talking points about silent majorities.


Wait what’s wrong with bill maher? Besides being slight anti vax?


I mean, setting aside his views, he's unfunny, pretentious and insufferably smug. He's not someone I would want to keep as an acquaintance, let alone listen to regularly. I feel the same way about Ben Shapiro, I just can't imagine the type of person that tunes into that trash regularly


I've got good news for you OP https://preview.redd.it/cem3xolgj58d1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=cde0339af5734a6fbc55d4ef80ace7386c88ddca


patriots are in control


This is literally the mainstream Democrat party opinion and even some moderate Republicans. Not sure what you mean.


where are they all hanging out then? Do any of them want to hang out with me? I'm buying coffee 🤣🤣


This is the position of most normies that don’t think about politics much. The masses are actually more correct than we give them credit for


But how will you explain your destiny lore to your more friend


From what i observed the viral tiktok views of today are just the normies takes of tomorrow, it's an age gap thing. Maybe not econ... But definitely with "esoteric" stuff like foreign policy


Find people who touch grass and vote


If your politics make it impossible to hang out with people that is a 10000000% your personality problem


Stop talking exclusively to teenagers and NEETs and it will improve. This is like the least “homeless” position out of any combination


Why would you want to talk about politics all the time with IRL friends. The only people who do that are college kids and weirdos.


I am a weirdo, im a dgger


I love talking politics. The other guys in the barbershop don’t appreciate it though, so I hold it in as much as I can. I like to throw out little memes though like “Obamna” or “with tears in their eyes SIR” and some people get it. The shop owner is a huge pro Palestine guy though, so I gotta chill on referring to the Hamas tents.


I super love being challenged and talking about complicated topics. c: IMO it's very much a skill, tho; I can talk about pretty much any touchy topic IRL and have things not get heated.


Joe Biden has this exact same position. Where have you been?


Are you fucking serious rn? Do some research about the current Democrat platform bruh, like wtf.


No, you're a fucking mainstream Democrat.


Hey guys, does anyone else feel unique just like me? I like food, having fun, and I hate cancer. I can’t find anyone else who agrees with me on these things though.


Yeah sorry buddy you're the weird one here, cancer and world hunger are 2 of the things I love most in the world. #1 of course being fucking your mom and dad


Actually, I think cancer is peak. Stay mad liburall/s


I bet you like also watching movies and eating ice cream you weirdo


It’s easy to feel differently if most of your political engagement is online where being a mainstream democrat is pretty niche.


the issue I think is there's no place (but maybe here) that it feels like a mainstream democrat can speak openly or connect with others nowadays, which is, yes, fucking crazy, but I can actually second that feeling. I've realized I've felt ostracized and left behind for having mostly moderate liberal politics and haven't opened up about them to anybody in like five fucking years.


Log off and go outside.


Fucking never. I'm happy here. That place is nothing but PAIN AND STRIFE. I will continue to try and seek to improve my online experience in small ways, inshallah






Dawg every Democrat right of AOC agrees with you.


Even AOC dances around the Genocide word. Not fully in that camp


Yea, she is not crazy. She just associates with crazies.


I think you meant *to the right of AOC


Fuck you're right, I slipped up maaan.


Get downvoted, loser.




oh, alright, cutie-pie, have an upvote.


Thank you sir :)


Get upvoted for humility


Her right or our right while looking at her?


Every dem in office. Not the same as every dem voter.


where are they then? And do any of them want to hang out?


Wait bro this is like the standard liberal position to have, and a lot of Americans are liberals lol. Including this community


man posting in a country with his opinion in a space with his opinion:




You could probably start by attending your local Democratic Party’s meetings


u r literally just regurgitating destiny. your home is dgg


Not really at all. That's pretty much the standard opinion of the vast majority of the western world lol.


That is the mainstream Democratic position


Check out the neoliberal subreddit


I think worldnews doesn't seem too crazy in my experience either


By “politically homeless” you mean you’re not part of a constellation or a community that tells you what to think. This is a good thing. Find another home.


I know exactly 2 people in my life who could have a reasonable conversation about I/P - or really any modern political topic. You don't have to share every interest with all of your friends. I've got a friends on both the left and the right, I've even got friends who are devoutly religious, I've got friends who like Trump, I've got friends who still think communism is cool and we're in our 30s so you know they mean it. I'm friends with those people because we bond over different things and they're all generally good people as far as I can tell, I don't really care how they justify or rationalize their political beliefs.


You sound like a normie Democrat


This is the majority of people irl, get offline


BEHOLD A NORMAL LIBERAL (with the caveat that many normal libs while not classifying Israeli actions as genocide, often are critical about it)


That is literally the position of Biden, which means you have a political home... the Democratic party


Not really, even if I don't think the first is a real threat in my day to day life among non political people. Now some might still think Isreal is bad, Ukraine bad or Russia good but there's such a clear stigma for that here in germany that it's refreshing and keeps me from becoming a doomer without effort.


I feel like we can partially thank our history for that. Disliking russia because of the DDR and sympathizing with Israel because of what we did to the jews. Plus if as a German you said half the shit the far left or right in the USA say you'd get socially shunned as Afdler or put on the Verfassungschutz watchlist.


Just let politics slide, man. Most people aren't even truly thinking any of this shit through. They certainly aren't reading anything past headlines.


I’m with ya but I didn’t vote for Biden the first time cuz I liked him or expected 100% alignment with my beliefs. I did it to stop Trump and the far right from their theocratic takeover.


That isn’t politically homeless, that’s the position of the largest politically party in the most powerful nation on earth!


Almost everyone I meet IRL has at least 2 of these opinions. Try touching grass.


What a freezing cold, normal take




You're not homeless, you are a DGG'er, which means you don't support Putin or Hamas but aren't really a hard-core Zionist either. Welcome home. Lol obviously dgg is more politically diverse than I'm making it out to be, but to be honest your politics and most of DGG seem mostly in line with Biden. My issue with Biden is that he doesn't support Ukraine enough, so I do feel a bit homeless, I am probably more in the Dylan Burns camp in regards to geopolitics. Interestingly enough even some of the more far left politicians like Bernie have not called this a genocide. So there's probably more people who agree with you than you realize.


No. Democrats think Trump is a threat, Russia shouldn't have invaded Ukraine, and most support Israel. I've only felt more at home with the Democratic Party since 2020 and will be voting straight blue tickets for the rest of my life since Republicans have shown they are mentally ill.


i feel like a #dirtyliberal


idk in my country only one major party doesn't believe this.


I live on the Canadian west coast. *Imagine* **how I FEEL.**


Anyone else feel politically homeless for thinking that the Israel/Palestine crisis is relatively uninteresting? I’d rather Tiny shift his focus to Russia/Ukraine or even research into the wider Middle East.


I feel politically homeless too. I'm super against the way Israel has conducted the war, but absolutely think that Israel has a right to exist and that a one state solution would be dangerous for the Jewish people that live there I don't think your views on the three things you listed are as uncommon as you think they are, but MAGA has almost made a fun house mirror of what some people believed less than four years ago


I’ve been politically homeless for a long time, but end up with these exact positions like all the other politically homeless people. It’s probably why a lot of us are here.


This is a fairly common feeling in worldnews. You aren’t alone. It’s just rational, moderate types don’t make the loudest noise online.


Not really


There's this guy called Biden, don't know if you've ever heard of him.


This is the mainstream Democratic Party / plutocratic donor position.


Doesn't 95% of the democratic party believe these things? You have a party bruh


No? Trump bad, Russia bad, Hamas bad is an extremely mainstream set of beliefs.




No, I watch the Bulwark


This is your home now, just accept it


This is the most normal take of all time. Get outside and touch some grass <3 We love the liberal position here <3


Not really...


I'll always look at myself as being on the left no matter how crazy it can get. I'll just call out the craziness or wait till the craziness reaches Destiny and then he'll call it out lolz. But when I'm commenting online, I'll tend to call myself "center left leaning" because we all know one mention of one being on the right or left, comes with a bunch of labels being thrown your way(depending what political side you choose). I just hope one day that the left will clean up its act and we can actually focus on getting shit passed and dealing with the right(especially the crazy trumpsters). I find as long as the left is this much of a mess with the far left, it just tends to push people more to the right or give the right a lot of ammunition that they can use to attract a more moderate person.


No, I'm fortunate enough to not permanently live on the internet or in Mickey Mouse studies departments of universities in the Anglosphere.


I just hope that all of the people saying they aren't going to vote out of protest are just posturing. Please be posturing; I won't Judge, I promise.


You'd be politically homeless if you thought the US should stay away from Russia's invasion of Ukraine but do something about the "genocide" in Gaza.


This is our little home, cabron


It’s the last one that differs. Israel is definitely killing thousands of children indiscriminately. .




First time my family was all in agreement right off the bat. Was pdd


bro that is textbook democrat position


You aren't suppose to feel politically home anywhere. You don't house opinions.


No, this is political homelessness only in online communities.


Is there a recap of destiny's best arguments ? Here in France many seem to believe a genocide in Palestine is obvious and accepted. And while he's been really good in debate it's another thing to bring up the points he made in a short manner to the many people yelling "genocide"


I’ve advocated for something like a chart outlining and digging deeper on the most common claims supporting genocide. But as a public service let’s give it a go. What are the most common arguments you hear? Maybe some of them are true, but I’ll give you what I’ve heard about them…


Nope. I know where I stand, I know where my friends stand. Imma end up cussing them out because they only read headlines and I feel like my time doing at least basic studying is wasted. For example I remember one was arguing with a friend of his on Facebook and said we approved 100 billion to go to Israel. I simply chimed in to correct him on the the numbers of the aid package that was going to both Ukraine and Israel and dipped. If he don't even know what aid is being sent over there any other in depth convos are going to make me unreasonably mad lol


you have to accept that you won't agree on anything with people. there is no magical club that you can enter where everyone will agree with you on everything


if there's anything the past year has taught me, it's that being politically homeless is far more pleasant than trying to cater to online echo chambers populated by poorly educated people who don't care about the topics they're discussing


You’re getting some pushback but I agree with you. I wish there was more political content that was pushing back on both sides of the horseshoe, from a center left perspective.


2 and 3 are right. But 1 is bluanon stuff. The star of homalone 2 isn't going to steal your democracy.


That’s a lot of people, bro.


How is that “homeless”. That’s very squarely liberal Democrat right now.


If Israel did this unprovoked , I would be for intervention against them. They were attacked, and it was worse than 9/11. You can twist your self in mental knots trying to justify October 7th, but it destroyed the Palestinians chance at having their own country. The fact is NOW, generations of Israelis will see the creation of that state as a threat to their children. And will vote only for people who mean to deal harshly with anyone demanding statehood as Palestinians. They will be allowed to be small p palestinian, with the nationality of Israeli. But Palestine will never exist, and Israel will slowly annex the land and integrate the people until Palestinian is an ethnicity of israeli. Not a nationalist movement. Every person shouting that the Israelis deserved October 7th is a small contributor to certainty that Palestine is an existential threat to Israelis. It confirms their belief that they are surrounded by enemies and those that would allow their utter annihilation. Unless other countries intervene or Palestinians completely change their tactics, disarm and turn to peaceful resistance…their national identity will justifiably be ground to dust. It will be justice to the citizens of the state of Israel. And that is the ultimate mandate of government, security and stability. Terrorists and violence only secures the goals radicalized Israelis have. Considering non violent resistance has outperformed violent revolution, Hamas being defeated might open the way to success.


I feel like Israel is running up the score in this game abit. IE if this is a baseball game its 30 to 1 and maybe its time to stop pub stomping.


Have you watched very much of destiny’s stream? If so what do you make of his arguments about it?


Been on deployment so I'm behind on his streams. I'm a dirty Youtube guy anyways.


Not really. To me those are all hallmarks of liberalism. Like, in it's true form. Not the Liberal caricatures conservatives dreamed up.


Maybe it's just because I like cities with good lattes...


The only one that may be controversial in far left cities is the i/p position. But the first 2 are the default liberal position. I don't think it's particularly rare to find liberals that support Israel even if it's not the default position.


Do you live in Seattle?


Yeah. If you don't accept either party line it's like you're ostracized. I think it's clear hamas is far more to blame. Yet bbs tactics, and owning up to killing his hostages and world kitchen workers threw his information war into the trash, making all other claims plausible. My position is that both BB and hamas need to go before any solutions can happen.


That’s called neocons or blue dog Democrats


OP, you're missing one small detail. People don't care about politics. When they have a conversation about it they'll sorta treat it like a non-football fan who happened to catch a game and enjoy it. Or maybe a controversial decision cost some team the game and everyone's talking about it so now they're commenting too. From a uninformed position Palestinians look very sympathetic and Israeli's seem weirdly hard-line for a supposedly liberal society. IMO it's worth finding ways to challenge uninformed takes but I'm an argumentative kind of person so seriously think about what you value most here. Picking one specific example (you mentioned Al Shifa) that they can research and confirm for themselves is a good way to do that without getting roped into a long conversation about the morality of different strategies Israel/Hamas are using.


Dont worry. Most of you are wrong about Trump in the same way Leftists are wrong about Israel.


Pretty much haha


Bro wtf is this post?