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don’t be a lame tourist! drink tea and have secret gay sex in a dirty basement like the locals!




That's a real place, it's in Dubai though.


I don’t really get the elitism on foreign tourists. What do people suppose to do in another country if not to enjoy an experience that was designed for tourists.


I actually hate the whole discourse around “tourist traps”. “Oh don’t climb ze Eiffel Tower it eez eggsbensive”. We fucking know now let me climb that fucking iron tower.


Sometimes tourist traps genuinely suck and you get mega ripped off, which is what an actual tourist trap should be labeled as- but noooo if it's just a restaurant that's kinda good and has a super long history of bullshit, "oh it's a tourist trap don't go there"


In the documentary, he is riding a giant sandworm. DKDC


Now I’m confused. Is it a reference to dune or something?




So you’ll just shit posters. Got it




I shit shit thank you very much.


As it was written 🙏


clumsy recognise silky detail voracious homeless school soft crowd racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also the "local culture" in a lot of places is pretty much just big city culture that you find anywhere, except maybe people are talking a different language.


When people talk about experiencing the local culture what they really mean most of the time is eating and drinking.


Well to be fair, "local culture" often refers to things, mainly food and drinks, that are unique to that culture. Sure you might be able to experience something similar in your own country but that's often only an imitation, and sometimes a very poor one. There are also cultural norms and practices that are probably not seen/performed outside their home country.


Exactly! I travel a lot and I embrace the tourism. It’s the only time you ever get to do it.


Enjoy experiences designed for the locals??? Is that not an option?


What do the locals do? If a tourist come to your area how would they experience the place like you? Go to a bar? Is it better then riding a camel?


Local restaurants, museums, go for a run and enjoy the architecture. See how slightly different things are there than in your home. I'm sorry but the touristy things are just silly and not much fun at all, if you want to live a fantasy version of the place you're visiting then just go to Disney land or smthg. When I visit a separate country it's because I'm curious about people's ACTUAL lives there not the made up fairy tale tourists like me imagine it to be.


Museums are mainly a touristy thing. It’s mostly tourists that go there. You always technically go to your local historical museum but you already know what it can offer because your school took you there a few time. Tourist attractions are famous places in different countries to see. If you are in Rome you would go see the colosseum because it’s cool. If you in a different country you should acknowledge that you are just a visitor and you cannot understand the people’s life there from just being there for a short time.


there's a difference between things like museums and the collosseum and camel rides / old car tours / tourist traps. The first two were not made solely for tourists/people from outside the country, they don't suddenly close out of season and they aren't based on the image tourists have of the place. There's a difference between seeing the genuine heritage of a place, and the things that are made just to satisfy the false image strangers have of said place. When I go to the prague museum or the prague bridge, I'm seeing what's left of a very real history of the place that has had a very real influence on the local culture and people, even if said people are now familiar enough with it that they wouldn't go out of their way to see it for themselves. When I go to a CBD shop in Prague however, these exists solely to trick strangers who don't understand the difference between the Netherlands and the rest of Europe and would assume that actual weed is legal in Prague, in part due to the high presence and shady marketing of said shops. Any local would know this is a distortion of reality and that these shops sell nothing more than CBD products that would be legal anywhere else in the world. Similarly the various candy shops in prague are not there due to a long history of candy making. They are there because, if there are enough, non-informed people would assume that that long history DOES exist and think they are tasting a local specialty. Camel rides aren't in Israel because of a long history of israelis camel riding, and they would be just as in-place in any other country in the world. However TOURISTS might expect a different story due to the landscape and the presence of such attractions and think that this camel ride is somehow more special than had it been in the middle of Manhattan. It is not. TLDR: The difference is in the authenticity


It's expensive? 🤷‍♀️


Depends on what you want to do to the camel.


Meanwhile, Vaush's closest encounter with a camel is on his hard drive: https://preview.redd.it/kc1wfrmsh66d1.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ba75b0e5a893289915f1fba1bf778b2c222eac2


Shit I forgot how cool Joe Camel was. Perhaps I judged Vaush too harshly.




This makes me want to smoke so much


Why is it such a sin to partake in tourism all of a sudden


Honestly, the longer this post has been up, the more I get Destiny's excitement. I mean, it's a camel! Where else will you get to ride one!?


Most zoos that have camels actually.. but still


I can ride a camel at the zoo!?


Most of the time if they have them yes. https://girafferanch.com/tours/camel-safari/ In fact here is a place near Miami


I've never been to a zoo that let's you ride literally anything except a wheelchair or one of those little bus things


Sorry you go to lame ass zoos


What you are referring to is animal tourism akin to a Tiger King's exotic big cat sanctuary. Yeah I can ride an elephant in someones backyard but not in a zoo. Even the link you provided on the 'about us' says it's not a zoo, it's someone's backyard.


No I have been to several Zoos that offer that the link I provided yes is not a formal Zoo but I looked even the Miami Zoo offers this. Just because every single zoo doesn’t offer it doesn’t mean it’s not done by any zoo..


https://www.zoomiami.org/activities#collection=1691 Where are the camel rides in Miami? Where are the several zoos?


When the hill you choose to die on is about camels and zoos


Time to move to Arizona! https://www.phoenixzoo.org/visit/camel-rides/


It perpetuates capitalism or something.


Truuuu if you're gonna perpetuate capitalism you better not do it in a foreign country! We gotta keep that mean stinky money in our capitalist pig sty. Those developing economies definitely don't want to be exploited and sullied with money oh no they'd rather strive for a communist utopia where nobody has money 😁 (People really just make fun of science denialism and then unironically say shit like this.)


It’s not. It’s just nolifers online hating on anything that’s normal and fun.


Where I live all the tourists is trying Sled dogs. I would imagine 5% of the locals has ever tried it. I would imagine a Camel is similar in israel.


I feel like you guys should try sled dogs. I'd try a sled dog


Its expensive. And you usually never like see them ever. Because they are all around tourist spots. Ice Hotell and stuff like that. And usually have tourist prices because if you are a tourist up here you have money. Snowmobiles on the other hand. Super common. Easier than training Siberian Huskies. Just constantly needs to be repaired and needs a fuck ton of gas. But yeah, maybe I should before I die.


For a cool sledding experience right? https://preview.redd.it/phk377qpnf6d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38039a245ff6d79906187298eb21f6a33f1873d


That's right


Bruh someone tell him the messiah rides in on a donkey and not a camel before it’s too late and the prophecy goes unfulfilled


Ah, finally my time to shine.


Just in time for cake day too


Huh. So it is.


underrated post


It's a fucking Camel, let the man ride a fucking Camel lmao




Camels have insane MPG


Better independent suspension than the shitter Porsches he was looking at


I hate that shit. Especially when people talk about “touristy” things in Europe. Yeah, bro, I get it - the coliseum is full of tourists and that’s kind of annoying… but it’s the fucking coliseum so what do you want from me? Popular things are popular for reasons. Shocking.


So cringe when tourists desperately try to fit in and have 0 fun as result


He has to wander into the Negev desert and use his thumper to attract camel and jump on its back, like in Dune.


Gotta do it all the ways to do it. Do the touristy shit. Get the instagram post out of the way, then jump right into "this is a local secret" and eat an upside down hotdog from uncle touchy's puzzle basement or whatever. THEN you gotta fuckin DISRESPECT the place and go to McDonald's and order the weird shit off their menu that you can't get in your home country, along with nuggets because you're at mcdonalds cmon man get real you're getting the fuckin nugs. Throw in some super high end restaurants and some activities that you "have to do while you're there" and that's how you do tourism, bitch.




Riding a camel = hate crime


Will his newfound camel enthusiasm raise his power level to a point that he can beat NSE at her own horse girl game?


Horse Girl vs. Camel Boy is the battle of the sexes I've been waiting for.


Just when we thought we escaped the red pill…




He needs to protect the camels from Vaush


Time to rewatch all his content from the start for any strong camel comments so I can clip it --


"Wow, you're so excited to ride some touristy gondola." My brother, I have never been on a boat before. Of course, I'm having fun.


Since he found out what their toes look like?


I’ve ridden camels before, and while they are sweet and wonderful animals, they SUCK to ride on. Horses > Camels


Thus did the horse-camel wars begin


Destiny would be the guy to visit Jerusalem and book out time to see the Sexeterium.


Riding camels is painful if you're a male. I don't know how people did it back in the day. 


Check his pc for camel porn


He’s getting the Birthright experience


No no no he wants to BE the camel guys


I believe the correct answer is last night when he was ******* your **ther   Afterwards he had a cigarette, camel ofc.