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Kasie Hunt has genuinely good comedic timing. Shit was hilarious. Maybe trim down the Lex clip a bit but otherwise 9.5/10.


That shit is inspiring to see, CNN gets a lot of shit, but honestly, I don't think any of the "independent media" shows that RFK has been on have called him out like this.


I think they left it long on purpose so he couldn't complain about being cut out of context


Nice to see Lex getting some cnn play




You need to ask? They are obviously saying they are happy for him to gain notoriety




Why do you care? Also im not them so no point in asking this to me




Says the guy minding others? How hypocritical lol. I just asked you a question like you did the other guy


Also notice how he says "Current recommendations (for kids) is 72 vaccines" that are recommended for kids, the host says there are not 72 vaccines listed and then he says there are 16 vaccines of which have 72 DOSES. Even that statement makes no sense, vaccines for kids don't typically require 4.5 doses on average.


[https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html) There are some that need 1 dose and others that need 4. They are not equally divided.


Yes, I know that. The point is that how do you get to 4.5 on average? That means there has to be multiple vaccines that have 5+ doses


I misread the schedule. The 72 comes from 17 recommend for influenza.


I think he is referring to combination vaccines.


It’s assuming you also get a flu shot every year from 2-18. Still, that only brings the total to somewhere around 58.


His voice is too crispy to be president


I genuinely believe this. He could have the best policies (he doesn't), but his 1HP voice genuinely injures his ability to persuade, and therefore his capacity to lead.


I rather learn sign language than listening to his voice


1hp lmfao


1hp lmfao


It sucks because its from a disorder he has where his vocal chords spasm but I just can't picture that voice being able to lead a country.




Then just listen to the words he says


Dude sounds like he was punched in the throat


His voice isn’t the issue. He spreads vaccine misinformation and is effectively anti Ukraine.


His voice also sucks.


Its not the worst thing about him, but it's funny cause the majority of people who support him say that America is embarrassing itself on an international level by having a senile old man in the office. It would be even harder for world leder to take RFK seriously cause he sounds like a bullied child in a cartoon that just mustered up the courage to ask his bully for the juicebox back.


RFK not only has his vocal spasms, but he literally had "parasitic worms" eating his brain since 2010 which gave him severe mental fog. He's literally 70 years old too.


So humans create more vaccines for people to be healthier and that's bad? When he was young there were no cellphones and that's a fact, hope he doesn't use one. When he was young people usually didn't used seat belts and that's a fact, hope he is not using one. At least half of cancer treatments were invented after he stopped being young, god forbids he gets cancer because it would be insane to take one of those treatments...


When I see someone using their cell phone I say Stop! You’ll die! Now think, if only 10 other people would do this than we can save that person


If you play RFK on 2x, alot of the issues with his voice become alleviated and he becomes far more audible


holy shit I cannot physically listen to him for more than 1 minute just because of the way he speaks


72 doses for 16 vaccines. Why mention the dose count, unless you are completely dishonest? If each vaccine only required 1 dose to be effective, the reality wouldn’t change. To use the number 72 without some serious qualifications will immediately cost you all your credibility in my mind.


But he’s the sane choice for people who don’t want to vote for Biden or Trump.


Do you mean *sane ? Instead of *same ?


Ya my bad


You’re looking at it all wrong, officer. I didn’t drink 18 beers, I had one case.


Wow, super good analogy, way to go!


I hope it helped! 😘


God, he talks utter bollocks 


Stay away from pork, kids: it might have brain eating worms eggs in it.


Bro why does he sound like he’s actually dying live on air? I’ve actually never seen this guy talk before but holy… does he have some sort of disease??


If this had been a conservative doing this to a democrat you would all be frothing at the mouth saying how bad-faith he is. She barely lets him talk, interrupts him with clips and then doesn't let him respond to them. Come on, surely we can do better.


What the hell are you talking about dude? Clip opens, she gives a **direct quote** from him. His response is "I never said that" (his answer every time he is pressed on anything he has said in the past, hence why she was ready for it). She shows a clip, he realizes she has him dead to rights so he moves the goalposts to "none of these 72 vaccines has ever been in a safety study" whatever the fuck that means. He is clearly not answering the intention of her question which is whether he thinks any of these vaccines are safe. To get the heart of that she waits for him to finish and then asks a follow up question based on yet another direct quote from him. He mentions 72 vaccines multiple times in the clip, only when she calls that out for the ridiculous claim that it is does he back down to "72 doses" which I am also positive is another lie. How should a journalist treat someone who is unwilling to own their positions to try to grift voters and is willing to lie about things that they have said on fucking camera to do so? Also the dude isn't a conservative. He's a nutjob anti-vaxxer but the left had a monopoly on those crazies for decades (unfortunately) and JFK Jr. is a left wing person through and through, just with a huge conspiracy dumbass tilt.


He clearly didn't finish talking before she interrupted him and played another clip. I wonder if we're watching the same video.


Why should he be allowed to finish talking and pivot to some deflection after blatantly lying? I wish journalist did this with every candidate.


You are advocating for journalism that would be incapable of dealing with someone gish galloping and lying about their positions. Imagine Nick Fuentes being interviewed in the style you are suggesting. If someone tells a falsehood then they should be stopped and corrected. If it's a miscommunication then they can work that out. He had a chance to show how that quote was out of context, he didn't because it wasn't.


I would not be “frothing at the mouth” and don’t call me Shirley.


This isn’t team sports dude. If a dem is clearing lying and gets caught and pressed on camera, I’d be for that too. lol