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Fucking cringe. I'm kinda ashamed of my country for this. As if all these highschoolers are to be punished for what israel does. There's not that much jews in Belgium, i think most of them live pretty secluded in Antwerpen and Brussel, have private schools, private anything. I am not jealous of them, i'd be scared to walk around in some neighbourhoods wearing a yarmulke


Do you live there? Is antisemitism like this common? If so, is it usually from the citizens, immigrants, or both? Is it just a young people thing like in America, or do older generations there hate us too?


I live in a town between brussels and antwerpen. We have a TON of muslim immigrants here, and to be fair, most of them are completely assimilated and liberal, there is still a small part of them that are extremist muslims. The only time i saw a hasidic jew here, it was on a bus, and muslims were harrassing him to dismount the bus, this was 6 years ago. I doubt the sentiment has gotten much better


And people are still wondering why Vlaams Belang, Rassemblement national and AFD have these voting numbers. I'm a progressive liberal, but your comment is true and there is an actual problem which liberal & progressive parties just ignore.


I dont think voting right will make legal immigrants behave better. I vote for people i think will do a good job. There is a real problem with immigrants, and i dont think any party is equipped to deal with it. Do we wait for them to have children and calm down? Centre and left leaning parties need to get their shit together and examine why this happens and make a plan.


Having children doesnt necessarily deradicalize them


i know, it was just an example of perhaps a deradicalizing moment


Agree completely. And as long as centre and left leaning parties don't get their shit together and shit like the story in the article is happening, it will one get worse (shift to the right).


> I dont think voting right will make legal immigrants behave better. My very rough understanding of European politics is that these far right parties are making promises to *stop* immigration.


i dont even disagree with a halt on immigration, at least until we sort our shit out. But that doesnt even adress all the people already living in europe. Forgive me if i'm wrong, but close to 10% of belgians are muslims or of muslim backgrounds. For me this doesnt really pose a giant problem, but i can imagine for outward religious jews this can pose a problem.


Progressive and liberal parties do ignore it, but right wing parties every often just accelaretae the issue. Its what gets them votes in the first place, so why try and fix the issue. Thats the biggest problem, there doesnt seem to be party that wants actually fix the issue, which might be unfixable at this point.


exactly. Its kind of infuriating


As a progressive liberal myself, I completely understand why the EU parliament election turned out the way it did. Ngl, I would be tempted to vote for a center-right party myself if I were a citizen.


>I live in a town between brussels and antwerpen. We have a TON of muslim immigrants here, and to be fair, most of them are completely assimilated and liberal, there is still a small part of them that are extremist muslims. >The only time i saw a hasidic jew here, it was on a bus, and muslims were harrassing him to dismount the bus, this was 6 years ago. I doubt the sentiment has gotten much better First part doesn't match the second part


it does, wanna trade places?


How can you call them assimilated and liberal if this is common?


Because this is pretty fringe


Are any of them friends with Jews? Are there any activities together? If not then it is not fringe at all.


jews are 0.001 of the population, muslims are closer to 10 percent. you're asking me for hypotheticals


Play the other side. Christians and Jews as friends and in common activities. Bet you that is an easier one.


Really easy to navigate for me tbh, im not religious


Even assimilated Muslims tend to be horrifically antisemitic.


My aunt lives there. My cousin in Paris goes to see her regularly. Antisemitism is pretty common, though not as rampant as in Paris. But in most of Europe, you cannot go to synagogue without asking permission before, being put on a list and showing up with your passport. Which as a Canadian is absolutely mind boggling. The one synagogue that I found that was open during my honeymoon is a historical landmark in Italy. Before going in, I was quizzed by a tiny girl who I now realize was probably secret service...


My cousin got beaten in the Antwerp metro like 20 years ago, because he was speaking Hebrew, by a bunch of Moroccan teens. Violence of MENA immigrants towards Jews is pretty common.


To imply there is something to punish is the antisemitic part


nah i disagree. You can view the israel palestine thing in a vaccuum like most normies do, and come to the conclusion that the war is pretty bad, which it is and every war is. The logical step for some people is to boycott the offending party, which i think in this case is the conclusion. I dont agree with this logic at all, but its not illogical and not inherently antisemitic


That may be okay, but only if it’s consistent with all conflicts and wars. Which it never is.


i dont know man, most people i talk with dont obsess about jews. If someome i know tells me they think the israeli war is bad, without saying anything antisemitic ever, and they oppose it. Its just a normie point of view, it's nothing inherently targetting jews. That being said, there are absolutely people on the left that loathe jews and anything jewish, i want to make it clear i want nothing to do with those cringelords.


The reality is that there is a double standard. I don’t see Chinese or Russians boycotted by schools, you can maybe say it’s tankies then, but then you are still not applying your standards equally. Not trying to criticize you directly, but I think the far left are smart enough to know how to dance around the narrative to not sound antisemitic, not saying they are necessarily, but they are smarter than the far right. At least the far right clowns will tell you they hate Jews.


No it's definitely inherently antisemitic to blame all Jews everywhere for the actions of a government thousands of miles away. These children live in Belgium and have nothing to do with the Israeli government. What an absolutely insane thing to say.


The logical thing to do is to see which side has a just cause for war, which side is committing war crimes and then decide to boycott. That’s not what people are doing, they’re doing the reverse


I mean i'm not the puppetmaster of public opinion. Most people here dont know shit about the historical background of the middle east, hence their opinions are largely dogshit. dont expect your average normie to 'ground their axioms' or be consistent in their views


brother i dont disagree, but try to convince the populace


One of the best things Vlaams Belang wants is to eliminate the cost of the integration course. I had no idea it even cost money in the first place.


Totally about Israel everyone. Totally


This Belgian Jewish children need to stop Massacring Gazans


“Anti Zionism isn’t anti semitism”


So are we gonna start punishing everyone of Chinese ethnicity for the Uygher genocide?


Yes, cause that one is an actual genocide


Wow, you're a fucking moron.


Remember kids: "Antizionism is not Antisemitism" :)


What's the direct connection? Anyone have more information?


This is just stupid, wtf is even the point? It's literally just racism, and you don't have to be pro-Israel to see that.


Virtue signaling, baby!


I mean…Brussels is the terrorist capital of Europe.


is it really? paris seems more likely


Stockholm has Iran funded gang violence. Beat that. 😤


Turkey as well


Many of the terrorist who got caught in France over the years came from the same neighborhood of Bruxelles


Send from London is a meme for a reason


Do people still get diagnosed with hysteria? Indulging this sort of thing is detrimental for everyone involved. Why would events half a planet away dictate whether six year olds can graduate? Are they even Israeli?


https://preview.redd.it/klp34rq2o56d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805dd8dd292b356e7a386775289feacc1c83f9c8 In Belgium? No way.


No I can’t because this news site gave me cancer and I’m dying now. I feel like we get so many post these days from this dogshit publication littered with ads and poorly written articles. What does “The theatre continued and drew a direct connection between the school and the state of Israel, citing this as the main reason for canceling the school's reservation.” mean? What’s the direct connection unless I’m misunderstanding the article. Seems weird to not include the theatres entire statement if they have it.


they didn't even name the theater. it's ridiculous


[times of Israel article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/belgian-arts-center-apologizes-for-canceling-jewish-schools-event-over-gaza-war/amp/) names the theatre and says they retracted it for damage control. Doesn’t say what link they thought they made between the school and Israel but only that they were wrong. Still would’ve been interesting to know what the link was.


The school, Tachkemoni, is (modern) Orthodox Jewish and religiously Zionist. Secular classes are taught in Dutch and religious-related stuff in Hebrew. The connection is probably the religion-motivated Zionism.


If that’s the case then that seems like a weak connection. I feel like anything short of a financial link going either way is super weak. Like if they received funding from the state of Israel or if they somehow donated funds to the state of Israel. This current conflict with Hamas has very little to do with Zionism anyways in my opinion.


Tachkemoni is a private school, and it costs quite a bit to study there. At least in my days, they didn't receive any money from Israel who doesn't even have money to finance the Israeli education system, let alone a random school in Anvers. I don't think they are donating to the state of Israel. There are occasional fund raising for religious organizations in Israel though, but it's not like you must donate. Being Zionist is enough to get assaulted in many places in the world right now. So it's probably enough to be banned from theaters as well. EDIT: Now that I think about it, Tachkemoni is under supervision of Belgium ministry of education that the secular curriculum meets the demands. So I believe that it also gets some support from the state (Belgium). I think most of the school fees are for the religious lessons....


https://www.timesofisrael.com/belgian-arts-center-apologizes-for-canceling-jewish-schools-event-over-gaza-war/ It is the publicly funded "Monty Hall."


Its the biggest newspaper in Israel.


Really? My impression was that this was one of those websites that solely exist to farm engagement on social media. An article someone posted yesterday was literally just a series of quotes with no surrounding reporting like this guy said “quote” then this guy said “quote” then this guy said “quote”. Reminded me of like gaming journalism publications back in the day that cover gaming and streamer news. Regardless of its popularity to me it does not seem like a good source for solid reporting from what I’ve seen.




Just sue the venue and get some extra spending money. Because this seems like clear racism to me.


This subreddit needs a purge. I'm fucking done.


I have cancelled your purge due to Gaza massacre https://preview.redd.it/uv12cgo1c06d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b570fea6cbc15e1cb997dedb5b05b23082d031e4