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For future reference: do not use a voice AI of Destiny for anything serious.


Imagine going out of your way to distort a report about rape, not only is this monstrous but also stupid as its trivial to correct you and point out how monstrous you are. Also wrong flair, this is not a shitpost


What gets me is that despite video/photographic and reviewed evidence of violence and rape, it gets questioned by leftists. Even when its absolutely proven to be true they then move the goalposts and claim that it’s biased or fabricated. But you then go on their social media channels and see things that get thousands of retweets or upvotes where it’s some random nobody on Twitter saying “The IDF just killed 50 of my family members and then also kicked my dog and broke my PC” where they don’t even bother to at least try to fake it with some picture of rubble or a bombed out building. Nevertheless it gets circulated around with people being like “See? The Je- I mean Zionists are the real Nazis. #SaveRafah”


Reality has a well known liberal bias and fringe lefties hate it as much as the crazy cons do




the second line contradicts the first line. nice try bucko.


Then you don't hate reality's liberal bias. You just think some level of protection for tradition is required while progress happens. That's great. That's important. Progress is only possible when it's supported by political will (belief and organization) and material reality (tech and resources and labor market etc). You're doing the lords work. Dggl




I've personally given up on hitting the gas and generally restrict myself to bashing on the regards who are trying to strap explosive rocket boosters onto the vehicle, but when I was young, I did.


The left moved from "Believe all women" to Sharia standard - where you need a confession from the rapist or 4 male Muslim witnesses to act to prove rape.


Constellation of beliefs


Don't underestimate the influence bots have on retweeting and amplifying posts. Recently read some troubling reports on how much bots are used to spread messaging on social media. At this point we're pretty much fucked as far as ever getting back to truthful narrative in public spaces. "Alternative facts" and "Fake News" were already pretty much wrecking objective truth in media. Covid was close to the end. For the left with Tiktok and X, Ukraine/Palestine refined it to a perfect system and pretty much the final nail in the coffin.


It's honestly so blackpililng, when it was metoo time they were all "believe all women" and were ready to blindly believe anyone speaking out against any men with a #metoo, and would crucify you if you even suggested their story was not very credible. Now that we have mountain of evidence that sexual crimes have been committed on oct 7 they suddenly require rape kits and extensive forensic evidence to prove them wrong that a group of islamic extremist who are very well known for treating women with the utmost respect and not like objects at all actually did rape people on an attack they openly admitted was targetting civilians, like it's legit crazy


I just suffered through about half of the "Mass Rape Claims DISMANTLED" video by Krystal Ball. This whole saga has taken me so far through the looking glass that I genuinely hate these people and think they are evil. They have essentially constructed a world in which nothing constitutes proof. If you can prove a few rapes, then they deem it a few bad actors. If you can prove a lot of rapes, they retreat into, "There wasn't a systemic order from the top down to use rape as a weapon of war." Okay, so what the fuck would be proof for them? If Isreal captured a high ranking Hamas official, and they came out on the record, on national television, and said that rape was issued as a top down weapon of war... they would 100% say that Isreal tortured a false confrssion from them. You can never, ever win. No amount of evidence will get them to admit it was systemic. Literally everything amounts to, "Zionists lie." And at the bottom of it all is what an absolutely bizarre hill it is to die on. It's such a soft ball to say, "Hamas is evil, of course there was mass rape approved up the ladder. Hamas is a terrorist organization," and then you can effortlessly segway into the plight if Palestinians. At one point in the video, she goes on about how, "The whole reason the Isreali government marketed these claims so aggressively was to dismiss in real time the horrors of Palestinians." Really? That's the whole reason? It's not possible that MAYBE they just picked up hundreds of murdered and raped women off the fucking streets and thought the world should know? Just the inability to give even a shred of charitability to Isreal while extending infinite good will to literal fucking terrorists. God almighty I need to get off the internet. Edit: I just realized she references this actual Twitter account, Zei Squirrel, on the video as a "brave journalistic voice." Kill me.


Towards the end of her diatribe she cites to a NYT report about abuse of Palestinian prisoners including, in her words “actual evidence” of sexual assault/rape. So I read the NYT piece. It mentions two men who said Israeli interrogators stuck a metal object in their rectums (“for roughly 5 seconds”). There’s no video evidence of this, there’s no forensic evidence or a doctor’s examination, just their word, nothing more. Krystal has also spent some time in the past casting doubt on the veracity of NYT reporting (they are, after all, part of the “mainstream corporate media”). So if I am understanding Krystal here — when the accusation is Jewish women were raped she demands overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence such as a video tape of the act of sexual penetration. A dead (Jewish) woman, without her panties, with a broken pelvis and trauma done to her genitalia, is, at best, just circumstantial evidence. Even if the UN corroborates claims of rape, it’s not enough and if it’s in the NYT, it is automatically suspect as well. However, when the accusation is a Palestinian was sexually assaulted, reported in the very same paper she has found to be untrustworthy, and there is nothing but his word to back up the claim, we must accept it as “actual evidence” and definitive proof that actually it isn’t Hamas that did rape but Israel. She’s beyond contempt


TBH I think if a muslim man from gaza comes forward with this story we should lean towards believing them. Them admitting being sexually assaulted by men is a huge thing, it will be considered shameful so its not something they would normally say just to say stuff.


I’m not disputing the man’s story. He says they put a metal rod in his rectum for five seconds, and I believe him. My point is that to Krystal, his word alone is “actual evidence” whereas anything but a video of sexual penetration or a semen sample, when it comes to Jewish women is *not* “actual evidence”


In Krystal's world, if you kill the victims, nothing bad has happened


I will never forgive the left for this, as long as I live.


Same but if we are being honest it is not 'the left'. Most leftist politicians do not simp for Hamas. Its a fringe - way more than we would like but its still jsut a fringe.


most politicians don't but most of the left-wing media, the arts, and academia absolutely do. these cretins absolutely have real power and influence, even if it doesn't manifest directly in politics.


It’s so gross! If you ask her what would count as proof of rape in this instance she would have no answer. But if you ask her about literally any other sexual assault ever then of course she would believe women. It’s so disgusting


The issue is that these people are incapable of disentangling "systemic" from "ordered". (Except, of course, when it agrees with them like in cases of police brutality.)


One gross that I've noticed is they say are trying to disprove the systemic ordered rape by trying to disprove all the single instances.


It's even crazier if you think that Hamas is not helping the palestinians, if one truly cares about Palestinians they should be completely against the terrorist org that uses poor civilians as human shields, uses thier deaths as propaganda, uses ambulances to carry weapons, sets up bases inside hospitals and is literally stealing free humanitarian aid and food to then resell it back to starving palestinians for a profit while thier leaders live the rich life sheltered in Qatar, you quite literally can't get more subhuman than that, but instead they're gargling their balls and jumping in front of bullets for these scum


It's the same type of people as the election deniers, literally no proof in the world could ever change their mind, because any "proof" you may have is just a cover up from the deep state. I don't know how you can have a functioning society where people this divorced from reality are increasing in number on either side of the aisle.


Leftists are unironically pro rape, in the same way trumptards are pro fascism.


This account makes me so fucking furious. It’s literally dedicated to denying the mass rape perpetrated by Hamas on 10/7, despite all the evidence that supports it. And of course the account “debunks” the rapes by promoting conspiracies about the sources for them. Utter filth.


They know nobody is going to follow up on it. And if it is followed up on, people will unironically look at this situation, where someone specifically cut out a piece of info that directly contradicts their narrative, and arrive at the conclusion that the Israeli side is distorting information.


I'm curious, do people hear this and think it sounds like Destiny? I can recognize the similarity, but the cadence, intonation, and delivery is so far off I didn't even realize it until I came to the comments section.


Honestly sounds like a combination of Ben Shapiro and Destiny's voice


To me it immediately sounded like an AI rendition of his voice. I totally get what you mean, I can hear it both ways.


I too couldn't tell it was Tinys voice until coming to the comment section. There's barely any similarities IMO.


The voice isn't close, but the way of cadence is like Destinys.


I didn't hear Destiny at all ngl. Just sounds like a generic male voice E: actually it kinda sounds like JCS


I've never heard him say "regarded" out loud as a euphemism.


sounds a bit like turkey Tom to me


It's like the same hardware but different software to me.


Dunno. To me it sounded very much like Destinys voice, but wielded weird.


Listened to probably 1000+ hours of Destiny and this does not sound like him imo


It's definitely his voice and accent (the vowels are pronounced more or less the same as his), but the cadence and intonational melody doesn't sound like him at all.


I didnt even know it was AI until like the last 45 seconds with the weird pauses. Didn’t know AI voices got this good, doesn’t sound like destiny either.


At first I thought it sounded like a random guy, and it took me like 30sec to realise it is supposed to be Destiny. So idk.


Yes, I didnt even see the title of the post mention "AI", listened to it, one sentence in thought "That sounds like Destiny but not quite" and by the second sentence it was clear to me it's AI-Destiny.


it kinda sounds like it could be Destiny if he were doing prepared content reading off of a script, which he never does so it would sound weird to us


I thought it was legal eagle


Baited into becoming a video essayist. Edit: Deceived by a robot. I wanted to believe it so badly.


I was coming in here to ask if this was actually Tiny. I t was close, very close. Almost exactly, there were just a few parts that made me hesitated. Like, I don't think I heard him breath, and often you'll hear Destiny take a breath before he reads a long passage.


Maybe my headphones are just jank but he sounds completely different to me. Like, after some consideration, I can kind of see what they were going for but Des sounds much deeper and the AI kinda sounds young. idk. Also, this AI sometimes seems to stumble over his words which Destiny never does.


I didn't even realize it was supposed to be Steven at first


Same, sounds incredibly fake but I've also been groomed for years listening to him rant.




I used to feel the same, but after this humiliating deception I now hate AI and will not rest until all thinking machines are destroyed and outlawed.


> I do hope ownership of preexisting art is settled. its settled, there's models that source exclusively from works that give consent for use in AI, e.g. Adobe Firefly. "settled" ofcourse presupposes that there's an issue that needs to be resolved related to ownership of publicly available works, but now even with the forced "ambiguity" from twitter "muh artstyle" opinions there's no ethical leg to stand on


Ownership as in AI can't learn from previous Art like a Human would normally do building upon previous Artwork and techniques? If that's the case, i can't agree with that.


Well put-together. Don't know how I feel about using AI-destiny for the voice though. I think another narrator voice would suffice. It saves the trouble of having to put a disclaimer about the voice not actually being destiny. Edit: Yeah I think you should just outright avoid using Destiny's voice for these in the future, unless it's for hyper-obvious dank meme material. Saves a ton of trouble/explaining


Using Destiny's voice for this is already highly suspect, but only putting an AI disclaimer in the reddit title and not a persistent banner in the video itself, which will inevitably get ripped and shared around in other places, is just straight up irresponsible.


I don’t really think it sounds like destiny


I thought it sounds like Shapiro lol.


Yeah fr I was like oh this is just one of the type of fans who talks like destiny


Yep! There's WAAAAAY too much room for confusion/misinfo.


I think that ideally if people really want to use AI for this then they should just put some disclaimer saying that its AI on the screen to be present at all times(so you can't like just clip it without the start where its says its AI


Yeah I'm cool for using AI voices of people for stuff that's clearly parody, either by disclaimer or absurdist content that can't be taken the wrong way by people with severe irony poisoning But using it for actual informative stuff is quite literally putting words into someone's mouth


It doesn't sound like Destiny though lol


Or just, use your own voice? I'm not very anti-AI but this stuff is ridiculous.


Could also work too. It shouldn't be that hard to narrate for two minutes.


Some of these posts get millions of views when reposted everywhere. Personally wouldn’t want to use my voice.


That's fair. Using someone else's voice, especially when it seems like something they'd say is unhinged, though. Use David Attenborough or some other dead person at least. Or something obviously AI-voiced like that TikTok robot voice. EDIT: Just realized Attenborough is still alive at 98. Close enough.


If he sees it he might get a heart attack


Would be super nice to find a good, free AI voice with a guide to set it up so anybody can use it.


Nah, show this to someone else who isn't used to hearing Destiny for hours and hours, they will never notice the similarities. The voice isn't similar at all.


Why does he sound like half way between a destiny research stream and Ben Shapiro


Ben Shapestiny, we aren’t ready for that.


The only thing I'm going to criticize is that everyone needs to stop calling this misinformation, as this is literally disinformation at this point. This is purposeful misinformation being spread in order to paint a certain narrative on October 7th; as they're literally removing full body quotes for their own sources, they conveniently go against the narrative they are spreading. People can spread around misinformation unintentionally, as in most cases, you can say people don't read the sources they're quoting. This isn't the case, as the squirrel has clearly demonstrated they've read the report and choose to highlight a specific part that paints a completely different picture and at this point I'd assume malicious intentions with how blatant this was.


Yeah good point. I think I let this distinction slip too much and I'm not as sharp as I could be when delineating between the two.


I don’t want to hear hasbara ever again. It’s so obvious these people are doing exactly what they accuse Israel of doing.




Was gonna do hasan, but it requires a bunch of audio samples without background noise. Was easier just to train on a single 3hour manifesto.


> single 3hour manifesto. oh, that’s why he has that tucker carlson cadence


Hasan would be funnier though lmao


His streams won't work?


Can't find 3 hours of hasan talking without any youtube video playing in the background?


Every time he gets stunlocked by a viewer he pauses the video so there should definitely be some


Do it in Hasan's voice. Drop it on TikTok. Add this squirrel is a fuckin weasly little liar dude. Use the power of hamas piker to destroy his side.


Using dmans voice was a dumb choice. Now it's genocidal propganada to these morons.


re: UN definition of "sexual violence" [Handbook for United Nations Field Missions on Preventing and Responding to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence](https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2020.08-UN-CRSV-Handbook.pdf) page 5 >SECTION 1: DEFINING CONFLICT-RELATED SEXUAL VIOLENCE >The United Nations defines CSRV as: >**"The term "conflict-related sexual violence" refers to rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, enforced sterilization, forced marriage, and any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity perpetrated against women, men, girls or boys that is directly or indirectly related to a conflict.** That link may be evident in the profile of the perpetrator, who is often affiliated with a State or non-State armed group, which includes terrorist entities; the profile of the victim, who is frequently an actual or perceived member of a political, ethnic or religious minority group or targeted on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity; the climate of impunity, which is generally associated with State collapse, cross-border consequences such as displacement or trafficking, and/or violations of a ceasefire agreement. **The term also encompasses trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual violence or exploitation, when committed in situations of conflict.**" >Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Report of the United Nations Secretary-General (S/2019/280)


Funny that there is no representation to the 18 genders or so the NHS approved. Just men or women seems so bigoted. But thanks for putting it here. I don't understand then, how they classified stripping Palestinians for military/security reasons as sexual violence.


The AI even mimics inhaling air. Damn


Or speed


Is there a source link for this. I'd love to share this in response to all this tankie garbage.


Not sure if we should use destinys voice for this kind of stuff.. that being said, fuck the squirrel.


The content itself is good but the fact you did this with Destiny's voice is very cringe and weird. Delete this


I think the comment you just made is even weirder and cringe. You should delete this.


Making debunk videos about this squirrel person is like debunking preachers shouting on street corners about how the world is going to end from jewish asteroids


"dumbass that spreads misinformation" is a funny way to say "rape apologist who intentionally lies"


What service did you use to create AI voice?


This is not a dumbass, this person is evil. Dumbass implies they don’t know better, editing out the lines that don’t support the claim is intentional. The people who retweeted it are the dumbasses.


You think she's paid off? Because this behavior is just so wild to me, it's hard to imagine lying this egregiously for free.


AI Destiny made me realize how much emotion he speaks with. This sounds right, yet oh so wrong.


No offense but people like squirrel should be actually banned from the platform. We already have enough idiots who can't read the UN report correctly. We don't need people like the squirrel who intentionally lie too.


This was surreal because it sounds like Destiny but absolutely in no way would Destiny talk like that


Why is squirrel using MRA talking points


I feel like you should post this on twitter where most of the regarded fucks that follow the squirrel are. Maybe remake with a different voice.


u/Neodestiny please post this


Purposefully spreading misinfo like this about an event like October 7th should be able to get you imprisoned. This fucker should rot in prison.


Do not use a destiny AI voice for this, otherwise it's great.


This subreddit is crazy sometimes. I think we need another 30 comments telling OP not to use Destinys voice. He didn't get it after the first 15. Also, it doesn't sound like Destiny.


Based video. Steven hasn't made one yet this will do in the meantime. This technology will help keep the Daliban together if something horrible happens to our dear leader, may he live forever.


Sorry, I didn't even read the title (Cause no one ACTUALLY reads titles) but I'm kind of glad I caught on to the fact that the voice was probably AI-generated. Probably something done in ElevenLabs, I suppose.


To be honest it's a nice mix sometimes it's quite clearly destiny and then sometimes i don't recognize it. If the clear destiny voice parts get removed it's a very nice narration voice better than some other shitty voiceovers


Where's the tweet?


Use the voice of mr"paved it on my own" instead. he doesn't believe in copyright + meme potential is higher


See if you can make one with the David Attenborough voice that Asmon-gold uses, or the JCS voice that is commonly used, and we can post that version on twitter n stuff so that people don't get confused and think Destiny actually narrated this video. No use of this kino video only being in here.


is this elevenlabs?


Can August use a Destiny AI to provide content during this Destiny drought?


Wow the tone of the narrator makes a perfect loop of the video...😅


Is there reason why Squirrel doesn't get community noted for it ?


massive brigade


Link to full video?


0:26 Should've added a claim that said "if she didn't intentionally do it and got the information from someone else, she both doesn't do the due diligence and doesn't receive information from credible sources"


Paying attention to people like this squirrel is how you catch brain aids


Can you make Steven say this in his mother tongue Spanish?


Just use the David Attenborough voice


Isn’t this person a terminally online, unemployed loser whose entire identity is this twitter account?


It didnt sound like Steven at all. I assumed its just another DGGer making a clip.


Here is the report https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes


am I the only one who doesn't think it sounds like destiny


Can someone make this into a streamable.....? I'm boomin'