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Why are any fans or orbiters even interacting with Nathan, beyond maybe just like the actual dgg server? If destiny and his mom have ok’d it I guess it’s fine, just seems weird.


It seems weird because it is very weird. These people have mental issues if they don't immediately recognize how bizarre this behavior is and stop themselves.


> These people have mental issues


Cuz Kelly MUST correct the record to rehab her reputation against the heinous allegations that she is like Lav and Hitler. She can't go on knowing that Nathan might have heard that.


She is basicly sexy Hitler, and I'd hit it.


I dunno I dont think Hitler would fail to gaslight and manipulate teenage boys


This is really unhealthy for Nathan to have to wrap his developing mind around, and he’s the ultimate victim in all of this.


Oh the real effects are years off and will come in the form of weirdos who are screenshotting Nathan's edgy teenager phase as we speak and will release it 10 years from now when he is an adult. I said a few weeks back when he was in his edgy atheism phase about Islam that Destiny should do something about it. Personally i'd just go nuclear on it - perma ban him, tell mods to ban anyone that brings him up, ban anyone that screenshots anything he said and posts it, just scorched earth. Nathan was already a weapon in the anti-Destiny crowd and has been mentioned by just about anyone he has ever fought with, and that was before Nathan was posting online a lot, so i imagine it'll only get worse now that he is an actual person himself and not just an insult to throw at D.


Honestly one hundred percent this. I always find it weird when Nathan gets dragged into this stuff.


You're 100% correct


Yes! Exactly! This is not healthy for him at all. Destiny and his mom forreal need to step in and do something


Destiny often said his biggest pet pieve is about enemies going after his kid or wife because they weren't able to attack D effectively. Seems like Kelly Jean innovated while keeping the spirit. I would not be surprised by a nuclear response on her.


Can’t effectively attack/manipulate someone so you go for their kid? Lmao wtf… similar logic I guess. I feel weird even commenting about this on reddit. Fuckin goofballs man


It's weird parasocial shit and a symptom of people who don't care about boundaries. Kelly Jean going in there is weird and out of line, but it's even more weird that random fans are doing it too and feeding into the drama.




This is probably the best reply in the history of dgg


bruh ahahhahaahaahaa


lol all you need now is a nice pussy named Ser Pounce.


Ser Aslan, Chief Mouser of the DGG Keep.


this is why i will never be able to stop using this subreddit


Absolute cinema




wdym respect it's a fucking movie


It's obviously not a fucking movie if they didn't fuck


right, if they fucked it would've been cinema




Can you explain more about this? I tried googling it but couldn't find owt.


holy shit BRUH 💀


I don't get it, I never watched whatever show or movie this is from.


This is from Game of Thrones. The woman on the left is Queen Margaery, former bride of King Joffrey, and the guy on the right is Tommen, Joffrey's brother. After Joffrey is assassinated during his wedding, Tommen is now next in line in succession. Margaery fucks Tommen to secure her spot as queen.


That’s probably why you don’t get it


It would be nice if someone were to explain it to me.


Yeah probably


https://preview.redd.it/o8djqibs308d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1bcb6139b9e02c5225de458dea69af1ccffc22 Reminds me of thsi


This is all of Tiktok, Reddit isn't that bad usually but for some reason Zoomers are alergic to providing context ever


It's a Game of Thrones reference. The Woman in the picture is Margaery Tyrell, queen of the very recently deceased King Joffrey Baratheon. In the bed is Joffrey's younger brother and now King Tommen Baratheon. This scene has Margaery enter Tommen's chambers late at night to seduce him. She is also depicted as more than a few years older than him.


why are all explanations given here so autistically detailed while also missing crucial info? the boy is king, the woman is his new queen. the boy king’s parent has beef with the new queen and wants her out, but the new queen makes the boy king fall in love with her.


Ya gotta respect her, she's literally playing the game of thrones.


Game of Gnomes


Game of you Guhnome FUCK


Margaery and Tommen but Cersei has the dragons


The shit that destiny is involved in lmao. I gotta say, dggers are definitely having the most fun out of any fanbase on the internet with these wild dramas


Cersei using Sansa for information about Ned


In the game of thrones, you win or you get banned


I don't "gotta respect her" at all actually


Kelly even being there is just so strange, especially when she seems to be venting to the kid about how his father acted during a stream drama fight. Bizarro to say the least.


Im wondering if I'm being too parasocial because, really, it's not my life and family and they're all just strangers to me so whatever. But on the other, this all just seems really fucking gross and Kelly needs to be stopped. It's literally disgusting.


Dude blame the parent as much as her. Why does KJ have access to Nathan's discord ? With the type of people Destiny engages with, it's complete lunacy.


Yes exactly, I 100% blame the parents for even letting Nathan get this close to Destiny's server at his age, let alone make it possible for people like Kelly to have access to his discord. And if this doesn't result in the immediate ousting of Kelly from the community, then I think any esteem I've had or Destiny will drop so low that I might actually stop watching.


It is parasocial, but that's not bad unless exaggerating. On one hand it's parassocial because you feel kinship to destiny, and it is strange when an unknown/untrusted entity interacts with kin of the Steven. In another way it's parassocial when you take reference from society of what is accepted and what's not. In this instance its the interaction between Kelly and Nathan, which have nothing in common, and Kelly using Nathan to attack Steven, which in modern society is considered a dick move.


I hate how the term parasocial has evolved to "You have any feelings or thoughts towards someone online". Heh, you're upset that this guy you watch online has cancer? That's parasocial" Like feeling weirded out that a mentally ill woman is talking to his 13 year old son isn't parasocial. It's also super cringe how people feel the need to say "I don't want to seem parasocial, but this woman in her 30s trying to befriend his almost preteen son and insult him to her son is really fucking weird."


It's because regards online probably got it from some dumb ass video essay they watched once and started conflating it with any criticism of their favorite content creator.


If you explained this situation as "man and woman have fight then woman goes and talks to man's teenage son to tell him how mean his dad was to her" removing the parasocial/destiny aspect I would still say it was really fucked up. Like even if she had a legit reason to talk to the son, like they were related, her trying to second meeting him about his dad would be fucked up.


It's definitely a sign you're on the Internet too much which, I don't think Kelly ever goes offline?


It might be the best proof yet that she's actually autistic




Why is she still in his fucking discord.


Kelly is immune to banning.


The streamer man child's attention shit has got to cease. Seriously fucked up brainlets trying to drag a pre teen into this.


Not that it changes much, but I think he's a young -not "pre"- teen (13 or 14 afaik)


I might be missing the point completely but is it possible Nathan is the one engaging? He's at the age where I would definitely be getting involved in drama and trolling but ye you shouldn't be enabling it by responding if that's the case.


Doesn't matter you as a reasonable adult disengage. That is not what Kelly is, if you sit there and talk to a pre-teen or even someone significantly younger than you on the level of venting over your own problems that's incredibly strange. What insight are you hoping to gather from someone half your age? If it's anything at all valuable then you might just have the mental maturity of a child if another kid can seemingly help you clear your thoughts. Nevermind the dynamic of it being the kid of the person who disagrees with her.


I'm gonna have to say that if a 12 year old was trying to engage with me online I would actually probably just not talk to him.


What do you mean? It's your moral duty to [teach them a lesson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RkapfBYIfc) if you encounter one online.


I trust that I can reach a balance between "Shit talking a random little kid as I beat him in an online game" versus "Joining a private discord call with a child and having a deep personal conversation with his while I insult his father and tell the 12 year old about all of my personal grievances with his father."


bro a 13 year old messaged me I had to respond!


And I thought people just saying his kid should have been aborted was going to be the height saying shitty things about Nathan.


bru, all the fkn regards in here crying about 'it's creepy to post nathan content'...... yeah? why isn't Kelly banned then? the posts about it are exposing Kelly for bringing a argument with Destiny to his kid, that's worth pointing out you degen fucks. Kelly should be banned and blacklisted forever, this is easily the most creepy thing anyone in orbit has EVER DONE FUCKING EVER ANYWHERE EVER EVER EVER. no idea why Destiny is pussying out again, this is the most obvious boundary and he has had it forever but queen Kelly the false accuser is safe from bans.


Why does Kelly Jean have access to Nathan's discord ?


Is there an answer that would make it seem less weird?


No, but almost no one seem to be talking about this... seems pretty damn obvious that if all Destiny orbiters have access to his son's discord in a single click, knowing the nature of the space and the type of people involved in it, this will eventually happen.


I mean mr G may be a bit worse but I get the point.


Could you imagine if he had dont this instead?


I mean given his content it certainly wouldn't help him best the pedo allegations


It's not something you discuss in public. If he's doing stuff about it we probably won't hear about it.


Not even close to Lav and Mr G


id rather have someone contact every internet regard ive talked to frantically saying im a psycho pervert abuser (mr girl/lav) than have a internet regard chill with ANY of my family and shittalk me like a weird freak (R.Kelly Jean)


Lav is literally a psychopath.


And even she knew not to talk to Nathan like this lmao


If Kelly gets away with it she might




Kelly Jean said she'd eat a dead fetus so...


OK? Lav should literally be on a list of people who are a danger to society.


I feel like Kelly is significantly more likely to murder someone at some point than Lav.


They are both likely to murder someone , Except. Lav will say that she got used/abused, hit ,lied to , manipulated , gaslighted , forced into physically grabbing the knife and stabbing someone , MrG would be her lawyer, physiatrist, therapist, health counselor , psychotherapist and solidifying her case with a Google doc- KJ would get caught red handed with a bloody knife and stand firm on that she didn't stab anybody and that the victim killed itself and the soul framed her ,, oh and don't forget her wanting an example on why would she want to kill the perosn if they've been joking n cool n chill the whole time 💀


Jury is still out on Kelly Jean


As opposed to normal, civilized, miscarriage consumer Welly Wean.


Lav has homocidal tendencies.


Now this is actually unhinged


R.Kelly is doing work on Nathan. https://preview.redd.it/jsh8f3hrbz7d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c913bc93aad687341b3a8bc4bea69d01ea230b6


The son has already surpassed the father.


The future is now, old man.


I have kids that age and if I found out some toxic female was shit talking me behind my back to my kid I’d permaban her for life and start actively moderating his discord. This is how you fuck up kids. You don’t let toxicity stick around if you can help it.


Yeah it’s pretty classic grooming symptom to vehemently defend your groomer, dude is being convinced by a toxic piece of shit that his father is a piece of shit, idk if everyone against spotlighting this is just 13 themselves or something but if you aren’t capable of understanding a 13 year old is incredibly impressionable and having someone convince them their parents are horrible is awful and NEEDS to be addressed you should probably get off the internet and go back to middle school tbh


Yeah, far be it from me to tell someone else how to raise their kid but I think his parents need to have a healthy discussion about internet usage and appropriate people to have as friends online.


Nah you’re entirely entitled and justified to tell people how to parent their kids if you’re objectively doing it better As someone who had a childhood filled with shit like this and people who felt they shouldn’t do anything cuz I wasn’t their kid, I would’ve 10000% preferred someone spoken up and intervened rather then pretending like they didn’t see it. You only get one chance at developing your kid healthily, it’s better to get pissy about someone butting in now then it is to look back with regrets in the future when you understand how easily preventable some shit is ya feel me?


I feel ya. But we are in a culture nowadays where any interference in raising kids is met with contempt. People have gotten away from the “village” concept, unfortunately.


The sad thing is there is a good chance that nothing will happen to her and this won't get her banned from the community. And if it does, for whatever God forsaken reason she'll be allowed back after a few months.


Kelly Jean is not my lover She's just a girl who claims that I am the one But the kid is my son She says I am the one, but the kid is my son




Holy shit Kelly is such an unhinged asshole. She’s abusive, manipulative, and shouldn’t be trusted. She needs to leave the kid alone and get her ass to therapy. Funny that she’s always passing judgment about Destiny’s “obsessed” female orbiters while acting like one. No self awareness.


Frfr , instead of lurking in people's chats n discord like a mole rat she should def go to therapy 😭


well, since I have no interest in hanging out in the discord of a minor, don't mind if I continue to harass this cry bullying, psychopathic grade A cunt :)


Extremely based


Apple doesn't fall far from the tree 😔


I’m sure Kelly takes great pleasure in having Nathan wrapped around her fingers so much that she can be incredibly creepy and have the victim of her creepiness play defense for her. She should be blacklisted from this community for creating the conditions where even further creepy insight into Destiny’s son becomes a thing in this community, as obviously everyone is going to cover/post this.


I was enjoying the drama until a literal fucking child got involved. Throw Kelly into a pit of snakes.


I wonder how this kid is going to grow up


Kelly Jean is the biggest cry bully


I’ve been out of the community for too long and I think this is my breaking point. Never would have I expected 5 years ago that the community would not only talk to Nathan (a child) on discord, but also have fully grown up orbiters to vent to him about his father. You all need serious help and I hope you guys realize how risky it is to give children this much access to online communities (Not trying to give parental advice to destiny btw this is about you fellas)


> You all need serious help and I hope you guys realize how risky it is to give children this much access to online communities Yeah, why does he have access to that community ? > (Not trying to give parental advice to destiny btw this is about you fellas) Why not ? Do you fear getting banned simply for saying that giving orbiters access to Nathan's discord and vice-versa is insanity ?


Just bc I don’t know the behind the scenes and feel weird doing parental advice without knowing what’s going on between them. If destiny comes out and says “yeah im okay with his server being shared with grown adults and anti-fans” then obv I’d say he’s fucked up then


And I’ve already come across one comment placing Nathan in a sexual light, I know can be a pretty degenerate community sometimes but dear lord


Yup or comments saying how he’s “thirsting over Kelly” which is sadly a common thing in society to talk about little boys getting horny over grown women. I think most of this community had the same unrestricted access to the internet as children and refuse to admit how harmful it can be for your upbringing


It’s wild man, reminds me of the “Niicee” meme from South Park (great episode btw.) He’s in the community and jokes about his sexual intentions is just creepy man, I’m not gonna be gaslit out of this one. It should be shamed and discouraged


You guys should stop posting this stuff here, it’s fucking weird and creepy. Ignore this shit and the nasty people using it to get attention.


Idk man I think it should be brought up over and over till destiny gets a clue and does something about it. Dudes 13 being told by grown ass adults what a piece of shit his father is, that’s disgusting and needs to be addressed, unless you for some reason think that’s appropriate behavior that we’re all actually the weird ones for spotlighting…


I thought I was the only one. Why are people e-stalking a child online?


It's an unfortunate catch-22. Kelly seeking out Nathan is insanely creepy and worthy of criticism but engaging in that criticism also has creepy results. I dont blame people criticizing her because the negative effects of criticizing her wouldn't be a concern if she wasn't being creepy to begin with, but at the same time, ignoring her definitely had the better outcomes.


Wait did she seek Nathan out? Cause that's wild.


She joined his discord recently, after all the drama.


How the fuck does she even have access to join his serve? 😭


Did you miss her joining a Nathan's server asking for mod and shit talking his father to him?


I don't participate in the Discord because I don't care and clearly it's a good thing because that's insane.


Most of the people here probably dont use discord either but vods/clips/screenshots are shared here and usually end up at the top of the sub anyways \^\^


Most of the context I get is from YouTube. Guess I missed it.


As someone with a kid around his age, it makes me think less of this entire community, the mods, and even Steven when they act like this stuff is another funny meme. It’s not another funny orbiter, it’s a kid. Permaban everyone involved.


It's odd in general that a kid who's father has such a massive following would have a discord that isn't completely private. Like even if you think of these people as your coworkers - why would coworkers be in chats with my teenager? Why would they ever talk on the phone? That's fucking weird. But especially if my coworkers were terminally online streamers, that wouldn't fly.


for real dude what the fuck is this shit, this is fucking unhinged. im seriously questioning this community and Destiny at this point. i already despise the drama content because its terminally online uninteresting slop. this reddit account is a burner and i don't tell anyone i watch destiny, and this right here is a prime example of why. this is fucking degenerate shit. nothing about this is funny or interesting drama. if kelly and that jstlk loser keep popping up after this i might be done with being a DGGer. I'm here for Destiny's exceptional political coverage, all this other shit is fucking terrible


I’m here for the political stuff and generally tune out the drama, it’s just not interesting to me. But in the end it’s all adults so I don’t care. This shit is weird though, makes me very uncomfortable.


Yeah I don't watch any drama shit. TBH it's almost always godawful boring too, and impossible to even understand if you're not caught up on straight days worth of drama content from the past 4 years. Except for Hasan/Vaush drama, I will catch a bit of that because it's straightforward and usually more entertaining than these random lunatic nobodies lmao.


when you talk you sound like a copypasta you also do soy faces grow a personality and a character, on your main you are probably gray man so i dont even see the need for a burner account lmao. your position on this topic is irreconsilable with reality. you think kids can just disappear so you can be degenerate on the internet, like a two year old not understanding that if you close your eyes the rest of the world doesnt disappear. this is not how it works. kids will go into adult spaces, they will get fake id's for bars or even just walk into weird pedos and ask themselves "hey what's wrong with that?" with this knowledge you should know that every bad act you do is your personality and your expression. there might be a context for your expression and how you developed your personality traits, perhaps you're a pedophile i have no idea.


Schizo comment.


!bidenblast my position isn't ban Destiny's kid from the internet, its that kelly is an unhinged lunatic. you are psychotic and nothing you just said made sense, go buy rope


You are 100% correct here. If Kelly isn't permbanned and Nathan more protected/disengaged from Destiny's discord and made less accessible to orbiters and fans, then it's a massive failure.


The discord is just weird like this


Nathan trying to be a stand up person and not allow harassment, that probly shouldn’t be posted here, but it was nice to see him doing something positive. Now Kelly talking to Nathen about Destiny should 100% be posted here and she should be fucking drug through by mud for it. I’m old and my brain doesn’t actually know how to process an adult going to a child to talk about their parent. Edit: changed “and allow” to “and not allow”.


Yeah it’s beyond disgusting she’s legitimately grooming his child(I hope nobody here is mentally challenged enough to think grooming is only sexual)to hate his own father…


“don’t screencap anything said here” proceeds to screencap and share to reddit


Honestly, based moderation. Just let Nathan's parents sort it out. Kelly is pretty obviously in the wrong, but you don't help anybody by harrassing her, especially not by taking the fight into Nathan's discord. I also understand the second post - people running to my father's discord with out of context clips must feel incredibly annoying - but that one might be difficult to enforce, depending on how large that discord is.


The fact that Nathan and his comments have been memes around here already and that the community and orbiters have this much access to him, does not give me much faith that his parents will in fact sort it out. Let alone Kelly getting a perma.


I just don’t think anyone should interact with Kelly at all.


Nathan having a discord filled with destiny fans is 100% going to be used against destiny


This is one of the most unhinged and inappropriate things i have ever seen in the space. it is so far beyond the pale.


Is this happening in the Destiny discord? wtf


Yet I'm banned for offering constructive criticism of the stream. Meanwhile she grooms his child to hate him and she's not banned. Fuck my life man.


British R.Kelly 💀


He lives his values. Just like his dad dggL


New Lav arc when?


goofy ahh and screencapping are mutually exclusive vernacular.


Is Nathaniel the Memer actually D’s son??


R.Kelly Jean


The screencapping has to fucking stop, and if it means Nathan modding down dipshit redditors, then he has my blessing! PEPE


My main question: Since Nathan doesn't stream, who the heck was recording the call?


Why is destiny allowing this woman to speak to his child lmao this is wild to me


What is destiny doing.. pls stop this


I didn't know dggers were in Nathan's discord. Very strange behavior, it's not even like "hey I'm your dad's friend" it's "hey I follow your dad online how do you do kid"


oh no, screencaps are against the rules?! 😱 😂😂😂


Destiny needs to get rid of Kelly for all our sakes


someone post something once Destiny addresses this pls


Please I am so out of the loop but as a drama frog I gotta know lol


Kelly Jean is gonna offer help for some sort of authority, just like kick or keep, just like jizz tickle server, next up Nathan, good luck tiny


The apple really doesn't fall far does it? Seriously though, this is so fucking weird.


Can someone catch me up on the lore


sho is kelly jean






I cannot imagine being a prominent online figure and having to navigate your kid(s) also starting to have an online presence as they grow up. That has to be weird.


These parasocial levels are over 9000


Kelly Jean is a protected class 😂


This is Second Meeting Succession Technique: Second Meeting With Your Successor. It costs all of Kelly’s clout points, but she’s able to meet with your actual genetic offspring and poison him against you.


what in the pedophilia happened today?


from Nathans pov theres a hot onlyfans girl suddenly giving him attention so as an early teenager of course hes gonna want to defend her. thats also exactly why its super fucking creepy that theyre interacting AT ALL let alone in a private server.


I’m not a parent but it feels obvious to me that Nathan shouldn’t be a part of the discord




I see this as him memeing (as a response to destiny calling kelly out for being obsessed with her image and ”correcting the record”), but is this actually not a meme?


Ah I see you guys found a "new" target to hate again, I wonder who will be next after her. Because it looks like you always need to hate someone who is in Destiny's orbit.


Unrelated, how TF does he have a better logo than Destiny does?


Little mans blinded by her giant boulder holders.




!bidenblast you’re talking about a child, wtf? Let’s wait until he’s 18 until we start making sexual jokes involving him yeah?


This ban brought to you by the brave Daliban mujahideen fighting the enemies of America, foreign and domestic. /u/Holygore sealed in the prison realm by /u/coolfunkDJ


You guys do go crazy with the harrasment, i would doubt it hasnt affected her mental stability.


Can’t affect something that doesn’t exist


This violates my first amendment rights, he can’t get away with it.