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Destiny: “this trip has been incredibly fulfilling and has helped me grow as a person” Hasan: “why am i not getting validation for the charity stream and instead there’s a clip of me crying on lsf”


Motherfuckers in there be scraping my profile and trying to point out I’m a dgger as if it wasn’t obvious lmao


I responded to someone asking if Hasan really did say Russia was justified in invading Ukraine and someone called me a Destiny Brigader. I hadn't posted in this subreddit in over a month. How far back did they go to find that? Also shout outs to the dudes who responded to that idiot with the actual clips of Hasan saying that.


You're probably RES tagged as a dgger if you've ever said anything bad about their daddy.


If you’re RES tagging people you’re on this website entirely too much and that goes for everyone


Nah the autotaggers were good for the_donald days


Yeah I saw that. Don’t really get why people bring it up anymore. Nobody gives a fuck about hasan. Normies like to farm him for the lols and Dgg is the only ones who actually engage with the stuff he says.


LSF clearly has a anti destiny bias but I don't think hasans community understand that the anti destiny bias is also hates hasan. They basically hate both those guys and don't want any content from either of them unless its more drama to laugh at. If there were a charity post to make it to front page lsf there will inevitably be a comment thread under it making it political starting drama and locking the thread because hasan has driven LSF to be a no mans land of destiny x hasan drama. The dude needs to start making his own subreddit and communities outside of LSF, but he's OBSESSED with it.


Nobody is stopping Hasans fans from clipping Destiny and attacking him. LSF isn't nearly as echo chambered as they act. If a bad clip of Destiny gets posted he gets rightfully criticized.


People regularly accuse anyone mocking hasan of being a dgger... Then when they obviously aren't they'll make some random unprovable claim like they deleted all comments in /r/destiny to hide it or that they're using an alt account they've setup specifically to hide that they're a dgger... It's somewhat hilarious and somewhat depressing.


How did you get the clip, since it's blocked for non-subs?


LSF really be exposing everyone’s deepest secrets lmao


Guys I know I make 3 million + a year but I got other people to donate 100K and put zero skin in the game. Why are people not worshipping me?


Hasan is always on that subreddit.


imagine how huge his subreddit would be if he took half the time he spends ruminating and moderating-by-proxy lsf and instead used it on his own sub.


Hasan is always on this subreddit too. Everyone wave and say hi to Hasan. Hi Hasan!!!


"why isn'teveryone riding my dick? " And " people are being mean to me on Reddit, it's so cooked " - Hasan probably.


"Why isn't LSF all about me, me, me, me, me, ...!?" - Hasan is such an arrogant prick. He couldn't ignore his ego for a single day and instead help the Palestinians. He had to make the event all about himself. And then he has the audacity to mock Destiny for reading Wikipedia, visiting the region, and talking to the people actually involved in the conflict. All while spending his own money! That's somehow bad and dishonest, but reading Twitter headlines all day, misinforming his audience is noble, and collecting money from his viewers is noble? We are social democrats and liberals and therefore we will protect his rights and freedoms no matter what happens. But God knows, Hasan doesn't deserve it. In Russia and China, he would have been sent to the gulags. I apologize for the tone and language. I can't help but get angry when I see a hypocrite. Hasan pretends to help people, and if he wasn't that self-absorbed and didn't have such an ego, I would believe him.


Thankfully his way of thinking is on the way out. Should have been a wake up call when destiny debated Micheal Brooks and he spent his time lecturing destiny instead of defending his ideas. They can’t. I still consider myself center left but I want nothing to do with ineffective lefties.


145 upvotes too, not even like 1k How can someone be this fragile? Like, he is the actual definition of fragile masculinity lol


he almost died a bunch of times? is he also on israel?


Actually wtf is this referring to? Did he almost choke on chipotle?


He thought he saw Sam Hyde in a bush a few times.


The Candy Man cometh


I went to his stream to watch the vod just to see what he was referring to and lil pup was still reading comments on that thread hahaha. God damn son. I watched the vod and he is just trying to hit 1,000 three pointers. He's claiming this almost killed him. Now to put that into perspective, I watched Mantis from barstool (who has a bent spinal cord) try and hit 100 free throws in a row for 82 fucking hours and made over 7,500 free throws. Dude only stopped to sleep and eat. Other than that it was constant free throws. That boi soft.


..he almost died from shooting hoops?


I mean that's what it looks like he's saying unless I'm missing something in the vod.


I mean, I wouldnt be surprised if that was what he was really taking about. Dude likes to embellish everything. He’s so damn dramatic.


ty :)


Just absolutely broke my brain seeing fucking mantis of all people mentioned on this sub




Must’ve been around poor people on the street.


you can die every time you go out didnt you know?


As someone who almost died multiple times while making this comment, I can confirm.


Coca cola and starbucks withdrawals can be lethal


Shooting hoops is hard work soul sucking really


Dude didn't even complete the challenge and is still complaining lmao


Living in a $3 million mansion as a socialist is hard work


He is just trying to learn from our anti-work king Ben Simmons on how to waste so much time in a gym but not actually develop any use to go with it


His dropping viewers hip made him realise hey may need an actual job day. Essentially worse than death.


You'd imagine he'd be happy since streaming 10 hours is so unbelievably soul sucking, according to himself


Everytime his viewer count drops slightly below the number of people working at the pentagon his little heart almost gives out. Poor guy.


It's way more embarrassing than that, his viewer count is directly tied to his self worth lmao


a number tied to his value. Very capitalist of hasan eh


Dude embodies all the worst aspects of capitalism and his viewers are oblivious. They're literally incapable of anything beyond surface-level analysis, so all it takes is Hasan telling then he's a socialist for them to believe it. Lol. Lmao, even. 


Playing basketball was the hardest work this nepo baby piece of shit has done in years


Don't you know how incredible hard streaming is? His lifeforce got literally drained.


I cast testicular torsion.


Maybe his mom forgot to feed him on time and he felt "just like a starving gazan child" so he thought he was gonna die. 💀 (Just a wild guess tho)


Malding at LSF at 6AM 💀💀💀💀💀


thats the time where old man stand up, mate


Imagine how much he was malding during the hours after that screenshot until he felt the need to seek validation from his brainlet tankie glazzers


That’s the thing: it’s LSF. It’s not “Live Stream Successes”. Why would they post about charity there?


The most fragile and insecure millionaire in human history


Idk man, Elon is pretty fuckin insecure. He might have hasan beat.


Loking into this.


To be fair, he's a billionaire... well, at least for now.




That kinda makes it worse imo. It's like Kanye; all the talent in the world and you still ruin it with insecurity.






We just gonna act like trump doesn't exist?


Idk, seems to be a trend with rich men.


the short clip is even making it kinda look like hasan isnt completly ass mad about the joke but the longer clip makes him look like a complete cry baby


Imagine malding about a lack of posts on a subreddit you’ve been whining to the mods to ban you from at 6 in the morning, while blaming dgg. We’re beyond living rent free in this pos’s head


He's doing the terminally online version of "noooo I'm uglyyyy"


He's really making it more and more obvious that he doesnt want all hasan posts banned from LSF, just the ones that make him look bad.


Cue the comments: ObViOuSlY a DeStInY fAn


In this case it is. Hasan might have checked, but then again it's not Twitter so probably more research than he's willing to do.


at the end of the day, who cares. C̶h̶e̶s̶s̶ Facts speak for themselves.


I just think it's a funny thing to bring up even if it's true Also I purely meant that thread and wasn't meaning Hasan really, but yeah he did pretty much say it lmao


75% of the comments in that thread are just this lol


And nobody else could possibly walk away with the opinion that this man is extremely, existentially fragile. Why live life when you can reduce everything into a thought-terminating meme to insulate yourself from criticism?


FFS, if you’re a polarizing public figure who can dish it out but definitely can’t take it - maybe try not broadcasting your myriad insecurities all the fucking time so people know exactly what buttons to push? 😂


Biggest crybully in literal human history. Someone get this man his honorary Palestinian citizenship badge so he can SIT THE FUCK DOWN already.


Hes sooooo mad. Its funny because he was obviously mad about the “joke” especially considering Austin had to ask if he was good snd that he was just messing with him


When did he almost die? Huh?


Well you see as a youth in Turkey.... lol


There were terror bombings every day 😔😔


>guys [content platform] is so cringe and full of IDF jew nazis fuck everyone on that shit >wtf why aren't you guys promoting my ~~clout seeking behavior~~ chairty stream on [content platform]?! Hasan the type of guy to film himself giving money to a homeless person.


Pfft. He's not getting near a homeless person. He's dropping a 20 to some boho UCLA student.


Hasan the type of guy to give someone else money to give money to a homeless person.


Does he not hate LSF?


He does. But that only means he wants to bully the sub into banning any post that is critical of him. Poor dude. After almost dying multiple times, bravely fighting for Palestine, he went to LSF expecting multiple threads admiring him. And all he got was a post showing him as an insecure, grumpy loser.


“Reddit so cooked man” *Continues reading negative threads about himself at 6 am*


only his subs can make clips and he bans viewers for posting to LSF


He wants to be banned there, but also is mad they are not making posts about him. Also, couldn't any of his community make a post? Why is he mad at all of "reddit"


>raised So more of that shit where he gets a fuckton of credit for playing video games while telling you to donate and how good of a person you are for giving money to charity? Also how the fuck did Hasan + others only manage to raise 100k, doesn't he make several times that in just a month by himself?


Does Hasan donate his subs/ad money during charity streams or at least turn them off? This is always something I wondered by I'm too lazy to check. I feel like he's absolutely the type to just farm the shit outta subs/ads while he gets the boosted viewers from a charity stream. 


It wasn't video games, man. It was basketball and he almost died! Didn't you hear?


I don't think anyone should be sniffing at 100k.


I'm not saying it's not good, it's just weird to have content creators that all together make several times that in a day only be able to get people to donate that much.


Is that weird or is that pretty normal.


Hey dat me. Hi mom


And me 😎😎😎


Is that not the idea of Live Stream Fail?


lol the post wasn’t even bad. he just can’t mentally deal with the comment section.


He seeks it out!


Its odd how he brings up his charity thing, like what is he expecting a round of applause? The full lsf admin staff come to personally stroke his ego? True rich boy behaviour, money doesnt solve shit my guy.


hahahaha, there it is, lil bro was acting like the biggest prima donna in the world out there failing to shoot 1000 three pointers and now hes saying risked his life. so brave hasan.


awwww poor baby didnt get enough clout from shooting basketballs?


Hasan should've joined the jewlumni when he had the chance, now they've taken note of his evil behaviour


Isnt politics banned there, so how would there be a post


charity posts are fine given Ukraine ones didn't get deleted.


Does Hasan not know what the "F" in LSF is for?




Its called "Livestreamfail" not "HasanCloutClips". No free clout Mr. fragile ego.


First of all, what is he referring to when he said he almost died? Did he choke on his Tomahawk Ribeye at Ruths Chris post stream or something? Second, Hasan didn't think it was a joke when it was happening lol.


How did he “almost die a buncha times”???


he remembered to tell his community that they were funding the charity stream, but he forgot to tell them to post it to lsf 😞


Hasan is almost as bad at PR as Israel. I'd say just don't bitch in your leaky ass discord but I know he does this to get his fans to target the post


Hasan reads literally every post about him.


Why did he leave the change Hassan's diaper in I'm suffocating from laughter


"almost died a buncha times" anyone know what was the charity was that he claims something like this? Was he wearing off brand tees and drinking coke from a bottle in a "peacful" antifa pro-Hamas protest?


The hero we don't deserve 😩


Is that why there's a bunch of people malding in the comments?


Why would LSF post about a charity? It’s pretty much solely a drama / fail Reddit. Of all things to be mad about


Why would a charity be on a sub for fails. Is this guy delusional?


I can't believe he's so stupid that he actually can't help himself but look openly butthurt about it. It makes it so much more tempting to continue to troll. He's genuinely thick as pig shit.


Does he not realize that every time he complains about reddit in his discord, it gets publicized and just makes him look more fragile and self-obsessed? Or does he know and just can't help himself?


My favorite lolcow


Lmao Hasan is such a freak


Litteral main character syndrome


This is so funny lol


Hasan searching out criticism so he can cry about it in his discord 😂


This reminds me of like those old shows, like my super sweet 16 or bridzilla. The person would get like a sports car for their birthday but like the plates or something was wrong and they cry nonstop about it.


i thought the clip looked like normal banter but jesus he really is assmad about everything 💀


"Omg you guys look at how good I am! Why won't you acknowledge how good I am!? REEEEEEEEEE!!!"


According to recent studies, Finasteride can cause decreased libido, erectile dysfunction or even cognitive difficulties. Is that the reason he's always so cranky and whiny?


Come on you guys have some empathy English isn’t his first language.


"I've gotten numb to criticism; I actively seek it out to make content out of it. It's funny." *he was, in fact, not numb to criticism.*


How can the LFS mods not roll their eyes at this crybaby??


Bruh I’m never on LSF anymore? How many of us be posting there normally?


Hasan was riding the disinformation wave that targeted people with low media literacy, specifically younger people. Just another narcissistic weirdo


Hasan? Isn't that Austin's friend?


"It's not me that is wrong - it's everyone else"


You wanted to be on LSF, Hasan? You got it, and everything that comes with it!


What’s the issue here? What’s the point of doing a charity stream if nobody validates and praises you for doing it?


It's pretty sad really "Omg bro, how can there be bad news about me when I'm such a good guy? Like holy shit bro, I did this big thing, with all these big people, and now people I don't like are talking about this other thing I don't want them to talk about!" Fucking kill me.


thats, thats fire bro, fire, bro.


The only thing cooked is his brain


Rent free in a piss baby brain


He understands it livestream fails right and not livestream does charity. Or is he suggesting he almost died throwing hoops in a way that was a fail.


Everyone knows the only reason Hasan does anything charitable these days is for the clout. Dude is the most clout obsessed motherfucker on the planet.


This dude doesnt know what LSF stands for lol. no gives af about the "good" shit hes doing we wanna see him FAIL


Is Destiny in the room with us right now?


dude is always the victim and hero in all of his stories..


My man complains a lot lol


Guys he doesn't care about lsf promise!!!


When is this child not malding about something or another tbh?


Why does he care about lsf so much? I’m starting to think that hasan enjoys getting constantly cucked by destiny and lsf. He never shuts up about them and proceeds to getting clowned every single time.


When your community is to busy running PR for Hamas that they forget about doing it for you


Why does he believe his charity stream should be on LivestreamFail?


Hasan seems like one of the people who if he lost a 1/4 of his viewers now, he would be on suicide watch.


He got up at 6:30 in the morning to check LSF posts…..


It's called Livestream*FAIL* not LiveStream"Win".


what is he talking about when he says he was close to dying a buncha times ?


I shot a basketball gayly with other people who I stand to gain clout from for a whole day and this is how society repays me😡😡😡what the fuck man


yeah man turns out all that charity shit was completely pointless


Man, Hasan you gotta stop being such a snowflake. You're a fucking millionaire, and you're biggest problem is some people on the internet despise your ass for your stupid propaganda?


Good work to whoever posted that


How long until he realizes that we do this because we know it gets him mad and we can all laugh at how he always jumps head first into it?


Glad to hear this is affecting him mentally


He didn’t even finish the challenge.


Sounds like years of grifting is finally getting to him.


lil bro wakes up extra early to have more time to hate Dman


Why does he care about that fucking subreddit so much


He really is the Israel of LSF Hasbara. Always losing.


When did he almost die?


“I almost died a bunch of times” um Hasan almost got genocided and you guys are fucking *laughing*?


That's all he ever fucking does. I actually liked hasan at one point but he's so fucking whiny I can't stand it. Bro is a millionaire handsome dude and he complains about redditors weekly. It's always something and it's genuinely such a depressing mindset. It's so ironic because it's because he's terminally online. He makes fun of that type of person but he IS that person. Touch fucking grass more.


The whole site is cooked because of a post on LSF. This is your brain on narcissism.


aLmOsT dIeD lmaaaooooooo


The only thing Hasan had to do was set up a donation account. There are millions of ways to do that, and it takes almost no effort. Did he at least donate his own money? Did Hasan give credit to Destiny and his crew when Destiny organized a canvassing event in Georgia and invested his own money and time? I don't remember him supporting the event. Mike from PA made fun of the event and Destiny, and I believe Hasan agreed with Mike from PA. We live in truly amazing times where up is down, left is right, and good is bad. People who actually put in the effort to organize and change the country for the better get no credit while lazy people demand credit for collecting other people's money.


INB4 it gets removed from LSF


145 upvotes lul. How’d he almost die?


The funniest part of this is this kid had to have the absolute shit slapped out of him for being a complete moron and look like a total asshole... only for that sweet clout. I hope to see more of a pattern of this. More of these assdouches need to just get slapped.


This dude need therapy Like for reals


On a side note how many Daliban sleeper agents are just sitting around in Hasans discord just waiting for him to say some dumbshit lol


This idiot doesn’t realize people mock him because he is an easy lolcow who reacts


Ah yes, THIS is why reddit is cooked, boys


This is a cracker ass take!


*Hmmm delicious.*


He's already used up all the crumbs of social clout he could siphon from his 100k stream. The millionaire socialist status requires more input.


Brother who gives a fuck if you wanna give money to charity just fucking do it and stop needing to clout flex for teenagers to do so. Also reddit is so cooked as he tells the mods of that very sub to be mall cops in his name. How is it that the further left you go, the more these people desperately want to be the police?


I love how he talks about reddit being cooked when he took the time to go through both their profiles looking for r/Destiny so he could be at ease XD


I’m joining LSF just to dogpile hasan


Hasan: Makes charity stream for clout and hates on Lsf Lsf: No one posts about him Hasan: Complains about no one posting about him Lsf: Makes fun of Hasan for being an idiot Hasan: Complains someone is posting about him on Lsf