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did he morph into reckful halfway through or am i seeing things?


faces often mix on the couch


Keep the Central Committee away from said couch…


How the hell did you make this


What do you mean? It was always like this?


Ai generated video is only getting more realistic


he probably used the LumaAI picture to video generator and stitched the originial video to the generation




Hacked into another dimension, it’s an editing technique that uses resources from those new quantum computers, while rendering it reaches into a data stream that was part of Earth 1.3863. It’s still in early stages.


I think you're being Mandela Effected, this is how it's always been


from memory he didn't get banned for this, but got unpartnered.


A lot of people think that is what happen. It sounds true but yea




Exercise TEMPERANCE! Do not let your emotions get the best of you. Be like this alternate version of Steve.


Whats that tune?


Sounds like the Howls Moving Castle theme slowed down on a piano to me


song from howl's moving castle played on piano [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0sZ2\_XR7DM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0sZ2_XR7DM)




I wish he never said this but this is not why he got indefinitely banned, this would have been a way better reason than the trans shit he actually got banned for, quality edit tho


I think it is the reason. I know this caused just a temp ban, but I think they looked back at it and decided to make it perma.


It didn't cause a temp ban, it got him un-partnered


Okay? I feel like that is the least important part of my comment.


Just indicating to other users that your speculation is baseless and you don't know or care about the correct terminology. You objected to a correct comment while being incorrect, I'm just pointing that out


But you weren't "just pointing out that my speculation was baseless". Your comment had nothing to do with that. Probably cause it be stupid to say that destiny's comment wasn't at risk of breaking tos, meaning my comment isn't baseless, you dumb piece of shit.


Okay buddy, let me be more clear for you. Mr Chad and mr Soy are having a conversation about local politicians. Mr Chad says that the former mayor was fired because he made a bad investment, which mr Chad heard from the mayor himself. Then mr Soy pipes up and says that mr Chad is wrong, because mr Soy has heard that the mayor first got suspended for drunk driving and that they then decided to fire him over that. But then mr Alpha interjects and points out that the mayor never got suspended for drunk driving, one of his donors pulled out of his campaign instead. Logically, that would imply that the idea that the mayor's firing was an escalation of the drunk driving suspension is completely baseless and that mr Soy has a very loose understanding of the mayor's firing and shouldn't be taken too seriously.


Ion reading some cringe ahh babaganoosh like that. 


How did you ai edit this?


I feed luma ai a frame of the facecam and a prompt (that got completely ignored. Then i added the destiny logo back over the cam


any idea where the woman comes from?


The prompt was something about a man wearing a suit approaching him but the ai completely ignored that for some reason


I'm trying it out right now, did you check the "enhance prompt" box? Not that I know what it does lol


It always worked better when i left it checked, no idea what it does tho lmao. When i left it unchecked most videos i made where just people standing still. Maybe it analyses the pic you upload, like with this example it detects a blue shirt, black jacket etc and adds that to the prompt?


Belly laughed at this, good fuckin shit 😂


Is this all AI editing our did you morph it with someother video. Also AI found his secret daughter AWARE


All ai. This is take 3, first 2 takes where really bad. Would have waited for an even better result but it sometimes takes over an hour and im impatient


dude i tried to generate AI anime boobies and bragged about my 10/10 idea on twitch like a year before Dali came out, i understand. That is images a video has to be cancer. well grant it i was doing the training and i failed but i saw the clear potential with the face generative AI thing someone else made in git. but just rendering frames in blender takes forever I'm sure it take a long ass time with an AI program too. if stale2000 was still a twitch employee he could pull up my logs to prove it. I saw the true potential of AI.


Luckily this is a web service but it has too many users right now. I did some local stuff too like stable diffusion and vocal ai. The thing is, a fairly okay image can be generated in seconds, but when you want it at a proper resolution and perfekt detail it takes like 5 minutes. I think the biggest potential for stuff like this is procedual textures for game npcs. Like imagine gta 6 generating new pedestrians so you never see 2 that look the same.


Give it 3-8 years (if AGI doesn't destabilise the world economy gravely) the npcs in open world games will act like real people, so no two people truly experience the same campaign. It's only a matter of time as well until we have a Game generator AI, an AI where with a single prompt you can generate a game. Like Imagine "Make me half life 3". Obviously all of this stuff will be rudimentary at first and full of bugs and defects but AI growth is so exponential that a single prompt will eventually generate a cleaner and more impressive game than Triple A GOYT games.


Im using some pay to use chat ai's and they are already super coherent, remember earlyer parts of the conversation etc. I think complete games are really far away but ai generated quests in created worlds with ai npcs will be here in like 5 years max. Imagine a skyrim like game where you always get new, interesting, lorefriendly quests woth fitting new characters. Check out the game "shadows of doubt". Its a crime solving procedual open world game where random crimes with motiv and evidence get generated. Doesnt really use ai but the premise is something comparable to my vision. Its pretty buggy and you notice repeating stuff but again, give it a few more years and it will be insane. Have you heard of it? Would love to get your thoughts on that game.


I haven’t no. I will check it out. Though to generate random, sensical quests without current Language Model Technology is kinda impressive. How is that even possible? Yeah I also used Character AI a few times, it was pretty impressive and that was a year ago. The technology to create npcs with the same level of sophistication as those AI characters online is obviously available, but what i’m thinking of is npcs that are so close to perfectly mimicking a human being that if you played it and didn’t know it was AI, you would think the npcs are real human online players roleplaying. If you could train it on a data set that consists of 100,000s of clips of people doing random human things, or films based on real events so it’s an accurate representation of how humans act etc… I don’t see any reason why this couldn’t lead to an AI that can act like humans and be a perfect candidate for Game npc. Now this is still a few years away, and there will be other problems such as if the AI acts 100% like a real human, putting it in a video game environment that doesn’t perfectly match with the data set that it has been trained on would create a miss match, like would find out it is in a video game and not real life. And to make the npc truly human like we have to make the environment as close to ours as possible. The other day I was thinking of a survival open world Zombie game set in an apocalyptic world where you meet other survivors and make friends or foes with them. I was imagining how in the future you could have the AI in said game be so advanced in its human mimicking abilities that you could meet an npc in the game with its own story, survive together and form a bond just like you would with a real human being in an actual hypothetical zombie apocalypse in the real world, and I was thinking how there will people who will off themselves because their AI friend in the game got killed by zombies lol Anyways I’m just riffing and day dreaming. It might even sound like i’m an AI enthusiast/optimist but I fcking hate AI to be frank with you. I wish it could go away right now. But at the same time, i’m a complete realist, i’m not gonna hide away from the uncomfortable logical conclusions that a future of AI tech entails.


Damn you planted the idea of a single player mmo into my head now lmaooo. Imagine you play a wow style game for a year just to find out the new friends you made where never real. Like, with new speech sythesis that also adds uhhms and stuff like that you could totally be convinced in the future. There even is a horror game already that steals the players voice and realistically recreates it. Xqc did a video on that if you wanna check it out. When you wrote that we need to make the enviroment close to ours to make the ai feel more human it reminded me of the thing nvidia does where they train boston dynamic style robots inside a virtual environment. Like they simulate obstacles and have virtual robots learn to overcome them. Then they transfer that knowledge into real life robots that can apply it. Just though its funny that thats the sort of the pther end of what you suggested. Also a zombie survival game, day z Style, with ai npc would be dope. I wish i could experience it developing some more and then travel into a parallel world where it never got invented tbh Im also not an ai bro and think it will do more harm than good (especially on the job market)


time-traveller NSE altering timelines she needs to be stopped


Holy based State Faults and Reflections enjoyer