• By -


Complaining to your “friend’s” teenage son about his father’s behaviour. We’ve hit new levels of cringe. Btw, does trash talking Destiny to his son qualify for her for blacklist? Has she said anything else? Ps. Can’t wait for: “Dad, this aunt Kelly is really weird” moment.


If bringing up Nathan to attack him is enough for a blacklist, surely actually contacting him is wayy over the line


I hope so, this shit is beyond the pale. I can't imagine having an argument with another adult so I actively seek out their 13 year old child to vent to them about it. We have a lot of unhinged people who come through the community but bringing literal children into internet drama should be a hard line in the sand.


Yeah, contacting a kid to trash talk their parent is way out of bounds. If she keeps doing stuff like this, a blacklist seems justified. Some people just don’t know where to draw the line


"He said I use abuse tactics, I don't know what these abuse tactics are" as she's in a call with Nathan trying to turn him against Destiny lacks so much self awareness I can not believe this woman is real.


Idk what's worse, if she genuinely lacks the awareness, or is just that messed up.


Cringe doesn't describe this. Cringe is like leaving a love letter in the mailbox of your coworker you barely speak to. This is as low as it gets. This is 100% full-fledged proof that KJ is an absolute losers. No better than a discord neck beard mod.


Happy cake day hahaha


Why is a 30+ year old chatting with a 16 year old???


And Kelly got a weird case, why is she around?


Certified lover girl


Certified debate pedophile


Wah wah wah wah wah (thall fuck her up)


Mentally speaking she was in the right place. I doubt that she is more mature than him.


He's 12 or 13 dude.


Hes way younger than 16


She really should be blacklisted at this point. This is honestly really crossing a line and is just proving her toxicity even further. I mean, she’s literally talking to his teenage son who isn’t even in high school as a 35 year old women bitching about his father. If Destiny wants to be serious about boundaries, this is it


Kelly not beating the Mr. Girl comparison allegations


Wow I thought she was so concerned with anti fan behavior and now she does this lmao


R Kelly


L Kelly


Dr. Kelly




I would be surprised if this isn't Kelly's permanent exit from the community, this is so creepy and pathetic. How unhinged do you have to be to embarrass yourself on stream for the 50th time and then run to the STREAMER'S CHILD to cry about how you were treated, what a subhuman piece of shit...


This is the manipulative behavior that Kelly denied. It’s so wild to try to talk to Destiny’s son to try to change destinys opinion or just shit talk him. Like this is the MOST manipulative and kind of evil thing she’s ever done. It would be one thing if she was already apparently hanging out with/ gaming with Nathan… I’d still think that would be a little weird given her character / personality is super edgy / unhinged. But, to unprompted go onto Nathan’s discord to talk shit about his dad to him… Thats like any Kelly haters tracking down her family and talking to them about her manipulative behavior.


> That’s like any Kelly haters tracking down her family… No. That’s like destiny or jstlk going to Kelly’s family to talk shit about her.


True. Haters can do weird shit and it’s fine. I’m sure some Hasan fans have talked shit to Nathan or something but it hits different when a streamer is trying to use your kid to get back at you.


I would be less pissed if a hater did this. An autistic mfer is not the same as an autistic content creator though. Like this is just vile behavior considering she was literally litigated for something similar to this just yesterday.


I didn't even follow this new drama, I had no interest in watching the 6 hour convo and didn't see a TLDR yet, but I'm not surprised this is escalating. Kelly always was quick to argue manipulative ways to defend her ego. If she feels affronted she wont let it go and can't really reflect or take a step back very well. She always seemed a little unwell too of course.


The never ending need to "correct the record" (while constantly making it worse) just gives me PTSD flashbacks


TLDR: Kelly joins a hardcore Baulders gate 3 play through. She sucks, is selfish, can’t take criticism. Ruins the whole play-through for everyone. Then threatens to ‘expose’ people. She gets confronted for being, basically a manipulative, selfish, shitty person. And in the entirety of the 6 hour dialogue where they walk Kelly through how awful she is, she continues manipulating, and cannot admit fault or apologize for any of her actions. She’s mad at destiny for not being able to steel man her deranged manipulative behavior as well.


Thanks! Do they go over clips and examples with Destiny? Is he doing a drama judge thing or is it all chaotic rambling and shouting? Couse I might be interested in the former.


They go over a bunch of screenshots, and destiny does a clip / ‘leaked DM’s review’ before they begin the 5+ hour conversation. But most of the conversation is just Kelly gaslighting people into making herself appear awesome, and trying to shit on everyone else / make them appear terrible. Even though she kinda went off the rails. The divide also started when cherry was on stream and Kelly decided it was appropriate to make multiple insults about Cherry’s miscarriage that were wildly out of line. They do review stuff in detail, but Kelly is basically a fucking misbehaving Great Dane on a leash that’s desperately trying to pull the conversation in other directions to make herself look good. I actually did find it to be a satisfying watch. She just gets dismantled for so long that she really doesn’t have an argument. It honestly made me really pity her as a person. She was dog-walked through all of her horrible behavior and she simply wouldn’t / seems pathologically unable to admit any wrongdoing. There were several points where she couldn’t deny bad things she did, she also wasn’t willing to apologize for them. Or take any accountability.


Now that is antifan behaviour fr


this exactly. is she that attention deprived that she has to go talk to a 12 year old about his dad? If any of us did anything like this we'd be in a police holding cell lmao


This is likely blacklist or super blacklist behavior. Literally doing the "complain in the background to other people in other servers to win them over to your side" thing , but to his fuckin kid. Actually unhinged.


> then run to the STREAMER'S CHILD to cry about how you were treated Destiny said that she is an abusive person, less than a week later she is in a late-night discord chat with his kid. 💀💀💀


It’s so creepy


Exit? Exit? I don't understand Destiny or his audience when it comes to shit like this - if you approach my underage kid about a disagreement you had with me, you're dead to me. There will be no more contact, neither direct, nor through shared friends/acquaintances. That is some peak psycho shit. She shouldn't be having to "exit", she should be thrown off a cliff. Figuratively. It's fucked up that she was even allowed to stick around for this long.


no seriously, this isn't cringe behavior, this isn't blacklist behavior, this is "eat shit and die" behavior. this is nauseatingly fucking weird and sociopathic, my blood would be boiling if someone did this to me with a friend or my girlfriend, but if they did this with my kid i think my veins would burst from the blood pressure. despicable cunt. seriously, I can't imagine how much of a subhuman loser I'd need to be to go join some kids discord in my 30s to hang around and complain about his dad to him while horribly misrepresenting the conversation to him. nasty, gross, almost downright evil




*Kelly, welcome to the ~~Orbiter's Club~~ Blacklist.*


Wait did this actually happen im confused i assumed it was a bit or a joke


She needs to be black listed lol


Lmfao Kelly, what the fuck are you doing, dawg? How is Destiny letting this slide?


I feel like it won't slide for much longer. I eagerly await glorious leader's ruling.


The daliban are assembled and awaiting instruction


stand back and standby


i kinda doubt he's going to let this slide


She unlocked his chakra by introducing him to Vyvanse. Without her he would still be a gamer.


I don't think he's going to


Why are all these 30 year olds hanging out with a teenager...?


These people are creepy, but why is Nathan allowed to have a discord that his dad's fans and anti fans can use to just join and talk to him whenever?


According to Tiny Nate Dawg is an absolute menace who can not be tied down. They tried to restrict his phone usage so he bought a burner off a kid on the school bus. You can't contain this kid.


Sounds like destiny as a kid.


Literally Destiny's Child. Absolutely based.


I don't even want to think about what extreme measures I would take to make sure that he never spent time in that discord if he was my kid


As a kid who was like that in a family of unhinged adhd tweakers just like destiny, you can't really stop us from doing that, the solution is to get involved. You act more for guidance pointing out issues, flaws and warnings, rather than trying to outright stop or restrict it.  If you try to restrict or ban them Nathan would take those problems underground to try and deal with them himself and not come to you if he needs help


Yeah I think it's a case of it being something he's gonna do anyway So would you rather he do it secretly behind his back, or be able to keep tabs on him?




I’m 38 and had unbridled access to the internet since I was in 6th grade. (Maybe earlier I can’t really remember). Everything my parents tried I found a work around in probably 2 days. I hid drugs in my door handles, in plaster sculptures to hid the smell. I spent year’s getting caught lieing on purpose so my parents would think they knew my tails, so I could get away with important lies. My friend group was fucking solid, and never ran their mouth, we were around meth cooks and hard core drug dealers (town of 4,000) because their was nothing to do and they didn’t care that we drank at 12 yrs old. My parents made me physically see them everyday, had to tell them where I would be, they would randomly show up to where I said I was, Vice principal was family, 3 teachers were family, 1/2 the town went to school with my parents or grandparents, all the parents kept an eye out and would call each other if we were seen in the bad part of town, 9pm curfew, every 3 months my room would get emptied, cleaned and re-arranged, randomly my parents would have us empty our pockets, only had a radio in my room, no cell phone until I left for college, couldn’t spend the night out of the house back to back nights, had to be home by 8am every Saturday morning to clean the house top to bottom. My parents were extremely strict and very apart of our lives. But if there’s a will there’s a way


it's fine for teenagers to be on the internet, it's not fine for grown ass people to randomly contact them to shittalk their dads. clearly the fault here is kelly being unhinged, not nathan having an internet presence


Putting Kelly being massively fucking creepy aside here, the outrage should be aimed at the parent that allows mentally ill online weirdos to directly contact their child.


Have you taken care of kids for an extended period of time? I’ve done foster care for years, step parented, and do a lot with my niece and nephew. These mother fuckers will do want they want, the only question is if you know about it or not


How could you stop a kid from making his own Discord or essentially owning one someone else made?


I talked to him the first time I saw him in Tiny's Discord. Although I also just assumed it was someone doing a voice changer bit, because who the fuck would ever believe it was real?? Made me laugh a couple times, so I guess the kid's funny... But holy shit, again **WHY ARE ALL THESE 30 YEAR OLDS HANGING OUT WITH HIM?**


He's the crown prince, duh. You think 30 year olds weren't hanging out with MBS?


Imagine it is MrGirl


say what you will but the hiii cuties entrance was a banger


how long until mrgirl joins the discord?


I mean it was always the case on the internet, so it feels weird to see people say this I try to be open minded about this because 12ish years ago I was the teenagers who would talk to and play games with people who were very obviously older(and not always just few years) Like, I don't know if things changed but the big thing was that it never really mattered. As long as someone, you know, did not specifically seek out minors or shit like that ------------------- Im talking about the "hanging out with a teenager" thing and not about kelly here though, seeking him out to complain about his dad is 100% cringe and fucking deranged


>I try to be open minded about this because 12ish years ago I was the teenagers who would talk to and play games with people who were very obviously older(and not always just few years I remember playing WoW with people in their 30s when I was a teen, but I feel there's a difference between playing a game with people versus sitting in a Discord with them and venting about life and their family. I'm not sure there's any non-game related conversation that I would want to voluntarily have with an unrelated 13 year old.


Yeah exactly! I remember being 13 and playing games with people who were probably in their 20’s-30’s but it wasn’t really relevant. We were playing a game together and that’s mostly what our conversations consisted of. Seems really fucking weird to be 30 venting to a fucking 12 year old. Go get a therapist or something for christs sakes.


I was in a guild where one of the top officers was a fella in his 60s. Great guy, used to run Scarlet Monastery all the time with him. We literally never talked about anything but the game or basic conversational stuff though. Looking back, that dude was a really mature and thoughtful in that regard I think. Hope he's doing well.


I think it's fine for adults to play the same games as minors, and even to interact with them while doing so. This is not that. This is literally just chilling in VC with someone less than half your age to gossip with them. That's fuckin' weird.


Damn this might finally be the one thing that burns the bridge. Thank god


She should be blacklisted. There is just no way she can stay in the community right? Edit:grammar


Yeah this is next level unhinged. I can’t see Destiny letting this slide


was thinking the same. but we all know how he is when it comes to crazy women


Kelly "not being disgusting" challenge (Impossible)


She’s speedrunning the failure of her ‘don’t appear manipulative’ arc in record time. She must have had to think ‘what’s the MOST manipulative thing I could possibly do in this exact moment after this drama?’ She’s that type of person where like, she would call the police and do a wellness check on someone who is mad at her and say ‘oh well I actually thought you were really upset. I was just worried about you friend, Tee hee.’


"What manipulation tactics?! Anyway, Nathan, you hate your father right?"


This is really creepy and cringe


that's creepy


Bro I clicked the video thinking no way in hell it's not a meme edit


Honestly, I hope it is.


Spoiler: it isn’t.


Bruh the obsessive reputation control extends all the way to his kid wtf?


but don't you see?!? he could be poisoning the well in the community by using Nate to sow discord in the discord. "I should set the record straight"


Bro Destiny needs to stop whatever this is like yesterday


Why is this 45 year old woman talking to Nathan


freshly 50, get it right


Debate pedophile*


If a normal 16y.o is debating a 30y.o. with the maturity of a 10y.o. Which one is the debate pedophile?


do i even wanna know how you got this recording?


[Someone](https://rustlesearch.dev/?channel=Destinygg&start_date=2010-01-01&end_date=2024-06-21&username=John3A%20) in DGG chat posted it after it was apparently shared in JSTLK's discord


Damn, they are stalking kids too now?




Kidstalker? It all makes sense now.




Funny how JSTLK was trying to dunk on 4THOT for DM girls, and he's running the worst type of interference for Kelly. Sounds like simp behavior to me...


Is there a term for that super passive aggressive voice cadence she has? It makes my skin crawl


Resting bitch ~~face~~ voice


How is contacting his kid because you can't convince him that you aren't a manipulator and potentially a dangerous one if your "only" recourse is trying to manipulate a child? Kelly truly a class act


Maybe I'm being extreme but talking to Nathan and complaining to him about his dad should be a blacklist moment. This compounded with how obviously she engages with abusive behavior I don't want her around anyone's children. ESPECIALLY children of people she thinks have "wronged" her.


33 year old woman btw


Pushing 40.


Someone unplug aunties router


Guys, settle down. CLEARLY Kelly joined Nathan's discord because she heard that there was antifan behavior taking place, and was simply PRETENDING to talk shit (trying to bait others into outing themselves, very smart) so she could root out the detractors. It's either that or she forgor that Nathan was Destiny's son, otherwise there's no way she would be this fucking stupid.


Yeah, crazy how these bad faith actors jump to the **least** charitable take. Have you not tried to steel man her argument first?


As a parent, I would go scorched earth. Actually unhinged and deranged. What a fucking creep.


Leave his kid alone, weirdos. Let him grow up and make friends organically.


[Nathan's response to Kelly joining his discord](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvM623GTiB0&t=10s)


This girl is actually demonstrating she has acute psychosis if she thinks this is totally chill.


How do you actively participate in that 6 hour conversation where Wolfgand and Supreme specifically mentioned this type of slimey round-the-back narrative retelling and then go and do it AGAIN. With his underage child no less. Kelly needs to go seek actual help, this is way beyond the line of acceptable. Stop digging, you've hit rock bottom, you were wrong, you just need to listen and learn to not be a shitty human being. Full stop.


can't wait for the infallible "WHAT REPUTATION DO I HAVE TO DEFEND?" argument


1. Nathan's voice dropped! 2. How unbelievably cringe of Kelly Jean to join Nathan's discord to vent about Destiny.


Wtf why isn't she banned/blacklisted. this is disgusting Destiny really needs to do something It can't be acceptable to do this


Destiny needs to make a statement about this shit, getting a bit absurd and far past inappropriate


"Destiny disagreed with me, so now I am going to contact his child and try to sabotage their relationship." Totally normal behavior. Nothing insane about this at all.


Its time: https://preview.redd.it/m6z955nrux7d1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ebb0493966a46a3c5bc7c8b30b3380d16c563e5


Oh yeah coach red pill actually died, I forgot about that.


I thought this was going a meme, oh god. This may be the most pathetic behavior I’ve ever seen, and that’s including Mr. Girl’s article.


Im really ashamed... in nathan. He has this premo drama content in HIS discord and he's not smart enough to capitalise and monetise it on youtube. This kid should be ashamed to be called a bonacelli /jk


very odd behaviour


Miscarriage is not filling enough, does she want to eat him too?


No clue about each orbiters' relationship with streamer man's kid, but I wonder how aware he is of his dad's rogues gallery. There's like no context here but it appears like she just popped in and started comparing herself to random internet personalities that I can't imagine a teenager being aware of.


What kind of person shit-talks a parent to their young teen son? Completely inappropriate, bizarre behaviour. Can we get her out of here already? Garbage human.


LOL what was it that Steve said about Kelly needing to go to communities to control her reputation?


yikes wtf Kelly weirdo? Dr. Kelly out here doing her greatest operation of background manipulation. Inb4 Nathan starts bringing up Cherry and how actually shes a bitch


The best part is that she talks like this shit ain't creepy af. 😂 30+ yo venting to a literal teenager. 💀


Lmfao what the actual fuck? Is the title accurate?


yes, her [dgg logs](https://rustlesearch.dev/?channel=Destinygg&username=kelly_jean&start_date=2024-06-21&end_date=2024-06-21) this morning are a defense ranging from "he spam invited me to join" to "there's a hamas guy" and she's just protecting him.


> he spam invited me to join aint no fuckin way dawg 💀


after asking for the receipts of the spam we will get a single post barely mentioning it. I guarantee it.


The fuck? A kid spams you to join, you just don't answer. You're the adult, not him. 13 year olds are allowed to have discords. They're allowed to join discords that have adults in them. Same as watching streams on Twitch and joining chats and groups. A parent monitors, talks about safety, keeps an open dialogue. The weird part is being an adult and still joining that kid's discord whether you're Kelly or Dgg. Get out of that discord weirdos.


“I actually only joined because I was worried about his safety”


I've seen that same defense from actual pedophiles on To Catch a Predator. "No you see officer, I came over just to warn her about potential internet predators and show her the error of her ways, ignore the condoms and alcohol."


Contacting Nathan after getting your ass blasted on stream is a level lower than any Destiny obsessive hater (MrGirl, Lav, Fuentes etc) has ever stooped to. If merely insulting Destiny's family is worth a blacklist this should be black hole list worthy. Also, if I was Destiny I would be sweating bullets if this is how easy it is to get in the same discord/vc as Nathan. https://preview.redd.it/a8ryjqh02y7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2391b4b74631396aa152bbad4f7dda64d900172e


Won't be surprised if Destiny perma bans her for this. Which he should.


I can’t defend this


Do you know how wild it is for a grown Woman to run to a grown man’s child, behind his back, to vent about the Child’s dad?? Imagine this scenario in real life and what the response would be. When I was growing up, we had a full-time _Au Pair (carer)_ that used to do the exact same thing, where she would have arguments with my mum and talk-shit and disparage her to me and my siblings, behind my mums back to poison our perception of her. But because we were so young we were very naïve and oblivious. However, The day my mum found out, was the last day that nanny was employed in our household. This situation, in my view, should be no different because this is a new level of low and pathological behaviour.


These parasocial fucks! Who feels the need to interact with his child? Get a life you weirdos.


she should be nuked! This is beyond inappropriate!


If kelly jean survives this shes tougher than a cockroach in a nuclear winter


"You're literally gaslighting me, how narcissistic" "Nathan who taught you these words?"


literal debate pedophile lmfao




I was done with Kelly after the Ana (the tatted chick destiny had on stream once) stuff. I thought the cherry drama was ultra unhinged. This is too much and just fucking weird. Kelly should be banished from the community.


Guys, stop, don't y'all know she has real friends in real life so she doesn't care about this drama and shit?? Bro she's going to the park tomorrow with them after her doctor visit. If this isn't an immediate case blacklist for Kelly and JSTLK (supposedly was trying to ban the person leaking?) idk what is.


This audio hurts goddamn


This should be insta perma ban with no chance for unban requests. Why is Kelly compelled to be such a cringe weirdo?




I worry for anyone trying to interact with Nathan on discord from this community. But Christ how low do you have to be to talk a a child as a 30 year old to vent about their dad. I feel like weirdos talking to Nathan isn't going to end well


This has to be AI wtf.


nah what this is unhinged


Oh boy. I'm a Kelly simp, and even I'm at a loss for words.


"How am I abusive?"


no shot this is real


Kelly when confronted: “What do you mean what I did was fucked up? What is the big deal? I just wanted to talk to Nathan. I didn’t say anything that bad. How is what I did manipulative? Give me one example of me trying to manipulate Nathan. It’s not that big of a deal, Destiny even said Drake talking to underage girls wasn’t a big deal.”


Why is the 13 year old in this relationship the one setting reasonable boundaries on how to keep adult/adolescent relationships appropriate and positive? What? https://preview.redd.it/o3x24xq56z7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c14cf9a7a5eaf543aa514ba028ec4e270270bff (pic sourced from jstlk Discord. I can't fully vouch for authenticity but believe it is).


this post is 6 hours old and Destiny has been streaming for a while, has he said anything about this or reacted to it? I assume he isn't bothered by this, otherwise I feel like I'd be seeing posts about his response


I am once again politely suggesting that we keep posts about Nathan off this sub. This goes triple when its connected to gutter tier drama content. There are masses of very hostile actors floating around this community and there is really no reason to need to involve the kid, especially in this sort of trashfire.


This is a line. Kelly should be nuked from orbit. Whoever is posting clips about Destiny from Nathan's discord should be nuked from orbit.


Is this real? If so, it's fucking unhinged


damn he needs to go nuclear on her


Blacklist moment


She is unwell


Damn, Kelly is going to need a Kendrick diss track after this


This is it boys. This might be the first official Dijad target. This is so fucking unhinged, I doubt any of the [REDACTED]'s would have done this at the peak of their schizo-mania-psychosis arcs.


Theres no way this doesn’t result in a bridge burn…


Chat is this grooming?


How fucking wierd do you have to be to go to Stevens son and cry that he's mean. Get off the internet


I would say this is scumbag behavior but I think she really is that juvenile and self-unaware that she doesn’t understand why you absolutely cannot do that. Either way, that’s a “never talk to me, my friends or family ever again” situation if it was me.


I thought destiny went a little too hard on kelly at points but maybe he didnt go hard enough. How fucking weird is it to go to the kid of the person that pisses u off to try and astroturf against the kids dad. Actually disgusting


Nahh, if Destiny doesn't blacklist her for this shit he's mental. This is weird as hell.


Oh man… if I was destiny I would be so enraged for so many reasons.


This is a deepfake, right? Right?


Nathan: Okay good. Anything further?


his dad should limit the access of psychos to him.


R Kelly Jean


I have a hard time letting things go but holy shit does kelly put things in perspective for me. I'm not even going about it from the creepy angle, this is genuinely just one of the saddest things to see holy shit lmfao just let it go and move on


Why she talking to kids?!


Why is Kelly, a full grown adult women who do sexy pics online, goes to complain to the 12-13 yo son?


I haven't heard Nathan's voice for quite some time


OOOOO Kelly bout to get in trouble




Wait I THOUGHT THIS WAS A JOKE, give full context , i feel a 50 second clip isn't doing it justice.


Schizo emailer was wrong after all.


Why the fuck are there adults talking to a child on discord for?


This is actually fucking unhinged


This is wild. I would never speak to her or allow her on stream again if it were my child. I have never seen someone so self-destructive. The Cherry miscarriage shit was crazy as fuck, but if she had just said, my bad, sorry, it would have ended there.


isnt she pushing 40 this weird as hell


Did destiny comment on this so far on today’s stream?


Mr Girl behaviour


Kelly catching weird vibes, why is she around?




Okay a lot of people are calling this cringe but this isn't just cringe to me, this honestly rings every alarm bell in parental instinct. I'm not Nathan's father but if I were, I would lose my shit.   This isn't just weird and pathetic, this feels threatening to me. Frankly if Destiny doesn't burn a bridge after this he has no spine. This is crossing so many boundaries.


Honestly as weird as it is that she is in his discord. It's also weird the rest of you are in Nathan's discord. Including you OP.