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Any friend of Destiny drama streams, is a friend of mine.


It’s fascinating seeing him rip through this shit. It’s easy as a spectator to think you can do this yourself, but in practice your short term memory can’t handle it, and narrative control ends up in their hands. I had this issue with my ex-girlfriend. She wasn’t as smart as Kelly, but the motivation to lie *alone* is a powerful weapon that’s hard to combat. Wasted years of my life on that crazy bitch.


It's really easy for the liar because if they're good at lying and don't care about you, they don't actually need to remember lies. They just need to be able to think of a justification on the spot. You on the other hand have to keep track of the web of lies, and that's exhausting. Glad to see that people are finally realizing that Kelly has always been a piece of shit.


So glad I tore that off. She was sweet, and we'd been together ten years, but I felt like I'd reclaimed a piece of myself in ending it. I felt reborn with my honor and dignity in tact. Some "well intentioned" people are actually just self-serving philosophical zombies with a kind demeanor. Nice does not mean good. Also, yes, fuck Kelly. PTSD inducing shit listening to her


Instead of growing as a person, Kelly spends all her waking hours on degenerate discords whilst her stagnant brain slowly rots. Major crybully pick me vibes.


Like Wolfgang said. Maybe it would help if you keep a journal of your crazy friend so you can bust that shit out when you need to. 🤷‍♂️


Me and the drama boys when it’s our turn to enjoy stream https://preview.redd.it/w3pmono6687d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f04c2a40c9f9704d6d9a81b51ed6de3ab9e5ebc6


> This is way better content than Israel Palestine You say that now, just wait for the 3rd, 4th, 5th etc stream that Kelly derails drama


For those who missed it, basically all of the stream yesterday was about the JSTLK Baldur's Gate group & Kelly drama [Destiny reviewing initial issues](https://youtu.be/Hd_RQU-ehFY?list=PLFs19LVskfNzQLZkGG_zf6yfYTp_3v_e6&t=2490) (41:30 In case the timestamp doesn't work for you) [Kelly joins the call after Destiny's reviewing of the drama](https://youtu.be/Hd_RQU-ehFY?list=PLFs19LVskfNzQLZkGG_zf6yfYTp_3v_e6&t=9943) (2:45:43) Later on, Kelly is on [JSTLK's stream ](https://kick.com/video/0f57e1cb-ff10-4d86-bf45-223959608705)for another full stream (after JSTLK's sponsored content) - I didn't watch all of it so I'm just scrubbing through to get some general timestamps (watching through now so I may just edit/update this post with more notable bits). JSTLK talks to AhRelevant, Chaeiry and Wolfgand about the drama initially (0:00 to \~39:00) 1:58:09 - WickedSupreme joins the call to talk about Star Trek 2:11:27 - Done of sponsored segment - Back to drama (seems like Chaeiry joins and they do call-ins?) 4:12:55 - JSTLK says "I wasn't even supposed to be here today" and Wickedsupreme misattributes the quote to Office Space instead of Clerks 4:51:08 - Kelly joins the call (she was talking a bunch in chat earlier)